Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 4

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roux~ ) .1 c TIflXIIBDÂT. 1LTN~ 1.1910 'v. 5 r 5 ~ '4 4, 41 'r -'j .1. - - i ar>y of the fine straîns (>1 feeding sugar mongics .We stpply ithis varaety. THIE BARGAIN STfl.-- - W. Ba PRINGLE & cols., st WýIiY STANDWU ofr ^fftIA camre sio taUcd et titis r tod$r of valublo papers, etc4 a WUITBY B t- - filet lu flot yct won. Thie lTperlltlVe need is sihîl for al lte men snd arithtie munitions tliât Canada and the irest of te BrIiah EMPIre ain.>te Allies eau supply. Tien. la a compehlilu Cali for *ltb*t w. bave «t ariest purpMaeand> ,îet viite.Te.appeal le, te ever>' Canai» um an.> woma. If hwnan tue.em la te bu saved1 d t bi an oi- lag goarationa w. aHlmuat do our tact. If oue du.> stbave the ulati oeeie aIbeushoiet =tal Cooaty, ose otR êgaté do r Qi MILITAlIY NUfl1JT.AT COM4POSITE - LOIXe Oîîeofo the plea*pt recolleUonh 0f rthe sojnurn in WlStby orthtie 116th Battale lu Inte retf.ton tendere> te t éMasoaa of the IJnOlband> the 182a4 by Composte Imsd No. $0. A.F. a A. M-L. Wbitby, o &Wuiareveniul 1aI Theve w&8u teit4nOeboti or local meoitFe = tvstlorstrou Qetava, ]Urookln. fcketin5s .> Dow- m"ue, lTe tîo om *0"wevm claty decour«t>fe-the occAsion quittormulb. usa X., U& thti. Slie upen C&P apI ms Mote t@. tet chair &bd aPPolut5blstu Otuta ct.mor m.Iathi -I2qts.t 1 .te u"a bustaSr = tO= 41N4diws b*ust LP-ILi j, r - k - (22* r rbldi àtd. t. 9go teport Peftyon e8udày, Jua.t BY4LAW 0>" 'Tiftt'COUNTY OP' jolnizig tuë -1,Vut, DI Afootball gainelits béen arirange> MNTÂIO To iseuPI DÉEN- for other pà iý theieInpl frTuidyied,$h,-bt*e h TUR.J5 The môney è(i .1llthe delienturem o Tu1dy tuO)h e#e h Nc-Uo ta ereb gIro Oin a amet- I a ue.> la b tin tty ~iequa it itq à.otîbduif a more beautlful an.> Battalion football t"kmand> thée ik- Nc.a.lee la halepy gtnIe tiat a Mee8' =n ual pu - a adprn- riate place to bel.> a gar.>en einn; football team, te be played at ing of the Ctouncl cf the Cor"mrtlt)n terest, amounttto$IIVUp Wbltby. These teïmb played on Mat, f the County of Ontario# has been cal)- thgted et w~* lt Tf day (if part>' coul.> be found ln Ontario Conn- g4th att frookln,'Pftàering wintning bY d for tihe Pif ti day of iunn, 1916. te May', A.D., 1916.. ty tien Mayor Warren's magnificent the score et 2 teO0. 'Wlth hard practice be holden at the Court lieuse- in thie $'àE. FAJRiinNrEl.L. Iliar. It wr-s ger.ereus on bis part te the gaineshoul.> be'>éloese and interest- rown of Whltby, at the heur of 2.30 p. _4qt> in& fe lt is fth.ceîse>spt u. Tlhe g&me là et'lled for 6.30 P.m. m., fer thie purpose ef considering a do 1 sharp. Rooters welcome. î,y-law te adthorize the issue cf- deben.-le e a ttures te the amolint eft$20,000, te Mr. and '- 'George and, dau&bter' raise moue>' fer the payaient of the cf Toronto, weée ln towi on îthe 24th. Prom the story toI.