lu te of the, ietu * ONE HANu; The Capture ofa German Pirate Cl A PT ER Ill.-(Cont'd.) big cartrdiges; but his plans called B104 leanwhile he watched with intense for it, and open them ho muet. is ineer h atos fte rwbei retrusty bag yieldedà a alcil Uof g packet. Young tender leaves on1 , him. :;h ""seo te eposit°on waterproof fuseé and some caps; and e ith 'when his daylight bedtimne arrived the grown with utmost care and wÃŽt and prepared the tube-for action withou, shells had chaned Into excellent llaVOuras the ime bjct, areused "es dceMissle as al- hand-grenades, with live-s3econd fuses. to prO luCe theramnous Salada blendSe ready in Pla3ce; he knew now when it! Meanwhile his hat aec re, at h was; put there. In a few minuteeia o1 haigsut-ws. vdTR - ~~~~~~~~~~the lights wire snapped off, except enl ehddeie olo frvc N smalbulowh'h baelyinumatetims along the sea-lane between Hon-- a ýthe sighting mnechanism. Then a8;ohiflu and AustraRan ports. e ,paniel slid back, and a large porthole1 During the next afternoon the Cocos $ copd m fet e ord wfreigher, was again chased by a warship, a fast ht he could eetherrefet ion of her BrItisa detrer ned rame, which puHtEZOL fewlo orer, aelekig f mah-1 Cocos a powerful enigines settled to erv, and then a sudden h ss of es- their task, and maintained a lead be- é lo mf cpin aira,, a ong lac shdwoyond the range of the destroyers'si capinhrg irtheaong btlak shadwo hells. The ecaptain did not seemSOYO ETA H Dai ty Dih" .th ee ninut s. Ad le on jsheor f t r(i l oughathe rop e orhle . ed Re anxiou s to show his ut mnost speed; he T E K A ER F R . Dant ise. heemnue Adlo jieaor.gsrleofdainger, Craene leape upsimply kept his distance till nighti Rhbr rtee. ttesak reasoning, boil two mivutes, pour overandscabeinohsvnltr. amo. Then he dodged to and-- Rhbab rttrs-Ctth sa abagoadduteit pik.thengtwsbak h k vr fro for a while with lights blanketed, of te pant to nchlongpiees.Creamned Frivaled Beef.-Shired oe cast Hardly ai thousand yards away, adpeetylf h rts hpfrCeie oBv perd mmveranundriend, Drémovseerom half Pound chippied heef with fork, and slightly In advance, the British'to the leeward, her lneffectual search-Mn oeegaPse stoveand rain Dipin see e andpourboiling water Ov'er it. Let'vessel glided along, her bulk pricked lgtpaigbc adfrhoe h ritteredbatter. Bonan o i stand a few minutes and drain. Put, out by occasional lights. She seemnedj empty waste.Awy Cowiee d grCelery Salad.--Mash two tab)les-poons butter in pan, and not to realisie the Cocos's presencej The same ruse had to be repeated lohn Hayil Hammond, Jr., Inventive Genius, and i ahr asrWlemmyfa Raquefort cheese with a little butter when hot toss beef in it until it looks Everything was calm and quiet; h6 next day thin time for the benefit of A recent photograph of Mr. John Hlays Hammond adhssn ae nerh u ttevr e or thick cer. Mix ith one-third frizzled. fSrt one tablespoon fleur in fsenses refused to realise the mean- the Australian cruiser Sydney. Crane In the office of ke lder Hamlmond. John Hays, jr.,hainetdmy oewon'nme6 sa asi much min ed cellery and arrange gradually whrle beef is frizzling and ing of that sinister black s;hape slip- gathered over the 'phone that she ýras wirelessl contrivances. Hie has Invented a wireless toreotacnbe hekban. on lettuce leaves for idividuel ser. add one cup, or as much more as liked, ping so silently througrh the black' acting as convoy te a ileet of1Ie controlled by wireless from the Coast fortifications. Hega ple o nfcteehsbe o vic Dut lberll itha rka nd f lqui coposd o eap arts of wkatredr. A fewmoen ts thus, and ten tmerchant vessels. Then, too, certain more than one hundred patents covering the system Inh ntdSae olr o ayacnuyp serve with dresin n ose rc-biingwae and evaported milk. a reiglare shoed atte feehte1aCode messages, pickd up during the and foreign couintries. Hammond ls only twenty-eightyerolanhshanthldhifrmabe ers. Cook for ßvE4 minutes longer, and water-line and nlamed upward, settingi night by the wireless operator, seem- achieved a reputation In the inventive world. Mr. Hammod rhshda i ra.Ee rdikte Bread Pudding With Orange.