Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 4

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You Can Statt* Savinga AOCCue~ withti.0b. Il itia otkesa&i7 lb? 70u to it utwdl Y01 large sîsm of money. An tiooount tic b. o#ened witb$%.yfr tars on which tatersê u o otiqoundsdtioaya. WHITBY BRANOH: 0. bTÈRRY Migt OSHAWA de 7 O. N. HENRY. -a SEEDS!1 We have a large stock of strictly new seeds, froiýn some ol the very lest growers ani importers in Canada. Qtîality- is the main thImng ini selecting seeds. (unr seeds are tested, anîd show high germination percenta ge th -"u ol4, -te , e ~ .-but tst tue sffier 401? ed ôube o M 4,te t r iiibl hie old h oe ÃŽ, . , m bwbriylu, but w 1II, ?*n# -h'tois ivebep jêm~ l trm o~e peu arae UuIsui Ioni* i.iwrww utis.We hout ien--t be sp roturE te bis toiler life nent week. Unld iie i. ltbegi. aSYIn Whtby are- ROw'el r mt ebto 'P am ! ecvry aes 1'enge»yadSR aebe teu s of et 500,00-tiie eûêt of their Wilde, IL t.tatM rin ir gt. Mso we.uteimet enuid bvW-L, w11L dmy16Ï uj~oe. '~h coahg t tes pisoS la~d aruthl' bud e d elVio , 1 . FiewMenou insUutemtatMs orking on IMr. F. L resdm as Banheeôëù r hcepiméV dmaer taselilu t be04Mpl-W t 106 Ibvea *L.Mackeyla latweek. TheY are several daYs. la attrlbuted by Uie Londoù TimcS Au St4 <jn te gaed laWo dqIiS by tryIL o* 1 bb aad awl u tog ___________________________ due te the restrictions placetd upon the bi t,&etIts first Publie aPPearuce ln ,arn tv.aw mrude*f *OMM il sale et liquor ln ftgland. The restric- Wbitby on Monday night. Consderlg jÇtyVnl-~sD. W. KMM& tiens. have net beeni great, but the re- the short time thej and bas been or. ÏIoî~ delicieli 04 live and Irou nuits ay Ve niquite astonishIng. ganlzed, it tulflhle'al expectàtieflu. toncie. v u oP a lh . guàsteO The- Bugle Baud proudly beads 'the W croate a healtby ppetite, id diges- It ls often salid that if a inerchant de- eàch day, and arý_0,rapidly being whip E mls Dsio. waitoi. LonNte W3 R sires the patronage of the Public be ped into shape by Bugle Sergeant Gib-- should aak for It. Ma.ny of the alert The Battalion fiinallers are expect- atlotelde;Ã" evro o bu htnw Lw oýrYUwr business men of Whitby are weekly et to start work next week. The Bat- the Batain ielde fBaeti o bu htnw Lw o~ryuwr asklnig for patronage through their ad- talion Slgnalling Offier, Lieut. -Jol- are giving a motor truck, andi the thninofb) n this year. vertseflentsin itispape. Ou retilffe, and tw asIétaflîs. Sergt. Geâdes teachers andi pîpils of lte County are ihnkn'fb ver uti eusl i te aer. urteflt andi Pte. A. L. Taylor, are ail well quai- preseiitiflg a motor amubulance. Tite We have the oId reliable machine- ers houd pruspthea vrtis mets fiedt 1 tale charge of this Interesting McLauglilln CarnIage Company gave as carefully as they do t le news col- department of battallon work. Men the Battalion $500 cash, and thte ('bey- W66at umfls, otherwise titey wlll often mise of gooti education or terhnical trainin g rolel iMotor Car Comtpany gave a five .W o y t more brgan o mone nnonceentare badly needed at once for itis w.rk. passenger car. The following cash do- soue brgan r sme nnuncmen iSergts. MeRap, Shtannon anti Munn I>ftIcns also have tu-en received: that would mean much to10 hem. So we, returneti on Mouday to Whitby from a' Town of Port Perry ...$2000 h l el eA h retterate-reati the advertisem-eflts. course In phystral training anti bay- Hobson Mfg. C., Oshawa .. 250.00 I I oiboA h eonet fighling ln Toronto. C'harles Myers, Atiteley.... .100.00 OId Prie@ The N.C.O. clama le making good pro- R. S. Hudson. Toronto .... 