Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 2

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1'I mate littl. cii-cle ot girl -trient. wlîo wliderng vtotit - cos-itw- R la-gow-nit- in.ar nw-t tnwa .noeedte oyeruii wtuogut les. ttmbeas u1u ""J carne te lîlp ber eat tue woadertul . ioat trult.tul filds et liber! jBt. Duestan'a or at. annexes at tue Edmonton Peeitentlary -for deser- c b o.ntoi ealvat-~Asml eei o at three-tle-.d cake the. royal chef lit 10. We-The "we passages" (Acta Brighton and Torquaey 140 non-core- tien- t symptomu, but iet>Inteît.ipw- o.daetlcyc matie for lep, iven no mucli moret id. 10-14; 20. 6-15; 21. 1-18; 27. 1; 28. ml.ssloned officeru andi mon. Tiiese in. TI.he b-avY dîmaut for lumbent Quit. ottenti.sfensfo tsn.ucetcoldiH aie reasna for appeezluug are tue Casiadiana. In addition tee blindedtheGratWet Lumber Co. aM Red lation court bal given ia lei îonoi- Véry pivotto ew i eret tie wteray cerseve Aus1 oti-l andisvp placetie peain odtonaepolee 'butpy er u ii nabttehnah oiihaeejyeiargl-pvtet1wT.aaenBiqueslcrlr e 1PriaiiP uIA .Cartirs meo, .îkeswt oticlr at ru<-Itn' rs -n8ikg wihail ita attendant trappînue tntngg auholaf A. F.g C blna ~::reat l 'Edotoni wuaar te mxtue t t wa atate fortBite Queen Mai-y, tue Pnin- * <litickmJ. Even th* aiost revolu- wbuch waa at tue diopeai et the coiui sent up for trial ehargn4 wt seur. tes. verdoingt i.cueo tpady g~~ ':< UonaiJ.;'jSy agre wlth the.oonservativm mlttw lin charge ofthtubbouteI by 8gît ng monay on frauduiett sohool bonda. huitis; andi ov.ron lbiai adPrita. #Ïtod, mth ithe o, nti teme i7 priteud morte coelun latombe- Jhnveanioady gi-esgt we& ue. mnJ. f Tii. Wexcusaa -or,. "d£os tn ltn . - e deel of byerws. 's w s etier Write tihe aet rActeand thse tyewrltlagtesMy rtea1 aoeti-OM ut îpàrtaa ilgR h tet Da' ory 'lgti Oms. mite e be f-leis eiu u- UIT ' 15 8 dil, w . evit'o uato rt*a P&a ofAs the rosat o! a abootiqnaf f£ &X hnbê~f ~~toisR e - lga rfndy litti. argument as to Mt, r&MGaPsi. u- aLMIs(br!doi, two MAattiau. Li »OunI t fil,55,p~ swseh profession pr9duoes tue bmiv- 'tMean «oiR drp SU srMsests rousMs, a tKt a t fir -i-ut.èrtsp..d mbaw W .U nt eutMe.mu, Dom.niîd the aramy, others m , *ve »4by., tt « ab ~b.~ thravotetifor thea medi- 111Studo u ct «« *bf# <~" rtrjp ite MU A type-45 re-hsalo nd#. t 1Ui SUIJSlhou"Itof esaton.0«,Ww.o mà&Wd fy -î tÇr ~~macu",not t W*t tey â aid tg abl nà e n't M ie«wMy ove *uttm d éMs x # uItUalwront oDyriskndhar ieé m*Um -jm«d»ouW*«W -1u -Iib Mx UMM* isiLubeibq Obé m Mt a1smet Mary *its.',I %gle ne m- e, lit , ýWC>TIE5 ND.COMMEUNT5 kâlane ruches, And smart littie Soe i evc E SF O N L N ~ 'M tanoies t pleated or pinked ribbone ,rdA rSric E SF O N Pête ad te rmor ýf pnceWil aî ae*' modlàh *for the 'tailored suit 6=0 ~ eIn-the. newis mocontlnuously TMI F bMSueokpece -r et d if.Qan U O froýn now on that before the war a m on t en s eciel ënd tenders may grow as weary of BJcein bm - ~SLiT DIl ADUTPE OL 4 *,liefllBs ~sflynow are t wThereorta. little capes, pelerines, DIIAD l IEi'E ùtm nsema ensiblre o ar rplusl. Fr oeMda. anti similar fancies, of taffeta, faille, oCc n em esbeadpasbe unnrFr oeMdh r satin, now being ofl'ered