-Soak serve Browning nlour should be!out every detail of the scene like a: ed to indicate that a smnall gray shlip, long and varied career. fals a sh awud a half cupful of stale bread In a omitted if eggs are added. In that lihotographer's fnashlight. He sawihaving given the slip to several war-......--- lowhrnm tobm~to qure facpu fsetmlad case, after frizzling beef, add liquid the big freighter heel, over; a quaer vesses a nerssiin Thehspren;whlhinur a frk Ft isrquite sote atehty mode into paste with a Ilitlemilk. Ing her interior structure like a house1 waters were to well guarded, then he l ship Dauntless, convoyiri three tran -~i la aitwe-ewst lo a r . f aoritn heorae id ayeJust before taking. from tire, addi beat- setruck by a cyclone. The glare died wudseknwpotrs §frh et a'ports that carried fivet ousand Aus-11How Medicine Is rcie mn h h hdbe eni or tohwpar ofhal anorage inddd en yolkq of two" eggs and dasmh of down; then a second explosion came, south-west cw oures;toa gopedtlanrosbudothhepfChns-hsBrnpla. sugar to tasteandthp ofoeegwieepr.,a the water rachedeer boilrw,1an which led, through unfrequented seas, !the Mother Country. The speed of The beginnings fmdcn nCia Ad ned h oe Beat a fold ' th ·hit f a shower of embers from her furnaces twr h ue atIde.the Cocos increased, and her course aei h i itneo ot-dehv odcuefrterf ig etn, rysif'nd e w e o an Hnts. e oandised hint easa A Aweek passed by quietly, and the swung slightly to port. Crane let hundred years agadtscefmd-wnve"Brh"kona ndividualen verat tr n us.Coinlke Centrmuffednroar filedehis earealsharp ocos was threading her way through himself out of hi% chamber and hur- caI classie datesfo ththr'or"heLay"asbnsen b d dstr cups Cook e carrot and pes are n exce blaist of air struck his face, and the the narrow seas of the Dutch archi.. ried to hie lookout post. Soon the fourth century beoeCrs.I1saawasbe h abne ren csta - Todishqurr heýongmixederogers h ooorcefadtsdi thewaes. «pelagoes. Not a ship had been sight-'deck 1.ights flicked out, and the gun-, book on medicine n hsclsineo oegetclmtoter Cheese Str as.T o 'nou'dnuate h youneder g leinaesilof e All was ,dark now; only a black ed ecet twoml trader wth crew came forward and began strip.l that treats of thehmnbdtewo T bfreWlim pouned Pufrmpstae eand outneyadnn e eygo na aa ukstwdweetefrihe a- whic he eCocos exchanged signl, ping the Piece. He realisedi that the principles "yin" a ynt i atb h n h ey gate ofparmsncepaanSrikag ammon o ne stain eablack b ulktatsled insloyslo-reporting herself as bound from the captain would try to sink one or moreecrntebd iess n hc i oFeeikI paso a i rolig i flur Rol o to xclen white en ,meled mwood- y aower. A ju ml fxmiosondsMrsal rupfo ore. wieoftese tansort nd utto thl cp ucreanson.Oerbksnagyhewsenbym thhi i Toue an t cameicrosstouhim(smal exploionsshe stppeda umal tradig staionsiarknesnandaiscgrate pedetotlippwee adde to tistlisdlatessaysMr.soe,!waneringthroug thet ln, aund ostpsfour or fh %ie Tinc orku cl ea trpntnea screams, shouts, commands. The. left a little freight, and took on Fmail away f rom the guns of the battleship. Dugad ChristiEin"hryYasntepace-nwchhywre ngi ti an(ne outki m in oe. wist snolo nth. bsmaeexe lacblkheve oceenwiese tities f shell and coprdoubt They represented great prizes to theMukden,"bthehorsrgadn teac ortrip anubaesi. oeaeoe llnghdessmk xeln tied back gently, aind disappeared. For lest strengthen her dia uise In captain, well worth the risk. Crane the cause and cr fdsaehv lte nWie ten or twelve minutecn covers for dress;es rhangring in theela few omoments there -vas silence.icase of necessity. Certainl h elsdta h rsswsa hnbe trotpdfrmncnure. O h atroçso ti i ish In I otato Cases.