Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 7

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IN THE HOME\ BUT ,£n I) f the accnu&e ~ ~y~IT Mcs tfhSA rrrLIL flot VedaBatiteDm~ee l'i the u .lean ot Gertrmnwagr c8orflmlOiteI whoUe "to~nU"ldes~' abut dunbav VaseUne The Paris JOMMSal annRus . doM tihe FokkettbO fait emsn Spplement to the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, June 1, 1916 Pr re son "~LIST 0F PRIZE WINNERS FOR ber, Brooklin: 2nd, Wm. Baladon, Whit- Glover, seconded by Mr. ElIRns, noved Miscelaneous-R. E. Hodgsofl, $4.75, Pr f sso al CBds 1ROOKLIN SPRING FAIR. by. that the Assessment Roll as amended Wesley Lee, S. S. N. 4, $325. __________May___________191__. Sec. 6-Best dual purpose cow-1sýt by the Court of Revision lie confirmed, On motion of Mr. Ellins, Council ad- May 2nd4th,. . ryen 191i. and that the Counicil resume general Journed to meet on Juiy 3rd, at 2 p.m. LUJOAL t71.ASS I.-IMPORTED CLYDESDALES. anSPO W A RTnSlrk. business. Carried. Columbus, May 29, 1916. - Sec. 1-Aged Staliton-Ist, Smith & SRS Moved by Mr. Dearborn, sonded by WM. PURVES, Cierk. JN. . ARWEL KC. Rihadon Clmbu.Football-Senior match, Pickering; Mr. Ellins, that the foliowing accountS-- Sec. 2-Brood m~are ln foal or with JuirmthPceig be paid: BIRTHS. Barriater, Count.y Crown Attorney rand foal at foot-ist, Smith & Richardson, 100 yards dash, Sr.-D. Lavis, Osh- RodanBrge.-,GRed$0 WH pE-t roklnFray County Solleitor. Columbus; 2nd, W. F. Betty, Brookiin. w.RasadBigs -,G ed$0 HPE -tBokio rdy ,souh wng our Ro»4,Wlitby('I.AqS ti.--CANAIIAN PRED CLYDESDALES. 100 yards dasb, Jr.-D. Lavis . G.G. Reid $100, G. G. Reid $438.50, C. a 6h 96 oM.adM d Office, iuhwn or osWib Sc -tîin 94pr d 100 yards dash, boys-Chas. Eiviss, N. Railway $32.81, 'Ilos. Weish $17May win hp, a916,t r aGMrs. - ______S___151 John ion, 1914o Pureîn - llrooklln. Thos. Welsh $627.35, John Ps$, inWhprudaeugt).Ma Gr IstJohnVipnd, rookin.Haop, step and jumy, Sr.-Pte. Gallo- A. Pascoe $12, Norman Asen $8,50 trude). A. . CRIFIA 4Brod aleln oa orwlh wy,182d Bttllo, hlty.Thas. Newsome $8, Jas. McNally $18, BURLEY-At Whitby, on eiedY Sec. 4-lrood malebre-e lufoaJorn wi H o, s182nd 3ttaio, Wht.D a-i.E.McGregor $5, Ed gar Glover $23, Geo. May 24th, ta Mr. and Sirs. Win. Bur- 15arite .Soicto. Ntey ubic Ec. Pond, Brooklln: 2nd, John Vipond, Runnlng hroad Jump-Pte. Galloway, Hayes $24,75. l ey, a daughter. BurI.tr. oliito. Nt*t Pulic Et. raokltn; 3rd. John Biekie, Brookiin. 182nd Battalon, Whitby. ________ ___ Ofl.,B o teOp tflL , fU Sc. 5-Flll Y Of 113, pure bred - Standing broad jîîmp-Pte. Galloway, ta .~a. lt, Robt. Di)ff, myrtie. 2nd. Wm. Dry- Hlgh Jump. Sr.-Pte. Calloway. den. Brooklln: 3rd, lunes Grant, Brook- High jump, Jr.-D. Lavis, Oshawa. MÂRRL&QE LSec. Cli . Flyo 94 uebe-s, Tbrowing for distance (shot put)A r h r S r n e Se.1CF111YEfN94,pue8. -st Sergt. Shiach, 182ud Battalion, Whit- G.Volumbue LB1 . .13t:, 3rohln;Vipnd, E.rookin tar bacy.e HawadMost. versatile of Canadian anthors, bhe; just finished, in The Isuer. W.oF.mbusetty oh ipn, Broklin . W2ndarE. Nesbitt, by.ward Anatamly of Love," a novel of Cenadian d e whicb combines rare VONOSMT. LBl S". 