i - - .. . - III., - - mot -et rat" ~aoho Im$miwh~ WMITV BANOi: D.Ttrfty, Manager. OSHAWA 0 . N. HONhI4, e 4 i .5 i -t, t -i i~ il T .' i .1 i. s:~ --i 1'~ i p s -i e e i i ~ -i - i- 4-i il r1~ MbADE IN CANADA* The prico of the New Ford Tourlng Car Fuli>' (qlliipêd wîîh electric starter anîd lighits, electrie horn, etc., $640 fob. Ford. Standard î-qîipment, f o.b. Ford, 530 Runabtout, fully equipped, f.o.'b., Fonrd 59o kunahtîtt Staîîdaî d, eqîtippe i, f oh . Ford, 48o Sep the nev models it ir showrooiis. W. il. LUK 'E & SON, DEALERS, WiHI1BY hI-f,1 I bl e 1I-l lrtd. Pblei- *2 SEED POTA TOES 1% H av c ust re< eived atiother lot of those superior early seed potatocs. They are guaranteed to us to be 10 days eailier th.in c.be extra fine cooking anîd great yielders- the best early j otato ini the mark et. [lave plenty of thec carload choice eating, potatees, and have a good \,,iiety o' Uxbridge potati)es for seed at $1080 per Doge Reni&s Leviathan Sugar Mangèl à 'new type) has, been tested for a few years and p r ovesÙtO' be the richest in sugar, best yielder, eastest to harvest and the best keeper of any of the finie strains of feeding sugar miiangels. We supply this variety. THE B&RGAIN STORE W. Be PINGLE & CG.,00d San WHITBYý THE STANDARD L I"'BANK Mr-». 0Wci NTO SAFETY DJPO$!T OXES ame now In'%taIIed nt this Branch for the cus. tody of va1tuable ptpers, etc., affording safety and privacy. Further iùflfrumfiofl suppfle mer O lis by thc manager.23 WHITBY BRANÎCH A. M.cwMI -CLEAN -.IP DAY. monda>' wau Cten-Up Day lni Whit.1 by. Wagons were huzy all day remov- las rubblsh that eclumma ere azixtouiu te e, id t.mamy peop. evVdt Blat-. ur*W y o gatherIng up a<b*o 14 re. AR"THUR, LYNDE TEMACIER'0f 81NOINCL ~uIA*.f 4ffuo Vêtis y.ar, tiaê le.4~ I C>ptklaa .1 Toreota, I -, trerp ~lms. - j I - - I ~qo vnuIflI EWI tua. &round lu co te islam lb, o portunIt>' of havbig IlUr.moved y i t tu-n. Tba sAnnuS la u.a di achre., d s u laoftm l h Me te liulam b>' th erewtde.taet *the"o IAIGIBW, WhII~, .i 8aïà k~' as I Whltby, 'Ont, Marci 2Q, 1014ê r we of nduçatimaiWbitby. Wtehi-1 havé tlc.tly hpDt tfwda -9 isiting yourpublic e BC, Abid 1heNwith encloseMy reDort tôt.' your cnâideM1tlon: 1jew,ýy Bti'eet Sthocl-Closets. 4: -water, 8-p grounds, 2; building 4* ~ oomqs, 4; cloak rooma, 0; deaka, 4; Dimdna Street Sehol-Cîofte, 4. water, 0; grounda, Si; building, 4; !oig 1è,; coak. roomtl, 4; deake, 4; ligbt, 4; beattng, 3; ventilation 4. Diifferin Street Scitool (new)--C-los- ets. 1: water, .1; grounlda, 2; building, 1. roomas, 1; cloa1 rppms. Ilf'deaks , 1 ligitt, Il heating, J,. ýmtilation, .1. laqulemeýit.-Thýý *Board'ina expeeted to provide a copy uf "Thes Golden Ruls" book for eacit pupil ln thte lat, 2nd Srd and 4tb classes. These books be- long lu yoiir ibrary, a.nd will last for a long lime. Unauthoniseil TexI Books-None ln 'Use. Caretakin g--Sat isfacery. Entrance Cass-Well taugbt ln te Part 1 stîbjecta. 