Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Jul 1916, p. 4

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- - iSt - -' - -.. - . -~ . - - ,- ~- --.. -t - --- - -- - ,- .- f TflIJUDAXJutyo,191e. - -<r fnra lin Itîrriand I'nrnt. rildr '-rtiabil Irll nt l i n ne '1) I riii - un ru t - - t Iti-rs iil) il rinnk.-1od 'rtl t 'fl. -î:rriît 11o uat ri tU.t 1 tr;sit 1Ii. i-ti.-ii lîrîl v it iroad Il' o-eh iia tnru-nSIriI shuiriui brIo lui uicit. tl(1rnIlIT of nil nomde ln tiltid.. ht su-ins ta Ins tiri lire fnin-slgiited -1 omiDBq The prise of thfloi -FulIy equip-ed with and l'hts, electt Sta,âdarcl equipment. -Ruubout, fally equipl SRunabout Standard, i -aun«er ven ýtboügh irh« ltys remeto " lt B yath rh rom tire mUn., tiio iham eh ould A h b o tteFot lig1se no sérloüs- obiection te t&ylng 'a Thre foliowin.g vers' lnteresting ex- r'eaisnable ishare ot the'eost of ru"adt'mtâ hou a lettero et Pe. Arthrur tiprciiement on a main -road tirroUgh Rlxm teiis moirer, Mr&. Joa. Xetn, hii nrunlpaiity. Tire rite of taxation Wiritby, tellIof! mre of tire more ex- would probabiy bave te ire graded, dimuin itfg moments ln tire lite oethlie boys inisblng as lte land receded f rom tire.attireofront have read consider' Improyed road. 1 1- abnecsf hale oethtie deings oethtie Cana- We believe it wili ire a waste eftlime dians, and tirat there iras been con- and effort te endeavor 10 bave tire Gov. siderable activity aîeng tireir fr'ont. Weil, tirere iras. and. eur turn came ernment assulme thre road. To ask tire neani>' a week ago, and bew we did lb Goverument to assi8t the munIcipali- Is now a malter etfirister>'. but tire pa- ties, la more reasonairie; andi more pers refîîrred b il as "'Gall&nt work bY iikeiy tb succeed. tire Canadians as Ypres." We cirarged ______________750 yards up a slope and took trenches i!îat the Bloscites had taken from tire Can3clians, andi we ireld tirem, tee. (I Broolia FairReprt. don know it-betirer tire censor wIll scratch Ibis out or not, but tirere Is Tlir lat oftheBroolinnotbing ln here that bas not already TireIss metIn of be rooiinbeen pnînled Ln tire papers) . Sncb a t- îrg Vistr Association ruas beid ln mess I nover was in, and don't want te i - i mu "Brgrs Pure English Th lOuse ft1dç have S0IiolliÈ tirE smaltBi~Sbire~<ll aoiia lb la reperted tbat afler tire navah battle et Skager Rak Emperor William 1 boarded tire (erman flgship and ks- ed tire admirai on tire quarber-deck. If1 ire had kissed hlm on the chleek we4 wveuld have bad no coîxpant-but tb Itdes hlm on the quarter-dock! Oh,1 Willtam, bowv couhd you! The Roade and Bridges Commîttie of tire County Couincil have been askeýd tc report nt the N'oveniber seesionr pat- a Cainly tjood Ronds slcmn Il maiN lie not-tul tira-t tire tîresent Cinaîrman of tIre Ronds anrd Illndcs Cmireeiar anc of tlire mng-'ci pilu ire of ithe (onîni y Gourd Ronds c ittiha' crne Il i) IiiCorurîci i c--r orsi 'trs ara' ( 'llie urnpotsat w riee dîtiîns <i ilr ('oinvit and crrqt- nselid'O t1iie sîn refedinu t','îrril.'ti r. auw ier tr î'mnved (if grod roai' if té, il lun - U lo)uuijîditilti,' siiot - rîtîlîr.'rtIiir i.nitair- nepro-rîl rii nîtr ilnicipillli. s, i nray lrt liatai he o l:irt;î -f I rriinii i,-e liras; Iit .r c nî ni o~<f 1ito, t . i t tirnilt ic a us to r- l cnîr<'. ti) (ý) WilI -Ask Govçrnment to Assume Kingston Road. Ontrio Cno ('nniCotinnit r' nrldlina'f uis a iltonal 1hIcutu' a' Ioîîî ii;ané nîr I Idur I i'K InriL tryi Iloa 'ine rgnomeril nnîîpuî ut t ii'rs nu iliroat Itsns, d is trai inîs î tiiooi£tiîfan I. rusi-il 14î a g reat <xli rut h.t' îraril or a or n oli aImu-rds. for I'rt-- rnitric iiird thtr- rvr, îoîîsli t pir f.