Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 4

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i -~ TUIWD~Z ~P1tJL 21, 1916. .~-iuhUII . 01*5.~, .~sbsli'. W. b. MAI'4in L oekmïntea Cailtai Pald Up........... Ileser~m Fund sudUndleddProfil . 7,OO Trhe London Etiglant Brench tt tlo DOMINION BANIK a 73 COeNHIL1. LO. conducta Clndener&nnt atnd Forelgn lExchnge Braîneu and btu ample facllitea for Imlnies collcont Mid remittances trofn Canada. WHITAY BRANOH: -.D. TÊARYManaer. OSHAWAC.NHEW, THIEl PIRE SALLE!l M'hile amoketi goda. auci, as anuneti sairnon, cernPeu andi totatoeds, tbat tire perfect in quallîy, are beiag solti below est, semaet their neigliboru eu theaetilena tntbave arrived ti chhe ire, uymnpathetlcally oiefet te M riflie. theinselvesaaise. We, therefore. durlag the enauing week, WIU give bargaua in mmy Mmase uftouched by the fire. Sowres of broome bave leun sold. atsacriflos prias durlng tee paat week bocause ef umoke-iie inury by âre. Wé affli ha»' scores te soul from lOcUP. An ides et tee bargaina we ame offerieg may be had trous the quotatiou t a fow articles: Pirkages pancake ilour. uninjurotlusual prive 13u., maxt week, Te. ine. ammonia perfect for Te. 6e. ammonla, watered, 3 for 10c. 10c. cahsup net inureti, Se. 6c. 00w brandi soda, goo& i e. 6 boies (600 matches)8 for l0ot 15 tin bakins powder, new. 10&. 60e. Redi Roue tea, ,iew, for 40& 75t. baglutry, 110w, for <Se. 8i basa bot Manitobd4 850. BOAP UNTUCHED BY TU IMRE.l- Comtort aeap, 6 bars for 2" . Surprise soap, 0 "Mrqfor 36. Sun111light SORD. 6 barsfor lic. Taylor"s DOrafi 4P Sbaffl t« M Deltutl sap, 8 bars for 36e. Ceames uoap, 6benu fer 38e. 1 %ory SUDl 6 bars for lc 1T0BACCO8-Rosehud. Polo, Bobbs. StuE. Curre*À"iSKlng eOrge ail at 7e. per plue. ew vli s un ackges@f eled Oata, hilabtit injureS by wU..U&5.ab@m lt ifie.; or8pat:kag U &le wu Bt PRIE &cons ., t.. mz STNDRDIRI SOLflEtS TENJN A O Soonunt *a pscima i dýýad o BS?'S IBIS A Chicago Jutige ha ruleti that Wrancig Bacon wm'te the peemfi andi piay>s of Shakespeare. That setties the. Th xre Juraluk wye h Provincial Departmen.t of Education abeuld flot bea a share ot the cout of erecting a echool building, as weli as sharIng the coaI of maintenance of the schooL. The Whltby Board ot Educa- 'tien wouid effer ne objection te sucb a proposai. We hear andi read mruch about "siack. ers"-yoing men wbe do net enlist. What about the wornen lackers?'Thore are hundreds of wornen who de littie if anything ln the way et knitttng or sewing for the relief eft hose madie needy by the war. it is time the wo- man elacker was looketi atter. Orillin Pocket.- "i-rospereus townm mean greatiy Increased value for the farma ln their vicinity. Tiie larger the town the more vaiuabie tbe farrn prop- erty within reasonable reach. That la eue et'tthe many reasona why It paya the. farmer te heip te builti up bis berne town. The. lteresta of town a.nd counhtry are mutil, but tee otten this tact le net realizeti." The Increase Ln earuinga etftthe Ca- nadian Pacifie Railway trom July lot, 1915, te March 31, 1916, were $17,447,- 000 ever the cerresponding monthuet the preyious year. The. grosa receipta for the. perioti amouinted te $94,083,000. The net increaseetofeninge on the wbole Grand Trunk Systemn fremn Jan- uary 1, 1916, te March 31, was $813,000. This Incresse iu earnlngs speaka wel for tih. condition -cf business in.Canda ditrlng the war. The editer et the Toronto Saliîrdati Night laetftthe opinion that wars muet cease, lu this he la unlike the edito? ef The Courier, whe belUtties efforts te- wards universa peace anti ridicules the work et Dr. J. A. Macdonald and other Pence Prophets. îSaturdal Nigiitt says: "«A great section etftthe civilizeti worid la taking 'irts iret, but noue the lessIimportant, etep teward a Worlti Cengresa, wbtcb If carriedtoI te sulti-.t mate conclusion means worlti domin- nnce-a mastery over the couintries ef the earth. by a Congresa parttcipated in by aIL. A Congre"s pletigeti to keep the. pence. it mattera net wbether the Centrai Powers anti Neutrai Nations ente-r It et their own accord or rernain out tenîperartly. Inu the enti they muat ail take cognizance of se tremendousaa mevernent andi core nelte -t on