Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 7

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t, "1 I l)ortor l'roved Value of Poatun-I. i UIg and Customs of Czars Astlma !5 ikoo at Pbystiuians know that good footd and Land Tak-en Strîous1y. ers from thte Dukiiobor Setrfiet l drink, properly aeleeted, are of the ut- Toa l-xl uevgeiet th ie Nelson district arivea i iëîb- moati inportance, iont ooguefor tise ce- bridge thse other day, biM dfor Ry lie!f uisease but to maintain beailtisfo mondftlnbl b lke~ where they wtt) fartsthis.yeae. even wbe eris or-uc uogie" even ttbr tisa erumouthb,1lise nmtof $s1if, hm«bas ben loepthi tiotar la a Iosasa> t lue ndon Chrouicle, fl-tiIIthJ&ntytrog Ii f Àrso A oc 'rrites, "I count il thteg-'l lisslmn vogue. teCutyttÙ* f«gO tre to say a gnootiword for Pastum ih appears ht a stlows, ddiIled ap- the' Wiuiff ip<et' Ws 1; bri u uy-1 wvith whieh 1 have bêeneti ralsed ta -prfectabJy wvu Dotolevssy; then verr- lng"12,OOO cord$ Of wod Iouthse1 relteve sô rnany suff erers;, andI which t rounad to Votohîcbea&o. Thei fair wood camp ee0515ittýt& o! h4 Pat-, 1 counit, with lIts ualued ctmpsniarî sogîstes are nw revellag tise fRusaan riotk aiumsoetaudeInglt. (;raj)e-Nuts, onte tf t-be daily hlessinga.> dresa<'s. bigh C<atherine thse Great, rariçus eix'te utîttiixms "CoffYee was barished from my owy'uî1 coiff ures, and i btsk cth boots. ______________ habe sme imeag ani Pstumus"tt But the' Vogitteeamar taking Ibeir _ Itussia sérlouâfy- MaatY bave begunu' reguharly In ils place." (Botis tes 1tu learo thse lasîguage. acceordlag b tls* - and rcoffee are lnJUrious ta Many petP iuge t5pptlt at udùib* t.'iwvid -~ Wons, because they contitin tbe s uhbtle, lirar>' "Theire is a Very grea.'*..dq- h8IIW* Oti poisonous drug, esifelite.) uititid" lrialti, "net only for ngllsis 1 f requesstîy fint iIt neceseary to itranshabbitons tkues&"i owS aus&t instruct patients when -tisey taise 1lnglish hoolus abouf tttsta, but roi Postum for the tirait tinte ta baiqut. hbooks lu th. origiO asinasuagei sure t-at It la properly matie accord- TbCuts tvgu bi vn i lng to directions, then it bisuascleair, I adesming, A tll t oûlu, stelu seal-bi-own caler and a rîcis, 8 tua>' n tain î.Ant la to(eWl .01t taste. asq well as health gitting quali- ertsg lpe uf rbsi vodka aut4,peeto ties." o et oIbrati.Jmusasn Tise save lefiter, rle1elvetl over ten soup on liess bu, 'ul vaar>'for tü years algo, is fuI) ucohftrined by a rP- rosi Ruuiah .p'ci -L ondon(book eený' leter frein ise dbetor, lin hlb tlW h.e sys: h ý,ls. a plessure te ressuer a ge WANT ,o.*4! iuui KRO U**miÇJNDý report eqvering a produet of *hich1 I -' am tio Young, Btc a rte i. . u()"*"à 1 A>~ "$ aiesuniag hiMy hcâhe y otgr 44 wulm ta Postons Çereat la betis bitsforlUs. Au,- wlsat ilatmore, I arn havln t n - « 1%,utis, yoW g $loIn Bi)re*y h~ts~' M#-' 'the ,fâtîlies of tarerai pattents ln forinedetisel5ve* h" .au 5 4i rg* whk ilarearechiêci, asu dF ulte Uou wbhhfo.do -sl t uul si5~ ~ -Ili emids lte fine quaiîties of -leur ryiag ane Y09,hMO -*bubu t atdmaslrle produc4." tae Po-l býmýe tiby Canadienso' P ftmTu b tdm w CGaWîi»,OL O« ---------------10110i a- Po ic*Mè.lu lntwé <er ' uvii. 0 A u1%wst b. Weil bîiled. 1 ê ap& ~staa e am 0« *oluet tiler, q *tlkktf ltetbo ;-':'r~:--::-.'~~r~rr"u:r- --~."-:- :<.'