for sum- Oeîrne nt~LnlTa At imiat we know that the nitnd of From Fashion0s court cornes the mer wear, are other attractive addl- Oeree3 nteLad,â Europe Is being turned awny from word that siummer furs wtll be more tions te the summer f rock; ln ail pro- liigspilenthCo- cteitructlen. rn~~odlsh this year even than they were bability these will b. quit. as popular linSurmenth'Cn -lest. The huge boa of white fox las the fur atole, or the festher boa, In Gerrnany the cenpor has fully re- helti the favoreti place last aunrimer, ýor even a little more favored. They .jj Sir Wm. Jatnie-b Thomas lias pur- Dicky Chick rcle9 e laxeti hie vigilance. The theni. te but this season the shops are offerig 'are becomlng, quite in keeping with tý oa*"";, OIO cgartti-,oW;If, Mother lienlokddw .hr Iwsabetîi&V a Iiow that Germany le ready for an a variety pt furs for summer Wear. 1 the dresses of the moment. may easly yed troopa.c ablding peace on the most reasonable lIn spite of the apparent iibsurdity, a be fashioneti at home, and are of The flrst "Banitttîn to die' for litsyures ikwthafrWl n yngdc eUhpv A country J; le rlvaitp Weightman, o otso kgvuaai~te" hi1"bokte ternis, anid that the Entente Allies are wide soit etole of mole, mlnk, seul, or course much less expensive than fur. epo. go wvith us to theh Idi aferg-ttctt 1(Wlldinn gulty of murder If the' war continues. ermine otten proves a very grateful 'Ruffles, cordinge., and conventienaliz- Rub niDnhrc giutrlfoon," she saidfrn~t ~1dv ra hî h Notlceably nt the. sanie time the. Preo- addition to the. sheer summer dance ed trimings, quillet, pleateti, pinketi or Association have de'cided flot ta hold The sulky ehîcc gl ~ltw~de idenit of France and the Foreign freek on seaside porch or boàrd walkê ehirred, are used tofInish these capes, a show this yt'sr.teyeow etInhevorbrn I tiDk Cckdihth Minister of Great l3ritain îniiist that VWhule the round, soft fox boa will in 'lending still another old-fashloned -Tedehl înîne fM.sand, and riduphe etericnsrnnth rtthtw peace is net yet désirable, 1.ecause the ail probsibility continue to be populor touch. An organdy or voile f rock i l, t i lý.Fwt lerbprt Yeowai, a wel- 'hich waq hie s fputnx'h o',mitmd etpe Abjecte of the war can como eonly If %wlth tallored Puits and dretfesa, the will receive an added fainitiness in one Dt<î.wn.Llvroot. lonWarnr temntr itas low? hs et tfi(bt shaW eran T)r onJier Rirat NoonalW orof hks hasetacapsnf aWhaet_ Germay bea on er kees. eutrl log, ivde sole wll b moreusedfor f thee tafeta apes of ashad a 'j ~ cpotrted dputymedicl oficercf ased oe cf ie offrs "Yo ai-th'r n nn thonweteoft1 reports, not bascd on millltry achi'eve- e'-ening. - correspondinir to or harmnonlously con-r t î'lhfrheotofbnn.wymkehissoupea>tîhltteegeteraiheh ment@, relterate the Impoesitliiilty of a T1he Popularlty of Voile itraetiag with the dominant celer o h acleof iei wqur eyurgrmbl tigadpuigieieaItal c efniyfi German victory bocause GermanyteIeakdtreeeadeuaonoafaWomifyuehury'adbngcred logyth canetstndth eonoicstaî. he Plain, striped, checked, dotted, and the dreas. my(.fbtaiedjte ;: t ubec to doulve a ooetax. ehn.a ft oe bua if ,ji- om h'wae.h ea 0h pntterned i -lle.