Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 8

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ItIsThseTht rig 4riiis OVT RAER BAS 01E hoWd,1ieoy1it Y "- at ah Gî And ake omenLookPie.W AiS LAT LOG. :OdD ta __ it osThe l Tht Bing t atie.wLV T AY' l 11 Ilit.. Sei -,ai'U~ Altnost every -woman at the head of Verdun Fallure Proves That the West vitality of -the body, Bat là" a t cm ew "Mmerouplae ltdwti o, re home rneete daily many littie wor- You het-8 w aet old 68 à > m ieods o p.dad(ii ecr . rie i hr hushod ffara TeyFront la e Nw Im- hrded h.t bslt Y et o d U6o adhtliji £iUiUom fl. rcu relnhrhueodRfis eywlth freulibernes oGr othert te roar of the. eanum pa" tt" i. gI- fl LIS 1lIIIk8 i&il inlflir a.dnui SStif5 h may be too semali Vo'notice an hour prefitinable. fruits anid.green vegetables: tion of thie Iaadscap& Abff l, tO boera4nuwbt ut dwmhb ts 1tet-Wrihfu lyn cu i aftermards, but it ila these sanie Lcon-aewrtn n h o- e ak aNtre he-have h m iuwq I0Qg4d PMdUiI * .. torc b emi.ad'er l.4 etant littie worrèee tihat affect the Lova~îyit Fraser, es the Lon-, et adk ô t .ture, hr cf thmtDtepld*y huor 1 don *alotai, ecars heen o te.f he"Awg hme o 11111,maflchinb& e tr ehf blood and nerves and make womnen jwr snt er.Sietmswrs,1 e W et ül1bI tetho s C. O. Qre, editor cf te Aeinptane, look prernaturely nid. The-ilr ci ,et t ike (Charles Il., are "an unconacion- 1bounding bouyancy of flCw vtctor7 the aàmIreble e onsb.. lneto - 0.00 aa Itriw he nelgto Mnay be noticed ln sick or nervous aidle 'Ilnîe a-dYiîîg," he saye, and Uife and vigor. Contains ail twet .h. menansd theil eofieers, et&. g15 achievement both o! tnelFrene hea(laches, fickie appetite, pain in the i vr cr.î itseut, emth e back or %ide, ,a1Iow compiexioli and nly atinc:1 hrhdathe goodness of the whole Ever7 correan oi!th eas t 0e folo tqstand the rta i oiaîgtet the ly lest f wrinr \ aerished a * agrain-mode plan bothasateswhst h Ivonindread.Ta thoseItium qfTlIict -! e.int el ef t Jîyat te ac ituaî ysta1.o ig rdiged to say. One wenders sat thie insiat- eney Inh ar ed Dr. Williams Pin 'îkiil, oflet - Rflih aouten end cf O ndctr. Ido and a-kina Not hrin g isoence of these emphaleodelarattons "TIs okr" ésd isoi speetly and crtain cure; a ,estora- ifns bu h n fOtbr oad bln. Ntig8 about the courage of the men and CHESEBROUGH wo.Co.M very 1. oyc recsmcie tien of col or to t'hecîhecks, brightiwsuas iottthink go now, for it Is clearer than s(Coeuheind tIse Mormnde, with a very bnig engins. dci (CM6m" he M te the eye, a îîent-ty opptite andi a ever thab unless Prussia is invaded aiyng Deiou for b. inclined tVo doubt it were it not stat- lm8. Ch" Am e.m But we ae ' on sneo rplmfotanîd the Prussians are beaten Vo their. e'ymgoDeliciou aboutegtmoth prvtl but Anon to ho adaf anttln ees, this war, lnstme form or ether, any meal. Easily prepared. cd c oten Ainnytétoiýns(fCnda vi11 le 'lwavs with lus. We had bet- Mad in#4 Canada. lnteresting ia ite way je e long de- min es hc ucaets ck Nom en W hoo have fîtunul nivw e fl th e n m*t t e w r a d n t t i 4Lk' path froto a corre pondent f the l in e y w y l t ofi s e d u through Dr. Wiliaùms Ii>nk Pillis ter ge on athut %-len wi nd.t hnk -seri-officiaîLtokai Anzeiger. 