Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 1

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"t 4 v Vol. 52-No 48____ WHITBY, ONTÂIO, CA$ LDÂ4 flTR8DÂT, JUNE 1, 1916 Cc jompound Syrup of HYPOPIIOSPHITES ýSti ciigtlii iiig andI I nvi orating tomei, loode Bulider and iNerve Ton i c.1 3ulithl p the mystemn, iirc9 thi«l a(iWatcr-y 1)100, Net vouq headache, Nervouq proqtratioti, Slteplessnestî, etc. A reliabie restorrttive Rfter La (rpe $1 per bottie J. E. WILLIS )rugglst and Opticlan Ci L IAL.L a W liitby. TI-E OUS13 Or QJALI1Y The~ Ilealcit n ithflieCvtaI andI It tth eriie. "Scranton Goal" Thîe Stiadard 'AFTER Theit STRIKE" N'ewv Prices Now Establisheti. l"r sli tniiî'l" Scranton Coud "- SStoî-e, ('licstnut îuîtl leîî, Comitlg na iiy ini box cars -lenti, und~I d tl ry. Cannel coul and aiiitg iè,cotti alwaytî in stock. X'uiw;înt. the best. Order now E. R. BLOW, Whhlbyý I 1" lihoie îphone 14. SUMMER SESSION St'open in Shaw'§ Buuine(qs schools, Toronta , trtlnueft until Auguet 281:11 m-it iFILU Tehrni hegins. No vacations. Enter auv ttie. Pree catalogUe. %V r&i W$8Mcls~.~ J. MOWtLL jAMP-S Carpenter, Tulder and Contractor. Plans drawn and estimtetefurnlahed. Sash, cloorB and trmeis. aguent for Brantford Rooting BOX 467 WhiITtiY PhoneI149 A. H.. ALUIN. Issuer of Marriage Llc«naes Corner drug std'e, -Whltby. No %vtnesses requlred. the Grener Canaa in ,vmeet à Land C., Limit Whltby - - Ontarlo ]Real eatate D.alera Rtites JManageJ, Bents Collected, l4rst LossArmngod, Properties bought'and toId. For tenuen ap ty IIed Offie rook & Bell Ptone CL 0. piloue 70. omfie Md Works Opposite U.Wla Eres..Wbitbi MONUMENTS o$aIDetgmag aIsaI epil"à: u It wIUMr en ute m"atour vut amt1:110y, tbwL sum~ v. cm do*llvthe s ma moen cO1 t lems bhk vmI A cmli 3011~4 1m-lle II;eia h KIL i I . FRIDAY MORNINO. rTe Bataloa paraldi at (ho Town Pasrk at 9 a.m, oui r-lsdaA. 'fortie sps'etators vite amsmbied, hss dr-iil was &onie throuîgt. The boys were ten tr or er .reaader of the mlornint. NIARCII PAýQT AND REYIRW. rrida>' sltemnsoavts« bmueni- dlam à spubilcbouda>. ciLlionsteit. e-al>' gave t<nnscbdu up tg teen.- »orinwnet l b. îerfeci vestier &Md watehin t. £miltai>'spectacle aNar-i. cd b thie 14,lOta il* setltioaa 1%0 acenfet thIbsé wu Mrl. Jgs. MttebelI'a Sf <y sm e#Idi oni tise seuilsode «Dva las street *è«.s t4 tl utemelle uthi AngusstmJ.940%tog M l fmlDotha #*wu* &vue vu 4Co-8ity ftep pêpf tabouetouai à& saimm<si rmstandt lb. etrgoos lsebetus lse*e4 t4* t lits Imtt b iii unl -t n 12 .Ltt Your tii' LEAVE FOÉt NIAGARA.