Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 8

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M% 811 bono tort, eb4to r icé - ed .H.WanMs. Foley Worm tu Toronto on' esa'. iti.'ckery. Mv. RalpI Vlckery, Mlos I0rankle Vlckery, Mt'. farvey lmpso*, andi j4r andi Mrn.,George Mollisl, of Oshawa, were Buritay visitors with Mr. andi Mnr, A. C. 19)lito Whio Waa the 13,oo#lin, man th4t missed the laut train on Saturday n1glit frorn Whitb)y apid hati to vvalk home? A new fonce and a cernent walk are, rerpnt Improvements matie to tite Met hodisi pansonage.t Mr. Archie Ililpit, who was badly bit- toit by a dog a few weekB ago, han beni tri Toronto taking (lite Pasteur treat- mebit. lie retturted homne ha8t week Otir ciiergétIc baker, M r. 1Et genie andd ApPuint' fr w dys witbil1is parents Wthhson, llias lpiîrchnsiîas.-rliiiio mdvli v Iîiforv- poing tb Oshawa ta resuine luts î'ry ti-rock, mid lR now itie Io dci iver work. brad îîuiti*timore qoIck1l. Mrsi A. Ketcein levisiting lut Amh- .NIr. FotiliVipolionr am houneover Ihuml. silliriay W'1tii h itii iim'ntThîruîîgh unoversigît t, thle report of CotiteIl) BrooklIl t Nl' Il t1) l ýS, K I telup n on' îsh i tounilh jiasne nt Sciion' a it il -rsllry otn Sîttday îî td PfI'enrpotiil hw ilii ppear iitoour M0Mndas'.1.iite2-51h îîîîd 2iith SUNItAY nei-slsîio ni 2 tthti. eilal itru e-w' iii iii- i titi l'te.l-tiuî ;tirhayv iIsitev le is I-Ielitft hy ofn te.~u ilie eîhonl ltvviS lTlive, vir s tîndu>. Ilatri lit t. ti ieiiv-i-ti i N i-Ntia f Su nas v teP . t ;,orge Jolî net on rainle down Fulinol lwouni -01. lt ît'ai tl n t ucr<~oi-tioroto i l iti rsdaylmeti Io at- 7 psi, tIert e nun w' litbetir Pachvd i ed i t e fiitici l tof h le lai e tt-e. Ile 11ev " T Ils tt t unt nit îISî bY 11triti' 'u iiied omer iti Moiîdsy. choir. 'IOtND[A V. uta int..t cii viil he Mr ne iVmn (lnîistî.n ad Mils Janet Beon-Yt i ttt itt îî nvh ian îIlu liltalt ire n' îv lî'itiTornit to foîr îa fem,'days l is salt i-il A t S o lock p1t.111 '11n tlte ma- %%-c(Pii sonir- hi tht.autanud îîtio-Ine cotin-er, isa,ýeyotitr (11(paliers, imagazines. 1Aii let, i venyiî litteîî bes i4 11iP MeclIttu -nige and nîhbers for itle ited 'Crossq cou lis i g tof solig. clînrîtees. solos. neP Societyv Arrangemniits wre being madle elltiint)t un.rille. d ialugtîe andif lleav l' or tiie'sainie lu b,' lu nied Into profit for C0oW'iet,lassisi te 9041mw )l oic du .lied Uroes. tea anîd veîr.l 1. lteu tir coincnrt, M s. Jolti Dryiden, of Toronto, vîsit. c5. t 'h idren îîoî mentiîrs of lSS., ed îtî Maile $liadu' last veek. _________________________________ Nrq. Fleminug, ofIlhwmanivililc,vis- - '~'~" H î'îl w illh M rs. t(lDr )Jaines Moonre. A liatriotir pinrrammine wiil be given orelitte l1rehyt Priait scbool room npxt >Siiiîdivy. ev. C. A. Mceaii whll give aî horttddr,>î,est "<Jinlleroes."* .