100-00 Machine Titere Is a miovemnent on foot ln anme gress untier Sergt. Major Dickînson. Ex-Mayor lii. Fleming parts of Ontario Io induce retireti farm- Titough only about liaîf througi their Toronto....... .... .... 5.00 ors t0 return t0 farm work titis sum. couirse, they alreatiy carry themmelves H. T. MeMillan, Toronto .... 50-00 Aiso the 66 W1averly" bali bearing. mer, thium releasing young men for en-, îîke eter S.E.KnaniPs.Mcn MOTL V..N.MEI .Th em cies av eaydafcd npce listment, or iaking lte places of those aliy andi KIrlcpatricl<, o? "B" Company, who have enlted. In Simeoe County Oshtawa, have been tietaileti to attend Thte regullat monthly meeting of tite; but having bought our stock before the adtrance, ýwe te District Represenialive of the De. a bomhing course ln Toronto, commene- Whitby Brancit o? the Victorian order partment of Agriculture lias securetI ng May lai. o? Nurses was helti ln the Agrîcultural are~ in a position to offer you low priceJ. - Lieut. W. E. MirKissock, tietailed a roorus on Monday aflernoon, May let, te names of 290 retireti farmers, many couple of weeks ago to attend a eouirse' at3.30 'clock. te Presitient, Mrs. J.B. See Our Stock Seore Vou Buye o? witom, itl is hopeti. will lie inducedti 1 in physîcal training anfi bayonet fight- Latdlaw, lu the chair. _______ help on te farm during te war. Titis 1lng ln Toronto, ha@ been taken on te The nurses' report for te mout was seeml t bea god chee, nd ne.staff there as Adjutant to lte officer reati and adoptei, miowing a total num- seea L li a oot sctem, ati nein charge o? the clams, from May Mti. ber of visite matie o? 201. andth ie a- m5E worth putting int effect ail over te Lieuts. H. M. C'amp, of the 241h Rt-gi. mouint receiveti in fees $32.60. A short Province. Titis la a ime of mof-sacni-1 ment, anti Etward Hewgill, oflte l9th discussion followed on chulti welfare PR I R LE b H A R D W AR E~ fice, wlien eacit one sitoulti siouitier Regt., have enlisted dturlng lte week as work anti mens o? lnteresting the itisburen.Sengeants lunlte lS2nti Battallon. mothers ln itis cause. isbre.Lieut. H. W. Penrose anti Sqrgb. W. As te people of te îown have not WHITBV, ONT, * e e eCrawford have juaL returneti f rom a been avalling themme-lves Ici any great Tite ad fatality ln Toronto lasi week recrulting trip 10 Brookl anti vicIn- extent of lte electrical treatme1lts --- ity. given ai the home for neurittis neur - --- --- witen a oiier uninlentionally killed J.. B. Clarke rpporteti for tiuty withlalgia, etc.. il was tiecItiedti10drop te lm danghler by pointing at lie-r a re- te band this wpek, afier flirte wpekg trealm"nie for the- present, to be re- - volver, supposed 10 be empty, anti pull- ln Oshîawa itoapital. where ho untier- sumed laten If need arome. in ltetrggrmiolt le frîenle-w-eut an openation. Ht waa decitied to holti a IlWagte Pa-TIl AN U L ing he rigershold e afurheres- Capt. T. L. Blatcittord, o? the 16th per Day" ln tite comunit-Y in aid o? R R N A son, urgentl neede tict i îs lime, a». Rtserve Battalion, who w-as killetiln lte V. 0. N. work. The- <itizpns aLre gaiust te careiess use of firearma. De-1 action on Titursday, Apnîl 27, was a askedti t keep titis lu mind, anti pro- spile lte unentilng sent-s of faialIUJes b roi hetr o? E. A. Batcliford, wito join- serve ail waste. paper for titis purpome. U i LIU LU resuîlting from lte actions ofte fool et tht- 182nd ai Basier. Furiher parîlculars wili be given lat-r who rocks a boat or te one wito points, FOOTBALL.,I . he Amontit. Io h Sadr FTH AS3 UIDO L AITeCU R gat he o a rni ca? ars Exeien" io football team crowti o? spectators, Bank. basItintily