1He de- i lnigsdwlh ~rgpwr r Mih%. N.yW:rAi'tvr <h.titi, e< tit iiu aotweni il n. these islande, about which rnuch hat scribes as n nthe railwiay Ilino Isle too loua et nirw woFa4 h itofnv Verdun Foiled the Enensy. rocently been said and %written. Tise net fer from Verdun, where hie saw IiUII 11 JrU il ets eitnec is okr e second clhilif 1I uS so; %ah :11(i iii The iattie of Verdun continues te atternpt will probably be made b- 'a cemnPaaY f prisoners, among them eeria t ho ea et ofii down ýhat 1 wasun naltofi (hd ' -ige iiterrientiy, lout there seenmn Ifore thse war ends, but unlese the "1two dozen Englishmen." "DuringNES B MAL FO I- bhing. Tlhe tioctor s'utfi he1 11.1d 'j ite îoubt about -its litiue. Thse Ger- goverranient anid the miiitary auther- the mest period," heie sys, "our werthyNES B MAL RO E benbyngte. l3' tny btîotin10 fiv body. I tolil o" na uav i(otie oxactiy svhat they ities grow heediese or make mistakes cousins have net been notlced very LAND'S SHORES.IFDÂ COL PA DEN wnl haf afil k 'dt-u liinguoy- WIU ernit.i.i 10do.andno ore f judg-îent, weCcan now regard thIe much." The correspondent states that ,Fs pletely vahausteqlil at he lw tienat .Tevhae laieieda alen wthpossibility wit.h reasonable caîmneas. English and French did net regard Happening@ ln the Emerald JIseransLetMeofol Tk men ofthe<buor i inetaeei < tie ~rewul ntIfarseong cques-In plain ivordiz, the Germans hpve one another with vei-y friendly looke,DaetPas hellp nie. 1caltu u tq t di tr, ofth Penc, utthey hveprohahly missed their chan ce, as they hut "both agreed in showing rnessure INretteilusv btut "1,Nvi e fi)îqt tt.pri- ýuit NIN.feet ofatire 8reneh, but haceasces.- The legs astonishment and desire at the NLtew oknav1200 e mrht not Mwîun an ilich of ground îvhichhaemsd -naî~ac. I1 ant lti honn, iîhîeiv s <1. Ithlt' 1 'til wcNvre not -;'iiiing to yieinearer we approach the end of the wel-filled dishes of food and thse large sen.twet bes atts eiwa ttufferetl sviîh s' t paini; in fluy i uîuzinu- f thir definite policy., war the more vigilant we eught Vo be helps of meat scrved eut on tables te Over 100,000 cigarettes are tn nes prae.' andi silos. ItIetl l. alil 'fa' irnîr-lThe onc.my have tirganized against about invasion. It wiil corne, if It the German soldiers." e ut every mentIs bu the Irish lads et TheprenUntdtasaryttr glng aioui i t 1N«y u'uus\ il1anti tV erdiun friot the mosti formidable cornes ait aIl now, as a desperate "D-," swore one Englishman, the the f ront, as well as tobacco. .- ite fuilthoie tegho 2,0 j()it-utiu g t t - ht.