Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 2

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-~~~~~~~ -k-1 e z-àe 1W.p tho, -Aih ste t- efiiu ~a t~funeI pr&e-ý*Y L U T B O stsi'üïj"bing twS *<verth sa my Iung hoie Éuel uVieteioi fi _I~I13 red esa,.z 1ieor dy me or-4Ob taid>~ ln IBaèer Wat-hd ebpttIia BB uemaI 8 l~IEere àare many effective blouses, byn uaiet iprénaon,bu in ehe Syutem Mae aFara Th BN irt ldrt eu uias,r modified midd asiu Enlndsmtho fsln e r own - nModeate Cot.For true.sport, ta aan-ilthed evopéd ii nthese eoÉt si1ks,'-HÈe5Ti' ]Ciga n etoly o reighede bu muet dress thie part,,.whether her out- anid novelty fabrics, and comftaorly loais ateet ly minre ii Uled tIng be a tram .gtor a camping called sport blouses, but being apprc> Bttewllnt uye Tuh Fenitesd Poiig .îsaoywî.. nc < ~ ~ ~ trip, a mountain é.11mb, or jugt tihe priately worn for thc various day- Englih bone1topay for the suppliu works systeifor the. home le some- 1btter bthngaccommodation. cointou.Thal on 0< tëk oris, gs!,oafdipecasions ay sigfonispo rts lA "B Wh1eh-thos ëicounriOl d.The. tling of aproblen. I frtool iep osa h l.fedm pnsrtdBl United Statea wil, however, buy anm&ny fasra residences no better prlo- Amig, other h7giellie advantages çanry us through itüêther year, 50 lêt This model slips on over the hea,ndsean.dl unlimited asiýuunt 'of the stocks sudIvision la madle te supply vwater tien -tiiere need be no kltken and laundry us make the moât of qur outing. je madle of the new glove silk, in blackstpadiydabebrfnerint the foooowil thaotd bonde of M oývn corpoations whch he pumpa of well aind cistern, per- 9sat evoled Rway o by thse Aerian cursuliecml ! Intalatio ima ai Ptrodces a butedhnygrd. Torhis. era the for the girl hole gnal trihited wriethe collr u!s aeso iI nlrtnwa ~l " en" re il. sules 'nedntuo. a Bfritihainswith aypet man tard fway-henc hekI soebetrwncninal i 'e ogcra-butytrOfisteshr iri c h sre Sc csue ely il,-t wa ueConla'It dG aayo o diffrentexcelentsystme hve ben rioue r lyodinare l o r filmmnaed. enot t fo r th, el o o peveanltro îss enuith lad inulgea anftagr h ie ornrcsad nalbi hl oto Bvle a hs mritish deursed ehe cally o hef arerInstantllattitonnh btrom etig houhsaettnhlelso imilar poftsergend itmacote r tii. trunk ,yt u anal fe o etherowcus cui, werebankiogenlthegocnrogsuncoîytdoyntlosep, cassecrites, taingU~Cw Brtsh wand ver eicn te exene le plceesetrouble waddml-sit ocketeo, susitol c anoll , i merliok n. su. wh er. MissTapahersfep. hehethrgirol Amrctidlas.be fe mntoe.Bu o inc anof vhldaro evicerinats e, teea soft f e ilt or Patnama hat, wîchI poytnn s d lin Shoes inofta ilyigngeteWnhesop rs adlae na y dasi amn. TeeAe ican 50 tu elentssnev ee h sntaytia facetor.o e wti Certh a.sfttn alnlymia %prsaditmy ewrncimtee a rapily te beefit derved ar otweih teanliefwhich tue rural home may light o! woeight and- wide enough of Whether it le th. influence o! the. beside her. Imntstiysopdai o securitIes are being sold as rail h eei.drvdfroteg h n.joyth