ç, in ail colore andI Theme paitterns y4 bandiýouJtofobl ,omtx. seosdhmt GeranMIisr f he îi~eio, e-combinations, are in demanti for the from your local McCall denier or fromn A ho! for soldiere wivea le to be But the sulkycikeWafoth-fihtnd ponsible for food disitribution, re- crei ohd luylnei rc.The MeCaii Company, 70 Bondl St.. rpeced by the' Y.M.C.A. In the cbiurch- gry. Ha let teWr1Ws tef Bthawsapuk ii 'l t 9 ordd, rffid, fulY lineri frok. r -Ot. epttar d cf St. Jcbn'e, Waterloo road. Eeé'entlow bewins to write of the Eiin@ho is Anoee' utli "wîl t cnqerr'hr ha te terhe truc voie weare0 and <w'aehes "Ill, --Iai, Leicitwell, and 15() Beiglan cbil-' hole in the esth;btmtte I n n nigafn i as attrative die-art'rirta'g t ulîtn theeir ownDaddy Rooster. ihaluir<, hm nsotdvd5 12 talnty of conqueet. le Rheer and dainty, qicoa tt.erie 'T DA jupedrr-mthebaryar feug ai tatihn vatr cvcrd hm u ___ as the.more expeneive e on.Thr T E SUNDA E SA"tlge updfeit Th Wr na b hdeusan tre<l l a hint here nti there ef the return IlLLJU(1IIttwten 15,00() and 20,0.00 tfemf- gulped the worm r nhmcf y elt i îet on fue anr oy ,but byient odir al- of hand-painted miuqline for t)lousffl bers of the Shop Assmistante and "Whgt'sq thematrlwn ee? nxthkCWaftbi ap fiadwog u yitnorB-1and dresses. Prohably the etenciled WarehýouFexnene Unioni have joitsd .ho demanded ini odvi" bc itahnhc aifahra oldent it assumod the' proportions of ia hat suirtztstcd the Idea, which is quaint INTERNATIONAL L.ESSON Imadethe * nei war in wbicb Roma of the meet preci- Mr. P'rane Giraud, clark of thema elttehcknsaefrhmo ftteW .10 - O8hm rgt;wrntsae tJN 4.pence for Pavergham, lias juet dled' Daddy Rooster, ihhesinn e teh vs<f r.Dc' would rob the' war oe t- as estexcuse liliscahyer Iowren lrkcmbadhrn Il the. endi were meaninglea and inde- for 32 yeeara.1 seemeti very grniote.ocincbrftirsad cisive. As a tragedy lit was inevit- Lesson X.-The Caîl of The NWesL- IOD(IXI About 150 Gerînan prisocners, pro- "ýOh, Dicky Chkiesly"sd ,thaliemgt- able. As a blunder lh wouid be too -A c ts1. .36 te 16. 15. Ihe ,-ecently mado sîw.ung aatioîlon aii.a ycalusi, havE soen t figedt- Mother lien. "oWnst owt c.fuksoddhrfml t,, u o cr.Iithe 1Bouse of l'ordo against têlngSutatn. Eohv aalne hthe dock family o hi lnct-a y o h itedcswr dreadfl.to9brar. f(cy of the Britisi, atr sert-teothhampton. l Acte 16. ~'* vice. and Inter, beoe teta-in At the' aunuai meeting cf South-It h l e rde'al ot ffnc hi it vegtigating committee, retracted BIamPien Board of Guardiane a weman "He dees, doeesh? aîRotrmt;to h tee o h Sir Edward Grey'f; statemeuît on Ver'. 6. Phrygzia and Gatatia--The hi darea meinher, Mrs. Palmer, was &Iected eald aftar a memn'paa. Welth'bok peae my h taan s cpresin t.e I.