îl ilponta ndlertdtp faLodndc- Tedet a curd thsrs e Wlllunu l'nk ull, li iienl:iuv ht'lute utery fllei t acieveraeand welI-conceived military 1or, "Wliy on earth are we carrying on dence cf Mr. Austin, formerly Nation- -basthnady Dr. ibhLu irkPl, bl 1-m t tr purpose. They thus begin the operation. These desperate throws this war, and what l-, the sease of t'he alist M.P. for West Lneik o ThseUntdSteeryo20,0 - ofh(tr.,t, hult tlhî < l <<ut I u ttî hli ý, gw-is a deep consclousnoas of sometimes succeea, and tIser. cen be 'entire bîockade? Why, ftho people was la his 62nd yoas'. l, fightingmnarerpe yCnra me' viîon uitt.flti bail faiie i-t tt - lusut-gnrituir-, v.Ihith lias aprend te ne mort- silîy attitude than te leave here eat hetter than wc (Io at home." Irishs Nationaliste et a meetingceuld ps aamrhn a n btut aftiit nIl urgiîg It c IL) î0wr i t 1il population, invasion out of our reckoaing. We -Just what a London docker would held lu Liverpool passed resolutions halcf try theni. Vtoln\ s intrfit- ft o Vu t at iiitit-ti now te draw fromo' ought tci be prepar-d totamet it any say. f ?) ldiga tthalesndfnc Te weeis 1 fituildnu!iysel 0i' l tur uItr ) trra uter :ro ta hews-day and aay aight, and never more "The Englishimen. iike all their im- opltegcgaide o the les fdfece i ad fGrayaeel Ie fotînd mvilÇ t tîi1a-uît ( iu af rt erproltlyiprale, est tit ow u t ub1ofe. pioe compatriots show thern- Tise death occurred suddealy et hie s et7000 Thtum rwod sthnget-.atIoenoîlvlio1<ilvitft fzy rdet Telesn ugiglrpes1t'niuton V andeve uc or anuod ha hersiece eml Gron atnins itk:mreVss iv arhngdyst - î '.utu:dht nytsO-liffuni o utboh eushul I efrcone Frenh- mwho are usually fieciturn and jof Mr. Francis John Cullame, Taxiag o My rolyvuq vt- (-'vu \ '.<ý-t 1 q\ ii uni i ite Cerman numnbers are' "1 have triedti explein the out- reqerved. Ts arlt sc h ase ats urm or.TheaniefghigtVednreu srgieDWlilutu\l0i1ulv1'uuh limiinirheti. Morethnthet look as 1' appearqýd to elya îh svhmat id TeneardTlVe oe' Gf det-inuthsenegbrodf9000mn. ii lt'unae utDr.aihoghaseme opportunities of speciel knowl- the w.ar as something la tIsentre tentds te the comferte of 13,000 men Theycodpaeuawek tiral. th -t î'il. ulrtutu luevui onimertetoîislis pointed eut edîre. The cenclusien may be qum- of e feotball match, and are qut prisoners of war la Germany, in the TeBibI miespeotam t 'ii ' niti I , ~ haUtut '.eetrîî ron s endag e d up lna asentence. The, ultimate prepaired at ite close Vo cheer for tho rencheu or on duty iu thse fleet. la est]mbde ,0,0 e.Te Y ec i e lta a box ot u\aitut thfe- \tqaioe e ftrohrrieg edre-ttc ory ofsIs alies se -m s m o e c r-B utuie ednid .tB teo tser-r TIeh L ca Goeraeli B ard ha w o ld tek m oeBhantrdty six da mediinedener o- ov illi et 7, vit.oy o thsalles cem urbanr- senushtarye. oul trp frthrrge an-nnvtbl Is twataya anad h fiad ne encourage- informed thse Coleraine Guardians that _i feinrs r Wilînihu-iiut 't convitction remais as'tPortanewart """ an . weeku os a dallmanmarching. Broct ila , box t.01 s , i\. ubox'ets hateci a a o, hut there ls net neto ure or safe ment." Thea fellew long descriptions iîptioi i