Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 7

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r1en Dfl8 Mapbe Sugar Obehes. Mapie Byrup Cutrd.Mtx thol oDughly fi-un wAII-bntin ergs, a pil eOrAittt-Ie ramfule er? eetMîmil And amie cupfu t al ? umipe uvr-np.Pc- Itl it" lluttro-d iticiiî'idual moulaIs ai MOI tti-mm, bu bot, i-nIer Italiefil(>nili tur . 'tI(%Iy Uîll il l e1tq i rmtu. .'tîh tiia'tmt t ti)t h,, Ibm' c rç o t f f 111 hilide huid smroc-Il. Rot Mapte Nougab- jliîteat t-no c'liPfllm (If t mîtpin s .%rîi t td et telaueîmoott fui mf itt tor t itfi t h. m c-o-e the tot-baiî t'Ri 2,18 a-re Ad( Onu-hafit cupulf cchotil 'paet Pm'-iî i it! arnd sur the ichîle n--il Usa f aS f 981)(0rnfi- lep creiami \\'lenm ihho' lyrulil Cotes mfiCotavt \t ith(%tti'col( tOnonM. If forums na delîf'iî-.caramel. Mâpis Parfrib-8,pie,ialmt ranî n-itl mmii:, syrup iau Imf iunt-if IffIl Very thick. Pour thç- crt-ani loto ai Mý>U'd that hAs ho-et spriiklcd nut flu( uleots ciiopped lflet', Cover lhe top -f thc- uoufd n-if i wnnmpplrîg paper, Anid brfe.fle Iid ditsn &eettareiy and tif I it Whm mi soul rorm, iiury tlinould ILm cm mhii cd lna-c- ma lt ii mid fenve Il ftor tir Itetrs. Mapie Whip.,-Nltx amîd trfing f.)fte 1)(1111mg imelot rrio'-4alt cupam fcf f wih, etigo lirtoyul lisof tut> eggga0t1t0 citmp fiio OfDApI tie ranrd tn-o cupuis of Cold n-aber. Addaisplaclituf colt simd two ttabicePtoîiruî o? c-oruyfta-ctdit% sai-ed lu a lttla cold Nwatftr Cook the n-licAle urîtfil fugti. rak titd r, -i l ?moui ltme fline, Wlaon I h; c-aid, nRU the kctiffîy beaten n-hues of tIwo eggu Sor-a- Il wn-imcreamît and cugar Maphe Nut Fudge-Botî Iwo cupfuis ofrmaple ugar tand eue cupful o? nîibik unU.l a bit froixithî e ss null forum a Bort baJilin eoid wstcr. Add orme lmialepa fabutter,onue loaspoon- fui of'-anlîla ext-at, andonue-hait pouiid tof Erglmali aliittm hoppf-d tory fiie Jfemoue the imbut\urp frnm theie nsd boat h unîli IlIct thick;- Ilion add the ba-atemi white of0?one cgg sud bpul tht' ulole inhhti s tt'ry tanS!. Pour Il ilite buttero-ct hue lsimc-mil, le eofd uark l I mb squares4 Maphe Dehghtn-eatthe yoiks of foýur eggu unîi they are lghî. Add 5~Mdiîahîy îlre&,auarters ofa cu iapfui o? mapfe el-rtp, thpnono ntplt of thIik, Mn-oel crenni tCookthIe whvle Iln o doubile boumf-r umtil It im. hlck erougli ln f-ut wl-h a si-eau. flermie Il romu lt'e fis-emund beat It "lton egg a ip until Ilis ighît. WahenmI l Rcold. wlitp lu tiem eli-beaten n-iites of four eggs Ia wahIci have beeu aalded omît- lIcap- fui of kratcd maple augar Park Irlu teand sait aud leste it ftr four lieuns. Mapie Moue-To one cupful a? ample yrup add the vcml-btm'îen yolks of fouir egge (Cook tii, ilquid ln a dou~ble bolier, sli-r-n lug1hcnFinimrmJl. fo-r Iflten minute@. Rerrmov-e Il