Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 1

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WII~II-E T Vol. 5-No b WrITY IXUNTA.t6iUCAIIADL rH'UBUDAY, IUNt 2. MAi KILLS Ail batf Eatlng Insecte Church 's BUG FINISH Re. Ify For Usie Dry. 'No NM'xîng ,Required. F or Curiant and Gooseterry Bushes, Rlose I3usieea, Potato Bugm, etc. Kilts wiîlî one application. A Fertilizer and a Poison. J. E. WILLIS DruggIst and Opticlan MEDICAL HALL Brock et. a Whitby. THE iIOUSE 0F QUALITV The Dealer witli the (Mal i md the Serviee. "Scranton Goal" Thé. Stauderd taAPTIER TVIE STRIKE" New Prices ?4ow EntAbIithed. Fresh iuined IlScranton Goal "- Egg, Stove, Cbestnut and Pea, coming ditl in box cars-edean, brigbt and dry. Cannel cool and smithling coal always in stock. Order now Yau want the beat. lRe SLOW. 'wiitbi SBell phtone 9. Home pitone 14. !Jow Ooeinugbàwaw' EInee BAObools.1 Titronte, cootiuen u Àt ugg»ta) St1 3. RSWELL JAMElS Carpenter, Buider and Contractor. Plans drawn and estimates turamhud 8Smh, dooro adf rams. Agent fer Brantford Reo1mg Soi 467 WITBY Phaas 149 Corner drug store. Wbltby. No vitueeffl nquireG. -Rh omelc14ted, Fist LoamaAtu& ProperLles boniht Md s otl, For taIn499.piy HeudOffiee, &«k &. Bell Phiono 193. lié. Phono 70. t OO@ aMai Worts j Oppwste IasEti s M1, WhItb MO0-NUMENTS IL v1 in m yenta ssniet «rva* Do Dot tbalsiai & ve4 A coaoueflWad SAULT STE, MARIE-.00 A CITY OI-,. OREAT ACTIVITY Industries Viewed by Newspapcu Men. (Arcotînt of %V esterti Ontario visît continuied from last issue.) tablsb'rnent of departinent. The foiloWin# patd'. T. G. Whitfil P. R. Br-adbut Riebardsoev Local ImpTovt Oxford Univei 1 A. TI. Laiver 011 Ttisday imarinei June G6, the C. plained. The gas fronm these ftirnaces Geo. M. Hendr t. Il FIehrlte' f. with lte mem- la utilized for the gas engines. G. M. Goodfell bers of the Ct aadian Presaýc Associa- i'he steel departnment -was most in- iRoss Bros. . lion un boarrd, arrlved ai Sault Ste. terestîng of ail. The open hearth plant. G. S. Johnson, ari--,Ont, a city that had arottsed ln w-lth its 50.ton furnaces. eight of theni f'es). the. inînds uf the visiturs an interest ln ail. and the big 3o0-ton mixer, wîîere T. L. Uowe. di titt le less kepen titan the Twin Cities. mien seemed ta work almoat at iiand Mise L. Ruttar F'or the S14oo' has the right to cal]lt- grip with the white hot moiten finetal. W. Adamsen,d self tihe Gate%%ax <ef the NNest" as weli were most fascinating. Ingots from P. R. 'e btiî as tlite TiI Cittes. E-very vessi on this open hearth plant weigh trom T. & . lWhtffel' ils way fronm an)- port un the four lakes three to four ions, and it ta a wonder- The P Oety -Ontario, Erie, Michigan and Huron- ful sighit ta aee the big electrical over.- red to then tl Io the liead of the Great Lakes muet head cranes carryiag these beavy -duidas UITonni patta rhrough the famnous iocks at Sault weighta about as If the>' were oy t icc( ls h Ste. Marie. Heurce "the Soo'* might la the rail inili, where railse for rail. from scliocil grou well be terrned the "gateway"' through wavs are manufactureel, the part>' *ater in the tIle which trafitc must pass before reaching apntmore time (han ln* an>' ot.her die. te front door, the Twlni Cilles, on the phrtmueat. Atter the ah.el lingots are thresboid of the %West. reheated ln a large f urnacle, 14 foot b> There are two locks îhrough which 29 test, an electrie crane pitinges Ils :" to vessets nîay pass at Sauit Set. Marte, long ai Into the furnace heat ahlld one on the Canadian aide lin Ontario. witiidraws the white hot ingot. plaeIn.g and te( other on lte Anerican aide ln it on the