tt- teatssthe wawn îa h t te -r s an wh r nur f h B iiante l hem esuores litlc, wih a ou cl f it wntA B'aW E FA E BokieOt i!irîîiis. in lt rtieîie lathe west. ose -tivities and militery music, and toi- Thse stri-ke ef dockers et tise North GEMN FAIRY TALES. Wh t t". <r the Gormans may go in 4: umns o! vupid stuif about crep t~Wl, uln he camd$,0e T tii-ir fev-vlu 'e'rch for a decision,' the French fields and how aice vanr- fer cach wet day, terminatied by tIse TIe wlaec Iebb stefn Laee .o' eLrnor of ('m-euu Ind aiiwav'. ih- must retura to the calm NGNUT ANI)> WXR. eus v.egetables gathered in thse French mon resuming work ut discharglng tIse wate ee iteoe ufr gardieuns triste. It'iu with t'hie sort cf cargoot. fo The folîo%%ing cxt'rnctr îun 'h-terili r"-(rîiFntlriOnT aOcson uetel(,sla -r orspneceta ts erin Atas'eiî etngc-Is uli rm'od, osipto, ei o n eiiresed ty r. luenuacith Gincran Shotn F oodflirt ed I)ansage on fthe (hileens. et home must h. satiefied. Corporation a motion wee accepte: - othfer tIs aylsthtn f Izrte Godvsrtiorof <h ( 'l-, t-he,îGa tef-InntIeShort ofghies e frIs.lestcen- ~commending that a sum o! $40,000 be hr te Govrn usriof ithrItl-'-of h \î.'qe< ntta -n Intht premîtent s f te Rplaed in this year's rates for build- thers hv ere he ygvn theGemanditrit iitho-ii(ý, f te - t. r ergu--hee- protilntuî-y Peru eand Chîlc were et wer. AI- igatias-hms Protectorafe after tute surtctîit-i of fî ' l iution ~ ite internai hoghthe Peruv.iang were beaten, JaningMrtiJsns'homes. d epw oe nldoeo tb' -w as Dual14, tearclned rces laiire tr i-o mu himpesd an d lhadite give up Iquique te Cisile, W nthas been eppointed Attornoy-General thM o. Cec-ngth Taet 194 r nbutv. Vo14\- 'enMIhipesdb hey showcci great edroitacas on sev- of HoMg KoRihardaBoston, Pembroke, Ont, TIse <btor suifhuuizt-sIhicuirI-tt tit-'atupn'-rrani eraki ~'occasions, and sîîcceeded ia slnk- A afl tewaas edbauoclngag, l an e ihshenud neVeu te se>': t'rui:g ittt5tttial position. She la con- ing two C'hileats mea-of-wer b>' ex- TrinLI~lwa ecty od e Ie ubi.s choorand e -Bb' w alt ae n Thse Kaiser lha. fiit-faluto itbe ctun- ri<itig hîîge linbiiities amôîîg her remeîy cîeî'er Riratagems, of wlichTrinyîeg e, bingf5. l oni ions ilwenntigoseapae tyw'hicli intlettd l rrvr-;d(11 tIse iroi),uIiiy lie tutiafle e tomet.ad wiîî - the Hn tpe oeig ie . BNO',REMTS continue te ho most satisfactory.io . rltsilabb let epn IeTb natives. namneîy, Beriiîm, t V e teccountin jahie 2"Memerip-s." llnig t îvIig vr rmF Cengo heloags. We lhave uccup;ied perhaps -vortuallY be compelled tei Seon after thse Chilcan fleet hed CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLSldto 8ciga d t hega vry fsrnge ots ints hoe.Teyae od tIse wholc counttiy and ýIrivcnoeut the, repudiete; but' shortuige o! cash lea, settled don-n te tIse blockede of Cellse, conte a$box42roperrcranlliam. Kn.noV iilsely te affect«her attittude for Medir Kio.nt're phied i te a t Isad Aud ym- 1Thse Swlnford District Council hv die e p ieFrahumcentrîd la sons- leag ongtm ocne t hr-ing a large berge of fruit ht adAdWhliWe ilTo isudt hecupns0 lbrr' bding Ieleint Frnc ant>', boni-eagitif ce-rtain knsrie food-l fos Tse e vitqria put eut intboashsudecottages u Vse districhpamphlets on sud renci hve sreai>' esetrt<hem with conitemplating a mov» o! eprianansd balances, a huge eharge 1 When ho enred hi.