gucb terme as may aeern fittlng te tee Alllieti Pewers. There la foodi for thought ln the pomlblltles ot SUCII a moyement. That tels awfui war eau go on dupli- catg itacît of ludeinite ages lu ln. conceivable, Men werer madie te Ilve te- gether. Thie Great Unk.nown neyer pianne t tit our chie! aimiahouid be hate, murtier anti autden death. This first uttelupt iay fait but others willi corne ln Il& place anti sooner or later It wiil auceed. Juat as sure as tie sun gmesdemik beblind the. western hAlls." Tho vago les of law courts are mysý. tories te the lay midi. A busiess tween t*o pointa--ff the tond vere poo4. Nat sethie lair ot, Lla a eue re.entlyfbel me thé Court ln titis ooun- tyj.tbe dotedaat. tbroughbiesuuse, »,igSed liat >. va" exmpt trm hie =der wbh *be rwu bobs gtrio& li" twalüti. ele judea.! lut n * li gbt *vhle If farrabl <to tie dmfsdaat. vouS a e avoide thé. besnlag eot Mr vidtioe. liCourt pWtI, ocspthe ea lus pl &U-t tare lie ooýl th t h o.&tiý eep b*tis le N4 tlBS i»'~ ni. i IevS > t u » - which la stîlliIn llght training. My suggestion i l hua:That the recrultirg be prosecuted even more vlgorously than at preseut, but that the men r.- crulteti, particularly througbout the manufacturlng centres et tic country, be i.!t ah their preacut ernpioyrnent, that tbey be given after-heur tra.ining, say, three nlghts per week, with Ilberai pay fer sucb training, andi that they be mobilizeti eniy wlthln a month or t-wo nf emine Èvoreai 1#A.1 thint If fils BOW THIS MOulER Gai t ength To Do Rer Work Pair Haven, Vt. -"1 was se nervonh and mun downý that 1 eould net de my honsewenk fer my littie family ef three. 1 had doctereti for neariy twe years wlth- eut heip. One day 1 rend about Vinol, snd thunks te il, my healthahumbeen re- stored ao I am dol ng al my honaewerk once more. 1 am teliing ail xny rientis what Vinol bas don. forme"- Mn. JAMEcs H. EDD>Y. tYS..Jl la à,ià%lipia PM uval' andi lm's or 5U1U UYV overea. iiei a'jaF-icV Mo Il ate....s cu l yor .... U Idea were adepteti, anti worked eut tonie whicb croates a bealthy a ppetite, preperiy, it wouid mean a great fifan ide digeution ud makes pure blood clal aaving tote icountry, would iieipAILB.AlUla. »ruglt. -Wbitby Omst. to. relieye tii. laber situation, whicii le dnliy becomiug more acute, and tia P o .s u J C rd the. smre ime milltary duty weuld b. __________________________ matie very attractive, andi a consequent lmpetus given te recruitiiig. _______________ - JNO. F-. FAR[WttL, K.C. THE ZEPPELIN RAID ON Barrtatero Cunty OrownatAtornel M4 SCOTLAND. County Solcteor. Office, seuth wing Court Houa.. Whltbi elapseti aince.the. lut big Zeppelin raid on the Brltlisb 181.8, lu whicb one Zep- pelin visiteti Seotlanti, anti anether was brought down lu the Thames cstuary, the. ceusera are allowliig news te leakt through u te the reaulta. Thé officiai' repolt lusueti - Iusmediately atter thee raid statedti tit Sotiâat had - boca roacheti, bat gave ne dçtalls as te wbat towns or citiezs ve.bombet. A Wbi-t- by gentleman whose relatives reside ln MabInbh. receveti a »eterthus vek from bis home. lnwichI t wuasutateti liai lie <lily et dlnburgh vas reaêhed bY ha,. iwéorasd ,uay bombe SrqP"ed,- Orne et tiiesebombe tel yqarlson lenuho tte os WM<hiéb vs fugs çestlemasbïrthpjoSý but teM vbiek tlme sdybsui =Y*e& tortllMtqy.A. O*llY ob liteta he i.bOUiuzS Aather b"à* .MtI withua tourhuidr4d Ye«s et the. toute. nSiaurbig m .stol sa. r" au A. E. CHRISTIAN Barrister. 8.litior. N.tury Public. Etc. Office. Brook 8St, Opp. StandButn Mouey to Loai 0. VOUNOSUSIITH« LLI* At dwefllflghoule oDPpo iMioisi suoseeso eWAl ON c, uD4«s Beet 2oPPoste Posi WItIITBYONT. 1. 'LW. isoseDD.»,.DS 1 - I 72» to.Pte i rnÂT1~T ML~WERS A ~ 4 ' - w w How abou that new Lawn N~ thinkin j of buyîng this year. We have the old reliable machi ,16Woodyatt" The OId Rellablo Also the "6Waverly"I bail b These machines have greatly a Sbut having bought our stock before arc in a position to off er you low Pr Sce Our stock Beorei PRINGLE'S HA[ WHITBY, ONTe aI j' 1 - i Return ticket@ wiii be isned between ail Itations in Canadla est of Port Arthur and te Detroit and1 Port Hluron, Mc. Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and S3uspension Bridge, N. Y. Tickets and ftull iftormation ounm plication to Grand Truzik Ticket Aigt& 8- Ftephenson, Agent, Phono 36. Wbitliy. Digestv Troubles cause headache, bîliousness, constipation, impure blood and other unpleasant sYmp toms. If these troubles are neglected they weaken the body and open the way for SerioUsîllness.Manychrofllc diseases may be traoed back to indigestion that could have been immediately relieved by Beecham's Pilla. This well- known home remedy has proven itsel dependable, safe and speedy during ab"ty ears tc.The faun eof haIn a Y çrsale than axiy other imed- »<intlhe woricl prves the. 4ower you were lie- At The- OId Prias eariflg. advanced in price .the advancei wt rice. (ou Bu>. WOWARÉ 4 4 4 :, ~ e 4 4 4 q I - 4 * 4 I ~ * 4 Dy M1. .. PAnsoW5s, içe. 66264. Now, vielters' day ln the reat camp la our buslest day et aIl. When the boys taIre off their boots anti clothes, Andi bang them on the wall. And the big long row of naked backs le a sight one seltiom sees, PFor eaeh man bas hlm woolcn shirt Stretceet tight acrosa bis Irnees. Andi evcry mon a candie boido To look on eltiiel aide For those littie crawllig visitera Who ln the tabric bide. Cause we bave just come down trem the trenches, Where the air la foui and damp, Andi we're ail on a bunting party, For il'à viiteor.i'day ln camp. It's visitera' day ln the rest camp, And like seme unweicefned guest They teilowed us f rom the bloody trench Te spili our well earned rest. But hark' ln yonder corner I bear a well known crack, For one ofttihe sto as f ounti one And baassapped i hm on the back. But soon the din ta awfui, Anti the fun bas justbegun, Andti t seunds like a dreatitul battie Between BrItisher andi Han. But the tieatb ef thé grey-baeked, microbe la leuti, andi the shock la felt, As ene by eue they ativance ant i de On tii. -back et yeur choiera belt. Long intote night the alaughher la seen by tee candi. lamp, And the microbes f cil lu a dcatb et Hell On tbaf elsitors' day lu camp. 'Twas iators' day lu the rest camp, But the -searcb was past anti oer, Andti tlg nen slept light through the long coiti nighh, As tbeyI ay on the. bard bare fleer. For the enerny were net conquereti, Anti a meund i k. scratchlng mice Was heard from, the men as, now andi again, They muttereti. "Oh! tiarn those lite." But the dawuing heurs et the morning Brought sieep te the tireti, sere men, Andti tey dreamh of the day tint weuid cerne their way When they'li have dlean shirts again. But they'Ii soon be back ln the trenchea Wherp the' air la foui and damp, Andti hey'iI brtng back more f rom the microbes' store To our vistors' day ln camp. ofcou telpublisblng t o Iok fofo torhhencllacecingî l bookeervigoa btoothe muni poednglprmllty l mor convenlent and compact form than la thie bobo of the Clerk and Treasurer. The TownBhip of Whltby dees flot eveil publish the auditors' etatement, as authorized by statut. MEN WANTED' For general factory-work. Steady employment for reliable men. Apply to Tho Podlir People Ltde OSHAAONT. ARTH UR LYNDE 1TENOR TEACHER 0F BtNGJNGO* HAMSOURO GBNLRIATOIY, TORONTO Teauhes at Whiby every B3alrrd#y. M) o n e it ea ,li a11 . o r a hw o x 0 &, W I WM& MAW LICEN8HI A1JCTIO)NetR AND V-ALUATOR,. À!kinda tof n4e pi &t""de te rranemn A' si m made a thi e oe i BOUl sud Indepfenut -phSmn WHtif VONT. JAS. »I8HOP or te L Uiri~s Fêr ýMvuteu= dates applyrte or G. bWuIr Sin ui, i W O Isyeaa-le0 Itou û Do Isk tu gu glise hro i et* WHIT BY RNOC m I oi li. EASTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE Good going April 2lst and retturiiig saine day. FARE AND ONE-HIRD Good going April '20, 21, 22, 23. Iteturu Lirnîi April 26t1i. - Il t' VISITOIS' DAY IN'THEIIST11?CAMP The Council et -the Township Ot Scarbore issues yearly In book foirm tihe minutes, by-iaws anti financlal r.- portsetfali the. Council meetings heli during the year. This la something we have neyer heard et nny otiier township or town doing. Juat wby this la donc we do flot know. It rnay be be- cause there la ne uewspaper pubiished ln the' township, anti hence ne mediumi for thhe publication et the preceedIngs IL àà N!ý0'A of Council f rom montb to month. 0f M lm

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