Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 May 1916, p. 5

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PA« i e JE' E 4~%A .~., t III * 4 % iikî t iiIlRItI Il u i ii sI Iut l i ii ,i louu rai l il i i l < iI)lýiii i "i ii' I- <'r% " t - I lt i ti' glialq, À n1 f- il s, aliî i rl 1wII 11 ra i i l it ii u ~ i i c i i nir- ili d 1 UGAL HAPPENINGSIlý Satr4a a1b~tlu thé Munlie Haill Fartnerà aÎre Yé?ylddwnhearted and, dlscouraged beeauze the weekn are golng bY-' and they cannot get tbeiri seeing done. Very littie sowing bas yet been possible, and that only on the hlgher pune,;Liow-lying land leaa mire wbich itannot be'ecultivated. Gar. deniti; la also greatiy retarded, anid Very PIktliyet dette. BAP'tisT CHURCH. - Sunday, May 14.< 1At thil mornîng s&ervice, ",Iev. P. K. D)ayf6t»M Secrtary of Sunday Scîo kôrk w I reaeh. Mr. L. J. Rilitan, of McMs.ster Ull'- versitv, wili preach Rt the eveni,îg uer. v ice. C12LJ.EN PERRy WOUNDED. Lieut. ('«lien Perry. son of Mrs. J. H. Perryr-,of Whiîby, ha@ been wounded ln France, and ls now ln thehospital. Lieput. Peî-t'y Mbten with the East Surre~ K 4YPt. but had re- turne4 e nVMW' Perry was not advised officially of ber sons lilness. and tlc first intimation she tiad of lt WRas If a letier received from 'ulIen The annial meeting of the WVom's Ifl;tlttaê WiiIli e lîeld ln trie Agrictil (tirai rorne on Fridàv afiprioon. N14 I9tlu, at 3p'clock. Tbe financial report for the year wili i. gt-, on. reports ofi iComrnittees and electit of officers. À foul attenidanr-,.of ailt he. inenîbers. lu reqîuested. Thoe'rM r0 ents wnrth of latigh <n the. prnuram to he gl'en Saltiîrdav n igh t 1hilo A lexa nd ra Pla vers -a nd the C'harge tg 25C Reserved s .t1 5c. WASTE, PlA'T-11 lAY. Tii,. V () N. la\c' d.-oi(ddIf) îold a %'iati.t llait'r Day on itiuda> , NaN -19,1 w h.'îî ~uîe iiali'r d ia7l'e"i Il '<bApillai of olosd b dâyl <-' Apilli, of are by DÀht." Aiotdiïitiïuly si! mothert a laealoe hé1 tod&bj;u; urglng sme te a Uht r byi6r and put*e lite, lbtheveieing e t uyb Mtîerý we would sot reiievir the. front ibis grest db ttbn, but high- et aud Iigbit pibe. Ibis distinôtive* piwer.4lvlnsly gWéEihsM. Next Sosday, Ma.y_14' t t23o'eioeh, Our shoi~e iabtiMt. A pregrsm, ait mot ber entined, in bSngprprl - Yoti'ii 1k. iàfi-e st arite ofinIshi. "Ojin miis ~~ ___Tabernacle, 8ufditjx.bchO0I Isl concert One of the beet. A nimber of Toronto artiste wilt ussist, Including Thos. Kelly, ventrIloq tîaIe ingers, comte entertainers,- IThémeWin also be a fencing bout between two of- ficers wbo are masters of the art. Local 'talent will also take part ln the ýrogram, and the whole affair ilb cal- cuiated to be (ie of the best concerts ever hrard hî're, THE APRIL BIRTNSTONE D IA NOND )i4 ti e minerai uni- VeisalIy eecygnized as ebief anong ipreeioli. rtotii', it ilqthe hardeot, Oie imustimperiuliahie, and ulo he mont brilliant