Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jun 1916, p. 7

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j c t I A, Blessed *0 ,t w120OIMDNINPRS MAU CLEAN 120OIMDS NPRSI 3usy Brïdes.-ea.imnd Y. or'M INSSEveri Fltower Girls- Peddl Druce ln r MK quickly prepared-full Of R JII r)A r L.DAESthc French Capital. IH ADS 3trength-giving nutrment- 1 JrINS & Sons The war hos inceideùenlly revealed There ja no b the ceanet, prestcerel,, WNERSFORCD TO DISPHAMILTON the existence in Paris 'of a number frcapdf food in the world, Shredded OSEERS FORCEsTO DSPOS of opium smokers, csbaine and mer- frcac Wheat with Strawberrics: 0' F THEIR HOLDINGS. phie ~users that was unsusp-cted than A combination that is a per- comparatively country estates. Some deputy for the Clstrict of Montmartre, fetcmpee i» eal. You Cuh yNI W l < of the greai, land owners have been where he is engaged in the drug bus- do' nw tegreatestof o htb Me Wo a rwn parting with land recently, but these incas, estimates fhe number of o pium palat joy if yu bav not iUch in Supplying Arniies sales have been confined almost vholly dens now ini existcnce nt 1200. o h palae jys f yu hae nt Wth oods tethesal ofoutlying portions o "Even the flower girls o h caten it. F o r breakfast, thGs their estates, and have not included street," he says, "have been drawvn a p luncheon or aiiy ieal. "Counry life in England wilî un- the family seats. into the traffic in stupefacients. Re- - dergo and Is undergoing a revolution One of the recent, sales wbich ex- cently a girl in short skirts and Keoheî suich as; England has net witnessed ciied considerable attention was that with a. vicious expression offered a Kees te sin Finke the Normnan Conquest." of the Ameshury Abbey estate, which bouquet of violets to a paseqer-hy. ekemî,u and leneff In these words Frank Hlirst, editor includes the famous Stonehenge ruins. The mnan wanted no violets, but the Refuse Substit of' the London 1Eeonomist and one of It hns been the sent of the A-ntrobuq girl's expression excited his pity and the' leading aut'borities on economnic family for centruriem. It 'included 6,- he tofzsed lier two sous. 'But i ' u1 etsinEnlnd smmd ponei 400acres. Another historie estate 20 francs,' she said softly. Then ap- t, W, of tht' inistingnffmett outp'wa. hic'h reqientl:.' am wuider the ham- roaching near cnougb t-) whisper.ý M'hat he means ks that the conr mer was; the 'tiste I Hall estate in she addeui, 'there's some u~in- gentlemen of the old school are ~Esse'x, while an example of the 1a id.(CcSBote appearing. sqlueezed out lty the high Of outlying lands hy great noblemen "Coco' ks the famili1a r t(orrn ie(d à (MChaotsv taxation, the (lenth duties, and killed ~a the sale cof the Fanl of Kifitore's- in the quarter for cocaine. of mwh (h I8~a@ off in mnny instances in ibhesie Aberdeenshire and Rincardineshire there was a littie paper conc ealed in Mad ii Cnad.of their country. Their places are be- eslates, comprising 2n,000 acres and the' heai-, of the' h( uqu' t. lTherear Mnatden inme Canhvedrow.arent roIl Of $11I(,OOp a ycsr. other quarters of Paris also there the - - nrich in supplving goods that are need- samne practice has taken ronot.' IJE E WARRIOR FROM INDIA. ed hy Enffland's immense armies, Or "CONSCIENTIOt'S oBJECTroRS.m An eiegantly dressed wconnn tigut who are making