7 Filly af 1915, pure bred - li, 182nd Battalion, Oshawa; Pte. Gil- drollery and %Nbirnslcai hurmar with wholesarne and satiefyiiig romance.- At dwellUns house opposite Meth>dùg and 2nd, W. F. Betty, Brooklin. christ, 182nd Bettalion, Whitby. Mr tlgrsbiiac a oe enmre strikingly displayed W, F.Batt, Broklt; în and3rdthan in this story, the tiret ingtalmuent of whieh appears in the -Mine Jo in Fi o al 0f 1916li. PpureR bredK - B D GSM ACLEA N'S. T a have sec rd the irst rightpi ta 50 im portant a DENTAL. Sec 10- Heavy Draft mare or geld. nvli oa4aheeet iln thi hrnse e. W.. Betty, Brook. Several police court sittîngs have i been held during the past two or tbree Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. Sj.ecial -llest heavy foal-W. P. Bat weeks by Magistrate Harper ln the D. B1rook lin matter of a suilt for damages preferred g e C . L u Succeslor ta W. Adami. Sii(ctal -Alest C1ydeîsda1ý' imare, any by Mr. Elmer Lick against Albert oantrihuites another of hier prophetic war articles-,, ive America thle Office, Dundas Street, opposite Putl cge S;m1th & Iltchardson, Coiurlnl.118. owdeu, of Oshawa, for sheep kilied Ný'îole Truth." Thisîsianexaminatiotioî Office Bell phone 122; Ind. 64. Si)ectal --eat brood mare and twao of by dogs. Bowden's dog and anot.her ç;prmnys ntriges in the United States- Robt. W. Service ivr Iprogny --M. F. Batty. lBroakîll-1. awned by one Roughley, of Oshawa, armrkhexpsaitransius rodetw pes it - W IIIT BYV, ONT. arm ra l x oeo em n ' iu rvdgt op ei rt Ci . 0~ÀR(1rfl1IoSS vislted Mr. Licks farm and killed two and plottingst in the Western hemisphere, ton et the front-" The sheep and injured three others, one of wUnwt natudn nweg I OysyfEbr'gis Sec 1 Itrood mare in foal or with which subsequeutly dled. Roughly ad-. 'itn i aact en nwidg o dys'Teonvlescent.in" E. W. Sisson, D.fl.S.,L[DS9 foal ai foot Ii and 211d, E. Webber, mitted the act of bis dog and destroyed nie"fcsad"TeCvlset. Dental Pariors aver AllUna 4yU Brooklîtu it. Bowden clalmed bis dog was at Atu .M FraeAuzSlia Whltby, Ont. (;at Brooklituhvetk c. suppieit a tirmely sketch, Offcehous-9 t 1Sec. 4--FIly or Gelding of l95-1st, W. E. N. Sinclair, of Oshawa, acted cntibutes a nytifying detective @tory, "The Ronmance af Cobalt" Ofie ar-9t 2. 1.80 te IL NW.F Barttv.Braoklln. 2uid, Jno. Bickle, for Mr. Lick. and D, A. J. Swanson for 1«otectiv sthre siced Sherock Hmes paeetpeseofthend fut. Phonea, Bell, 87; lndependlt IL 3 rooklin. Mr. Bowden. eetv@trsicSlrokHrn. papeetadfur, Sec. 5--Mare ar Geldlng in harness, Mr. Sinclair bas several witnesses ___________________________ inder 1500 lbs. Je;t, Thos. Hall, Cal- lu addition ta Mr. Llck and bis two -~ ' BLAE . B4TNL.OS. D..8 'mbus- 2nd. Rob4. lDiT. Myrtle. sns, Roy and Harold. Mr. Lick and BL6KEB. B4TON ~ D..S. ec. -Team tri harness-lst Thos. bis sons bad followed the dogs, andA .A t;rairare oftie lRoyal College of Dental ~l '01lrmblîs. swore positively that one dog whlch MA CE A' surgeonis andrUi Crv cr51ty oi Tornito. .-H HOR8SES. had been chased after the killing was 0 dire >ver W 1 rnl' iriaetr the dog owned hy Bowden. which the ~V.M.l'îrgls ar wrestre Sec. 2 Sý-'tandard hred Stallon, any letter clatmed was then et home. om(t@s hîtrr -9 to 12.i . 