&kldeym wîth ai Wa" oe. them ia masses, and corne Ioi us te sgrainst lige and Petrograd. sud thla of dynamnite in thie botteai o! the.iDodWa Kidue>' Pille te rhieumatism .-* .-t' fight onour eulle ecaitîe they st,-that «" tîme report le probably cor-rect. They barge was igiiltd whoti s certain sud ail taie other sympiroinso! kld- urmwuaalw t,,I1I~o we are etr'ong-r. I wiiî have te operate in ver>' diffleult amut of the. welght of the crgo uoy trouble dlsappesred. ~ ~ "'" S> hîouîtry, especially if VIscy macht the was removod. Aithough thie Pont- ',-1 I'i CA' iE ION. egion ef thse Pskov L..akes, sud thcy va.hdva1 i.fgltfr plu'* ~Brta rei.~e iete rtef Tacîe te Isng ('ulatBewill sttack under ver> diffgrent cendi- poumuuinoflte barge wiib tgerce a-- 1pimâa. IFo .y forY11 5 1 51 0b<uest TIsai tiens f î'em those obteiningewh n' -1I undorstand te tot al righ!,' Taie vaue et'*b ihetu whituh areso.êi~ Doue, sud Helie t Mackensen beizan hie m..rcbsereus te be ettOOIfL -remarked -Aunt Ana Pék., at~0 now beli PI oheýtitbbled . 1. IDÉ~,t a4ioSI ~ ~ ~ "Soýmebody .qaid that it corldn't ho Galicia lest May'. Two unfavorabbo Afwwekel ,,alrg no- h emo s ve;"u b.Uo t *fe<tl i i,4t~4p- donc, but h., wi*'î a chtickle replied fcoesol afc r.Thse -firs aliwr wtSa mt aPthé.. C&tà te ature preheu"s .aplanatlon et 1* pusz1ed ar"ce li beinrt e Ut 't 1. 1 m - 'di I eue who would't se>' se t<ilI1ho -se bas bogue, a prelîmînary aetIv1ty,, taie a theo"Mottis e vssi inl- I g 1 thetti »fý trled. Bo he huckled right ili,with - and in endeavoring witli conalderable h"Mouefita dr w lar batatui>D- atrace o! a grin un hili faceç I o ucrs eregain centrol ef tbile aâun a n, i hi atabeU a2oaUlee~lb ens~ W5 iu~U . worried, hehobdit. Ilie stsrted tô -pqrtant rallway hUe freinYilnaWle00edlote lias luw. . 0* .., * MW sing an ho teckled tIse hing that Dvitisk. site is al»e - prsaîn, ue o. art rliasthie .Iban4 toy aul- j (a> ie'Si a eouldn't ho done; and ho dld it.11 AusIrsliin lao»M'tnsGàaIle&a, alu 4 OMSW O Y Ul w P ihab«4 &04 Euh (wîâ thuwfflpqt)s-I tu t *eq« dtý1-1A t 54riibUSdy saeeffed: *"Oh you'll sevor prei>srlg to e fO5 a e~inoebar team badd. AfterjIih~ntIth;a ?ve labc" gaam tva iaU"*d pde e *i.o"bj0 do that et leaist.n nue ever bas douens OUlSth reulwhcf lrget»Wbpmace, lao< nBbNisw'sUuufLOS 1ha41'- lt," but ho toclt off bis rost, sud hto ludOeodelt e! thie strOggle la tais vialitW" S imy ofropt>'-'TM êper-: t-4Wabt Mifd*t*5 1swp- ispme etIham took off bis hat, sud thie irst thiug I ,ortherii ares. uie u 4YP*pér1. ~sype b ~~mi iois0 s - wo knew Ise'd bogun kt, wiVh a lift "Titi second fsetor là titI9IfGar- aid evex ie U w tséu Te Cbflamn tb* m a *sê- of hi. chieand a bite!f a grin, wlth imati>'strike. ai Limia las1"%erlkiIaUvrIsSWSialh1 out an>' doubting or qulidiît; ho star-t hé,wili daxiillsihave to I"oitt.abe«.' Vas ».dvuuIle laxt14 aml tàm t.