Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 6

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"Betterthan t-m nte eg P 7 "Go odi" Enhpush im a moýto a: d 0 ery in strong white cotton baga comfortable chair and stood looking P°"° and cartons at the refinery. dowa t him. "lLet's have th? news,'OreO edeosuem " This is far safer and more sanitarthnPeCn "I will," answered Merry slowly. g anyDse.Most by shakin h urnsi AEI AAAwoeon uhc prnk ta o N han andPouces"I've got to-1 want your advice eandN S e Ki Becuanion X slinecan, ndycohetfrteppou sighm aebed L A N TI7 C S U G A R u nti l you op en it your- h elp . I n eed it an e nev r n ee cuu m b er pi kls, sa f n ly e t o i s i d sli ed . c a n d af e r d th e a pt e e oh self. Juist cut off'the corner of the carton in my life before. Only-Pm not go- P ubr rcles tads f i e- nalreds ody o xeiet snn and pour out the sugar as you need it. 4ing to trot Out a Word of it -until W@ePour over ad parekssn< ol 'seve ut islmrge eoomcltoadpeps s od are sure of a couple of houre clear.1mn Ic n ppia t3- ndIv t ucises s es t h and 5-lb Cartons ~~~~~~~~can't stand a solitary interruption- lc.creamcmso h ree, o etcelae.I eao hma is 10 and 20-16 Bags . g to-day." wt a ciea • ez--da Tomate and BenSalad.-Peel medi- mnute. f h amis oti h r WILT T Wentworth shut and locked the door, with BENSON'S. umn-sized, ripe, firmn tomalloes; scoop mcss of cooinandteeoem r s WNTOOT A "Il Al-uroS Sga" tenheop-e a ll uboad. And il is pretty hard to ask for anr- out seeds and part of pulp, salt and cs fcoig - iO"ONW h he on v"ed s askp lart.thing moredeliciousthiana chocýolate, ir. To n cpbaked beans add Pequaired. "Wht'l yu av?" e skd, if- iane Mange er crearn custa7a %with inet ooecu It is not alway cnm oco Ming down a couple of glasses. \ Fruit, made of Denson-s Corn Starch. one-half cup tomato pulp, one onionlol eilynthcaefhr- "Zqothing.' Andrew pulled a large C"rne, * °°oc e ssra nd chopped fine, andl two stalks of celei, - 1o s etail~hs aes ogt - encelope from his pocket and sat use.. wru. or acoprito-our Montrel chopped very fine. Mix with French coso that if o r coigonaFo tede - -down beside the fire. Wentworth n b4ue o tell souan in dressing, Filiet o eocua nd Remove ok has tv ageaf ea o asiue f aced him with an expectant look upon Canada for more than half a century. fromtfillet whic is tick ece from Hgaricotsventlsan plt es hol his face. THE 90A ASTARCil CD. MITED thralways beleft to soak ove rught in BETWEENoONTARIO AND TiHE L ARPO F ToYu never guessed, 1 suppo-e, ---v---NRA.- CARDINAL, upper part of leg, and fill cavity withcldwasb teanasmllupodr- I'm an Incipient playwright?" e"AN"Onb"**. O ron-rmwau• highly seasoned and very moist stuff- ingadd ote ald water inTSHCLUBA E N O C U -W E N T W O R T H "N "M Enoh edhi r 1usDr dg e w or skelr, p pper and fo r hih they are bie sh t m r m P o cs W e By is BBL G R DONCURT I, ..i, 1 am, I'm the coming dramat PREPARE . CoR taei:;Otai oy n Grs "I take off my hat to you, boy," forks and spoonsewith aflsoftbragaddp- Living. Author of " The Woman from Wolvertons " Eno hswept hm a pantomie dan'sbrohed yndBre Flep earthenap d poowtr an Clayhsaotdte face grew unusually resolute. "Wait, puddibgackberr o-thirds full ofappher- ' alchamis lathrnrdufcin os gpn.Eeao op old man, you've got.to take this seri- rAdd, lcit e but enougl.a haeepslensbrt a edb.tesi a CHAPTER Il.