r - - r r J h .~ - . iu~ il r- - -j' tilt I: - - 'i cOl-1 f «i't -fi frots breakfa5t. Add îuaep or 9suswOuid have thf'e ellet ef reier. Soute of hs crew h"d =» Thoug-t V. F eranM mow - Soudas Expedition la 1864-5- andi wii-ets btlVd mteig nfhcote i t r 4d gia tmAiiidscu stza,,tw tamoos fling thes tain. i ged tu, get ashore in spite oetVhs dead, relativescd a es ,Ellis Ilu n.th ersnai oanldCn'yook fr1 buti a d t us-o Vnrý enhpo fns Miielîn andi cottes goode can be. surf; aMd iV vas i e-. it la a-d. t a a d h v ut f dotiret Vhs repork senatl ve ! n Iti Ceth ~ dî~m a , itl. jig s. A l te ~ o cii- - u-t uîu nit mninec i wth cold rrderesi waterprouof by put-timg an sevemal g e, ti mre badly voundeil, laned tba !. Ruis o u twlUS-t Mi . tp-teOk f mity c unty counejI la inde dae um re sko pte ly îni IV s-d iei t'le'Wlieit hart thickened, andOunceof! ilum in the Iast rlnaîng water, una et eîp tiiernsîves, %vere et- sod- tankes asti gointrymeeing& te tue surfetedk-whoe uraîo Cn .luvoi. irs-tl, vanille if deslirel, no, hy putting, the alîum in hs st.srh. :tacesi dby tbe sormous am ian sol irs e a uiag Ing me egareeslien ate ofse iul are whoe d aiut hhi rw atcnete ih~l pfu !! -tua "lv if riiffi-e wfus mildtiI ~ - wiVh whieh the fisinds abounnI.The RîtIfatirer W" straeddun a de- n heTrs Coumty CounciUseteral î igof the, expu-ie.EeVht-imsinsricteeiS10' wOWuu - lue hutil tbfinit réoipe in which SL NTECR: A.()IA tu7hi te enpu eua n et tels, oneof t*flwuay ltir hjts - lto moe .for tiere rpeal Oet tlaxationet of g o okt srtha lesr ru1n4.~ t-LL ON THg-eAR'fartONhCrtrue; but trou personal expirre t tii. Of ' ie Ossan aonnIs.urier. acct'>1 .9 -lîibtrry I iusurL-A tapioca IKeeling C«os, Virewriter ' s ar e «tn frmoth ntl evo Mr. i*it£ Deae. - . fr he lgsnludeli tet ose ecxtrîsnrF-reg wtîaa-ntroo t-wbr-1Tout mit-usAdetpVarlope Methoda ta e thte rbs.f.l"k Iooking h wmtndfofenia rttlhevs iliim Dof JSYIM.lw fr iitisi an sc otteligsctfryti tpsi,~n>ye - soin9 atit e ti"Inhothe -iou ri1 aiymnmde. Firyt f aIl. tice TKet'p liouse Fouis Po-tcd. - a u , ' aIfootapaulng sIIp. Agiles hbas stdied t is r<Qusn th urpt. ladLie omn he ueiefu i r- c' muet tue cu 't' ecil nd dralted L eul h ..F . linhm ir 'Iaa, wlth lo.rg. cave stzog e- go wob .," kara t blparlenh,after a brief illnu, st the *go .sha'iela ms -ogbesnioe h nnytj wr'i 1 Now prep.-re the taipioca with . X c,-ickter. Whoblas l"' 90 eselng t oRffi t break tiurouffb ts he MPofa <a' rtreevduetris 01 y«Nmli rpreenftire On- A sumants4IVygvsoen me~os lr a i- r <f t'iltsilii! îig bosodiets' lsV'er et thte front. hbaees n ereqit apable ef at- etuin ligd uy.t abd o Lsg- - *JDfr& a I illt?519 4 lu- f rîpfîul o Ille tapioca. (nuok telliig sout Of hbs.expMere*04 .Tire taeka s odefd m"n v iton-, M n i tetm ,A ms'ttaCMyTY» Ik ) <o 1atepr tfan i hîur imi a douible Main obJteot u of ot ToMmies noms