-Pare pota - loset nd deie ta tecras terminti As ng as Othe-fv eetPf toes of uniiform saize and cout thin Thr rud in which roses ar,c Then, like the crack of a whip, the shell part of the cargo strengthened and is courage anddtrmnton!whchs helo d s cmoe-eal nrdrthalne ya vîil go dase. Bake util P 1 Y ra. wtr n lye pnteso.A men walked through the corridor 'hisbaictos in afeshnÃnutesandquihbriurn, heato sejyd hnee n uhamncn s do<nc gafo nt ase. emou nsprtdr aoe r ateig helfr little wreckage floated-4surprisingl.y within a few feet of Crane, as he lay hsbancoldadhsmuscles hard- tey are out of rprindsaee-h utrdapeen ik o nh h o o vng remal ot ini e t\atoes re teningitherore' inlittle. A f ew men clung to boxes or, in his narrow cell; but his luck held. ened to the task. sues, and the octotramn isucscu. filwt e c p toeaing wall all rou ilth ey r o meie oo&itfo hnplanks, and one small boat, with about Then one dark night they ran the (To be Continued.) to bring thema baktthinomlr- Tsewoavloednt ce pp vthard i iled gg1or a ith p loo s oedsrbethan fa dozen occupants, rowed toward Strait of $unda, between Sumatra and - + -lations. Medicescoreadhayprtntab austeH er, creame<l fish or ma itr r in white kid arti- th<. The Cocosfwas swining inhJavaiandrwhe the momngcam SMOOTH TO GET BUTTER. tastes, corresponigt h v l-lrn eciehra nod ferred, cover wath butter crumnbsand)( ineso. eca closer, and Crane expected to sele a were in the India Ocean, standing out'.- ensad the dv1 raso h oy lte rmha ofo returnto o n tocomlete cooking. efo eelink fruit, always Pour boat manned for the rescue. Then in the track of 'shipping from Aus- Problemn One of Hardest for Kaiser's All treattnent ms codwt h ihbakee lzn rma Crea ofchesefoup-Pu on bolino a r oer t adoltei stnd e herd crsp rde fowar, ad taliato he uezCanl.d'Sujecs i Berin ariuseyclsuoznyConwhch.te1frroedcorse-ikefacea quart mnilkue nc, one bld aeoetable- oln aeroe tadltiFtn saw the crew of the quick-firer leai All this timne Crane had been busily' ujct-nBeln following are a fw n ro-- icmtn spooni grated m n-1 and a bit of reoiunvti, in chig-sool sby to stations. The gun swung round; working at night and lying hidden by How to get a quarter of a pound of Elemnents--meawoatrfiwhcte rvrntnd Savetimein ashig soonsy tree harpexposios rnt te ar inday His work was laborious and butter is a problem which every Ber.-athv ube e h Sep <pon flour v h two nf bteo rinking poldtespons inth- sdaan rapid succession. Three more ex- tlow, by reason of his inadequate liner has had to study. Lack of but- yello rw hierebak e, BtteÙhnolr and keep hot in <double boiller. Ad i akng wer hch ptatoe have been plosions echoed back as the slhells tools and the constant necessaity to.ter has been one of the most diffi-1Tastes-acridsuslbtemoooyo ht ais o)ne-half cup grated cheese and ()l onedWate e b thing th which to reached their mnark, and the small! work noiselessly and, leave behind no'cult of the many problems with imlrpatm tea-poon .salt and heat until cheesei old st ettigwba rm llie an eggshell. Once visible trace of his operations. This'the Berliners have been confronted,ý Organs of bod-uglvr i-teplc f-es-am melted. Pour lover two beaten yolks spogeand rfeie or si es bi more the searchlight swept the scene, much he had accomplished. Digging' says a despatch from The Hague. ey, heart, splenadsochdeitwsfmtelen ntoneibu once i. erenitl boraxsoution nthemt wie gines quickened, and the nose of thesmlgiet saw, and chisel, he had ter shop was a power to be reckoned; ligaments, bon, bod uce' sbeto i oegi;t Left -Over Itoast.