cousentedti 10recelve 0 H AIHGJL FAtSIT HJC lalo oteda er.Eprlno istefobl te aiof?"C' Company of any donations for lte v. O. N. work,, OPENS ON- lte ll6th Ballalion, demouistratedti ieir which wlll be graiefully acknowletiged. - a ati teacher. as Pie. John W. Gent aupenionlly over the lS2nd Bailalion bytheîtt Society. Isuesday Afternoon,, M ay 9th wilt tesiify, while lie mourus the deatt, 1t-am t10 lie lune o? 5 in 2, on Saturclay The followlng ,contributions havi titrougit hlm owu careleasness, of a aflernoon aset. Undouibtedly the- htt- hteun receivedti owardtilhie tupkeep o? at 3 o'clock dtigliter witom lie loveti teepîy. ter tearnw-on, lte condtion anti com- tht- V. O. N. Home titis mouth. UN THE TOWN HALL bintio o th 11thboys being mucit Butter anti Eggs-Mi5s Thomson. better titan titat oflte lS2nd. Good Plckît--Mrs. McAndell. feeling prevailedti hrougitotthlie game, Apples-Miss Annes. M uuiary Notes. anti everybody enjoyet il, noue more Parsnips--Mrs. Selton. Country Stall, Fancy Work, Handkerchlels, ______ ~titan te losers. Pte. J. F. Dickinson, Mllk ickets-Mrs. Rouit. Thompmou'. A rn ade n o eM d t o? tht- 182nti Baltalion. hantiledth ie Cherries-A fniend. A rnC n isa dH ti a eSai ll6it BATTALION. refertle's whiitle satlsfactorily. Houmekeeper's SalanY-Fnieflds. Mer,'y-go-round foir boys and girls, Congratulations are being exteutietin oainhoee mlb lionfanomrlite Hanko? Cawhpromot-a nea o a. way of botîsekeeping supplies, will lie Flsh Pond and IUeCreain. ton ro th Mj r ann ofuCtain Sturthay r o ttit hglatily receive t Ilte V. O. N. Home of ajo ws anoincd o Sturayanti duly ackuowledget ln lte press. Hlgh Tea served from 5 p.m. at 25 Cents. la8t. Major Mootiy's appointment dates Mtik h itr pi.w ninti,0** Tht- Regimental Sitoemaker Sergt. Tht- faulI la bers tat we are far bt-tint Musie ail the t191e lias bt-en Ntre for te past week tioia ii u ing sein.V tr'Ls,11 PROGRAFtME IN THE EVENIIG. al necessary repaînîng. Her mootis were rtîly la tht- fariner J. C. Hotiges anti R. Floyd have been trylng. MUNI-CIPALITY 0F THF. T0WVX 0F WHITBY EEYN OE Qu ieare rmMa s.Oe day ail emles--the next profusely Cou*,ÇrY OF ONTARIlO. 4 EV60E-Y-ON-B-COME.- Pte. W. Thtomas, who went 10 Ux- r ying:Ntcei br ygvn-tat1hve1- ---- m** * tiflr .. n , ,d th monutelnjz hn-i Now warm, now frigiti. transmnilteti or tielivent- t 1 te pero _______________________________________ It never pays to bu>- cheap *eeds beenolge titeture u t Whltb on Seeds of weak vitality neyer produce sâtlgMctory crops. account o? a spraiiîed aukle. Pte-. A. Il n ('rackneli takes lis place ut Uxbidtge. A Medical Board, compoaed o? Capt. And CLOVEIR SEED, FINT CORN -Kmnby, Dr. Kaiser andi Capt. Moore, TIMOTIIY SEEI) SILO (O1 will ait Le examine Sergt. S. Jeunngs, 'i CO14wit a îiew te bavlng him dischargedTIB RAPE SEFD EARLY POTATOES as medicaily unfIt. 1 MaLor Moody, Capt. Every anti Lieut. But MILT EF ÂEPOAOSriers-n have been tietailed te adt as a court o? Iaquiry te Investigate lte Il- lt-gaI absence et Pte. J. MeDougaîl, et te Oshawa Comxpany. od On Thursday lat 'C" Company par- DAIR BUT ER 1ticipatoti ln an ail-day tactical scheme. Fer One platoon lott Whitby at 8.16 a.m We hndi th choces brndsCantak thêprouetandi laId an ambuscade abouttwo ailles We hndi thechocestbrads. an ake he rodut ertb et the tWwn The balance et the ofafwmore g tmaescempany sta.nted about halt an heurBu later, anti when thet. wo parties caieBu lu contact lntoreting develepinents en- OppIlBV sued. F'llowlng this, te empanY WuB RsGE&C 8 Old Stand W Iu puslied funther nortb, baivt lunch e W. . RIGL & Cu Opolt ~just South otthe