-T'-"'.'ii" t' ~ - - -'-- -. v j.: e 'l.3. îà, SPRtGIniIr6tt 1- itet 4the UMost *éi~tu locha aliment tt i là" t ihl - ln the' *orld lit owud hi à French. versai wM hmeni end WI r~ Ri4w, Damp Weather Starta the man, Louls Desoutt#r. It, la mountedutlit -1_ P&inm, 3Bat-the Trouble Lies ona m s éetestnd olnd has fout of sedentary employmneM the ln* laees eatdes .-iahln the heursi, Its oeu* is theCffly int*ke pie the Blow. It shows the tides At six different of indigegtbead.Mn a patrte eoft1th world, the mean time and bultfoo. Mn BPring Weatber Io bad fer rheu. the solartîme, the agi e o the moen, cral saits and saline laxa. Jel mtte sufferers. Tii. changes tram the niovements of thse planets and &Il tives Will flot cure ît. Help ni mild te cold the, raw' damp winds e(liP$eB. It leaisez a perpetual -calen- N tr Al tart the alies and twtges, or ln datr. Itiwasmamde by Janvier, of P'arla, Naiie o en out the thé more extreme cases, the torturesm in 1789, and took eleven yearm to man- poisons byr eallng Shredded hi of the trouble noing. tut it muet b.' ufe.cture. W etBsut odta borne ln mind that lb la not the 1San Diego, Cal., hâas a wonderful W etBsut odta a weather that causes rheummatism. The i dock wllrh twenty dials, whlch tel, builds healthy tissue and trouble ls rooted in the blood-the thet' te shnultaneously lnalal parts keeps the bowels sweet aLnd Sn changeable weather merely tarts thse of the world, alise the dmys of the cdean. The perfect food of 'le pain@. The only way to reaci the week and the date and montis. It im trouble and to cure it le through the stands 21 f eet high, and four of ,t health and strength for t blood. Thse polsanous rheumatic dial, are each 4 f eet ln diameter. It youngsters and grown-ups,ti acide muet b. drîven out. Linients tiýi nclos.d in plate glass, go that fer men who work with hand lo and rubbing may give teniporary re-,every action can be seen, andi ths ~ i ed q Ilef, but anot posslhly cure thei whole la tllrnulnmbed every nigb t. lit 1Y rain. ti ready-cokd ba trouble. Tisïe ufferer ls only wasting lS Jewelled wlth tourmaline, topaz, and ready-to-serve. ab Urne and rnoney with this kind of agate and jade, and required 15 ell treatment and ail tise time the trouble, montha ta builci. Thse motive power Made in Canada. se la bscoming more deeply rooted - is a 200-pound weight, wvhich winds Ai________________ harder tol cure. Tiser. Is just 0ne:. tself automatîcallyý. Thse cost ofthY-et speedy cure for rheurnatisr-Ir. Wil cdock M'sC $i,00i. i Fromi the Miiddle West tw on the impure, acldI-tftlnted blood. They ntDT~E ' E PRIT purify and trengthen t and thus NOTES 0F INTRESST FROM RERsi root out thse cause af the rhpimatism.Muh nNOTES-'thfo EeOleFBNK N BR AES.OMHE Ilere is etrong prooif of the nltON, uhAcei aih oexml, BAK N RE.a statements. Mr. M~ichiael Personngze,i About Miandrake Itoot.