Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jun 1916, p. 8

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The NEW FARIM ENGINE Econmical ~Slp1e <~a $55 FOR MAOSNET90 MnVore Fctr Place yonr arder now for flU delivery, as these price - iii not Urlah. Jones brookiln Hardwarel Mr. Barromwrîougli has gît-en Uip hie butîcher bui-Iness here and returned to Os.ha wa. There are doulule-se many Items o! Itterest each w-ek tîat w-e do flot get. Any Items left anI eltiser o! Use generai storeB or teleilîonedlto azette-Chran- tce offie w-l be gladîy accepted. Mm. George Hudson's borse taok frîglit while tled in front of Lawrence's store ou Mouday evenlug lasL il dash- Pd down the stre-et. and after runuiug lutta a Ires sud dltch. came back dowu tise streel and ivas aaught by Mr. Mor- ley Ross. The buggy w-as damaged çonýIderably, but the horse escapeilun burf. Ou.r readers will And seemal Items amoug our Brooklinu mews tIbs weeh which sBouîd have appesred Inlu ai Issue. the reporter belng unable ta gel ta Broaklo ltw-eeh. Dr. and Mcm. McNeety have receved sevemal letIers f rom thse hospital and aiea tram Ihe-ir son Delasa, wbp le stîlI In the hospital lunILondan. Eng. AI- thougli muchIimproved, ho expects ta be there at les.sI hree mouIhselonger. Hie wouads were o! a serlous natutre, s0 much so tIsatIt In lualaI ali l ikeIy that tielose w-iIl go back to thse tronch- es. Hie mauy f rIe-nds luBrookîlu aud elmewhere hope ho may soon -recover. Mm. George JoinstOli. vWhona be-e-r atteudiîsg Osgaode Hall,.lias enlisted w-illî the- 67h University Battery. The aunutal meeting o! tise Wonien's Instîtute w-on held ai Use home o! Mrm Uclali Joue-s on Tuesday o! mbtw-eeh. The speaker bf tise afternoon, Mms. HunIer, gave a-:usosi profitable and lu- teresting talk on -What Does thee mati- tute Mean t0 You" Refreshmnuts were served and à short.- trne spoutlnl so- cial Intereourse. Tise !olipwlag wemo elette-d -Presîdofit, lire. Fred Relit- day; lItVice, Mre. N. Wite: 2nd Vice. Mca. W. J. Haycmaf 1; Sec.-Treas, Mre. I) cali Jones.N Re-v. S. J. Tilk, Milwaukee. U.S.A.. -adRev. EL Tluk; 0f Baltimore. have 'enviitlng W-litbtheir parents hoe. 1 Irhcy insu ne the perfect combustion, the inltense heat and clean f unie which have mado"thc New Perfec'. tion p ref erred by over 2,000,000 bouse- wives in America.1 The New Perfection means cooefort- able kitchens, les# bard werk and'* better icooking.1, 2, 3 and 4. buter sizes at these dealers: J. MlNTRE~Whitby W . .Pltls01..E. Wliltbyt OEO. bL RICE, WhItby - 'i which Rev. Mr. McGaw w-i de-iver a lecture oun.-Wlsat the World Owes Ire- land." Program commence@S et 9 a'- dlock. Admission ta ten and lecture, adulte 40c., chiîdren 25c. This communlty mourus tihe demîse- of an aid eýud respected ctizen-Mr. Samuel Pife Johnstau-who departed this life on Tuesday at lits home, lot 24, con. 9, Whiby Township. Mr. Johuston had reachod the- age o! 68 years. Ho w-as a brether of the late Arthur Johiteton. and like hlm, was In- teresied li thorQuthbred çâtUe, Dl.r. Johnten had ai fine home. and a g0oo' farm, though the front part was same- what hiiiy. Iu hIe early days ho was a school teacher. but left that vocation for the large-r activitles o! tarmlng and stoek-ralslng. Ho w-as a great adiisirer- of