of mieralq. Therne înaiitien aliue have miade h en;preille a. a jewel silice early tinseq, and yet the reai brilianicy of the i4one im tiot dis- p'ayed tîntil it hum heen faceted hy the art oif t he lapidai y. and LIisi wai% .m-nreely developet hefore the year 1746. A I)ianaond eut in 1746 wunld lie jurni arn <rilliant in 19161, or iu 20116. A Dianiund ltnrgeliaspe at à riglit prive isau imiperialiabie ilivcag ment. Let us hulp Yeu sUV@u@-ur msey. Bassott's New store Jtweler and Optician llrock St. solil W i 1 r B V, -ONTIARIO WI. C. T. Lu largesti work shirt nmade. 60c.1 T'. Thompson. I*l-ilt FOR1 NON AI'PEARANCE ATI 1 NQU EST. Flanc flhett-Mre. Qeborne atnd MIse Marcia Rose.- Readi»g-MtsÏIttene Jolinston. Duett-Mrs. Fotter, Mes. Whttfield. Piano Duett.-The Misses Nichol. Solo-Mr. T. B. Jone,& Reading-Mls MYra Cronk. Solo--Miss Evivu3elL Trio-Mer. and ýMre. White and Mr. Ayers. Reading-Dr. pcoln. God Save the King. For Sale, T'o Rent, Etc. F0OR SALE. Six roomed frame bouse, 8-piece bath, electrie light, fm~nace, bot and cold water. ApplYiJ. H. James. TEAMSTE1R WANTED. Married man preferred. Apply to E. R. Blow, Whitby, Ont. FOR SALE. Cash register énd three sewIn gia- chines. Apply V. .Colline, Wh itby. HOUSE TO RENT. Pive roomed bouïe on King St. Good garden, with fruit." AppI$t Mrs. R. Pin. dar, or phone 194 'tIng 4. FOR SALE. KItchen range, six-bote. witb reser- voir; also one refelgerator. Both in good condition. Appiy at Gazette of- f ice. PAINTERA WANTED. Painters wanted at Hospital for In- "*' ~" 'iI~iiUIo vroiHii* Alhbert laririck. %%-liewas suîmmonAd thîe Hospita. 1 Appiy to E. G. Haze11, Bandmaster. PI'NWtD $10, $12, $14 800 $16 POPr hinunoer he urib, tf I p <'i- ted <<iV. lk) N. as a w Itiness for theI' nquist <nta the Whitby, Ont. _tI. \wfIrk K4.-1)a)il outr w îste o r. 1,11( joh n lbfa nt 's dia h. fuI led toap- nTO LET. Asand. Apple FARM FOR SALE.onc, bi n w P.1fIrî<r îi liciavzîI'sitltllIl li;t p-ra -dîîî'sda%, eîonling last. Thle A bouse w1th 2 acres of land.iAmpte 65 ar MsndFO ALgoE os.sevrîigm~ e cda ne îgbran lb ilO*liiri rt<riciiaris lwii¶î'r on Wi 17 h< . uy iî rpetsand mainl tfruits. 1 itg 6 cesnd om odbueoff ered. Aiso drill shed at ()Id fair groudcoi-.ng f ho ii %%as 7 < i'cuik11w 'fr *yw t ak l k from l.owfl. APYat Gazette w ith furnace and conveniences. Prame o . ich boards, scantling, etc. Ail solda lo pre. i( I(I1 tiill lurtriî'k fall'd I ti aîlîar. oiie barn, living Stream, pasture and bush. A.. - > 'I L J T Hii. Nftf< Ai tii,Iivtrî.'rf ai ed HOISE TO TIENT. lleasanl spot. Apply to R. B. (Collis, "Iply uJvertinment l Levator, Port vîltyWohiurî hic i 1n ils at' i <es îho test- Six roorned hus;god' l:New Sboe Store. Grounds. i Uitilia it h(- lîad s.ri id lart rl<k Jîî'r. îîater ln tbouse; orchard. bar-n. and two i i i i ii il -uni îions t tiio da:s is re- avres land. Apply Win. Bradley, west ' -- - - %ioiiii i i Il i ni f, lt ' iri d for the 'i f tot n q c i f T h i. " r i i< î or t u fi î a f i e o f , f - -il ii î0 t f in fort'll,, falflut-'Io aie- l'A NTED, pop raiir . tl h - tîltr ir 1<tu' fîfurtlier A aniart, reltahie girl ta worklt n nos- t~kîn t i ii îî<~î~I 'îiîî îî i u aiii. ApîtîX Maple IDcaf ('afe, -Il,-i l iri i( k %N i1i teiiN.