Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 May 1916, p. 1

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r r WHTB NT RO.CAÂIY WIITy ONSIpRING 1PAIR 4t WIIs N O S MOST 8MAUTIUL WIATIIBR Ze el«Ylteteitate] fair tou us c "at Tept ~o po no oyup of Crowd Numbets Nearly 1,000-Ehahîbof tTotal 75. üffidf- , e Whitby and Oaha*& fi, t1r*inîItrtiVël H YPOOthe'IO8tePH lIESh lin s $res, wotld chonse sue a means Of "e trpf rt tis 1trbl er e. 19 P ir0uld bhave cnloyed 1 and blood and isprlî---a living creature flOtljbLoo4edmn AStreugiaening anad Iflvig- more dolilitfiii weatîaer. Nor couild a -was availabie. other alc places. Th# CoeUntry tag Oratmn, tOcmorê Ideal location have been totaadjS h amrr ffneskfatd grand.' Tb e trees are:41t t & lW ad witiIIK the bouinds uf the Township. their eyeés and acis tapon the animais tebosuxs r ut 1 ea BiodBuldr ndNeve Johi',Viibonds Gruve st tlrooklin was 'brouglit imb the ring, ail Plantet!and ù:u -Peu ~wthé'.-,o Toijeý roaý.tpd t y natuire ompt ldeshirbk ele 4' b inprîglanes hose wlao cajoyet! sports were ut d a all To and joy t-o the heart a u f m en, and t-o l erït -ote watch lte football m ateh b . a c e ana s Builiq up the Asteill, e;îend a few laours flu ttis delighttrul tween t-he Pickering tes.m an mma 0n ersaw s atyi, v s as te o Tbae ad ha Cure@ thii auid watery îlood spot resteid and lîavlgorare< unes soul, mnade up front hie i82nd Battalion. Ti.eve niuo In theho If iotlit boy. ormrballlit-aie difficulty la defeat. bveyo o u Nervoum beadache, The recent laeavy raine a admade t-he Ing titelr oppontents by a score utof . ay.Itli et! her-4 ire t. groulids ihalâit eaîotgh- auuch more The runnIng, jumping, etc.. which îIrdway it w alil v.y£a1 Nevos roraio, ould haave been plrohtaihve. But as came on at thbe close uf the day. waa lt-bte barracks 1uk tse lbhe. Sieepleminlelm, etc the day wor, ont, st-nanad wind coin- entered Inmb heartlîy, men ofthtle 182nd man ln-front 91 1niai iii do, bluied Ilia the beneficent Ilibor of drying taklng an Important and active part. andi put oua' whlps -6ut 1 lit te fiea A roliaible reitorative after and wnaiaîig .atid by aflernoon when Tite Whit-by and! Oshawa CoMp)antca eacli other. , Ther, ýa1reahre La Grippe.te crowds came ln thbe conditions oftheic at-talion marchet! iu Bruokln, No ligbts evon ln t4i a ,.&IM4ve tivre Ilitte short of perfect. arriviug sbortîy atier two o'clock, bot, lhing la paintetd s4*k' ' $1hper bottie e did notquî,te reach tIeyand t1red Them presence o «*Shornel:iE fe âî liZ? -.1 bmutb1 thaait-st ypar. Tite exhiblîs, too, feil clarw ln niauy. t-hore are moreS (>Tfi jpvr ce,'uîBut- vien une consît!- Thle Baitalion lBand! enlîvened the .and Itlai.as cdean M'à lio0z1 , Jer.sILL$ liat Uxhridge had a big Pair.that at în ysi rints exceIentUyla tble prettiest Pj* lati alrs arp tint yeî throuiglî seet!- 1Ili;>and. te th)e martial sounds uf the Canl-oFMt n8-4w li e Duuagcist and l0ptIclan ag and hal tutakeadvaiîîage o le lgeBld trP 1 h imuadter e W e 'ys irng11Ye MEDICALfiHALL Il lYa, i ce~ofUblie l'ai r was narh ' lîomep enan tise ea the e giOr MEIA ALphenomnenal. Tite %%*omcnR lfstiîîP, under a large agaihot zs»plin aîràdý Urpci.St. Whby. 