advantages of s domestie bnim to keep the face froni burning. sports fad, or just a natural reaction The. groupmaeapetpitrBly ahs prosde il thdollarSauesd 1c e,pras u resin flewaterwonlts system. Soine o! tie old- Dogakin or wasii chamois gloves May 'fron uncornfortable heois and poistod but Billy wae inigo ut nt- Bilyspri eric o tp or arsuppdolesar Nov er befor e an ages.utig areionsofthel.er echemes have been improved upon. be vorn if 'one bae the patience for tos, ose sees nunibers of sensible 1r, p uy fo a ati un p oli s e b fa ho n bue . B uat toof lenn ng t. in e e entI.th e.w ind m ill sy sÈte n, w h ich is them , and j esires te ke p th . ands -o s o n b> m a'y dr s ed w n e a d i e r, f s in-n Bo-e i o k g t v n i eho t o k Liidnyntioduall> o ntocs fsinud ose.Butitie oae otencoe ste ot aiitirel.y satiefactory on attldays smooth and white.._;be sport shirts these days. Of course' there is thea mile or morbeod'evilg.-nyroaay Alngtf bonid o! ttc people dand ckmps tand pas, cf cous rseVo urcas a indr ulee pecalins ave bee tken ar bing uee geerîl> fo ovs hefiotnc sprts sitheor enns, oriheyhtv gnportsith uther eanyfolr ktweinm aisnon tedso ith een d for ils ow a of o u r selobe chase ea couldn'tTii. elevateci tak imb which water is mml convntionalYe"prls purposes. golf, wuth ruiher sole and heel, and i h o Il le gnod cut or I ~~~1pumped by hand, windmill hydraulie m> r lvIo nmn u tab e ieheavy tramping or hunting boot, '"Oh, 1 wieîiwr o! s aybletrw aka cotn Iti odbusiness for the Brillishbe et rstock fed economlceIll oth- ron r tie0pwe,,aa o4l -CeMalnagig fi'o fnnel le lie But .there is anctier shoe, a typical limes liat e.sitrdc i. S lota mc fado!U Governmont, and ile aise good businese erwiee. Tme iabor-saving and feed-' r. i tewer, cla a good Liaytie eabtelyeoeke n sr-wasn cowiihtabgnnn 19e. s n i te eîiikIloe. ! hoe ltog sek is oth e rcrtes aof liueatrleddsla ar ew t. ne mndoersi mow, tower or on high lànd. In tie may be purchaeed froni about ene dol- smgsitly nibored suit cf serge or linon; ",1go, anywa" h re."lint tls i h vawf wlth ie poceea o!île nexapledand ilosaro cceped a impove-lat'ter the. wster is lhable te freeze. bar snd twenty-five . ients te fif tee"i tue ehoe or hie hbas a broudheel, faroriebyV hvalti.un!ecplie igneuaw sales cf materîsîs at sky-hlgh pnicos. monta over. old methode thal mus e .stcl eeaî> edbttredollars and beyond. -r 'l'h'i conifortable 'rounLtefandr gnerai>tsensble But only lime cas tell if Ibis la 1k.- adopted ai matters of course. 1edn~ , a Saturday hoia!1ii tLefo !l.lO wise a good tbing f or-the individual An Investaient that Pays. Tetoo, in te l ecasidmag ote sd patecal ort snirtsoaresfaon- eamn appearane sothe sisnst Blanco sndCieowchdBly "ewaVot.fec t Tien, ~~~~~~~~~corduroys, the 4iv t liped lineaswr o ii tet itigî;oe Biihinvestor. At s5y rate, waterbass0usully b theused the atsfaction of knn-wing when ho qi,50o -ptn ud selle hie Aneincan stocks and bonde ment in lhe bouse! Well, the old way the. pressure sud' suppi>, are a4 