&,i- o a<îîar on 1 i rock Street, NW'hitby. ~ lînit vif at itFOR SALE. ---4---Three gond lots with frutl, for build- (iîi.i t otetor aryoîMet-am aur . ohns. ApIon reies. M crs- E EMNT H L l n i' harwar tore < a<0 lî-ir etaro'afmc-ng rposhn. ASto sret stMicr-. ETRIN H « I< l 'llie l It ý i tnioxu-rsiand I-ir a2 ii r'rit)' w as shlo( through a Fairbanks, Whitby, ----- fro i l ii(](\N n 1)4 ruide ce f M . OR SALE. -~~ jiiiin llisloj<. 'ut (ilii'rt at <00<. A n<-at-, Youing quiet drW'ing horse' for sale. tli1lo i ii tIlal < In'it<idia<., tiili, oluiwieli a _,_,bltîlet tict'1y1 Hackney. Aise buggy and harness. HE ~ " iil of Ille'li~ui ' iht.'d, w mas 1lit ii <nIlle.glass; A neigh- Reasonable price. Apply t0 M. W. Col- THE t'LY traflsmilts more sickness tnan avuîe lit te, l1 'l l,, il liard s.'î.' raI lnshotoit 2 a'ciock' lins', Red Sboe Store. l-' <a'. ~ .î iutti. lias b aîd tî î i ,%iii lit atran ti ' <o say in oaf Mr. dî'cidi'd i<iîi as the- occasïî i lc <ii' iontiihe ail' w s aroused b he li FOR SALE OR RENT. mediuim. It is responsible for typhoid fever an ot r g»Il1 l i lit iiu ii nl.iosi o , o. Na alii< i llî siaslid thei. i<da-. The' Framne bouse, 8 roomu, 114 stoeeys, :tîu. .\ V' ý.-%'Ni t Whlh liof <I lltta 1111i4-tiîiiînti-ri-fil tle niotrt, whire forlit- stone fouindation, good cellar, divided diseases. Keep abreast with the onward march o r Il <lie lli;îi ant i 1 ,2id lîlio ns A <10< il<tario<1' t'%asil;îresenit ai that haur, for furnacp: town water and aoft watem lii"iî ii t us hi-bp urranged. 1lýii, h oîual ot oiîî i-n ie isearch cIsteen;aise good barn: situated on *, Oas ntadt' for lt. l)o«lbtlî'ss the boys: Brock Street south1 corner St. John gress and help extermjiate themn. Ve are ready it Lu eINCE. . lii.ktfiletc rerifles tlredtlite abots' i. BiliUngs la 94-W repair. Apply te We wouid lie pleased to quote uwou fi h it'li WEr W. G. Stewart, È.It No. 3, OBhawa.iL"'"-""so k -' I~~G~uH tn fnwest price on farm and poultmy.0lag a d_____tck of____sssre n tâ fi'nce. eo. M. Rice. ~y h N JIRC. theIAS O wear and tear from eaotsaon S'tîhîî fVTEIAi'1 ]FI!USALE Cabbages. early and late. j Caulifluwers, early and late Tomatoes, ail leading varie-" ties Peppers, sweet Celery, in variety. Appty "THE GRANOE", Wbitby~ PHONIE 127 WA.VOIJNG Civil Engineer, Topographiosi S3urvey,' land drainage, subdivision desîgning. Plans and drawings, etimates, etc., on cont.ract workL. Contraetlng. Box 248, WHITBY. N'ysi's Worm Chocolates, Nyal'e Worm L -zengeit Nyal'e Woat,i# uwdere, Nysli.Worm Syrup. Prce, 25 cents eaàchl Whn a