iilue stock. and took great prîde . l bis pedlgreed animais. Ho w-as flot qulte sa wldely known as lits brother Arthur lu stock cîrcies, as he dld flot make Bo much of a speclalty of stock. Mr. Jolinston leaves a wldaw, tisre daugliters and oue sou; thse latter lîves at home; tise daugisters are Mme. mules, Brooktin; l-MW bller, Myi'tle. Mon.; Miss Lona at home. The funeral vas lield on Thursday afiernoon to Grovesîde cernetory. A paf e, ge-tie. inexpeissive laxative sucis as 'RexalI Orderlies-' keptinlutise home wiii pay thse biggest dividends of auy lnvestrnent e-ver maie. 15c. aui 25t. excluslvel>' aI Rexaui Drug Stores. MYRTLE. (Tua late for lest Issue.) A very severe oectrical storin. ne- compauled by hall aud vInd, vont through hors on Frlday. Tise soldiers o! thoe182nd !svored us with soine llvely airs on tise way homo' tramn Port Perry on -Qatnrday nigist. Tkanka. couseapIS, boys. .Mr. J. Cook lea :ütlig mate-net for a nov cernent silo. Mc. E. Geoffrey, of Torontoa, nui iel aunt. Mm. Hardie, on Sunxy. A Splendid WRy to Reducei One's wete isere lu, perisapa noue thintisai aovu tise pang o!fo«r 7euth so tmue as the horlbla taudeney of sm*f te put em teemmu* veltt "%or ' v ha%eveaclmetie pot U,«$0. Nv. Tb ure "he uofavay mt gâtt ltat bous. hore Io net asg OeXYgnta-thie bloot te mproi a PI» per cuboatte abbW7-b 4th i »0e. To redue. veut*aig=t1 tea <so bvglt ml it en «t! ir ilf - ual tak mftp# sd à moi lIlJ1u8DÂY, JUNII 15, 1916., tepun, and irinend startixig farmInag. We ALMONDS. visis hlm ~Temperance Day was observed lni ogr Il Mr. W. K. La'wrence has greatilin- Sunday School here on Sunday. Rev. Itiayt-etta roui proved the appoatceofo! Ms store bY Mr. Meotomaiok gaire a short address. Iatr.lsh oho lt. uie 1, s Mrs. Wns. Ashby lias move-d ta ler Il o r C rrepondnts il rs. ill. wo~hs liou ulte111 15new home lu Kingston. The best wish- ejaytu: a ï:sftfront, berdaughter, e ftheacommunity go ther who Ilves ln Toronto. w - Mrs. C. L. Morcombe. of Omemee, le BROKINPcd for Mr. 3. E. Disney, spent Sunday Nîrs..Mackey le vlsitlng Ln Tor- IROLN n the Village.. onto. Mr. Ken. Ilearnlhand lits usother, .'trs. A. C. Marpliersofl and daughiter Mr. Il. Webster and the Misses Web- Msrs. St-ou.ivere lit Port l'i-r3 011 l'oroihy. of Toronto, vistted wilh Mrs. se were là T'orot a weatnd Sunday aflenidn2 tIllefunierai o! MsiîeeWilzon ou Tuesday. liug the funeral of Mrs. Glegg. i~tvc.-z isîr l lia MssOlyer vlsited wih relatives Ilu Don't fo-get Almonds garden party. Nirs. 11T, d, if lIali-. occu ledt Totroitto for a ftew disys laitsl xi ek. Ftort her partictlas later. tlt, îîli'lit iii i ieIîîd()birc lo Misq Freda 13artis. Toronto. vlstted littrîng a football match between SunU ex î~l"- ~ itbMis Besis-Ilrou rceui 1 th(4 married men and single mens of the .loie .x.t~' 0-11\i i ls i-i % finle lî .aMes or.o tsltt a Base lUne on Monday nlght. Mr. Ever-1 ne'sC rI ' 1Pi: t - p) ý M %,11. ýl-i ti-. talih.tt.Nitagara. spen? Sý'unday lhere. let i llryn i bad ithe m i-forti iil Otahave ý- ý - oNrr. lobt. Gllro vnbs e- i i leg brokei. W'e wish for lits speedy ! 