frermi the rire and beat Il untilIlh ha quco coid StIr Ji, two tabîespoufuts e? firmely- choppe a-c cîdled ginger. tîmen add o-neý plut o? crem-ar. vhlpped. Pour the, mam> lntoa a muid, cover 1 Il ihpsp- er, aud put theliofd(a? limeuouid lii place. muklug sure that illm e or>- 1gb t. Park lii.' viole nlep1c'asd sdd mait arnd Joevp- h for fouir heure Mapi, Butt-srtech ~Pie-UPI,5-- gctler one cupruil of Pe,-o-el mili. arme egg, orme heaptig tambio-pooufui of four aimd a pluict ef malt. NMdl hhree-cuatiaî ers o a scupfui o? buffer wn-dbnteuetip fuii o? graîcd nmaple sugar tktmmbiiie tlii, fna miXtures umnd cook tlie nilien lnra adouble bolia-r unitbî]hi lm tck WVîohi Iscool, pour Il Imte a liaced Jitry alieli snd caver ha wlth a mer t Iiiîm niade o? cime etlffty beahm-n n'imie e? orm-e egg te wîheh bamiloton added ~ *~-a~ ,etth f world. "wV SeaIed P ---'--"au muu tii 1501. ~~~~~~~~~~~~he iua-ned te thé a-ak imd -wt- wd»Bi a p s-~Qa~u ssle o41.S 04&tthu*- iVIPO t ht kîtchep oiiclc>lb ltimekIm- C-nitous elatton Of *ér lo i et sat Iuqude tseiU4r.ua aUr ~-il. iawl mmmcd sulk. Thie .treatumît isalnltms tfled t0o Rmtit-h, matem-Seoaort-t mse is av-oy ý ~-a atble-uis n4~l am i b-mefil 10tathme cfoîlî aea ceai Of Of prc 'b ai eawee im3IPfa.hT4 e tUboMhcita 0>'è r ii 'arn lob ~is boa txci aas bis bve*lita$04, t Io es-de ter soins»p oa f "é a«fl- 4 To Ic-n bnilmmofkirnihtapt. U. ~a he vas rnxnously hutxgry. 'wh*tover b nîlht lis. bodo4m io llibSd1U* UI* bmush~ ~ ~ wte dpmcluarmwsO-andtr ait- I'-arly &Il fIai d",-j- e.la,'il, lIalaid-t-e Bltl& iIIialUl t st «-Ieog C5d *'2 #«t *5 T'he sait ppn-uts thie liMsboo treet lng-piacë qe11e11 et-oa)' o ýk_ 1 t vt4àagmm ie h urnlug -<>1r. bt-e! rotecaUPaleUce to- U lu blai mU id Ong ltaiad %w«t"g'oqt v Tu auIean xcoleu 4meaeugor on-ta ainformajt-t tuâtbe une4 for, Sel oft be-Allai- Lnoleum take equal partia of! ltun d!rnail1 aspaa s e m ¶ UIt uaJS 51Wm 011 suld eider i-l4egar and ui thom sixorten ont- m boldp'~ms ie-- ue suWt. thlimM» lucrotis-hîs tghr g8vivg. "d 1,-vs rlvod41ad tMr lab .0-'t- etom t yaiAid7. if r uc -uba alile butter timdes- lime fIa ie - vms-e gs-ouuIerP. 1* ld, W ont PMà0b Fvotiî cfflihe rilai i -e tvi se t's he t, a-u u itufe oet u e 4 l aI* « 0# -, ( mî l t a d ro p e0 1 e u r h n a a c v i w t i e, m ~ e e t e ood , Ma "Io V $ la de ti-îf theli pteher. I tJmI' u b a s o Da iai D id* - ~ l a ,,, t'offeo e mndteu a lla*.Irirubbed aih"evr Iy mau t ig,' to 4w ste-il L *todb»W ,. u l t c a ur m d a f i , r w u m & v s e m u h o m i e a n o q a îog t e o j a w e stým - t adun-tmair Imi-ala amati wRte- un çFt.