Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 6

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oê.sà 1-11rei±i 1Woti;! ' lo btg le carred was botb bulky d Re slipped quiet1t' do*n te thePALR ATVRU LADO docks, aveiding the brlghtlY llghtedHI RUD 8 J. places, and soiight out a landifig- stage In a dark cçrner, where he bail Seletm ReciPes. amd the rising steaza Prevents th1 i.Eprr onDiln n O marked, during the aflernoon, sev- Ripe Olive SaIlad.Soýne a8fl a fV08 blung yrck Onei siff tld UofOlO ripe olives. Have ready iWhèn «l llé ck ins, UjJp " bat in one of thee, homast off Its Mxw e nleng, eut in gg and asinueli-ci the batter te the sZdes a pinter and Iiushed lt back underteciiPfgi odwt.Drnenopeibelevnaslhtepeaoli dock, then paddled cautously alonge s t a iu8 'e n c h d raessi ran ge innthe entre.aliWhen ltbetcake e ubake ti egre s a onn U ac e S R ~~between the piles toward thin.ichlOtUS ees wteiwee anA Imwilhoeenasth mddle fille u ncneto lhte atee e- ja sg W &CIC~fUft} p&cketX omiy. ahp' with elther F'.rench or beiled dreasng. ftret thing.dnthlteGea aIyanth h ~ ~ ~ rMX The velvety-black treplc night had Baked ggpîant,...er lant an A smeked bWe's tonga le better eerapoleleayreegnig EW LI ----~ --new descended. He ft is h. way boil)it whoié ln saltod water until be soaked ever rnight ln cold waet lc epnlliYfris~ie- TP along wth the prow of telti ba,.tnenough te Pierce with s-lverthemrlgptI neakti sig hsmc edsicl tt ir~ Sthrough the warni stench ef rottii<£r Danan ahadngb full of cold water, stand It over db rsnr ntehnee h plng against themi. Presêitly the 13Po0111,hreadcrumbs and oe tapo or until you Can Pierce It wlth a for.eel hw u h emi eS 1L~h~ 40 N E Il C N 1) ; bulk eut off the atarlight oUt' 9tated. onion. When cool bea one l A delicate perfume will bo givein t ae aie n elocated the rang-plank egg ie mixture, put ln baklng pan, lnnb utn upe rero nti hudr tteCof or by the rumble of the trucks overhead.cever toP witii breadcrmbs and bite Inte the b!e nwalgdy.A-Pic ebigli h ho udn isSie Here he tied the bat te a brace, an'bbte ndbk bu n-hî er~oier and even mone latlng method uTeohr h wt l r ead The Captu re of a -Germ an Pi raté dllmbed carefully UP e18capP tY in ove ot enough te ewl n crumbde. itehut Toka inala eda a da hrngtersoslilYhv length tili ho reached the a ibr artSo.CteaiolnadWIhtelnnl ad ennroe ont hê. ~ l on whlch rested the sillaet the Wharf- Pound ef carrots ite emall pleées. A pretty sofa cushien leamd et tteel h asr n h tlvn fleer. ~~~~~Meit two tablespoons butter in sauce., greenl buriap embroldered lin dehr r eealCutGtiehv h CHAPTER I.-(Cont'd). copra, though a amail cargo for ber sateblc aessh worked bis pan and cook carrots ln it, with po~ncettia5 done ln red yarnm h o aslradGnrlBrhl~~ îh As he wandered back by thse end'~tonnage. She was new aigl way along on the narroW, slippery idons, fer about ire minutes. And enly eler to reliers the meaotoaY o warehouse about five o'clock, however, supplies and th. ordlnary assortsnent tibers tilI he reached the edge oet tirelarge cupe beillng irater, and sm- i thMe tsignandangrofnillasate tYtle foodit he saw somethirig th avn-e of Island freigbt, a large Part of the wharf and tound f ooting on the mer lowly iintil carrets are tender French krots ef yello'w silk ln ta h emn r itfg ta hYhv him lie atîvty &A tavn et asdwhc osisted of kerosene-ol in waîîung strps aginst which the ship's enough te rub tiuyough fine sieve- centreofln or terhrhe reher had been mun siongaïde the irareheuse, i weeden cases, ee.ch case containng bull restet*i, ruhbing slowly