1!1 orile (11 lii Ciliatialospiîal, lias eirîdrcer Friil ýýlofni.jlv r Iaj) o me. miireored ii ht *l. NisNa )iiuman IR visîîîng ln îoolxe' nSl;fiida: :s - fit ni 'P.lPliIi îss !ibe lîfititi laitiiliott bas _____ statiuti liibý,n, i rit INv oftralin l:îîlIf)t'in t) I 1 rlilý sîîfferiiig state of Ohio, eity of Toledo, ~ fr1 170M Iii iiixiî oe 01 1H)?? îo1'rolile. Lucisa Uonnty siçi.- to-trIr-t V IZonlýti. n(ft Ia-inlli o: NIJr. Frettk J Chency roalesonththat he Is senior lixt:W ls -ol it', allil '%r. A. jarnter o! t he firni of F. J. Ctîeuey & Co. doing lt ti Y: lut n x e::i lxîsii. -s t et li lix- sr'- recetit iisitlors )ttsitiesl;nthe CiLs *f Toted's, cotintr s id saitr 1 rie liii "t 1 il (ti i td: - teaidn'utiltiai -nid fi- iii ilpav the suni of wtitl ir -- xiîd irsH Or NS.HUNDRSlI .D OEAtiS for eÉtch and etvery3 lb-i I n Joii-< i ' -i ti s 'aa- t;rexî u uîtlt ire' alM lniteesvil- ca4e of Cittsîrh ihst cannes becured tiy the use of of th( rr- nin iix,'2I'iS ait o atîirda\ afuer ithe eleet ril fla C 'tprrh Cure. FRANK J. CHF.NEY. l-lin: Ix si i-~ u Ix- ttatest'-~t ad Isworu tohefore ine and aubscriedintui y pres- il!(, t1întthe- counftry adcnce, thls 61 h dey of lecenihet, . 1. 8 lia:: . of î 'r inft0ki' r iii lat-iliOiit î-tîîsed - -- hdstesaiNagr (ebA. M'. GLV &ON, 1 omn ttrs iNagr Sa>NoARtY POBLIC. M'ý M Lý%r(TrcIf.1-1-1cillp. iaccuait-y reelve il'l'sCatarth C(tire 1kî t ken intrruol'y. and acts fro i i,-i -,iiî llîîh -i- i t i-ýr w ts Or ai1V11. gar i lu- tienlle if) ituderesud îhrouKh the iîood on tht nicouss aces of the %rit'-:--- oni' ilti' hua t -ajîi 1 iiiat a iiitol' largpirtiîl of dca ilis aiid .y.em. Send for testitnoiiiat i free aStt --las qKiiît- j-'vi- a idius bhîd aken place, îspeclally lit Sold hy iii d.à Co.,aToledo,-0. ltn : li-ss are it~is it i s~Iînlit%.- I tuti ltaitalIoii. Ntîlit u all .s Faiiiy Ci.fri-utphn di id v.H.- NO s aille it) O tak xof'- ife rt i lt-ting frivtide thon' r(,foîlitî i ard It - «M w - nis cal. %,ait for tise ioritii iîg a;ers, w hich rr--AfDUN M r r. c,. ( lilas îIiirçltasii a fi ns- I ieved hI blr aitxitly SUI lN Spidoîi bas the village loaksd Mare Nirs. -A.M NI.lis %vas ln (reeli River beaîîilfui i hnt iss prlug. The beau oni Friday la.st. g lifui trees lpavy wlth foliage and blas- Nirs. A. B1. Fîsiier iras Ili Toronto for sorti. IlIle cleais streets and weil kept o r tt1a L ~ 1810 lîwn ae asouce _a dmirationi for Mr. Walier Kerr vas ln ihe cîîy ls - -ilsitars îîasslng through and thaee who WPei(î. tinte rPasoîs ta remnalîs here. AUarel Pte. .Sndy MWIlson, a! the 116th Bat- ~om oloîîd li tiheir pralse and say tlîl Is aine- talion, was home for aver Sunday. ttii- trettiusi places lii Ontaria. Mrs. Loti Richîardsan was In the city Nr. Coodnow le kpi very bus)- ln oais ridîîy. and .SeS [tg te-st tiîg tîtît rcîîairiisg cars litîke Street Mrs. Will Brasî w-as b ln 'itby one lias Iitdccd becile aose a! tise priisciPal day last wet-k. . ttlîioiittcfarps. 'lie aîsiiversary servlcî-s if Burns, Ni rs i-. Tink lins beeîs quît e IiI for Cistrcli, Ashburni. will be liteM 15n Sun- sotie tlime. lier inaiîy friénds hope, for day aîsd .\landay next. Jun" l, Si!î iii a e;îeedy rî-eoV5rY.1911. Al lhe Sîîndaysrbis lai Mrr Henry llahiiseais.who lias ake and 7 It':-1ev. Wesleï 7Ys h. b r nlsleN 'e place ai tise Ilamroiid, ite dit iand çioquent .stui';î-- ht iit)ncd ita INIr. Lyon' i îîuse. soth loir of toakeq Presbyterlais Cburch., To-. of the sitlltge. 