Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 8

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Our Cr.~~et BROOKLIN. ,!Fhe -lethodist . Church CIîolr will Iead the congregation In apecial soag servkte on Stinday evening. IL la 'the Prqgrees of Bunyon's Pligrtl n lusang oLtd-istory. lirs. C. W. E-llioti spent a few days with ber mother'in Clareinont. MiesaÉ. hlatemian, of WhuIt.yapent a few days with fniids here thjs wek. vIsllng wiîii Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ('aak- Mismri. red anîd Rd. Mcflrti, of -Oshawa,. w o niilte village on Satur- day. 'VTe Patiot ic eagtto of Wlîil hy by Towiigliip wa orgaitized on Oclo- ber 19, 191. .l Ints' bniisment of ts'ý mlethIodimi thîtrclt, Brooklu, wiith the' toliowl n tg coltcîrR. liloi. Pre8lden la. Itevs. Foh-'y.lHaig 1111(1Met'eaîî Pro's Ident. tDr. Jolinî Moore; Vit-e Premldi-tut, Wi, n. r-tclteeordliig ,-;'bri"lary, Nirs. Normait Wltp:L': or. Sec.. iss olvî'rrens,, Mi-. bMcNely. Titr lo*It~ ~n ~ ê*u ~ s. ~ cite be the Iemgu.1top ooaW A. V»lUotti tuliUo? loft, t ài-oiîa<r lslI ett Me IMM t. tm gsdlbr o e US dé' ý é.Cpbl., 4re. *à a was appointe& t. her pl.e0,"da b siaSx boxes of clethingi qut,,otç., ïyal' filledi that. position Mout amDepbly ugd et $190. 10. paritie Wuâi-towa aince. lThe PatriOtie r ung'Co41mitee 1'*tOPt5,128601, 0 4'- qdCrOdSStt waa *Obl' ni oiaut6t Isf '.tôwnhip, lis , beideit gromtg witlî ~ ~ ^eÉ KatWbrascneor, Who f rom Councl ef $387.23. Work sent also haà held MA êpositiOh Up: te the awaY-1,000 pairs Of IqeILB, 211 BshirtS, preseiti timéià aeddoue eRclie.t work. 81ïacUtà. es Pairs OXf *ristlete, # chol- The Secretary bas reeorded tweiàty- era bell, 9 s;leeping, caps, t0'niýbt five reguls.r meetings a.nd two spetlal shirts, 9 pairs b40 socka, twà quilte. meetings. The meetings bave ýn Besidei these& there,' weré, eji baud-' iîel ln the Maaonic Hall. Broklin tiges, surglca lu'sitiga, tiloutti wtpea, Metîtodist Churcli basement, Ashburn 'lospîtal handkerchiefs, and twô barrels Preebyterln hurCli, and -Myrtle <if fruit. Meihodihi Chîîrch. with as blgh an at- Mrs. Rose and daughter, Betty, spent tendance as flfty, and never lens than several daya In Toronto luit week. ten, At eacli meeting the conveners Mrs. Waiker %,a.s called ta 1Toronte of diilî'rent cornmittees gave reports te attend the funeraI ef Mr. }Itgh antd the' rkgular businpss was transact- Walker, wbe wus killed by a street car ('4. tî severtîl me etings a program la. Detroit luit week. The deceased ,%asa r"tdered and te communîty wlil was a son of Mir. J. B. Walker, known ait1,4ys ho Indehted to Dr. John Moore Mo înâny oe, belng an old Brooklin '-ho gave excellent addresses on -L.ord beY. - îcetr"'Titi' BritlithN'avy." "Auîs- t rîut nît t-, i<itery of Consallnt 1- toi-.andi ht-ides ilitese maus tilm-ays rt-ad~ w il itformiat( bu toîcernlng titi w rk f iut-litivt c lagiite ld <-vtýiuts lrelatig Iotfl(ts'w-n-m je i eoe New For EASTER New Collars for the ladies.' New Ties for the boys and ma~ Fine Ne-w Stock ofiRats and-tTtàpàs just to hand for Easter, BrookllnOt qeil uiâ f F l roo Aguts adprmese wh ý trsngfomed into The truth et tixS statement liasbecs proved in tbOusaqdu ef cases qf IndIgestion, Dyspepsiît Torpid Liver, Constipation, KJdney and ]ladder Troubles, 8kin Diseame, Rhcumatlin, Neuralgia snd Clhuioi Ileadaches. The enormous sales of 'Fruit-a-ti'res,o are the beât proo'i»fietf th value of thifii meddé. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial site 25c. At dealers or sent peatpaid on receipt of urice hi, Wrikoêtin t.,nfn it.a 'L Oit Tuesdàly evening of lant week the FI "' iUAt.