tremendous profits out of a taxi in fi-ont of a fashion-1A Sir Partab Blngh Has Returned te the out of the necessiùies of the People bY Britain to Enrol Them in Nonconi- able bar in the centre of Paris an.d West Front'taking advantage of the conditîns batant Engineering Corps. ame thfoh ouldpaseof111her galihe 41lr Par-lahSinigh, the fartîivisoi1îîIer created lw the war. mn fh ol laefl e ;he of lndia. uanîsto di@ inth ie toute Whst will happen te the statelyV The British Government bas found with gasoline. A plainclothes man If hie lias te die. and although ilie II- manstons of England lifter the wor?"1 a place in the armny for the conscient- 1 standing by seized thse ligbter when CANNOT BE FOI diari troups have gone f rom Fraie'ico i.)M. Hirst fasks. lie answered bis ious objectors, men callal up for ser- it was filled and it was found te on- U other fighting zones. Sir Partaitbae q uestion as follows: v ice iuder the Derby recruiting tain a solution orf chobydrate or mor- JS returued te the uesîr'rn front aI is " In Individual cases the answer de- sehemne who hsd consctentious scruples pho;we Thesai incidents show how ownans request. Tiasd wio werIndiat t fihtr. 71 ,ears o vae cornes ia pends on t'he invemtments of the own-aintfbina.d ho recu- forbidden druga3 are procured. There ntig'ity R, 1atitfwarr' os ofîd h ers. A man who has invested in Bra- ýed froin eniisting. There were 'are aid to be at least 90 illicit estab- The Embassy la1 >'thyba t m-arr'd(handfeoftsid zil or Mexico is in a specially Bad thousands of such and te give them a lighinents nMnrteweemr > ler A Inia mitr i oe u iieway, while the man who has put bis chance to serve thir contyal-i- es te be hsd, nldn as 1er.~~~~a Anhedii amep ntime clte hin i tiniudng ars Londont newmpapers ln ipIlitig th(Fît.'rY moriey in shipp or coal is very fortuit- to~ ttesietm ae cafe%, restaurants and hotels. Rp of Sir Partab, says:aeide.Bto ,ewoeteft their littie vanity against bearlng The Chamber of Deputies h.as juat Tetagcea "Thirty-pight year asgtSmir arla)a fte snded Bten theand cf the fnat rma1, the"War Office announced thse vote 1 a l.aw raisini thse maximum fhe tai ea went to Kabul as a member o o f the aded entry ond oxes. ort-formation, for the periedodfut he war, penlty or iofctthteffl la pIu ission (bat was sent there. Nine- try seats reed ntxs of the "Noncombata.nt Corps." The enalty fur fllcit3(J(>f fi OPlu London hotel rect teen yeare laler he acconpnie4 the Savings Swept Away. officers and noncommissioned off icera land km re rusfr ($000)fac sqeBaya Lon Mohmand expedition as Pitra aide-d&-rsn higb will be selected from regular infantry t o ) tw1,00 frncs($t00t)o"n Ambassador put1 captu ri an lF111 The ur ya le "Taxes have already rsnand from w motsoto es'pacl dika oerved iln the saie cepaclty with en. enough to make it certain that Most1 personnel tiot fit for general service, imprisonment the result waa t Lockhart ln t.he lrah campaign on' large houstes wlll be tO let or for sale, but fit for service abroad on lUnes o held. Thée last oe the lndtan north-wett frontken M'hile for most country people bs'fore the communication.m.. pies was put fors sstrlngIn itelas canpagu a r- wr bd pace whch ittd teirIn- Companles of thse new corps will be ceived a wou.nd ii (he Stand. which! corne, with a comfort.able margin for tandI qa ithou