î t rîtli lrin.ire rts a ruirul. 'Ibe nnii icpl lti. s riî y.~--il t%(,tlt( u'n,îuniily ofot.r r< no j<r i r Io ai tii. binidvii lttî'1O.%irr tlu u it. to liktht I I ttis u<t;lltt#, r. lte sider f,<rîrriiii st. r ra tri-oii 'T'he arumirnr'rrI liitl it#t '-î i u stiotird tahi'o in Ir l,.,- ridi ,t' i i,lu courre qillnr -n. hYi- ir. -l iIrt'i-. uis Iti iifitllthe s itroiuieht iutil' Ille IiraliS. ;oîune lt-r-; i M t iit..:' ibnoîîghi ili.- .îtrsîîivni. Iii'f rn-i il laë aboulîruranîd birtsitn,-.s t',l ici a" tii4 - froin i ravi-ions:t1ilin-c n .-fi lii- îî't rît irallitloBsiîouulîl iroli r il vIi0w crýt 'Ti izotal rolids nitotilleîiîc'lîi<i i t lirir fanîni. Ilii landî,l utI1II " rîo , lanr -,crouis. anrd ho- r lwt.i axe-<if or Iie ii. i rt-(iîun- <f 'it', 'u ' 'lor,.ir'- sîirntli bt-ýi lrî u' ircp in I'e. 0 III r p ,i,: Il i-n ini.-ns ho un rr . ' -r ":-! its t ahi.- dlilarri nr*er iltd . rîrIfîls. f t'n lirîir l. in t-J ;rsoqri-- itti nl\ i jj 'l'to ir t--n rn1 r us.lhtt nfi -ii Greel FRUIT BUL LI-Tkfý STRA&WBE.RRÎES. lIhi@ is thé second officiai Niaigara- Fruit Growers Bulletin. Buy your STRAWBRRRIES now. They are at their best this week. Arik your Grocer to secure the Niagara Peniusida Grown kind. This 1a1>eI is your prote c- tion-thbe Qrower's iDun.berNI le your guarantee of quality. NU5 Worth more than unknown kinds without any personal responsibility behind thern. Insist on the label with FULL VALUE themp. R WERS NO. 2 4 ille Cotincli room, lirooklin, on Satur- ho again. Mud, why i was plastered i 6GOOsfEBERRIES4 are ready now. Great for pie~ or la%. iire _Aîh. for the purpose of wind- rnidrlhtup ve 1w oo.he wde Mandseve wtb cod eas.Ic lhirghtilupbor he n pl aces. eidofAs6ae0fLedi .ig t li t he irsine(s of the Association tri- I- -eou <I pae. L8pie >d n eve ih ol et.de ai of sng te hfgh price or 1 l'. A pood- ttendance of D~i- 1magine a wounded man dropping Into I Ç t lt i1 d SfI thiti. Il would take pages and pages * iat vines. A (îi i f l'ie Serretary-Treas- to t-Ii ail about it, so 1 won't try toe __________________________________________ ptt r' r s ,rt <uii, s as froloît s: do If now. We have 2a lrge stock or Ilql 'r cr1. _ We eertpinly are a brokon tUp buncb The offlicers of the Battalion belld BURIAL 0F MILLY LUXKE.I t:rl;n-i iront i 117ý.... .... ...$ o4 f feliows now. \IVe %vent. Into tba .t their nonthiy meeting In the officers' The commrrnity doepiy symiathizes aiid doînathis... 25 7. 0 charge the ailier niglit and If a civl ent on Monday. Jîir 3rd. In the even-i with W. J. and Mrs. Luke and famiiy___________ 'n:.......... .... ...... 15.i>00 n c1. dee tire sights that were to ing arl informai dance was beli Ii heI win the suddcn death last Nýediiesday .......... h s(qn aferhe would run miles. And pavillon, for which thre Battalionor afternoon of their younigest datigirfer, ('tc i......n.. ..