Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 4

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III s ~ ~ 6SnM 94 m4r DoA t.f$0 The prios of tho New Ford Touring Car FulIy equippcd.%,vIth electrîc star-ter' -und lighits, electric hort, etc., $640 f. ob. Ford. Standard eqûiipr-nent, fo 1, Ford, 530 Runabout, full), equipped, f o.b., Ford jc)o Iunabou t Stnd atd, eqm ppe, f o 1.. Ford, 480 Secethe tnevmodels at our showroomis. W. J. LUKE & SON, DEALERS, WHI1BY liIllh TI10Iid -IE- - FIRE SALLýE.! While smoked geais, snob as canned sainton, cern, peas sud tomatees, that are perfect lu quaîity, are heing iold below ceet, soeteoe thoîr neiehbbrs en thi aluives ihal have arrived ince (ho fire, aympatbotically offer teamwu- rifice themnseives aIse. .1- W., therofore. tiurlng (ho enmulug week, wll give banganlb th any Itae un(ouched by the ire. Scores of broins have been seul at s«onile prieSe durlng (b.he RÉWeek becaume o! amoke-no lnjury bZ!- fIra. We Uil hure scores teosmou front 10r- Up. An Idea eft(ho bargalna wo arw offering may bo hUromrc the quetailon t t a tew artîclea: Packages paucako gour, unînJunedusual price '.~7 10c. anunonla perfect(fur le. 6e. aminatila *10 10e. eataup pot Injunuti Se. Se, cow bratid* l4 e ô boxes (600 matches) 8 fer 10a. 16 tins bakIig p<ivder. mnv, 10t. 60c. Red Rose tee, new, for 40c. 76e ban pasatry, xkee, $or-80 $i baza but lManitoba. 86a. SOAP UNTOLJCHED BY TUE WIRE-- Comtor-t uoap, 6 bans for 25.. Surprise ap, C WrA for 8e . Sunlight soaD, 8 bars for 26e. Taylora Borax so0w.bau fer 36&. Delitahîful seap, 0 bana for 36e. Cosmos aM", 0 bWM efor am. 1 %,ory soap, 6 bers ferrl2c. i'OBACCOQ-Roeebud,1Polo, Dobba, Stat Curuio Md m ine sGeorg &Ut ah 7« e.ruplu&e W. *1 salipeokeg et %oh td aOtte, eltght» WlaJ i *M«nla. li. i for 16c.; orà packageà forU 1e. -ne esrly whl. thue bergins mau. W. Be PRINGLE & 00., W T SOLDIBR ATTI0(N l alâv te 1 à lfi li 'W~UBY BRANOS o~1hi ta Isis t te re istk et iits*. tMo dû'« hét faé Illil mwùè "d r. Isù gïwy _the tyettite qitni1 haveIuretued ihome," azd mas an-exchiM*e, acttngan behal e tsation, squt mili rate thus year (bey shoutl k th9 TALO f ln mind that Whltby bas tho meut u- L .L. 'Major has been sint to te-date ewage disposai plant on the shawa temhporarly te take charge of Amenics.n continent.- e musketry ingtrucetion wbile Lieut. ratt la ln Toronto quallfyiug for a captaincy. The ronds are said te ho extromely Capt. G. W. P. Every. wbo recently bad ln many places tht. spring. The atonded tho Musketry Scbooilin Tor- neeu fer the aptien of a scientuie system et road-mnakIng la one again apparen t. "Mlr. and Mirs. Robt. Goose and daughiter si>eni Sttlnday, etc.," says a correpspondunln lit her words, the geese and ih.e gosltng were away vis- lit mg. Tlhnt niodernt disease utofblindrncss- w.ith V. hidli s many pigas are nuw-a- da'.s affiited, is Iprevanlent lit Cobourg.i The local press says ilirre are rnaiti !)if md igelu inte town. lire's an open- tijc for t velerinary opticiait. Thte -nnadiait Band- bas beun ex- tremteiv ilIent titis spring. Perhaps the leader saN the ne-wM nit far tu t lie itorili and coid Iooking. snd decided lu ibust pone Ilite opeitlit g conert tli %%armer wçesiht-rwans tnt sght. Wlbin is a heîttg sirt ' We do'ti 'evt-tir ttat sort (uritretelhe hetpfui klnd -helpt totkelu us warmn and helps to conceal otîr ph.Nst tai charms from a too-admrntg public. But the ladiesi ut Greenbaitk are said tu have made 22 heipiless shirts. StriineIhings arel done Iu the utidntght smit.