t tetrme.im udcietu#baaetoz ~' tt*CUS> nffiaeiist s !vsttt a~Iet IIIi umr~slaeba 13c:uVtogether te ynîicof 2t Vo bto let10theïr reîative kmiusv wi omalititvust len fllv i~ctited t ft l d tiigron OiS11( hf ttIII Itilbier ~sdeouwo4ru~ i Ibe ste* o »Me oftire EJUmist I'. Quurwal».on tisebapks e uof - e O#14'1 O trip w *i 4 hii$li#@y40a tryetw k ua *t rtgo tu aI! mip!ui o! surnr ada uts-tbsy are, and Mal sertd. etshmes r ena s I'teal.M.71~mod ie p .i C0W47 Couibl .to -e-YSiaurtCt# e~_ pîl' 4'tnalt.iVr thus isrtsuIb, mIlk. have beecri uleeverel. A cýon es <au , r:h* U e» «un "ou, Wasle& tord <n~*. flrIti ~15M CKi the milure, andi put into tI- tf 8îrt'> a'ý~-t ,t~ jj aoa~ ib ~ ~ ~ ~ itia<. eutt dliI.iglaiseq.Ni n rs e' dots; under certain.-lettars'btwbkirow " *M00 titlR'*mîly* , u *w«bffl.9M<aanptme etw Ptit cyou r egg whiteo- ast ihou t tresu t V etit5t. gave Informtwa t ___ etuý uiffroth i tbh corne podwered lsug- thevriter's wbsreahouta ut,' "'Atb d4OX 4%d *U tSCStASR '*<1 ai, titt trthis a cupful ot frt-u'h et rew- soir legxn to reeel¶'Clettere u'tIlh a tie u il".llUtw. t - #*> May hi ~~iii dresi-ýng for thre pudding. Ti des- der otiser îaîoers *y thse ean*. I urt e--M otei rer4. r.buuld litbhieul befturt- tsutting c tV Ot riauth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'" ~ taev " on Vlit ,sle. enier *la* e t vide uaait, ;sngiita., mts 4» W" ----Si h l$jttivQOran Ctes, s-a" t 5 e q» ittiq e utw i 1 b#m,41 'pcutsd 'cfdrlecl lirma bouns, ose-hait letutOrW"tIn s S fliOEhbt!t , f lit .rtipd. dbreeti ruimbe, cn-hlit»ts- ~ ~ fiE~tFW*t epOmSI4i lt, one.e$glith teposp> t*ferut t pcit u$i aêvu* # ~, ~ ta~~bakni O& isiet S8.1en ou =. i usewe l 14 " «",ç ,oï exit, mllktt* solaten (sirst ineà #f"siIt or 110t depe *~ o N OlI$*sUYi4 tow. iM im> t$ird Cp>, Vwo tablup»onmineed PMOQUOM 4Mr*dI<gw.cL >rlle ed C"!llslIusaleub. -bilO&Odt Din-trteoand bu -A 1 Z ,, w ý " e à M MY- - - e ~ ~ ~*~ Vo MulerIeatnghispary ahure edto etan tieireWodgt.hir ord bot sde was very aecurate. The oter e ah er akidn t toro ____ fasofraveesei, armed with the heivie fui____? Auns, bout 9.chose h ilown range or carroiyin g enh i anwar arinet r.tiH rb ly Il ou m v ofghting, and steorng il andef rucommerce hetran aily riiks on berggresiwithebcruiser*fly mo'ing1 acro~s thebowa f heropponnt, br ohtte atin nddesryead byase~d md ~lhO~ waer ali lv iiIlit,' wilprdube in ta hea l'irewthtrme v-s pSo oce hl ileogn ruihai pn nltnty E 9 fî%n muach push fet In eturn. Te hlae rte sedtand ohie eet oa- endp. onto f US iloj "1cll"' a muaure waviis onl a iater uthe. pn Adtrvl-ggyerY Mfon t fhe h rzo n an d te senl his e dd ir ae ork e h tli, o ean billo in haDFRA RA oved btefntoppai yneyortheamer's ours oint u le;buenacremy thehslkn pi i.mdl iI fAKTiie sland hersladi wy, n eore e sh ie spof w rtan er our athr owne*hB la1îllldtqap' uiY r Vn Muherforemodn st uneland fo e ap etalVothe ere of Btheur- w udrcglet 11%%iIr e b ro ee t int et ber , andhont.tpoita tr tue Selcclod lonpts. Il u utr rdippf ing s oond ferandsird n e is . Bt TeSde ed dagetsr TesRois.Cram ogth î' frîn pa ad 1.nrnete.