arm ,3tIIe IU onY IUW esrs goatte tact, wlth bis characterietic sto4cI@Msn, savings or special expenditure. Most and in the use of thse varieus forma Of _ o Eas erdel lie hid froni everybody unîili(lite Gen. 1 fte wl ae omv ait mller tools used in field engineering. The 'n rtn mas eed noticed It sud urderpd te dorior tea-of0 l a vet mv nt m pivates will be equipped as infs.nt.ry, ~ 'I ~ the set. ted fjui ntit 1 aod lod bouses if they can find tenants or pur- Absaos te&ndlng. The lnoublnIoand trebling except that they wil] flot be arned or -Abasdos. Pojo .chnisers. Teduln n rbigtandwt reo n ecito.pecullar privIleqe< 'Wblen te Indian troova we rp boing of the income tax bas swept away (lie tray wilth aasof inantdsripot ti)oKDE ILSCRDerl ule sent to assietl n quellîng the Boxer margîn. and the bigiser thse flood of Ps' wiIbut th atn of leinty th e WHEN KDNEY PS IL CED eral pulcknowm Rebeillion In China Sir Perlai per taxation rimes t-he fewer country seats copmil o e enrolled latisda ew t lItntIn suaded Lord ('urzosi, tlu'n Viceroy Wiîîl remain unsuhbmerged.lnabuthn WHNDCOSF LE. fstpceanc and Governor GCeneni iof ludia. te let ,, ork iîî aynotheLoiUc ny Yte ailuntrnta anc hlm accopany tu expelîîousry vidently there will be a wholesale okn snrtepoila> s for c WhIletsering luChnae migatonan cunrylie il ude- jgiven te others for professions1 akfii Mr. MK A. Morrison Suffered From, consequantly an Maorc. Wle ern t hle China heprtus- gsrevtion n cbastygla ilnd bs r armt Officersad men trans- Kldney Dinease for Five Years- staff are not affe ias, who mtant out of îhe4Ir way 10 not, witnessed minee the Normait Con- Dmetdthd ors romoterret-y Pille Cured Hlm. aylw fts tret umau oherIniai îîensas qîet.Some of the flnest estates, 1 metser 'ii receive Infantry pay, te- "'.lagation stands.. 'coolt is.' otee I51anrî e xperas. esbogh.u h E glk herwith proficiency and service Tarbot, Victoria CO., CB., June I d some years al "Bir Parlai tgt as good an aditliti su d Amerircan contractons wbo have p4-2h(pcil)-Crd1fKde enlmn w~ trator as bie tm a soldler, Ibis aidmin- .mtefruesoto h a Officet trouble of five yesrs' standing and of kIIowI at tise pi !stralive getîlus lias iteen dentousirsian Mdethfortunistoutof Mtons. Oters RuSSI,;ANS NIANY RACES. whîcis tiree doctors fsiled te curekidnapped into tl Pur a te or ltan ealIeswill perhaps be cut up by the Labor -hum, p . .A.rins nowellAnîactor free te àiueof ilelgliitti and with about as, Minîst'ry anti parcelled out among dis- IouaiOiis Me aido n'konrsdn ftspa es h n melta prohe tayInhaitants as6i)enniark durý banded soldiers whose jolis are gofle(Country ln tise World. iseitation in stating that ha oweissadreadts A ~ ,~ eA~a Kdn Pila. a isost serlous b S ROtJGH SM OOTH better remedy bands and lips eIine de Mark smooth and suf t dboy«s »d turbe$ ut xi store'i ce"ybet Utes. Beek(t«tcm m-, JGH MFCa. CO. Isou ma ura 0ý F RCED TO PAT HI8 DEBTS. Recognized as Piect try Whicb It eregents. un Ambassador at a aently 1usd a curieus Mdon Tit-Bita. Tise forth tise unusual atie immunit>'," andi Lhat no inquest waa ecaston on whici tis wrd wau 'ban, many ipta te bholt I questo ibars of tisa Chinese efeatet b>' recounse te howevar, bave man>' es o! wiîithe gan- rver>' li. In the tubais>' or legation is, i purposas, s place o! rh lha represants, anti ambassador andi hi. lcteti b>' tisaordin- country la whicb tise .This was empiasiz- ago wisen a certain me nazne was weall «rticular perioti waa tlhe Chinase Legation. 