Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 3

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Thict 4tIÀOrdet home. 44aesbtglut out at the qunrterly ËW+ingif the V. O. N. on Tuè'sdaY oYeniul are worthy of the attention of the Whithy- public, ln that tbey prove mn unaamweraiale justification for thue *Ritence et the' Nurses' Home, whlch Uubàfny PeOPIe have atîeunpted to criti- cbige. saying JIi leai mi îîuuabry et- travuîjçamîce. T~he-' mrlary reasou tor tte Pstshliit- ment o! titis itômewas tatI l mas toutid lmpossiblxt to socure roonne s ad board fur tite nurses omng I~ o their Ir- reguiai' hoursiiud Ilime iecessiiy of Illeir IW'elving nili îeloîtiîouîe calla lu) ita tend patients Fi uail.v nilt i ios v'uillIoiim rticiî a pas i tuai lcre nmas abemut mult no paRCefor i hem ruolboa rd. andidlii- Ord-'r was couiei-i'd I u iako arrai'ge Merilnrafor ithe upmii lic oftif luint.ui- As c cmîs ht'sliavi, devii ;-i' lui'hf H-ometle lusrtmnbu-it g ututrut(m boui 14() pi- r ulmîtlh Fi s i111 xII la>'. ýamdui Iitmd ualutisl e-ui fumel. listunr>. boîardi. u0c- mnt Cout r-4tu- a . ma t mîst i -doltt i iutus t Wbiî-l 5U'.u u'îrt-'îtditui-- and n Wh i l t4oi ework <-uid nui lu> znoîih is, tlît.nmîmrî a lu's sIll't1 wouului t-il i iii, igm dPti t iii ua nul inI itr-4tei l ilinixîtao1 huurît-s Ili afd titvrm e i etact tiîaui tu- ui rs.- a nuivi' -desîrate itmt- tifi. ,art 10 regecitu-ptiis ai ti luet, mimu art-e rt i -mitir b Ilii mnv> lIluarge liair îla> -d i. dii lt ki-iiug tisîîi liei'Ii-at it bmi o-il i gluit nofi"riu'uiiitvan», 1)g iîi- utightyavimfii- diluîu' woi-, orif i lt- i idu-m ls 'îî'- liii n asa% iun ofilutihlui- uv-tuim il fiîn i? ' lii luis s u Six i los,%t duubsa ru'aun iiimm.ai b4-i1111i 1) héI m' lm<e îsi ilst li pi-r'--u t llî iii i ci'- .iIItiuilt Of ' nuiult 55>lplti u-Sili- w m bM&a;"' 0f ibu - t.ttîiitid ibanI, wilh iiiuu-)rl uit i lu-- l-d--r A tutu utoruuuuimbu-- h - i foi Iow 1 aiil- i ie>lsmt l . N 1itil ii ti l i h lut i e-iih l\rs t.- 1i huaSkt'l ot apt-iS.NIMis A its. fti- of trs r-dî lfulil NI rs li somiist liti ini and nuuliforMissi Tlollv-li :', barud cs f taufNiants B- aliCqi-tau lyuu liyzpan.. ml 1lmi- tii0I1ti p it isls it ut Spring Weddingsý i, a( i h> lioli t of r ati( fowr i)i dauigi.r, Sioile. *m~as M ban <i t of lual n mlo to MNr Mas.mt . ) \\ 11 INi t 1)j NIf finlled pIheuputilai kiiolv bim' ih a hua'ufil tmrcluof lui~i'p emit> uthi-r vilnu frontu ltilN lihaw a. Toron r. i n li e .rr tramvillîî suiti poîtlu i illu I oi l itili . tilt tan tti. lecoraled iwitth and viden hair fern. Mally girls %w vr o reeived. NIr.a Maâtmm lefi for t bel rtholle l of% Eticlld it.. wlierm' they honte (o theit*n any fionds A qiet %%odding mas eelçbr urday niorning, April Rtlb, it denebo! the brlde'm parentsi Mçs. Charlet' ('01. Ontario ,St nmanville, when thieir yotinge< ter, Gertrude, WaS tnited ln- ecas lu r. ir ilit are. uit -I ae $ 4uuui l 1dii i ion . -i ahiî' t'. anud là, =-OO~ sz x '- a sE a * Noike to Cftdttois~ - lii uu~i-l iuiiîl l'u- ti- ujui ai tI i îîii u-itifluI-r-'-ilu ht- Tloaesharp brigbt eyes so kind and -Ohr.