-h Fenlon, Man,, says:-"My mother slt" ýSuperstition as to the metihods of on ni h ihad fered several years wit.h riseumatisn.crn tsa",oc cypeaet What la CoigO nts ihad We trled a number of remedies buit are flot aitogether extînet yet, saya an andi Lowlands of Auld they aIl failed to cure. Then we got î'xchange. Much ancient faith cdus-1 Dr. Williams Pink Pilla. and after teredl about t'he nandrake root, which Sota '~gtheni for sorne time ahi' w ias carved ini the form of a dol) dress- 1 ('algzaîy is about $1,000,000 better' completely cureil and lias hid no ecdini fine clothesanam kept in a box ofl tihan Edmonton in the matter of 9 uign of' the trouble atince." or coff'in conceaied iln some corner of takx arrears. Sold bly aIl medicine dealers or bY tile louse. E'ach month il. was wahed I)rumnheller, formerly n village un- m'ail at 50 cents a box or six bo(xesý in wvine and water and freshly garbed. der the village art, ie declared a town for $2.50 froro The Ili-. Willikinis' Another universal cure was to by the deputy provincial secretary. Medicine ('o., lrockviile, Onit, carry a piece ut miatletoe which had The new (Calgary Technical School * ______been cut froni a tree by a golden, will receive a $40,000 provincial grant. sickle and caughb'in a white v'esse] as' Cardstown bas now 22 racruits in MULE BETTER THAN CAMEL, it ell. !the kilties, and Coal City 27. - Metal scraped froua a church bell C'algnry is to have an institute for Umed as Beastotf Burden by British or a pieu e of the rope uvas supposed the feeble-minded, n Mesopotamia. to have a similar protective influence The Rozilee. Sask., grain groweris 'l'le lotuIt bias liroved a far itore clt a ginett diseuse, as lso a cloth have inuited wouaen to foras a branch ablo aand tîsefuil trnsportiial tui iiait stainvit in the blood of a murderer or (it the assiciation. tlite canieltri the IMetopotitinta rai the ropi' Nvîth whih lhe -,vas hatnged. A patriotic concert nt St. Brieux I>iign If l)oasl i W Mecî t"t t the n etted $105 to help in thi-e Saskatcbe- mtulte wtiîld b)e wi'ti-ol sti ribthuu' van schools' patriotic fund. Ile k îîows ,itot defea iItlits hardiii îsiqEeyumridmno h ilg ALpovr1lýNi of thl-'tu r s ro n oufrth fVirdale, Man., has enlisted. M paupot a iîa lîtît pe *uit et1lii ad g Srhools oft'l;askatrhewan have 00wý 114- C81114t1ba ti ait.er ,111 ;M loti .contrtiuted $,5,500 to the Patriotlc, aiîxitarv îe ist istd i vii. t-itil Fillil. iI4t ilot. nte lits l hia rotitIn thp vear 191r), no tewer ti-an 58 Illter, îrallied tu go t itliolit i 'tt, i tît new t oal mines -were opened in AI- ho, Is pricîf agalisîttiiitjtiiti titis 'lqI Il I>oll KII)NEY 111.1.S AL- ierta. accor(ling to a report just is-, rantî'i f1v, anti lias ci-or all it iiit utcius WMA ),S tl u ) I ISF.%SE sucdI livthe provincial authorities. of lits o<tut111nlit p eof lits'oititi I Instruments for' thseregiment-al' pxtrietuititeia and grtîiesqueiy 11 p rtiitît band of the 2(i3r<t "Dry" Battalion at cd 11114, t lit' .aml k a dati tNbeaîti iRegina have been donated by a well-; lits ~~t ,îîgtygi utsiîe<tiitI -'e)Nighrod uW11Fn known western man. pouse,- s a iialtptofu fart tîit-t art' tîto, l'eople ('ured of Baçkaclie, Rhe'it' It iia sait) that there is more work exptresstin o ail liiwacd antldîitupoî matisam. Dropqy or Diabefea by Io (1o and less men to dIo it this sprtng edttt'ir Tî><î tflti ti' t'atue*s [>Dd's dnev Pilla. than lever before i0 the histlory of AI- lîiciti bil t kglu-os a faisetî iliprv'sîqîillerta, notwitbstanding the fact that ilf lîtuitîtîtes a lie t.' it Iliardý. IRi Iiiititet Lac SI'. .Jeatn. Que.