-1 25 tha mccl disagreeabie wçather condi- chostra piayed. Nlelssa. Allhoîrgh in poor horritir for P hloti1 ...... .. 1201 lions imaginable prevalied. To begin A draft of 50 men has heen Iransfer- sore onlirs, Miliy lrad of laie been P R IN G LE 'S E 'l., (;il il S.... iS 1110 ý%thlii. e moved tip one night, and ail red this week frrîm the 18'nrd O.S. Bn.. Iliroviniinlrt eaith. Ont Tîcsday af-N . or i1 Yr.....21( the nexi day it rained and pourcd. and CE.., hie 1I11;îh O.S. Bn., CEF, at ternoon sire consuiîed her physician ati WHUTBY, - hat wilh shelis dlgging Ili the grotrnd, Niagara-on-ihp-Lrike. This ls for the bis office. In lire evening she sudderr- T'l . .......$ 793,73 made it awfdul. The rreýxt nigbt we purpose of bringing the latter up to ly took violenily 11i, and the doclor 1 ILNir trr .I moved up te the attack, going througb strengtb before il godes oversoas. was cailed. Again dîîring the nighl he $2q.-00 mîrd and it was stili ralning. We stood Capi. Gray and Lietît. Patton roturn- was sumnmoned, mhen he found pipeu- - ____ - - ...23-7 5 In tbe trench for fotir bours In the ram. ed on Monday from P.ST., Toronto, trie monia of botb iungs. At 9 o'ciock on iFe lvr 5:Go ae.$.5 ..... ....32. 9 0 and runid a terrifie botubardmwnt, aind former baving qtîallfied as Field Officor, Thrîrsday morning spinal meningîtîs' rdGovr15: e.Hye.$2:$175 ..:îi . ... .. 20.00 then came the time te charge. at 1.30 and the latter as Captain. was diagnosed, andà from thal hour tli Fred Rahm, $14.50: Wm. Powell. $4-25, E.G .. ...... nt hen¶1w orning. The guns were sf111 Mjo Hamilton, a brother of Gen- deatir enstied In the afternoon the Edgar Clover, $32: Daniel Jacks, $8; netit i ' iil .. ..ittE ioine at a terrific pare and off we woent. oral Sir lan Hamilton, is now atlached yorrng girl was unconscioîs. F. W. Lee, $11.60: Wm. Ratcliffe, $33: S. S- ~rîit . . .... (H e had flot gone 20 steps when 6 of te the 182nd O.S. Bn. ai; Senior Major. MIr. Luke had gone te Toronto W&- Georg-e Stocks, $20: Dr. J. Lloyd Btirns, S. S .$S 9my pais got bit wilb 1 choit and went Lt. MeCorkeii has returned te Battai. nesday morning on Important btisinesi , 153.60; J. A. Nesbitl, $4.90: Waitecr Mi v. .. . ..$4 69dw right li front of mie. 1 went a ion duty alter wriiing bis Captaln's ex. but was stimmoned home by tîeîeîîîoiie. Vice, $4. Jas. -Stocks. $6.87; T. B. Pasc _$ý,li.4 itlefariher and 'wooooff' a sheli aminations at P.S.I., Toronto. îVhen ho arrived bis daurghter did not Moîhersil. $5; NV. G. Gibson, $7; Thos. jouiý - ---knockpd frùe down, and i was blid for 116TH BATTALION. {flow hlm. Welsh, $320.00; F. W. Leep$12. tk791 73 aîbourt 8 borrs. Tbat was as far as I Tbe fîrnerai vas heid Io Groveside Sctroois-NýVm. Brent, S.S. No. 8, Colt -1st-ir l:; i ts frem irite Iiý'Jirirrg goî. i lay there In the trench for near- Major Moody was in town on Mon- Semeiery on Friday afiernoon. A -trr n tsii 4.wIlich Nilli Nil Iv an hlotîr. and sbeiisz-burrsling ail a- onn o hr alo arge concourse of people expressed__ 11pl.' '- (ltiaiwn of $2. mirsi ho ddtrlcl r ound nie, and men walking and riin- friends. hevir svmpathy by attending. The i frît ilH iii Nillr trch 1,s lie sur- îilg o';-r and past1 ne tînfili a fellow Capt. G. W. P. Every bas beon ap- ba rbiswr eynmru n dîitt af1'riti-r i'i1E týFair. leaing $116.56 came aiong and helped me out te 0the poinied O. C. of -C" Company In suce- nosîalbutif rî. The pathererus werd oL t0wKt Crvs-s Socitt\. tsiîreîcher-bearers. 