Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 2

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ri4woeTW t ___________ t t. I 't t' à. 4 't 5eleos.îuw. : b ~b oom-IaêjtW WM eu, wâ.,df t$ en th* *Utes. uu*W oie tte ap ;111*te 4e i tui * u hei W~b.ue~b viienpot4t.in l" et,* ubrçt aréellîr tOeAâ*ny varieties of bngfeti b ua beexi conduetod at the Â-grk ultum attom V!owf n ntbe faimaor0f1k Âordiaig te proeut production ,Coliege ln teutfnlg under ulmitai cSn- tarlo. ThIR la one ot the gmmeatsi Mdi UhlIUmtloi i Ontarto frein tWD. ditions potatoeaobtalued froindifferent weuemln the. patate lndustry -of t>P4*e to tbirty people or frein Oive to sources. IFor Instance, .Ighteeu luts of the Province. It 1s a defect thut sheuli six famille, a"emuppll.d Wtt. Petatees Empire Blute potatoes veresecurmi remedted uanswon au posuible. It On- for one y.ar frin an average acre cf frcm eLghidifsreag soures. ve4na-t e ýwould -ooufln.hermeif ..tea few-tf Iioiîwhïteh thé tarner plants wiUth t. Province of New B3rUnswiok an thrèe'tii. beit varietles of potatoos, the n trop. An likerea.ort ltty per «eut in in Ontario. aesi potatoeu grow*n a. nusi croit would b. lncrea.sedln yleld. 0 ylelO voM u n en1011 11 fam lnIDthe bout on.hudrd and torty mile. in quallty, and ln tommercial va)u& ameant O cptatees Inoil u a neach 1forth of Guelph lu Muskoka district, Teesr vroetcsu ae QX r -jml aue bfot ii friec Can da lu ahéear au t wnst avre ae ot f land sumlclent to suppi>' near the Muskoka Laites, have given a varleties of potatocu ln North Anermca, Mu»d dke 1 b: y beincreggrd metde U dkteat m about oe edomen people frtw.lve ghry.....per acre ta toe oai-and ftilIy tour hMnreTbav bBURoiW" lL=*-6e purtcularly Mected la tsvas ut utg."-HoN npia.In ýmoot yearu Ontariolom- e d froin uny other sourc in eaeh of groWn under experiment ut the On- B a.ili MJ(.pr -of,ÂgrrMwIhar. Dot. potatoes £rom the Maritime Prov. Qi. four yearu ot this experiment. Beed tario Agrîculturul College. May ef nces, sud ut the. present tîme a part pýtatoee grown In cool, molet limat. tii... are gulte Inferlor, even though of eut1 suppl>' Ite onlng frentheii wbîeb prevents maturlty, are often su- the>' have been extravaganU>' adver- Province. of Aberta and of British perior to thoée whlch have ripeued ln tised: saine are old varletles under new THEK POLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE BASED ON REPORTS CONTAND I ColumbIL. Ontario lu weli adapted teI a bot. dry clmate. Immature seed naines, anid eomiparatively fewa"THE AGRICULTURAL WAR BOOK. 1916," PUBLISHED BY TH the production of potatoea ot excellent poatq are usually Infertor for table worthy of gencral cultivution bythe qualty. snd should supply ut least ber unse but furnlsh excellent seed. Pots- firmers of Ontario. If these few were DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE. OTTAWA, ONT. own demande. tees grown in Ontario ln a compara- grown to the exclusion of fuli>' clghty 1%e potato crop of Ontario couid betv«ly cold, wet season like that of 1915 per cent. of the kinde now under culti- IL Ve -elr»@C-Th hrdand flocke of Europe DAIROYUNG-Hme con.umpt2O f ikut deeidedi>' and Peonomlcally improved are llkely to be of good .quality for Yatlofl better results woîîld be obtalncd, have been grêatly reduc-ed. When the war is over and cheese ha& increas.?d of laie yas.ie a b>' a more general use of pure. well plant lng. providing they are f ree from whether lte potatos were produced for thr wiit.be a grea t dentand for breeding stock, demande for cheeee have leen ulmtd h bred seed of a few of the brut ver- dîneuse. Tuber. showlng dlsceoortion home use or for commercial purposes. C~1aadie fariners shouîd keep this in mind. Canadian cheese exporta f rom MoY el n11 ________ _ Seine of the variettes ot potatoe l 110e vrti mpre fA ere neariy 86,5W0,000 ovef 19.Prcet _______-- - - which have been prominent lu th. ex- E T.e.J OIO:7 rti pio Montreal - Cheese : Ja nuary 1915 6. 