> by two Amertcan Vhby Mn te O er as 1physîclans returne> frein Bulgarla, the ________serOyrsas - --~--- - -~--~treataient aeerded by the Bulgare te LIEUT. A. P. MENZIES TELL 0F -iîîîiîâVý- Urltilsh and> French prisoners le Inde- HIS oc BAN TRIP. peribabi>' fiendlsh. The Bulgare are Llu.(e)A.Mezs.orey ii ' ~ ep ppîsinfrghfunssofftei eSt. Andrews Cburch, Whitby, now T ... u nuu uun uan umpon lies and> tuters. the Gernians. on beave of absence while servlng wlth H E D M IN I ri 111,0 0the 76th Batialîct, has wrltten to Mr. U OUD.OLNMfeP PgtSlOtNl y eAW. C) lncePffltSilcL qt* and> Mrs. T. L. Rowe an lnheresthng ae- Capital PaId Up ' 0ecOoo 1, t The fortune of the late J. J. Hill, the acceunt eofrils trip acros *the ocea on fltreFund and Undlv&did Prefit; 718 000 s American railway magnate, le the. Enpress of Brifa-le. The finit part ruA SES was wrltten on Aprîl 3th, lu mi.>- The London Engltiid Britrch acd evt>.vemlon olrs ocean, and the second five days later cfthe D0MINt0N BANfK et 73 CORtttiLL ECc o'dmicts a Grie»-rfti'tatil a suin of mone>' Sft>' tures the when in slght of the ol. Ian.. &13 r-Lic cr Bre a rd 1-63 amriIC IlilmOi.lIin c asbessed value of the Town of Whitby. Mîd-ocean, Aprîl 3th. No man can logltîmatel>' earn such a "The trip 50 fan hias been quite suc- * " ~RY r * bugh sum n lis lifetime. Hie ina> leg- ceseful. We lefi Barrie on Thursday. WHIIBY BRANCI-1 S. D . ER,,Mainage. mtssc April 2th, an.> pasUd Ibrougli Whitby OSHAWA C. N. HER.,âlaan -c fortune, but he can- at 9 oclock that nlght. 1 wns able te eot earu It by is labors or hie talents. get at least a fipeeUng gllmpse of the . . *ol.> place, theug thie ight was very - The City et Torouto lias inatigurate> Halifax was lnteresting te me for I a moveinent for hhe suppression et had neyer houa ihrolugh that country nere-rckig niss. oodthig. e-befere. WVe dldn't make ver>' good nerv-rakln noses God ting Weture, as our train was a trementious hearlil>' recommend the suggestion te one of elgbteen cars, but we arrive> Kaiser William. w-hose guas are sal.> te finally iii Halifax att 7 a.m. on Sunda>', » he maklug a lot of bethersome, nerve- the 23nd. Our train pulle.> shralght 5 rakin noies n Frnce Bellur andint the dock. and> we were put on rackng oiss l FraceBeliumaadboard without betag allewed out etf1110 elsewher(,. The Ideat Is aise respect- dock. We la>' ln the harbor untîl Wed- frl.pansed on ho the members of the uesdaty atternoon at 4 o'clock. Durtng 18 l2nd Burgie Baud. that tîme the Laplarrd loade. au.> the Lu Ifr.tagarn came in frein St. John. where sbe ha.> received lber load. At A 4 p.m.. bonde.