'i ment lias îdd te - cvine and Ixer le restaurants mrmn nw e~ Wmu Licverpool docks liai sctciion of the 41 ON CRUISER INDEFATIGABLB Kesupîl Corps. A ftIle body et vo. minînihior cfwar <ch cvhsch pmic ides GFINtî %N IISTROYER ____________________________________ solt" EgsdfrFrael i biat tnc employer may ds.m ar.' a Se-k- S83 B U I'N114E esnlytau eofthé wvant"wshoi*01 ,ltut atdti luit ie enîtptooe > moly n - I ond. uud ec ess latfttb 1ieMne stîke. A despatch freai Amaterdamsaays: ë"bIu ,e li> tey mewusddee -- 4' - Tht' Telegroaf mi5s that a tiermar mm teui'gU i t « etia. smu.y FRACE ~AIJ jdestroyer struc.k a minle ano wont. VihiUà M I4lb butbgit b«»: to FRANCE S (S AD% I R.oj r off Zeebîruggre on May - 31.lis, -- I~~~~it 111AIN NOM TA K Es O~ N it~uMl l~-ae~d..5( A despietch from Parisoys>- Fiol- j iuim ooî01. sUI'PI.111Y 0F 1916.,- lowinir the examplii-,f Ct nnnny, ilg ~ .mipjg lamrd, ltaly and ltic Scoindmnnc ian coun- A .Ptîlmacfi fromt tandon 2ilyg; AniC, trios. the SE-nlote on Thurstlaty adepiteti , rmy order- iisute1 on 1'hurt"aty spro- th bl ueu tie daylight svîîg bil, advaneaîg b'.. groi titue b>. ont- hour hîbits the purchase or %*Iereofl3rit'ih lrIrish cco f tiec 11>6ason. -I 12 0F THE HAMHIRE CREW D)RIFT ASHORE ON A RAFT T'r)_._____- anttb het STARVED TO D F T Ail Five of the Teuton Arniles on the Eve of a General Retreat, à lntb ai-o.ta2k 53r-po3 do 51e; extia.No. 1 feed, 5lic No. 1 WILL BRITAIN'S NAVY DEFEAT It Ile Reported. treYiv aii a yn. elow. 75con THE TEUTUNI( POW~ERS' Ontario oaL;-2qo. 3 white, 4o to 49C outside. O)ntario wheat.-No. 1 eonTnerrial. $1 A dspach rei Lndo sas i iet o he ourxnîn ordr b 5 $1 01; No. 2. do.,' 98 te 99; No. 3.do. A Gentleman Jukt rrom Hoiland Says Speclal despatches froni Pet'rograd ga n 44 to 95c: feed whest. 98 to 90tc. noi ina. acordingtç frelghtsi outside. the-Gra oplto express the belief that flhe Russian The faîl of Lutsk Was announeed by Peas-No, 2. 1,.70; according to sa n_ luccesses againet the Austrlans are the ilussian VWar Off ice on Thursday pIe, $1.25 t'O$1,10. according to freight-9 la Underfed. fair more important than appears from night IalyMllgS t 6,fe 2t the official annouicements. New Invasion From North. B630. accorlng t frehîs otsie. To uhere is a posîbilty, whîch wemi The Daily Telegraph's cerrespon- Thecapture of Lutsk threatens the Oewet7 e7c cedn Oogtntt aclt pni The freights outside. Ilye-No. 1 comomercil. nominal. 94 tary sense, that the German armiles dont ventures the assertion on the au- Austrians with a new invasion of Gain!te95r, a.crording to freilhts outs1de. iwill be defeateil by starvation. It is thoritoy of a prominent Russiail expert licia fromn the north. Vienna de- anito$670; seond. p'Iatents In Jute an end te the» war that British sub- that "ail five Austrian armi achs xpesrteeea tatti.