-d o O Iofenth ngaVomnt.u he ydint in te h ie Biishpubcinge ewu henaôtorejofs 'Atog u a ~ser raidtre andnthoocongrttitlathey mes-g oniMulferwas a 'spboatane aRishex or ~îI cu ufbuter ntioneeupsu hotedaddvea, et i emli iecs. t sredew r e ship, teu he- osa erm the F'lrst L outhoe A-oecnfPeety h ie Un!raia Il h weve, eerie he t e8chighaedeurd C chra e; adwl ar ai hai graed an bea (ovr and et bown nd eork sow- ateh e ase hare w th thcerti hd r atr Wreonhst cor aatl itinsho h e rnhSelNwo iwl ai.tradadeeypr xe bakriz uwrur nd ue te~pon ait.~ ~it ntipop~r, nd toi un i wi eadand w'ue d n d he es icarndered Vgh t aton adh e shlied a ye-ad teerirdy ftewr h rwhu h evo uiin twrbstinndfr 4vn. T t iW[h nogh mîl V mkesoi utet'ufpa wthbuiin wte e ured fr h 1eehatNot Kel io t hefoer-ceuruhl ils aedebv i amstth eih u amnan ana orepudngyi hruh hmunstl-OWr rlîrb RrI ot rahurthîn spesd it!'Inoar nd by laf, ure and ing ind.at abouir t.0het rck w haeî est-red hmore su heve r b ca- getgrh t te uetpr rdal & hr on.tecpl te hm n wit coa-id t'ur, il p îk b -1TtOI n bckofstveorovr he cra-ref ish eth anrash lzn g hjue wm ol 7ttro ie il uct ofnliof Vhs Sydley'stmenhwere mustHe_____h-smember ulltheocrewllsf rom j-li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hv beketoeaotun n hksnrcrrghmrfroehor rfrosv u wpalith fr he r olor slur oin oeaewbeem hevd ng- h_____- utbl Ilakd Urros.-cî ao tlîru ifut i-ni ut iqui bolmre emla couple moeraid n es o renishily ndrtifire. r VU UIUAT l lwA.Ad nte i her fadton msteamfne ava n pr- apae otehat fBiihp dico. Sim or trenl in saltd watuî ' 1 'S dmplîng r it fe meuthin theflIp hichand t e n The Sydeyeive wit great clam- "on ame ~ytee tioiatLlod'sandby hipwnes gn-. and RflIh' L' IVfundrwa.ercrat tereisButt uni vrytuder Dai uT wtti.p-at' ittlus tburi r dkl ing f inp he i ih uigteaton. viel id for he sce festl or hd NEusl M I FO1I nîohfrt' se'tîr wtb ai, ep t f i;rig an ev Th esse'onaeute dc ollierBuesknud h re0m pad a ca AN ' H RS pudi ng tili. oll-er tfream rat-korialcoNand the coG ngK WTU staion, ufrwhrevr embeV er alfclp o blttr ad oe lipsug hate a ii veleu~d t i s. d iees o un de t he end of Septem er . nd z mrkenthe rt Ldig b e co- orad bia erut sjîrankhd and irit t i rand-tl set rltntn fo wefiesfrmt hch s he had dbl e ert intended a raItveî bre conratshe tiansvos- Hppnng nThe Eew renchIseU of CoVe nST'N IK.cnrtduo h ak f pepper and dui ad sf.tiirt ay ntil gritir ii caknes, At ,jutefib beecu lorduing sheandstythe bl wo t btry f hded mststp wthhi w lemi et11 fora p or 1eetnpos unn Oc. Ad.i hp eplenieh fiftyhsdck oerdnv it hewr adte inl - T inert t e h