> by.jI. M. S. Carnorvorr A thoîtsund soldiers were rc-vlemwd lu we steame> slowiy out inhUe, sud In-b Whitby lasi Friday. They seemt'd a mediatel>' plunged rlgbt intho a blluding bihg blinch of men wlipii exerclsing aIl drivilîg snow storn. h was Impos- e loý#-ter Yc f%-elims ý; an Caa-sible te face the wlnd. and the ship ub» NCANADA '"br Vtfetntsa on ai-became fearfully wobbly. Socu a great UMA~~~E ~~ dian soldiers haeItenkledo bdmaiîy were down lu Teln bunka. T of vottndrr br slckne-s iOttce thr il-droe'- held'off irntjI 6 pi.M and ihen 1 dld as 2..N11nd we ufien repu nd utheiLdrs- 1 always hîad deée betore. For the The price of the New Ford TOUring Car of.rî five totsattd oute tiouis- )astthree days 1 have been matklug j .0 reî~bri..;mand thave abeut sudÉfeded by thîs urne. - artrzle Pigai-1ntmtit, llow territr:e tire .lv brother wrut dorvrr the samie limer cîl qîît ml ,I \\111ciq cArc ýtartî r w1 rns1Idl.>and be 15>41111ver>' sick. airnd 11gIît-..ec î, etc.. s64'D.--."T'he truops are vpry crowded. OurC Lo 1). ord. A Big Task Still Ahead. sablîr carrnes nearly 4,rrÛO, and lu ibis on-r convoy theri-re t'rarl>' as manyf C~ ,~ e~ l~- 1- t h rdrt 530 ns lialf tite firsi contingent. Some ar- ..idl i tc iec mt atlce a1mrnrt ritt'Itillolr>'draftz are ont huard. and among K1,ul ial-oti, Irly '1iIi)t~f t.> Ik.TI 590 J prjistotire war woutd tendcrie te thenur rcogilzr-d Frank Gray, f'rom I -Whiltby. le is sîaudirîg the' voyaze lii hi1.1(itt' ou irlt iP~ ie concusiraon ihat Gertnainy ta becoin- wrilî. andtiatis not bp-eu slck at ai]. I..4f o r. %~d,~ Sa-- ,\Iitr.auedaird a dm flti-tnicflber May 401î. f1glitini1 force, or stir%-aiioni, or tol h, Afucr Nwritln trgî>,aove 1 lîad a per- Set- lit ti ~'r ii Clt- -; -ilud socu bring iter tl u me for ieace. bcd of îrucer!inlrit y ef abouît Iw-o days. * Fbj-rthrédnf illr gwoul be corrag- ns thet hoat.conii.ttîel le pitcb up, dowu :rt mii rs n r mm'->- ard arouiîd. but fînally h worê- off, and - iti-, fuoite Allites if it t-rt rrre, lun- i att' arnd lvt'd acatît. The d<aya ivere - ~1foritir in t xbl IF, tes fcrrd tnt jr b>' il Ire sanie. iltte only break bbvig the day. l3+fore cuving Halitfax arrange- Ili kit at)t-i. 1 tuvir 'v V qoetefoiwninia balid beeti nînde for destroyers rni th(,Ti o 'rontuo .Vrrx to uteet. ts ai 6 1p.111. oit Wr-dresdsy "Accordirtt e lr. Diiliit. whe la eue titia 5spotsoniemiiere au sea. 'Sharp ai or tli- brIxsui mfrut> id cf Erîropt'an cor-.J four silecii5 appcnred cncr the honi- Il s. tte erinrns ar sîi' ~uuandi ire dtstrovm rs canie tearrt -sjîî;itiittd thcul riç ae til rottgh ite W aur ts cashiriste watt-r imtinuit aI rotîger r ban ta cuttînuon- clear over r bm-rta ind rediin a frarftrllŽ - - tv tt~iyasrimed. 'fic suery oftîf lii, ittizî S a i r ~îtCOi-, drt. cmltoig-Ap. - c -s of - uthrr-srvst mrrOtatr ui tr r ,chm Siibj. matws a wonurftxily -- - imîrrit-f~îtric-litît. Ii- rîtIstîa 1efl hmirn t Fri T hes in tac-ltahip w-as Tli-y C;iiii li t rldtl r> t nu ;obn.? . st ils i>ossibte ou !he.N ird It!tr- 'Airtan all> ia-r turri-u i,. r î-mîC(irsr'. lnnutela nhard ira ou i îrrr hrlgh expîlosive-, il wecý4k rrac- %V(-: t.Wl ad sil(les bt tutire tatii ttir Altir-s and rItt(,lUtited Satm- i..I nOTt ci.'ývuWu 'ug deanantd I illt a n isntrievoiia fnltac-y s.tr <4 elfîli it. U%. liIaii ait heur Nwe t r~~~it-rt ' breist ef tIî lfeturrmo. Theru Id - tr-r a II Iaie Ii w-eu 7 îiît.