- The Hampton correspondent ut the Bowmnanvlle Ifrri.-ur sai s: -Sorne of the frunt chairs it our choir are get- ting cold.- lmt thîts inference that the cor. ls-a memnber uf the choir amnd has found the seuts cold? Wby doesn'l ho or she, hsave the chair cttshioued? Or are the managers stlngy witb the fuel? The Indications are that the Great War Pew raging Wiil soen beconte a World War. Rouimania ta on tho peint et partlclpaiing: the Scandin- avin States are realive under Grerta.n stîbnarnn atrocilies: the United States colinot keep onit mucb Longer. UnIoss these days ho ahortened, (bore shall be no flisit letI alive. The weather wise says thai we can- flot orpeet Xuarmn weather MiI after Baster. -IL lbokWaâ sIf it was working eut that way 1-is year. The (bing to do la to get after the guy wbe fixes Eater so late. Wîy (ho mon sbouid have anytbing (o de lu fixing the date viien the ladies shall appear ln new aprlng milllnery, or oven when a- farier saat! ow his peua, or klt bie pîga la oatjfffcult te anderstand. Tornto's debenture deb tla said te b. aimoat one bundred millions et 401hS&. Thia ta 4290 Per capita %t popuistqe, eetimatlng the latter et hait a gaillion.Wbttbys 4ebmne tot r ebtt .e xW0 .utapt Xe W have a lum -1way 0te o et te *et tâte Tout.3a 'lau: obt *. Vtuatdo>- teou. ýAgow 'tiieu= tbo lhia cies» b! te1 Bprtug la voir prewtn-tr. man M.no rodai aplag itfl tii.boYs bhm* tlItlwak.*Itb tiier muaMe. onto, bas recelved bis certificate as Musketry lnstruitor. Pat Rlley, who wus chargod witiî ln- ierfering wtth a milltary polivi-utan lu performance ef bis dtiy. wais found .litilty on Tuesday evening by Nlag.,%- traie Harper, whu deferred scit - tur ta-o %veelta. The niaxiti un iiiiitny is ten years. The teatuire uft tue trial wts lte large attendatice uf sIart&ers. Since (lie Inaugîtrtitlcntot renrt iline lnt Whithy, lte lt6th Batialioit lasR paid out $46,000 t10 lit enitfut- C ('ipt~aiy. Mttfthi i nulîcy le sien t iii tmn utîî-"e March pay roill ulonet %vas oct-r $13,:900. on Tuesday "t"I, &. spént tlie uýIttre day carrylng ouI- n tact vIraiseteme. 'l'lie Companiy uarcbed op Brock ýStreet ouît tu lte C.N.R. station: tîtun west for liart a mile on lte traek, w-heu ai atiack m as latnched w-it a point otte utile and a-hall away as Its objective. l'lie nien came uut oni the 6thlî ces- sion near Brookîli, marchitîg direclly do%%nt tu Whitby. Eacb tuan carried- Iis lunch. A dista ue et 15 miles w'as cuvered. and the -men finisthed up <tulle f re-sti. The tolowtng menaout *C Co. lhave gonie lu ixbrldge te qîîalify as con- îany coulis: Pes. E. B3rown, G. Find- ley, C. W. Hackney. J.J. Keane, J. Pike. Severi targols bave heen constructed ai tbe lake front tîcar the pumplag sta- tion for galiery practice work. 12.000 rounîds ut gallery prac«ice ammunitioi have been received. îvhich It lis Intend- Pd lu use before niobilization. Two platoons eacb day use tho range, une lu the rnornlng and oeeil the afler- noon. The fôlowiug have been takeu on te stréngth et "Cl Company during the past week: ies. F. J. WIhite, Whit- Wy and F. J. EfIll, Torou«o. k court of InquIîli bas been author- Ized by Lt.-Col. Sharpe. composed of Capt. F. H. Moody,l President. Capt. G. W. P. Evéry sud ILt; W. Harding, (o Investigate the Il1eesI absence et Pte. J. L. Thomtas. Pte. C. Beaton bas been dlscbanged fron t(ho 111h ln .i3., 0as fot likeiy to be- conte an efficient 8ohlier. Lt. G. F. Guy a.nd L.