thie sILsc ptn leather with heels rad. hn the y uldu osawiotwkngu i- l ho gels ln exchange s lien uponis cmlse t n-h aiyi ec ftesien which resemble closel>, lie old fasi- anra n isoun. Meaap a h ne t u.d empie, for whoge safety ,000,000 supplle4 witii waler-and tial's oflent n recent years tho pneunmatic tank BIII>, knw 1h. way ell eoougthbul its eos and gruted, sud s men have shouldera 1 srme. the end of il. l pays ln comnfort. of or counprestsed a ~ system blas been 'These are smart, new, and comfort- hmaep course, but il doesn't appear Vo b. a giving entire sali action un tieusande I able. Ver those wio find the bückwardaimaeubrmidttkeasotuek>bekahr ec - paying Investnest lu dollars and o!flhomes in Csal. The. lange steel t'lt lielwhelrte ncmot ut across thefedtu hog h ieaohrpa aet The laleat computations of tho conts. -And yet ls Il logical toe up-, tank i paedin he ero tolal tf ie low heel renati r umfr- Woods. Il oltaealt !Lm..call unalwba det aditeetchreswih h os ht h wf ndmtercnor underground, se liaI damage froin ion or. inelide heel wiich nia> be slip- Sehde Euroesn ar e piinguponliework sas ff iciontl>, by employing beeksasnd freeting, ln wntor are avoid - prd Imb tie sboe, adding te thaefn rni1. odwhhncoiesn-r.! on nilse.u shoulders o!flihe people o! Lie pinci- meliodesud using machiner>, ber'ed. Tbo airtight tank is fitîed witi a fort and giving tiie saine effect as in sigit, when h dbrsvnue ad. T.odhgeo pal nattons engaged are hero iumfInan mother did before lier? Il doesn't water glaiss ans pressure Cauge. These the outeido heel of rubber. The place was al> 1 hli ysle. 5.ltg u ized for convesience o! reference: stand to res. And efficiency is a register the helgit cf water an the White, wih s few Iees bore nd lien..the groun. But be Great Britain: Pre-war, $8,260,- malter of mone>,, wiether it b. de- pressure, se tint when lthe wster f ails Wit etbuckskmins d r cainarho ut, Il lou si lmgth atrtcu natisds 000,000; adcied te Marci 31, $7,460,- veloped in thiebouse or in tho fieldsa. extra air nia>, be pumped in. Th,- popular for general sports Wear, wlth ewhna 000,000-, probable total b>, Aug 1, $18,- A waterworke eystem wlll promoto tank ma>, b. placed uprigil on honi- thte white or colored linos suit; lie s he hn aiectbdlefnanhoshIbenwloig 600,000,000; intereegt charge, $650,- lime healti ai the famil>,, will save zontally. plain black or tas walking bo& e, 1efv- h50 aie rnldo.Ti ro hn'so ut u hlagg 000,0)00. winkles4 and backachee, sud wlll make Wtth tho pneumatic iysl nn ihe wat î orei for rougi wear. Silk stockings hè rthe r.wrefehnomeob n o hwehJanih Germas Empire and etatols: Pro- life more plessant Tiial'a argument en le pumped into lhe tank et the bot- are seldoni iver for sports purposea; liewoos el vrlehln.hnadcmeriilg5 wa, 4,000,00(,000; probable a-di- enougb for l; surel>,. tom, and as it rises il compresises teago elilseo cto pee h um sharply. iea.ba hn olm tion for empire sIoe.b>, Aug. 1, $11,- Tiei. <vatages definirlel>, enumerat- air