ish- him. Sume bste haveeaFrei P-t utoet. Uit ttr andh himois-luarte rIenixw eks nd ouid sel t Keigm ocos. Bu flotiwn th ckthu pand pl ommdercarryng carus te ale y fth en wfor Vhe ufficreobutthf the m ttet nî tke itilk t rnak s ii- no fr u an wSydbil ng oae;l e y camied fr phe w t he rthaee ound the approximalaoneeovalue o! three mii-rt tielirate hruwn. Y-dd v'netrkandbayhou- c uvo er hand thatIshand t bentbad.20damaed by k ionscdsteing; nd sth recu oly ilMsr Thdo ams Crthii enhasCo A fLitshSbeAemilVan-, apbeymutVae tunt fugi Roslf o t r ag theîr t i ttitil if th,- fltiitr is itt hariluvoore havehon condition; so Captain Glossoperemuv This, however, je nu bardsh damage couldnit have beenlidunee on ourl ontyako!ofiikonnry.veanhe Hardehip wi.hfortablyuseanywhefrhe. Fory'eImn pir jit1% rair euqaoutt tnornI1en it habthck inito- t tîtli fr onety i-eeasriy kep cd the me t fred s ershele int e rd otsi h d iat etos Tetwnpsiidivr nPilp-.l uU naeb aiewe haifdun, saso wih slf;iîî th ln Vo\ rlclnesexp ppce ,,ihAin. edi Sydeyoundrng , a vhne t dealian sewtth holbce e d e-tondirctenu bbg ue by M ypoptar urueth'mrO- nVsmo . pleiiii a aki qu iî-îh en ough va or Sa' t- tî i i eti i uidr so o e lir cue toe bEm de and fia shked by bad no ber ien uefcieed uiVero d ai ut i alur ntht tli int f-i t i-I tr- inAhi-morde wtp ber antor, brite bmbarndment the Cur- Vtio a e eived wtht te acolmmuau-bs !Clrie a en e e fsîosar ae o w ie qetym e ieuou"i diriae immr'iîd itt in î tiiug. rtI -tr ht -vr s ig i uril rbsiuin m on ale downt-hr wcre and wenatlh od'nmnt b s orec en c- potdkle nM optm .mi.wieifVe watd oVlkV until very tecdpt.dDeatender forilthersalvaiekofng Thecproposai inosamalgamategBune Sut-hnuiletorVoehostht' casefbutyVhsd made bT MAeLmachinIRE-woulR t'l fr îinei iii tii'î- iîes-, at peth'it( (lî Thtaisrwat-r.showedaht hi e olli e ouek ld V h E m in brm ovp and atoccAt- rna AND'vileStORicS.bsbe iewr tukoftt oka og vn ieifo on u andah i ttumie l i tr niam-t Vuin tu uiutosideeptdsdea- iti lîtti es;e r career was theEra ,dnotla. i Vs e ntre onte suaalw olpefrth iebig att'fi divon . ie %Ihftfr-o- re s-iîp iscuîsutr in s'ghor a d end. heedofSpem , and ust mrkets.ll avee n umbent t Th dat hs <ruNe oER. go n'E-theeryaeo!sb arne i ti telseh by1r h or h er rurlhotcake.-n îî- rpi-ri s ahitwi3î tierh fn r tauda. rmcawhihohe hree Germae s ofie - mire wore cnrried iii them as a kvos-ind in Vhs deptehe o! theIleses, an and a ditAhich sheimay andldbe pndud; foreita(harlesr Singletun FenchaJP.,iNen-eo!stiangelsgauge. aTheirsdxty-andeo ancerifttthenperiscope Irish inri-d us-ui.n Put i th ýoa ht' t ii-s t ay A uîhit- 'f irnweksni't'n houlnd ca nd Keeli ng os. hBut an e ho iusno in lcitw-ushwtht g, n o telegetiadd rpr- by efome t athuiywa o ! ht s b hpen tovi n matie tue liuit rut Irli v uatîd ru antoydn f uh rtj h tey c a nd p ihdliern theia hip