Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 8

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A#àiU la" Ousr Corraoadeits BROOKLIN. At a meeting held on Satturday even. Ing last the trustees decided not le ac- cept the restgnRtion of Miss Macpher- son. Consequontly she will continue ber work st the echool til th11e end et th1e terni. Mr. andi Mrs. John Maynard have been visitlng ln Port Perry. Mre. Wni. L~owe, wbo han been visit- Ing ln Toronto. bas returned home. Mer lEisbanti, Pte. Wmi. Lowe, of the Cana- dian Transports. left last week for overseas. Pte. Keitlî Lawrence, of Toronto. wo.s home over Suliday. Mr. Clarence Blekie lias been vlsiting ln 111e village. Mr. Stewart le ln the village this week tilstributing turnip seet among the farniers. Miss Phalen le spentiing ber vacation st ber home ln Hamilton. Mr. Lou Aileme, of Toronto, speat the holiday wilb bis parents. Miss Clara Elviss andi frientie, of Troronto. were vlsilIng wilb the for- mners pareuts. Mr. (G. Sornherger, of Woodville, opent the holiday lu the village. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of Plcton, vis-1 Itf'd witth Mr. andi Mre. Wellbanks. Mre iVux. Moore and dauâhter Ilicou apprit Easter ln Oshawa. Mies Bertha Jones, of Blackstock, le opending the tiolidays witb lier broihepr. Mr. Urlali Jones. Mr. and Mrs, Doble aud Miss Grace. oft Toronto, and Mrs. George Morris. of Oshawa, were Entor visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ellilot. Miss Latira Hortop. of Toronito, spent Bu.ter witl lier parents. Missq Evelyn Moore lae îsiting rein- tlvils Ili WIm'linanviile. Mr. A. Iligge and Misa Jessie Big",. of Torlitto, werî' villi heir parents ovOr Fact(r. Mr. Adanie le vlsitlng rein? 1' s lu J3lowlativille. Mi-.s lva Moore, of Toronto, îisllt'd lu (ieo iil lage Insi week. Mr. aud Mrs. Bickaby and fanmllyý and Mr. andi Mrs. Muihollanti. of To- ronto, sîboîiitEaseer wltli Mr. andi Mrs. Ur. IFrank V'ipond and Mr. andi Mrs. John Vipond. of Toronto, were week- endi visitors ni Mr. John Vlpondsa. Me. nti me.ChauMoriio o.et1'.St debtted te ,-Meet t bt%à*lhslAlw irih ë-ikhdMmh n t* pà Éidlaa41 t8wt 1Whi lireWm. Refsen. Miss Vera Reeson la VIiling lu Te- non ta for a lie. Mes. 0. Bebert vîsitet InluPickering for a few tisys 1111e week. Mir. anti lre. Blair Ketcheti, of New Leweil, Ont., speut Easter with the tormer's parents bore. Gunner Ralph Whie, et.O.A.C. Bat- tery, spen.t Eater with hie parente. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, et Bramp- ton, epent 1the week-end In towu. CARD 0F TRANKS. Bincere thanks le extendeti by Win. Jeffrey anti family, te frlende andi neigbbore for kintinese anti sytnpalby shown durtugthemr recent bereave- men t. Mr. and Mrs. J1. A. Peer and chilti- mon, of Toronto, speil the bolitiay wlth the lattec's parents, Mr. anti lre. John Colwilli. Miss Margaret Eliriugtett, of Toron- te, bas been visiîing Mr. anti Mca. Jas. Michael. Mes. Fred anti Mes. Thoo. Lewis, of Toronto, were at the home of Mr. Lew- la. Sr., for Easter. Mr. Win. Smitb' bbs moveti mbo the bouse foctneniy occupleti by Me. H. Mceljen. Missi Jeesie Smith visiteti recently lu Toronto. Me. anti Mrs. O. Sebert bave retura- eti front a twe weeks' vieil with their Soit.,lDr. Loti J. Sebeet, Strattorti. They also iisited In Berlin while on tbeir trip. Mr. James Colilil. of Lendon, Ont., andi Minas basic Coiwll. 