* ITHE II6TH BATTMALION IIarchitig Nbk t"Wb1tby çarne theî IN THE COUNTY TOWN 10, îaîî9nhs"fmý Tu han# ut gn proceded the mes, who aîfrIved 'at 8 t oclock. led by the.eand. ý' big crowd itrot k trfe(tI '«ajabloon i wlh color "Bill>"hlil DurInz ttls îterformanc mlotbwhtu hr gi.A on T4,hirsdai, aftc--noon hast froni 2.30(, thhlii lIon niascot stodbeýjd~e h ii'F--our <'ornerà1V'thay mar.iedlb PR. till 1.30 'lok S'reeta and buýin e s fii ntrutrand i t 1h hini wett tfrotigl) t t"eîO standi "muter cars, (romn iplansqý alti residentcea 't oeodvecorated ýahi the ee css 'riec cosing 11(vvlwhich a large luseils orange was serv-1F È R N hxflttauq n liii îgiit-reýd lu the ment t', 'iaI:arch past in hotor f e ach mnbz, the ladies or the F ~ R N IIa i)).r bs: i onCuivladohrreeîial î Il lief-atwtoi sopnbarns. Large 1bouse, 7 rooins. Suitable for mar ket gardenero cmtr fo tI hu NIisaiaqtti jj hevoeanCo.OPonovan udoemnmeegrhe nbad Immcdiate possession. andCol Faewpl, s wll s Aajor i once. Everythelàg waas loaded on i Wui dd l al ii-ûil ni sllth.M.. l'ieprelîminary tboard qichy nd> 'lîVthout confusion, NEW ItOUSE, containing sixt1 rooms, thrc piece bath, vrna n 0vsit ac t'laitn160slroniv wris veîing fr rpositioni. sparliritiat-I3out0f the ock-* fih a odbalcon>, larg-e ceilaro furtilc,"êind ~wrconnections. tn.rtgthe town from the itorlth te admIred i4y those w ho aie fainîliar wiih friexîda cme bo d a- hast fare- lra aggregatioîî of armepd men cicr wilh îiitary drill. îweii. The Dland.ý_ia1yed "'1ýeep the »0R SALE al ont 1mb tp)on Whiltb>-*s strpels. And Cil lite îv'av ret tirning to ioNvii the Bat- Home Pires flurniQ;' white those on ilti %,Iere eour owil County citizpiîs. talion i. is eniertainod Nî'tî refro th(, wharf turned fiWay ithî nadness SXROE E RC O8,the teêbt,(i iecla- unc,"rna Linux f theuti residents of oîtr towni, monts or a real, -solil aud liqid lchar- in thipir hearts for c, departurle of the k ah$50 aanearanged. \vihOs, wýIvresaiid childrcîî and molhîers acter.lty a comiitee of Whitby !aadies, brave fellows of rio Couoty w,.ho and bacoy Csl ayrMent oba nc ar ilim izall-rolorêd crenz nglithe rinvdfrontinONtheNOa ONEofALF STOREY RotJGii', ONE SI ONE EtF NGRElarge* weII c£LiINi, arge gardentivate hlrock street on cither aide aind taçr, lt tom or vHnard Aunes, enab- futtcs i.N s trined their Oyua (trli a iiigitt - heqoidir-rg 0Io l- qrve-d lu îwo 1?t a giIîîteof tite hoved face in thal ani, 41 1( co1ýttnîns as they eniered the-P ryl NEW BOUSE, containing SIX roromD-, three ipicce bath, full size celiar, ntemi of tttarhtng iviei. grotids fî'om thie weFl, tand passed out t ~ ~str< et iortI of thie C. P. IR. T h 6ite .i l t a i n , o n lt e (, s e ce n i d - a I l lt Il th e, t a t i . A la r g e m a r q u e - T h e fir s t g a r d o n e ý4 t Y o h e s l O R E C L E T O I D N O S u t b e f , i h r b i d n r i i e t :it.! tait of their i'ý) milt trelt- frntn Ilaand i deorations lhad bten furîiishcd hy In Wîîtîtv had t1à mTost auspienouso 'trnhad ieft Port Petrr% 'ttrly the ojli'ers pud mpit of IlteI gnd, af- . assâ%à ~sîtuate on the south side of st.Per St., ccernent sdwl 'ilîstrinoî'ning htt'i mnrcitîtl xiNia dîtr t nvpnic-t and îtleastng rircumstances for Peter sidewalkcofctrictliý'y (nnIt' 0troolçli)n.