- WA l"l mîtuis &r\1-ali-lzîf u-lr4s t 1W trie.July NI l i 1s1 i ilt fle s- e o Jonliiar, Ite ýýs la it i tut-tr lit aIt itim' liliîcli iiorgiaiiuîluîiwi-nislsissed, Fuor vouuithavegoutitf0yottr liuaveuy îItesitotJh Deatae cil7 i1 iito fi* IMIulu> 'a'.lii-iirug hauti - mad 1îlaniu'nîati.fir tli- V (i N nuntu honue. otf flue Tunnii utof itby. i lu e .Po tel lii( 1i l M i s Rllîliiiuwas w<l-li'ul-iîîu i îuî u-Wle'e n-e hope lu meet 'uou biiiand-by. (otinty ut Ontanimi. tbtsiness manager, Pr ulin te - -rc- ni% lllsIt-1 deceased. May il-llisliti aumiNotice is lerehy given, puirauant t oi 5 inunboro 1) it i Il \'illlilt'k'oM 1()INS TOCONSIDER WHEN PUR- -6.i l HASING A ALA IKET Secto 56, Chap. 121, R.S.O., 1914, that 4. UX ai~~~~~ tliuu-uui-id i uuuu % uuulmu tld - PIiTS T1A RAI AY TI - ahpersons btving daims agaînst the Clex lltk!ut -umîteil S-tiicilus Ii s Sliv it- s w'i1 11 M\ SýB l 1&Canàdian Pacifie Ralway ticketiestate of thte said John DeHart, who *-u u-u ug uuu uîî--# <i i i - i'tt --alw ioi ', ii r i 'T r nt oi. on a i- do s not r eqr sen t m erely a m e nus Of ; d led a t the said T ow nship of W h ltby 6 I -~itii s'.liodli L.t-i ittutt 11I, iaddition, providea (buetravelier -115tror îre 0deliver or send - ii 1tuisuî m. uti lI iitii.ia,>d. citol un Suidaiîrwith everycmrtad oneec, by poat, prepald, bu James N. DeHarI, Ma s a - il -tu ttenaciu iand , cantu- dpveloped by modern rallway science, Brooklln, Ontario, tbe Administrato', Jn ill ii-lirsui 1uu W ifi . -O? - alid lit 7 -- in eti élulit- îdi->Muî.i.Handsford. "Safety-First," witit up-to--date equlp- ut the said estate. on or betore the 28th 6. BE, lu s5týwuuuu a -vfn'îi îk hlîii . . aîliu-î-l<.j:uc-sd Nns. Mar5lt. To' ment, itnexelled dining car service, day of April, 1916, their names and ad- BO& K 1I Yiison<fluîii rouit lui)t'l- jitutu 3>nil ,%.ylward. Palatial seP&*g cars, ln a word. evei'y. dresses. anîd a full description oftbteir mai ial xei>anud rni 'ie t' nruie-riica? i'- im o iething that a rallway can provîde for cdatins, and the nature of the secur- a ailuil ulsilti uu aSu lte comtortabie transpor.tAon o! Its lties, If any. held hy th., Un Illt, lý iUý f qilliial -itaN mis MHis>lilî In.I aitind NIrs, passengers, inciuding courtesy. -42 Furtiter take notice, that after .P l'ît sbl-ini Cutrtiu lats'[Mnluda\ 'ti îd iarsai.Qliet-msville. ! the sald 28tb day of Aprîl, 1916, (bu Ath 1 1 'li, clirh %% ' *1 ntaio eorge Middieton, ot Ciaremont, sald Administrafor will proceed to dis- lui lsdl n j'1( ile owhilte cuîîirmg a plece of veuison, dut tribute the estate of thte said deceased Jan .iilt% lis caltai u 1).N a tange' uuuuhî'vur t-tii-f U MuX rthi rîisiitce of fil%-hswite l.FitIgtruamong the parties entitled (hereto, -. 