'of Toronto, sîtent(lite holiday witth their parents. Mirs. Kennedy. ef Oshawat iloqplsi staff, bas been home for a few tinys. We are sorry to report ber niother Mes. Bioyce, le very poorly.- Mre. lBent Grills, witlt ber sisteri, vislted ai Mr. John Grills' over the hol- iday. NIrs. liroati ant iMeSinge are vis- ,ting ln Toronto. Mrs. K. Lîke was callei te London last week owing le thé death of hec nipece.who wuserua a ver by ana site- mobile. The service ln the Methotilet Curch on Suînday eve'nlflg wua very large1; aii,'îded. The special sng service was nuiel enjoyeti by thoae present. The banquiet helt i luth1e Methotiiel Sunday Sehool on Mouday evenlng, inter the auspices of th1e W.M.S., pass- Pd off î-ecy sucetefuliy, tbough th1e crowd was neot as large as the ladies j tesireti it to be. The -12 tables which thiftge tu st, pessitetib imaliy beak' tiful sitiht.. 1%0 spéakters et the 4vSi- Ing werm Mîiet Cbeuey -anti Crbkem, each giving an outllne of their wei'l ln Toronto. They were assisteti by Io- cal tlent. Dr. andi Mrs. MeNeeiy receivet ef-- ficiai notice f romn Ottawa, anuneig ltat their son Delosa had been admit- ted te the Hospital on Aprîl l2th, sut- ferlng from a gunset wound ln the face. Dr. andi Mn,. McNeely are ual' urally much worried untîl they cati get tuiler partlcuiar4, which tbey hope Wil conieaiong lu a tew tisys. hies, (Dr.) James-ý Moore bu been cenflned te ber bed for a few di!yt through tihiess. The Junior Auxilliary of the Pres. byterian Church helti a social on liontiay eveniug at the home et lIra Wm. Ormîston. There weee about 28 present, anti a meat enjoyable evenînt Lawreee opens a big stock et men'a new fine shirts Ibis week. Ho la look- Ing for men tue 811 them, The Canadiatn Royal Templar, of April 10, contains the likenese etflie. W. A& Holliitay, toemerly of thîs vil- lage. The Templar lua111e officiai orga efthIe Royal Tempiassoe Tempemauce, andti Iis Issue bati on its front page pictures of the Board of Dîrectore fer the yeam 1916-17, et whom Me. Molllidai le one. He ls taklng an active part ln the litîf tIhe community la whicb ho ceaides, and lia teservedly comlng te the front as a leader ln questions which pertain te lte uplift oe tm- klîîd. MYRTrLE. lnfs. W. R. Kent was lu the clty on Saturdny. Mr. R. Beckiey has mo*ed mb the BriggB' bouse cast of the'viliage, Mn. Roy Tarvis anti Miss Ivy Tarvis are bolidaylng wltb their parents. Miss9 A. Douglas le spentilng ber va- cation lu Toronto. School wlll re-open on May lot. Farniers are begianiug 10 gel anx- iotis ahout lte late season. The loati of fisiiermen who jeurneyeti te Lake Ontario ta catch '-suckers" lasI week were somiewhat dismayedti t finti on their arrivai that Ihat was eue oc- casion wbeu suekees weren'I ln slgbl. Mrs. AX J. Carinlchaei visiteti lu the city laet week. Mr. Stâcey. of Raglan, le moviug Imb Mrs. Bights lieouse. Mr. Levi Tordit! le on a business trip te Owen Soundti Iis week. Miss Leiab Johuston has gene te Ciaremont, wbere she has aceeptei a god position. Thé tollowing le the April report et Myrtie Public Sehol- Sr. IV. - Mltreti O'Boyle, Gladys Harrison. Jr. IV.