%wbért lt'Y IilI ditlot,ý for se~L"r'el t tihal Ttiursdayý evening it. The îown w'as and !;ewer passes property. Trn ay (Ad [tir ltînch ai t're entertainlet Illtastd so deleiloîs aft(,r the hot 0(1er- re-liîforced by the Ptýeà_-nce tif Illhineu I~~~~~ Ile li iodrtbi- iiidcl71 t';trtk. C ot 1. r.1 -ýd re n l its 1-3-1 tbers of the I I6th Bit.tpeioii. and it is T c' flit"i pace. inthe luarct 'th I talion lt)iai alEitl(ii tiotzilti, road, lestîmate-! Ihal 1501 liersolnî wrro Inai rae an d m rv m ta d L n C .Lnie an -vîl..id't- lt-rit li ankine ite 'adi,,I îtendance."lite weather ias §ideal. annttan UIIn îîtt b) r -in i lt, 0v, ti tlie tî -ti lt, 0:1 ottoivr tospitahît ics at tend- of t he proper kltîd tqO:lîtlca people ont-, 0 "U:, N .Bl hn Baitilin )(ýr 'In the to,,,t te io ni-ili th il. ilillv Co!l't t)\tn. ave doors. Atndithe scetle- of teatTt'tr as Ion lcn 0 H T N .B ft t.t t Lir melrttie e. t' t't 1%%(t' O - t tsttt ie ts ;ttîri a t t'fr. lite hatid'torn.e grouàdÏisof iiMayor VWa, oin 1 s freomin 1ltow-l1 lite Tox;'tl<'omttrii. t;fî' lt't- ttianllt'Inu'tte l'O th anwilita -moreatilable or ot~ît-r f lte Board-i f Fil tcai loti - ~ ltetrdtt:'t n î ro, "r- lit ut I ul ytiac"ecould not ihave be-en _________L It'".t nl tiilit C isit- s iur « liý- ,l> -: s ttIîptfitl 0'<(XI, i, fatîi -i u dred. lhb attt icipat ton of!- - - tI_ýiir adiait-tili 'P( ig(ic, ai a-rîa,'s as t,,i. ,,stroiiing avurtreoM greenl laîvs andt For enilteriai iment, the Bandi of 1th(- - iitt tlît- wlîc rae s m ao t.tet th- ot t ientt. t its hý t1l(t Wliitlîh B v '-1 ý . i Uslonpo iddge eoisyo lo id Orlipaot Met1St'tti'ti-r So-tîntasi er .. ltrtYIn itsady nocks, t-as t40ibtiesa e 2c ltalî poiîdgnrîsso iotl' Io ittitti rtf tît, rpo t' ity ýtiiast. itIct )'ll si l ttlotîefor ti,,e pi-esenci- of the muicalr-nirtaire, antwO 'amsm iet e , tibado th-Ttattiliont ('ther titirotîrof te Ballallon lTeslirtty aibc uthte bhrs of the fanitons 481h Higýli;cetieNew h4 t;(tittdcoeon alîcatof litkitiarrit-mplite 'I"t î - nýin-g for tOdays. Fift.-yltfft- 1'Iî Baud mado the uighl air mnetad itII tt2 t muet ileir fto"s and Ii 11e l - ttril't t'n ,po-ilslatdeo tuertii Bad o li' ~tîdlii t;tîo î' 11id ia :jur Moody atîdiat Ires-en. v.ait ,'lectrl' lanîn)s hv-hted lte g --oiids. lis ,or otherwis-e (dependi g tpal 1.1t4t rt- Bîardfth (, 1 by mettilo t' Ii t1oti t'iatestamet %vwas miade lutottnîg and flagps wire everywiîere liîtta )Oiil f vhtw Or is blrtidîpace) sm- 'tteW itthey Trootiolip Srîttt. ertttttWiit oslxMs a- tof tiatî, Here otte couid (nj ite wtth fle i,îratits of their pipes. 'ln1'tb-Topo lyNmttîna('1ei boyst;f f tt11 Nits. ie Cotr-ts'o,),hebotit hhe iss Irelie Chevrli,>\ocalist, anti Mr. avottt l i farttt as rJ.t . Itx - I ta cr %oody ttatk-',d NMIss (Cormack 1'tht' air mas yet waem-. rom the lient D tcn(oai 'cti oud ,o lt":tt'd lte pocesson }rau(tnîtî otthealief lt- btîvs forithe ;iîtd gift. of the' day: over futther, a t9a ron nToroniia. cntertaltîed the audience b', iti ci sionhioli I itrrtiiHIsnlîîaîerd toth le witats of Cihe crowd sevorai selet-na oq aci. Il d c t TI . i s..IiE ui'n th ait»becaine cil 'be n 'l r)degan tb gattier about 7 Soso u p l i tt hta eti nncîêrietfie MN'NUttthe t'venlng; lita anther place homo. o'etork, and It 'tis aller eleven bs'fore tir tt ii-it- hhdt marer ,] o ste sttl b i tk-Pon Satrra' rntt m ande candy Nws on snIle: flu stili an- the hast of tht-m was ieaving. Manyfor ou am l s îten tt t- nourse of peopleî it-ot %%îtci.'