Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 May 1916, p. 3

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FINpIRELY Prem:er Asquith . te F-rnme British a A despîîtch f rom Dublin says: Premi-r A.tquith has reached the con- clusion frin, impi-ossonas guthered during his Irish visit that the old foi-m of governimeat in In-lanî hahadd is dlay. The Associated Press learnes frmnn sourd-s in elusetit toîîeh with the P're-mier that Mr. A equith's converga- t n iosninloufereeq h,%Nr- eonvineed lur n t bat lb>' futture govî,rimunît must lii- ~ ~ o eoli t- n actrit iret v d if t-reilb Thi'b Pimre - iltîteer lins talii e tare to t-ailttelite diagandl viewe >of many orsorS otht-r than thuse in purî-ty of- From the Middle West NOTES r> OINTEREST FRON I ER BANK6S ANI) iIiAES. What la Going On la the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld John Nictn-hu-, lPrintce Atlbertt'. lî>< itdde-nly i a cafe. The Goverrnnent May udrain 144w lande cuevat of Winnipeg. A Red Cross tag mv tmb.tb- bîridlgei-ceont ly notte-d $90»> A Il AlIberta stbiooi teachers are ne- quircd to take bthet)ath ut' allegianoe flow. Rosbctnnieum, of De-i Moines, lIwa, cormmîtteil suicide in W tnnipeg. l'te. T1. q. St-rxmgieuuir, one of Win- niipîg's fine-st -rucketN,---.ha îiuî-n klied in action. I)ep'uty Nlia> or Netu s$144 humne was completely test royod l'Iy lite at Edmonton. -FOR IRELANDI Proposa] te Lay Biefore the. Cabinet. ficial cii-cli-s and these persons have offered greatly vît-led suggestions. None of these, it is lîlieved, could ho adopted ia its untirvty, but it is tbought they might bc welded to- gether to form a propos.ai to îsy be-- fore the Cabinet. UIli1elfnst '-isit gave- a good hint to the Ptrtmiet-that th(- Ulsteritt-s woul>l not neclît a direcet prolioFnial im- plying home ride. But il le blie-veti Ihat t-hc- miLht 1)0 incltced to ente int a eonce-rted plaît whieh eould pos- sibiy liceritîo to meut the-ir rnost qerlîsuq objections. l'OES Or' COMP 1L1SION 1INEI) IN LONDON Mlembers of No Conscription Fellow- s;hip l'uniaqhed by Court. A despatch from London eny,:- Eîtzbt members of the National Com. mnite-e of the No C'onscription Feilow- ship were arraigned in the Mansion louue Police Court on Vsednesday uralur the defence o! the reain t Inl .coeetiort with thîe publicigtion o! a compuisorv militai-v servie' st. This pamphlet affirmed the determination of the- enrmittee to resit-t 1h>- set, cayînîg: <'We.' annot assist 'in a war which 10 us le wrong, wvhieýh the peo- plot- (Io not seek, whicb îvili Ite impos- sible only when mon who 4x) ielieve remaîn steadfast to thî'ir convîctioîîs." Eaeh defendant wa.q flned the maxi- mumn penalty, $500, with $.'0 cuets. '17.000 TLRIK l'RISI)NERS TA K E N B1YIl USS 1A NS. A dt-sîI)ate-h from London t-oye: More> than 3Î,000 Turkish troope have I-cen etiptureel hy the advancing fotees of GrndDîîk Nicholuis in Asia Minor during te lîtet tbrî-e weeks. The ('t>I .amt-s rurrieoll, oft' t 'îpnv .Russiai -,havi- aI-o captured -ast :1. CA.S.., u'of rI i-,as 14iun itiantitics of' -nunitions, 'shicb bnad iîîvarde>1 the' militarv cross. been setn from (;rrman t'setories and Coi-p. C. 