'n Scotîsiti Yard lm- ?dedto tehie legation ,pnisonar. Thsis was )rescis o! internatinal itg tus iwo ternis of Regency' and sud for- whom no other empioyliiet-tt The population of Rusais la more nat -%u lw n cetdqieasnaini tate as rm ie dr aofse ti "t e prli e nofvanieti than that of ay country of the. q"Iwua goweak 1 coulti not walk 1ilaW ani c crela t thiws eston n Lno.lits rie Mittir si" 1aftîtaIn caThe(een. uleepniue fati famleadt-a mi Lite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ,3ma redny 0'tsur ie-pbi xeiiu worli hconsists of over 140 dfferent a quarerokamie a s to-da n Cdplm atic cii- e s ieime thies Boma y lre e Id n g f oit 2. 000 2 b ý h governm ent. t s p osd to e u peoples. nationalitîes, and races, ail aleto attend to My work a el 5 a u t b u d ;Tlll. insires, progesive awnti 1402 to abtout equlal te the wholeof the privat g ion iwas twent>' yeai-5 ago," Mr. Monr- A masdrcno eoe.I 191 ,sameporsiplna-iiht ifnggi nthidrecs.tosr re: lft son a. "For fivr ImeAn 1caniote etted. lit, uluntantly sbdîcated ite- incomes of al the inisabitants ef the delangg ndtheire"uTofl are:igF"itfracth smusador »healuero-l gadi (îthroiel of Idar n lufit or tif bis Unitedi Kingdom. If Alfr-edithe Great, million Great Ruasians, or actatal Rus- from Kitina>'Dises». 1wî te t ct hns a staim ue froileal pro- %,doturc> uni rfJdtr' t h ived tlon iof morehan thou- siens or "Muscovites" (thisinhabit-i ed b> tiree akilful doctors but got no eti to appeauetihe wrath of Peter tise kegfiic:(ifJodhiir ut is lng lfe f moe thn athou anent ftheof rmtisand former bneGrand reauofhyssof wosenafita.o - -- -- !%andi years burneti one £5 ($25) note, Moskva 1, now rulag ail Rusais. "Tison a f riand ativiactime to use Gre at c usyairs winondoamassaora IIMA(E A I'EACE IIAR<)METER. of the Bank of England every hour Tenymlin iteRsiatfr Dodd's Kidîay Pilla. 1 went te the ~atsl rett nLno o tf the dlay andi night he would neto et ilo iteRsinfr rgtadgt bxs.Bfoedaha of £60. French Expeci iigure'is Falito %Mark have destroyed i;smuch nsoney as Mn. meri>' a part milioPoland. 1 had uneti four boxes lI was com- GrIn 90ABmbadorla Lîdo, tahm End of War. McKenna in addiitg even>' fortnight teo Six emillionhite Rssiana; former- platineLndonculad. lligh oteheati-aboe the mmd aix milliontîwhiteebt. s<if s; former- dpleteyoneeurrei.gero toild-e exembt xempt fr ratrates arrespet slg \re(-bv terie n yapa)>-f oan.o! hie residance at Walton-on-ThaIOD, dasohute streets of Albert, in France. S8ellhng Their Ftateft. Twt/ million Lithuan.iens; formerni> ismu touse Dodd's Kitina>'Pille.aid altisougistise Wsltoa authorities thse great gildeti figure ufthtie Vingin - a part of Polani.- Anyoae wiso wants toi know more too(k tis te r up ,wlth thes treasur>', with tise infant Christ still hangs bMr. IfinaL a view is fully borne out Ta-o milliolu Germans.mauf 1 my curelbalo8them lwrbuit h lter.ujdth mbisao' froin the txywei of the Church of Notre: by tise men who are in close toucis 1 One million andi a hait Armealans eadi u al icnai bu j- ilatter upnins hngtonabissdor' Damne rie Brebienem. For more tisan a 1 with the laitded gentry. A menuber' Oaa million and a halt Roumaîas. Dodds Ldusney FIs araeino> 11>' a member of thse Brith Embassy eue- yaar she bas now bung thus, at an lof a fameus fit-m of astate agents Five million Jews. ment. Itis.