1 ifN30l ir Phune. le agfe Jet. Thos. Maddaford, Pickering; Mr. Bowden and bis brother swore MAGAZINE in getting the best Canadien writers ta put their bestu, 1101 Pole »i Sec 5- Oof 1915-lst, W. F. Bat. ta the fact that the dog was ln the wark into articles end staries of particular Canadisir intetept. ty, Brooklîn. Bowden bouse an the evening and ait This is a deliberete policy on the port af MACLEAN'S publishere. Sec. 7-Road Horse in harness-lot, the t1ime ln question. Mr. Swansan Other Cansdian writers of note whose wark appeers in MacLeal'5 G. W. McLaughlln, Oshawa; 2nd, JasB. also-claimed that their sister, Miss ae TH E D O D B U . Palmer. Pickering: 3rd, Bairds' Liv- Bawden, wouid positiveiY swear to the Stephefi L.cockIlP.Odb CAIFENTERS and BWILDRS 1 r 0 1 aia. same thîng, but he overlooked thre lit- L. M. Montgomnery Arnet c'a$ Aleain n ear.sec. 8-Carniage Horse ln harneas- tle formalîty of having ber et the Pitl ciU o.t inkerten Alteattni ati ep8il. st. Jas. NVard. Part Perry, R.R. No. 4. Court as eaivituess. The Magistrate- TT LUSO WORK GUAEAN¶m. Specia --Gent"s Turnout complete- afterwards commented an this, and Mr. Not the lesst appreciated featrire af MACLEAN'S às iti papua r Cone Wlnt ndKet t lst. Jas. Ward, Part Perry, R-R. No. 4; Swanso protested that ho would brlng Review af Reviews Departmelit, which condenses for bany readers Corne Wln n Nod. 13. 2nd. G. W. McLaughlln, Oshawa. ber ta give tbis evIdence. But ho feUl- the creani.of the warld's bout poriadical literature. TelPhoe N. 12.CLAMAS V.-aMIES il? 1.AeNESS. ed ta 4bo, and at the final ulttng af -- --- - ec.1-on~ b ~ .u~ ~ the Gdurt on 8turd.y eveniug last, =MACLEAW8 MAG4ZINX iilt&ia le ean and whojna.me ÂUO VIO 2RS - , 12 h ad Oshawa. $24 50 d"mages againot Bowden. Baw- tionablé advertng. £.tACLF.AN'8 eau b. teken ixta your ml, R. S. McLaughlta. Osheiva; 2amd, den had alsa ta pay court caos, which home without any heitanoy, ta be reed by eny member ai W U. flfM(baCoprWBo ln ran up hIs total an the case ta over yauf family. LIESDAUCTIONEI2R Sec. l-Aged Bul-jet, R g.)f MacLean's is $1,50 a year. ReMittauce f or yearly LICNSED RabTO..MDuif, THEMS MY SENTIMUNTS. subscriptiofli n.ed not accompany order. AU kndàof ale ProPtI Stmde Sec. 3-Bull af 1916-Ilst. W. A. Dry- Jtidge Mclntyre bas received a postal AU .ins ! sle prmpll U5iti Iden. Brookîtu: 2nd, E. Webber, Brook- card f rom CoL C. P. Blck. naw aver- I T I ~ N IIE L ta. &rra"nemenlts for Ul 1lM W ýlin. seas, wbich beers no date nar place. î-M. - AT A L 15 made et thre 0.-imta f009WL Sec. 4-Caw. 3 years sand over- lot nor aay written word save the signa- J U N E- N W S A D ~ Terma remaaOlbl. and Znd, W. A. Dryden, Braoklin ture. Thre card le anc af many thons-NE S TA D Bell and Independent Phone&. Sec. 6-Heifer of 1914-lat and 2nd, antis being sent out In pnlnted form. __________________________________ WITBY. ONT. E. Webber. Brooklin. 