\'\it; thvt'rain :oarinig donn tii ror- otiter lte men ix're abletiscîrtiereoi rerssIroncabtonfNîvSM t n .'tt u rThe streeîs Nw -v it' nîtat,' t Itu. iiiigmovcmnaiflthe soldIvrs sm-okitîg requlremeuts. jthe ' 0fair being made to a gre. ý -tjex-pofg odelsSpi il tit cçtitr. eeylyIn litîs or lier!ext ro'înely t'tîcutnilt'trabi,-, 13N, th-t" iif At ab)oîuîttecentré of te groundis, Lent 1h" occasion of a social cali by - y(lu wlhav.s-eql 'la(liti à* ratV 1w'elconmc thc boys,. tt(bîNîî hadtih'r breakfa4*, itoxiexer. Ila apretty îtie lxwer, a palmnist eadotitId-rrs on tLiîr Whltby frlonda. a'dvle Titie processiont proceet,d 10t Iilethie tatît heganti tales-sen, and bîy S.3 lte handa oftose c#4rlous as hi h ltalnfnawr umne T'ownt Park, "t'lerù' lIîe troopa ivene par- lad ct'ast, rTe Bal talion ivas tîrati- future. Ail sorts of -VotderfuI tilîgs rppreciably,ibut. best of ail, tiheollcers .There"s ascefrzvr tidit 1tefoe Ilite cicI officIais. t-<1a t lite l'anti Park. andi abouît 9.10 were predicteti, andt1jtIe vietims got the anti men brouglit their organîzatlonocaon £- Ni vir Warrenî, on - beafoinf n lt m at-dti is mtarchlto1 Oshawa. A large 1 worth of (heîr rmoney An thilis of anti- more f nchbly before the public, and ocas o rmn w m enw'tt. teltv*'rpd naadresa ,o! w-ecrnte .cran-ci n%%ason lte -treels 10 bledfrire- cIiation. eîen If not tu realîzaton. made ntany fast frIends.I - udcid n. E his u j iii'ltdîglowing with patriot suad ii'eii 0 to l oys, anîdt(s-ans t"t'cin th(,ladtt' . h- priie. atldressing Lt.-Col .Sitarpe lie cee8 Of uaiîY ns file)- sa%%- ilîcir btoys -- . pr£.me in s .,Suer ttlom, ho Battatl;tt;u he Coulity leave ton-n on the last lait of the trek r wDorkrLx 1nIDcN rli .11o%-n. Pe sald t h bqen tiotîglit to Osh-awa, &mong tlte' îtumîî4r wz U O E IN 'X'?R TINIEk ashp adqaty inîosil eto y Battalîon, Sergt. Fred Charlton, wlio n'as la-I______ 1 PRICESTH LOi. because sw tnaîiy meit '1i&d -gbtoie V- wiitem Jnvalided noms frntlhe fraIiý se-as wi th oter unlte. but Pot Sirpe Fred le detitmnthed to do hlts hI. andt Many and t iili - re te9 oxper. ibti n attbite.Jtb"t ~ _.MAe-ee1qtt,, ubelng *ken on t'i luc4>faltioai1l<i yait" ~~ tb, g 'a4Wm inhhtye te utrek r m cltitiiyl Eroemani lady, wio was mont willugt mntgl yet * ir. ftECommny 10111 Tff I3TTALON INOSHAiVA. lie otbroa 0f iostlitIe la EroPe.si mennyting ae hadwitl ber uest M t y.fataiiitas related tii lt e uibers of the Co UnmIiLey were able (o secure transpor- anile r n i i tw a ter. Tihe atalîon was welcompd by ty OId Girls' Association on TuedaY îation. Itl; lanteresting te note tiat He lîopêd thelr short sojotiru lanoîîr Ilieusands of people lîneti along thie aftemnoon. Miss McGillvraY, In coin- ou the declaratben eof war al1 banks miellt would be pietmant. streets on Its arrivai In Oshiawa n CiPanY witi two otior artists, was re- were ciosed up and proclamationg pub.