(t JL55 choir of the Whitby Baptlet Churcit, 20 'strong. rendered tîto heauti-ful nar- ular meeting of- the Prcsbytery ln rative entlîed 'Asleev agits lPost, or Whitlby on Tuesday of this week. 1tibe Stbiniie of a Sister's L~ove." un- G(md we are tat sprîng han came, der he tisice ofthe nca Re Cess1h at sap Iff runnlng, and that no dusl te ('omminiltlee. ituthe Muelioiist Chutr hloî otlterwise more than sap l(ev, 1 . A, Mcan led te service, teil. Nvould b;e found in some palis. Ing lte atory, white Mr. E. W. Evans 'lite social everuing given h)yte con- condtied lte choir itrotîgît the maîty gregatlo f Bmirs' Chuitrch, Asltburn, -ltoruses. Mr. Evas cerlainiy bias his on behalf of the yo'utg mna of the choir weill raliied. "ite attdiencewbictn colnmunlty wiio bave hîcard Ihelr colin. w-as fartnf00 anall enjoyed thorougly- try's caîl anid donaied the khaki. was tut' whloe concert. Titose w-l iamssed Pheasatît liideed 10 Lite large gath- it, nissed a-rare treat..The tmembers ering who assembed ta manifest thteir of thie lied (Crosas srved lunch after' interest and assist iln making the the concert. 'nst evening Profitable. The poster, Rev. Mîr. P.LNaNs lia satarted ai Mr. Jolinston, ptesided, and lntroduced teaniig aîtd cartago lbusiness. Sce the different nimbers on the prograin. bis local elaem-here. The Chairman gave a bniraîmîine of Mrt. and lirs. Ed. Jeffrey. of Toren- lte work of te Red Cross Bran-ch, ta, %vere boere attending te funeral of wlitcb had raised $100 since lait Sep- the fortners mother, Mrm. Win. Jeffrey. t enber. and had kait 150 pairs of Miss Darolby Vipond. who han beetu socka, besides making many other use- clork In Mn. W. M. Lawrence@ store fui articles, sucb as shirts, quille, and for the pasit ew yeara. bas Ieft, and face-clotlis. WP are glati la say that Miss Minnie Colill lias taken ber seme ef our very little girls helped place. -willtlngly withî thie ace-ciaths. On lie- lit. Ge>odnow bas his new garage ln hait et the maembers ef the lRed Cross rend iness for work, Iltanch, Mr, Jobpston presented the Miss Mayes and Miss Blight spent soldiers with a parcel each. Through the week-end wlth frienda la Whitby. soune overaighl on the part et the mani- Mr. Archie lilight, of Oshîawa, spent tîfactuners; the pinîs fer eacli man con. Sunday at bis home hers. taining the' Word Aghburn. with Maple lit. F. L. VanNest wishes te an- boit Inset, did net arrive ln time te nounce te the people eft Breoklnanad be presented that evening. in a few vicinlty that lie la prepared te do ail weIl cosen wof-ds the ebairmanait a- kinds of teamlng, movtag and general dressed thbe soldier boys. RefreshMenîts cartage. - were hîeartily partaaken ef and a good The W.M.S. of lte Methedist Church social timetlndulged ln, atter which a will held their banquet on Eiter Mon. aumber of familiar- sud patriotie airs day evening, April 24. The speakers were gung.- led IW Mrs. Whitney. et for the-eveninq wilI be Misses Cbeney Torento, and the singtag et the Nat- iud Creeker. ef Toronto, aasisted loal Anthemn broughut the close et a by our best local talent. Corne and sit very pleasant evenhuig. at the table decorated for the month lun- which you were born. Admiastea, aA ped W toR uc cent fer every twe years you are old; A plndd waýyt Rdc wepromise you l will nover bo told; .ies e~t but 1< tee long you've 6een alive, we'il f.empnmmàeojetigha b. matiMed lwith 26.osL. s fer. 41)àuno, psuthine muclu Mm-sw. a swrence spenti severai as