01 pertinents ut the Ontario Agricultu-mi tons of beef,, mutton and Iamb, of wbich 361,245 cent. ; January 1916, I9ý4to14 eta College and ln the co-operative expert- tons cam frm withmat the Empire. Out Ut' Butte: January 1915, 124 to 8 cns mentuthrouhout ntaro aret.. u»- ~ 430,4W0 tons of berf only 104,967 ton@ came from .anuary 1916,'2t 3cns pire State, the Duvies' Wurrtor, the tbEIPle Rural New Yorker No. 2, the Green The demande of the Allies for f rouen beef, £QGS-Canada produced 30,O0,O wrho 11-l tMountuIn and the Carmait No. l'of the canned bWe, bacon and humnevii increase rather eggs in 1915 and helped out GreatBiani h late, and the Extra Early Enreka, t.e than diwibd.h. Ordere are coming to Canada. uhortage. Shippere us veil as proueehv Early Ohio, and lb. Stru> Beauty or lne decreuslg tonnageepace availible wiîî gave dtyadnoprtntinhligalceu T h li.. Triumph of the earîy vurlettes. Canada au advantage if we have the supplies. that market. In appearance there lu a slmtlarlty b- tween the Green Mountain and the WRITE TO THE DOMINION DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE AND[ O VU Delaware vurleties and ulso between PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENT FOR BULLETINS ON THESE SURJCT the Extra Early Eureka and th. Irish Cobbler varieties. ln the expert- o rmente ut Guelph, however. the Green Tene of thoueands of ('anada's food produccre have enlised and gone to the front. It iruanyfirbt Mountain and the Extra Early Eureka thut their home work %hall be kept up as far as poesible. The Empire neede ail the food that ecnrdc Y OU wvi1l find a gripping detective story inl gave the: beat reaults ln yield per acre, in 1916. 1 the NI a y number o f MACLEANS Irotable three adl rieeofoaoe PRODtICE MORE ANI) SAVE MORE SAVE MATERJAL-S FROM WS .NIA (IAZINE-"i3ehind the Bolted DoOr"-by whielh have made particularly good re-' AELBU FIIN SEDMNYWSL Artur -E. N-Fiirliiiie. Fll of piv stery, tenBe ith cords in' the co-operative experirnente î,ee '.alv vvitIi action, passiflg stranige in Plot throughout Ontario ln productIvenes. THE GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA aniiîieît ii >fi1g1ni1lwl.tprgap fteî. table qualit>', and populurlty wttb the ajj (INbafin inilte gi prgrp o tb lt experimenters are the Davtes' WarrlorTH DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE TRIE DEPARTME-NT 0 IAC <I iiiuerasd th. Empire State of the late, anld 'TIisMu 'aî1:îî strvif; but oTW, of îîîany ""pecials" the Extra Early Eureka of the earl>' .-y- iii the MavNIMA'EAN S8-aîî issuie realiv remark- varioties. and lnsauving, ln practtctng a wise UXBAIDGE. We have beadcniebetikl able for il- ligli qutlity, wt witnc he olnw'r1gWftft. 1 In the avercogey, we mu notfbeidotheasvmrcb An amuslng Incident occurred ut a town about Bat1 o qupet 'I'î Ite îîIluhjîor> arie, itq you will recogniv.e, a mout eelpuonsi tle rw uteyus10,10,as the soldier ln the trenchea. who la weddlng lu St. PauI's Churcb -of Eng- despatch fromnOtw.dtdArlSd coliiptiiiy-ttie bi, knowii of Canadien writerR. o e.rtl i oaocoeu exercistng thut divine quallty of offer- land one eventng lat week. Soei.sattu the Goetma upîe RDITORIALS ST: olleg, rothe uvies' W ro the xr ngMhie t.foris friend, but W.e hs.1l, stor>' goes, tb. groom wa a member ail neceanar>'ejimn froesa Artitr E.McFu.iaaiSir Herbet A alyErkusdLi,îryB aututleasîtoesome extent, show a becoin- of theIi. 1tb Buttallon. and hie coin. units. In ti trcAurilbs tel e LeMcoclag. W. we produced thee umulleeat, and the. EarI>' ng appreciation of the extsting order rudes of the bugle band dectded to ser-nmbroolcrserqotduth NeleLMcln . .Jmsof' attie n hslqposbet nd i t h hrh h ossubject, some syu h oeuel RoberI W. Service lames L .Hugie.Rose, the Beaut>' of Hebron'sud ti ie n hsI sbeto erue payh lm h h'sc Taii. be oysdôs not provdal .ncssreaa Aptes C. Laut P. Dtwuuy Early Oio the largest p*rcntagcs of every' man, b. he iawyer, doctor, mer- meepatgIvl'nui uad h And next isuue (JunOe, the OrsI cf ARTHUR SrtRINGRfl- rotten PotatIIes ot ail the. varleties