'W. rltiî-. c tÀ1 g a r y onveyed to the Ottoman front by pro- Ct ttvq Enginee-ring I')o-lartmit-nt, h:>5 ligioli-4 effort. On eveny hanîl the l'--iwou n4Ieî a stecond t im lv Rugslaîî t roops as bbc>- aisance nind Whilî- iniisari-seke, Lanice Coi-. j. ctvidi'nee of Turkish ei-ueity. The' Ot- t. Fnver. looth Buttalion. WýNirinipeg, tîîmîn soldiere ni-o massacring al (Irlipil leîd tf bart dit'îsu, t ristians. Whole- villages are loft Ilriiý,hColrnbi Indanqare tii 11 lame-s as the Turks falb lacle. The firtis Cuum1iaIndansarecun iussians soldiers are feedîag thous- plinintg abouot violaition <of tbtir ii - ad t uues hrn hi a tii-e-rigit s b),l. C.' îu'î'rnm-nt. îînds of rith ai-vhin g vo e aad il- s-ttnii e ntlcv. -Uta.. reh sarvccntlienand h- RUSSIAN -TROO Ps MÂRCH liN M ARSEILLES 'l tie Ilî -vît ct I popI p iixa 1. nulles 11) iz 11 It IIni t '. rri al eor tvt' oîo>pa ALLIED SURMARINES SUNKIT Sen is Now Ice Free and Activit. is Rea, A depateh fromn London Rays: A large numlser of Russian andi British sulriaiints are operating in the east- en and southern portions of the Bai- tic Ses, which is now ice-free. The Gorman steamer Hera, 4,750 tons, %-as sunl< on Thursday morning off Landsort, in thte Baltie. Reports conflict' us to whether a British or Rîîssian submarjne gaak the î-essel. The Hors left Stockholm on Tuesday, to take iron ore to Oxioesuad, carry-ý FAIL TO BREAK Gernians VERDUN LUNE Niake Another At- .sveioriof 3etiley.Alt., rcetiIv.tempt on Hill 304 Theoloas is estlm:-zýed rt $15,000. 1UI.LIES T.tliE STEI'S TO Front. W. H. MeVicar, manager o! the i EDTEPLS Union Bank, Mooso .1mw, accidentaily iEL)TE > E1i A despatch fromn Paris enys: An- Iimnself, dylng tna een, ý A tlespatch fromu London gays:j other aRtbmrpt was made by the Ger- alary ianchve anotenu- ori? n Robert Cocil, Minister o! War. matis t-w ý1ursday afternoon to break t'atîî-y.Vanouvr mn iton ~ Trade and Biockatie, sut an interview -thirough the, French lino on tho Bois linild nutttmolilit throshinir machines;., on MWednesday ui.ght anneunces that d'Avocourt- Iiii 30-4 front, on the west Il. W. Cofin l, principal of Calgary thaleshvtansoptefdtebnko te Meuse. The French Nor-mal Sehool, î nîew Pri-sident of; Belgians, Polo@ aûàd Serbs. -lt le un- tronches were su't,;fted te the usual t lie Eîlueutiimnai Association of AI- questiouabby the duty o! Germp'sy te violent preparatory bomnbardmei-!- e- ixralln f u io !a nie do tisi," mid ho, "but as It hâa been fôre the Germnn nfantry left ite llaroiid Thomp.qon. trakeman on the aegiected, lte allies have undertaken tronches, but te moment the attack t; 'ît- ~incanîly jild a 11010stops, abuhough te task' la not obli- was launched tie French fire-curtain 1; .P %%s n-'artl kile li MI.gatory on tjheir part. The German wus thr-awn eut and the mitrailleuses illie. stick. militariats wiiî regard contemptuou sly wiere brougitt into action, checking 1-tIOI liiîi.qt theb (;.TP. forn $30, the alles' proceedings, but the latter tho or-mas, mpparentby with heavy 1 ovrrthe' it-îth ot' <'11ford M1ime, ai-o not prepared, even for miiitary basses before they had reached the Imýh-onttit, ha-i îîen tlismissed by rossonts, 10 800 the Polos atarved te French positions. Tho German artil- ihe couruit. death by thbe Germaus. We heur o! bery la stili continuing lts bombard- 1- lv ie>,albaý;hî-or t'armer o! Dum- womenanad childi-en periahing by the ment lanttis seetor, indicatlng a prob- nu10-r iî*:%- fot4nd dead in bis bai-a; thet1 wholesaie, and even o! grown men abilty that further attacka are to bo bodsy hangizir' abîit'way out ofci isdropplag dead of h'unger in the iauniched. The Frencht guns are i-e-j atreegs.