Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 5

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Jo neWoddiîn It- would bo ~eout deed tao hoose 'a more ateceptâble and more ploas- ing wcddiîîg gift, -or one in botter tante than the U'icm wo offer ini ilver and cut glases ad china. Ouîr deigi- The prettiesît - ' lise ever t;hown,"' are new I sud vlatcitarig ilvarlety. Maly nrtintir pleces for the d u1sing table or bouidoir. Let iun Suggest olne of te folloîvilg Silver Cake Basket 1 Stiver Butter DISh Silver Fern Pot silvýer Baker Stiver Casserole cut Clam@a Bowl Cut Glass Tumblers Cut Glass Pitcher HISSESl'New store leweier Aud Otîtcian WHITBYv, -ONTARIO W. C. T. LU. A Il t ,'ie~t (l «I l f-i, r;i'î ri 4A1 tg) vollic ant1 i'f <r rîtiris ifý%N. iiit' \ V tN lic il 'e enf :tW erre4 last of Toronto, wae thàt of ils irene Long0f lTlttli.4agb*O- tof à4r. and M re Jl Navy bluq~sg ail wool, At a recent meetîing of the Pubilc Utilty CotmmlssiOW*,ilx. Joseph White, -tréasiurèr' e the Conlinisuion, tender-1 . %e te reg~îjjq which was accepted. ~~~~~~ë V~ ~~#Ilby the appoint- olft o ~ Pringle, who wae1 t,îeastirer previous 'to Mr. While's ap,- pOiltteiit. Saturday. June 3, sale of lad ies' blouses and print dréees, regular v'al- tues $1.25 (O $1.75, s41e Pr1ce 98c, at W. G. Walte KNITT D E LCOMED AT THE tgP T IN THE MUI1C H Ù F, HE VENING OF JUNE 7T 8 qI Trewt Shrub and Flo*er ta &t.îeat wqrk--a work for à ikrbank. But, 0M t ftOr dsa Il', In aný *&y, compare wlth the grest woth .of developing ýwmd ennoblithUe 111e of a hunn being. The 8Subygal chool offeru leu an opportunity far beyond thei perfectlng Of mhtnb or ilower- the moulilg anad perfeoting ont nation'a future thoughts a.nd acte. Tlgnk lIt over 1 Tobernîmcle Sundey -8,chool Murtuuringuisin -the distance. 'Il .oundm like an excursion te Toronto. e .Mr. Richardson, of the firn of, Me- AlPine-Rlchardson, Tbonte, wlll be at -W. G. "%Walters' store Saturday, June 3, to take measurements for inen's suite made to measu&*. WEEkLY HAU' HOLIDAY PRO- POSED. A petition iii being clrculated among the merchants of the town to observe Thursday afternoon as a weekly hait holiday, duriug June, July and August. Til tistsom le one that ls being fol- lowed -4n most towns, aud it wlll doubt- less Lie decided by the ruerchants here to do as had been done ln for- nier years. Thtu Europ~e in War Time.1 p~ si ol b M ET D1Sl ÂN ACLE.0r STev.IA. rjeor.EPWORTH LEAGUE DEBATE. di 8'unday, J ý ne ilh, , On Tuesday evening an Interesling The pulpit wii l4 e oretbie by Rev. debate wns held by the Epworth Les- ri F. R. Dlnnickl--,' O o~-. gue of the Methodiet Tabernacle. The ti Morning see'tice- -Ant hem., "Praise subject o? debale -as 'Resolve-d Ihat al Ye te Lord.," Aftlem, seiected. a cheerful tintldy wornan lis muore de- w EvLif Lt srable10 l-e Iîh than a îidy ca"SI VourI-leds. 0ýThe affirmiative mas îpheld by Mi. e ~or1eas.o leis Padgect. ite, Miss CrlaU:<s Joinistoi, sud Mr. P, Peu n m I'o i tderNvear at Arfhitr Slailick. and the niegatîve side 1 1. Wt l Vaù'I -as composed or Miss Heva Richard-t soit, MU;F; Ida Jontis. Nlr.Muttron Pal- - BAPTTST CMHC c}.inier. l'le Jui'gi't gav e lite declsion to ttn a ,Ju e 41.It-l e (gittive. a aonima ser'.Jce. Il oclock. <,rmnitifi RELIF SOCIETY. by the liastor. §ubject, "Tlue (oreai ît- celîtîveIn ltIfe" Anthernt. 