%Ir-sud Mrft. Haiwkens anti Kathleen, Co n nof Torntto. Mrs. King and faimlly , of Nionod. sud Mr. and Ms. NW. J. me- liîtyre. of Whitby, wene Stinday visitars and Sees [tg w1iit Mn. sud Mme. 0. Seberi. Mm liReuben Homlop, of Toronto, spent the week-end wltli blq parenîts bore. Mrs. Wmi. Lawe ipent Suuuday Ili To- ronto snd Niagara. Miss Phalen a-id Miss; Macphterson Pntertaiued (lite Willung orkers of St. Thomas Utreli, on the. sebool groundis 1 on Weduesday afternoon., Mme. Gruhain, of Myrile Station, vis- Ited wltb Mme. Coltili on Titesdsy. Sîgnaller Milton Robinson, of Nia- gara, spenit Sutiday wlth Mn. and Mr@. h..uke Robinson. Mliss Wilkes, of Wbltby. visîteti witb Mrs. Walker on Manday. Nîr.lRobert Glroy spent Sunday lu The NEW « the village. M's. lilroy neturned te Severni Bridge vith Mr. Oilroy 0on Monday. __ Miss Ilnigga. 0f Wliltby. visiteti wjtb Nom Sfriendeluore (titis week. 'lihe Womenue Institute wiii meet In e litle Manonit Hall on Thuunsday aften. JIN IE inoon. June 29th. ai 8 o'ciock. A full FOIRO ettendalnce of menthors ie earnestly ne. quebed as important bueinesis la te be t i atiltsact ed. Eco om ca ~ simple - tNrs. Nules, tif bMmrnton, an 1 Mrs. AI. - 1 iht9 ! !tl d i tert Mille, of VWalkertomi, arc vlisîttiu 4lbt wh ýl-lt Mme. Mitla, witu vo are ës-'rry te Po~iiProf orîtst com MM rcl f, n.le qîtîte Imot iy. c~ Pte. Burt, of Niagara Camp. neturfi- ChM ed wltb Mrs. Burt, who apent te week. -Lk roOendutiat Ni gara. I $5FOR aIi . Po du" %'dm l ýU'ILTIoNl MAONCTO' yl . o. 9,aSoyà Place your order nov for fai delivery, as theso pri«e. iiuot Uriah Jones BrmoolinHardware eIais et Ohio. C117 of Tuidob e traSt.henu taes habt07 i tact..th6 h dis *soetbatayo C D1t.eu 51~ arum. Bld o ,emimyssad Solw d .CIKNTaCO., TNeuSs . -!I B it hStt%7, lisu. WItiyIreafsouxtlpuiot. MT11TLIU Miss Neltie Briggi viaid with tniontis heno durlng the ealiler part «t thé veek, ((un. George Totiti tmeS te h homo ln th. erni ton I'lSa>, bis tmotb. ,eraeoompanying hlm as 1"m asToroto. Miss elloia anti ASd&Nichoibave been vnitiuàg on thetr Sopatental e«. am&sn leWhltby tduring the week. eue- ceums t iem. Mr*. EBahU, of Tomante5 vM thée gueut of Mma C. martle 1bai week. k The concert giron b> thse Su at.ai I k. THENIUE C A. SG5~ s I ,BDo YourBhkgByMl ro ieea dàta,.o. rm m b . D04tko bl. Depoati. may be made-oaah lldas.e£'e6rSMg Btaataesaybé Wtraot.d- bynuig Made Bàapostai p te lava Lu (ha pups. A CIFor S.rvio: B' fl'fl I .1 ffUli.MiIÀVvtrarwîes ises eup ~uAv. - -- -~ i - ~ 1, tenëd,, Wut.,,à)bo- i ýtUrned il ab ed I odIetr, laye -some thrllig Pe- pe,'Jenm or0fthet prlit%%hs ant Liaili. shi»sdie went through during the bat- t10 ut Ypl'es. The éther speakers, too, gave .appe&lIng a.ddreeses byJitay et lif1ulattlîg recruiting Thé !ü eeting .W.as mý»de: eirs n..hoe lntertatlzig lt mCvlag plIctures andi the martlàI ettglne of thbe bugle band. Mr. John Birkett' hbapurchaseti a new Chevrohet car. j ,, NI. L.evi Tordti lu 1 litlng u-t ber home lu Owen soutid. The flev G. Nichol exchang-ed pul- vits with Rev. Mr. Toettiu, of Prlince Albert, on Sunday. Mise Williams. ut PirOsp4ct, Spent Sunday wlth Misse Elva Smith. llotb asitiseptir and cleansing. Rexai "*93" Sbampoo Faste leavea the hair stnooth, the scalp dlean. 