> piying.4 Iittit. t'. Il Coilinson, a wel-known____ N1;&cl. <'u rancher, bas been placed in COMPULSION BILL PASSES OFR ,0 OTBEBUE î-on1tmn-l --i f th(',t'ii t Batteiy ut King- IN BRITISH COMMOINS. OFR ,0 OTBEHUE I.titce -('tîrporai George Oddy, a not- A despa tch !rem London says: The. Groat Aid for Frepch and Belgian i-- lai-rosse- player o! Ncw- Westmin-. compulsion bill pasWc ita third read-l ,te-r, lie-ilout'pneumonia ita le-ing la incheHouse o! Commons on Tues- fA despatch f rom 'Paris aya: Frank s" -ne Isîita, Eng'band. day by a vote o! 250 te 36. J. Gould hau takan the irst practical - - '--The compulsion bill wa introduced stop toward hebping the homnabeas wari '111,%T lIIItRoR 0F SERPENTS. by Premier Asquith In the House O!f sufferers by orderig 6,000 portable' Commone on May 2 lest.lit becomes b ouses, whlch are about te arrive froni Nol Instinctive With the Human Race effective a moath a!ter liu passage. the United Statos and wtlb be given te s Scient laI Asserts. The Goverament is &uther-lz" by the'Frenich and Belgian refugees whese measure to caîl te tic colorealal maies, homes- were destroyed by guafire. tînt' aho bais seen young chibdren whether marrlod or single, betwean The. Cri de Paris deebares that "more pluîylng with anakes, even with rattle- I1he.uagof o eighteen and forty-oné. charity is dlapensed it Frank Ja> sîaemay well be akeptical about 1'flue bill ae provides for the *#tab- Gouîd's chateau Uian euywhere else in1 unt Instinctive hon-or o! serpents, YAmyslîahment of an army reserve for la- Francet"and that -neovar suffererJi .lunius IHonderson, in Science. dI ial -~îwork, bW whlch'the. Goverit-er refugm eulhp, tbough hundtreds Mlothers in some regiona hav, entma asi tue any e sIn>al' t'otnd It advisable te deliberately dusdEtDILTId. I2AILemaru tcaci teitu-chlldren te feur anakes li 14 order to prevent them from handliag ASIC D034UNON PREMIESBIAVSMW BR the dangerous spectes. In otter cases f io SMLE IRM HTROUBLE. OTAI S'LNEW ?PS N AY thc f car probably comea froîn asso- N KR OEDY ciation with titose wito had acquired, A despatcii froim London myes: One A despat.ch frein Loademi saYs: The the serpent horro.,. On the ot*uer of te uggestioits fur daualtng wl lb Da4 ymail »ss"ht the mo-Mlaholle hand, there are many beys and men the Irls probîcîn whlch baws alned beer reeoentty approtred by the. Gev-> and nmre wemnea,who aoem to e hmiany supporters hiatth. past few dmy nmn a ittpt nsl asr quit. devoid of any suct botreor. The is for ti pnaethoe 5 milile rln on s be u n ainasm»t argument that one unexpectodby - sien ta arrange aa stelement, the mens- wstuuai s iusalns deanddurhmg t brought imb close proximity t ty ,eso!w ii nlua e ier hursviin te al o! aleohle klrud o! anake "is suddenly aelaed lBeeden o! aaa rmierHg«o with a parnte o! torror aud fear" tan s tra C4andaPrmier Hughes o!f-jtl.r Isin poblt*IOne saloon, dMeu vy itewe'ht becaus. 1fru nt South Prmie Boha 4f<ony> vlk< of *0 MW .ubor Mores, V~Y lttle ~ 15 te. < Atric. Dlcuaang thts-. 