Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 May 1916, p. 8

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Uttfl TUIUY.tA L 9MM- BROOKLIN. --Ur. T. J. H1{oiday and Mast( tua Hoiliday were here fer t day. 1Miss Laura Hortop wae hotni Mj. H. F. Werry, of Kedron,i tIPPointed l-a) delùgate f romn t drcubdt tiiet t6 the Meýh04tst COtieiS wlilbli j~meets ln Peterborc neit wèeâL. . Mi" s Uhycimt; ot lhé thoeFPair. Miss Helen Haycraft and Mr. (ibris t~ Ian. of Oshitwa, weme viiUng ln the> vill.age. - Rev. H. W. Voley an"W. E. Tlnk atteaided the District meeting at Port Perry at Yfiday. or Doug- A supposedlly mad dog was at lai-go the holi- ln (ha community receeaty. a.nd two persone %-re bitten by the animal. Mr. e for thei Arcie l4ight and Mies Ilazel Bigbt. datnelter of Mr. Chas. Blght. were the nas beeti viellais. The dùg was killled and tu (hie dis- head sent a-way for analyste. Although The Car o! Conîtort The 1916 Gray Dort 1* cssentialy * comfortable car- --omfortble becaus there la pienty g sansd leg room botb back snd bout. --comfortabie too, becmuse ofb 50 b"~ 5.11 catilever springs whkh maka il eau et the essicut ridlng cm eon the mathat et amy prile.. The prie., P» lei. vithin reub of.m *Am ..Sm.tht car st our showrooms. 8 g r..... muffum <a A -1' ~' f-i.-. A Complete Car in Every Paricular Aid It's a Car You WiII Be Proud to Own il's the first con-plete car et anywhere near so low a pnice- It stands out alone-boidiy-unapp)roachei- a power- fui fiNvcpassenger touring car coruplrte for only $850. Note that word "comnpcte'" Tisat means Eiectnc Starter. Electnic Lights, Eiectric Horm. Magnet ie Spedometer -in fact. rvMr necessary item. Noting is lacking. There arc no extras to buy. Note that il la not a zmali car. Thse whoelbase is 104 taches. The tires are four-inch stae--nany cans onsing more have semalier tires- And it 15 a perfect bcauty--nappy. stylish. apedy. li every way Its a car you wilil be proud to own and cie In. No wonder thcro's a rush to possess théeaw the ward bas been waiting for. Doa't deay-sce us et once and tali ilt over. Luke & Dudley Bell Phones 10 and 66 Duaisa Street, WtITSY FPreparedneaa i'n the home. Gelmg1 Mdoeu ~a ùot tn, let . uSthonalft Z "tô utak-no rtsk., aü both ilotMe afeý takifig.tho 1Pateur trea.tment i To- routo. -. be here this week helping W. M. Law- rence w-th hi. big sale. The aummeYimeetUng of the. Brooklin Women's Institute will be held at the home of- Mrs. Urtah Jone on Tuesday afternoon, MaY'30. Election of officers and an address by the.delegate, Mrs. W. J. Hunter, of t3rampton. The meet- ing will be In the torm of a pienle. Everybody weicome. Mre. Pii&'s many friends viii regret to learn that she le yet extreenely lit. Much favorable, comment ld" heardi upon the Improved appearance and management of the village hotel. gen- -prally spoken of as the Teinperance Hoitse. The new management bave taken bold wi1th a determination to maire their house an attractive place, to make a stay. whetber long or short. The change in the mail system at the local post offie e snot looked upon very favorably. The mail leaving on the irst morning train Bouth-bound has been cut off, and a mail Inthe af- ternoon substituted therefor. A mal is now gent aorth on the 4.30 p.iu. train, w~hlch makes connections at Man- illa Junction for Toronto. Formerly letiere written at nigbt couid get awaY on the 7 o'clock train. and be In To- ronto by 9.20. No"- the fIret mail to reachi Toronto f rom here will be 3.30 or1 4 pm.. The afternon mail for Toronto via Manilla le flot yet being used (o any considerable extent. though the change bas been In operation now for two mion ihs. From the postmaster's viewpoini the change le by no means popular. Wlile ho gains nearly two houre trme In the