1 bl,? inds anud as(i-uairiurili ho assmuitl I brideýs pîianî1t5 lali) tiost., hsw13rbdt.0w-Ug irogioss having regard only to ciatim o! which lai-k.'??1-l-d iciu ta as? i ribulu tof resitîc i t iîauu' lit,'. ,iril th~l. iî the Rev'. W. -of blood. he fel, benkiiig bis jaw bu shall (hen have notice, and te said Isn 1tiidclsdld,ýlr)hl eýNr oi .Ftkr boue. Dr. Brodie tound lit necesaaryAdministratoi' shah flot be hiabie for sur - tG i-ii-,ui' Cdi-x nlu-dai -> ;a rku(. Il A- Xir Juln v.Fitthre lospîtal. the assets or nny part thereot, to any ffl Tlunt iii ciLii i-f i.¶i lit- es? 4i-ilu otf locat peu u it>-arnd NIIsa t-r rude, >-oin g- t issIlt-est daluchien ut Nîr. (harles (ox, oalî sud 't'ulu>- ite \VW Ni Fé-t riacled Iltue loin utaiiti' ci- 1 fi iiniirai mii anid i uuk ton listsiex i N t - i V1'liPickering. ou tili iluii li' i rds. t-1 n usr nurk xx %h -lu Il ls îVeduîe-sday. Apritl 2îiu. 1916. Missi illit s vui cil- d da.%,fotr Ilut-' iiglit commri Stisie t'stvert. tof Pickering. to Mr- si-Ilu iîîuu it uîulaiu rail w url,.*«- îuîmuru hictihu cy Na fotu udatioil ié flu. 311tt a hi-ait ift.l i truc- i e 011Nta o f ut WIt ittby - Iliru mut conisolationiu uthrb-bere-aved D EAT HS. * uuuiu fl- sald itiIl seenued lu be JE"uN -Au lot 22. con. 7. Whitby Goiuduaitibha i evr% da stiîotîld be Townshli. ,oi Noitday, Aprit 17th, fuit utfwuink. filit otdeeds-ilot neci'e- u114i1(i. oved> i>ouiuudbeioved uIte o! stiitisarilty iî>-ic.îl work, bum? social and M'ni. Jeftrey, ltiber 80tb yenr. en. Aumil r-ritur ~lÂKSîl roii.otWdis .d Mna r ý Inlî'rmni îas nade tut B3ethei conne- FAKS -nBoki,01Wde t*in' i a în imd lii spile of the. bad roads, day. April 1,1. 1,.16. George Albert o, é-liitheirFranklsh, ln hie 53rd yeam. iiie rln 'n quilie a mi uuttber of ni gai made the jouir- r îtinc~ uc> reiihi -mre seunl front- The -hrxladies ut file-tOlive and 1'reherue Pres- 1INSERTION 0F BIRTHS. MAR- rmt. b> ucriamu (liturchues. NiasomîIc LodgeP.1 RI AGES. DEATHS, ETC- nalidanud front rite falutiiy Notices5 of bîrtits. marriages or cr Vreci 'u utt err e.-f ulat demîthus are lisenied ln this paper fre A rîrd liîctiaich. A. Robertson, G, Hen- utf charge-.*'Iu Memoriam- notices are uuuuu suan~ ~ dJ iog d ha ' 1a uru-'d tir ai filue rate of 10e. a lune, ed iî'î rumiuit utiiiutntttchanrg' 50c. îî errled -it NNIII itLANGEMAB~K .S e si tr ue Thte iormmniloit toverltfl1Cfliehn bit'emEntcrtainment. asked t aietefteg t y o- -er dafoi umibte building lunt (autada for fthe an- ThelYounug men o! (bu %Me.bodlst i>'utiuîmiverary o! Canada's baptîsttofiit re Tlabernaclet Sunday School heid a tua an r.