-(Cont'd. one ambition of his lif e is to be a ously, or I won't tell you a blessed GERMAN NEWSPAPERS TELL OF'to make velensugan put io n just eParaffin is a1 xeln usiuele n ieosMlig «'m1wrhtetoble ?" he inter- famous dramatist." woni about it- THE SCHEME. eough waer to keetap fuinmstk Pfrmeal oishepe h aeinetnlt sabihniam "AmI orte te tou - No?" said Merry incredulously. Merry rose and laid his hand on inogh and rtng op rito o nutmeg.usr etgeral ly hnt uhbttrb "rut. "obl!1do" eie «Don't tell him you know it. I dis- Enoch's shoulder with an imploring .Taw. d h o woo nteg se t eerl you know yourseluble! tdon' be ev e ve e d y.ccident.n a p i fgestan ure aeoldmansuch a blamed To Ttrain Boys i he A rts of Mili- bread dough just tyto knead intThingstoRmbe.d hnBthad1 boe wonderful imagination and such knowi- manuscript. There were dramas, unb)usiness-like chump. If you hadn't tarism Almost Fr om loaf for cover for fri. tsol The secret ofalgtoee(s oLtl ors edge of humain nature. You couldi comedies, tragedies, even comice been head and right hand and mothel, be one-half inch thick. Lay over froth the eggs.Onegwllban Pt.HrrtMynkofW write a great play, many of them Pen- operas. He has been writing that father and brother to me for years, s Very Birth. fruit and cover with soup plate or i ot w o elbae.rpre isn fe ate h a v e a idou k n o w m e n a ud s o m e s o er h n e v r y a r s a n d a r a t a n, t h h e e f r i e n d a m a n e r A f e rn a c i vnost e a p udi n g d n g th aefi sb a n , , i o t h o u l i o l d naErw s d e e t s of tem whebngyu aled ig th mie. were they like 9" Enoch," Merry's face flashed, "if I win .niliff eet. In fact, Germany willisnnt o o quick o tlatoehu. Ronsting meacnotbbsedoohefalaqutfte thai othyoscouedb are awulthinkme daywhen he getswlth-meansore m han f abor ter e emes, and it wil e oruyan atter ,f ruion top. eehot, T rart whhist tomtin JM n nipg ganne ge feet. '"An- 'a great plot, he things he will suc- 1 fetime.", as the Japanese say, when a victory . B saked anCher Dmp lis.-Sth - ' exonera Dorce jumped to her!eceul. He won't. It was crutel to tell "'Andrew! A woman at last. 'to t our helmetrtighter on - h iftt- most in the pan.tre olir a drew Merry, go to work! Show them 'ilaso. He's nothing but akn expert The actor nodded gravely. "4Yes,a is won gethertone pint flott, one- anea- Salted and smkdeashudbconr'jry what you can do, if for nothing e ,,an" omn t last " our head.' spoon sait and one teaspoon baking put into cold wtr ruh lwy Wnie sn ogrt than to please me and prove that I espape man os ld Enoh." Not D uslla ?" These remarks, made by the late powder. Rub in one tablespoon short- t h ol hnsmee.qatr o uktytan haven't made a mistake. Dagognru o uiist"h FielId Mgrshal Von der Goltz in a ening. Adset milk enough o t Wtherboils henigalp;ft nthwe.Tefnlcas Miss Drcasmit dwn." You will never tell him-never? «Oh, curb your eurioiy, e speech in Constantinople some months make soft dough. Roll out one-half1 aebol Ths greasokeat hr companion Theymat for a fywminutes in t toc o a aeethr aghafounl a G eray response inch thick and cut into f our- neh qar- pud itins dihsutsoldbthiilehldnoao "Lur m usly. ,, n brgin silence. The flush of the sunset began Wentworth lit a cigar, leaned backi prsad priodicals that t .Fl ahsur iha aystiffly mixed. Clee agrpee he au dsha hand on rga to fadetrom'the sky, Seagulls wheeled 1ina leather chair, and turned bis eyesmach n la d teerscusheascheme ne us sugin and sprWeiethpinuekebsainlodrflRs" n e mother hen 1 was a boy. I rm- "We must gohome," said Andre W.him. reaer rs a sigula- emp tatie opreaing dfor ad nothe arflouredpain. Bvrae onehhorind Green teaupnliof.Wnpghsscrdan ised faithfully 1 would do anything, 1I wold b ee ros nth esach hua emoticons i ase pt tioa.ferthpesntcndctisovr- sredwihpard auc oe, a or rmand fato lt ea ra rvgtbe nwl ntuttedsrc shok a ll eands onit~d ially Dorcas rose and followed