25c. ai Rex- ait [)rug Stores only. A. Ii. Allun. KI NSALE. The' farmiers have ben dalng teir rond work lateiy. It aseeme 10 us titi macd' of doling rond work le oîîhy a make-elîlft. patchlng up bad places hiere snd thiere. Nov, It lookse(0 us as thtougli sorne perma-nent routi naking mutîsî ake the place' of ibis olti lime mystint o patchwork. The auto ls ee apparoîttly ta iay, and a new way ef ctiititling otîr noade muat ensue or otherwîse lthe>' îill become ImpassIJble. Wle bohieve tht' Government shoulti ehionider a ebare of thte rcspoDnbiblhly, snd flot wuait 100 long befor-taktng action, ne the autos are gettIng very pleut iful. -sudthe roads are net improv- iîîg mîîder the constant trafic frein the four wheeleti speeder. - Mr. Louis Rogers spent laat. Sabbatb amtoîg -bis Kinstale friendu anti relat- tives. Ht.left nu Monday mornitîg for Cobourmg where hi' vili don bIs unlfonm and comtmence trailning for ovensBeas service. Me wish iîim (loti speeti. Scbool closes uext Tuesday, andi Misn McKay leaves us after teachlng our echool ueumly two years, Hon many frleîîds isit ber abundant siucceas. Seversh af our poultry naisere have been loslng muany of thein chlcesnme- ibing comlng after nigbt anti taklng (hemi. We hope Il was fl a ive legged animal.- Mrs. H. W. McBrlen vas confineti to ber bcd on Bunduy luet. A speedy ne- covery la bopeti for. Miss Gladys MoYwbray la ât home - gain bore atter spentiing some montba of elekueso% lu Oshawa. We trust hier bealtit iili continue (o Impreve. anti may Il be permanent. StiLl i nains! Stili It nains! The farinera% are quît' dIecouruged negarting theln root crops, etc. The constant wet weatber seems 10 continue woek after week, anti work, goneralhy speaking, witb the frmiers la veny much tieti up. We hope fer better wea- thor 1hlnte near future. Mn. R. R. Mowbnay hati the. niafer hune to-acctdentahy faîl baekward andi strîke a atone, eausiag a fraeture gif eome nibs.1 We hope ho vilI veny soon be quito better. Next Babbath divine service vil! ho cenducteti heno ai 7 e'cleck by the. pas- ton. Mn. anti Mns. Pascoe, ef Enlehd, vis Iteti ln tiIs vicînlty last wook. . The. regular mionthly meeting of the. Kiamalo brnch ef South Ontario Wo- mon'. Institute wyul be held at the heome of Mrs. J. Cerncer. Subjoot, "T7en- aysn'is Lite sud Works&" verYbody weteWm. Date, Thuneduy, atteruoon. Juil. 29, at 2.30. Coe AtI -br-tag your drIen4u ani t bu« 'cte 'Puart fer,& Dur cOjNgregation hePe on Simday vas sumiler t Su flsu£1owing te the inuibor iho attentietdotio'ration ut tho Union C*Moter-Y. The, Ladies* Aid meeting was helti lait W'odnesday ut the homa.etoftii. Misses Weboter. A ,godl>r utimbor voie pruent, &anth atei rneon -wu ipent 9u qitiftlag atr whiit«m wa XMaUhiaReiénesd MissGeuMe Cem(î *tadIt tilorete over 8tlu4a". mqeut Buatiy tNwaae - Um 9 B. -bba &" dsut dughtor. t Oslb Miss auby Broya, eof Teomto tla vIs ltlag bar u*usla, Mm issma Riehard Ma. MissaRose OVo,«etTW"Qto qfft Rua a t (hahome 0f b«, 9"mats Miss fMi. Merpa4m0Win 1 Ba* va WMt lua neee-Susy Miss AillePhIlp basretma%0 toms rama Daketa. béesie,'. M. Belié a" ohUtiraa, awaspayiag baa.