-Wilia NlckIe, Eldean Smith, Victer Hudil. Charli Tortilif: Close III. -John Grant, Antirew Lawrence. Therdon Illight, liabel Tgr- dît!, Rosa Brîtton. Bn. Il. -Margaret 0'Boyie, James Duff, LAene Johnson, Marjeele Reader, Ayimer Luke. [mono Brîtton. Jr. il.--Thellua Brlgge, Rets Bue' kett, GeorgIna Grant A. DouOL&s, -Teacher, BASE LUNE WEST. Mme.IL Ster spent-Esater witb Blrighton triessu, UmssRuaseIof Tomonto, svent UE- ter at Mr. Youffx's, Pt. . dwaeds. of the.Righien4' OMs Tomet, &s Oa Gd ri4y withi Widhy by aends Mr., J" WIs vus a Iuuby *« usai whlle own aI the. marali at. Ur.0.nOffl R*yamIàs eMiw» Mia' nie Eslett, e' T«ors0t, etom ua4ad Miss at. 0ut«à. et'?oeoatp. eat bester Vus b«r aret It bas b" 400W to *0utévsa Veflsomerst" .1hWàftbyKir BI«U entai the tima a int « tr.p ba*. lsg eb lg*"i a" WhW# "4 MMé iWusur M«N* vli pUv_ r.v.Anb~ -F h i mfflta uil tue jMr &nu mmen watu ZUMI 4 à.. lia Lh .d Môre cases Of St.oick, Urn', lood, KIdet i~ SkasTrouble Thea Aiblt~ edicisu M00:HEALIN TO I1* 'UA" ftm* lKe cos OetAmie%. ineana he.ith. lu âlong *I*ôszt thue wondul tablea <'flUI.Â.TIE la 1excellent for Iaidlptltoa, »yopopoa &Bsd gour S %aaeI1s 4#lvw la th. ouly %%lrult4'w Iw th. mtent Kldney Reme4 laus * oild Md may people Pd«in do1 làtAi>nopopt Bod, M#Wi -# Va WopPgt**. &dt WnUff.Â.4mbaI been one 01 the apeaS R"eo. et the century à"d thé ibuMkt enormoua, both la Omnada sMd tni detatpIBII.. me. s box, S fbe *.00,trial"aMe .. At iau damiers or mant poctpuld on receipt ef - iSby YFrt4.-stlvesLimitedgOttawa. ASHBURN. Mn. Walter Balfour veIsted at the home et Mrs. James Balfour over Easter. Mrs.' Thomas Wilson, of Toronto,'i spent Easter wlth her father, Mr. Jas. Lawrence. Mr. J. A. Varcoe wae ln Manilîn for ovor Sunday. Our echool teacher, Mies Hisiop, le at ber home lu Victoria Square, for aver the boliys. Mir. Henry Johnston le visiting ln Toronto aI 1the present lIme. Mn. anti lre. Roy Leach visitet i wth Mir. anti Mrs. Jas. Leach over Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. John Leach were ln Whitby on Baturday. Pte. Jos. 81111 vîsît-ei with frieutis here on Suuday. The sang service heit ln urnum' Chireh Bunday nigbt proveti very sue- cessfu n l »eofthe bati reats anti we4ther, anti-the service ln tbe moru- ing was greatly appreciateti by ail pro- sent. lire. RobtL Parrett anti Mca. James Jones were in Pickering for th1eEButer Mr. anti lire, Robt. Heren anti Mauter Edgar lIeron, were ln Detroit for a few taisys UmssEle West, whe le. attentiing - 1. -i -ool --. 1%P--y,-teUhome#fo Amnong the BEster visitoru8 here were Miss Cora Lawrence, ot T orento; Um May Murray, of Toronto,, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis, of the Massey farrn; Private Albert Emma, Whltby; Gordon Pengaily, Toronto. Borne of our eli.zens went fisbing laet week. Suekters are reported scarce thîs season. A good <longregation sttended the services of the W. M. Society. Rey. J. 0. Totten gave a aplendid sermon from the teit, "She bath done whât 811e> could." He expressed himei as being In favor of extending the franchise to women, belleving as 11e does that wo- man te worthy of eiqual privileges with mani, lnn early every vocation of lite. If ail Mr. Totten said la true, and we have no reason to doubt lt. women are oniy beginntng ta enjoy what ehould have been gramted themn years ago. The Ladies' Aid ot our Church held their annuai meeting at the home et lirs. Richardson