the hurrîble tn1uf4o! oneon days ef lait week ýu Toronto. Pte. te put tà teenulbh eight ifter wo Keith Lawrence returned homne with have reached the âge et 26 or 80. ow ber fer Uic week-end. ever iYoung Our îfa.. may appeau- Our The regular Meeting ofthé .Woums Thé e us aof*ay.v" Wuf .i Inatitute FIlI be held at the home ef that our stomaobs Son-vert thi el 4- e Mrs. Th«o. Hall on Thursday, Aprii Oit Intô ftt boauaett1iere t.t enough 27, ut 3 o'clock. SubJect-Demonstra- pereio tatin-o i=tueMs 0pide se dion on« T«a-blaisùby MLn t.Stain. # IS.Tio 5 W»,, y Useattyls ton and Miss Viola Lewis. Everybody geOM «Udrtist uj.Uo-*te l 'suborne. ecapsulonlm u Ûatki one a«tereai Mr. Jas. Luke hu'iratumeil trom bis trip te Uie Norti-'west. -ne roporté, tom<w. aye» IRuai beÙM p truii hs.vint hal à fsi a-insd good ps-Ilas fodynM ut and u4 the. uusti dis for th~ e rseho uold. 00dIos -he, tity tigi ntram bit. Gorge ilteu. t Kingston.,yjgvie. b~Wh i u b l 4Uil lmo lut the vilflge tis-weeh.<l' asb POU" .4 4;. Y':. '7 li otrpS ib a rnth w1th- ber daughter' nSaMi iton. - 9. . NO. 2, WITBlt. ýThe troge first concert ef 'the - s- son, held a few evenInge ago, was duly appreclated, Iinasmuch as It te an atb. oritative annouincement ôf'the arrivai of sprlng. Miss Gwendelyn Wallace and Master Stpyvie spent the week-end in Toranta.1 Weather 'conditions being favorable, ?desàrs. Wm. a.nd Mark Arksey tapped some of thier maples and bave made several galions ot. deliclous syrup. Mark Holliday, wbo lias been a resi- dent of thiis section for thirteen years. bas moved Io the Base Line, where be will live with bis son. Mr. Holliday la foilowed by the best wiahes of the whole community. Mrs. Arthur Coakweli spont Sunday recently aI Mr. Wm. Arksey's. While seeding la not acttially In pro- greas, the farinera are btîay getting ready for If. J. J. Fllzpatrlck has secured the seed for forty acres of peastos aho grown on lus farm on te fourthi con- cession. Iie 450 newly hîatched chicks uqt ClIon Ihu tire ait exeoüdlnigly preti slgtit. Hiindreds more tire expectc-d ii lte course of itue nexltwmo or thirvec weeks. Coîgrati - hation 10 Mr. anîd %ra. III'. Hoar, both forinerhy of tlits section, on the birtît of i boir litihi datigit 1er on AprIl Slh. ALMON OS. Miss Brigham, of Toronto, spefnt Stinday witlî Mrs. IL. Hall. Miss Jean McGregor Is visitiîug wili ber auntie, Mrs. Anderson, of Toronto. Mr. Joe Ashby lias purchased a new driver. The Epworth League heid their ami- nual meeting on Tuésday nigbt. These oficors weroe lected :- Presîdent, May I)tîîigman: Ist Vice-Pres.. Gertruîde Kenip: 2nd Vico-Pres., Mro. F.T. Rows'; 3rd Vice-Pros., Lois Baisdon: 4th Vice- Pres., Harold Ailman; Secretary, Mabel Balsdon: Treastirer, A rthutr Wilson: Organist, R. L. Morcombe; anal., A. Rich ardson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mearegor were In Toronto this week. We think If la about tIme the Look- ount Comm(ttees of the chiorchea of Whitby were iooking alfter the young of their town and net allowing them le lie flahIng In eut mIdst on Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rodd and fam- ily spent sunday at Mr. Wm. Oke's. Mrs. F. Harrison visited In aur midst on Sunday. Miss Violet Dickle has returned home after apending a;week with rela- tives la Oshawa. Despondeflcy and tUec "Blues," Us- uu.ly the reuit ofoetipation, quickli quccumb to Rexail Orderilea. Sohd only by Rexail Drug Stores, 15c. and -25«. boxes. A. H. JUlin. KINSALE. The Kinsie ]Brdneh of the South On- tarie Womid IndOitite wifl meet at W. F. DISNEY, D1)11 UGMES OFFE RS COLORS TO 136TJ1 BATTALION. Dr. James L. 