-11 -otDuPusdqL f n-hi ascrb <lc gr pase îne the Ira <li l d a sehe eta ra O*"kei W I 1111t) 001 IU 1111tlthe Roi> liai rlle*rte4ief tu V4itacr e b u L-------. -Let H omHep, Hiinelf To CR0111 JTelu~doaor. ise s-~i-~ hI~o~d# lastIed.1%,itP >1 il -j o i-t ~-i1 '4 le und re- tr for t' the Ind" r - -u ii.lii W.L- ICI th Gardens me01ere h I âé,fna or "dte " 11141#0to twnt 71 The Capture n <~o u f Uuaewpler ' er ftee longt* uw" 1 ar liglitshad bee turne off. Roua abzes tht had îtxgte4wi. .i. raguAr rund. R La rnanhd) ,t4Ithe MI 01 * c%.Re b nent ahna Two ec= pase4 cw n tarl m d i.Sht enj h. Unt h cm itd e l ,' on*$ k!id e t r' eask k ntsain tM ftoleaed bt ln.d te d eiibougMd rae w r .b t el lt Iuit<r ao a bm * un.-t moie f Vten , eiie orth.Wa f ipr ixfeteioe b t WS rme elghtlt te 1ht Re h ta ned ra emteti , ward htc. agmtc rtg wae UÎ6nt e lieebl k - Lig k was wieth lmntetathe-oov r e nvy ou orôwhe lng or htd nAt been bttned owNàn. lii taiiâ Etd . di * eue o M E , bd OM p id hast a th* g, batcsudal, tskie on t aCoq d merigue uad f rux he "ile o! he h e urte e o te e thip i a n siofhoeou em éi nnc i t atm e h ' ar Irin d e - t~l Plongbrua sdLoob"daon a ed hl thês elailquI't a, a n preont I fac! t k n Ii p ehi crç" ni' Ie a" e l do be oward he ld, ft ie l o ag e a uli l n n ' Ih o r. e t ou d d ~~llah. d of tI ngthe eîr o u~frm wC h rn okwH e Îkig-e. III4Bup una- a , Mlmcelfaneo, Piecipes.h l@ basenpaaid y th e l be n kd h blbe r b.d. Be,eeaI4s n ýbxse s-te B fi .a o> d mpng na he mn d D irpd hv ono 1tor. Theeroru 1 e -d megt aLaa80 d ef g ujI ý e n s &ap- acoeb io~~î ii.a qmoror fsedtMn or D b e t point lu tiipro, wsse font t inêe tock «wru e s, fi r n teneponfil tintl b &noh<'r te nlk e dwr . l ee pty S o ft iaéletlbe oeensith ~h -ni n Ic- 10 mix loo w dch h-arn or i vel h un ,garwl o n e su fta e d on t h fMM ý%p e r ri le iae W o igeH n d C pu ?. w_ S- fnl omvd nos Moldthtefl fowths lead showC9- afee" ho at abet san aieg. nitsh.i i cki îl bndein~ f bil im te d nc> dor, pile'ofld wa ha ied With' - nwm arrtDy ô agI t ltb n meinu f ad f l roin the ioon 1r!no~ frt e thMt. e ler nt t10 w t !hin a ie esu d 1oge4 hfr doo u£ ~ ~ ns euete emn"iae ett c-. w ith P u r . -ç .if g on o î r e l ch srii I e aN In cIl .e cept fw aold,à are f r ie ath a hd fiv emoo k ' w o l ge-jjitc p u-egh fnt t et to nw on , the authoriis nor r niiU rnti 0 rhe d of te P:guearomhif"Mathihpo,"enheau been uio rn aîng. Md'f-iscelaoindRecnIues, t Rido r Pamîerite py Lsel, runlgbea bl ew awû0vM4 M e s o aVfefin - lu thelgreue. Shl e Bla ee A fc i c-tm ilp ? g r muid na d ,, p * ta r h nOne rooi Thartitio n rho oo asnp ltfg14 u Ie1tl.h1f& u ng r aB mluhi xany âla'ncc1u- aog cl r-q l PwqI b at.hoen add e of a ceo t Mn light-d Io aevçpo i cntde helecr i@ Iiue h *.o n po e lmn i ahr ~ tn n1s, bs h Nid lèetstoc, Gor up oi malin irt aandab l f R o -er a d o u t .rÊ eo eutna offe ugh tha a oled a rtotePélllienad to a .Wth four otuer bien oe t eould il ji , tt'ol