bd'te r o m rc tevam ue ofa rescpe sorniiN rt Tpe r. Ce fIri delictir u- e r us5 a- mut ,t ttig tfror thi îbng o! h lcaks tam eaay toen bdy age e d.bbegin- 1 MrakTngmas oon as poison- curface end.ef'r wtchng he ydny, uflivon g elns gond tan accout o hn-l Vt none ht h est u ue scpu nieth o litu-ticlC.pori, inli l îint îi etc predlor prs ir rz te ndws i m sninr hoselesinatia ron s a be glnt oent po iut urea ac tr erev d hs ein mres. enstvu teo hn iae aigDah fowii as fo f i t u ýtu' enor îhîliitirv If t, i o r i so(in harb otidh ave it constag ;s uof the atin son ad g eeeungg c udh v b e o e ono rýiy fKle ny n rhîi-iil tu' i *l'- îe it i, abolit niîv ii-,ti i r k- dus'ttîg wîth puv shathe mn, rei ud e had s iz er trti u esiow headdin o ir leady , hy an oStraw (Mveme nt ro enar, Vh mr id dtet h t '.Ios1nc t ul-c h il ber l l aver -rof ,1t ý i-s au n ht'uindthuu'r u anv in alished 1915d. N rpy ficet.C p. M nau - Gibni h maiembers o h rw rud Tee evad r uevta liud hce)sot il odbkrzris As esantblonging om . Rosu ae. r i-e"lepfl %vater anI pur ovor the týhicýn cno, 1w ade pefecAV aaomeetingf bo!brClonesthFGeyer1 THue- bfored ahtcloseommatchnjupun oftheeriittibsg" Vhse-longer ailhr titi~~~~~~~~~wat uf ti . nmhr thybaesiîkî'c-nitfiy Bc-nt pifthîejorudepane arinwnr ostheislnde. The hadwit Mak a ci ir ii'Ljit-v soutatet'eaiv u îrrsieIN :hi l-ciit u&e ith a dry manhcm fur Maxwn i erguns ad anbd 'EA S OD R M NC. iptl o mteVho.H ., D.aiasuc used Vu o kp. A ona o Wm. a edr o heslag herypoted alanepie B !tby hw-uin o itesu su' A oi faue o ii t- ai ilIn a1 ie h nd r ovnn tn e U Ic clinh i oftltrNav.oe an htied 8V 6 .m, hi l V hem enadbe- evit Ai- carntinand M vldit rics inbVs ubaemi rehs bon t d oo ctbroonn- w trvygigl htat r. ick vof ruiî ihraeb- rl Iiting If i, rtlenclthi ottfed s ienras Sdoy uvas il eril sen at nh WrIvhd Big eo a itrc niVsNwbisscin oe.mrn rw csscnti t!e- tînt Ilre \i at . t ntoftrn ll'e tfrît ashd y ayi ngd en . Tesbspet det res Longf t e veure sa. Des, a md ae etrmte timebut $20,- owInthe ekiio einr a î-cd hi ot a uni n lthuib:îrh atad-'Sustralthreî' talh-vea almonumentt tuerhthe artile end o! his pmof rVlmuet bave rovided ox sîtti ns itu tturo itoirit i iii onuhaf atsu(iin,. i cen maete tfr ae t ieranotisg - R ealol-ay eon e roance , iîd-Ch, arlsScauseto i y a irs tht OtNen u um rnste eur th uem m n oaoie h îngVhswel-kswn hiwrekernVesandred nIIe sorenonedby ohnet hlt mce ur putned i- lof thy(myaongneig itoth fIi' - itr tvoih qs 'rtîntil ut ).qt iii A ri- i;i ih ushil4et bok fr, atc rusng Vs n i t i nticesi ils o h t ah n o h ag s addp or te efr spi-n e ht pu l i u ck traisirw; untl -natthimîd btý thofcks ca awy o n geter, ordoes. of int ilsxperien c ut aoftihr-Is, O'D n iCsel, uns o!the i' larg- sr ieso t e satt ftercee tfelagettsIivr n et îgeab, Oea uner wssci, Vs thoe rmn tli~ I u Ai-i "e bl! lacu