- fn'jmers are offecirrg exceptionally île ta brittte. and t; iii lbreak» it- t-r Aiiit l 7th ipialM.Arthur high wages. klckltig againept a aItoe. aîd le IIP WllFleurie, wdtl knownt and highly re- Fred Parker. about 45 years nid,i fapit i it antid iIf lits lvgs 'liti apari spectt ihel'e, bas just Îssued a short, ivas instantly killed iat Indian Head lit to iii) d tiîiow kilîs IitIII lb' tncse ta imn iregard ta oDddi's wher. bthe firat division of C.P.R. train tiîl Ifaakd i t i a NNIîîîtch ltKidney P0l.'its tle as follows: lNo. 1 Irom bMontreal atruck the wag- toiltfcareskf o.sit P) n rteuîyeq tpii -I have found that Dadd's KidnPY on Chat ho u.as ridlng. anid 11u'tflillv t-ealed.Ilho la second iiil)' Pilla are an excellent remedy and that iThse scisool cilîdren of Calgary arel tii lit'Mill te u a btw pt i cii-t hey cure kidney disease, rheuuaatism to present a complete set ot colora to, - -* -andtti indjgesblon.* the S2nd Overseas Battalion. The Mr. Fleurie bas rcid1uhbene.- presentation will taile place on Vie- Ilow "l.loyd'a" Begain. fit f rom Dadd'a Kidney Pîilla that ho taria Day.t good fortune o! others. Hot Bottio"-fltea ute It laosmade of metal nickel plated, o! a cosivenient sle. Simply bell tise "Tlsermor" for tan minutes oniy (ne langer) andi lt tys bot fer full twelve isours at an even temperature o! 125 deg. Recommendeti by -pisysi- e lans on aceouit e! tise steady heat and i mstary metal cas._ No trouble - ne fllli±ug - no dange of meadla tehebadà-- ne 1.)u: tosandi one umIn-eu, suci asNeuralgia, Là Grippe, Èhou»ma1t, Neu- *Ùit isnmmatign-1n faet aU .aciseand painsi,-tise "Thermor" las invaluable.As a bod-warmew sud a toot-watmer Il bas ne 111%i «Terior" measre. 8 W' acroasandi la 13*-tlsick 'rot 1 wetgbs lesu thau a iliâ two iurt rubber bottie.ý TÉS priela $4,00 sent Post*paldt an*.eand .sold uuder au abi tlute guaftntee tromtshie mûk. nIIgb-caa. reprmsutatfrea !,"ted Jn Msots.turtorius #MLDN GÂTE XMNWÂV Kultur. Thse tollowlng remarisable lettel lias b-cen recelved b-y an Engilis pro- femelonal mass tram a Germait nov in Hamburg avis lived for smre pears ln Englanti anti vas on tersaseticlase frlendmsip witb this particular Eng- Ilshman. Tise letter reacheti Englanti b-y way o! Italyt- Dear Mr. -, 1< is corne ta my knowletigo that pou have b-cen msak- lug laqulrleinlavariaus quartera con- cernlag me anti my wel!are, anti I have ta tel peu tisa, despite our oId trlendship, there can neyer again b-e any sort cf comnmunication betaveen us, eltiser now or visca the war la over. 1 do not deny tisat durlng me stap la your country I receiveti mucis kîinesa aI yaur handa, but pou, as a Britims citizen, muet bear pour miare et thse responsiblllly for your caun- try's Iafamous attempt ta shatter anti destrap tise greattness of Germany, andti ierceore 1, as a truc German, muet forget ail peruonal benefita anti muet regard you, just because pou are an EnglIshman, witis an ali-conquer- Tise history of tise last haît -century abisolutrely proves that ail hope tor the future et Europe lies ln tise Sanda et my country. Russie le Asiatie and barbarous. France andthe tis uer Latin ç9untries are décadent, En; landti lu ean-souleti and trIvIal. Onty (iermhany realizes tise possbilltisa« Io-morreW, and oausp Gormany la èao- mble o! protectiug civillzatlon froM tise future inevitable onuslastgbts frets tise eat. Germaup'O amazlng pro- greesnisas a*akeneti the enemitp o! ber aelghbera, and tii- vas tisaI un- mlty anti cary tisat matie Ibis wS? 1neitable. Tisera was ne reason for Grest Drltainla lnterfem-nce. 