>'have beca eurlag kldbeyc>'casfully claimad to ha outalde tise law angle of soma fifteen iegrees bhalow through wisore handa most ofthtesa Sixty million of 130 other diffarent diseas. in ilpar1ts o! Canada for a , n cargedwltis xceedlag the mo- tise horizontal, face dwaad t sales oif property of titis description 'ain nircs s atas wd quarter of s centur. Aak yortrpdliî. thse street balow, holding the itfant' pasa toiti me tisat iardty s week ,ee Baahkirs, Sansoyedas, Kirghizes, Kal- neiihr bu ias An ambassador anot b. fored to ont aboya han isead.i hy tisat he in not calieti on to arrange!asuchs, Turks, Rulgara, Greeks, Glp- psyiisbis or forceti to give evi- lu local F'rench helief tite îay when 1 the sale of seme lange country estata aies, anti 120 others. Mostly all of A DS Y-RDCS dance la tisa law courts. He is frae, -iahol>' figures fali will se the end of anti that the amailer estates are beîng thege lbye in groupa andi clans on tiscir fotpyn utmdteadI i thse war. The German shahl which pîsîced iniihis hantis for disposai by ancient territor>'. Ngrtt tlsaI î<lareau-fooà»msn la summoneti for beîg drunis tisrows down the BlessLtn Vingin of, the score, writtes a London tcorne- -- -----aê------lit-- 4 v Te ai ad Incapable lntrihis strieeta (this bas Brehieres will sisal er tise throne of sponsient- APTE CICDN.dmWse actuallY isappan"d ln London) ha cals tisa Hohenzollerns, it is mainta.ined. I "Tha counry gentlemen of Eng- A TITCICDET Few personas hava ever givan mucis gsava hlm frm ein .lfined. Duîing the lest week of two tise im- land.-'" he saiti, *simply canitot live uni- Not long ago a gentleman wiso 115 thougist te tise sawduat prebleni. Aid upi51mhs mediate negion et Albert ban beenitone' de-r (hea ew conditions. Most of tisern beci living Tfair>' wail aid was >,y... o! tise most active on the wisole front, are depandent abeolutel>' tn their thought wafl of, suddcniy dicti. As Experts of ieNwYnsSaeCltTise ioat cro !anabsa Prom tise naighborhood of Fricourt, hi- - nîntre for (hein incoitit. A marn bas a waa naturel, onaeofthtisers'thiigs loge of Forestry ethnite that 11 par 1dor's ptîvies - 14hafi aise» disMuas La Boissahie, t-o Aulhovii1e and t>eyondi couple of thouniînd acres which have ' after his destis, as tisa seralgisteiig centOf tise lumber cuin lutise Unitedad IrÎ an audie e wib the me- tisere hava been almost nightiy nraids ibevil in his famiiy for ceitturies. He* up of bis estate, andi wien raatters Stat.u avery ycar lu mwndtl e tion stu wbhla . 0b e aaredlted, ha and blowing up of mines. ictta the landi eut' to farinera, malt>'f etwre looketi over ad an laventory tom of aawdust. That ljetu say, lA, M« t"wlV1s liak to thie court. N. 4wboi uhiavet bren on tise land as long taisent of what ha was suppoed to be sauta tise lumber, In,oo 000 o aise h bau tise n btte demaM da4dW Ms f solitude have nothitig in as hîisme-f. Thse renta 'rare fixati posseszied of, ît wax found that t perfecti>' good timb el ground UP to the a»«mmin's'wu* tM r - b commnonithi a lite dollai- bill. earg ago whien agriculture 'ras de- I n-uldtaise almosi ever available abi t te rot. xhiAt oWot o anes~1.md, altiscugis fuie. ara gooticntt pytisaoutotanding eig' IM cire .iposb.tesw >5148SIoowS go lIupNrt ta per- f or tites tarmera now, it ia toc o it te ' tions wbwis beha âd contracted. wi t op . t«tMauklSg awdust ouIt S *9 1 1w SflS#dOT t <ot o a Mir~taIi&e rente-. ! resuIt t-bat hl»fatuiiy wouhd ba turaed iumben a»are jugt begng ablet &4 ~ drdtt»flhl M , IeeDeueyP A LYICI, n S-Nuo ne knows 'rites'tise preteat iou#i upe tisa street. . 