1t TtaST - -Vt PÂl1oftiu a atm fMr. andl Mrs. Xgcm s1of o!Whltby, and lb well- -WHITY T4WNéM#P COURIT 0F Notice le hereby given that the Court cf Êevision of Wliby Township willl hOldU it rittings on* Monda>', the 5Sth dSY cf June, 1916, bn the -Couneil toom, BrookIln, at the hiour of 10 o' dock a.m., tu hear and. determine ail cômplainté Cul>' made égainEt As- sessinent Roll, of 1916. Brookîli, Ma>' 8tb, 1 l6. D. H i' AY, eIerk, -46 Wbitby Township. NOTIÇE 0F CONSIDERATION 0F A BY-LýAW 0F THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO TO ISSUE DEBEN- TURES. gNtcelhe Cotînci u thurat iont uLinofte Coun utofthCror astna- oftie ois by gen taiat neet al- ed for te Fiftî day of June, 1916, tu b s holden at the Court -Hotise in lMe' "I e92rwaaknxdeu Town of Wbilby, at te hour of 2.30 p. 182 t. VilerBt~ ~m., for lte ptrpuse ot considerigg a --in191, 1wà stake sudeny M by-law tu atithunize the issue ot deben- NTAF. .roedi n u treet. Iwa trobe andted as monte f orf $20paym0nl o! 1 W. bave a lat'ge-ý w-i interest yn-a get our PR ICES bef ore rulà king your Our prices include al fixtures for IfND OW SCEN -,sgmtmmnt ol germat-Door. a,dvo nOu cr prces tî*y are apecl]y prbced for quick eli«.: pleaoeed tW show -yout our good a Iare, ne We Gan Save You Iloney on NEW PERFECTION OUL STI to buy unle.s yoilcand D better bere. OVES@ PRIOI.'SHARDWARE 'WHITBY, ONT. ut-k sharp. Tsi-ms cask~ Wm. Maw,1 FEEBLEt ABED ýliââOMAN says Vinot made Strong Grand Saline, Texas.- arange roman and for a long t~wswa ind feebie but Vinol ass$Ojd my bealth ind utrenjrh so that 1~êI mxot youn &ain arnmdoing al' bouse=ok Ild peopl& who are W 'I and feeble 'ould try Vinol and know its merits as do. It is the beRt inedicine to create strength and for chronic colds 1 bave ver taken."-Mr.FANNIE E.RODGERS. Vinol, our deliclous cod lWer and iron tonic,is sold on our guarantee to benefit Dr yotnr mule>' wiIl b e returned. A. H. Allun, Druggist, Wbltby, Ont VICTORIA DAY (MIAY 24th» SINGLE lARE (,,o0(t uing and reuriting May 24 Lb. lARE AND ONE THIRO Gooti going Nlay'-,3rd and 241h. returif linîit Niay '25tit Retunn ticlkets wiiI be.ismued between all stationçi in ( C"anada, eaqt of Pt. Arthur, andi 10 iJetroit sandPt. Harun, Mi., Btialo, Bia-ýk1-i-k an4 Niagara Falls, N . y.- Tickets and futll Informnationi on ap- plication to Grand Trunk Ticket AgIS, E. Stepiiêuiiufl.Agent. PhioneSe5, Wititby. IV, L. Elvidge--Grade taugbl. Sr.IV.; b> several physicians for nearly two cost uf building certain bridges In and certificate, Il., experience. 23; salary, djoining the Couint>' uf Ontario, and $1100; on roll, 28; average, 20. Excel- yeaiS. I wau in constant miser>' from for uther purposes, therelit speclfied. lent work dons In this class. Di>' tomach mnd my weight dropped The money for wilîli te debvrnlures Miss ('chrans--Grade taught, Ill-; downm from 225 pounda to 160 pounds. are îssued Is tu be paiti In twen.i eq)ial certificats. IL. experience. 2: salary, Several of my fiends advised me to tr>' annual payments of prlninaliR and ln-, $550); un roll 32; average. 27. Excel- ri--» 'ad i o htw4terest, amuuinting to $1,673.5q. lent wurk dune ln Ibis clasa.<rtatva'asdda. Ta 4 Dpted at Whitby, Ihis 111h day of Miss Osborne-Grade taught, i.; cer- elght months mgo. 1&rd* 'aii#n"tmoe IMay, A.D., 1916. tificate, I.: experience. 