ý . I, n-rra:r= M = amwat , .( Toropo. *ttS"I.t oeik& ,Mia Iu Md aicamlu2boâ a il i It niaceath'egofthàttanlY te don the YOM yenb«Ve a 4muddy eomDlezjohi andi dut1 eyem, yen i-Ocoftstipateti. Six 91 auses Of w'tel'daly he or tino fRt- Oidrl a t nlýhlt coniret 'tlecon- niltli handi [date yôtu iii (Cas a fMalde. 15t. and 25c. at ail Rexail Drug Stores. A. Hl. Allinu- BROOKLIN. ertR.B, Curnming, of the i82nd flaUtalion, Whitby, occupiedth te puipit lui the Methodist Ciiurch on Sunday evenhîg hIthe absencee of flev. W. H-. Foiey. who %vas nt King 4treet Meth- odist Clîurch, Oehawa. Sergt. Citin- îiniiv&s Irniriotie serintias inuicî en- joyed by t he congregali i. BALISAM. Ethel i3unton vli'fted frietît i et al- sain oinSundai. . Victor Jamieson lte doiîîg a nushing business lu the. catlle business thiese days. M4ss0, WhiteofetBrooklun, fl;vis- Ititîg ai Nm. iJtaosos. Roy Ward I#.ýusy these days repair- Ing bis stables. 9Ro1y likes 10 see bp-to- date barns and stables. A nuniben froin i s locallty attend- eti the ÈBaptint Aignociutlouî lielt ln tbe Claremont. Chmn'ch on Tuesday anti Wednesdayr. We regret te report the Illness of Wm. Llntônsf sot ilerble, who wus taken sick vith pneumonIa Isat week, but ut lime of wnlîlng la lmprovlng. WeP hope lie will spceduly necoven. Autamoble epeeiiug seema te be the. clîlof sport of th~e day. At uuîy rate, Jolin Compton- .hinks su, when bie wukes us sliIe4ahtmaeif flt a bmînch of cedars. De careful, baye. an it vîli end lu e.thwnsivepport. OSHAWA WANTS KIN083TON ROAD -IM(PËOVED. Our article of twoe ueeks .150o tend ijuprovement et" thé KinîgstonRuud vasq linîely. W. uggested that tihi WhItby Coutîcîl should, take the Initi- ative lu callng a'uneetlng of municipal representatîves ta iscuse the ropuir et the reati. - Sînce our article appeared the. Osht- awa Board et Trhkde have takon the malter up, andi passeti the folowing resolution: :"That ln the opinion efthIis Boardi the condition ot the. Kingston Roa4, os-1 pecilly tbat porion btween Dunbar- ton anti the tout lUneof etOhawa, Ia ln gl ecandalons ebidtion et unrepair; that Itls detramoutal te tht. traite ho-i tweonthe toeinrs Sd villages alongt the road, sud thiat ToMbitoeclty as vell sut. tefs lu .onsquelx'4e ef thls nogleet;j that the cendItIoit 'et theo matila smcli1 thai It le PractilelY closeS te aibuti local traflic; and, fiter, that 1tles the setthed convidtiwh cf the Board thiat1 the. mnieUl<lptie. uucerned elieuld i il once take oonoertéd fflton tb SR1nd thisi deplorahie ataW'dt affaireansd rentieri traficb«twe M e ~- various centera et poVttltiou along t the Kngoten -ftbad feasior &11 i Dts ot uhetioti veh- 1"b; sud, htCtbiÇ that the uquestion oretti OMMttnc nMt s a iodm nPave. Ment f«'ier tltq 5 solibe otrout nr 1cI oveu- Tb* regular malthly ie tig of tht. WrIi soeIi vas bolS (n scu Coued hamer u Iou4ay aflernoon, ITu Trouror'e <fiport for thexïoj cu.ah ounh-band *y sh . .