ciufaie r uoe.edificeud aounttug epon i. I",g the te sanILde.O Moa> îîew eiaI tory., 'irhe Anatemy ef Love." grown under unIforin conditions. - o ely wdsa a lte' rdseail oh. l tatemutswa: ulse etcetc il bas beeu tound te b. good practice To Reduce 'Your Weigh hirdsa>,tebid udKonthet uitG ae emndd >'oofrc to use smooth, well shaped, sound tu- .unkuown to them, tirough the rear G.O.Co Trntomltr'dsre bern ot goodse and vet telest vat, EaMily and Quicklv. entrance of Lhe building toeLtho étreet mealictu subctosfrrg telles. eau bç uthnd ; ub fy tecuec below. The>' were home enjoying a mna ud reup.tl ltcu M M s~~~~~~et trai,oo tw. @ertu oxgn wedding supper wile tii. baud pinlay uaiCd.cptb'prisin0 h set f c4 suet ad wlteIat the. Ciurch. Atter MultIla ç>ungi. epeaeaer liuefor h% "- --'-4%tl-owJratlt betug put Wlso the large crowd as-igyluobt-Jrn. Il ~ ~ 1m~&UOI~ ~44co la blngsembied snd paraded te the. home of litn %u n efe a tt re ç îh ic h ec or Qm e n d s il t o ll re a le r , te t ro w ti e fre h ly .ýc n Ut at " t$ M m fa t à t 4 e of m usece h e b rid e w h erc, as t c> ' sa> , th în g s A T T R A C T I E D N N A I tv-w n f îR v e v t s d o p a r t m e n t . é e i n o f n l rmn d l g , a t ý dg o u s c l e f t h e magaines thel rioficthse F thîlîg8 fe b Met. h È oue gels ýthe essence of niony mginfes. d>-pplflg thc pieces sepurately ficmrW po*er of tbýauood. To do ao u aita.Hmloto ala ore'raI'ejyb titi Mat Nuîberof oim f ~twclve ltotteen bitees par .In l.ta o1 n drglthed lfumiliarchLaruteMRa~man ansd1David liait a vlsit. otc"iigcr»e Ricli pron1~~~~~~~ ~ ms.nîY t-~ow ansd byha&vng lb. rcwa Wlt-ot rlnouysu iBrown, were uiî for breaches o! the. clall>'I itlb aaîs aii i entertainmrent aîîd profitible reading. A big 15 ceutet Wé eghtort- - luéesapatThe potto atsan sd lu capsule tom.and tuke liQuor aet. Whie under the. Influence Ing car, wicre b asneuasr More than you 'fimd lu a $1 jiO work of fiction. For' tub riesot cgto ht rm .~~ 14capsule aller eauh mes!sud casit. lte gentlemen proceeded te makce rougi of Lteiilghest ome fiinyi i laIVk00W nove>l, you eauhave twelvt ninmbers of M<CLELUfL8 sinie m ea 4e beu _r"- uxrWi i, ti Oi hlit rgeeo 1ehos t IeAriglnMte, Ti> ulnrIvreiechtes rvii4 lite eneoregement f Cautudan ilteraI=_ U dwrtturs. à L vE1 C"1amuge.Tte b.uu» aitssthMa iraitsatentMoteprincipl knowu a 'DIart, 8. s hil y-*' 'Ork, ibemai agexUOft lia decdd Lia l l lemre proitablele t bank up - the furnacee SturdIs? nlght Lia to tework thc men siv M daYS a week.i O)rilia la now lte biggest towu lu the Count>" cf Simece. 'the.Packet saJe Il -tu also lie prettîcet ud the buetest The. Murkhsfl Econom ast and Suis ,urgeii upon tbeii. llage Côuncil lie ne- .cessit>' of iastenling tic comPletiou Of th. woaterworkes ,îuhem. The Barrie Gagette MayÉ: "SInce the war started tie inateriala used fer gel- tiug out a newsitaper bave. advanced- enormouel>. Before lhe Kaiser gnited tîte powdr barrel te price of metu, whch la the composihion of ed, in and anhimny, andl le used on linoyte machines ho tasL Lthe lnes of reading mater, cost 8%4 cents a pound. IL bas advanced te 13 and 14 cents a pouitd. Press blaukets bave ,umped about 15 -per cent. Reolera have gone up 18 Per cent., Glycertue has rsen froin 19 te 54 cents a poud. Pper is away up. Chemcala and dyca for colored uIns ave advanced from 300 te 400 Per cent. Type foudere have Iuraeed prices 20 Per cent., and 50 il goca al dowu le lin." Furtieriioe, beavy sw.ll ke the Barrie edtors, have to py much mote for their cothes.- OrillicJ Pcukto 1An egg meusuriitg 61/g fruches ln cîr- cuiference one way b>' 8% lcheo the other w-ay, wus receuliy lad b>' a heu owned b>' a person lu Witby, wliO» bashfulntiss forbds publication of i@ naie. Tht'u golg some-for both egg sud bashfuliess. Hi1gb Seool Entrauce exuns. are et fr Jun. 21, 22 sud 2i. À1 At EveryAge, h contstipationl canlbea't be overéome by the ýt gentlebutourehtxative - d' witth e pleasant taste ca le id

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