relier table. From thisi tt 'W te statte of MUhigan. Veasela froni put through the rail miii proper. Tbe Au'as-ul tîanadian Iports use the Canadiani ock, big Ingot le oubjected te Immensé ew il a y r'Lt atd tiiose tram American ports go sure as it 18 put back and forth tiUndermaeb rV throtglî the iork ou the Amnerican Bide, the ruIlera, until frem a aise of about South 42ntar&iê usualiy Duritng a rush. however. ves. eighteen triches square b>' 6 teet lun t hu sels miay use w-hiciîever aide Io conven- length l tla rolled eut te the aise- efTu ~9tg, '-Wb le lent and ready. there being a recipro. arail and a length ot probabi>' 125 te~ short: timie agoý_ tilv agre-ement between te two Gev. 175 feed. Thtis le then eutt Inît l#Pr,~ eriiwtits ln regard tu tolia--that la, rail leagths up te 40 ts haped Prp> met'»*t neither country paya toit tu thte other. eniy, and sént oht to be dniited se ~ 15 The Canadian iock ta 900 foot long, andi when cool, agtralghtened. itle Amprîcan teck la 12S0 foot ln length The huge etiginea required ori so that two or- tbree veaseis in each tils -work andi the sMil with wbicb the}le ihwà lorck cati be rRlsed ln Lake Superier mea'handle themn are marveloua to the Marotia M. ut or lowered to Lake Ontarto at the satme vIiuor, and oae leaves the acene w-ith j wa a fll tinie. ireltictance. î Mrs8i l'lits large If ct- r anacliiy la readeted. The machine shopsa nd power plants -. >ýnMaccu, iflt i q- ess-tr'-1,t% îlo- îmmensaa- . sWt1t f alisesbadti Ielrpeints et Interest. traiie Wl'ic ,i reqîtires te 0* lii& tel1 lnaddition tu the principl, preducta iIte lpit More ;-an iliree tumes t[le tnnage 'of the Aigoma SelstCerpDratloh, b stre lte mati passes through the canais at Sanl St#.4roduct such as suipinrie aè11d, .lt t________ Marie ln eight mnnfiaof each year Iiulph&te of amluon« ez.bsw, toluel than ttîrough the Suez Canai ln the tiW xylota, are aiso, t;rned oÛt 'in large fultl iwelve montixa. The tonnage ln!anie.tu fi- 1915- was 71.290.J04 tons. At certain -tYgeo comptetion eft Iistorfta tlmes the harbera are bloeked withapectîon, lte vIsiters returned te thé vessels twalting -their titre tu be locked Swi.tatîen, »ere lte> were met by titrougit. The immense Importance ofauts ad - t.akeà fer a raplel 'lun 0l'sl "the Soo' as a port ta at once apparenit. Oi rt%-. Indeeti. boosters efthte ciL>' contend Ia addition te UIQ 'tWo large entet- that l la a more desirable uhIipptn ue i'aî eétdtsauI0. point flan Port Arthur d Fort WUl- Mateba stW ýbý -et a<ue iiam. because lake navi tht é ..nd Iis s'ariwyat rcI~tss t.o.A frffl the Estcan beh«1at h*.ê h, ir hépehtom--89ugt ing and cloainjgoftîhe nxâdi&ùug uu&tli i>;afth 5ikU er than f rom the heU li mkiai0 ia1ý~u te>' are carryimug on éi ane ê ,.-si Marie la moeth"ass palgn for the location of large grala <toxS etevators lter..------- Being inlerested in lte màti - 1w) 41#0 it«tY ii té &00St" 4a f 51 M 0f paper, te tiret undtry'teo U#1ib-tk tèite. sud hla sr9gr"utvê he for a riait by the ee 1't jtal 0.eaDot t~ a i lb. Lake Spnè' ,s a ~ ~ » prise ot wbic IISt î*WU»tS~ tehi gicàëulturai a'ctbunta were >i'dered i... .... ..52.62. 'Y .... .........00 kRiebêtéson ..32.50 .~3.70 Drstty Ptýes...11.64 .~5.25 Ir ..p ..11.15 ýIIow3.e5 . ..2.87 .39.00 itto 6 . . 7.0(r in, dittaj. 26.00. CeI" tee hêd refer- t 1 sent&t'on rea, , rn, trfot Uulice De.j setIwibce te mmvr.AI *lbii the bure ten IPROPERTIESI 10 ACRE FARM, îvithr barns. Large hiouse, Immediate possession. FOR SENT ntamber of gd fruit trees, cow and horse stale!, 7 r-oomns. SuitýàbIe for market gardener or team5ter. NEW OIJUSE, conitaining six roobn% three piece bath, verandali and balcony, large cellar, fur nace, n ee connections. SIX ROOEO NEW BRICK HOUSE, three piece bath', full size cellar, furnace, verandah and balcony. Cash payment $500, balance arranged.