11 WWk on ThW>IL. PMRMiZW.Tit uulversaiiy me, and thesame tu usui- 1saThe Cziicneo sys editor«iJ 1 1%0i> t Mil.6e ly the case whea eue la brought sud- à-The suttem.at o!fii lthe" qUestienu!wot k.e 0 seep denly lie oclose proximity with l-ta net ouîy a matter o! greet moment !ith be mmd. !meeh dm1>.i most any kind o! an animal. [tees but a&le.a ScondDS preeedant t s. M sublMae>rà 1oy woman'a proverbial foar o! a mous. achre e.!f Imporlai federation. There indicate an instinct eîigendured bsy 1 h.adul ae fr h u r~sLs el ancestral residetice It a ieglo hr Oeaio I o! the.Dominion Premwers sitei amali animais were danigerous? ----------A desptcb f rM Calgr>,*fl blany beginnrim la biloogy exhibit i I ,b .t as mnuch liorror o! a worm or a rater- i aeb t 4o o-et -m t pîllar, la proportion te il@iase, as of >m ytrvitii nd rthî tiesm e < toft» » e«tk asretneeds work eut their f*iblriy failw. 1f a e o ti. aesei .-erth a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a sepn. wwpuas.a 9044 vp SAN 0F LADYSMTHDEFNIE Tried te Iaduoe Aberdare Mlau tustra» eIr'*. Ld A despateh from. Lom »"sa* James Whlt, so" o! t0 ats P¶ui the . aMy, "»rmaddt caop dit, &bedffl ui -aon y on ti St w a te Pt~ ÇANPSOF Food Situation in Rhine Towns,< Becomlng lâtér*iubfr--, Kaiser's Men Desertlng.- A despatcb frorn Geneva says I becoming intolerable. The newspaper German soldiers along the Swlss- advises the Government to take "dras- Alsatian frotitier, chiefly elderly mnen tic measures to change the mode of of the Landsturrn, have lwgun to ask living of the pçople. It suggests that food frorn the Swiss soldiers. The cooking in pri$ate farnilies be prohib- Germans say they havr, not coten meatl ited, and that thoe population be order- for wýeks. ed to est in common at restaurants, Fîve German soldiers in uniform, 'whF-re meat would be served once although fired upon, escaped across daily, at noàn, and only vegetables In the Swîss froritier ut Rodesdorf, near the evening. Basel on Tuesday. They were in- Eighteen Germait cattle deaiers ar- terned at Rerne. rived in Basel on Tuesday hoping to ,U The Noue Stuttgarter Zeityung sIlys buy cattle, which are- becoming the food situation in Rhir.e towns is acarce. ý5 spair. Very wvell, 1 remind myseif of -..1 ,4 YS E YO T I this, and then"-he' pointed -to the Sceiling-"I try to sce t'he matter as RU'God sees it. Wh<at a dfeecwa SUUL 0F RU SA a diff erence! 1 arn no longer on the enrth, 1 arn no longer a good Rus- 3iafl. 1 try to see it as God sees it, siii c rri it sh l litissiit.siiiJ<u Foi~ilI'i" h» liifflii":nIthiit'w. of. VIEW 0F THE W'AR TAKEN BY and 1 ask nyself-'ls Russia of such et-à frmnt.lIkopliîotugnsjli defflvté a s'viie lu 'Marseil!t's un the reecat ai, RNE'BLNK moral value to the world tat God l'RICE BOLESKI desires ber to win?-and is He will- ____ - -ing-that her victrory should be bought INB LT C he Leain M rk ts A Study of the ussan Religi aus uit a cot-at such acost ? Dare Thought by Harold portance £o God ? Dare I say that it ,'UIU.'UU *. is s0 much better than Gerînan cul- ToMEnCRMA SH PS readatuff. ut-Bebe. ture t4hat the price of its victory in No 1 Nortiiern'. $1.26 No 2. $124b . Harold Begbio, the well-known Erg_ nothing? Dure 1 say that?" He y on P'art of Underwater Craît 3, 6o 11(1. extra No. 1 fpedl. o. follows frorn Petrograd: One could see that everybody in ewed.1tfoed. 50o., on trîrtk. Bay ports Almost us soon sa1 arrived Rus- the roorn agreed wifrh him; ftnd rn c o400rn-Ço. 3 -vellow. 8r Lnsa epl adt e Yu elyeeyoyin that roorn was a Rus- Iee ra, k. Tîrof,îo.sanpoe adome"ouety -- ' (7anadian crn-F(Ped, 76 to 71c, nortml- mnust seo Prince Obolenski" (the ex- stan patriot. n____1_'_ <444tritekI. Toronto Te (<ftario 04115 No. 3 white, 49r, out.qide. Procurator of the Holy Synod). Te ing niro w 06. No. 2 o 1.03comril.81 d s ac ter n4ig M a c arlgo of 2,000 tons. lier cap- $intato $1e06, No. d., c0'eoîeell$1 ud.04e; ohrkown ry SAVE THE 10TATO CROP. tain %va- oreiercd on board the sub- No, 3. Io. $1 to $1 01. feed wheat. 