n cî tls o f ea sof k almb a o ihord eçb kea eut raii tihe lbardhe ha coutd te bato! ihé atse 'Whs weo nt l eS . ied aptre te N c f.s ,vorolo. a nd pt heto gue bu o wh r, ""'rf f.rt ho-v y e as. Thûed place1 sRews e w tch and è?fm cl theg std h heiear b t n n e-ii- -Irn co tl i wi-çpf n l ithaed oVnior AbMout r krd tt î (P t h is buraoteieio ohow-, fact, o t e ;'tè janda tale c boadBrh t e ih ip. Foaw r t fnlwo ha tif n ur. Serve ,bal, piah d n doo.er, d h o ld reathe d ii oa th' M ho*e 11ecoaru d ,ýbag ntô e <w ca'h nee hecpant u ander w. someln-Uiclt m pppren mîltd f h eirg, wih btten a-1cait ui ondta ii Wsb.rn E~ rne and alr et e d. rm "prate mire~~~ou ra l grio mi w mi h itshed n cnce - ar f l4 a at o lo olhein@,u t s te v r e êf rIiauthît e b , no lt 1(ý st fur li and bo s r -e c-he@f-r ioceniot immxedi oat e aed foPUr pot eaU ta tue ve it Cloit Who Ern -a nde a pu r ôth a rt weiyt it' i r Ne n o ne g;n< ut cut lns ,aid-f or ne lldtwgpl& ept il, ku te anille s o! t Do xiiaee ferT.. 'Pliun. ghpiracysack fa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ brou- t.Str ogibe otiéfaesanas Oe hiopt es11etetehetteda. ad aieat7 mel u fvoi i d ag gufi o i>aae, i aif a c e tch orw i d w be baçt te vned dow, dcr- e a ri s ok sdb eans ankcaM-Poupdml 't fbutrmudlr, rt pm; r o r Pemied nfyocteonlly@, rte t k u l e w ma e,retch.d bis tlr.d body. chile ha bet minI' i goo cnin drnclI ,,. btterg spleso hnh cro NvhBorl bdot ta, u a y of ly A "ROY aiRe 9 L rEnc'ld - a re m ch i i a (' p tlor m j .and dit h ove een ed 111e p i at e ilt. io n al-he sou m le ep. w@rnimrn&ho bu g hi a ti I tc-oc oonfu fn? aki ig sd s, l f la ce fo nd aE p lace w hv e r a n ca - e le a v o k e la-b t l t i uafte n on son tM h ieC. a n d o enbi R l n g l ft foh i ys i x One-mayooufulo ato eeapontuî rO euned bc-mndween the upe atheer o! s elouso! oie l Oe fo-yah, pag rt QueuCe.Whfuri mdPuuuen ud ar 0f inaler. balatbe vra ttrinspoonfulfo? n imcelroing R - hro fhthen a o? Ild . ha t he fe oedte .ad Wlth t a an ! ar rlief taet luIs Il% am ol isdtîro-nd -mîp l e o r î Ufi boxes somorneaî, h. ontrlce Ina numex- ompe eng bome sewft1Md cpue e u odyn Corbt. o ire h t adl, h ctend <mlii. b saro l a c om na aboxe4w Iasth au h h1 a e ; le r.a a l e 'r n oand o!fre r o lO betiu ed in taiI ...Ivti a a hliutk n tmhuIn taoontinl pmoa dr n n d p o? o fti &m hr our u idut u .l e soi o-ne hIhsod caw ou atRek d b tengu l t e , hd.l@ b PhilaD ul ia a -ih2theon saut-o ~ ~ ~ ~ @f mm.b netngom hbospoi talmi i-sk o cur.;bt eh a erte k. tIc - shufl u !fe. i otinu- s"neyi l ef oanddté."potec a cpftl A ltrwie (rlax uisuad ho06,toit I, vlth hîs utematuthe fap"haandanhous-, whlthhe stnaln. tu-ci puE o obth r su et Jrriug loto ia eu, - MdIbor okepotri adteaordh a UUe h ea fte s.VandWeillot