0 Ia tsrai aliut toyIDmâ frSi0 to lier 1le- high pricas for agnicultuirailproduce 1 it vas iseartrendiag te ome. tie- M7p'*e, it.tnuit . MwueMbsuit M d _*40 *«wîs 10 willsade n aethe farmers j dgvorng to ratain Ume a ft ivovustru«inuatad Li t -U '*Id ' W o rth have issd agood mony ity eas , 5Ftomfurfltura mom tdnf te tt. . ioij3SIS.w5 deensupusu pw , 0 -aRifttise renta, and Isle can ive 0'hisadbren accUstoed te lira lM44wour*,* nu akib produce what the world bis -iricouxe ia tise id styla. Tisa taxe'bha. t-o Mbut# in Paehlag Iup ajW t'of&the 01 j.. recognlz18as of value, nov teka more tisai s quarter of it. , u«ngdw g m q t fr 1bo«-u '1 41* 1W,» Andwhes ysf kians d tisadeath diuties. if thc p fflt' situr a vI atisirelbeand, mtIiwe..s. around yuI find that this ~î~ît apit< 'm ce.apowsy fer «%M» t quautiuss yo'lt-hricttSef Iaqulic ,sacee'sin. *' vhieb tisa late busbsnd bad bm UotteIlwfjgb«u e power--whlich la just power -May Weil happeni sudas bas isappl esaiarryt1 ak guistio is ohimfîfy StI.Na tekJidO aof of minc and body-depend8 reeently int malny cae l in me day. < srvp Lite lasur»Se.Comps*y et«* . u .. u' to a remarkisbls degrate on of 'ri'.est up the. capital- Wbat is Tarante- the f~od *ue esta.tise man totedû but try ta Cet tht of, Noe eotbe destis vas mseit <.i ' ,.sj For highs a coenplish- tise projiertY. wickihis lîtasd Of 4 Complsany enasti cqua vas promp4 p1crasSe vusU & *0417.but pte 7~ OaN* p« 1nam I ment one must have the orecmiiui'hasb'cm.abr ssem et-o~ i boit values la f ood-food demi tt> hlm! 8004,gi.. #oi which builda weUl-balanced -iad Reédy Prhab..iture vas sale *Odt berswva a 00- dgljrmtpoWl »gl'» t*," ,te -Sue af ran er antisera issnet beeri munidiri' t. siasMaamssIkit rc otpren ilcot iny lia ir uisg parerp, or be u ada's010*)# 1 - t1 .-. . artan onija4tisme in hhls bwat (Jrape -Nu ts ey* 1 Mof am«0and 1 w. -*M hatthtkîdo vle. ~ II iWl) a uh Naqulri au CuW*Ctwïm - madry e MaTr out of tbe s s geAu t.oS - - a1 ,~ b.lp la btalldlkig mmi < "thcrc' a kwV inafi dt7 tgP«Mtw a'*0i ý «$" le TO PROCUItE PURE WATER. _____________________ Asn Underatood. tance. Chargeoç pa Id. lIend stamp for Srt4culara. Nationtal Manufactu-Iin Nephew (relating axperience)- opauy. Montreal. The comma.nding officer aakad me te M. E N W A NTEn F 11 AiL miaka an advance on Deat i Iorse . brâ1nehepof nlshing trade. iri- F51111 Cabinet Malt-ra an d ri ms .Ingai tj Uncle-How muct wss it worth? work and good wages for competlflt Naphw-What 7 and weher married or singe. AppiS Unelê-Di.s farm ha wanted an ad.- The (ico. Me'iaç,an F1urnlure Co.. Limit.. varic on. d. Stratfordd Ot. 1 was curad of Broîcisitisg and AT C) NO0 F.I Astisma b>' MINARD'S LINIMENT. Tinsmiths and Holpers MR8. A. LIVINGSTONE. 1 wss curati o! a savare attack et Rbeumatlsm b>' MINARD'S jINI- MENT. MaisonsBs>'. JOHN MADER. 1 was curet of s a iverely apraînati leg b>' MINARD'S LINIMENT.