ohild i. not welI and there io no appaillent- reason1 woôefi are no doubt the trouble. These four Nysi Rerned. ieu Contain the sasse active medieloal ingreflienté. put up in difierent forma. Bach is pleasanht t', tako,, hammiesis and i"t~expel these intestinal parasites. Worm4 aref a very' pre@ence are various-o$fensive breath, irregular bowelu, grating of the teeth, spans, talking in the eleep, fe'-erish- ne@@ and reFstiessnesp, lils of flesh, are almoRt aume'indica- tions. Wheu any of these gymptoins are noticed it is we-l to give a trealment with a t4yal Worm Reînedy. COTTAGE TO LET. On C'entre street. Town watem. Good i IT situtation. Apply (o Miss Cormackt, Green Street. -46. DRVO and STA« FOR SALE. HT Y Roughcast bouse, 8 rooms, good lot, with fruit. also three good lots to be SoieAlgent for N Bold for building purposes. Apply to Mrs. Fairbanks, Brock St.. Wbltby. __________ 11lOUSE FOR SALE. EG O ACIG Ten-roomed bouse, % acre cf land, EG O ACIO garden, ail kinde fruit trees. Hous. Sihrer Campines, $1.60 for 13. bas new Pense furnace, new batbroom, Indian Runner Ducks, 11.25 for 12. electrie Iight. Ahi n good repair. Ap- Rbode ITl'and Reds, 50c, -for 13. ply D. Galbraitb, Port Witby.-tf. Birred Rocks, 60c. for 13. In the village of Brookhtn, a trame ___ - -- bouse, witb stable, an acre of lançl and orchard. Apply to Henry Banner, 39 Front St. EBut, Toronto. 91B G SA E O On al] Instruments, for the band ofAI uN S0 E O D A D L M E TIONERV STORE ONTARIO Myai Preparmations. HOUSE FOR SALE.- R.ugb st, 8 rooins, ail modern con- venienceS. large frame garage, gool gardien, large and email fruit. Apply on premises, Byron St. south, almnoit 11 iùi. -.%lot iers I)Fy -"iI li -( ot). I t- ~5x r\iAdliti a eîlalarratiged se rvie.. Io lbici inembers of Cie Stnnday Il ii lii aidoî<tI'.ou'îl i iîjis('11001iorullttîlt-un ibuite alatîg w 1h th,- \1- Xi.i iiilra PIloyet-s. Saurday nig~lit ('liir end niiniptr.r -o--- 7 î"n 'Stbi-ct: "A Triple Test.- NI ..I WI îidîî uli orrec-i t-~ nt iti. 'Lkeas a Fatber- F r 1, NVPI a 12,noraIntic(ti t <I <h0 Falidi Ni:11 nraanun le MRS. 1fLlUNDELL DEAD. L1Jý 0His maiyy trtnds extend aincere 'Ii'V ar Itillef k8ocltly wishes 10 j sytUt>attiy Ite Mr. Enoclu Blundeli, llroçk t1iink Ntas itiIa Houper. of York. l'a., Stre-#î north. who mourus the death of fora dnaton f Il;ais MaorHarper hie wlIfe, se bavtng paseed away ln s Sfor a donationu a E5o.ajor lo-inte IHospitaîl iast wt'ek. Mm. & So ti n dui&<iunut ~" itindell) bat ti*'u nuwell for soute = «tue, gnd altbough ail was dune <bat We have a good electrie vacuum( cleatier to eut, $1 per day delivered to ' oî'ing cat,-e could'do, she gradiuatly be. your bouse. Geo. M. Rice. tami. weaker Until thi.e ed. The tuner- ai tooIc plaeIJp Toronto. Mr. and Mme. TheF;Ilittiýit o ehuhman roe@ llundeil cN4i# te Vbitby from Wes- for (liteIliîrtictiitiral Soci4'y lias ar- tn' abut- friear