1 lay thon in a dtig- cession te Major Moody, who takers ,V. Hewi W. Te li, aroldRssr i! b.%,tî \lV . F. Batt.sfc- prît întil tno lit the aflernoon, jîîst chbarge of "Bl the Beavorton and (Cani \lurton Palmer, Harvey Pali.r andD anKV'ittr îd carridid. tiaI rloril 12 hoîra aong wilb three other nington coînpany. ('api. Every ls nom rh.r tnik .1 111, 7.lt.tr~itr isof 1!t.fl9l1tS w oîrîîrid. jirsî expecting et-ery nexi ai the Schoo'l ('Instruiction In Toron 11ev. A.H. Foster cnutda xery; o u e r \lrs 1, .1 )dfNfif-b. Tn.aeirrrof rirelt Tiraleilsail i can tvnile abolit ihat. -Field Officer. - esie nd ttegra eviea uers \tl-. i ti;l 'Ciross ScI .Th(,e hing l Is 1amn ail right now, per- Lieut. H. L. Major bas recelved hi' Ten e nda te ogra - f r u y n t . li rdSi.îfrIbdfeciiy ail niglil. Captain's certificafe. and is now qîral The deceasogi rl. adyrwaqd 11,lfied 10 take strch appo-bî 'rwh ighi.cimeasor grl.and liokt er sudden favii urchased the Furniture ai 'tfi ',rIa tre îor-h 'v atrthori7' dlXLONS opporiunity oiffers. Y. _____ Disney Bros , at a rate on the doll di -' t 'rire fobr lie abet e ril ion. ,Lietit. G. F. Gny Is now writing P - ____________ te_____________ t O r t-I M~~1 Niss Miabel Rowe. of Toronto, cirent aminalions for bis captain's certificats ac8(LrD hemnh.fJl 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %*l ..ttîeî 0I .'rt'î, ie\o li oliday at lion homie iere. 0f 'C" Company 24 memboi's bave East WVhiiby Council. new and up-îo.date, and of excellei t - 'ceiitdiiî id arofresir- MnI. snd Nlrg. NV. Hall and Miss Via- beton declared physicaily tinfit for sor- wesima sth ga rd t4 ()i o-<' l. k rollrids and cleane oti\ltI dti d ai Markhaîn over the hou,- vice, and have been discharged. The Corîncil mei on Monday. Reeve Nic- onrhpmksti ra eu - ý1 7. " t' .tt..gois lu thre I-b.d darv. Mse iii IsBel\a-Xhîtb9y mon In Ibis grotîp are F. Bate. îKenzîe in the chair. A; rire meinhersKICE CBNTroua1, is' îttt t totailhofi 16493èJ as alTlieisssWlisadMs Bl a»man. L. V. Scott, J. F. Hill, îCharles îresenl. Commuînicationîs rond fram IC NCANESroua101 oif I iit191l(nookliiî Spring Fair t. 501e ru re Sîrîîday vijilors witir Miss Hodge. . G.T.R.. H. C. McLeod, )V. EN. Sin- BFESrgir1 2 Nit. l,,i i 1riz. liert %as 1îrtiti¶îd st-ý- \MayIc(rpgoir. The following hç.vp qîaiified as Ser- clair, Coi. Sharpe, Onrtario Munîicipal BUFTS oul 18s2 r:tt dir-rtiîrîs rneardcidentrsi4y omir- I Miss Itosë Goston spent the woek-end geants--R. 9)avis, G. B. Whitfioid, W. Association, LDr. J. Lloyd Buîrns, Cihat- 0N0ETSINDNN TBLS t il aiid s- terril nItrfNs ere recelived viilhi lier parenits bore. T. Sargeant. ham Bridge Co., Torontlo Generai Hos- RON X NINDNN ALS ittfil , t.-isI n ls îiriîtted. The folliio \lrts. -Pred llabhs., Miss Luella lolbs, MORE MEN WANTED ObR IISTII piliI, J. C. Paseoe & iR. J. Robinson, ni rini-rr .l, lisi of dJonations fluor and -ntr.'VNitt Hobbs spent Slunday M Itb BATTALION. Oshawa Board of Trade. Home Toto-' Everything throughout the st'orc 1i1- '< ltr ii Nvi n' notîbiislred in lire Ni r.Frntk Harris.