niorning. he Is prac- tically kept on duty aIl the rest of the day. holidaye included. and hie salary has been reduced by $60 by eason of the 8horter bours In the morning. Taking Il by and large, the old plan Booms to have been more useful. An Important business change has, been eilected here ibis week In that Disney Bros., furniture dealers, and undertakers. have disposed of their business to Mr. A. A. Robinson. of To- ronto, who taItes possession practieally aI once. The new owner has had ex- tensive experience In the business. and can take bold with perte-ct confidence of catertng successfully to the public. Mr. Robinson bas not only purchased the business, but also the real estate, Including Mr. Dieney's neat and rom- fortablp borne. Mr. Robinson Is now preparing to movo bis famliy to Brook- lUn. and expecis (o arrive early In the week. Mr. J. E. DtCney, wbo bas had charge of this business since hie son Stanley ment 10 Port Perry to take charge of the business of the firm there, le In poor bealtb. and feit that with hie other reeponsibilities ho sias nol able 10 continue the work ho bas been doing of laie. Mr. Disnoy expects te romain a residetit of the village. By a prlnters error a Ue la Mr. Lawronice's sale bille was made tu read 1115c. salmon. 3 for 25c." whereas It shouild have read -3 for 36c" Readers ivili please make a note oft(hie. Mre. Sqtres bas been quite III. Lawronce's big sale starte this week. The bout bargaine ever offemed are (o ho had aI hie store. Se(ho big bille and sieze the opportunity ut saving money. A profitable meeting uft(ho Wumensa M issionary Society uf the Preabyterian Chut-ch was hold on Wednesday of iast week at the home of Mma. Wm. Kerr. The Junior Auxiliamy and Daughtere. of tihe Chut-ch were present by Invlta- lion. Short papers on India were rend by members eft ho Junior Auxil- tamy. Mn-. Haig -Save au interesting taik on "Some Thinge we eau ail Do, Be and Glve.'- Mre. Cameron. ot Osh- awa. spoke on "Home Helpers.' In appropriate phrases Mra. John Ormùis- ton, on behaif oet(ho W. M. B., pregent- ed a lite membership (o Mm. Wm. Kerr, (heonoly Charter memnber me- maining la the Society. T4 was uer- ed and a most delighttui eociiheoui was enJoyod. Mm. Russell White and Ur. Fraser, oft1h. O.A.C., Guelph, sisent the w e- end ah the home et the tormem'a par- ents bore. Mr. and Mm .IL C. Rose dud daugh- tei, Betty, ama vlulting Ln Dimufl. $100 RBEWARDO $100 the readers of thusaper *Uit, -ede %bat wcici bas becs aie lu 't' lau ne M aasff lal u ( à* aimarrt. Cstarb bolul =U.v y 1u5.cScd iy 0-**Uthiom cdwloeà tua cessut.Ws.treust"son 5m4 s #*@tgo Noudels sb 9 te lob Ad -1f . . Cxu8Ia S 0.. Telsi.Omou. lv. sMd à" aE. uIù*W lms daaalew spmal o».o e*"vl *h ~a femm wlheML rl um Il. Umoe sdlIA" Btbo, laita~vr14bm4hr s b t i. .ta.. Jutmt fer~ ~ ~~a -rh*Ohn a S Imar w"- Mmli. N4IC ............. PASE LINE WEST. Mr. Gordon Reynolds, of Toronto. epent last week beiping hie fathor on the farni. l'ie old Huron House in'the south ivard le being torn down. Mm. and Mrs. A. Arnold, of Toronto. spent lasI week with Mr. and MIrs. H. Reynolds. The water lu (ho laIte bas rIson 35 Inches already tbis spring. Mr. R. W. Burton. of Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. E. Story's. WVe leamu (bat the patients at (ho bungalow w1li ho moved 10 the Dorm- Itory where (ho prisoners were. Sçmne farmere have finished: others are struggling along between showere trying 10 finish. The mail man on Monday delivemed by auto, getting (ho mai arouud sev- oral houris earlier. The Creamery at Brooklin le $4xtend- Ing ils route. They now are gathortng cream along Base Lino West. COLUMBUS, Mm. S. Nichols. of Bowmanvtie, wae bomne over Sunday. Mm. W. Sutherland, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Havtland