<utt aîd .OO.-tîtrî! Srecid teéeas fat as st1rOr i a va d S00 , ato il li e t Iy w ill bc aprproxiiIiOtely eqtiil te i bat ti., .elqrti eil slowly bc-littd. \W'leni I i ve us recivd ;nrr htr lt < îh~e upccr ari' 'of Ire Allima -- Germaay and Anstria iarkuî'as ý;f4,11hshe %was c-ly a 'Ibm spt-c are immurrne fr-m thre hardahips et for- .,bout a mrilleatr. ns lite rsied ou secd pntou.s. 'l hev-are j.ri.aranttccd to -ut, to Le 10 (ly -,n iasioti. Tir, dbsceniforuawts t.lrwbi not a single lgitt. This on Summer Goods at War Time Prices HAMMOCKS TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BATLtg Ran ing in ptires 'tp bave a good range, Besîty f rom îandi Irvices n fromnq alt 1.75 fo $6460 1.25 to $.50 '4o eaoh CROQUET SETS LA"~ SEATS UAWN MOWERSl NIceyWoodt(l % yaiit, 16 lu.,$5. S 1.00, *1.50, 2.00, and ricePAIt d Woodyatt, 1l8in., 5.50~ and $2.50 $1.25 Woodyatt, l4in., 5-25 See Our stock of Sereen Doorsé Prices raaging Irorn $î.oo to $2.0oo, Complete %vith hinges, hooks and hatide. Get our prices on Refrpiger-ators and. Neffio'er1etion-0IU Stoves. PR INGLE'S -HARDWRE: ITSV OT I --'AL1. I I A. Pv""vvv~.' 'v r, Il t rît tilt-. VI -ir r rit t il . s- - aad 1rt-i - otil Nic, - r.: p 't 0112 2gal T1 Vict In t iitte LW~1 lOIS ~ tia te ms oies yoli~ M ~-1ni -son Il -.' vair - '3,1 14~ -lin j? 1' A. T. Lawler. District Deputy Grand J. Pluvios has been creatlng consider- ccongratulatlons to Mr. Thos. HaIl Master of District No. 12. able moistuire tbroug!1 this section, buit and Mr. Fred RIchardsoii qu.tý»,,infl, "The Vlslting Drethren- were toasted despite this fact, farmers htive'compiet- aing prizes at Brooklil Faie~.r by E. M. Deverell, and were represent-' cd seeding operatlons. The funeral of the late Wm. 14aliett' ed In the response by Major R. B. Dr. George. Lawrence le(t the e4rlier wau largely attended on Sunday. Smith, and Capt. James Moore. part of the week for- Lindèfay where_________ Major Moody proposed "The Ladies," he purpoqes practiclng. Our best wlsh- and Capt. Malcolm Cockburn replied 'es for continued success go -witbhlm. Persoyial Mçntion.ý *ery ably on behaîf of the absent sex. There is every prospect of afi abund- Other speakers on the toast list were 'ant yield of fruit tbis year.- Dr. Will F'raser visited bis par(13ts. MIr. I. L. Huggard, Capi. G. F. W. Bell, Miss A. Douglas spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser, lnit week. and Lieut. Beeton. ln Manchester. Mr. Wm. Calverly, of Toron.to, was The evening*s program roncluded Mr. W. Graham was ln New Ontario la town for a few days this wes.k. wtî "ul Log yn,"andth Nt- as wekla hageut ~oa o Mr. and Mrs. V. Maffey. of Toronto, wi nthem, and the me" nd t hat-ki eki hrg fatýodo ?xpres&d he opinnd 'hatethenr lasi u(,nmt stock. i I spent the week-end with %Ir. and Mrs. onal st, th opnin rnm he- lstW. E. Thompson. n1glit Whltby would long remainý COLUMBUS. 