-NaarÇ$m Jîy4,11 hane Co. Pnce onedb Niga Cm, ul . 91. Movvd by Mr. Iact.scne y -r/ iiI nrigtlf ea% y eti-ctrical storni on1 The Whltby Gazette: nElnsthtAtîrRshopdFueaDi rt/iagg Co. Os î NI. liirtha AthutRos e paibinsoni ir ut rns~e(' Osr- S<ura irig ieiMce-la Dear Sir,- - $69.OQ for 3 Puves anrd i lambs kilied by iM M.FritreD 'NIl, ' ii n)IS $0 - iile ii 10 Ue have tuto valuabie 1owih tesbring te the attention Of dogs. Carredî.v eond'M % dit Miss ,dialwi oMacky, f Toronto, rraS fifty more mon. XVe asked the 1iR2nd acpth heRevanCer*ba PStia . ....71 %tiàlir i other .tebldy for a draft of severrty-five men, but tbey commiltee te niake a scttiem.cnt with -__ -- 1 ' i-d- -\Ir. an IrtMrs. \V. Kenmp and ',%rs- wili oniy givo lis fifty, and of these Sî0rtre 'rrrisscd Concret Steel Co. Car-1 t - 'r i lit tîîtrî iiuoioond l Toronto ont Fniday oit-r dortor wouid oniy accept 24. ThUs nied.Pacescoddby r.Gor. lqçi. ts hecimbelthat.%astare awa I Ns î . ii-iat l........2 ilss rr icri.Ms ol W1t- from tus for the Pioneer flattalion. anrd movediliatthie foliowlng pensons ho -r tri,..... %îi-------. )chiili. arr*4 Xr. .-'Ifred Mitchiell, of Bal- rue reqîuîre lit least fifty more mne 1rald a bonus oui uvirv fonce -rectî-d: c.\'ltb ... .. .4 ani -n. tred witir Misis May IlMngman make up for tie wat4age liri îrn Bat-tl- To.Wter <0rd t1e,$Oi0 tit- .. -~ir...............- Th.i ut orsI i -'cui estrîrm of tire FSOit thie local doctor and pay bis trants- L. EInsý. 40 roda at 15c .0; -o: rs. 1 il 1 n oc, k 1... . son .-2< ccli rr dis oty'sed bore on SV»îuy ast trotion to Niagara ('amnp w 111have C - urah, 8 nd -#-e. L,0Car. t :~-- --- ... 2 1 ,î0îice Ieiiiýtr y inea\vy iili l'd b tsaune, nîfrînded to lm. iand ut-ilire able ed A Nruas rkdazd fronm uricil diid censiderabIc damage tir go o\erseoas wîthlis r provided ho N.r. Ellins, secanded by Mr. Gtou'or, Osh'awta, nicrue oti liroir,-ho,"t lire rý)imîry. l iasses thue modieui exntnination. morod tîrat F. W'. Ueo ho paid $12.10 -ti. .. W MeiaughinOsraua. rlTi1 Johîî nutrarrnd friend. cof Toronrto. G.-îîernl Logic has advîs-d us that ru-ofo r ri-lit of vay thnoîîgh bis prop)erty i-i, 0 ir e vIs BnooklirFair, spii1îiilioftay ,v vith NMrs. fl. Hall.-are t0 tnke ail ourr gailabIe leqîlipient for a tmoayrn.Crid a- it lOO s c4-114 irios on0ht5-t -PI cClarsntrce and Loniis ScOtt. cOf thewutlius ou'erseas. 'T'is uvill IncludeOuîr -Mr. Pascoe moved, eeconded by Mr. ,s t' toîrre boys oi t e farni te10 6ctîi ir:î,r.ow at Nlagara Camp, turo field kitchensi and tire fonts tirat Giovor. that tire municipaliuy of East tlie il .-on n Iorc n stock raisIurg ire iromie on leadie. urere presented tottis aItihe foliowîng1 WllbyI gecb'P tr ~~R t inn a 4fiiirai irNdl ulTire diu'eciors af tire, lyI gre -t heÇdl l \gsn<riliiîn int. nrd te- accept Mr. NMc- dMns. bctd and chiidren have i'eturf- tlaces: ing îwo additional traclcs acrosa the 10 -lieir home at Lachuie, after 1, by the lndien cef CannIngton. sietthtrnnot adourjît i.rniillairs uree lln ofer a t rieI spendiurg a month and a liaiTit-Ith lier 1. by tir etcizen.s of Caaiirugton.' west of freigitt sheds and east af pas- nurît- annolilcluonllaet as10mesister. ,%Is. %'. Bîînîey. 