in lie tank inb saemnaîl space et able. "H fogs!" seem lu. "o crrbe rshea> v 000,000,000; estimatecl Interest charge ed make a long list. Cleanlines re- thbe top. When a tap le opened thé ~Tisse patterns may b. obtained ha te them!l" agihodesglaba for empire asud.ulales $762,000,000 __ __________ f rom your local MeCall deaStror fot, Pfip i oeudrlo hl h rie n !brb France, Probable total b>, Aug. 1, TheM-C- 'C., 7 Bon St,'Too' , sie -said-. AyalebgnV u i s e! tlý $14,600,000,000; lTi'rest charge, $625,- Ont. [lept. W. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~grunl monorue ,adt u oad onaotwya.rsh 000,00. hon. One bi!lo hwdBlyoc oeed lpd Russia: IProbable total b>, Aug. 1, thtth i $16,0 00,000,000; lulereat charge, $725,- th le pastur, s o a w>,sd Jn onleHni 000,000. I~"I oam taedse slo ehn aeyube na u Austia-Hungary: Pre-war, $3,- ffFj f t wold aryin Thnseto-xcaud."ee tlti 7500,000OO; probable total b>, Augi 1, ped as -sudaulssh asttdjleatnonadweu $9,000,000,000.fo hrw There' tie ise o! thie direct mort- - ween lioner i one idt>, WbyumeImaie gage upon 'postenit>, to sa> notbing cf h u(nB Prls. tb, had seenhrsd errunn inwliioby"bgn humain 111e, hhat thie'European war n__tu ntr fiantile paralysie Periape i.hg iogm itai lle n aeabt lias brougit thle peoples of Europe. Othe'IL oicmelatie olipscincali- edom V bd eorlma hmto. "ouau11n THE ~ ~~ LESSON ~~~~ has becs undergtood, although the dis- Ihat they jus atdt .flnl,î ae. AY c~~~~~~~~~~~~ase has long been knc.wi sud dreaded. buit Bih>, didfo o ieWi.n e "o, gedBh, a TH1UD Y E S Nh occurs lu epidemie as well as in SOIt. Herqucoemowdhnnlgogtap>,lthBac lsoiated diases, and it was 'tos c- 0W5,VsaeyafnbytesuMssTma Te -ucal epidemîca sthat leildctn ors lete 1019R aid.U tu l baceawekonilIae" INTERNATIONAL LESSON. I îeve ta t*s nifciu i.o htte Slip"-n Blouse'and Linen _____________________________________ad__________ - sdcava O8O, 2nn5mxtrs !Tue genni piobably entons the. body an-and Enwlali chevrt iotsusudthrough the. nose, althoug iilis Pos,- FOR TiEPTITCFN. wsie hamu oti Scotchan Off" ana sold foolb.afd Leason XIII.-Tbe PhilIppImu, ~~tweeds, soft wool plaids andi checks, belaIina>soitiTOb.o- Les a4n X II.-T regulaîlon140imunicated b>, lie bite o! stable flies Prairie SpibgFo.ssdaSre dsr a are ua 1. 1-Il; 4. î-,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~. ~and for rosI bard usag!-time rg or te net. Teloàe ae arTce.srn luntrtbou Qoldal.T1., 1-11;.4. 1-9 . clsot uteog o or th oc cwf n p TheilCepe- u. tbuon i fetredoau,'icio corduroys, andi khaki. Tues.e kints sn liimcpaiiecont>, font ant - ell uppiealwilipee etaet are no doubl caused bY arniersh beon recee , le~aiu atItesn> bma a 1. Going o Mntapefetin. Ah tiona1-1Vlew o!Mr idcim neeluwhleh a Pneusatle Sstoe babu ntil ta Tho ini.> nall>, fift.Iýinml>, rnnd sao b iprae15prnealth Red Cnom alteadptioeàblntmo fan be woalld tmulatêetie tuhofurtier w.n imuat b. carnieti lu 5jpil. Wsuamml, gasolsu. engin., nycire or çtlueu.; vuuuu&LaDI6 SM Vp"r& . -.