'Your states- men protessed llp-frentisip to ,us. UP Ibôthé lisaI omient t Edwati Grey led un te 5.11eve tisat CGrat grt- ain wocld remalu netitral. Tison w*si# wo were embrolleti vilS bots - Rauta auid Frane pou site iet v m eus n- esules. U3atred i et' st. Neyer lintise blstory et tise vozl bias a ûîatlon ati varl fôt a bisams cause, and -tie-batrqdtbat w. ba4e for, Çrea*t Brtatnuinathe fbatred , abat for unasiupnbora, pettitOggbeg s pmss tisaI s#hoi*I glt lu kid *love ffl s -*b, i t'h leo h -ner t'-Bmon a ut thbi en à altüysnbien uot0d' rw. n e umkoch ged 11 hif kn Iet th'~etan arei barlofthe w« Id~~~ tia.Je oli bitent IthogisGre the déspsrt.! or4AIl uerbltasstdî aaUpon tis le liio i tise price o!filîsir maslaîn. They Aus-.-e f ranteti mil it Macedonia, Tho@umanmud 1-mlb% -M et usyrna, andi perapi more. Thi AI-. h otnmt ad ee chaffered. wlistissue for a lbs ime, tinally fouud tisatItIlwould b i ee btdb ioM- heaper te tilaregard thibelaimseue.s- m q rely. They took possession o! Os- oiii, whlsh Orsi.. bati rietly me- lureti, andi have matie Il a @trons ib triumph oL lise Allies, andi art cîmop*Qi m .. larnorlng for. cosidSrton l h @ictise wtt.lemint. On tise othir isanti, tise .nies are novSelinq tise Greeks tiaI ley have overdidti iemmelves; tisI they avoulti net help vison Ibsir balp ras a! sanie value, anti nov tbey ff s'TO D eot needeti. They vl bave no conT U T T I ldt'raion wviatever luitht' settlement 'his le usually thse way vits min Who GOSPEL 0F HATE are tee amart The Spaniuis proverb s 1t, "1tisaimore foues thasasise' ikina are <sien te tise tannera.» REMARKABLE LE'1'ER FROMA GERMAN. %assde Edatrneulfor sale everywbfe - -4 Epistle te An Olti Frienti lnu nln I ceî,toiîi tdva.ntazest --Modern5 According tb Promise. Ntirse'08es ý1y eqta1ped-. ClanS "Cengratulate me, Frcddy. Last Out 55 - ero ntmoutrwîiî unifortiis andi nigisI your ister promimeti to uaarry teet bhouk@ iii'er three rnotthaPra5 me." floriary pectod: 1 wo yea.ru éf- hiote sultuol reutured for eatrance. Fror fuell "Oh, se prosnlsed motiser ise' parti-ulars address Miss FrederitusIL marr ya log ae."flaIser, supe,rintriîde.nt of Nurses. <ltY marr 3,U*Ing go.1 Hompito, le lveland, Otuto. (IAN CEn, Tt'MORS. LUMPS, .E1TÇ.. Ooeuulfcd Eylld %,.,# Internal antd -externîd. curSfl wth- Ommsinfamei d C eut pain b>' aur h< ne trttineutit Write re icu n&cdbyex us before 100 iste. Dl'. hieltasan eca aut t Mi. ésiam <ýjý4>1ÎtdColi 1od. Ont. es r»d.w i osmartia, EMPî 7Bus Ées LLËEGR you Drus',mIg E11 omfoes .88Broadview Ave., Tronto# Ot.- touglor MurimKtysuotpce,,6 jrgit ie ony lelend Nearlag tise Limit. haehlsit aIl Tpavrter Keybosrtit Rer Father-Can you gîve «My U ae r altospealt tehrei daugister aIl tise littIe luxurles ti - w hicis ahis uaccustomed 1 O lier Lover-Not mucis longer, V've DOG;ý>" I E been dolng it for over a year now,W yeu knowi -Atid Hu te Feed Mlnard's Liniment Ca., Limited. Km , tH.!CAToL VEI. & V.' -Geutlemelr'-I had my leg badly LW5 IUIStS hurt,. t ain was very severe andi a large swellug came above the kue& eib u a 1 expected i t would bue serlono-! lrtib- bed t ith tsMINARD's LIIENT whlch utoppedti îie pain. anti retiucedil Iu ie sweilleg very quilky. 