$620: strong bakers, In Jute bags. f6,: space xrà th et htteTrno1jcswudrjiet efrt ol the eve cf a general retreat, and that aî)andonnlent of t9ubno, the apex of Ontario' fleur-Winter, according to mean that it was the British ne-vy Lemherg ia in great strategie danger."1 the Voîhynien fortress triangle, will rom pt $4.26me$.3t I bulk seaboard.i that finally brought the Teutonic Oth aeauthority it is asserted become automatlcnlly necessary, and fMliIfend-Car lot.s. d'îlle ered 7,%iontre&l,. powers to their knees. I acner t'ht n sraegi beah 10 ile ihefaîl of that stronghold would cea-i- frelthts-Bra-n. per ton. $23. shorts. per able tiat four million German soldiers wide has been blown in the Austrian pet the Austro-Hungarians te retireto. 2.mdlnspetn 25o82 fron, ivol'in Li ariescf eneal iuiîn he elîianborer.good feed ileur, per ba.g. $1.70 te Si 75.» in France, in Poland and elqewhere, frotin o llo the rmiand ofGenera von nthe Ruslianacordn er Pero-strong, rigged men, plentitully equip- OOU8.vn ohmr ndCinra vn heodsan, ccrin t Ptr-ped wlth arma and amununition, sheuld Boehai-Ermuolli, and part cf that cf grad, scored another notable suecesa Bu ter-Fresh'datry. ehoice. 24 te 27c; throw Up their handsaâad ewn their Archduke Joseph Ferdinatnd. in the last, 24 heurs. Pushing forward inferior, 23 te 24r; ereamnery printa, 29 tedcat fhehventoditos 31c; Inferior. 28 te 29c. dfa fte aentfo tde Aeeording te ether despatches, the in massed formation, with an unpre- ~Eggs--New-îsid. 25 te 26c: do.. in car- ne ate hwsilfully they are led Rtî'sian sucesla largely (lue tc the t'edented outpour cf artillery, they tons, 26 te 27C. ntmte o Aus.r-Hnga'~ IBeans- 4 to $4.50. the latter for or how Oaila.ntlY they flght. If they unprecedented use cf artillery, Sur- pressed thie Asr-ugi troops handlckel.fgtwl n aefoterwmi passirsg in int'englîy any previous ef- defenditg ,the "doors cf the Buko- . Cheee i..-Nw, la r e c;tln a,1e ht weladhvfodthrwme- fors o eihcrsid onth eat font w na"te heRivr Sryp, tkin e Nap e wru-Ptla re tIseady affolk. and children at home may b. frso ih, ieoth atfot ia t th Rie tya a ingSI$140 te 31 .50 per Impertal galion. starving, ansiteto save their 1ives the The retreat of many Austrian trenich Ftrong positions on the Trihuchovice- 2. 12 te 12.40. emna ismydsctnu th cetachrments t'aî completely cut off Jaslowvice fr-ont. Both places lie a few fowl, e2stod24.t-Cehn.2te7;srule bya certain cof shrnipnel through imiles from one another west cf the ,, Ptatnes--Onttariosa quoted '<t $1.86 tesFonGr&Y %vhich it was impocssible for any liv- Stripa and south of the Importanti. and New Prunswteks at 82 10 ptr ba.g.StreFomGray Ing thing 'o. piase, and the Austrians (ity of Buezaz. Thiî; success, if fol- To-day every story that cerneB wee thsenple esreme n wed up hy fuether progressen-" -een- ., .i....lle,,o qProvder en Iof rom Germany la a <tory cf food ace he u.owja ron andwih Bacon, long elear, 18le per lbHmn Th Ta esctiîtm he.usrarinsiothend thewh oe adstro Hn -Medlin,231 te 24be; do.- hav,20!shortage, A year age there were TheTiez 9tniaçý te Astianit%-aio ad te hol Astr-Hn-to 21be. rmils. 19 te 19ie. breakfastsia.ate. It was sa.id tint baesat250,00 grin rm dfedig t-stmaed ~ ~ '. ,~ bacon. 84à te 26be; baeks, plain. 26à te g ho h o s-,esnt?0,00. aranary efndig t-stmaed211c. beneleas backs. 29J te 809e.. 1 G&ilIafy waa starvinhatew- 'ieh 'h ii fortri- os f l.utsk. et from 250,000 te 100,000 -Withhe ar r lard. tierces. 