up dAtrpting through s'eve, returi pceteo h IWT _peei -7 ~~and a gang ef portera were buslly oen- 1 two fivegilleii tins. A big hosf' down with the slight swell of the bar- ~to fire, add tire tablespoons fleur mix- psycological moment ln cake-baknga etmlirY udrkn a gaged ini lading the long boxes, with writhing across ber d ck was illing ibor waters. Th n e fet along bier ed with a little off carrot liquid, cook d n't put i on the stve, or ina a pn~b rtfr e en fa g t wt % P1 c berth saitwaterpepnks;andile eLwclosandfho 1fl5rdêTheroutsie la& 1 ~~hsoyo hoVru nfera ether merchandise, into them. Aise, brfrs-atrtnk:wil los uho located the cover of one Of the weilland add two cups milk. -Peson hoite.Teuademlstnhapcnsuee.ettatt !'the big, clark mnan was thero, oversoe- scrutiny discovered another bi-g hose* portholes. wt atadppe n eewtadteii-d ilrmi ad ingthewor ad eidetl enorvngpasslng undor the dock to a value be- Ilis exploring fingers soon told hini croutons. best way to do the trick la to Pour bt~ 1 lWrgre sceryd-I s n spcû al nhnln.loir ber dock-line, and this, he knew, uhat this cover vas of Wood, with Ricecand Spiasch.-While spinaeb je wter soo o ove uti t n wr ta fndb b aisnwppr bisbael bu snpedet scod-quantity foi- bèr donkey-engzines,' he nie ohdsa inlroe Add beaten cgg and one teaspeon gour velvet. wr w baudbis e to makut stoe unt a send- t orano1 urinllndayes. Se had produced rues c 1t nuh !ètohl t el~The cellar ot course, cannot b hni a is eio yt w H. Reknew that the next train acr*o"s.t d1wul i nvlyadtb is pocket a Yankee tool set, with i tegeter, Pac e rcad witb ait anl-throug lyeantedgout fothe maeKie n ooo i lse d(orpu the i8thmus to the Pacifie ide would smoke flonting lazily frein her funnels numerous smalî tools conceaîed in ts pepe.olaeno ndbpuchaI freisaloedtegoot orth ss-cvier tata atak noerf, naTillc leave in haîf-an-hour, and would ai- soe tgohew a taer Iehollowvhandie. 1He selected a thin trael nlyesl aalw bte-sn, ' buti a be enalled t lrb etknb ehd hc a r ta h a ta pndddnted baking digh oerýCasserele, inoistenbifrubs sbenaledtacedscsflInusaadlaSbl cmprg rendy be made up. Those cars, Ihen,thtsehdstaiuadddne steel blade, fixed it in the bandle, and whoîe with a littie spinach water or rumulate there duriag -the imtr ol .scesu, i.c-prt orae woî rhbylaeteîet .bu sy with the cargo and routine work Ieeabesokb orn toe h el ing henhe brre bak an caghton decr, were ail Iwhite men, en far psin r o xit ehsin bleraoutg a top, cover w'th bretd crumba, dot with Part fL.bue atybcuea a o akne rssub. 2 a c th r Win h hureed lu andcauoiledas h.c ould see; a stocky, hea.vv set-lot pant~~lbhn.Atraottnbutter and browin oa ver. accumulation of rubbisb thereI- th rh w rse n h oldmutes lie bad the satisfaction of Baked Oranges,,-Use thin-skinned crease danger et fire and partlyh-* Brln arCucicet;bt dunngcha, o a omon alir.lander was la sight. The portholes tosî,rsc ie oeoorad ii adone, puing offtpsh aadfillagthroauethe aibfos e, cen ltb itmndeBrlwoeth ee Ohrc Carrying out. the pnrt, b. purcbazed a, ide te lssb. ieneutes u-g leami of llgh t showed througb, then cav'ties witb four teaspoons sugar te dust or aay ether uncleannese.mebybeKsrteronPicsracr ticket, and pssd n a e wloll u te an-applied bis oye to tho crack. What , eacb orange. Put fruit In casserole. et"ilnBval a urtc-Ic~ae uncomfwrtslle night in a reekng day- 1 ewakdhoWyupti gn-b swboub n xlmainfri i oefur. ulRtwaecae n NWATH-RANRNERRbrg n enrl VnHeslritdKn car. piank, but as lie reached the deck he bis lips a good deal louder than he : bake untIl tender. Remove fi-os