1. b>' the Tou-silipof Brock a.nd cit- senger station at Oshawua Juntion. Car- Ina v, urhici rhre mono>' uuihi ire used. Miss Cossns visited iritirMrS& Alkixi- Izexis of underpxud. 1 ri ed. ____________________son on Tîîesday.- 4' 1. by te Towntip of e Scott. Moured by Mr. Choyer, seeonfed by - ~ ----------Don't forget tiaitirhe date of -.AI- 1. by the Ladies' War Relief Society, ,Mr. Pascoe, tirat tire Clerk ire Instruet- imonde Oiurdten Pai'ty iras been euîazgted 0slèawa. ed t return tire Chatham Bridge CO,'s - b ~~~~othre iSît <cf .uly on lire chîrreir iawr. lI case tirat we are ortlered In bar. -cou edb ii oni.Crid 182nd Band bu attendance; g00d PrO- racks rand do irot êeçd tbe large tenrta, chequiîns. ts Coecld >' rr b A ComjjLe Car in E graini. our intentIon la to samp them baek for moved tirat threClerk ire auUiortue te Adls I'TâffYon il Miss Bertira Goidring, of FP't iVb1th ie tise cithlie lS2nd Battalion. and rcord lots In and 89 to Mr. John Win- i WWl 1»'. la epending a few dey ir 1th Ut" afater îhey gel throttgir wibtlrem tbey chester and lot 65 tb Mr. Tiros. Win- Euînice Kemp.' wili bie returned for military puT'posech iester, oni the Colie'tor' a Ili of tire lt's the f=rt cSnp1ete caret Mise NMeInt"h and 141111 YSiOP Yhk In tire County. Townishrip of East WhItby. CarrIed. i. Ited with Miss Mary MsGrtgOi' et Wed- 1 hope tirai we wIll ire able to get Mr. Pascoe, seconded bY ?sr. EitaIs, nesday. "-tirese fif ty more znen In order to bring ioied tiraitire Reeve a.nd Clerk be-a le statids out aline-bldW,--u Our Dattallon up to strenglir. committee to meet tir. Seventir Day Ad- Nu five-passenger touring car camp Youro truly. venUsia' representatlves re beUliemnent MiIttry Notts - of lrtttut. ~ ~ ! aeesaentquesion Ciuri.. -Note tat word "complets." - 1S2ND ~ , O.C. ilftir Ov-erufl aeBtio, C.E. Mved by Mr. <Ulover, Sended by _________ lMr. Paaeoe,,tirat the Clerk be4nstructed -hat en ltcSatr Oui Se*urday, JuIy 1&L tir. nattantos, ANN r.uAL M TT.%iln - . nTA&RltO 10notty tire Cusaiam Nortirera Rail- fan Mgei Seçoetrii of Paris'Green a g wing used for spra) n hand in lb,. 2 lb and 5 lbj LARD WAF ONTU - .1~ A 0% '5: Thos. Scott, S.S. No. 5, $345; A. ,rass. S. S. No. 6. $225: H. C. Benl- , S .S. No. 3, $150: E. J. PhIlis, i-t.. No. 2, $620; F. E. Frenpir. Union- S. No. 5, $250. dr. Eltins moved, seconded by Mir. ýcoe,- liraI Ihis Coluncil do now ad- ýr to moot Auguat 71ir. at 2 p.m. W.M. PUR VES, Cleri. lrmbus, Juiy 3rd, 1916. on Furnitulreo dl August id Undertaking business of lar, 1 will seli at wholesalé- and August. The stock is ýnt quality. The-change o! on possible. 25, $35, now,&20, 130.- $24, nuw 16, 19, 20. rigular 10, $14, now .8, $12. re reduced in propôrlion. - halBrookii,,Ont. .very Particular Be Prould teo0w, tanywiree saurseow a înapproehed--a power- ipitte for only $850., tactà e-vay necesaiy item «uti te lx*. W. Tre whaahbs.a lu 304 ffl bc. pmed to owu a ad pbW s te r h w See the. new MOUSl *t 01W showrooms. W.LWKE UmmPLEI, Dii t t. -i i Thi ih i-il t..nt .t s'Il. r 5 linoc ci-ive- oftiiIt î<îr.- t l Srnak ilornec Tbiv 'Ma accal WrV and W. MI f rom 01s nont J uly .ori- Tu chie -in1 -4I llé aie. Umm ÀËI.Mý 4ea 4in jars 4mmfl 4E In seaied packages, bearing the signature of Lewis Berger & Sons, London, England. 60c Per lb. ~as

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