0 ronto, w 111l preacli. Spectal offerlîg ai Nrs Isaacs. w-li haq beePn stayiuig b iil l.t -, ies. *xlso spechî,ttmî l ii wtit lier fAîher. Mr. Bayes, lias rettirn- Mtisday. a tea w-lit be served by the - uo ler hosean tli he wste. 'îtlles of ItîecongregattonI!,'xthe base- Nirs tCroshîs wm-lia has heen vlsiing meut of ihe clîurch. commenctng aiS5 Evllh lier faîher. lias rettirned ta Toron- &-clock until ail are served. A brie! W.C.T.U. Convention. On Thursday lasI the County C-an- vention of the Womenes Christian Tem- perance Union met in the Methodist Tabernacle, Whithy. There were some 50 delegatos prese-ut tram the six un- ions withln tIseCounty. Thse Coutity Executîve met at 9 o'- elock a.ix. ta traaeact nece-ssary bsi- niess, and-the genoral session of thse convention opeusi at 9.30 o'ciock, wîth thse Preuidept4 Mrs, Stalter, ut Oshawa, in the chair, Reports froin ail the unions ropro- seuted wero received. and proved muet InemeetInig. The unions have doue ex. co .llent w-ork li the cause of tomperancue througbout Use County, andInl those municîpalities In whtch a Local Option coutest was held iast January. lthe unions tooh au active aud useful part. At thse mid-day Intermission lunch- eon vas served Li the school room, and tise local union sprenal a most apoti-' lng repuat Mayor ïéîn vas an lnvlted guet, ani mate "*Y isatseàÉib ffer luneheon.e 1jms.réd upon tise great advance of t 'piperace sentiment, and gave instançuda f rom ie expenlencol wliere in by-#one days liquor flowed freely ove-n,«. Church Diciee. To-day t1qisor ls tabeed lu aimost every âo- cli or public functltihas Weil as in tiho homes of a 14%é proportion o! tise peo- ple. - P Rev. A. It>oster extendod a cordial welcome te týe Convention on boisai! of thse Tab«rpcle congregatiWn Rev. G. A.'.'Mctean spolie on boiaI of thse 5outisOn tarlo Mînisterlal Asso-, etation. A represenit1Ve o! tise prêts wuonani lnvittod gu ý e th ie lucheou. Tise attern*u sessi'on o!the Conven- tion w-o a f* «interest and.profit. Two out8tMtiI g adiresse olede- rlivred by MdI itlop, o! Toronto, and Ms. Oullie, 4 tjxbrldge. Tse offteeWweole unaaimousîy re- eleeted on folltee Presldent-ý'rs. Stgiter, Oshava. VicePr.4trs, Rob. Thompson, Whitby. 8ecretay'e-'4m5. ChUte, Ca=nin5on. Cor.-eç.--4tr Niabitt, Port Ferr. TressUm%'-'rs. Ganton, Uxtnpg. Tesa mSeriel at tiseconolus4on Cd thse meeting Patai >tk~Yomen Qather at «Mt tt%da tit a uwbet-1 stane O.unty tft tàutatbmaa Canada, and .çp-t-ofhWbesi to cai½;y où the. &O-,d Work. Mm ajoghiet rebtd ery' Million tco*'rt - m tl- - ,05, paire it socke. Tisa spe à aArsaWSen- thuelastic. Hetr tribute ta thse late' Exiri Kîtchener was ecso dlin OveTy lseart. The spfirit of imperlalfpm that pro- x-alied, the Interest In recruiting as voiced by Lieut. Patton, êbly seconded by Mrs. Vankoughnet, will dbubtless comfort those who are maklng the gen- erous gift of mens throughout the coun- ty. MAr%. Starr. the hastess of the even- Inz, was asslsted by Mrs. Powell. han- orary life member of the County W.C. T.U., aiid members of the Whltby "Y" Nlany beautiful flowers decorated the draývliig room, w hich is so w-ell adapt- Pd for stîcl a gatbering. oodgokethur; T A man's car in its sturd-i»ess and s*Ift'- respon se, a womafl'S car in its graceof1iI and-design. The gasoline consumptil la cnusually low, the tire mileage is-- unusuüallV ,- high. i Automobile Tires and Sptcialtiest Engines, Cultivating, Haying and Harvesting-, -PlowF, Carrnages, Harness, Hardwaref, Jinder * .