HuxiUne ot Oshawa, spent Sunday with Tr'enis home. Quite a number exliibited stock at Brooklln Pair. Most of theo ttiers iround here are thmough .eediag. MIss Winnie bloore- spent Sunday at home. Mm. James Hobbs h.ad the mistortune -10 luse a horse. Iately. Mr. M. Dootittie h«a retUrned home The Cresi of the 1 I6th& Overseas Battalion Commanding Qffioer. . Li. -Col. Sam Sharp, MP Senior Major Robi. B. Smith ïaVdiani -vMcConnel £2yartersnaster Capi. Norman Fairiead Paymauter Copi. A. C McFarIand No. 1 Companyv Capi. Henry Co-k No. 2 Comp>anu Capi. W. Ht D. Sharp No. 3 Company Capi. F. M. Moodg No. 4Coinad Recudhing .Stations-: Whifbg, Port Perry Bruoi<in. oeafetiofl, Sunderland, c-mno n Mil - Badge Brotho'rs'- Motor Ca-r It. je establishing a very notable record for low cost of maintenane sud froedom froni repair W* osna give yuu impreseive facte and figures in this connection. Iefdo themneelves they constitute a very stroflg incentive to ewuorship. The gasoline consumption je unuenally low. The tire mileage je unueuaiIy high. Examne this Car, aise our large stock of Cardages, Wagons, Fariu Macbtnery, Harnes@, Ant mobiles, Tires, etc. W. F. DISNEY, WHITBY- Bell and Imd. Phlones. -:1 --i - I ~1 'I --J v ~ij 14K trom tho Soutiera States, WhOro ho pliughed' betore tor- at least twenty- tfi-mer ln Ibis section recalîs a uprtag Owing thé le u ot ou taeboeý took a carload of thoroughbred stock. âie years. This la practical patrlotism. some. twonty-flve ye&rs mgo wheui ho Miss Allia, there Wias O School; The w"e chicksataIGlen Dhn tarinsOid potatesaIton Centi Pr.bag, and '*Sinclatr's" on IMonday of bo ek KIN~ALE.now number nearly throe thbOUsad. whenR, 94bL cents was lb, standard - Mi-. IL W. Melhioa and tazntly vis. They are all whtte-filnffy hilba- aiimmer pr-be for eggs, and rom 18 to pure Fruit lelaror# x~iIey. Corporal Mreith chlen vlaited 10 se.. maCi. V. WaUaee aMd baby drnah, OLUwhieh aie m É4SU? his huiýns bore 1aIsa bbth. Wlth reference 10 th. change ln ter, of TorontWOi, -utSvutinigs« lien lied by al l exa I r-us Soe .E Mmn Meen, of Torato, sluler of pices of tari produe. a welI-known Dhii. Aii Mm John Lawton, bau been vlalling A Mr. Levi Mackey, *t ToI-oIIo, hms becu apendig a (-di with rel&. tivm esmieeHO attla a trip dowa mout)>»M oon e iait irUe&. Thze Imm t pain* amre epihig lb. (armera (rom doinbthoifr goediig. "mre bauve mot aou.kapdtul st li This »£4"7ai$ngh &tSic&l'oka cou-1 gr~aIoa1 muboaW h held lu the bon tw t. b mm4R~~t r.por ib ie «Imf.rn oaiboa --- srr~ u thébu epot Oum 74W 4U i4j - -iii 1msma m pi ata »pvld I .Mmdkt* I~b.DdI 'K~ j ('orneln and uethis car ture purebasIn)g An up-tu-date garage run in cotineetion. JONES & GOODNOW mnd. and Bell Phionels, Biti ()IýI N 4. lil Milo lia Ontario County's Oversea's Battalion Once more in history Britannia stands four-square for freedom, this time for the world. Her fleet the bulwark of the Entente Allies-her army grown to a mighty force-she has blocked the savage, scheming Hun and is helping to force him to the wall. Proud of the stand of the Motherland, Canada's busy men of peace are rallying to ber aid, and are rapîdly becoming the moat resourceful and dangerous troops in Europe. They have proved well able to look after themselves, not only in the actual fighting, but in trench, billet and training camp luie under the most trying conditions. One of the things they count on most to keep them looking and feeling fit is a clean and regular shave. The only razor they can depend on to 'ive it every timec and Severywhere is the Gillette. f.you'd like to tdlind ___out the equipment of any man of the il 6th, and Lo hlm a real service, give him a Gu1ette Safety Razor 1 Dundan Street Welt 1 X Y;

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