laeeave!ln e hlaaw s t e, dp ut tbfe t ur n , m cli. Add Pist o yng rEay te l a uui.T he c i s c r s bto di a tCvn " dme uai. Pse- lcal.000<, le a s~ne . tata hn o o ue ha I sudIn rearu sauez o A thr On e tue '-nt lt ,Ro r tope Od Ov ut by a il ces1 te. O rua fld eu.and te po red emt -It w n Aeld, lu equs s a- u inmîla liard~~~~ 'ofe -ge. i-hd hve ben lis h5d suid Uic fi-uheair vha i c tha e Icover asulammg. ed dorv e Quen M ry e ula d I. o - t chopof c-, ud SenelAtf la c _.tc crn le ezd beporton otÀ Alleer i lutier o re n t he i Ca-lae Rsl d preeldn o t P a tt hierfqi« mreacrubs ut o e lu a imuttee hha-! ly forth e t fo oma.v kn. he.ig n uleaipe uta Icant re re, thee uer ta oa l nes a1r bake untilc r o, wt Is p no r t c at. n ou d t at e *Iw sb arllreen-ne u on l n in h re Wt shotmutîmosa'eathutrado!tRIsautfivar t ivetigta 'h. ibrt tanedt le lio.> t wat-J1at È Thi sa oo wmhe ckereip wlcnimx n oc paad it i "odeno tlo 1. sh , tluttr Odreenavn ptda'e-otýe u ioosê. assob e tsGua Whles o? vfour -beh inliai? p n t enbumisohe a. .vsad eondmbutstanlaeRI culdnemà Ct bulov e t g o ,O00-nauhte st100i@f he1 000k I c u s r o l i ) and s r y <as h cl denthaveis i. a bit ono x-f n . e vill deu e ! Oi e o bUnt a iv b oty. tan - n ui - r in e e f n lrt cake~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h flubuorun eson bk.lréulvtelar sud tta m uti pnsaesdpenn nytoae nuesttwoudn soial @1n uâ ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E- r fodrrclaI u -br lb aip bel isud 11 aahn edaonedt~- eunoDdhport caely roptepes It an pst o n- and, nit plra y f thépe is rio? forhait le m i i eue ,,,up io? m oi- yli ing-cam e .but e RIé l Oie 0cofltde cnawled Sratidls- h i mea h a-- o s a ke y ti s ane fo a e e- r (? Mîan hu i r sutsgax-, tbone sud wor- ked asI theox-lug utRIo ecas-go'ma lier a trO l, ho mae 'a he la d m gtr etti pa t u ic i e. t a vMA CtN latg efed 11 akîu g prr o wdex l u fle u);pa- dlittie snxob , atng te meuivea, and- 1 l i.. a en lnP ar n elly an-R e auuar 1 * 4 , 0 . M L V n e - lt a d h s C aîs flisl o d u t e w hilfsr sudri fism or o wa-a l Du c, but nly, op e 'ou t e Lb ait i ,s treu chd hi rap g gin body a d ta e ti. o d it 10. dc-str ded l ik e i low oven an d Icne , sud cço r etao n ha d e work lu hond. hOe o tu d of tra, &M wu elmbd t0 0 eal eggth a-îh cîîg, f Afionn le e e rr hAt pise of ed au i n d inal- té b ai eu l at r lo k ut eaU n anl e uw ila-e tliamr her u-. Ju t Ivaponfl f a____ da h l im e tbey vRPlaet u s Oe a hrweav eeHed we t u- in te erilo, aon. o4YO oC. Itudpr tbt is n itfr e l tp"pouri ofqai, on tet; hate'li- cokA" ex- vas therppe Se ofi. vos-kcu Oiee tuete f - aw.l ar t god n. Ch e n1fld Pl& l ht-wd tiI 1 of l sjer. u I Ha t s. ' acl ofa nl u t e elling Dyther rIg ofWuthe h lc hai r s Oe redaud-ba W u