# esI te sing as b. tackled lte tiug tuatself la the west a bs.Ti o ei ew fO t 4IM ve>' tb'hIs vassaL. ta> ëg could't b. doue, sud ho. isILî. ti lisasuoi'44tn et atl a4.dvieraO~d o 'lTiere are thousauda Vo t.11 you it ParIDt t UN about taie woata er. a pt rfl*tia tub >et tbaie aa À ïb M ", ffaiL mnot b. done, there aretliseusanda teprincîple oftoert4am'um" els Wa.thes Owm T tsaiwde*4I8.. propbaey failure; thore or. Ihocassads 11310puyam csderusa uai tv fod*M t a '- lw. lm» s ba Itut èdnt -3 te point eut VO yeu, bonunb'eil, theaie fihtgailawiew e lgw, ebr-lte **t tais - dangers thâ-t wait te auti yn ut aa es as«vas, itate&es, ripes ilgliteui*dWu"i- P"' X4542, $ut buela in.wlth a bit ot a grîn, BShOCW ld t tiiatlutu lae to tPlase5 t4ieamu.as# Wa tOwn talc. off yous coat andigo te il; d.iislth Iim« '!Id 0<lt trWggle «-.iadfl tiàa <wa1t <fiw et tuluhto inetus tackle ti 10lal d s u t wnb.s tie Irusosisus" foweda trwmd ýc- tilng that ,"canaèt bq don.*" ad .*1 ',81* IhotUgai liiis -van '*p i4ê YMuIdo k ' 'EO44Uy îIl4 lu it alli»<m: uICE»POTAT0O91 1EFD POTATOE$. IMisa COB- 5biers. Deleware. Caroa. Or- Sat on-&.e.satiply limilta!. Write for litations. I-. W. Dawoon. B1rampton. SEGISTERED HOLOTEINS, ALL ages. sorne çer y fine bjulle. Qýuebec ces. R. A. Gleiqpi e, Abbotsford. Que. HELP WANIIl. IEN ITINVY WITH TOOLS FOR steel .4ash shop. Trussed 'Concrete tel Con., Waikerv ille, Ont. <OtL>IFtS-- MEN ACCUSTOMMD ito gonpral work. bighest WageS I.Apply <o The E . Long Manutac- izg('o..,00111a, ont. ADIES Wý%ANTP-D TO DO PLAIS _À and lIght sevving ai homne. Whole or are time. gind payv work sent any dis- Ice. Charges paid. Send stamp for rieulars. Natiolial Manufacturiani onpany. Mcntreai. STANTSI)1-EXI'ERINCIÀ,I) OPER- Nators on Lades' %vasb and Fanoy re:ies. l'ertnanen t work, Hlgheet agea. Ideai factory condition. iH. C oulter Co., Ltd.. 445 King St. W. (near vaeina), Toronto. IWEWSPAPEES 105 BAZ19. 3ROFIT*Ml.%KINU NEWS AND JOB offices for sale ln gCq Ontario zns. The most useful an ntere*ting ! 81 businesses. Pull Infoirmation OS cplication to WVison Pubillehing Corn- ny, 73 West Adelalde Street, TorOfitO. -IANICMR. TUJOItS LUIPS.'M I. nternai and externai. eured w! 1h- A pain by eut bame Ire.*atmfent. Write qbefore. ton late. Dr, Belinan modiou o.iTmited. Collingwood. Ont W*Yit* fet, I This I.4ates-tNO4di 14and Cernent * itsoif ln .7 days., Miars ln & ailiti and styles. -write for Catalogrue. Wolfflaftfe* evoe ._Ltd ~ave oyo RoI4 Get my prices, direct (too miii to tew fl 1 haeve Reofinge or «ev4rY:p.urpPSBý_ Sampies free. Addrès. tnue and tis sfer*msat le a busbd pamW it~w ie. James J. r eld vains 1*8h- ue to ;ohom.. T) t '.- j- Lt

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