17e. and, men and litt.le children were wlthout '10 miles froni the' Galician frontier, ing eut off. The Laie Lord Kitchener palis ,9e, e; ompeunid, 14 te 149e. food. The. prayers et the congrega- feil intSu Rissiani hanta asat Tueqtiay. The' Rus-ian officiai report assert's enîtcring St. Paut s (athedral at the Motel~to eeakd h ypty cf the the first important' capture hy the that the total number cf prisoniersr recent. celebration cf Anzac" Day, Ini Montreal. Junb, Il-Corn-Amnerican neutral world was required. Sub- forfes qcm e the KI et qpring takien in the' nts offenosi've has been honor cf the Australian Colonial No. 2 >ellow. 79 te Sic. Oats---Clanadlan sequently it appeared that the Ger- W'estern, No. 2. 64c; do., No. S. 629e; ex- wrfo aavng in hir il jc (n tii 25-nimlc front freni the brought Up ho 54,000. troops. tra No. 1 feed. 629e; No. 2 local whtte. .malis wr o trig htt ____52c. No. 3, de.. 6ic. Nu. 4. do., 50e. Bar-j complaints were ordered by the. Gev. I ~ley-Maitoba feed. 68 te 70c; -rma.ting, erument, hs betwst nue GERMANS C RRY TEUT NS ADMIlFARTH EST NORTH RAILROAD. 76 to 76(, Flour-lUanitoba Spring wheai t 1eojetwst patents, irsts, $6.90- dd. seconda, $6.80: the United States te bring influencel GERMANS CARRY TEUTONS ADMIT s~~~~trong bakera. $6.1d; *Inter patentea ,ba omtiat h ioso h Russia Wilt Have a New Outtet te the choir@. $6 te 86.25; straight reliera' .o O.'t itgt1h 'io' ft 5.10 te $6.60; do.. in baiýg, f2 40 te British blockade. Because the. alarma Ocean. 12.6M Rollt'd cats-Barre la. 1.-06tet famine a year age were proved $6,66. baog cf 90 Iba.. $2.40 to $2.65. Nllll- BIC WAR VOTE MORE SEA LOSS "A railroad farthest north. tapptng feed-Bran. $28 te $24; shorts, $26:;-onls tde e olw*ta 2h0.50 tegh21.n60ng heee-Finest ws-bellev4lJ. Te-day'a <tories do net Two Socialisis Oppos.e New itaitte (Cruiser I utzow and the region of intense winter cold, le one !erne; 176c; do, easterna, 169e. Butter oefo fiilsucsol.Te of t.he most important constructIve , (hote crearners'. 30 te 319; e, c m rn fiiIsucsol.Te ondq, 2q te 299e Effgs-Frea h. 26 te corne froni neutral observerae in Ger- ('redit of $3.000,000.000 Rostock Destroi'ed-New rcIso u dest.ruet 0 ot-2e eetd 2 e3e o tc.2 war," Rave a etatement preeared by te 27e, No. 2 do- 24re Potatees-Per !ImI n ro eta cutis A dsi frî,n' Berlino y- - Reports on Fight. the National Geographte Society at bai. car lots. il 96. One cf the moet intereating la froni The Budget wns passeil 1» the ReiCh- A mespalci front London sys: W'ashington. "Stlrnutated by anit m- Winn.tpg Grint». Mr. E. F. R. Delaney, formerly Con- stag teol poi pF'ative war nectessity for a port near- sui for the. Netherlanda in Chicage, tonente . alistvte onl Th<PIiOS Them'o %as mueh Satsfation express- er the" west and the long batt:le unes _WInnpe. June 13 -Caish îuetattens: and now generl agent fer the Hoi. tien ~ ~ ~ ~ ( .wn oSmjts oe.Tir ed at lhe Amlmiralty on Thursdny over than Vladlvoato.ck, this new railwny -Wheat-Ne. 1 Northern. 81.101, No. 2. was alîîîosl complete .tîngnmmity 1in tepbiaino h amsi'b a -ndivnnrhIt aeNote l10kN.8Norhr,$.6;ln-mic. ne Heetnd preiiing tihetew war credit (if $.Ipl-o o e 3sîson Y a ne rie ot lb tesneNo. 4. $1tO1; Ne. 9. 