em ane.ae ad rlî'od .iNl(,ifrs piiiise cail for saiene - rebehee nt <arIIt-at opportuniyai thte Agricul. ETOD -TTAERACE tural itonnîs. ERDS TA RNC . A oai~ f t ho Apnl Cii»pl a %%*ite. Ill puay regular prie. for ai r'siaivgond coîy. APPly at <hoe GJazette Office. The nId dm111 slhed at thoelPair 'Grouinds s belng tom dow by tho Toronto h'oirewrecking Ce., and th:l old landmark that etood for yearm wll soon >e oaly a memory. --a Mr. Matland Martin, who underwent an opematioa for appeadicitls lu St. Michael'i% Hospital, Toronto. on Wed- mesday last, la progressing veey taves- .ably. Alexandra Players give a prograin titat will make ypn gletd yeu'-. aur.- If yen hear 1IL Suday hasqt was penbape tthe warm- -est and unoit sprlinglke Gai eoftthe season, and ahmost everyone wbo own- 'ed or could b.;. borrow or etnI an automobie or othteS' nue . 4hnt ont for a rua. The picturecontest utder Uthesau* piceu of the Wbr ReUd,$qdety itioso -" Saturey .ventn tt *e.Thom 'who vi" tobset Ueke! obut do $0 1etoeo thattime, Tb.y 0i on aiu Adrliebas bout reosve thât Pt&1 ilarry Âmem.,- of »be.kwater w"e 'wotuded Iii setion Mi Aà'U -î i M that Pt..'U, ofus,.1 Sw "t, %Ton ise woudd lte tm utI« 'casuaty belg us I1 l& T1%. amenait et U.Wtii.*utu"b 'frei the operstlou et th* e ?U »A»~ bl Longuee ofIset ywr, bus bOU 4W liated t th* Lite11h ait 1hnd 'tek Ions te a&MWu -theiipur*ffl- *M 10IeU I3luiht'ftw aum. oUbliahlith "mO 11ev. A.Il. Postpr, paittor. Sunday, >May 141h. **Mouhek"s Day." Sermon* snonng and eyenia; by the pastoi-,e MlomtU eve-bre Mmr les of Nother," by <h. Choir. Solo-MbiseSonley. Evenîta; servIce - Ânthem, "Ii Songs My Mther Sung." Solo. iie Queen oftheii, arth." Mr. T. Bl. Joues. Duel, My Mollieys-'on;," ïm.'..bet W. Jackuon, M4. W. J; . LR1cIardsoix. The, [argent work shirt made SO60e Hary T. Thompson. 0 1 GUILD ENTEIlTAIN EPWORTH About 100 Young peophe. Including s*eerai men ln khaki, made merry on Tuesday evenîng at a gathierîns in the. Presbyterian Chus-ch baseinent. The. nvS.alon wss a speclal social mvains wbea the Methodîst Leagule were the. guette of (lie St. Andrew's Young P.o- gPt.'. Guild. The. vteiting ociety pro- vlded the. major part ofthte -pregram, and lté Guild looked afier lte social featos-eîs.Thei, Preso te gl uiIG. Rev.r. Me. Cormack, wu ti hair- cian of the evenicg, and at the close Mr. M. laimer acul Rev.r..l'oser expressed flttUnly th# hbunks sand pod iedl I lte Loqaue, 'nue programn was a su lova - Onwarsd tuîit"a odes Cleanlng e BARS SURPRI5E 5OAP, 25c. 3 PACKAGES AMMONIA,25c, i3 PACKAOES LUX;'2.5c* Tour B Pi fmoTtud Exflra sironï wÎndow screens, thhardwood f-,rames and-perfect 'adjutmnaiL We bavej thee ' 6 iseuasbelow. 9 elghUÏi eoese&wid tb op« u puIe hh1, vii kh,4I As0lo, lO, N. U 4 14li li 41. - 4k The Ilarry the thi 11:1> i 1 1 L--i. 7771- - 1~~ A -No q'l-.ELD'S

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