1; salar>', $500; al*mosIwst "à Mej#r*t dose. No othor J. E.FA-'LL, c on roll, 34: average 24. Miss Osborne medclne Ieverusod acted sopleaaantly -49. Ceunty Clerk. a basf improved very mucb aincesbean d tIickly a « *it.tivea, ad byI- started. The discipline le much Im- uig q1y oee fote ds an - ____D proved: she ta interested In lber work,usntleoedfrthdtrsi ALONS and bier classes are getting &long. Stomà ch T1'ombie, and ait pain and Miss Mabel Rowe and MISS L. Cole- Miss Marsh-Grade taugbt, Primary: CbnsIip<ZUon and misery wre cured. I mati, of Torunto, visited ai F. T. Ruwe's certificats. lI.; experience. 4: salar>'. compietely reooered b>' the use of over Sunday. $500; on roll, 58; average, 38. Pair INdnowMc. W. Dingmnan spent the week-end work dune. Inierest seems lacking. rutatv an o 1 eg 2W whlirsnnOhw. Miss Burns----Gcade taught. Jr. IV. pounds. 1Icanot praise'Fruit-a-tives' Miss Blanche White, of Brokln.w certificale. I.: experience, 44: salary. enough"l. H. WHITMAN. sîpent Suinday with Miss Lois Balsdon. a] $5140. un coll. 98; average. 24. Fair bOc. a box, 8 br $2.50, trial ize,25c. Nlr, and Mca. A. Powell and daugbter aI %vurk Is being donc In this ruomu. The taleaeuosnt ai I visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Rlich- al discipline is oniy fair to pour. Missi t&ldelno sn otpi Y a rdsoti un Sunday. 0 Butrns le doing- ber best. i suppose, blt. Fruit-a-tives Llmlted,ý Ottawa. -MISS Lily Pacsons and MIlSS Pt-an ai 44 years le R long ilimne luhavp lanuit - - _-- _---------- Pascue were Suinday visitons ait he 1 Miss Andeifrsoin-G rade lauigbt, 2nd- former's parents. J. L. and Nîrs. Par- a' and 3rd. certiflicati'. Il.- experience. not recover during thein \hole public sons. atoarllnglon. el .4: saianv. $7(i) -t on rolli. 19; average.,euo ors.Tati iteo!Iece iss Edith Ashby. of Port Whitbv, .,. MISS .\iiderson is doing conscien-1 sons Wby the enîraticp classes of tu-day and Nrs;.%Y. Arlîby. spent Sîînday witn't( ios lent-bine. The classes are fairly- are su uld. I visltcýd th( came class a Mîr. and Nircz. J. Draper. In Pickeclntg. 01 'ipilic îared. few days ago and foiind that the nid- - M«r. and Mccs. W. Kpnîp and son. Mis N-wnanOrdetanglOt - uý n'- est child In th hahreý-t class 'vas only Lrnte. were-in Toronto rn Nienday. art cetifcat. I.:exporlence. 2; jietter pnepared ithatitley tvene itwo '\rîîîc- c-l-ri s.5: on roil. 54: average. 43; asod.adtieîîul er u-b. r. .1. at-sist iihi itr )\iv-s N ewman infornis tnie that shc In- TePrmc.casî "th.pt' dysW bhr. Astîly at Tort idilit bv. lends 10 stop tleacing vneXt summner. h rmr ls-ý nteiitvid% Ol r. a 'r hl 1rditoa attefor i suc csthuaIs have been w -Il taugltduring inj 1e tinga egoodartencier tu tee dthe pat Iwo years. and ii-imîoe i eti g l odace.e a do.u tg. a r nment Is very nolîceable. If tht-se vpu.1To Reduce Yonr Weight Nvork dtîiîiithebbctwo en are thatcitep plIs are to reach thie entraîlce ciss by. Easiiy and Quickiy. has bot-n bîre:, a.nd the classes lhave lte tinie îhey are 1", lhcy imltîct(on- ruade exn i'r tinue lu advance as')tbey have bîe n W. A. 1i niersun- ;ride tla tgbit. l"d doing. Each leacher bas ber partit-.i If yoii are overstioniiti c:îîiise of and4t: zcril'i ~. l.