'ock tif Thte ar Ielief Society. ou slîtggeg- Ages" <tioitof 1.î Ucol. ltarli'. or the I l6th Ev'lNg s119iwrs icé. 71o'elock. sermon ilaîtallon.tare pln-ing iutc etîm of $100 Ilt,-tthe pastor. Subject, Rrehrn as the' hast- of a fiîîd t eii wîsed e'xcili- Ouîr Lord.- Anthem, -Jesîts. WVord of siveîy foîr Illeiejîrcîtase of %vool lii be God Incarnate. Solo by Mrs. l.NVw kiîted tutti socks for.-C- oipaiîy of M icîtuel i itt aithali oti w tii iioveretias. FUIfv o <liii Idolars îof t-ltle ît iti t iw s rtispd hîy tliîe îroci'eds of litlin ii1cistand w ii lecI ttrfe iteld iîy lc soclu' v- and N'. a origialit' tii î-wed to in i- devot td<i ti4oîl~ilon - ttt titît thlie grutoîi giveni îtv ii' t î-,-tî - i '-1'F<iwu i iocil. tnt'.ards ilIte itrctias- of a tt tilii (1 irig Io> lie ttttCi i N fitdraw - titi'. - ie thoir hl-îitlits flaît iad ta tic'abati ut ti ~ ' - ¶ittid, and titi' Scciet: las added fifîv% i ai - ' d(ii titis tmtore Ito thiti tioit ii a- te hi'- foi t r sr as eticli o-r ei tf "C' I uni- - iîaii'.w- tl he irc'seoi-,d lii iq,- ladiý t w t\iiit t wo pl uti î' .î t. niaking it e - - ti. - st - tidred <paitrs ini ;1W To hl iaii tlitsi (Continued f rom page 1) presence or troops. Occasionally one saw sucb exciting posters as "*the Rus- lians have corne down througb Scot- land, ail windows muet be closed,' or soniethlng about the splendid Canadian roope mest arrlved. while lroops were ln reality still safe within the precints Df Valcartler. At the end of the secold week. bow- ver, the- atmosphere was changlng, itreets were darkèned. Important buidings, were belng protected, French %vu beard a great deal lni the streets, many Belgian refugeeS were arrlving aily 10 Lie cared for. Fortunately Miss McGillivray -, bad reserved her passage td Canada some lime previous, se enjôylng a comfort- iie stateroom, wbiist mfany of the wealthy people were forced to travel teerage. There was 11111e excitement xcept that aIll ights muet be out and -orîhoies elosed before dark. It muet ave bpen with a feeling of great relief that Mists McGlllivray once more set fot on her native Canadian soi], after going through such s lime of anxiety Rnd excitement and eheountering ex- peniences which to one nol o? ber fear- less and rugged nature muet have been rying Indeed. go thereq no excuse for bav- tng hase Ihat fsouci sitrîngq ieaks tramn breaks lithe rubber an fabrie. And lte plies (if titis hi.ý,' can't separil te. Sa '.'.-ter. '.tear andaiteairat liooieti anti ntin Itilke cîminon bose, Nero Hose 'l'lie iras'. 