~. p Ofie houri-G ta 12; 1.30 tb 8. Phone, Bell, 87; Independent iL BL41(E B. BE4TON, LD.S., D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal Coliege of Dental Surgeoas and Universitiy of Toron to. Office over W. M. 1'ringle's hardwarestore Office hours -9 to il; 1 to 5.3$0. Ind. Phions, 18 Bell Phione 220. ÂUOTIONERS WHR. MAW LIcEN8ED'AUCTiONiR AND VALUATOR. to.Idso mrraesti fr 58105 055 be ta era hiGouttefo saes.n.- Maera te aonsblOMM WlInITY. ONT. ADDITJONÀL SLEEP>ING CAR SER-1 VICE. TORONTO-NEW YORK, VIA GRAND TRUNK AND LEHIGH VALLE.- Thse Grand Trunk Rallway Systofi li conneetton 'wlth thq Làehîih Valley Raliroati viicommenclig Moiiday, May 29th. ôperate through eloctrîs- lgbted i$eefling car. Torontoé-te Now York, leaving Toronto 4.90 p.n. dally, ITamiltan, 6.38 p.m., arrive Nov York folowing morflIfl at 7.80 a.m., teturn- lng Jeave New YorIk 9 p.m. 4d.ily, arriv- in181t1i n10.30 u.m.,Toronto 11.38 &i.'. This' service la lI addition to present sieeplng -car Ieavlng Toronto 6.05 p. dally. The Grand Trîrnki Lehigh Valley la tthe double track route ta New York. ýTiOkeU sand furtber par- tîc-ulars at o. T. istationsandiiiespectlllY at E. stephenuox's. Whltby uP-tovfl ITicket .111e. phono 36& i. Our single inén WIlU e tiseir duty and jois tIse côlors. Boys, thse countrYc aeedu yon; ,enlint. SMr. Louis Rogers left thîs week ta go in tràiuîng for averseas service. This le two sous out of one famllyt vithîn one mile of aur-village, bath sons af the laie Walter Rogers. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harbran and fam.- lly v1ited ai Mrs. Mabel Rogers' liti Sunday. 1%r. and Mrs. John Emerson, of the front rond, vsited at %Mrs. Riliardsoii's hast Sunday. Soms,.of thie farmers ias e nit as yett flnished seedlng. A goad deal o! buck- wlseat ilîl be sown. hSeeral of the metubers of the W.M.. jS. siere ln atteiîdaisce at the hig cois- veution convsnPÉd aI Oshavva tbe flrst o! titis w-sek. A good and profitable lime la reporie-d. lainps Pta-i and son Clarence bas e leeen In Hamsiltonî for some days back. hI s reported tbiey ma>-rpiremous t'nore for sonit" lime. CoirdonîP oe t,<f Toronto0, spent ns-c i Poîdt% ai lîis homelitere. c;S. No. 2,. WHIT3-Yý lie%.- S. CG.,cCirmark iras art ne- îireciated visitor lutlitis sectionu last w-esk - Farîtters w-ho fePred their early pa- tataeliad rotted hîave been clseered i)- tise appearaîsce abat-e grouîsdof the 4i-- lated lubers, and despiie Itie tînfavor- able wPtaier conditionsîthe>- are etitl ahti listic. Mir. Edsrvard Pascoe lias been sertoî- ly II for miore thau a w eek. HI-s frisîsds liote for a speedy rscovery. 'NICHOLSON .& SELON Ij 5NDRTANERS PbOO35 WHIT13Y Train lime Tables 0. T.E.IL WHlTBY-JUNCTION. - a lng W et ...4 . . Oo G xitt1 S.O5 1 .04 P.m. 9 .. ..n .... 7.30 P.in. ::..6-3pM .... 9-30PM Gunday trains beave for Toronto at 4.52 a. and 7.40 p.m. Prom Toro -trains stop at Whitby Junction at 8.20 and 9.55 am., and 9.30 p.mL UP-TOWN STATION. j o n North....IoGina mu . G ain g Souti..7.18 $su .4.13 p.mn. .15 3P.M .6.40 P.M. 1.