92 toi deslre to understand the religion of 93c. accordtng 10 frelghts out.stde. teOtoo hrh h a h elo fTetetCue ev marine with the ship's papers, and lPeas-No 2, $1.70 ' accord teOng b sacwh asteNelcto Teten atss-ev made prisoner. Sufficient trne was pie. $1.25 10 si 5o, 414e,,iding 10 freiglits first person for me to see. And al- Ana os given the crem, to banve the ship. AI- ,hre tllg 65 to 66re. fppd 63 1 Bt rroveyoy h anea-Ana os though the weat'her wvas rough, alilOn 64c. accordlng to frelghts outstde. swer would ho given: "'Alex Obolen- Frorn 1905 to 1915 the average ant- board were saved. ltiikwI15ît-70 tu 7h'. aeeurding to ski." nual yield of potatoes in Canada was freilhîsoulside. The sinking of two other German î(ye No. 1 commerial, 93 10 94e, sir- After dinner one night I was driven 78,405,000 bushels, constituting one výr1gi rraghts outsidea. b usa ayt h rneslforipratfedco i n steamships by a suhmarine, believed l<'anlte)palour-Firmt patents, in jutleOYaRsanld to he Pic'oformptntiedrp. ea- to 1)0 a Russian, is reported in a Reu- 'b"94. $6.70. second patents, tn lote hag.. palace, which ls on the quay facing nual yield, however, la igreatly lessen- ter despatch from Stockholm. The To20 qron g aer14tijte4gs 6 the Neva. As we wenb along she said -d by the ravages of diseases and la- steanhships were the Kolga, Hamburg Onftarlo flour-%Vlnter. o'eorting 144 to me: "I arn sure you will like him; sects. The seasonVôf 1915 was admit- for Stockholm, and the Bianca. qanipleý $4,60 in5$C60, lux bag,gso n trark. 1Ihe is the most sympathetic of men." tedly one of the worst in years foir Torontlo. $4.56 b $4,66. tribulk. seat ourd, pîrompt shiplment. You may imagine, then, how I was late bltght, and the Botanical -Divi- Mtlfee- >arlots. delii ered Montrpalilooking f orward to this conversation.- sion of the Central Experimental feto-nl$26; iddtiq er t ,' $2, in $orts, te gin lthe varied life o! Rus- Farin observes that, ln one amal i good freùîd or trig , $1.1 tul $1. t'~g i ssba ogreat a speli as the mys- province of Canada, the los& f rom Country ]Prpduce. tory of the Russian religion-a reli- this diseuse amounted to "about 2,- Ilutter -IFresli lalry. choîre. 2.', t 27<c. gion which does not Iay, as wo do, ibs 000,000 bushel.9, fot including boss in tnfe'- r, 23 tu 24v; eraery tîiiit4. 29 main emphasis on conduct, but a- storage. to 31c, Infertor. 28 tu 29c. Egg"-New-lald. 22 10 23e, do. In cor- parently either overbooks or negbeca Potato diseases may be coutrobled lotis, 283t024e. conduct in its deAtion to love. Mr. in different waye; some by spraying, flus 4to$ 5,tP ate frhud Sazonoif had said to me that there some by seed treatment and some by Cheesp-Large, 196 10 191v. twls are many sinners in Russia, and seed selection. For earby and late 191 tu 20c, for îîew eheese, 014.1. 2o1 b ' 2,0C.great sinners, but that aIl are Chr -biht and for fleu beetles, Bordeaux tape syruîî-51 0 to $1.50 lt-r lînp)- binas. The phrase haunted and stili mixture is very effective. By adding eriat gallon. Horey-I'rih'es in 10 lu 60-lb, tins, 1hb haunts me. An English frlend ln poison to this 'mixture the Colorado to 140. Comnb-No. 1, $2.75 14< $3. No. Petrog'rad with whom 1 discussed this potato beetle te also kept la check t' Dressed uoultry-Chlckens. 