01011triun-iffi (il l's I. 1ri<- tilon fo <<<t <-li<îîîîu ifII î-Ci- - t; iiîi'. expertiflnnioliin a i E (Ili 1r ficIIOn ro iý lui llir,'Sîîtîîiv r ilentî-îîid t. i c liri'bot s ati litprî t , e tli tIdetfies tie- i <îîî<î- t*~tiî< Il nt t-t~< î~ ttiat i tîr.g(îî'. r"sa m'-tIlli li t)ii iî'iît i tiiak tt;t-'.l<lt'-e forces. carnet ta (I I, rm i iq i- 1; Ir 1 1qi tliq r froîn 1titi' ttdiiiiio it i of iaiîor Ili- - «i itl~hu a5 0e '--it trittîîiî\ ttt l- t . i ii or fitit ti il i ii it\% of Ilie Relible Ij. asitti,~T te'..Tl.best wrapped-fnbric i-an- e,--t its to tii î'îlî5# '.ii - t-l < i < struton becatise <i abrie -- - ilili <<titiIwtisiiiiî eliiit .sep-t.res cire stiticd-n-at just - i \ d ilri lnltiti lsilý, Wescertetbesetwîîbritnd.tts îîttîîîîî nu t itît'.'. ~.-r i-îii iiit îlontt ionli uts % ii lfront <.1 r vireîl eanatu aI 1 lit im ll g, or, lt i 1 il \ 1 11 i1 tit1i .5Ii ilii -b tetit rîti i i i lat tie lrinl-ipal niakes. An-it titi tuai i 1 wN'r- \%nitii' iiiui I. t-lt ,i\i tI.O tî'îî,0oral Ii att- il t iitt l t îî l t i- - -<'t-ilI iitiMI-. JM ocr'lYE , i liiîbyn 110P C- îfî :I t Ii. . i t.'. T L NE T 11 I E wciii n'QU'.-l-au end t-u busteir- . Itroubiaer.e td i.tîd lI i -- t tii tl t t i - iii N -1i"t l-il- IrTA lT I 't ii-l it-tii P Eilt ,i Y 1r - tN t' 1I NIE J --ib hilli-iis (Iilii-c('IlldI ('tIlt-'n ' o 1. it i i t it tii-.vt-ii. tti tii i n~ s 0w t>c HI\c tes ti -i ~r-.Jîuet.til s;t-s. III iiittir iigi baIl il l o hatis. N It eeiay <iiJi--iit t -t i - ot t t toit ît iItIt l t - t'. tti-tt 1iiaveQr14 tîin d. tNN i c 'AR i - lA RMERSD AIY C. O T (!l- idi -ý) t - - t t t - i- \\iitt ll tt i lriî' A IIîî'î Il 1 rit lit<i cntingenls l f l t' i i lît ti acP ri,-qD iy n .afw g - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l \vt--t ~ -tt- -<ttis nt.t-î~-anti.r t itlî -t i fl te " Eai S i rane, .adelPlan. - tti hrei<et iî' . iî1 itî' itherîîi A b i -uM d '. Il e __A_____________nig fu ilyi toll Gt -- îî Prof I I to l ig thi ..iîh t1t1B(-ta of. b t ______________________________________________ - -' -ti lui i i l I o ltt i. A - i ~ r. w r sîttitilloItgii ttinqcatl cd 1,.ai.Trt. Il Ith W fi.i-ettntimoccrieraatt reiirnt'd 1 Pt lii TT. I.l(tN '.s I--H .\ <1NI i i i i as h' lng hen lon d'i. I l ater l IiSPEWMLi iPriceAmvi .. licta t- s-.itttit t-i.i' tu tit ilIrd ~ T -r is ' G. 1*'t'ttIt)SE ofcth.ed was 10 <ttceffeelandlita ii t-. - --i ~ t i it t- h lI iL IN i-IF;EV Ni ( (1' 'iillit- ll i rier bu' home liou n lire ut ~ t tu if h <îtilii ut Il E 7 TH itE Wl iiwl., 1'17 tuttuisft n ionî. lits lattaiti bus-econd- IAi t.1W. i * 1'i E PRE'-'ho frnitiA i üt1i ortto NT 1 ESIIlN EtF V A l V T Yi V. lt i li iint a w)ar iInte li-at hilg tw t I ll ie l1 M lLl ll U U al t- ay. Jun l d. hss isar îtiit m$olit d tr ît ai u W bis to l it. G th ll îîîd ,i tir ilA CAt PRe T Ye d IN ¶l.4'J at ia L1iro t faet- ot -. Ptnlaa 1h SuttîtLogeNo .-,;esfrnf' l gîi udr the Ant e#1i ScEîy.îeltded d it-e erg is. God!ealtiw. nom, liaseenfr ~ L5 ci-Iti- ~ ~ ~ ~ Nfý1, aui ttl >cut'.