$ Drs.W"km 4 0 seo...... e.0 flouatis at........ lira, ý.t #tsrao 100 mous.AMlr4,14 ru t.reeIpal? C. .4. aoL ïBus rutn 5 st, tetW lits l(#chii,~ Soutte rt. uSes j V. O. N. NOTES. TIie Wbitby branèb of the Victorlan Onder of Nurses bas meveti mb Its new borne thîs week, bavlng renteti Mn. M. W. Evans'esîience on Dundas Street vost. Scheel Inspection, vblcb bas been undertalien by the boati nurse, both in WhItby anti Oshawa, ha.l proven very vahuable te the. heaitit ef thet.utle ties. and bas been mmcli appreciated by the Darents. District nursing andi eh1ld- voiLai'. îsIts ihave., <Tring the tecieel torM, been chiefiy under the èharge et te second nurse, worklng under the Headi Nurse. With 'tibs work andi é1it- cial chasses tht. nurses have been able te fmily occuy their tîmo. The. nov*quarters are centrally le- cated andi very siltable for-the work Dms.~oouti crois Â#oeapM4 Oouatr oetr of tht. Order. Tht. commîttet. gruteful fer donations towards keep o! tht. Horne. wiIl be known Durham fariner and apple ex- the up- porter, who Iives three mile north 'et iBowmanvllle, was chosen ail can,41diste Dh~ ATPOR HUON: recetved 69 eut -Of 69 Vote$ 'lAMÃ"Ig On E Sudy uelt.AT PORT HurO.'- those whose naines were piaced In nom- On Snda. Jue lthat Prt ur.ination, wére Mir. W. L. Simitht, et Orp- on, Mich., the death occurred of George ne, formerly ef Wbltby; and Kv. M. White fornleriy of Port Wbitly, son of A. James, of the Bo'wmanlle HtOtea- Mr. John.Wlite, of Port Hufon. The nn laie Mr.: UV1îte bad been etufirrn-, frein t~.eruIs . frMs«n Un1 f CARD 0F TAMKS. wi. J. BUAÃ"G CHOSEN BY DURHAM1 Mr. and Mmi. W . W .b"W LERL.thank their fi'h<nd ise O, LIBIC A LS .front romd, and W tliftb , tO-r t #t g t At ~,t~tn of the West Durham 4,eroulty and ahstatsuoe foliswti * tii. Liberga là-(h owmanville, on Thursday, roent ire, ln vtzieCh fr to w"lgfaim J0ne 1leth, -1kr. W. J. Bragg, a welli.-stock and lxnpleienWeit dewtroy resons. awoman's car aI.g<.4tq and desigaý. The 'w s4p~t~ . nntuall1, the tire miI*%.44- qumua% lmAt uoaIIqTWaU 8m* WFU$UE -Bell a 4lad. DU~AL Eawy J. Mumnn b.b8.. Lb6 ---i T. adosYOM * ~ il m4 Qu5 ~O TRt 0i2~IWÇ3 O~' 0~r~jp OOuuft, ti* tuets i ed ec fomn, 1 k tt ,Aothecouat7 or Ontaro@ nai* uU1q J10 0Q»leeIlMtlln M towtM 1 -z lmrt. b s as* tr~ + Mre u l ulre.o.tt, s~ RAGLAN. Mn. atid Mra. -]. Dring spent Sunday with friends In Solîna. Mn. Storli andi farnily, of l3nooklin, spent Suinddy wlth bis brother-ili-iaw, Mr. Jas. BanIrlé. Misses- Greta Hotigeon sand Ruby Thorupson *ere v4lItg ln Oshawa last %veek. 11ev. Mr. Tbtten preacloti bere Sun- day last, Mr. Nîchol taking bie place for IJethel annlversary. A large nimbe-r from bore aitended Bethel annIversany Suinday and Mon- day lest. A garden party la being tahked of here, Deflulte particuhars ni a laten date. 'k- t5~ ~h'. f4 Uk- fil -1 1 M -0

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