him, clasp- words. Enoch f orgot the outer Develop Militarism.suaar'sCk-ncp sugar- stock or souptun thseabesMioaincldygne Dorashe iou he hn or y.ing his outstrtched hand. When they world when Merry leaped into te Aodn thehe shem ouline, 2 1-8Cauter-Onecup smilk; sour.hethpi:pesfruent Her clasp was magnetic. he leaped down from the ses alaHto the words with which he had clothed aciitrimwllte mre eepl oted tea p n-3fu bkigtt er; cp inch ofRoot vegetalshodbeoidcmpgnfr"grlss "Sitdowl aainanolisen,' a iliarim wll e mre depl rotedtea3ponful baingpower;pinh M Sited"owr again an d ears and beach, the girl asked: "This is Our daughter's greeting to her outeast than even at this timne, and à boy will Salt; ½ teaspoonful powdered cinna- gently, withteldo h1pn rni . okwor begd ryears Vehdapa cytliigilast evening h.ert*' ' father-e father disqualinied, hopeless,1 be trained to be, a soldier freim al- h t r AUl vegetableecpigndpt-eecbewrsaddm yaIt'adaitp lcrys i ngLe "Immainewsk o. tYougoto e rtisun om i, umfter thelongmont his very birth. As soon as a te butter and sugar and then add* tes sold eptitilntnfgahisruet nte mymn.eHvnletweko' you?"epratonfro hs fllws boy enters school at six years of age well beaten eggs with milk and the fs-oln atdwtr fieo h rts oen "elyyouebout. sher isai ankaiDocasbodde.,Wetwoth'sciga we'tdou andhetnstrctio incilitry attestwoluoterndgredentnmiingcntthonouiTheliqor ued mboilng mat o re cabe rots rnnin fr yo eowisofaood family joyial, "Think of me working with all the forgot to light another. He sat i ginan il omaniprathrduallyiunttereisng hteneu roots shouldnerbetowaaylitoLdnEgase urpp Kow, enerous. democratic, courage and energy you have awak- utter silence, a silence which was half pat is tud ies. rnilsnillotabe aablyut rllthemure ieout aout S dsand saucsmyetaeoiagr oaya' mrs FI(, hasmried the bank president's ened. When the play is written I will critical, although at moments he wasi held in the open air, and Spartan sim- ½4-inch thick. Have the oven very the act.en dagtr ho is exactly his opposite bring it straight to you." Ideeply stirred, partly by surprise, piiyaddsiln ilpealinhtadsrnl h oke ihput the cut sidtoher.Ms.NleMcunia daugteb ode, haghty seash nd Tvrewas agerantcipaion n hr patlyby uconsiou emoion.He is bingig u.ndH wilsbeputlugarjus as'otrre pttin thmIinhAohndfandslt 1oftn clar abefre te pepleof Vgre o ofuxr There is a sweet, eyes. "When you comne 1 will ask a breathed a half-stinied sigh. This bth ru g asevre oureof atle Ptc g jsScth shortbread.- n Hlf-pond are fron miig eety adsewspo tender little dagtr Telv e.fao.MyIpa hghterhterth of tr? asksu as pl nMe-ndi aievementwill be exposed t,all kinds of wea- dour; Vi pouibutter; 2 ounces 3u-,We aigpwlrhsbe ue napoic hr o tenthe father and the, child i h ovc "hdcs n a ot'-lbr ther and har ti& and physically 'hiel gar; 'rind of '% lemon; 1 tables3poon there must be odlymbkn. hne h oewtot bautif ul.The man, trusting to luck 1"Ydu " Andrew stopped and looked kle remembèred the years of ardent bd ilbehrTehnere ht iedu;a e tisofaglc. bars of rdrnesol etobe tooseshiethough stersuorhyarsdowlat eroitenlyrYou-ou- toilhe adapenton watasahire-:hemay eiprpa dator eehal theTakeoutonenablepooful f th dor graofa maere g soe Vncouer -oma roeing his defalcations in the eclev- dear child, you isweet, grracious wo- alized sadly, was poor. It was Worse .iisiue*f apag-ad1u n h ie#orintaused.. naesnokow to cet a H a t e oey a! ha or-t was f'utile. Even When the boy reaches hie twelfth1 then add the butter and the grated le-'Ma rmwihsu rgaya oatoiis ilb h o for hies ife deniesrelfnothing. Docestr.he co hns ohe ores hd îsdly bthfy ac-year- the drilling will become still mon rind, and work into a smoothh a hudbe punoclwei.