-and blood ait Lantgeuuarck- The 22nd. and entertainmleflt on Wednesday af- iWiby-23rd and 24th o! April mark an epocli feritooli and uveniitg last, W61ëlCh -_ Neil beu tfthi (anadithil htory wittbut a paraflel proyed to lue most sticeeedtts. &Inuce te Dmnb waz calied Into From 5.20 on feu was servt.d. (lue youlgi existenîce. On these days the second meni looking tier ail tlie arrangements battie of Ypres was fouglut, -antd on flue and lte-ladies puoidithe v éi. OO rated Sat- 21st of April the' Orat Canadittn divit- thitiis for the taillesII. Lâteroni a hers-tout covered witlu giory and the' field splendiid progretn was r.nere.pu lMm. and ;of Langetnarck with their dead cipated li by Minfs Wright. , #ifd eeBow- i d wounded. Thle tiret annlver&u'y of ered an organ seleti .MissesMute - - 'est dauglu- Langemarek contes on Eaift'r Sund&y, and Lintonu. of O. ULC. l'Mr. isobt - - marriage Aprîl 23rd. o! Torontoe. a aptiendtd vtoliuistz lft Joues and-MB*tVoeors-cL&tke d Whulby.AboztJiif nunuw I~Ttel .:t -fl 'Lsaw TorntuuiSu -Ititil Fer t.. Clury 1 rt D uliad,54 AA enJoyed flueeenIgDtsiêVS3» m. W. Mil5-t4Lb te*we Y0punk girl», ! the #*ml Govi.>OYd ed im sold dandy Uurths, tho vnn&wit n*tte, qotea asua. Tit.toWtalnt vi~e " w oie' 90. pur Mouths4omI ttIêWI izhave rèeejed noce. hiesSolcittor. DMed Àpril, 4j 1916o- I KICHOL8OI4 a SELOON £,bssaSA WI'UIBY P i Agent ait whitb .tI4id tM.a~ fM th Mrq, J. lutlker, Brock'vtlle. Rex. W.G. . ~ oafwhs héew1*re t4111k Clarke, D.A.. omfclated. After partak- The regular quarterly meeting et thell, rallw&7 . jotrney fireloal lng ot the ïedling breakfast, Mr. and Whitby brmnch o! t.he Victorien Order than a eb4ht Le the'pi-.a" s- Mrs. Finker le! t on thie G.T.R. train for e usswshl ntih P,Àr IculrLi 'cialiy If lit be a ItI-~cfedin- Huntsville. the bride traveling In a rooms on Tuesday «meing, April lith. '~~teT. h r te 0anurl a fe costume of roquet aadn lfuTers 1,~' .ada, cu>e ~,tehgeut fb rm et efficieney in thet with hat 10 match. On their return teear ~touhte~tn e nAty art tire l*>ce tprortlions îlîey m-111 take Up residence ln Whit- was amail the meeting proved ver-y ln- e arket affords. pi-epn.red on- the by. Ont.. wherti they wijlibe at home terestingr Miss Ortord gave tho Nur' eelentlftq principal kbhown as "DIètetti afier Mtay Ist. Among the beautiful ses' report for (the month, stuowlng 'a Blending.' Your favorite dialu, se yoti and îieofulii ifts f0 the bride uvas a ctulto<tal of 223 visita made, and the like it, may be enjloyed at reuasbae1 t,,lass berry taowl fromn lier companlonsI amount received in tees, $21.20. Be- con, amldet ideal silrroundings, Whule utr the UI It'il -epholip staff. Isdsteî~ o~ isOf< straveling on (the CanAdian Paclfie.