C.NUkbuidge. le THESARAI STREthon proceeded &long thé C.N.. I rack u ___________________________________________ open area, Southi ef the trucki, un ex. - - -- .. -.ercîse ln trench warfarevwu carrled T, e ut. tronches being alteul sud troopa inTho T. H ~thein bitug reeve lu a mauer «ul-Fo STANDARD lA 1K. nMy4oE fl rnFe&or* - Grierm o wereOeUlY rellir*Msi OP' CANADA the trench warfar* clao, Uni Bergt. GraVed, Who bau returnoul frl 4he MEAO O7IÇ< - TRONTO ront.gav. imvauuabealtaoe lu ta- SAFET DEIOS!T OXESrying out the seliaLê On eomp1eUOf ________________ ofi a na kvasS outh. ou- O ae now lImstalkd at Ibis Brandi for t tii. n rhJetem a"out n ied to lm aeli of1U tody of valuable pVa",s etc.#, lriug aafcty tue o wT . tr4 trl=a ome r.bes sud privacy. Further luformatiop aupplled, I)&vI4Mileri oM ?e1ç _4 J%> -Md" __chîbatl Bàuellet M TO=tcý b.am omi coer 'stelle by the m"ager. . udr - WH IT»Y BPRANCH o hr« esrbaMtél C. A. MeCIeUa. bMnibaa4ed tote ie lyfl tu- 'W _______________________________nom*.tlerie . trw t u* haio teM a.wli _______________________________Ibo__ Th reuieMot *eOomssaY hf«*-le fl1 095SPd=495to»ftffte tr* *£ u - Wli'w i ~ I~! uJ ewuh a nallent-t net te ber Ihat fanniera walled, ithopeti andti eareti,them wonk lte white belated, Naugitt careti Miss Apnil. true, the grans- grew green at ber com.manding, -wiat. availeth that witit waten standing Ia fieldi and gardon? day thcre's flot a field ef spring grain gnowing, Apnil favoroti- net seetlIe or sewing; Andi yet we loye ber. took her leave St mtduight's streke on Sunday, we scarcegrleved, fer yo«swcro eomiug Monday. :And nov we're hopeful, ,re thluldug of -thelihaki beys de- fendtng rcountry; et the motherland de- Votera' List Act, lte copies requIneti by te saiti sections te lie se trans- mitted or delivereti of the liet matie pursuant te lte mid Act of ail persens appeanlng by lte laut revised Assess- ment Hou o? the said MunliplpitY te be entitlet vote ln tho muid mutiip ality at electIona for mexubers et the Legisiatîve Assemlbly and at Municipal Electloils; andi that the. saiLl list wau finut posted up at my office at Whitby on te 13h day et April, 1916, anti ro- mains thon. for Inspection. Electors are called upen te examine the sai 1i8t andi if any omissions or any other errons are found titerein te talco lm- mediate prûceedingite bave the said envers corrected, accerding te law. Datod at Whltby this 111h day etf Apnil, 1916. JaSEPff WUrr, Town Clerk. KISSALEC.' Où n s W teed thieuL Sohool openeti on Monday mornIng, mfrer, vo 88k. dear May. thia spe. lait with Miss MKy lu ber - accu OWlai asor- .tomed place Oue ftU moulA i gvo uis lhealvon Frank Karris Onsorts a new divert. thel. arbrou ires, have .014 tIeir stable ýAnd let's <et busy. ofetbee ttIle te Nrmai ColwiU, et IL Il. AIDu8ON. Brookiu, for a gced figums Jamtes Youug and wte vId t rlendis Death of Misa Bryan. on tht ront rosi ou Sunday. - -The bridgeAt th* sclihol b aU SUuiAM *p«-#Ot. he d« o&.besu lua aYen uuaaie codition for Tm aI bier home on Byrot Str-eetMse #m% iebu&la uowpared. lula Ternit.Brixu, a we>ikaulO . T7» W.-I IL . 15 lut1Tufflo st di >4t Wbtltby. mIsa Erg-ahamlte home & M n,. BignamL- aimb e l*iaiboni 'en-1bravey Ilthoemi'u4vitlIOWlnse'Intenta, abatMiea MteMnmuAmfspoWdinh o-", &À 110b" j jj;I undai eselireek illiMis. ltazrn. 8 .f SI t a ding t*»,CoIt.glat. M Ville las the wh aausi*go ."TA..wtet*t.ry 1 mm - oId» your.- sweet-. keart's * ~ice. W.rthyoI edmialint k T -v -~ ~ 4 I Col brd coi by :act sîri pt vl ti î- ail th,' : ap. aI -:coi Br ti L huai atihu výý

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