$0,0 fsecrepns dead Shegive he husandup t it I culd I hve ovedShaespere nd he crtan fel, e lokedup rethengriecapsuepecallyselctedby dgehintuaeittl upand ownwave Pud houd b oud to t th agaof 7eyars forun ad oe Wet.Whn hedei. I c old play th part even ifo h nws he as wonths audwiee.- hebain tn.MUiiPAnAgAIN ciboR .Rudn, .Ito o West e Many tre daylight ny are gary. Co. con- ýn Moose tr were River at lnnipeg at edc ho acel ed by a e head- ng school es hence- nt Roya [an in the urne who Lurses of and rural àe-ryurses' fanitoba.' entlÿ eut ged' tele cal relay nent s all- nAustra- tenced at nment for n address lle, Alta,, d týo live nen were fus, of m' whýose0 the local sessor of with the hael Clif- k recentlyr Rirl breaks her engagement, leaves "è ng oe r' m.1Ya. env ro hom, ad cesEas. Te od anior luchii' upprMrsn ye1an to a, hnk it B train teeboys - to be thebest therS# on top and cut into sanl takes her to live near the prison until They walked on in allence. That my heart.1 You' em 'tiaguehow a or gierltherm bas he training khtheocityland itM is grosaly unfair Mthe hm "r her father la released. Every day evening Merry sat for half an hour bard it was to wait for yetM verdi&t." alongthe sMm i Mehltwi BrabsedBeed anMd Carrota.--Rvel tru e t=nkmaNh Mn el nissoah"wi sh watches the convicu ts tthier lock- with an ie pen in his hand. At last "It'sonderful,"Mused Wentwortht, fra= oanntartofiai bth' u ic ic fb ikethdt district cudfe aife ftetesm-hueindpeh closing of that act, when the meets and wrote in feveriah haste: ,(o e otiue.) •t ai aduring wiS l he their i, rejectingsupleusforetth onweeahevdb unto. h ude"lf him leaving prison, can be tremendous iDear old Enoch--Sendme$00t †tamigelo.$'1dtWn te wte itl acnta r rppns nopuin f oe-terp1(pitte od) ndp ln human interest." the Broadway to-da, please.Don't Hr»M» nivrk ecie pcial insteetio nnusn ktlaosmati atada" r i mn Who p o s ol lnhohfstaigt Re turnal to look at Doreb«. ask qoutions, don't try to end e;. ila M &d d lt Rsimerfe asm "Go on," she said. turn up when I've nished some %work. Wife (angrMy -«I thinkyout^ Mdll WMbt b pts qum l that han bee utIberatede.Ath as mue thlant act ia laid in a New Eng. Your slave' MeanestMmn-t"ever " &inmry way ýù>be* *u'of %» absorbed'again.Let the maet 'ownbackya land village, among simple coUty7er.RbMhtshr n W yskes u o e tsoc, o ai ni na r h opbsdod pe ple. The girl and hr father ae- xer. A codnbt e r an te o u 10 m iyar » dwa en ithted o n ignW saL toran Se , y" h tt a e tb re ,g V 7 R ot ' u py living on a little farm. Her loyor . CHIAP11RlI. a main *1 aW&Wg b# atr-o, Il tome&, having searched for her every. n etorhstbfreatbee"WilUa ntasoegd.ani ronge aeten"Oanwe heg where. She tells him the story. Se-littered with sheets of mun*rpadps"lesteeas.eigmat ae n e tmgrIpesv gt a f ies her and tak e the father hom e #*ben # knock sou nded on theilibr ary -AU l a tpad ndf th Vs N ag s1a -1 n e Xerry pased. The sun hadl dropped "In a »VOdMI edd.'ho b ados ears, linde b"ha onso be aabhaa ptwthe horison and them s rMridtogterteope.tg"eri cepr1e0sh afr hen," erledDorm ,ýla afa h o-,f "l ih, re hridvle ogr t i004 Enocklit swept 0the shetofpaper pwaint-ibou est M M ffn At oee t1mrrw.1'lgo at»nt hpdaouo i ya ipa 431 e a " 1 0g ht eo co mth o ra bd a y he ou ettlti* ib 8Wblt'l y e = eet"a yt éwI W o n t a"io etWlaswayr n d e o - iyo . Mw a s a c c o m p obnd e d w W b 4 a du d po kn - " a do* withdM# rt paa***-Mter. à ', , 1 n, the way ré a smnal toun hirt àmenhs in Lof t-14ram.- the s pitil eparød thé and pork letrel -

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