îi-iuring 14r.1wZd auItrsor o le fur Lii lerr nda ndr be veWmoens LOA APNNS Stti fo>. ungo e Ord r. Th brevath. .M ard o! i Wth rylelnCuc îhey wer-"eii lesby re l Ino1,1.9ndal lkso. Sit lIndu erIn Mathen II%41jA C..vifrot. cuir BAR8S eexecedt 0 111ateneddiineRe- lA.q.Goodelw. w lbias etn for uxA , 25c. TIi' igiarmuhymeitrcih ohnTabendaclTbeoir ps ol d ozncle ur ned moremisslLerye V Iiiittorinu (jrdetof N re sllLeh i le.oaig it4n nieur fl inrlIdaudrteW m ni li tti gneulua rom n Mîday - alouglwhre.i in aada n .l ayhoe 1913. siock 111(liert4badiibiwhlc r( Il, becobs4eaimtai1-1 \V, Csoo. Ite-, t 3 clock.re o - ej jwVgjMad tlSe le Indisu iedn seeusltandê I , O NIr5 Wbaea ooeetieTUiIil vgh)bnà't,%e 8 n tatain.laddonSa ratisco, d tu a 1 Ilie), roc th Mê4hodst i w$ e Is Thte o ittng tiaing rela- Mors boS. 1) .Re. Trywlln(rclv na ]Iyt wtMiesrie ie nOregon l. etvtiu ehtet l 0lierv b lae . S Fste,-anir f iss very u'ylac hlma t !ltlst . - Mr. ad E. . Hazil ar mot--. - 1usd lth l ol d w.te pair- i- a-erinn Jie t . ' lt. Icka.. 0 é hie n1 it.. eand. lied.À.,tm is.5e tng hav a s els t>tc tri acuu thtsil wsibetertu d -m 'tious toffice. MeWs Navy Tusse serge nuits. regtlIis viil'e $,25 to $». on eaie Satiitday. June 43, $90 iW. G. waluu. Ms. P. 0. Erakine enlertalned tblrly ite boys and girls on ioiiday lust. 'rIe eltdren bad a mosi. enJoyable tlme. COME TO THE CARD VARTY ON THlE EVENINQ 0F JUNE ?THf, AND H-ELP THE OLD GIlLS IN TOUER PATRIOTIC EXi)ZDAVOR. To any ohie tblnklag of buylng an tit-an or piano we reeomueld gettig lii t oich wltb Staiter & Johns, Odhaa, %N ho arje annoujicing their 5eils1*11ni saisi as peeuadVt.ln this ut. .9ft-gI. Mitchell Su4tbrlaud, o!lte EBattatUoii, *VUln tovit tforthe w eek-end wii. hte *ÎWIe usid r.ia4v.' jiior 10 leaiviiig 011 SuM14t .eein-à \Vîtbh bis IJatuglon forsa 0me** Patti ssslerstrainiig Wl» b. --uted Ladies' vest-s, VÎW Me,1Wt l'lentfia .q grmi '#î *4! Til.lets ofià the f nrccit, Julie, it <ngroi e Zai 3-WI id-e VIîî4 o .111 0-P -1heý tt d tth Qood ymlu*UVaw wu-adP DE l1EMOINSTRA-&T10N. A h..d to tbe brid at **The G - O t" . as 11001. JtIIIWIAL 1.300'4iICk Me ýMoter Pettit. u» t. eepen t e seowla Any Pers» anstmyet.a" otmuly tu- vîted to e, .pr.$0tt. rv* eldr. Jane 1«0 lw te bo Smunlb.Tho I$Uat bowWtm bus ba MRO& M14 !osb*8 W musw3 M~i~ d-41.tin* LÉ0 mit St. 'Thémas, ?lay .-Rev. N.H.Me- Gllîvsra.y bau ben given leavb of ab- setcè e aspêtor of lKnox Chuiroh ln or- der i(fiat 'heiniay go overseas with the 9let Battalion. He will be given an àaI. lowance of $1,000 pet year during him absence. BERTHS. DRAPER-In Wbitby Township, on Wednesqay, May 24tb, 1916, to Mr. and Mné. Hugh Duaper, a daugliter. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, June Srd-Auctien sale o0 furniture, the property Of B. Bl«9411 Chestnut St., Whitby. 8 ea t ID ARTHUR LYN4DE TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGINO. - STUDIO.- HAMBOURO CONSERVATORI, TORONTO' (Rumaigiu Scheoi oiflugie) Teaches st lVhitby'every Saturday. Phone Dell 115*. or addremm box 6SM, WHITBY. F. E. LUKE ABE OPTIGIAN SPECTACILES For 19 years the Ieading Optician of Toronto. Yon r n no rilk in gett ng o170 YQNGR STREET. Corner King Ste, Toronto- ROYAL THEATRE PA#RflTS -4 ~~yaI's tai Hat Cleanor '01& bats made -to look new, only a few miutes time, no trouble, flot poisonous or injurious. Will ,ý'ùt'iIijtrothe finest hat or make it brittie. FQIIow the instructions on the package carefully -- Wu&.4hat, whether straw or panama, wJf. look - eý dill not shrink. >'è Un ach Package for' Thsé ifats t Price i1O cents WH IT F I E3L D'S DRUG and STATIONERY STORE WIIITBY. 