1l am ivell. I have not heard' fram Sec. 6--Helfer of 1915-lot, W. X yau for e long tIme." Thts wei threA ! Dryden. Brooklu: 2nd. E. Webber, message. Ali the other printed lunes on _______________________ i Broa kl. the cerd were scareti out. This card re- Mlany Have Enllsted 1 Speclal- Herd, anc maIe and three minds anc of the stary of the boy who, mayvcy,ýe lust be 11used. femeales over I year-W. A. Dryden. ta save time eit bis evening devatians,s.d,,ai igh% 110w the ,reîmflt an the lr,,k.r... pracured thc Lrds Prayer printed ln 1 5 large type ou e card, anti laoking et! edfsi i»T (Beef Grades). the card wouid say, *'Themsa my senti-I Sec. I-Cow. 3 years and ave-lat, mentE, LordY I John Ilickle, l1rooklin. 2nd. John Web- --..-.-- Toronto, Ont. 1be. Boki:S . ebr ro- EAST WHITBY COUNCIL araly *tise 1tulle bt ntur r e. e.2-efr f11-fat. Roy V&11. The Council aofEFat Whitby Townl- lh§ery 1%Q et I"' o grdute Brooklin; 2nd. Wm. Baladan, Whrtby. ship met tbis day. Alil present. Reeve - - usines ,s*.' rr fOWargredubatres e. -elfPr Of 1915--lit, E. Web. MeKentie In the chair. Minutes reati .1-..rharfot* hey aveand mopted. _Communications rea.d t lie iraîintî. D.pl"dnr, rile ioriaitAbIel)ihlp. 'olls ej nfrom Grand Triink Ry. D nG! neoflai yeer . i< soiu l~ ltla av n . B. C. Clifford. Chatham nBridge Co.,I OpeCe sice IUIIUIU lUIIOV UII anti James Bllght. l'.,ter sio- A petition signeti by Wm. M.egee andi cor. g anw.. it~t 39 others wa presentdaking the, ________________ COUN'W OF ONrÂBIO. councîl toa show then ta do st&tUtes - I196.labar. 1 Mr. Ehins. seonded by Mr. McKentie, L WKTET-IIe , I. MadoonlImove thtia MeUrS. GIOver. DeaubOTfl. ciribT Ck--jsIL e 1,t ilandi Pasmo a OUDitOte i=XekOan- Apr~. a7 . Ia.3, uly4. ept ,ranements with.,Mr. But about drain- Oe Nov. 1, Dos. 4. Jma. 2. 1917. tag Parkt Roa& .Carrie&i Yo rGo l Whttby COW&-.la. S., T.b. 2.Mar. 2. Mvd OVOtithtilaCêeinl do u@ow molve ~Vler yo ae sreApr. 56.a 81WU ,J 8. I ; l &@t% lseIf lmaIeacourt or Revi8lmute dis- *711 wîi ho resue e. . Nv.S.De& . B. 14291?. pe il opI wheh MaY eme RROUGAM-M Olaos, I~' MWerdl$poSteBifthie ePpoSiS. Ni 4. OWL, 7-. 8,a. ,W 4___________ Clean and Bélgbt î' " «L t l'SSa4.1? Our coal i% weil scremed. Pr ON.CptJS a.4 MAT 6. ýJuii ?. $PLse t I*W. de.5 W. guaranteeprmpt de- , AD)TOMCLLURPzu(G cAR 8 hivery an- good service. -L4.uIBEIDG-U& . J. i., v*Uaffem vuc. ?OonRoxlv-M YoNX= cw2 LI&4.maer1.I . 2 W v VIA QIANO ?rUNK xAN» Orîlers May b. i.! t at the lx Y~~sa im~ *a office of J. H. Downey à&CO. Ls, XMý w . #W^ ib OB r Ruuwa Spatem (>aksMUWWÊabq-JUL& . ti eooto fh4.LIhVIa JUSS& netU Ma w 2 ~ ~ilet =cmg r tTaS m 1* N« INIONO ELM ONDHRTKRS A Couiplete Car in Every l'articuler Ai les a Cu, T.U WIE Be. ltud te o» it* th ir ascocipiete car et anywhere ccir s0 iow a It stand, M &aoo-boffly -Im*pMSled-a pwer- bd &Geuem s nw dni wC ompwct r Siy $M5. Note t wWord "oap4k*." Tnt Me= aleotti $mato, Eeiwc 14ta. SiBcul IoM pitpax.4gO e voy mmOOU5fl ft<*h4lséh"r4 re ae ut o t»to buy. Notebtb it a maeut. Tbe whoebta 104, juin& Tb* *« 0 (M."o-Isd -amy cn etn yeuwM u afl semEu tue uee uil-nap.ey5h pwy »b ~, lwoom ollwPrO1@Wli gWmi~ w -~ JamwesJr., crie'd wheTn told thut it wu & tia. ta g~o home. 0 --ýt d'Nover mimd," Paid *the ladY £.00 0.ià wp* M oS www slilngly. «"YOU co aM" " t4< *.-iu. '1tsI'thi"'su Jme J.,'>Wa tb~e WOhI@PIUSI#l am n o 1 iet lleary. Wb<nIo hm 5 thst y ~i IagV* me anyllitaS 1 punch 5 v . 1 1. 1. -- . 1% * 1 '. .__j 1

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