-Cerp. R. Davis are attendtng this usietry course ln Toronto wluieh tioiuu,0lI4 an tho 191-h. Feur. N. C. 07,0 *ho a(tended (ho course ef InstucUlon ln Toronto ln January have,' been aerarded Sergeanth certlficatea. They are: Cerpîs. M. Me- Brion, G. S. Newall, E. Calvert and W. J. Blunden. Pt1e. R,,.3J. F . Shontt han boots trans- ferred te omachine gun ection at Uxbridge. - Th clam vinal physical drill and ha-y- enet fightlng, conductoil by Sernt. hiayes, la neanlng cempietien. The mon 'whe have beU taklng thoeourie wiil -be Ntturneil ttanrespecfltVe stontl etrain ~sof et he 0en latter ai.u te» take the i N seju ' for hefttrfe E touir -mm 5esOý I I veartaiutJaig ~ *a the nùi-tÀl ADriI1 7, appear the feulow!ilninu oftdaembêft cit the 84th regimeut >,'Iio have qualified et the i.. i arete, nd Lietelans:B. elgitaW. Kî KiÉt, 13. Mfee, W. Grahamn, J. C. Hla1I G. C. Scott, *M.S.E. Seanes, . H. Lewlu, W. J. "betn, J. À. Pattôti, J. P. baies, IL N. Wylie, R. C. Henry, H.W. Penrose, 'H. yland. Of thege, the following' ar attached te the lS2nd Battalion as Lieutenants: W. 3. Beaton, J. F. Dales, U H. Lewis, J. A. Patton, 1. N. Wylie. and H. W. Penrese. A. C. Drew, of the 20h Regiment, lis aise one of the succesaful ones, who la attached to the 182nd Battalion. Futrtber detais to speclai courses ln Toronto dtsi week are- Lt. R. V. Oag. and 'Sergts. 1,.C.M. Cockburn, and B. J. Swiriyard Io tHie Machine fuit course at Exitibitioti camp: Lt. E. B. Elliott, and .-')rgt.I.LR13. unîmlug to tlie Mus- ketry course. at Victoria Cullege. 'chu bandi, ttider thie leadership of Sprgi. Hazepll, autt ie Bugle Band uni- der Suti-g!,Hiu. are itract ictig faitli- ttiil. auid nay tubeé tocl u nake ltt- t irstpibliIc aitiettraitte con. Men are iieeded iii butiit tesu departi munis. A t a nif-t ig oft lite nen. held ii he St-rgeiitts Nless on N-onday, Aitril 171,11, a sporis coininuite %as aliputnted lu suipervise Bai taiton sport s. Il coniste of P'resident. U«pt. .1. (Gray: rneti.hers:. Lt. W'. H. Ppnrose. Sergi A.L. Schuales, Il. Àý. Shiiaicli: R. i-. Gaiioway, Secre- ta ry. Sua-rer football is lnt full swing. All that la iîeePded I la gruitds. goal 1)0515 aitd flayers. WfVe have ihe bail. Ini a cuple ut ltgl workouts soute good uma- lertal itas slîowit. Sergt.-MaJur lJlck- hison Is the uniy casualty su far, une of Sergi. Shiiaice' pedal Pxlrenitites liavtng'corne lit close contact %vith tlte turmer's sitin The I3nIIalioi tlake-s is opportitity uftiitig a cliallenge lu "C" (Co.. ll6thi Battallun, tu a gaine ut suceur tootball, lu bé played on a date after Eaeter to be arranged. Persoital Mçntion. Mlrs. Thos. Osborne, Wititby, lias heen visiting bier sister, Mrs. J. N. Miss Edith Conner left on Tuesday for New York on an extend&d visit witb bier nunt there. Mi's. Isaac Paquette, Jr., and son, Arthur, formeriy of Whltby, who bave been living at St. Hyacintbe, Que., are visittng ln town. Mrs. Chas. Nourse, of Fort Erie, and Mrs. Wm. Tilt, of Toronto, both former residents of Wbitby, bave been vIsIt- In.g tn town with Miss Ham. Mr. Edga-r A. Hewýse(u who has on- ltsted lnte artlltery, left for Kingston ibis morning, and wii be attached to te R.C.H.A., there. Mr. and Mrs. 1-. A. Harrison, of Te- ronto, spent the week-end with theïr parents, Mr.. and lira. F. B. Harrison. lira. Harrison bas mast returned tram a two menthe' trip wlth ber parents ln Fort Worth, Texas. AMr. J. D. Flukter, Canadian Expres Agent bore, bas 'been away for the past twe wr-eks on his heneymaon, ho the liarge niMber 0o! tueds Who, etbIýI. end i tm far, aaê tinm to pey taiir lanepeeta adear friendttfleil 1 to thêmtsai ua*hiêit4hwu hetdfe ~ u~MaMR4AZ114 We hairethe ag&ne- <orCNA DOIFFERENT 9 12 ft., style F.,p at 13 ft.