24 to 26ri- matter aaid to me, "You are trying to Numerous experiments have been - ,fowls, 19 tu 20c; ducks. Z,4 tu26c. tur- Understand the central mystery of made which demonstrate clearby the. S'45 keg', abc. ?ottoaa.Otalo.1.0 e 3.0,an Russian character." practical value of apraying wt New I3runs-wtoks' at $1.80 to 8.5 ir Te ny dlaappointm.int I ourtd the Bordeaux mixture. At the. Vegmmt , Prince, who was Wn a -md ymo gieture Experinýmt àta#o« u lsy rfn4a&< ow prnjt.have been îcond"c. o ý1(r> 6. w eD IË,& M1 ~ i Dttère » maur pas. Oe l 1 *4W ho;40., & e rgsi * t pe ia «*n h OAd4 h to 211c, rol A, 19 to 184e b.Jf~à esrosl i.amshr !ast ~ i.yed bacon. 24j1 t 266c: backs. pMain, ias. te r.eptlou araaveaged- 271 pa' U" ar-Pure lard, tierces. 17 c. and mgn nysrrie uaithe. vU*.the' unsprayed gave only 15 patts, 179e: compound, 13!10 14 le. Prince suddenly drew up bis chair t0 buultelo per acre for !the smre perlod. - mine, and with a good hunior which The. boweit gain frokn spiaying *as i rd Anlisy. oreOtiOÎMy 2.-ate-enada wuas nl addeihtubut a 26Per cent-, whle tii. vragO a Lad Agiwy.Western. No. 2. 66 c; do.. No. a. 64; little diconcerting for the. matter it 92 per cent. This evidence aould b. One of the met beautiful women eleÙ7*a NO. 1 f ed. li3i; No. 2 local white. hand, invited me to burgle his mind. sufficient to convine evry femr lnthe British Court circbes. She wau ttarley-Manltoba feed. 68 10 72e mat-But bfr a got over this sur tha-tlb PayS te spray. lit dose nt married to Sir Charles H. Paget, sixth Inif. 74 t0 760. Flour--Manltoba Srgpiseryo nth romcad t much adl not soe obltm Marquess o! Anglesey. Lady Victoria 86.30: atront baker.g'. se 10. Winter speaking, every face was turned i Limatny aie If yen have not Marjorie la daughter of the. Duke and patents. choie,86M aIraiht rollera t.3 urdrection, and I_ dlscovered thatfe. drcln t aiwienwt Duchesa o! Rutland, and has a little 1olle0d o., a barrli, $.4t 8 0.b-Or ovrato a t ei tetenearet ýDrlona-yA1,_ é gilAlxada ar Crliethe o 9 of 8-6 902-0. lb..- atreo a83.50 10slo. th it% pe a t.il Io girl Abeanda Me-y aro~aethltO Bran, 824; shorts 80f; middila recive $c8ple* yeara old, who inherita much of her $80; -moutilt. 880 tif81. ia-No. R R it gardtng -âé matg ud pé lylg ô- mother's attractiveaeu - and good *,POr ton- aeraaU4 2.6 oU 0.grîu abf nd-âpyg looks. do.. easîernu. 188 to, 191é. utter- The. Prince, who ha. the. fine and deaux mlxtwe;..LF.C,N. lin 4b va-i - -f. chotcest creannery. 2@39 394; e coitds, discrimiaating expression of a COn- tion. 9.8t1 liste. Eex*-Fresh. 28e: sélect- "'loii I !d. 27c; o. 1. stock. 2c No. 2. do.- 23e. noiseur* ln a ey Lg3Sue-aOO Fire Waste. Potatoee-Per bag. car lots. 81-70 t0 permen whfte-halred, wlth a moutace BNERKTV5 ThMuk uaa ae A - - re--- Jl$ 1.75. -a___1 aL~ewr lm- --- -1-- _ TO F1I'P U-DOAT WAR.jj 19>i9o7If%#l1It.1J8 A deupalcistrou Louiotm»... M8r 8.8 Edward 7Ct.>,ti. orelga Seratur, been iuforoMeby 8rUsroy BrtcAehMistis41ut t-edo- é» à 1~ repoutdImbar. bu* e Gamyby tise VatfraaI* a to Ila o u.sW tq( abaodm nb A d"Patcb i k &lumon h.atian~s ýfr8ev4Kê 7b b t «40e<. ma Daoy%14r.t.AInu. l«.tetbe«« Mý amuslug uad leir, rbth si6Iw'éd 0w -'E- Sioe Affl i À> #.iâ trw l - -w

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