~terni Galatia is probably ueed, like vio- chai rman. we 'Il ]et hl Ii him a. Rghgeonoht ec, viewe of Great Britain, andi-of the I Asia and Tithynia, to denote a Roman Duriîîg Macch 11,000 tons etfie1h' Wa? ra ohrHn .asserahdtt at nit otebje whicofCtealldiacrnaioe 1 provincia. If se, it includoti net onîy was a humbier affair than n sy'na- wera' sent te Blllangegate Market, as' are golng te thewhafed.chksîtdon"ltewh J (;aiatia preec----the old eitic ceun- I ogua, and implije, that there wera comtcacad with 15,000 tons ldorltn-g DadRotrcukdtohmlfwhryuramyae.Go and many uiioflîiLl rumors have re- X Gatyi the rnteo da Mer, ith net niany Jews in the place. The Marcli last year. 1. dd osati tmt(ae ic ii ik hc,.eym cently brougbt te the fore. The euh- -i h cne o sa io, ihneîgb-bodofAter tt ~ lh fWt),- convlesi ct Pcencteil,"Chic sat ito e-haetakd eadm stance et it le that the allies are îiot - nyrPssnsuadTvima ts because of the lustrations. ThatIseoWihcnaset nvt DkyCc w - ~chiefs townB-but aiso tht' country tria the Inflrcmacy are knittIrîg woîen low ho ha& alwswa ntdt orudwyqikyt iewetl pet ready for peace, cava on terme ueaprnl wsntsr hr thrale arolooh ut a-<,Pryia cnuLsradDre cresfriDdes ihNiho omrochn thli ondAgPria a the cîder name, derived was a proseuche there- nead impiy ne The e stlil aseclioos labor short-'tume we'il let hmg. Rnaog soewitt hi hce teerirprdoftewt Be-fror h aboriginal population whe more than (for instance) that it waS s'11@la tht' agrlcultuca Iindustries of1 chick. You'Iliicthtnibfrtby eme tealokrgorh "hier. muet b. an end 10 the tbreat cf , p rec dthe Kgeticaatacf tht' -Wlnen-It may hava been a timaetfwanted on the land. e lt yfatieclkn] elne uky hi ad atear ers. The Picafllcky"tThoofnehesoneetiatwelc- Prussien dombtiat-lon la tht' affaire of ~i~ ~"Southi Galatian" view le that wec an day when mep w-are at their bhosine",s, NekArhfor iet slnf as lwas ego exciethtafrotethn DddRosrmaebeev Euare oe -net mthis. Sic eatd de- f0/ < recogniza many contacts batween Acte 0thtth aeweoccpl bywo-been awacded tht' D.t.M. for gailant Daddy Rooster adt a odb ewamc eoihd Bc clers, eesnot eantlît Gret ri andi the Galatian Epistie (se. Lessonmoony coadoot ai tht' front. the others, butrnofwhaga'DlkCic" taialioposle e frc nt unteti o aT xtStuee fraMyd1).Fobiden 14.Pup1-T1a4ca at a uid Neafy$3500basbtt'ncolacedahrpig."Ho'sswimig?"seet Germny. Pinaly eec wil ne ho ~t K Tha Wod e quitegrnMay21). para f yeeaswaknw rnt35,ric-0e0ndw hair a Resin lete ho TIin. ti ok aaagetpak ik' rtasta~W matie until ail the alles agree t4i lt, ' " . Rom. 1. 13), and may iniply any kinti ecriptioris. The purple dyeine>cf thie lUniversity cf îlcrmigm. Aoinghwoateiswhl omn. oh AubDoutlic nl u cf indanc tat aulbaicvd t ~ragieîî hatibean f%.mous, for ian cen- $611.0{00will bha re'tirpd. iai- Dockeeme stolec esahm ohr niwgldhew It le knowri that German eugges- tories. The townaul wae in "o bea-i I)cing lte week eadiag March 10, e Durvdnta. Nt ha h idc<a.2 8. pndLtralktetome fL .ueessu uth edhc htDdyRose eyinohtWiTt etesd tiens et a willingness to treat for Rv2.1) pndLtrlydi nub o 1,C.nesios peace ar î-egardd by theallias * rance wae enly temporary, as ini t.he , ýjd"ildren fed amoutta te 13,689, hati eaid ho cou o n oealthe etpei~et aht matie chlefiy fer the' purpàsrcf mi- i g iuofRoa ti. ong iitery a 15. Heuschold-Ilerc children aiaant1,7 ragn.dheai lmon hawul h ht owsawekn h The etatement cf the British scrre- Wemjassme*liewas( wdow3eaîs.he tey orfreign affaire lsevie y7. Mysia Miner, part ofPreviacia 'a i nb sins hern-a a iewL'... the forgot thWestssdeofthat spi-i 5 eddt ottrctterefc L IitOALI. Bîthynia. To tomn te the p, eihw-oving rtrainet col wa- ing-Youth's ompenlon b)othJýy harestatement of the. causes l -ic ny _spplusadi_-F sdink .29o opaiya othe w rand ti practical notice portant tIen "Asia," seemeti the ch- terusd l Lke T2IethopitlONTaAtRIOIi phsiienleuauyî that the allies willi abat' tnohing of ,.,, v~ ioue anti necessary saquaI of the clos- --IH-OUMI.