* style F,t 14 ft., Style F,, at 12 ft,. style M., at 1;1 ft., style Ml., ai 14 ft., style M.-@#ai PRINOLES H WHITBV9 c . . . $64,005 ach t4.50 each- t4,75 each 1ARD WARE ONT* i Need a Laxaive? Don't take a violent purgative. ]Rfght the elugglsbCondition wlth the sale, vegetable remedy whlch bas WUM pi> lic cnfidnce for ovor sbdy,* &es BEECHANS8 alfe of &ADy M.dicla s. o IRTHS. IIOAR-In Wtxltby, on Wediaeisday, Avril 5, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. -R. B. Hoar, a daughter. A cfOlored wonian of Richïmond Hill bas reached the age of, 111 y«e. MEN WMWTED For gentrai factory ýwork;r S'eady employýment -for. reliable men. App)y to, Thé Podiar People Ltd-8 OSIIAVA, 0NTé TrEAGNMR 0F 0INGING. HAflOUNS~ àbNShKoy OO Pbo» ell 1ôt bdrm b flu Ëim> +vyatidy JAS. EIS~Op J- hiarde a ntitI ni lia v i 1)(-#i r i-. L~het Bas il 1Wi ÀAtin(-r 1 M hY cil If vwlie Tîtose tir Thuey o May live May 1lil O, tvoiais We cal Where wl And su' If altiali Why. 0 Ifwhlsk Wby ta Now let. And Ut .And free Ere 1tb 'Wheu (h bonfi De (ho We wtll joy, And tir If whlski V~ - Tel] mi if wiit WMyIl 'rIIE LATE KENNTEH MacRAE. Te toiiuwing article, taken from tlite j Rtichmnrd 7'ionc-s. ut March l7tlî. refera lu the bereaveuteni of a former Wbithy lady. a dattghter ut Mr. and MNrs. C. Ruse, lie-r utny Whitby friexîds will regretlIolieur out ber sad lbas.' M r. Kenntiteil acfla.u, ut Richmond, Quec., p nased îway on Siîîîtday, NMarcb 12. atter a bunef llilness. The whule roiitinnity imourus is luss. A Chirist- tati gentieinnit. eiccarrted Irîto hie butsintess lthe îrinclîles ut lits religion andi won for tîlusu'lf a repittation as a mtaî ut lioîtor and Iîîtegriiy. HRe was a faithful utember ut Chaimer's Prosby- tertan Ctîurch. being une utflthe huard ut manage-rs. li fuund bIs chiot plea- autreI lilte Iilis borne where ho was -i deî-ote uditsiuand and fater. Mr. MeRne lîad been indisposed for a tfew days previoris lu his death,_but neltier lh o mr bIs tamlly cousidored that lue a-as serlously Ill. He did flot go to business on Salurday. Sunday ntorulug. about seven o'r-lock, lie get up and stated (bat ho was feeling all riglit agaru. Almoat ilntediately af- terwards be complained -of paifi and sbortness of breath.i, ay dowa on bis hed and suon passed away. Kenueth McRae was une of a famlly of ton eblidren, (lhe old homes(eadi hetng ta Glea Saxidield. Outarlo, where (broc brothers and a sîstor atIli. re- sîde. He hîntseit was born thone a lit. die over 48 years age, came bore as a young mans andi narried ises Ethel Rose, daugbter of lin. and liraý. Rose, ef Wbitby, Ont.,.anti-fine de.ugh- (or, Mtss Hazel MncRae, a4I u.o ïe son, Master Stein M&f aen, are lo* te illoitr (ho untimeiy endi of huiband ansd father. Tise la-te Mn. lacRne waa senior part- nor et Mavflne Bron. bore, andi waa no et the flrmt business meofth(is tevu. unusually poular. aud with a large- ctile oftrtieilde. He cammenceil bita- nesa bore yea.rsago lu a amali way, andi hatigradua-li hUilt lit Up toaa lange enterprine, Into wblclî ho hxvited bts brother, Mr. Augua liacfne. a fewr year ageanti the partnera- atile for 1hein business a stenling reputation tvhi-ev wa rapitiiy as the business Thehuerai vaheitifrom ie islatte reidenceo on Weilnesay -tternoon. mnd. i. W. ha foatwoar Peells I Oven i

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