-'suvZ au I B- r----hav e devolopment. Tiorof ore ho turne bit. Tbca lasteati of coid water always oahi -poer. Soit on bard water naMay ta o mplet. the sport costume. istl:ls.eu it h v-mibesaee and pain atteon o t leir mental babils. lie os tap, lb. drinkiug supplin lftt- be30ifd; thse wel lau Most ssactSor1 These vwestor coïts are matie o! theIth le bock. .Tien. uMaY ho vomitlug Mn ur-ges thbon tu, gel thc mmd tiat waa quenîl>, roudered unuwbolsonie, ar In miornhommet bath bord sud. soft us atripeti and plain Jersey clatis iu sud dsrrboea; profuse swesting Is of- In7 in .iesual. To tIs endi ie suggests a and esheah.aler b.int -exposed fon rater are -mcd lb>, lneustallug other IwWo or stUc; aof carduro>,, inilie 'les observed, end sornmes na5miilar discipline o! thouglit. Waa Iheir houreinluthe houae. Tiers Y, b. tanlk openated b>,Îlbesam* puap. Ticé brigit, protty eelanlngs fevoreti fer wtiîi o r even convulsions oe-055s, weaknes a a endency ho lgit-uu-ht rtrasemc a i.t m ~mu rotr h l.eomps-used air i hilepua-pose; afb dëIeth, flaumiel, ena-. Aller twe or tha-edeç .APril a eduiese?7 Wcre lie>,subject 10 beinig mater ilu vesis fon cW""u.n, bathi - em lemucha atrougen lau frein thi- twied, an ÏsMirfens, ieae, auésptmsbieudleLifoen blown hithor asti yen by lie varying sand laundny pturpooses. Turnad er& Tie final ceat i'hmon.,but the.ua aml*i, unineti sud ina> b. laMîhian.pamaiygis appoars. Thoiat ais>, Ala Alt winm o Grcis liugit? lie ug- labos- are gnealhy eeeuoaiWedM n b. pususstue bas provets more eiuring. eti athome la b. as effective a.thhie.volve ail tihe extnemuftles,or it. mal 0a - bat th goas te u hernithe.cultlvstion o! thetisys b>, the. tatigaar>, 1 Wbat -Cut.purehased, amimucih .s&«esiv,. -ect oui>, eaet 8111or- USe log eg, pnriri habit of fixed attatition. tapa -o! hot and eo,14 wWAfr*eUmbihJw&iaiandeMpuz the- -tank - êP Ti.aMie&innsut «trliuce 2. An atitude <of mn. The.de- the irater dins, aira. 1U T ie uR&bout$70;; Blue ,lime irar p1uasbing 1lusto a W elàa NulYPIbculot *knlitS, . melopment o! s definibe attitude e1îkpîkieba nifor aam btheBupiisIBOgUOUp s pics songeura dytmeme1' Tseblus' ëm gaui1, ew duSaMPeaf; pOW le isesseshiul houlIme prosecuton o! land sînainea-, provides a bBM IA08 placebh5to> qUP I eo ot - lI a mof th« na'taieffteetyl. lowly »rewI15 tflion jîet mua-' 55>, lineofecenduci, individuel or su. for dlsiwailfg. rooaMI bouse for a famlIt>,thie total timusm ls bc9hIar, esa#m , ds-m ,ies aller amoti,"Wt ieth* r. ciel. Belon. thée moal progniAM of1 Tie bath-oe wit badsin dulbe4 t% oW * d 6e -bout $M 0aihepoml aoa, ektao Mi t it mtcnali ,erg'smore rhmliSmeite' tS Il -lThei. Ciriâlmanlhy cas ho carriedti lrougi ,ab saV«t asii» ieandi gr«U t u-t pr. týph Fbf~l &de;M lumlbit j mcd ýprhi tbe ., -" kêrito-les i*da'tSIS thie pcop)o o! tie earth muet. oarn ta thie ceaIent ofbathbgï w wl àMbAthroia A sAt II aersplot!eu o mpsé s» cheta a lh0 lhînk in qnstan ternus. Tiie word mo erbiae iS*f%~Ibf t5sbel*, irotlti 1 about $atýV i i mitey rl>,s>,,<vfr g ,oule muscle