* JOSHUA A. WYNACHT._ Brldgewater. p ROFt-.Eiond iogeO ad aCI ILOfficesfer n ie 004godOntario ê il eatio gi nfomaio o 'svp tson Pblithiti coins- 78s . W et Ade iside Stet. or inte No Trrer ForHlm. ~ .5LD FAIM8E TEETH B07.TGHT 19 No Terors Fr Him an>' condition; hihast caah an'ca Reoruiting ad.orn. Off icer-"You realizo pad.Staîl to Bea.ieY I 00-. 1974 Quesis tise danger bqfore you? YeU are not tGaut. Trono - UML IO afraiti ef bsving herses &hot urider eA CT UOS UPSM you %., nternai anid externa. oured, w tb- eut pain b>' aur homne trsatmeat. Wrlte ut t C0Limited. CoilIrwoo& Ont.- moter bouta'explotie undar me tIi-e Rutos start over mea andi an aero- Lm plaie fal witis me during tise past O- social sasen alois."1 S o re ros kk is -AS ; oa YuDtugaitl(e poernul. N.,tft 14Ca 1W4 ri t 0"1Tq 1e «aEstgjuhfF à pvafer 1- hv-?'ds mi . M;r aallje It saama to e hie gencral opialea. <bat ebanity sisould beganat morne- body eln's home. M»2498 umnsat ulè Sl mlotsaS. A mai dotencjoy bolag laugbed nt b>' a erowd aidais ho gets pald for ce > li>Lret fr OmmI > te QNTIRM.' -cfl fa1 F.P, aitLsss pilI 1' ut i r r.-. 1.1 M. - n - -t- il Il i t t , ---i t I. i il i t A French Scientlmt Telle IIow te, Make _______ a Pulte.. A good filter tisat will find favor with tisose who find it necessary to procure pure water from streama has An ordinary tin box is selderad toSH W the bottom of a matai water psu. Tisa for evea«v SPORT floor of the box la perforated with Md EC AT N rows of wholes which extend througis a d cETommm tise pail bottom. A cùiled spring t- w0m> M ebe taches tihe cover of tisa box te the bot.- dh1m I tom andtisj macle to pass througb a tin tube in tise centar ef the box. Altar- nate layers of powdered carcoal and wvel-packcd cotton wool are now pise- ed in the box, andi the pail is suspari- ed in a streain. Gradlually, as a nesnît of air pres- sure, the pail wil fll up witis filterad M DB L M U HO E Eq watcn. Thn, b>' locotsening the chain, J 0. TALU~R51EDAE~ the' spring cover drop back on tha, bcx, rrnd the pail, full of water, may î be lif ted out of the' stram. The lIED r AO? vvater may be further sterilized byS EED POTATOES, IRISH C013- adding a few crysals of potassium , SIbW1.s. Deiewars. Carman Or- de to'î--. SupplyI-limited. Write for i perimangansate. quetations. M.W. Dawmon. Bramptoti (iRF riAKEl1~iS MA.NTEit: IDAX No Conneetion. C wrjrk asud gircl %ages . N uiiths The Canadian Branch of the Queen litnitetl. 12 Pucheps Strieet. Trrt- Mary's Needlework Guild wish to dis- 1, À C tK S NI 1T Il IR II AN tt B FIe)àllort iat>itedi eîlovmut\p. cldaim any connaction with a chain- I ly îis'rinîe& C, t',' Li fatiitiîuî. Iettsar whic i n i being circulsteti in thel LA<'Kt4I IT I Fi N ISHER S A N naine of tise Guild b> tise New York B Heleni u,' -f nerd'( to %îtitgt.fl Brancis. Thougis respoasibility in no work. Smîî~ ith ttîr f-te. 86 itîrlia- way touches tiseCanadian Brancis, tise et tis.To<ii Sladies here regret that sucis a methotiX ANTE[>-TEANSTElt. STEAi>! of~~~~~~~~ ob.uig oa o ieQens emtioymt'tii: ggîod t'kes. Appll of otaiinginoey fr te Qeen 1-endrie & ('o..tLimitesilGT. liv lrt- Guiid bas been rasorteti to, andtitsat it âge Agents, Tonituto bas got i nto tisis country, as; the I XPERIENCEL) AND> INE.XIPERb- echain-letter .ystem han long . since 1r'"'Id Gtro is Isey n Udr f avr.s Limited. Hamilton. S4~ >4 j i.- t- ~ 4> P

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