95NTdIl - -Sole Agent for Butterlck Patterns' Sole Agent for Nyal Preparations For Sale, To Rent, Etc. HORi SE FOR S5ALE. Good generati plrposelitorse. Pilit years old. ApîtIy (o A. B. Edwnards, ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME WANTED. Each Nlght.1 Good farm band wanted Immediate- Ihe Brokmn Coin evui'y Monday nlght 1'-Iy. ust be aletoml J§sedyem Saturday night, 100. te aIL ejry. Manager House of Refuge. Big Broadway Features every Wednes- day and Tbursday. COTTAGE TO LET. MUtS. PIURIN. Manager. on centre sîreet. Town waler. Good -_____ --situation. Appiy io Miss Cornmack, W. A. VOLJNG re re Civil Engin,,er, Topographîcal Survey: BAN DSMEN WANTED. land drainage, subdivision desIgnlng, On ail Instruments, for the baud of plana and drawings. etimnates, etc., oun the lS2nd Pattalion. Ontario Cottnty. contract work. Contractlug. AIîply to E. G. Hazeli, Baudmaster, Box 249, WHIITBY. Whitby, Ont. -tf. *40 Lb.e bot u*mm of 1914 .ob* -0, rrenes- O beir r-ama mt -Mid ibougli ah. touglit bravtyt stAy et bier emt, ber pbYleêou Olbcon sui" ttt'~avus rdicam~o0* ed titis aprite &tibebeer pbiftui* orders te restuni te Canada "MT0 mat orlada »Pom 7te bai wodti mom wltb Our *wu e=. violent md t miomep1 beu ttsm"lIn ufflé~twoe ts - - wýe térjo1ýthe y dï M s-i Ume W"C. a" tr.lsu laIC8b Terni. - .AU0e -l POU SALE. Six roomed frame bouse, 3-pleeê bath, electrlc light, furnace, bot and cold water. Appiy J. H. James. .. Kiige-ton Iload west, Whitby. -49 FOR SALE OR tIENT. Simnier cottage wllb fiiruiturc' coM- plel, lueitîdlnig dishes, ' etoves, beds, etc_, at Ieydenahore Park, Whitby. F'or ternis apply to INIrs. M. S. Gold. 50t Ver- mont Avi'.. TVoronbo, or to A. W. Rieci- ardsou. Whtlby. -i FOIJND. A roîrse containing a sutu cof mnuy Owner înay have same by aî1iît Mrs. WV. E. Thotupsoil. WtOUSE FOR SALE. T(n-roomed bouse, -Y acre of lanit garden, aIl kinde fruit trees. Houat lias new Pease f uruace. new hatbroom. eileclnic light, Ail lu good repair. Ap- Says the Weathermian We are ready for this weather with -a complete array of- Sereen Door W~dows, Oit Stoves, -etc.- - New Perfection 011 Stoves 4 There promises to be a shortage on this most popular of ail stoves this year,j accounted for by the acute situation of the steel market. Many dealers, areay have the IlSold Right O ut" sign hung up on -this summer necessity, but we had. our order booked early for a big supply and can give you prompt delivery. 4 4Burner, New Perfection Stove, $14,-00 3 Burner, New Perfection Stove, 2 Burner, New Perfection Stove, i Burner, New -Perfection Stove, 2 Burner Oven, with drop door, J y t, 10.00 8.00 3.50 3.00 -'4 -4 v 20 cents ~ww i - 'i 1< t> i. -l i i - '-s- New Perfection Wicks, each Wc have- six- difftrent s1lesto cbboie ( cm ach conemade i t~e' es Neto. ia good seniceâble back,,door at _98c N astronger back door at NO b»înOen,àfandstorm -I cïgÉbealef . &Lyear aùd U tif 2lt 'i I fl IS, ttc j ity ti s Ut) hi). b', ttc ~ '-I Pâtiu 0 -0 m-, è; à 1

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