-44 __________-- iuspecting ln (the Oshawa scbools. and --- Death of Fotrmer Whitby "lie reported 960 clldren examlnedlaNMEQAM Lay.Oshawa. The School Trustees are very in îovîng memoYy ot Violet May Lay.much pueased with Miss Orford's work Mole. beio-ed daugluter ot Mr. and 'l'wt- hltownlig article ls takeu fioul sud slie la 10 continue maklng monthly Mrs. Robert Mole, Who died April 11, il lie 'iuîîut.s, of TrehPridý, Mari ,uo April Inspjectionus lit both the Whitby and 1915, aged 12 years, 2 months and 13 7. and nefeti-r leh.'deailh ut Nirs. J, Qshawa achuols. days. k Ribhuor, who lil'ed lu Wiîthy ai oui- Tlie Treasurers report stiowed a 'bal- Violet darling. you have gone lint iuuu-. lîîîin tutien is Ciristiuu anuuf'Ooui land. after paying ail buis, Of. To your long and peacetul home: Lawrik- slip- is vl mo ib> oldor altuiiî $.,4,) lIp 'luVOý N. work Las' Neyer more shall we meet again rt-sudf-îis oft Ille towîu 'Flue article fui nul bueun as largety contrbuied btoibis Beside flue open door. litas var as tiotorp. whici la tu he depiored if i rei'us tmi ilr, lii%'lem outiiie greai valkue uf thew orkOur bearts are tlote and sad to-day: i lit- tiir 511oftNi rs Cli ris? ilua 1iRob-luit I lue tu anî d cuttntliy, For your lite bas gone trom us away. oful 01(>u u lutaie- las. K Rlblson. lu a. w tub nuuiclîregret ibal the N'our pleasant vo-ice and genfle eîe (lied ait Ile, butute m(tfiwirslslmr, .Nirg Socle?> accetît cd ilife relgutat ion Oft1S. i ' hbow we miss theni for awhiie. .tuiuî-i iu \1onNlrdtln i t-i a blit-'un taiP- iasl 'r Nirs Rort' II-I-s 1.r soit. - l ofutTrolueruui'. l'Il uiuîtsi Ni - ý ThoiiinlSlsecr- How w-e miss yoîîr btsy tee? ati dui ~ui' sASil uluter. oft i,-, ha vi b-?it- of itreal valtiuuo rothe Ilinnimua here and there. ~is'jaa w m'ero n 1?lu lieu ai ituî-e od. ' xpcuuî ' and t-an- liuded sorry stie Andidluow we miss >our cbeery talk. h -i- Un1id soiui \ Ill. a rrl' tng frn u eui nuîatIt'In chuii îut lier diiles as Wei corned everywitere. Nl-ii 2 uurs atlî-r her dealli 'l'é,tic nsir'-l ii>l. ouic,4r ir Mrs Thuti- ýakige I--.>.... i- Iit i i luid;irinTrehir .i-iurii,>z0u, iuî jlu o ti N t i heinap- (),uon we ë,miss your sparln >e in fuily tilvs hues oursuppIyi This bardily. noeiposible but it in ttSs, Business Mort k»-W our graduatta are firat, clans, therefore they Xave the habit of applving to ne whe in need of reliablè office help. * Colfeue open &Il year. Enter now. Catalogune f ree,. Cor. Voesu&dI W. J. iilt Onaries et». i isii lu tnthe mattet ef thre- istate of Tlhomas jameq-Witoh, lât. of the Township of, Whitby.in the Counti of Ontro, -.gran buyer, deceased. Notice la hgreby given, purstiant to Section 66 of Chapter 121, R.50i., 1914, that ail persons having dlaims or de- mande agalnst thue estate of the sald Thomas James Wilson, deceased, Who died où or about the lt day ot Sep-, tember, 1912, are required to send. by post, prepaid, or deilver Io Aubrey JAL Bond, at 631 Confederatihi Lite Build- lng, Toronto, Solicitor for the Admin- istratrix, on or before the let day of May, 1916, their Christian and sur- names and addresses, with fuil par- ticujars in writing