et thmplnu u ofw el i e fs. a t-gai tj Tit s le aong o o ok dam' imus e aeles ,t yloi om malndw e. houd a gr e at î sisf I the s ve e ra t a- ehanglu e Sande! * r bi g . l t le àe sum f -e t~ o! tac t-u dock, sd Con h kui» tba t-t a dn1 b1e-rj 1 umn.d11*- V ds' U' hr*4a# * «f ig &Pl.o keitl of tii. sorpca-as undedrlwan..T ,Iadl. u Comm-at n e re b "sou d en eest'. t 0.1 » Ite. h S ,W PSuepe k ta d te Pc-otie bus cuflene caid , linledsaon me o n ice xe ut ncrawl! uld na-a stinlesgu i n;é lu og e ifit-utt --I* tAsC N ew Y kndL Pug- itoi su oexper ofnc' îîcessr tetrrou i tieh asa telosnugc acrtI"aiAlmra toal e-mice d elp o* i ti WRs thRe pn bita«$ e10- gOld pmr dad oI. recu fcr In lookfohiecouT ere n e sDlîr.!te e flcf e s tugulbci mWad , bu'1>tle Mm 6iig ht -le Taio l-au l omp bur uers eath bem badd ovl -n e aY o ml adtot-h. ace oras It . M dlo e tbt ain. - a ie ct$0,,W4hthefa fnd.t Wutp lu wd e ul... sudwtemmdth i cours.et te IRhe u !thbe cteaud the at o a lts- 1.4 nov u,liberty 48 udavte tthe ney sa-e l - serita . t- t -i. 'e e-1 tamples ln the Present Ce _ e O WI are Ctl béd. o and alu-sys hm,. n - __ présent aJan= ast te IN013O T TIOtl& ND 0F TUEMM le7 soaLon oi su-04 b4il to et. but lWo WOwN vIlibu able t eeali the stary ces M iels, and t-la! ailier on@ ha lIis seldiers wvire mmcProduction of One. Plant det ,7n, an~rom Antilangel. Activity' of Britishl Munftlon iiiemqyarus, aud ôbes One$. wlu in oactes-tes. M- bot&@ ct the jý;tus-e1t la Aulyome who goes through the vae tha! stes-lau eguali>' n'thoUt animneut vorks-whicb arc Ion are teugît In 6ur -cixools sltuated In more than onle part of En land-el Mcesr4. Armstrong, WhM for uxsm le, thbeoan@ aboutWoesth & Conipany' must lie slruckb k eb !Calcutta. ËverY Ithi. general steadineess eithe 70, q and raeenly oves-y grown!or 80 000 men maid vemen at vol M lu tailar vith thxe det-als There lo no slackness in mmny bran ghastl- stes-,. -11;relabea how or lu any @hop, sud -in cornu depart4 ob Bus-ae towlah aut un 1461 ments the vo-k is strcnuous Iu the e csptuned b lm izÙýIULtta, t--re. The effort or thi. fin jes a amaîl, uunteted diangeon'fine example of the quic-kenfilg ofth' 1 a ter a nglt od gous-rom production brought about by -the a rt, and lack nt air, ôniy and the aîiaptsibility ef a groset t bree were found ail-s'. tirt glu es-bn g estabismn t te iva-condi- or.t-hn 10 yar t-e e-exy ormenîy, vhile an enormoum busl' niM-plletlfry bel bve. et fbw noms inarmamnents wps doue by thel mes Mn. Lit-tle, sud proves, firm, they werè aIsoenegaged in geruj 'Bungal, Pont and Pýres;ent," oral engineering ivork. On the euti tbat it la not true, but t-bat break' of var their vorkshops NverW -aob possibl 'b. truc. ý immediately traunsfos-ned; bridgê- berng mIoui,' ene, It appearie raking machiner->' as