'liare %weî.e abouit 7t) catries ut i nîarqaiee, serv et! mons al day frois -l aim 2n ts re a 1.4u gr o-.- 1ss aaad cattietAzto-thfrs or., 11.30 ilM Tite eut-ire pruceeds wore Rice, and! lie ,wu 9>4g1# , l *,of « u il (, ela wcre hors. Some of ,uihedonnte< t-o the Rted! Cross work. The course. 1311 Ca"ey aU4 e~lJi* QAtamr edsailadies aeorked llreiessîy, and t-he menui bore. Thiey are both 1:n»e,9îbB84. coh(.i tilnIalsiiir.the ietghrud .t ýand service left nul ing itube desired. tery. just about àt aius.a I TtB IO 5E0FQIALTY Thîe caille ucvre ail of lte Sioioriur l'Tie îîalriotlc concert lu t-he ovenîng saw Jack- Gales at!* ïltéphenaon. ThRiM()UE OFQUALTY betland muidtmr, was une young bUll in lte Aasonic Hall drew a capacity They caint e ie te 0111' cn p, att! said The. Denier Wt-lthec "î~ ilitme Serv ice. l'roan Nlailt, 8iaude %wlîimutch excellenat ilouse. ail t-he boys were eom ips oes.t-o-day, dO 'amis andmisuda a git-et!get!. noble ped- The day's net receipîs were ail bu be but Il la rftining hitd, i--i guesa I tuvý,iai la 'toulmît ajce a inrtlofdpvored mn lRed Cross work-gate, din- wun't sec theni Ibis edIC- iiott,% n coax ilaînt away froan I%afle ing lent, concert. "f like t-be effleers finjtiere TheeIii tf lltu an md lbln ag ersînetbu- nth afo s uhwr sa lgt~ The. SI.udord .lf.r e, , arkle as tlîey resteti on groundts dit! an enormous business. but- lbey are tnrdre trIe lise. Oné wf "AFTER illi .TRIKtlsis iie* ereatutre for lte tirait lie. -Ont' cumulendabie andi deiightfui ten- APTIR tff STIKE 'i'lt,-ro %A -rt. otlerýànîîmaIs o uttand. tu-re uf lte day wax lte orderliess uf îng tierît, cows ataî ere pictîres of the crowd. The absence of liquer N9v Prices Now Establisheta. ir.r ('iarnhlî at easca makes for order and good conduet, and W T U U I~ iN FPreol i inedIl "Scrantonî Goal "- breet!lmîg. tnut an tinseemnly word or act- wa no- :0tfý W w Theruweresire ant daie laIhe icet! turlng t-be day, andi the wrlter nsg, tLove, Clietqnut wid Pea wue la hltir ut eli, ax ttson lte grotinds fronom 10 a.ai tu 6 ,oowing daiiy in box cars-dlean, of Wlilcia t, cotild speIhelr owners The offiers and! direct-ors are tu be brIght aud drýt. Cannel coal and %acre vcoy nrut. atuatedupnth-uces fthe Monsieur Marcel - Andr., of Paris3, -Gr amithia>g coul always in @stock, ln th(- ta rrînge claqs lucre werefPair. ttPOnt lite succesa ut t-beo wan. -holisi. Orlerno iralin eiigliîds i liai shoarteil whîh con-, Lack of space t.his week necesaltates ,rne Cnutt!he*uiae O l )(OU n h )jq.Odrn t-erîbia;t ai slghî of' ai aitumoble-Liîaît tie holding uver till next weck ut rt- e all. 'fi l e ffingb t1'~'~- ii nl4 lhialîigotfeut-mi at-id steti-î nh ill b p is ai. o h al h etr n ldm*k -moat %Iutrl t-rip tht U e- zone fl o day'll_ au ted t p î e f t h e w h t y t e o toa- f andti ig touut lWë-V.