941 c; No. 8 891c; fhem Helland te New Yorkc a tew 000,00.00,oni tweS,îialets t he Germnat Naval Department cf the» fierce eeergy as that cs.lled forth by feed,,5890. Oata-No. 2 C.W 471c; eo. 000,00,00, onv tw sofalisq Cat- 3C. .. 469e: extr. No, 1i ed 469c; day. mgo, atter hie marriage te a ng ~ ~ againt Dr 11SfORS o! lie ['attle cruiser Lutzow cf, the dash for enemy posItIons. Noife.43;o2fet.1e.Br lay feîie, Mniterti Flieîce tlîlhi 2600 toe ntith arerd cuier'"tiens, Lapps, Ruesians, alike, bavete-o .6: No. 4. 61c; rejeeted c Rostock of 4.900 tons. liritish reports tnbored ttnremittingly te faeten a per- feed 6ec. Fla-No t N.W C. $1.99. Ceams Conceal Facta. thtWR- '.enit R ostocmanfe4.900 eons.teel boweeporetro- NC2 9~. 1.66t. Rech-q.ig that te tiepnitlr f the naval battîte off Skagerrack mrient andyo ti atnterct ntriwdb te Nw Yr from January tii May, 1916, were ap- hait aceouîited for these German shipsa e ba'nd th ote Art c rcle ntthent ttsMre.Inevee y te Nw Yr proximnately' $50,00,l000 - a nîonth. ohrwi o yn h rlccice nte1Hrlh aenm motn e Thisl, dlire d wecxtaolinary mogdthrswhehth Brlitsat- nrthrî ler,« Pnladner orap!linepois Jue un WhatJu Heal, . ad soe mprtntre mail~rl ai îwi heetimis m one ag seafatheyBerminttd Tt wno ord KaWo rkofupon nd,*ner1Nor. eptemnber, 81.10j; No. 1 hard velatiens. He said that la Germany offiiai dinsien hatohf ttsec nnwlicebega a fw methe . $1-17 N.;2No. 1, Northern. 81.101 te 31.18; thse civilian population la underfed, lil cfnllni.lnmstia hi. ee tît.these vesselq was withheld "fer mili- thte utbreak of the war, and Il bas elIow, 72 te 73c. Oatsa-No 83 white adteaeiIadwa r yn videS le carry ouît the Verdi offen- 1 il te 89e. Fleur unchangsd: shlpments, b theusanda because they cannot eh- --ive. ~~~~~~try reasons" impugna lie vcracity bpec pushed feveriahiy, as a means eft,451a bbta. Bran. 118.0 te 11.0 n h eesbysseane od 'lit, opposition o ef i» w olmt f the tierman claim as ho the reultîs over-reechtng the btockade by land Duluth. June 1.-Wheaî--No. 1 hard, itate ofcesarly austence. Food- wlmen the cote ccas taken on the Bud- of the baltle generaliy, in the opinion lIdWes t a rtae usi the 8113;N.061 Nor$thr n. .13 9.1 .82à ; ts re et daly, occ n urreneevr- of at. ches of the Admiralty. Fur- whyre11-8Germiny, antt labDu.se1.8rj it't hait no bearing upon thet 'fiTe cf matatmihssofs<honfAdmialthe Fr- "'The undertaktng required the. aaked maen and womnen repeitedy hure Secialist-a have been agitas inlg for ,e disoscnfrigleBi-building o! more tba.n 660 miles eof roet ebtnbc ya y car. fom' * new syst.em of taxatiort îsh reports are looked for. rairoad t.hrough an unfavorable coun- Live $a* a roed eb.bitsbckb amt Iny Insny pites water.otked. 1 Toronto, June ,i .1otceheavy îeers noldiers and in many, casens everely hareve, thîo eptorign, l.d againalesed by tow-ba.nked rivera, filled 89.0 te 89.90. butcher. catte.oioe@. wud vyou ffo be haý-vlth couuttexseptien, lotge anraanat 1 89.16 te 49.8à : do.. toA. $111s to 89.00. entera Germiny, and but littlila go- the Bdget n thee grondR. RITIS TRAD GROW. wIt counleas de.,,largeanumal88.o.0m50um8$.400t $8o6 . do.mce oo lit Bugeton hes grtîne. RITSH RAD GRWS. and. tbrougb a great part of thse year,8776 