- OIE NC NE NLF TORtV RouBU OMT OWELILING, large well culîivated garden, witlh fruit trces, HE OUSE, containing six ronims, th'ree piece bath, full size celiar, on the -main- e treî norîh 61 the C. P. R. FOUR £KOELLENT BUILDING LOTS, suitable ft-r either building or investment purposes. situate on the so-uîhSide- of Sr. Peter St., cemént sidewalk, electric ight and sewver passes property. Termns easy. Thau msnCmda limprovoment and Land C.n. LlmIfod . Hom.e .h.o.. .7.. i~ttin, 27, which tg due to pass Oshawa tïîom t .t p.M. and 'Whitby at 2.04 ., aUd arrives Ili TorOnto at 3.25 p.m. r'ours stncerely, B. M. ARMQTRONO, I Controller." Gre Thetnail w»n resUtied as above on SI Wednesday of thla week, June 2làt. . Mr. Downey aa ltrd the pr, ~ t. t~anla chalrntan, WjtI power- eaane ût nltem job àtnova priait American public elslits dm11>' I tor _ i asation. t Y10o m m seoo*ed s wâiiIla- The pretese ef manufitetur1i~neliai* lutte. ui ae 1, 196 onM"ti. papor. as toilowed by thte vlters èT'la f<ie la 4UubIofsthe s Meut intereetiag. The 'dO SprowlenusWn4 corda aL day, Ia ted lmob 4 it*r4au ~e u asbst i whlcb grifid It te a pùip bèlvasu büOieandisisîe tu>'ndtlaez#W~Ote n àboné%ý This pulp la rmfXed ut wxteelh,,vwhc ase huh an&dsent on Imb large tapkos' wum t 0_ xutctn 1ieWallso ap l& tixcd wilh lte riripus lanenus - rt« IL which give il . loughitouceIs on# The mixer remin e0p ýù**.QV-n trO'li Its r Ires- tng se mliiias asbis jes &rea The puis> le tien sent on lte tii ipe MW aeariag "lte80"-t*.4 machines. Rlie.the ivater la tMtquib « 6k vers teat-ci b arma i~ frut b>' bakinig, fdelrth 1'fsot. 1 &Vtt later by prsre u d ftnatIy h retla, nias o e oè of(ite '*mer thé s-- h» 46M Mb t lia <mba"t« of ssread out over a -belt abolit 12 £ê.t piwttsgutwtu vide, and il emerges fron t h. machine hatu oumt t héai Vlsa la a shoot Pof f lir t aI widîlia, mtn sud»> b r"ïx«i te rolied up on large retiers. Wbmu tt kpb o.p#na 5tS A Mtv>letu , 0* tal- ce l andi lsa&bout tlir ta t t ii ( sa5r>;¶1bas..ct la reîaovod h m t e uxlne, p"dko0".tdu up anddie reudr WfoipuL date ia queton piper w-asbains É*M cea sVWNiiM' ti for Iwo e Dtroitl eVfttiltpiperaw" a' lw t'ý The plant. wbhbstom t «atet""si the I1' wrood PUlp and i sumtouIp i1s, àv Ibo w 'jatt" « w ers over îweaty as*Oc w 7li. &tbe Mki mIgras buildings almeh*vttga i em i nOc o &« hn-t ovr in i.cres. lIts? wa'aerasgi S sta et» a Ma » muw- ten stihem"s. Oyar s.Mt artem- pIoyMb>'t qLàa @ . Speto'wt 1%e pleat l ta 0pitt toiar ta manutm «r O up *ino in te wanai u s'bt lie Weil ae makrtu thb gItt $m «,ttSt fintaliai protétse the .«"COL "M plant saintes mou" t« aA aO0 01îtoim pet ao»nansam ibas u oama * tM ool oft 140,0* toit a siilu 1o%4gas a f' mmi p« ste tM blss e and0 - ýflia PUm Footwcar kw! W Selet aplm o fo oirample assoitment of Y46w Spring-Moes-ind ,rct wil hve tyle, quality 0? -il ,- .~ g. 1'..~.. Àk. - - -. -/ j- lJn. RAM.l L4 friVB'TheU *8 )r car I t t I M ies~. 9a1 gh t F uis acdonnnivll 2, 1917. lacdonnei 2, M ar. 2. 5. Sept. i. 3, 1917. n, GIreen. s. May 4,. L- 4, 1117. 1lnrnham, r, Masr. 6. m, 4, Jan. *.Tbrige, ay 9, Juiy 12, 1917. L.Foster, 3, Mar. 9, Nby. si. Paterson. tMar. 8, Nov. 22. Leonard. Mar. 7. Nov.2, R'KLL tie Peaeo. 1~ 'J -i. Oct III 5- Vi pot,*IN tes.. v %Ji. tju- L'q V U.L GooDyntow & SoN, PÙblîohers i t il r Io Home ->P-holië 70. Bell Phone 193 am"# due *",J 460 Ad Qi eui v ,,,.ýýWMVÏIV9 ONT.

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