1 cannot speak tee ily of MtNARD'8 LINZ- <? I? MENT. -AMOS T. SMITII. port Hooti Island. .BautMy daugisterihas. censented tot bcome jousr wlie. Rave you llxed thse day o! 1h. weddlngl" q' wi 1,avé th"aIt. be«." si "'Wlit Fou bave- a cisurcis or a prl- vatKor mIirti ded lmi" i W h ae Y* o Il#* ,.on?,, 1 ikh la the Ow'bei nwe 1 eoiS j 1: ~ i t e!.' ltbe Loudon DaiIy Mi's Amster- USOIT, thse wasdertul uew sokin' f<oi Iamh corresPondeilt esys thet white- 1 wrinkle chnrs - eo q e the Kaiserhs wis vislting a Ber'lius LW ev. wrMba nitic heapital, mise stidremetia sufferrsg FA "fh bsu~ l o hit lm soldier ina atenderly solicitous ma-- aMd ,'eperstiy ' hil, aplemu ne, r 1usdta donsider fi aimest "Mty goèd feilow, 1 hope things are 1- t la oni eeeayta rulî a taw drop i going better w1th ybu to-ay." if us t o .board betore latlherfrîg Tise mans replied: 11 o -nly hope it avilI ;ô eniay att eaasY, qulek ahave. be going'-as weli avitis yenandI your fl1SIT* penatlasa tata thse pores. Bof <enu %mesi as It la gaina wlth me at t<bis LTe Wa'd jea g , a c uin, clos Tise K aim eri n a gg r d n , se- 1l'U SJ IT' k nd t o tender 5ahi. T her (-l cording to a report current-in Berlin, tira Sistm a or uol'eaesafti er shacu ut' Otvs thse face àaflt efeelng of stnotlt- avas led tram tise ward almoat swaen- nesa and fsaahneaa. ltsg. Tise salier Io believed to be an: 1tugT,'"prevenîs, drynexa oft he ukF'r Irrecancllable Social Dentocrat. Iauied by axomur* ta excegoive wids. - ~ 'Acepi no substitut. WarWeay l Genau. ~ Sd6oCto-day far a trial baIlle-sou f. WarWeay I Geman. t-lIent for osier six weers' ud. Profeacor Patrick Hmgeland, a pro- VU MAKut?»AGVtTEWe GOMwPANY minent Savedisis doctor, wrltlng 0on 4'785onceeueàvea»s, -hrecent experlenees lu Germany, !%NO uays tisatInl Berlin "1there was over thé whole population an Inde- 9USDc POTAT'DO18 seribable expression o! war-wesrl. s En POTATQELS. IRISH COB- nesa," while tise-troupe af moîdierm e ksbleu:z. Delewara. Carman. 0r- der ai ors..e. Su ly lmtted. Write for. emw 11presented a concenbrateti picture quataîtonam.I. W, Dawson. Prnmptnn. of mental and bodily exisaustion." AUISr=M - 6 - 1F A T O R Y R O L tt R , CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION. Cui Sîîas'ting ng. rP)eoGae L . u fi rire on yîîur requirement%5 Alta., writes:-"Two, of my babies àxw nn.uTU. were very mucis troubled with con- E~SN FORTE> 'e WO(OD)WORK- supation andi 1 trieti severai remedies .M.U. bufactory; stee.dy work. Appty wlthout succema. A ueighbor ad'rlmed utatnvus«ý and rsperieeU. lhe tienir me te try Babym (>Os Tablta andewr C. .ifaatnO théy w*rmcol aatisfactoipl taI Bow 1] NTED - i.ATI!IAHI!H wanA Fittere. Toolnialt,là#15 would use notà.lng els.." ise Ta blets t aperl'%oru experientsî5 un thse îarger a El nover fail to cure constipation and ulslîs Phone or vl ce atcttoltaPYe- they mal87be gfren 10 lthé yongeml1 t.àrg e & on -aOnt..Lt child avili perfe tefty. They are !___________à____ sold by medile dealors « by mail at Ïwwsw Mn r om sa=~ 215 cente a box frets The Dr. Williams ir-OlrIT- ,MA<1N#J NEMWO AND Jb 3 Medicine Ce., BrockrvilIe, Ont. F off icesi for as i u oo4 Ontarlb, -- - *.. - tan. Thse mat %sefU ll ti t 8etitg- If you are in a isurry svoid the ai at buto Mue. Fip cO'mibn 5 tra!n cd tisought. pan Y. 73 etAi 1ý 1 rato il

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