oven ~adVnDiln.We h a-8 e Airriv-di ain 'u, n aie wsaceo.se akig s eanheator.k1 ould have wished. He had rightiy and make sauce of juices ia pan by Soveral Weii-to-Do Italiens Living a~ 5 tdhtr hnbt h toii wpr i h eunee alai asked hie business. Tbankg te bis guessed that this portbolc looked- into stîrring in twire taspoons cornstarcb England. edtirwtbl th eaonfed5 aeg th al onnh eue omthe enirine-rooni; and h. knew t tt enech cup of liquld, maue te nta ttmlgL.hnlm e ttewr poe rn maW~aeeda th cî-y ortng h scre nromfour yearq in Belgium and llolland, hmeleun asi ybrenie uc fo oso rne bs eer nseaorfes uical bthelans, nteFec togod n x i h in a sailorrs' 1'boai-wing-hoilse near the Crane couid tpeak Dutch like a na-1 I ol ug hpb e nie uc rmtpso rne a en oeo esmsclbre-r atretrni diepiedbntoiock n , and %vas aiso proficient la Ger- i a a racehorse by its legs. et a added. Put ene-bait teaspeen butter'the mceftheb Italian colony lan- iio h aia ifrneb-apist nfto ran.wrConshantelcontacthe incbis worki n'rest1er by his shoulders. jon top et eacb eraarge, pour sauce ever E. thwv 'o was a 8erviceabie one , drop- mn ostn otctIn'i The rom Into which b. gazed was them, and return te oven uncovered te: don are back ln their native ln iencniin nta rn a a lk pe 1tle it i okc n e itb mon <of these nations, and bisexa large for a Bhip of this silze. brown. Serve bot. grindiar eut death froim acie hs bc a madescee e-en tL outfo. l toureoinhs pctnd tnaturni habit ef cloing weilianything and wiisîiteraîîy fiîî.d with massive French RoastL-Th-OO pounde round guns. .Isbei te eln.siee hedd a ep i igisca iisWbat few organe are scen ln h sbt li asa1bdaray~b h out onr athe c inseion. he diint par. ethie asirdin gist abiitesmacbinery. A single attendant loung- steak, one cupful chepped enien and'atreots nowadays are mestly were betdt aigpr nteoea uirt co4igseie- er icagn itid beside a emali tnoter which hum - celery, one cupful seft bread crumbe.b rne n ilte le a in aFac adFadr nsste o -o tking otnmferik. were dilzChargine thte man shook bis head. So.!mej quletly in oe corng>r, supplying oeelevel t.easpoonful peultry season- b oe n il, h ie w o~~~frai iti,kihgt.nfeî ht. Tefthe ig rs -f1iî osek nyasatrn the lighting qyqtem. The electric ing, sait, pepper and fat. Have steaksdahtretheIlanodircle hyhaanalryfceaa adbcnan w,' SPl<ofrihé 'innCnlrs hh, before the dayiw anDithlie laborinuthe epaiîiedThat îîlgbts gittered on pelisbed metal, and ~eut one-haf iach thlck and weighng A bhe clost Me a rk u Ihcmlt leryfotItreec lr t> h lburden î l a i , wwhnd pieir At-thew an seîdte s. tIm pssile; hi , hewed everythinig spick and span a .; i ne and e -haIt pounds each.-Divide EAus t h et M y.011 thop rt t he renarine, k trn e w ~ ~ late buid.c'ns tih ewn he ieiroAtthe ad asipsil;the Cap-'the power-plsnt of a iltlionairels yacht'into six equal portions, rib wltb sait Ee hshieeaefie ai elee hi dieddntmk uy 9 .- w ~~iqthmnt iw' aereon the eher sde ofthirtain waîs a.shore, lhe did net know Just ¶ereever, ibc saw that thene irere net and popper, and cever with dressing nulfber than: might be expectedteadeIpsioonL.Ksrad absencc. le visited eacb of teH ane okh ad nbe e ai-ebuin en esof b thre-iesetter- aenngmRadeac pocf e cpamydas t b.hurygzry laerVeruntestdyandsiuaio oceBet coîî5ters, making casuai inquîry for nlcmMuttenie fth isl.ty eaoig Rl ah -,tl a wor. vvrthngseeedenirey e-Dutch. The ship iras full handed, re- type whicb bhas been brougbt te grea< securely, dredge iil fleur, and place h&d paesed away even betere Lbthe moe wolr. Eey tbig eemed s ayet ntirelyr-pie h an s rn