p 0I,5. Iin cannot hýsve poseýea 4' con- r dg>v of bmktog oaven aerenttube f« aIsundé>,aibout $1,49 theautelie s L bave DotLeV«0i inuall>r thInk aboMt a'sr. Winie gs4 Isye. 1 iha ncli~- European war fis-t hroeeout the peo. o 1 o t i., dttSi p m4i ruese li, pIe thoui4tla l oftW 0<Ils Tî arait t ' of wtag t>roee hoa-nrddu ý M f BIe,'*6isymaile or11rs TheY ei mt liug about l belft thse Iêlas -le.h tatisa, ln'a avb. n4S a*u et '* ýMI& 1w last word-wnr, Tic>, vers t1nté iq' s ra e ha band>, la a'tbér b alti5ê w"M ing hou méthioda of worid-peaos coult el-soyiytW -11n,, be pro»%M. radualy bhiiu IMa% a MaM t1 uiie ih i is oubu, ut's i blSae e csme d ohie airilbap. dr M->, u.P et Urnee odu h m r Z g t . ,t'-hi pei le fthe battlllkh .'Fas . Ta usai <f« ta hêat WLIi $It «M__-tub' -tdi tragI lest Ils Pause "te ms-e hiw.I apitstbshssn.2h" ê bko> It la emankabloehit es-suiebik o it "iter bope Oayo1 ase ~tw Nato"5le w bavt)'Ue thIle Olb.mni 6.er lis*van, tour a- b uais amnd fv*. go -otoê $.p e are hi@i togarded as vs,->, bis uvy. is ta" wis bla la W u biu% -- happeninga. I4 tu an outtbuwng ex aReusEs. wStba <**i Slt*rdtbal Wet ampl ettis la tiaI iu ~ Mfile h. th mu seosu>ler., PMhislt4élaa us fflfleJSla-é 7$ scid for auY, lngehl mli n uiti 5d iiodbia. aU- matai>, determino conbde, Tb'is jai'woýhg'du *gI W1t loir 'Pul's exampe sud eaioavonde. - - At olti z t iahe vlnt4o r.u.o fuulviêb î Iê upomu thegreat prnlues.5tanuit 6>, i amu ire a w" ' 'k lut ~ IP t~~rla io sac o h» t bWl mm e-m-Y 01lavera bve iaI 50 baveti WO-îue J o n l i t e , C d , , i t m i n i -O f I m m t e slia s ýew-uihy la ha ewhile- gabiereti apanther ltTiat arn 'd pi9s, tic hogis ur stayed ýrgcsl one sud we'nt ed in lie ver>, few >ked ut] et rnfortable long aime ,hse hogs me pased. on later. butthe aie was a sie .ws ïew tit i fereti off 'as sleep slip eown thme trunkç log ogened le elhmbed . Af 1er oher. She ,h juI as juieki>, t ng b>, hon neti sound droppedti.u dtetis had ýh pilched where lime Sie ws aie Wase! Dhoge saw gain, witb' but Ibis ifouce sn'l IrosI, sud ie 'kneee. £ud b>, à id the road- kdly homeê. Sdoor. onti- What ImO?" ahe, ie middle cf le beemi WOr- ho go fish- Illy 4" said hos- ne aIl about mi lien l'un ) aud Cicero *Ys coin- fi Iouthb'a tom- "Red Crons- id. iMei id-the dalutyr sàot the â ,sold neadily mt tluto f5o- imnt bavek almoe »asOlten àBS Jaie that It be gàuetloncZ Off' atboi en ln nome aIlier lora %th"a th#.member et thé x4cûtve cm-~n initIe., thai lnae.Inwh* Inetuded tb4 office ot the, Manitoub.Rd f me -of!-th. weMith mnln the !odetv thor, came ona day la city. Tiiddlmg beg*-t one,anid' ains,' box of mntmoue, ascilalu . mimtto. Ilii a4.,gwie up t*> carefuily packed lu wet cottia. ee thousand dollas. Bt wiiich, flture br inctosed with the xphAtned it was "kaobd do*ne It wuspar. .sy bail béoi picked out on tiU hp the, hobt prieever patd 1lot by »Mie uho hli» loja 4st.csr tar CRIEVEMNT INSSUCCI3SS IUtiud of This Day 18 «, ars l -4 k-' x j

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