- -t lntelia r work to do. and If ibis work Is vour over-stoiutnecs is lack of oxygin- 23~salry.~75: u rnl. 2: veae.poorly dune the w-boie achool machin-crr ing power ini the- hlood and fafflty 'n. Tbe iupils are - fr ltodfint er y suff ers. Our cbildren bave the assimilation of food. T<o uttle is b-ing- clase i tis ciu". id octhe ut g bt tuà k that wceînmpioy effcient rmade ino tIe liarder tissue ofut muscl e - iupis lt te S':îîr 'o-îrtîC arsand up-L-date teachers in evcry de-- aud tuao int-h mb otiti- globulles uf fat. il-, rc.sintIh'--'-Seautîts sh d I - parîment. - Thereture you ciîoild correct th- ruai- ht-en Ia the H-ih Schooi vu %o i-cars aeu. In cunsidering Ibis question of schocil ;,scsitnilgttloti ard Increasi- tue oXygi n- at leasi. Th(, trouble ils that these pu- Impruvemient, it is w cli for tht- Buard ia yn oe llebod od bs pile baa-c speltl wo lonîg inthe prtm- lu reniember htibîg h- lt ,go ici any good dniîggist an( gi-t nil uf ary classes,. a good deai uf mon-v lai v. ar. t-ne .unît-ttc. oiily sold it original packages MNis8 Woodhoiise - G;rade îangbt, wvas lUtile or nu criticism by -tli' peu- and in capsule foit. anîd take one- Cup- PrImnary: tirtific4ate. 1i : îple. I îhlnk thal the- tt-ople wîv:nt good cîie iter each ilaýjillnd une at beti- salary. $~Iii: oi coil. 2S: average.,2').lj achouis and are wiltiiig tu pay for't'l'ne tiltiyoitr X\tit à ut7t,,-O-* No B16ard can afford lu empluv anvyteO.btIlsîudbtI alprsu h tlting but OrsIt-chistenchersin theý I bethat thet- hîard tîll i cosider. bcdy. The etteci nif ofut unîtne In primary classes. These d- in~atre tht-i favorahî., the starting out he - Pennyi capsule torîtt is renuinbie as a welgbt mrcost iuialni-t% hi l'î lie tchools, aîîd If 1 Banktrik lamiscbools at an j-arkl-date. reducer, and i.~pnetySate.-E. J. congestion. and *ipiis old for their I consider titi fl lims. T . g classes" are 10 bie fvoided l uny r-al>' and especially 84ii7the prespni,,tinte. <nydîiglat c4tî supply you. or a! ~ ttIl-let l-atber sloul beempuye. RspetfuIy nbnittd, large size box will 5c iisot 0on recellpt, elice thteacbien in th beempToye.nesefut <tutied f $1. Addrüss [i. J. litie Pnug Co. ArW hety cln i tai hw Twn lie oAr R. A. HUTCHISON. box 1?411, 'Yoniteal, -i anda. f sctiool conditions iithte Town uft NVhit- by ai good al; are ffiuind lit uthpr îawns SALE REULiýTER. ut lits size and wealth?1 Andi if the)- are Soldier's ife Dies Sud- Saltrday, June 3rd.-Auctlon sale ut 1101, wby n1101. denlv. 1turniture. the- pcuperty ot E. Blundall Our cildrea have the rîglît Io ex. uhestnut St., Wbitby. Sale tt 1.30 o'- pet-t from us advantages wh-bcb will pre- - pare lhem botb meutali>' and physicaîl>' Barrie Frnnr.