te 83.00: butebera' butta, é oie*: lig In, 18 dhatrbuted trom Bentln.The 'fhe now war eredit will no et ' fresen numb and burled under test of 88.00 te $8860. do., rod huilà , 87.0te mont rigorous eeaaorship la maintitin- drawn tîpon, il is e@timamed, untit Sep- Importsa nd Experts Show Equal snow. Conssructlon has gene torward i 87.76; o. ou ile, $8.70 e ,38;ed te ieep tue true atate ot affaire temîmer. Ample funds to carry tmn tic Ilicreane in May. I romn the nortb and from the south, deo. good $7.90 tu 87.78; do.. common. trom tue world, but la Kellid the operat uns until then are on mmcii f rtcm b ut there sf111 rematin a considerable 86.25 te $6.76; stockera. .ù700tc 860 Ibi. thi tasItuanitii 1'ebruanrv. vlen amre A despatci f rom London samy.q--middle section tc> hm laid betore the-80 ?t-i& ttI. 88.35 ti e e8r.1; canne:er.1018i bekolnge ofa acudt ii.. Om rxu N5 M Il mi Bard NVesset t'.rrying Lard Klteheuer to Rtowia We Net l)rt)wned, am Suppoued,. N ic. i t± frinî 1,01)(1n11 isys: tb iii1the lîn ph-..'i~ %15 o -M 4 I*-- v , sai lors ntt 1maI sur~veil the n tiein the» Beitteh PubicU&tr-iy tel. .n thîî~c -ruier IHampshire, tîîîîks <1rt of LordKlcqe-.a bo'mvr:I 'vhîili- tr hener mndba l" oey iha eîed lnds et l~otbe~ teS j4m uet dettth. Tic AdmtrsI t va-sqg.usdt.g shpo~ nosînced thé. ames .ofti.suvlv'emulot wtt* lIien, are à " on Thuraday night% arng* 0v vi ilbsbp .pas hum à in i on n raft wbtch was waà td Masones n R.ula et 1ia oneof et bOrkneyIt"m0. * Hw5~ WjOhpmUtv *0t a siait of one wArrnt ufl ý-ier Ilus mon. Althouzb »1"tierho s ue«f A vgau ~ * w 01 io« Lord Kitcieneruer«aay et -Ieta pSt!yed f1« th. 1te4oId I4m lippearà ln th.,)let, t.h* ve »Mrsaiu * tuer. vêre sur«Vie wu vas oeve4Is"" Is, viisatepreaulonseeet t, ofo«'MWv MeIMsi4ltý ý A toast (tue s818a7et is il<:4t *18 b«r ensetsud ii. oue t li _' Of 8tatttor Wîywlhjlie à ohiby, lie' preset no l*6 no Islorusatlase t.0»*.i»,*a <* (Le 1- 14 4: .1 -ýý ý ý«- £MET PROGM-19AWE IN G ERMN EAT AFRICA, r British Columns Pursued the Enemy As Far As the Vicmnity of Neu-Etengule. 8 A despacth from London ays Namona, reporta that the garrison 1at The following officiai statement was1 that place broke eut -of the town o ise e d n e d n s d a :-th e n ig h t o f J u n e 2 , su ff e r n g e "General North reports thatth casualties, and Ieavlng behind everà teof their number, who were made pr'l. -British columns which croased Nyassa-; soner. Among thoee waw ý.the. Ger) 9land Into the German Est Africa man Commandant, who had béen 8frontier on May 25 pursued the enemy wounded by our lire. -in the direction of Iringa as f ar as "The German natives levies and car.< 1the vicinity of Neu-Etengule. A nuni- riers are demorallzed, and iare desert. ber of prisonero, some ammunition lng, whule the. population in the aresai and a quantity of stores and supplies traversed arm welcoming the British( were captured. troupe. "Colonel Murrey, commanding the "Our, tosses in the course 'of thd Rhodesian columo which lis investlng operatione have been amml." rENEMY LOSSFS 6,800 Fromth& OceunShoreï IN 11U NAVAL FICIITBTS0 MARITIME PROVINCES. Total Number of German Sablre Killed le 800. items of Interest From