* p T. o& Ne wa abyýhMs nIWehtf 1 YbDw. odc there w»a a f air attendaned umb libet. Jtrannet LAISCOLGt-or titanon. e tdt! Jua#e # U Jîne c he ATLCLIIt-henntoemlng dOwn in torrnts& ThisWr ei Chosen M ay Queen. t-e aa i ery Pt,84,9ý uP*Wt-the ,Wetber upfo -e r, rad bs e o w e 4 b a no jý9 u r4 , iu s ee , a d th a . In t e esJ;1u h e li a a e teattcr n a ahayrack tltê a1VO Ut Andréexiaitaie tlïe ed~rIW tet d ~ onjoyet! by the girls. t-he slory connâed wIlh heia The çlews were selet* V= an Qvc re cnîy lu th, rtlle y,~s no a £id hu e s vt e ýr . dei uYi -ta e A A. e kb î ~hondft, ~nlad.sai! aswat~ taiea, wphotgape, tkn t m anlatittal7Boyt-er et- ng lrt-o i 800le n ntithut r th, U ldn» o therefrean follow: 11e a rne to . d w .. a1Io Q a t h~ u T et. Jwh eMbcarked on Wht-be Impreni.of Ovi'Dh1l o- BarudmsRefSi t r i t tb t Oteiv lirg f in on maste ~untay, a 4 r. uM et ruI b, R eiPeb e fh 4 bav a I I h èaê l autainet!lu thé hrbort1n1 We .elos -btktIlOR5 hun day utl4 In thwe n wilery i, no tlu àr d e pejU u t.,m J*ýf, t-s-colifte n la ad es b a g v r ott it-istua«a hur I i Ut. lt-at!~~!lt tbeou botsl iur WAtt*-r ,s. , ~ l Qsenaf, e11i Paoets,nydady w1îef' x If v s 1w- the mm s l iuillyt1sê M'. Nthertrszu r ay uerI veL Iii TOfllsUlatathe 9Wus- luy e har bo ne W We 0' bat l f gure h t h " da1Ihttyuj ôos-, 4 re~~~eNee rau ut.ela theI at aaphitt 15 titiS day aut 4: ' ho n e eh Bail. *'a l a e i .redsI~ '~ '~ "Bres-o el istmtuthe bm eal;tueg. Cttur thce Ieoa»a muand uuy breaMut, Mtfoum. eue- lut fi thekê omet Wizt uy tIio tutr& T aadr wYSon Muarng, _W#*t ý,j to e lon lIa, bur "re othokt la-vAgi t ï ht -up gimsmt hai tgbî placeel. mmMt0" sol w esmt but nfour Iltrvu «>uv1M gus' Sset*tthe*h t tun ay laetinh.walut us.. aiea tIr.wv iîbüien M L l ly U ~ 4 . s w i ~ . ? r l l p ~fun e 1 & * k It mueay. Thu "- ah*stauq =« go 9, BLUW, whuiby 13611 phone 9. Home phone 14, Riom MOI.OL RAOIJATIG Are wanutei to tra i tfor imiellë%R oittÀo Bjtart n0w andl he ready by Sept. int COtnàme no ie eyutrrb4-~~, TooI.W. M. 8ilaw,mid.sî. jt -.J-IOWELL JAMES Carpnter. fltilider and Conitractor. Plan. drawn and estimates furniabed.I "aa, doors and tramnes.. A00139 fOr Brantferd RoefIan qu. 467 WtlTtiY Phono 149 A. H. ALUIN. IMUter of Nfarriage Lienses. Oorner drug store, Whitby. ?iotuesseo required.a Th SiatorCanada lmprovbment £il Land Ce., Umlte,4 Whlty - Oatario lttV*tealUaera, Ettates Maaaged, h Rea« i 1eeted, Fiit Losan.Arraned, et Prop.rttieobouglit and muid, b 13llir 9ý: 19, d O fl Phoneu7 0>.1 OMie eMd Work. -Utl b SM .. W ltbr J' MONUMENTS h til De àUot be MM b m mt&Wb deli Dot 'plo tam smlii v unS A« de.aUM» the *~M ê0eaa.. atmi' e s»en«t.. whlkWb *vg 1 purua.wu * A Cai Seicrocd IAY DAY IXERCISES Miss Mary Yalentinc Thill taï Day exçriclses i.eOn lasomotmit.dbythsecumpebeitt t-o] jt-tige .ab tle nn$t aucce$Bf mil bet! InJ years. Stieaker, attendan-celurogrant, wat aller-al colibimie<i tu aake t-be day ani idt' l le ev iet-y way. The msmtal omder out Proeture iwa carriet oit. 11 t-he concert hall, t-he faculty. etudenta anq gucsa tlirat gat-b. eredt. Jiet. Prof. Johuston, of victoria Co'llogo Tuorontu, Prestde!, andti 1ta a Piano selection by Miss Georgian Smniithanti a tew iatro!ueotry reia-ka by t-ho Principal, Rk*v. P. L1,It'aeweli, ho caliet! uPoti Roi. W. T. G. Brown, Pastor of Sherboirate Street Met-bodt Claurcit, Torouto. ho give an 5t!drésa on **The Idéal Worm.06 Rev. 1fr. Rrbwn la, one rmlght Bsy, a soaî-in-iaw or t-ho Colt-cge. Mrs. Browa belut a gradiuate Of t-he nstlt-uioa, ant ilacrefore s TIrafaîgar Daugiter. 