11ev. A. 1-. Foster la in Pelerhore a memor> very dear to their hearts. Mr, and Mrs. M. Doolittie spent a few this weelt in attendance at the Bay of dtalsin the cîty recently. Quinte Conference. 2I.rs. Thos. Wilcoxson spent Sunday Mr. Reginald Southwel, of Toron- MYRTLE. at Port Perry. to. has been ah the home of his alother Miss Ethel Lane spent Victoria Day A large number from here saw the here owing to iliness. w ith lier sister at Little Britain. parade and pre"n-tation to thé ll6th Mrs. E. N. Granger and daughter, of Mr. WN'. R. Kent bas purchased a fine Batt alion ln Oshawa last Sat.xrday. Scarboro Junction, spent a -few days Cliexrolet toiirlng car. Mr. Norman Whckett and 914ter, La- with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smfith. Mr. len Stceyis ovîg ito îîeVada. of Toroulo, speat Saprday ai their Mr. and Mrs.GraydonGoodfellow arc cottage that was vacated by Mr. J. Agg. teshr ~ ..lalgthswe o hr r~t Miss B. Bateman. of Toronto. spent Congratulatons fo hr. Trhos. Hall Port Arthtur antd Fort William. thte meek-end wilhhber mother. __________________________________ ('1i 'T LOF Dt'Y. Tiq\r Notice la herrhv givcn ibai a Court ,vviii b eld. lursuiant ho the Ontario, Voiers' Lists Art. by Ilis Honor the, Judge of tuic CouSnty Court of the' (otn- ty of Ontario at Council Cbamber on thbe 1.301 o f J'une, 11#16. at I0o c'lochk ln the forenoon, to bear anîd determnine coxnpllirxs cf errors and omissions in thbe Vot crs' Iit s of the cM un icipali l of t'net ToNn of %%*ihtby for 1916. Datm-d lie 26th day of May. 191lý. JOSEPH-tWHITE. Clterk of thec Municipallty CUNTY cOLiNClIL-COUNTY 0FP ONT ARITO, T1he- adjoiirneid meeting cf fthe Coun. cil of-t be Corporation of the Cotînty of Ontario. for tbe year 1916, will be held purquant ho statute, ln lte Couneil Chambler, at the Court Htse. Town of WbIitbY, 0ou Tuesday, thie 6th day of Jtine. A.D. 119i6, at the heur of two o'clock ln the atternoon. Alil acouints to be laid before the Councîl sbould be torwarded to tbe (lerk. properly certified. at leasi. three days before the meeting of the Coun- cil. Dated at Whitby. MaY 29th. 1916. 4 J. E. FAREWELL, County Clcrk. Notice to Cteditors. 4 In the esh.ate of George Cormnack. late of the Town of Wbitby, ln the Cotin- ty of Ontario, Lumber Merchant. de- q Notice te hereby givenk, purtant to lection 56, chap. 121. R. S. 0.. 1914, that alil pisos havit; daims agaluat t.he eftate et the saId -Gecorge Cormuack, who di..> at the miai. Town of- Wbitby au the lstu 4aty efMatch. 1913, are reqair.. to dellver or -sud. by pont. prepald, te Mm .Eloher Cor- mack. Whtýtby, Ontauio, the MUatm'ý uinu ~et the.amid tatte, ou »r4 betor. the »W1 day, ofJume, 19X ,tileir se affl. maddrmmm sud.. a full de- ucritioà oet thdui. I - dO s, mn- the il» (uiet au. Wa>it»Y b aa1d twatrtb* i4 gw be tue 14 M, satra vf Wll -of t 4 rf t-- '4' ~ 4 t - -m t tI - r, - L

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