ep d-perfection ia Germany ia recent vears. in kettle, wlth enougb at te browir anZ. In tact, the business-if ha-'Teea'e eni rsba ao in the barbor. At a shlp-cbaadier's ir<g across the derk hc roughly ordered 1 These massive units were evidently of' theni nicely on a&B aides. Whsn I t can be called--had been nwlbteeit t b iltm luh hoe was toletithat tw p temawalto uîbc etedok a gta ~tremendous power for se siaa s sip. bro"add bo»4lif-mmter amolet te thie down-grade for morne years, lare h n eeas o oe n e te n a.alwdon beard except or sdme rne1ê- aal o xr-cover and nlimer antîl tender, about 17 ôwig te the &dVent at th. gr~Io o ertlgtocpr.~'b ei lur drydok. The business. Bo Crane, making tbherdnr pe.Uigcueoia three houri. Firelcas ceoker la good te phone and other mechanical asi inwlhte eshd~a ht luw other wns the Cocos, a Dutcb Pesrl hest of abad job, turned and saunter- oadneautmobie e ng. ue g asn 'ht..sek. Wsndn~fproducing machines. ~L.cpuee ednwefail ra and coprn trader frem tbe Island--and waytomoe ileen ih eaunergs, bel-ne thice rth, a e ékwhuene da-Ineb l as Lia eY ifr ndta o an esn L 8 rar gornethinff rather unusuali n this port.!o oqesri vrma n odot hr r seveWs well-t-@. Iprtv.Bed wT Ho pikod p n isafforothee railway sae r-ronm- and tekers, riinr naefoe oqutButtervr et n en ntTer r c(>lj~r nîd exa ine te ~ wit tenas he ran from th ALanLe ueîtancs t rea caactysud g.. t talegariised.ht_- asle. __hanatpreentl_&ng la he ut p 11M.t. argri ~~ stihi dressed In hia sailler', dungarees, sadIii. Fbdeek W" bàetht$r ma e thqes #rabul~mi tA@ b~o ~' nd went hsck te th.e dockit. I11. ton OM ltuaiiIUM@?l. O r j* t.a~nIhtU iih~)idth wsn, ti ti~mmi witii sevity. gvttatly mi ' OAm t.rXLli reeking stench f sehi thtat met hl h d iil lalgad ait tw*4s.0 iutmndpLIaI u!t*i i mndate& ~< I', (ashcaproacbed Ieittne rocin foribourg Craaesprsng tolis<esttan "~ d î ,ltom i î er. 5n had unloaded sCodlel n iuI ta h a a Ial 7 =~ fou hf 0 imeik 50 lirge LIVING 1IN ENCLAND. -ed Legs prom- War Thail nemy C«tIeà. ,le of Engand dlaim te have* es frons the Incressed es* )rought on by the wur thana eople t Cyoher coln- >ugh adsnl1'tty g thsL prIce.' if lier now than ben la the memry cl the mntin. an ris. for JanuarY iras tn., aceordig to, the Board [aber Gazette, which pointe lie upirard trend ba§ been id bread, six per cent., and 1 graniilated sugar, five per as reached 9%~ pence, or ~ - cent» for the quartern lest nds), higbcr than It- ever ln modern imes. rosse i lthLb.ceat et food r February 1 lait with a' han been: Fie, 60 per cent.. pet cent.j bacon, bread, su- and cheese, 20 per cent; tea, nt.; fleur and eggs, 17 peur ;ter, 19 Per cent. ; potatee, .;~ margarine, 6 per cen. ýountries have beeri bit bard- Jing te the Gazette, wblch upen pre-irar prices: Un- -dùm, 47 per cent.; Bellno ent.; Vienn, 112.9 per cent. on la called Le Lb. tact- that allows only a imited sale LI maximum price etfirbat ai3T every-day articles et i, Lb. Gazette peinte eut o bread, butter, fleur,-pork- It mays that in Vienne the te year breught, an easlng ci the advanccs, partly explala- tact that la December maxi- ~ %-i LII charges caune inte opera-, the .firet tune in respect Îe d1 beg's fat. Lre solfe comparative rc- increased percentage since 4:' United Kingdem., Berlin. Vienna. -. .. 50 70 206 ... -. 86 60 ... -... 2 154 300 mouse- re 60- ..- heat.. . 28 81 e ... 42 76 b 25 34t 27 6 atm r~inov beag- mad e- - r»that.not quitê ilttor th.m lii- te lii ý < l t 1 il» pr ist; b- ' ce , tiubteuiîyr<eo 1s . 'au~ ê' ôt CM", ~ ~ ,wn

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