14r. Brown roselu t-be occaion snd dtoUr. fret! s wont!ertua addregm on "The [deal Wumnan," Posbly t-be ue4t ever bsard t t-ho May Day exerclafes of! thé Jollege. Hoe epresaed clearly, biut al îljh and asplriaug lsnuueo. is cen. ception of wiaatt-be Ideal vomnalisutoulti be lu relation t-o tho vêtît, ber hua. band! snd herseif. Thte Ideal wvuann ausI ho atreugi in body. malt! 1r. Browu. Tue. day of ho weak, f rail wolnan lu paut-, and! the 0 rorît! la demaudîng t-bat vem a llai be bealty. irigorous, ethitic. us that î nJOYing t-ho"uet physICAI beat, ablleri an b. of maie.tria, vorh. Sho uâ niabiao ber, & mt-ro . Mlu^.p t! be a l-ut. ualerig, tr5t-wêtty ai atige. A votmauâut @mé-riglt 09 trougb t-o thieuendsud bç elle <om annuel wlsely and Wall. er bbna& a ail lbtnz& . ThIilOal vomau i t oaio e beu! 1ui lna face a"t!foran, beeaaaolUn îhaxiut-ry o! beaU(y te aisakIn plusy loVry important ea!ndueful Vert la [f.. 8h. must greetest or lai reufs-o antès, lov-s e Gd, beunai. »ie ui bat et-ber memor vou miigaleb% thsy Wt admlr% uet hor and titv tbu ransaan oat Wvuos. tliglos te de". etet!. Klaaalllueu saud t 1fial 1 thée foUlow frolû this, Mfr. Bre wu '11llet! bIsEls-Jm 17a lofng appeal to the yoant IsOleil to laits tSoir llres filli eorvic fe t. and Lt! t ithéir msi .**b0auty sOu» t upon wu"r, lewdy 5lha 'iecboosiag Of the MaY.Qâeu,,*0t nhf voQualttes e» rs ldeaveltg ho L*-flt, t aatheoerut Idésal ve kntà Vot-et wttoti- o.5* Mwb the. à=otballet Oevrslrne lgtae&adi 181" - nv -~.~ ~~~,At ;Ajj?__ __ _ IMM ' t O D 8L o S W ~ ub i h r FOéR REN11 10 ACRE IF491, with a ntjmber.of. gooài frth trees, barnsl, Large roomy brick boïuse,' 7 r00111. 4NW1fISE# containin SIX rôOomethree piece co n hore5tabes FOR SL DWELUNOone and a haif storey rough.cuast; large,- well-cultivated garden, wihra8pberries and fruit trees. Price, $190006 Shoufd none of the above meet yoe rrequiremento, conquit our.list at the office of Th Crfr CnadaImprovomoîf; L and Cet' Limifsed l<ome Phone 70. Iwmam'ubs., oe.iVt break a rule bmore than 0 ne. Lisl a serlous oen e to litht Ighti rovi - P ione's tent atter 7,30, no you c e8* e Friig iOW ve do flot have muelh urne for loer Nol,8Wr oî oa itn:Select- ato irmour amnple assortnîent bf »4eçwSPriàg Modela, and Syu.wiJI have'style, quiy 'and value,. t 'hie.. asucefor el!cry OccasiOI on-r zrietn, wo4 and childri..Ec l pu'qe It uC4 a upio i rave" drwlc lVOtIwIansbîp arid ~Iua~Itv. 'Je 11<14 qaIdea SeeU I. -lati uAs t-. k m cow and horse stables, Suitable for market 1 was verY grcatly &aPDre of -t-be, wlnitg uber tor t-he pictere painted the Soclety hi Pte. vas put en. Iteve to be Ne. 231, -anti the ilttirse Mis M oro' ft Seclety. auay vs» lb. trtalulIent, alth u ortusate.lyr preetiteta éfot Canada.* bath, verandah and -Bell Phone 193 ý ý, 1 r vw«uuuvo UNTO

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