Platul A despateh froni London says Lspped By Waves eoftthe The. copenhagen correspondent of The Atlanti. Daily Mail learnes froni Kiel that the Airet unofficlal estimate of German Thére la an epidemic ot burglariol! losses in the North Sea rives the in Moncton, N.B. number of killed at 800, of wounded Two hotels and two bouses werêi tat 1,400 and- of missing at 4,600. A burned at Harcourt, N.B. Central News despatch from COP- R. M. Connely, well known 1uMber-ý enhagen says that the Swedish steam- man ot St. John, is dead. er Vanda paesed the wreck of a gigaTi- The Fraser estate at FrederctOUI, ftic warship on Saturday, the nation- will erect a fine new hospital. s.lity et which it was unable to ascer- C. E. MacMichael, a prominentan tain. Hundreds- of bodies were float- popular citizen of St, John, la dead. lng around the wreck and for tire. Pte. James Humphrey, Monctono' hou-s the Vanda steamed among dead waa struck and killed by an express sallra. Near the spot 'wvhere the train. derelict was encountered the wreck et1 Fire totally destroyed John Gaudet'.) a big sailing vessel, apparentIy an in-wod rknpltatClee rde nocent victim of the Jutland battle too the exte nt a $20,00ridge was slhted.Sidney French was drowned at Hall.) fax. He was a member oft he fore HOW THE WAR STARTED. operatine the dredge boat:~ A Fmou Noelit Rts ff Cleer Five 1arge Icebergs were reported A Fmou Noelit Hta ff Clvera few miles off Cape Race by New- Bit of Dialogue. foundland sablra laat Saturday. Mr. Booth Tarkington, the well- Pt..- R. Wllcox, a well-known, known novel.ist, sumanarizes the. cor- young man of St. Georgë, <lied In St.,, respondence and "Conversatioms",that John, N.B.,.et pneumonis and meale&, precedei the war In the, oflowlng Rer. HenrÉ W. Trovers, North brilliant and strikinply upt manner: Head, Grand Mania, went ov.raea' "iStudylng the case, the public diW as a privat- ie. s now reported del"M cevered that there b a horrible kind oUflu".ý et jargon in use ssnong diplomatista. The. iodles otfM.L -Lownda and It should b. dons away wiuh as qgg wif* were f@eiid IniRocky Lai as possible, for it is sevsnteenth cen miles from Ilalifax. It la 'sUppoe tury, Dot twentletb; but it blng to Uà i.r 1101355 r8n sway. the. repulsive courtewieaof tii. duelo, 60,00 pounds of piciiled haddock and wlll probably b. found neceauary and ced--a full carlosd-vas shlppod so long as nations reniain duellist& tu New Jersey by the maritime Fi Our public wra s eoceid te ani tà gt CorporatIon In.one day. Governments use eupholes 1<> cover "Bert#» Buckley, 19-year-old son otf blasphemle.l th.y talk frWey of AlberI "' BUMOdY, lialfji who b*d throst-cutting, ear-aplttlint a* be 4,nln i. o~IKltr o ezmbowelliiig, but alwavs ln worde ttiat lef iet*KXlg#uy gd éI. uggeat thé. d«ge er yof -ome mou-C bo s bldly tUýculent V#MgepiOsr , 7It ff M1 mitron ' , the !¶ suave as cold or" à nd 8jj1jt« e U î natê.tii- , - , *n Sitting BaIL Nov, di.utngln Cpt. J". uuls h4s~ 4as the. mean ngasd releng thul r PM ld 'clpîoi.tc sag' v £ohdItit tis o.D* White sud J.poiriert -et, follo*ig bit 61 dialoehm a.cd. Sdy Nt5. X euogd ~om f ed the. var: d<wdg i at tfreit 1 Autl;No. jur minutela upaMd] lý