sugr sttai maks a excllet tondeion uall arlvedat he Trkbselprteu inan A ctionan troperarveidet - et crs ati omenirm inflonger.caultoureenusansie-wacr r.afthenP, eeryecraeooteldsei la'c f-i t i spo n e oin j v f rir e dine r stn Jhty-s edah. inof hse atioSea.nd t br cegouhearaelost hrewercetylidt et n-caal t on hig nremt1s uil Vsh, A dte 1'--- t impr iftin inth unt raher u pevî'ît te irn !rm sicldg crw let hr anitweop-sorowand-dEniand - Vstfailyvaul at lesm ranatheotdafew earsbac, bu it ias ot kowmenwhtare, thean sI ' u, qart pa ani Ce hip, ni 'uttht'cltîthss -il e usimuung pt a att f vrad jure bog ine er siténGarlatpoive et Ea.- iGueyat B iha oelLarn, wbdeo fet- mst suc ddi akn he pseaus kokbmpo ca bourse Vhf Egiiel suxnrer-reort - 'aineeVhs aeoutd12. UpVorVhsaninV ouve.n.and a "sumarine"' menhthe nd utaIl thnga f to1- terul Have roridvI min oi n r t ýurc;oi blotigtheîijup.nuing seve Aeýha era ttcsbybne ttwniorynveyas g llstîm ! i Mrh.wshle ad w-a Rieobsdst.ie, at tAIhheofcreat msu t-h --i l riuuluîiti. toaeti ntulten Tu urtuisI mui frm cothe scr.pe wandrin Arae, ventall arrved Tanfathr we a otAtLoaonmba et. ingi aoferClonesatly "Oh it' Brtieforealn altclossa fotir (if th t l îus r - oon -tî. a i lne s'ut theedeent\ fthra p ieny. anes iarei in eroftheVin ps. I siin. agu, Ellh' tather, p ei de om tioer btheM. H . , r . '- a l igbtu" Bt if be V net. Tcy ko h t f v, hilanirbed ids Stî-Ji rIi t e ¶ oV dstrttv thmle mpo! flwi tb s adr h rlyfonMai lOVadb ' - RE EA S OL MNE.ualy log . chiermas eot Vh Uan Cunem iloftry it or owed !yu wul sitielen scp bulime scii'in -andiîtinthWhoa inathe tubiterthetb-nanandlub or: thre.irt-hîsquaes u shrsdde T me nti ce oted bpothebulla Sydet a eucc au en t Vhs ENorth a r m arkd asam idNes ofMan :on iandsthewnwre forsecio.l en alwug i efut e sieasidnesteei o -Od, mchnt eael outiforVh Anh-edIncakereeiceut lrgegaitr- or etlie aIlriht. A amater ac o mn towegro.ak (it îî ir iro tio up sgr. u atis te e he a promgKee ig hsbe tram lm Vo Vhs e rs t eetta ta . a iigfoDoen. Daagoenoesto! thedRicaboudt $2it- eaiîor theougir i eod nttr V "o udr loe SîfI aIluvei tlamhr. ere li o u wier heatl h ehlynd amof ieeh ip,-Cymut avpta Glised em- on henVhsuh onwhih hrem Il-- t -muefI Reil a le d ai o re ome , in th d- 000ch a san sd bo ardfr tasthec eap of or two 1 yOU -oplariï would '.towfi , and wsrtiI, le men ut lit- that la, Star 48s thoave ýther 1 sight. e mesl ropped closing avery at hie -smalas ýn theuef le roufi iay b. e tubes, hers be îd con- tteti te y cabin m want le fluor. -p corn- ig there n she is ke, they cosse- i tack," us nuise ,d pre- :nelosed ut away înly the 9 aught on the -m anti eti asti rstays undler- Il a eub- g Out- )w fronu ,t peril Iii'- A ni toe il- is-fe tco.- ie sub-- ehi tbring wearing- 'je"i ex- t0V in r /-~ lt~i MIL1 ui 1> - 's. f I. t i t - i -i ~- j h~t r' -r -. Au