-.3.43 P.o LEGAL iNO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. Barrister, Geunty Crown Attorney and County Solicitor. Office, souUs wlng Court House, Wiltbi A. E. CHRISISfAmN e ý Berrister. Solicitor. Notery Public. Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bal. Money ta Lâoan. MARIUAE LICENSES. G. VOIJNG SMITH, LLB. lasuer. At dwolling houze opposite Methodigs Churcis. No vîtiosea requirai. DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D.DS., LADS. Successor tai W. Adaàm. Office, Dundas Street, opposite Fout Office. Bell phone 122. Imd. 54. WIIITBY, ONT. E. W. Sisson, D.D.S.,L.D Is,9 Dental Parlama over lin. drus store. Leaves for Brougham at 10 am.. Mm. Eiwards, proprietor. MAILS CLOSE Far Kast-7.4 a.Mt. 6.30 ILU. 040 LU For Neft-44S16. Get Voor Goal Where you are sure it wil 0h Cican and Bright Our coa s jeollscreened. We guarantee prom2t de-' Iivery and good servies. office.of J. H. Downey &o Js. Sawin iltby, 01-Y O0flis eOOUN-tY 0op ONAIO. . wmB-isLL aoneI Whitby, CIetk--JD=,Fb1 é.1 Apr. 4. Mal 2,390J'une . , $i Oct 8, Nov. 1,De&.,olËà.217 Whftbl?. Clek-t*an, 6 5 , e , h., Aîr. 6.May , oo"t!it9yr oct 4-RO«.G.At" -M. 01*05k, ~ WoodoekC S. PORT IPERRX- L port Prr, 1*kJà I Iû.* luS8 a. a- i7îSpt ouar Sumumnr session Dring July ad Angut for sohool teachers, high aohool i atudents and others continues ot.il I Aug. 2Sth, when Faîl Term opens. z. ~ .rnu~3L~à Gn~ et ho Waae~ Whhtby, I#~ 14. 2fl4.. rWomwe rate TUE«flDdU IUL l d.M onwè t~aDa Wd Off.Mn tfumar OSHAWA " ,t ~Man~gec~-. j Scefus ue by millions of women,. for7-g.ù. crationis and ex-,pert secientifcoiinhv thorouhl etablishcd the aupeirie~t BUE ~ liii l'or ('îurr-- Il te ~ -~ ; - -~' r i1:~s *11 Royalitc Coi! Oi09 giv" eset mtsit ' .ACIIS 114 A DU CO IX. W - 5~U E~V ~ & IA r' .rtili IDruggim NIEt TME lIC f lus [)ierwt "Sera 44AFTE New PriçE Fresh m ine Egrg, StovE coming dai bright xand smithing co You wanl E. R.iI Bell phone Now open iii Toranto, com wilen Pau* - carffltýr B«x 467 Issuer of Corner 'di NoitaO Real Sitt Reta Ooli For btro-; Bell Phone Ofauffli0 mett n1O 4 t I S i - .il-lji ANOTHER 14EW PERFECTION FEATURE-THE LONG BLUE DRUMS Gasoline1 Machinery' m Vol. 53- SAil Ltàaf - - - - ,~I '1wine, Ois anîd Greeses. West-6.33 aa. Go01 0', t-io.2Os.M 8 29 &.Mf. I2.50 pu.. 4-5~.5 6.39 p.a 8.19 Pan.11-44a&- whitbyq Ont. 1 1 1 - ', ý - - : ý,l "-- W5 Fs DISNEY Bell and Ind. WibOt THE MICIHIGAN SPECIAL. New nîglît train beWeen Toratnto- Detroit-Chicago, via ('anadian Caîna- diais Pacific Ra-lIsay. A new- night train. "Tise Michigan Special* 110w leaves Toronto 11.70 p.m. dally. ariving Windsor (M.C.R.) 8.30 a.ni. eastern time; Detrait. (MU.CR.) 8.10 arn. central time: lenving Detroit, (MU('R.) 8.25 arn., central tîme. arrtv- Ing Chticago. (M.C.R.) 2.30 p.m. centrai time. Note the couve-nient hoîîr o! depart- tire, enabling passengers ta speîsdthie ent ire eveuing ln Toronsto, reacblng1 De- troit at a most desîrable hotîr lu the mauslisg. Equipment Is modern lu every delail. Includlng eiectrlc-iiglited staudard sleeping cars, Toronto-Det rait and To- ronta-Chîcago. Part irulars from any Canadian P- cifle Ticket Agent, or W. B. Howard, DIstrict Passenger Agent. Toronta.

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