'Hughes, of Toronto, a Ihtrhain ('otinty old boy, at a recrult- ing mîeting ln Port hlope on Satirday n igiat, annottnct'd ihat hé wotild ho Iplieased to presit thde colore to the 13611 D TurhîamIlIai talin0o1 lis beilig raised to fulil strî'ngth. -o. Smnart gratefttlly acce;iîcl lthe offt'r, and ais- sured Dr. i igthea thai ivt'ry effort W01tticI he maîde' incomtplete thi' baitl- loti at t hi' arlieat posaihie dati'. rhe ai rei gt h ow st andsaut 702. ('hiti' of advertlaements for thi- antîvd In future tînfless copy I-A recelve<i on 'Itiosday. How's This ? We offer one Hundred Dollars Reward fat any case of Catarrh tbat canuot be cured by Hall'. Catirrh Pure. Iliai!.' Catarrh Cure ha. een ta qten bv caîarrli suuterers for the peat i lry-five years, and lbas becomne knova 'a the moaî reliaable renedy far Cat.rri,.Fliait'. Catarri, Cure acta thru the Itload o ihle Mncous surfaces, expélling lthe P-310 fon tmhebBlood anmd hening i.h e diseased oortlons. After 01, have taken Hall'. Caltarth Cure for a shorti hue yau wll "e a great lmprovemeut lni yaur eneral Itealtit. Stait ta.. n g Hall,$ (1attirriî pure at onîce anîd getIlId et caîrlit. send fort eattmanlaia, free. P J. CHIENEY A&CO., Taleda, Ohio, Sold by a11 Druggalats, 75c. S.'~. NO.6, WH[T13Y TOWNSHIP, The following la the report of S... No. 6. Wlltby Township, for the month of Mtarch, 1916: 1IV. Class. Maximum, 1020.-Maud Kiveil 890, 29 stars; Ethel Whîite 738. 15 stars. Gertie White 662, Il stars; Etta Wlîlte 464, 5 stars, Sr. 111. Class. Maximum, 929.- F. Balla.rd 413. 8 stars. Jr. lit. 102ô.-MeIville B3radley 797, 26 stars; Regaf e Stapleton 513, 28 stars; Velma Bradley 441, 9 stars; O. (Iascoyrie 270, 12 stars. Sr. Il. 1020.-Kathleen White 811. 35 stars; Mable White 806, 29 stars; Theara Kiveil 768, 21 stars; Harvey Ballard 684, 16 stars. ,tr. I. 920.-Bernilce Whlte 688, 27 stars; Olive Thompsen 613. 29 stars; ,Alice Gasceyne 270, 12 n'la. 1,-Nohnau Thempswî Si, 16 stars; mdt earneAid8,Ita4 Primer., - Ralph aya*.rd., ladys T1lmrnai Albert T ua * Ada R. leep, Teachor. Whitby, Ont. Tiiere were 22 blrtho, 13 marriages and .27 deaths in Cobourg durlng the pasi three monthe. SPECIAL ONE WAY FARES TO PA- CYFIC COAST POINTS DAILY UNTIL APRIL 14fb. Those contemplating a trip te pacifie C'oast points, inciudinig Victoria., B.O., Vancouver, lIC., seattie, WaBb., -port- land, Ore., etc., should ccrnsuitcana- dan Paclflc Ticket Agýeyits tor par-ti. coilars for low fares ln éffect dalIy until Aluil litb. 1LEGA4J J740. E. FAREWELL, K. Barrinster, County Crown Aýtoriey me Oonnty Solicitor. Offce, south wlng Court Hoeuse, ltbr A. E. CHRIFAN serriater. soilclter. Notor" Pubiw. Etc. Offce, Brook St, ODD. StandardBaiOL 6. YOUJNG MITVH. LB At dwelllng houie opppste mathomla Churcb. No witneusas requlro DEINTAZ. Harry J. Huidson, D.S., L.D*. Suceseor to W.,'MéaYBL Office, Dundan Street, 1 Opposta. Pô*~ Offce. Bell phone 1; i. 64 Es W. Sisson, d.06&,Lela Dental' Psrlors ovei AitsdIU store. Offle -bour&-O te 1Z, 10 to - O0116e over W. M. Pnug1*ý hairdÏr~atbger, -i s I 'q - e #ji~ Dodge Br others IWoMétOr '-Car Before you buy a car, viçdt our warerooms and în4iCCtt ûis car, We have a fulli une of farm machinery .on É"ànd. Carriages,- Wagons, Etc. 1%6t d"a oeurs-l la, the vuifl- *tuet Wskh.la his* r ysr. Es b.d bd«u Mi fou t*a W l t pneu.D mSona pr e t «bist. -,E. vwsth* Ssii, mai balbxaresidmp t 8e b e ast bmb ~ le"ab* anb~o'.Mvs

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