acs-apped for -i btemps-r> rýecarda, confined gun-mnking plant, motet car wo-ku back-hole/1 wlecii wms really gave wéy te gouge factorici, - oldj ion prison, and no f t-hem. vors-khops vere èuias-ged sud ue*1 ans- ver> grst Ixconveni- eues built, nov machine-y of the lat-1 'ho rumainds ef t-h. garrîsen est type, iu mauy <-aiea automaop a; »mae 120, vuseecither 1111- vas installed, aud a geucral spccd-. muded lu t-hoefghtlng, and the Iaxg-up procesa adopted. Foreign wm, as-e tneatedb,' tbois conque- vo-k lad to be etde-tracked lu lavei aven>' consîdes-atlon. o! British requiremnenta: ,, Wellington neyer sid, By s tortmnat. coïncidence Asr-ru s-ds, end a! 'clet Watcr- at-ronge vos-e puttiug down ne dld Bluchen exclairu, on fis-at equlpeont sud making arrangements London, "Wliab a place te for lnct-caaed outptut- t baes-c t-hé WAhle the phrsas, "Pr-ovidence va- bogan. -Thes- new shlpbuildine ho big battaliona," whicl In yard, whilch coast ove- s million, via attrIbutad te Napoleon, la itiat ready. -1Thlscempans- vas t-lie. t-le writings of Cicero. fore able to, prodm*cc muntions ona- nover vas a pmron named Incs-eased acale before ct-ler *privete- Tuil, au4 consequeutl,' le firmei. 16 vas not long belore t-hs eot un apple freru iis sonm'@ vIcie establishiment %vas thone -ug4l the blddlng of the Austrian reorganiaed snd equipped ready ta lesIer. coe. itI large acdabe production, Ti ttex-loo, t-he commander of result la t-la! t-le eutput of ces-taW ,'s OltI Guard li sRaidtIto have articles et vwýa- eýuipment ha. hoen ;ô tAté challenge ~u-ednIncreased ,éo? tlsc hudd s- 0". i 1~ die's, but pet- cent. et asrrt&denl>' la the. rendli ra'ves-', là t a tradition t-bat Dilution 01 ULber. or consisted of but ona word, Thene las been ne, trouble nt Anln 1fitted for sans polIte. a t-rofi;'. on the qiýestlon of t-le diluai rly, tIe.Gis-ondins lad ne last tien of labo- Thei, sceme Put befoeé getier. Columbus could not t-le venkers -b,' tAxýliembers of txe~ "od an uclîpse of t-he moon I pecil commisaIon eppoiuedb,' te to frlghten tre native* of Goverummilb te deal wt- Axquestion nto submassIon, as iras beoti1 Sir George Cresci 4n Marks, Othé- R£ forn tire simple neason -t-bat Hon. George N. Sa mesp idM 1v. il.J. ,vas net Ia etilpadua'lg tlie Sbtdeklton, a ac*eed w"t)>g.eiéal £aOeoïa exploter vas on tbtnaiaaty s netsgnyau.f. Mih. employers mgnued the tiicnd- tions musoéîûtd * thtbe dilutu.bu tleat no weýkSan wài-*o b eêprejudîed, ~ l~ A'Tft HtWÂR -by -thêsjurt .that vii ght mkcço la-lia gp-eetr-Nu e y batlemigît ehiéw I-lt-laIsiof b~tat d mss lte n. u0ftî ltSCoasd lit Fiistia os ti.etput Ieyed tbitw4 and Mebrymaklng. coulS 6e expected Sil a. rlmyI rw thI. pgormt -msw$iV& Iend tq*lgliw'Ip . -.

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