i A OMAN$.IALl NEEDS CONSTANT.,GARE UinteBod eoé ormt epi 'in lilyaChntei T"M COL'* U. cm~. Disease Speedlly Foliows TIIERE 1I9 NO à »ORTAGE 0F that suppies the groteot l mo ad ie Evrywoans eathtapeuîaryFOOD OR CLOTHING. ?Utrimnht iii amalet buIk Y ~ ~ '~ dependent upan the condittor cf ber -te iel Sm e i<~ néi é.a4fhA..-~bIme- u OR t e blacd. l-low many women Buffipr with Eeonomîat Contende Wage lncreases because It, u li everyA m. prieurs,;, head1ach, pan in the back, poot appe - frSupploiF rdearsu tite, wcak digestion, a constant feeling More Than Equa Ilgher thing the human body fleeds Rqaj observed "Cmr for tue Ani- rt fr rteon Or. cr of wearines.palpitation of the heart, in a form raat i MWta»Day i ll 0 t b. oWI&r shartneêsg of breath, pallor and car- Coslleasly m ta thr.yld oG.rno hv vousne9s 0f course ail these symtp- The working population or Great quSask.,ste. o*an s ieente t ela 4Nrn.at wer SC tains may not be present-the more Britain has nat suffered fronu the htgh deliciously with fresh fruits. SaTh e lpted e~w S£e6te bs tlicre tire the worse the condition cf pricres aof food, clothing and other ne- AlWaYe dlean, aIWays pure, m~ade 1h lawful ho kil coW Utoose. thie blond, and the mare neçessity that ressiti a, because in alnost ail cases always the sarne price. Two women were appoinhed tW ait y'oti shwîild begin ta enrich it without their i3ages baye been increased po with the. Manitoba Univmisty Caunai deiay. Dr. Williams Pink Pis are be- portionately, and aven mare i*îan pro- A Bantam Battallon for Alberta8 .vard doubt the greatest hI)oo-buildlng partionatcly, ta the rime irt commodi- short men le now recruitlng inuCl- tonire off Pred ta the public today.L ties, according ta Prof, W. J. Ashley. Every dose helpe ta make new, rich 'dean of the faculty ai' commerce in the *The. citizens of Unityo Bank., pre- red blond. vhich goes ta every part aof Unîvers'ty af Birmingham, Ili an steafilktcntehe6hBt the bodiy and brings new health and article in the London Times. tain strvngth ta wcnk, despondent people. Po.Ahewai rmnn Property amounting te $300,000 Dr Wilam Ptk ui ae auable Enlih conamist, says that wlth the *'- swH be soid for taxes ini the cie o ta al women. but they are ptirticularly exeto fcran esn ihfx Winnipeg. iie-fil to girls, of schoal age who be ' icmssc saniis e' Calgary waa one of the. first citiesz PC uSoiIiTawp carne pale, languiil ai nervoup. Thîn cdinaesuc niiep- Made lxi Canada ta adopt the weekly half-hollday dur- Ioa'l dîîîîriz lie graowing y-ea rs Of a stans, or soldiars' wives with large- -igsme ot. gil ieuRcually nas a flat-chestei amlista care for on Grovernment ugusfr18, 1915, was not qulte 14 par ing sumern h a . _________________0___ 7!