-l iiin adeeptbak-lwek ri fifeniue and it willthrn.ship swvung away to the west. hollowed out two spaces in one of the with. A ocustomer would approach nses--noseeeertnu'Dksoiae r an ingV dish with mashedi potatoes, to Nepu y and see en e ironed onl Sick at heart, sick in mind and body,, thick ceiling-beams, and . had planted her with an ingratiating smille and mDirections-w,ea, rtsuthd;ndhrereewnc which yu'h6veadded--hit-o cren» ewor.CPnÈranpt down from tho elokouit, t.woof the twenty-p)ound shells direct- greet her as "My dear Fraulein," or middl.tesnthwolofGra a Beer - md his 'Idohen t wh he fel [1d.thel orso sai the. et hasi etha re tant fomso inere ect tha> hisf ap- henzoh- wm an, i white, _- --i __ tnem oui o1 oors l ue sun for a - ____ - --_- -e - - homabgrnfjet trUtlorfwhoue apresent war. Nevertheless his fiesh tube and the gun above. But now' thois egn Of terrer isto thernd thedee y aigwe is well cooked. Add four or tive, Tumbi lr» th ha h teenuse for1 crept and his Ongersel-ed eenvul The thig that worried hits most, end. Butter carde have comte. The three #jrs eac u r, scre4f h rhue tablespons of vinegar, stirring to milk should b 1filen rt w#b cod! My on the hande of Mis heavy was the unertainty aw to oe" oatho U*rities ar e totry and prOvide .9&a -udtO r1 s a#eo Jh rhhadg e keep from crudlWÅ g. --Searýon with salt water and rnedtenu alttetE« n h sen fth hi.Hessee-weky aonfr ahtehn,é*sric hih afiedynaie o acwamasistuk and pepper. This was mother's cab- warm water. Putt ng the milky glass Presently the gtlOrpero-crw - nished ed that another g un was anealed, the publie em h e able to git without tervused to bingptetiosahwQstad etyo u bag rcip Se ws amos or t.into hot water firet has the effect of thrwoktepnesweshad there, burt, knew nothing of how it thebsugar--uwee* -miles And expen- 1 would exmin n rattedOo at Cobbage With Lemon Sauce-Cut, elouding if. pertanently. 4 they nied out through the hatchway. wuspléee Rv , he dig not sive tricks Of the paSt' daya i m 'ue si nAcoa eb Wie ol one small cabbage Into quartera, lay ,When a velveteen dress is done Crane Iay thinking for an hour Ori dare t ur e«kecven at night of, in ,ha n flg secra Ã¥ta in cold water for thirty minutewiththe material la stillvaluable. Mo» &S the aMy attled 1into øà T|- liginto iste sal1ake 1C i teromwer wss drancovr it bolig ate adTt makes excellent polishigeloths for, Plan was taking shap&inhW 'in& odboad - gu-lhan TRISO dAN WANTSQUME. nese fried»$ xmn boi fotyne inues itoutcovrdmahogany and other woods with a! And he wishe to work it out taoh 14sýbtthe of sÃ¥ Aghis pIUM Ils, A3E 1itRLYT Lay ini thallow serviigidisti and cov- hhi nish and is good for use on gav-. last d"tIL.When Midnigt camt ehdsrosycaMrddah twsCp faLte ett iira "opa4atase er wih saue mad as fllows: On , erand pated are aso. Wen sHed rused imsel and limbd dow to s easyts~bit thi shWhonutntly rom Oficias. he expainedMaamGtd Blck Ey"for cup boiling water, two tablespoons the evtenmy eceae ywas lthe 1Mo. The tdue fo r k hdb" Ætwateg, & expriLai butter, to tableapoons ou oneing n so er.Whmke t anaa coe. Alaøthe x arted onions or a little grated nutmeu, hot or cod, - try heilikg the CHAPTER IV.:liks siérs et amatthé Onke"t of ab o one-.half teapoon salt, dash of white Mand knnjuice» ý1 toehr i1rt c a t t temc-.gmswP 1-% svy pepper. Rub nour and buttert-in h wtr Ti il oay nstta pne h enaaddo.tolsertigsûtd pter adto boiling watdr and b*oil withthe s- tirring digieqlyad h H tid t teo el ara eey. t"'sla tasi afthebevrag wi heimp e ue openedthe dorwd naka netae btpa m h i d.Tesame appes toanY dik*through, found that he#couldoperate ht ot bév4e the Iai ffm agens lot0n"«ga. *t0ro te nade, and eowedit wboda nddsetdtisg0"i e th gnealspin Ous<ee1leing, he & vrydea of the giant tube th e one0»ul 1lt alrae heed sMaie lasaatdeple way to tanke It sa bd*!a-uto tetos Th sJa dta vtuta ad na threwil enoefekordsia ef' apeé oatybn 'lle and ,bo*et nsr oï d*ugw unruhd. Waa wtewhit ea p t o» wo hsd n oee nt and gasp ai 00r6 anoafm e dro o mona dedthe breechof the g t e no'iTt 9M, 'à *4. and to the11r e no aerwoth&e et, itbra 6f lienstdsnw&1,9 Tit. e wrwurwamtheo isn eiorse .the eac romanti Joh nn fýry tme Em ld in the hM same ‡ione.d- tober yl mi b c t