- veyhagh-%k. a ugn that the.allaes will al>ata nothing of i ng of Asie by the prohibition realizeti I HCOUMIA i4whie they weme still la Gelatin. A 1I MEN BLINDEI) IN W'Att. H lIiLRh sr'enba aw1 idt PItINCSS LiK PETE l'.N ." I 4 stili clearer and more imperative la- ir'r lnye ot hnai PRNESLK PTRTht- SIîenlch Fid6unce Dress dication cf divine guidance was neeti- Taught Traties ai t. Dlunstan's Items From Provinces Whore Musny _________________ h aee etn il ,tirai ed t convnce thlnghatehipiay n Mary le Nincteen, But Ve-ry Gîrîluu anti pretty. if uuct exactîy practîa. t evnete Itti a e Hoctal. Regent's P>ark, London. Ontario Boys anti Girls Are Coi ohll.Taqeto tbth- InRrWy.womked eut l'y the womnan with Ingmni-j of Jeeur, a nianifesta-tion conneeted ift-n odeswdi jsufrdLvn.Smtmst "She's just ike one cf or own oua brain ant i flgers, but if the mia- esPecially with the Savieur, anti veryi peniepe tthe werst injury possible ,in, shows its effet irtltehistptaatn-hod elttt lansses%" a Canadien solier remamk-i teial weme te ha purchaseti or ortier- probabiy given through a vision et war-blindness-have been taught te Na;atucai aa -may e. spieil sometinies lanheatns 1d te hatepain' non i eti et Princese Mary the day ho wais ei, lte tatimight pi-ove rather aex- Ate 1.rd. hefph rea e as i upr hmevs deepite their Ssaon yJn.la the kitneys, weei essg-n t nana oreo itlî one o e I.party et woundeti catertaiti- 'cs1.9 Teprs net tounti'handicap, nt St. Dunata'sIliostel, Re- fataily Injuceti ln action. jular kidaey, o chrnoitrtta euulyhitl ltoi hem Palace, anti ha proutily dispieyed og-antly trock very effectiveiy. jlesnemeig r onietne- year'e work et tie institution. St. querantine fur dîphtherla. ,atiso hr h indiidelihltea sobrsotal araw for hlm. Sommai- would net hi sommer wlth- oulhte queit ht te Spirt Dnt "p Ii.was dbrealagy OoKnc y Anid a t 63 pDlneded te be aI- tetbind sacee otrh- u frti Ioceat v te wnaionly une e doonsetauda otete fower-dckdbabttI e ceatamteFthratiti oi"ti isrctoatbtnatoes.ori'lwe eeni- t inpg.i. l3toi wecnauehs st ur eprv aal ee tienmarly est logertIe Eater g~Tros-Sutbestet Ic iteet as eenfouti hata nwlybildet A rokn cblela egia ptsve. aciti anti rts twicq lt tootht Lf 1 bave RIP ig Tilme atll tue Soon 8.9 Matie a I began cwattîr sant, to ,t frr- low cf- littie 0W. Il 0 iîm dlv- te him antir-- a'd the peci hie _( lifleti xt min- unicethi. es little un gcyn sgou nd- maldng etige of ïha saiti -te littît' eatfieIti, 1byPt Uch ac- odie hie Id. As la t tea femuly lm, for mn with thnt he oe ecen to his t littie ith Just learneti an, and ce neyer g mern- g hirn on hlmn ;but if et thero ft; andi intorest- Po-y lmn- the phy- tle phy- I pert- nIl betlus for the, beceuge d with a tt ¶

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