- Ho the-n ealled upon Town Treasurer Sat turda>' morning, Tiey wore bllleted 1turnIing fromt, Ualy (o Paris iy way ofIlished waraing the people Le apend neo ît Joseph W~hite. to make pesentatlon of Iin the Town Hall andth le Chiurclies. lie hîaliarî laites, and did flot know of unnecessary mî>uéy, as h wau going'te oar± Council's gitt Ioth Le iattalion. whclt Inth e aiernoen. ai 2 o*cock, te men tho diturbanees between GermaIt> and econe very sealpe. G r e e d Mn Wtie i nc ddbadtg ol fulit and matie an extensive marci uaauU rhchn atwe i Finaily te Briti Consul met wlth Siallpo ant eavebope ccentalitîg a chîeck ltrougli lte stireets of Oshawa, tien ,thethe declarandepaot war l$1tle news- for $200. proceetied Up Slmcestreot b Alexan.î papers. Thte serlouaneus o!f(the situa- thie trsof aud it h r m $In 5 Col. Sharîte thanked heartily the dms Park. wliere a liuge crowd was Lion was net apparent unt! intending fteir Inetera e editlu-. Tit mani wa - Coutîl and ecitueiqs o! Whitby for 11gth e roiî tnu11emn.'i o-0regumo ber iourney. 511e discoler-rae e$ u$.wt -Po- warut welcie extended Le Lhe Bat- ficers anti men lînedul p Infront orthLe ed Lie only moins eofcenveyanceto e' lî e. ay itWhtlane the Itb-ey reuth- lailon. lIn(lie uer-lithebo ati hoard grantd standt anti wero woîcomned b>' a mal' Pont in whilei beateul vehicle border weroe e'erywhege puld UP, and114 thlat WhIIîby was- aomewhat coidti 19Mayor (Conan t, te wtileb LI.-Col. Siarpe the and severah other pasmegers 5trai Of waa imsible te geL eut of tee on n-ards lte Battalloit bulttis was pr-ev- reptied ter lie Battalon. verseul te AiDn, subjectod iueanw'zib étd t0 bave been an errer, as lte to lie constant serutlaY o! Ibalian ef- i. warmit ftic civrc weleome demoa. LI.-Col. J. F. Grlerson, on beha.!! of ficers and Swîsa uads At lait after tbree *eeka' éndeavor, aîrateti. Everywhere aiong te Une o! lhe IVomen'. W'* RelieftSociety. pt-e- White waltilng lu board te train fer th Brliait Goverumeut 1Mn t ud irork tic>' iatibeen tieu-cclpienu seutou te Battallon wit a large lent, Pari, lasbl lUVMtound hersel! secure a speclil train l t hti "-9 co o! theie nost enthuuiastie demonatrationandi wlbhi a typewrtter tront b3illier lte fly woman on a plattorni crOuet Vey ail BmtInh Louriis out eot owit*r- or gifts EverywFàw hGroceri br et Ifs.Evr-whreil mn uai e-Bren. witit hundeeds ofe iters, ali sxklug land. And not oui>'dd. thé GoveM-n havedt lemueivos admirabiy. He trus t- MssFord. of te Girls' Y Club, pr-O- la foreia Longues. Wbcn us train eAr- Ment PMoVl4e traspoitte Or ud.' t - M VOl CA rock St. Il ~ .1 'a I 1ý. Gnninvuir.1rntv Rr qnw 0 0 a 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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