at Thursday. The annual reports were duly presented,_- andi the officers electeti for the ensuing year. This soclety bas only been organ. lzeti about one year, andi began with a membership of some seven or elght, andi now ls about twenty strong. AI- though only a year olti, this society ralseed very neariy $300, we are inforin- eti trom a reliabie source. The foilow- ing oficers were eiected:-Mrs. C. J. Stevenson, President; Mrs. Pengally, lot Viee-PI-esident; Miss Annie Har- bren, Becretary; Mrs. Victor Parkin, Treasurer; Mlrs. Fred Parkin, organ- lot, Mrs. Wagg, assistant orgaLnist. The meetings are heid monthiy. Several from here took ln the W.M. 9. tea .and concert on Enster Mondaty evenlng at Brookîlu. A splendid time ls reported. Meredith MeBrien le spending some time at hie home here. Me wilI again do duty on th1e farrn until his time iim- l ls up. Ho le no longer a private, but le now worthily dubbed Corporai Mc- Brien. The farmers are gettlng quite un- easy, as seedlng operations have been practically at a etantistili for some time, th1e backward state of the weath- er being the sole cause. It le an old saying that he wbo watts for a fine day always getslt, anti we believe lt will ho so with the farmers very soon. We hope they will be able to go forward with their seedlng operations. Word was receiveti here the last of the week that Mr. F. L. Green's miii dam bnd gone out for the second lime this season. His frientis here learneti of Ibis unfortunate circumetance wlth much regret. S. S N J 6, WHITB Y. OuYhe foliowing le a report of S. S. Ne. 6, Whltby Towns.hip, for April, IV Clant.s-Maude Kiveli 296, 9 stars;, Ethel White 346, 9 stars; Gertie White 339. 10 stars: Etta White -278, 3 stars 9 Sr. III.-Plrank Ballard 17e, 8 stars. r Jr. 111. - Velina Bradley 868, 18 stars; Melville Bfradiey 236, 23 stars; B esmie Garbutt, 11 stars. t Sr. IH.- Kathleen White, 279, 24 stars; Mabel White 365, 25 stars; Thearu Kîveli 813, 17 stars;larvey Ballard 168, 12 stp.rs. with recordoi0 LNKS'IN maw tii.fouad s $*65 ~ t- ~Jl -t - i Gardon and Filoid Soeds FRESH AND NEW Ail the best vanieties at lowest possible prices. Lowe Bros Palots and StinsR Tî-y them and be one of our plfased customers. Sati faction guaranteed. WaII Papor1 WaIINiper! Big New Stock to choos froni. Prîces Rlght. W. M. -Lawrence Brookilu, Ont, l'oiselait l'aie, f DWMT~t&, swith lats-unste - At 55 toisait Dodge Brothers luotoCa Before you buy a car, vis it our wareroomsèand i1sj-tâ tWhs -car. We have a fuit uine of farm macllitiery on hand. Carniages, Wagons, Etc. W. F. DISNBY, WhItby, Ont. OUR CLUIBING RATE WITII MacLFAN'S MIAG-O AZINE ORLY $20.699 FARMNERS WILL YOIJ HELP THEI V.8P In carrying out the big trek throughout thé Counfty> we are asking the farmers of the different c0mmunitielC to help us. To carry the Battalion baggage, etc., requires 3b teams and wagons. Will the farmers of the vicinity of Whitby ton jags&st by supplying teams to carry our baggage- froul. Whitby to Oshawa on Saturday, May zothý 1916. Phone or write your offer to the Whitby Armour-ý ies, at once, if possible, as we leave for- the trek <n- May Sth, and must have complete arr'angements, beforehand. F. Ha N1000V, Capt., O. C. "C CGo, 6th O. S. Bnt.,, C. E. Fe. 1/ gw B.

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