-Ofthie ORKE MOTifEi lu ta.ke tiîeir place and tu make good u-eils said ai Barrie station wbeîî the In the great sîruggle or lite wbicb li f.th 1Bn. left, the good-bye ut Pte. f- UVEHWE before thern. Are the children gettîng Michael Pailon and bis wife Ruse prov- m--Hmthl u io the"e advantages? The accommodation ed a iast tarewell, for Mrs. Failon died nù " InO io vIni the uptoWn aèhGooIs t, perhaps te Ion Monday ulght atter a day's Iites ColfinviII L-"I mfered from B WnDrstit at can bie found Inianv town-Sinice coming to town wlt te 76tb i mervouubreakdowia nd rtibls b.ad- in te lprovince. a.nd te oaiy ,edeem. Battalion, Pte% alnadbs iebi ces dw1irdmi vr oal iii g t eautre la; tbaî a atart bas bc-eni a room at Mr. C.- W. Carley's and M rs. wora outtand dlscopraged but as h1 nmade towarda improt-enent by buildingi Pallon reinained on when the bi.sband a large fanîlly 1 Lad to work di-spi te n-i a new sebool ltritse soutit 'a-rd. la en'Vent away. On Sundity lust site was nufferlng. I "W Vino advertised Mdu the Henry Street acb>oi, lte children flikenl iI and whea medical aid wu 4.dd.d YIMdWt bi two weeks Bit for flve and one-itaif houri per day calied the caue was pronounced ery- 1 DOtiMtd aas M Ornent. mW la old, arcbaic seatit, unstilteil tu ,.beir Iipelas so tait did the trouble spread DW 1Sam B won! WBL'.-bmYS.AmA aites,.înany of whIch were In uge when thtit the. wornan died on Monda>' night, 8omai1 the oldeat rnember of lte Board attend. being unconscious the greater part of Wls gUflDISSvb4 mrdlicim MCd ed lte smre aciool. The ligbt la mc the de.>. » a St01101h to W tbuin &W bail that It ls actually a crime to maike Notbing was lwown as to te where- boWopW V UII g'4wi e.Woek' lte ebtîdreit sta> In te roins and a&ont. of an>' relatives of the dead w<>- Mt aIrain their e>'es ttying ýo se the work man Or her huabead except that hel' A..IL. ÂDIR. Diutibt WII*. C" on their own exerelse books îylng o' people lived In Engad. Unexpectedl>' their own deska in front of them. on 1Mr. Carley found e. I&kter addressed te ____________ mn>, manl> daya, blaekboard work- la 'John FWlOi, Wbltby," and ,tWpoiig out of1lte Question, and the tesehera theman afledwould b deceaoedOs have te get alcn.g the -best lie>' can. ttii'iit-ew, aB tk<r-iflwm8 4eatdih- The roomsa re heated b>' tvlés IlaeM d d 1.0Whil. As Tues'dy -m lafinii I li coeorner et ltheroom, ». ut haitworeon01amd »n-erpIy came thobed of t e p p l r t b h t w U 0 ot j r u S C e y A M U Q O P d w n V i c t o i a D a y er aliarettal . ad. houel &y tUftSfSd i t he g réaOn lwmdAt ex- Thi- MofCthe mon amtey cnmase thtagi etw«e nements l uii4 b, mgfWfor th* temL plesCnao thmoutty tewmpes and&tes 1 - j« tash l«S tt 2 0111. & t S4 Cm Ds. 4W 112a oIan a t k eo pruilete esThe otrepp b tmp0te tt i. . l lstustubm I0g"thfyll Upt&rro= 0& *M Lflte 1th bY êU'à w* ame and vtlt&hm au ti&u-RhaiahW fxiéal tok 1800 enibud" »re. FAMO& PNTII In ai tints and white contaim the pedect a prioi4B. Genuine Whbite La anadPur White Zinc, as shown in the diagrmblw 70% Imm SM' 8 E- a w A ~- ia-. '21 s ti1rai cot) and r-pn fian t' -id fl-r tlîarît li dE1)(; ý 1 1 u nt tit- obalt wiotr in toicn. tat i ' ifiry ftme o tfiht dii thatrt-en Noe ut N L aj Thy, ed on-,. or hi lier soS Mue T"efj end %o à W 0 ,E LW ANY, U_ nGRIAND TRUNKSYSTF , M * Lii I * .' M 1 '~ENGLI~W