of their aims and statement of their accounts and the nature o! the securitles (if nny) held by them, duly verlfied by stntutory de- claratlon. And take notice that after the said Frt day of May, 1916, the sald Admin- Istratrix wll proceed to distribute the assets of the sald deceased among the parties enttled thereto. hnvlng regard oîtly to the dlaimns of whlch lue shall then have notice, and the snid admîn- Istratrix wtt) flot be liable for thue sad assets or any part thereot, to any per' son or persons of whoae daimn notice shall not have been recelved by hlm or his sald Solicitor at the tîme of such distribution. Dated March 30, 1916. NIAu.inFT WiLso.SO' Admlnistratrlx. pier Ai uuimc A. 1juNit. her Solicitor 6Ã"1l Confederatm-uf Lite Bdg.. -42 Toronto. bal h"plméaid uIltV to tie e - il I ~fI Q A -1>1 1. WaR Whiul Apr., Whiîi Apr. e -t, 1 '-2 .1 ex r i -F f I 1.-e,- - I i ROYAL.,,THEATRE Thé Brokea Cois nsry .Ionday night Saturday tIgbl, 10e. te aIL Big Broadwn.y PeaturffS every Wednes- day and Thursdtly.. MRs. PUERIN, Mgnager. 8itilnp i Oviietoui 1916. ITBY-'MISS ILL. Macdonnell, - Iby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feu. 1, Mar. 1,1 4,ýMay 2, Jane 1, Juiy 4, Sep. 5, 3. Nov. 1. De&a. 4Jan. 2, 1917. ÃŽAWA-MiSs E. L .Macdonnell, Lby, Clek-Jan 5, Pcb. 2. Mar. 2. 5, May 3, June 2, luly 5. Sept. 6, 4, Nov. 2,. De&. 6, Jan. 8, 1917. )UGHAM-KL Gicemn, Green. >, Clerk-Jan. 61 ai. 8, May 4, y 6, sept 7, Nov. 3, Jan. 4. 1917. ,T FERRY- J. W. Burnham, ,tPpClerk-Jan. 7, Mar. O, 1 y, uy7, Sept 8, Nov. 4, Jas. 917. ,BRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Uxbridg% rk-ýJan. 14, Mar. 10, May 9,Jul, sept 19, NO-V. 34, Jana. 12, 1917. LNNNOTON-TPhoê. I. Putar. nLungtonq Olerk--Jan. 18, Mam.9,~ .10, July 12, SepL 20, Nov. 22. 111, 1917. DAVURTON-Chas. A. Patarmes, artan, Clouk- Jan. 12, UMar. 8, il1. Julr 18, sopt 1, Nov, 8 no. M57. TERGEOVE - Daniel lmsnm&i herley, Clark--jS1L il, Mar. 7. Li 12, july 14, sept . ,Nov. Il, EL 9 1917. (B7 Order) J. M JPAEEWL 4 at Wbltbr, N"v. 114ISm& la mi Cet Vour Goal Where you are sure it wiil be clean anti Bright Our coal ig 7eI1 screened. We guarantee prompt de- livery and good service. Orciers may be left at the ôfficeof J. ILDowney&Co. Jas. Sawdoo Whltby, - Ontarloe EASTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE- (,o<d goirig April 2lAt and returning siaitie day.4 FARI ANO N1-TRIRO (Thod going April 20, 21, 22, 23. Returu Liimit April 25th. Rettirn tickets wili b. isuued ieween ai; atationm in Canada eant of Port Artitor and to Detroit and Port Huroni, Midi., Bufftalo, Black Rock, Niagara Fais and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. -Tickets .and fulil WnUorma*Ma n> plicatien te Grand Trunk Ti"ket l E. Steph.'unflAsiek, Phone 8S& Whltby. à Notice to Creditors and loi,

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