_ lîllw--h,'eî aahaod. Ter allowaaees, the people of Great Brit- cent. below that in t.he pracadingsel o Ja B wer ad A. cemd i'u cpii bc nrither health fior bt'auty with- n are naw able ta save rnoney and son. During the current careal yaar canoeing on the river. ontrvdlîuad wiî- gve rîhtass'ta live far mare comfortably than in that detlciency will probably ba mare that des bcfod, whic gwar. thanhtmade up for. Alreadye war.George W. Young, grczcer ,of Cal- ta thae evcqand calor to the cheekg ail(]Ârs thrysx ek thanmd pfr le aupy i ta gary, was fined $100 for giving voie Di's r. WVi!liamns Pink Pillq (Ioalal Prof, A-hieys article follaws: hrys- ek h upy to esedittous sentiments.: lips. Th - rve nthqanso has reahed the market, bas been haaceglnMitbismh fRieý M's <ur 'ni. Rovi, ('iariaw Ave., he cost of living in this country mare than 7 per cent. greater than hat acllrTeahg a tito aveis much 'rcotl ave I lhavc recivt'd qsaq Izn pb ather -mare than oe h orsod on fls e allar. Th he high indg hv. pae ~ ~<-~ i1~~ ~ ~ ~ P0kthird siace the war legan. Yet athe anthi re epertsng pinathe' quar ao ihtaseig nijij hrirft frm I r ta liram ikgrea t mass (of tepepes0fr r now*oepa sag ae thequantity A. Gussek, cof Edmonton, a Ruasian ib lat i fiel ifapMy tra 'an Pssage" ta e subsfrantially odecmit sciebyhn nîiir thîni Io athers. 1I s ab ~olit RsnfTt-ing tron-ideprivation, has neyer larger than it was then. hisol lnacpie uceb hngngTHE LATEST hoIi'pvitat! vt ncua len co prasperaus, neyer 'se well As ta meat the information je hard- F in a psoled h c rhalr!.- H NO R Prf ha u appt tt' w e îrrîl . , a feu. lThe risc in living expenses bas ly sa recent; but it is encouraging tae ao a' lvto tKleo h and s' bjetnt ta fainîting speille. 1i * not hecui due ta restriction of stipply; ba told that the supply reaching, C.N.R.17mlsetofà rs ferî' greaîlly tram uizziri'sturithe ' -bs eea (lue ee en îtîed o cî uraeîn$75,501 ieseato ~mo 'tiînu ~ k..t be eone hvebee l e teatillng at S onhlel12fr cni i h th stingb15 ed. a.Williams, Edmonton, wha 75 ohrsYmiltame î,îhataci-anpj- tepopehvebe al ndwlin a o 2percnteus than te s bdaconductor on a C.N.R. trainTilatemn odLlPng&h a:iý a blîînîllese v.uconition. Remeîld' af- i o> ay high pi ices. total supply in 1914. This looks as if valuece a yas nln a nad.it lndet hoompact, \n imprtantimmedate cuse bs aheclviipopultionevas qite a winîthe peni- ;and flnished ln beautitul black ans nicket, t11, temeilv was trieul, but ta Ia avail * tentiary. WliharotsWthteurlhn o urîti. a fiietîl aîvised ruet' t trv Dr. b)ei the rise of freights, but 1hese providad for as; in the previaus yer MarWaradLeux.. rabb e ieenhoes.ual n ttatv.Je William,' 1>îîk Plls. lif-fore ,n- r'fi eight-s canld not have gana on being! It is stated that ithratîghout the yeRr bt fEmnaaei odn thé pbonoaraphfrterrlhm.W plctitîg the seu<înuî lins', i was a gaita pll hail thete nat continued ta ha an the demand was readily met and fhere haspital, after being wounded la the sen l natwode bxscii10 ee:@ have cITa t c hvath an haelenuand. The proof af al Nwas feunl a surplus at the end on recelit of pries. citi.' remnldiiidi t bati ppv - cdi- this is net dibticuit. of the weel;." Thawves ai' WinnipIS ]oudiers ara ---*-od(.Th;oes f ipnpegne-haîfae. kaDE W"N & RICHADSON, l'ils'hrnh ny elcin uealr r A t ce o ivip ng, h naseinEXIBT Findignant aver the action ai' Dominion itbuoeDpt4 Yuç iruVt P1. \Villianis ' Iik A oceto iig h ices nE BTO OL. Government la retaining part of pay NaD .5 ofTradeBuiding, lîyIF marizl 5<) cn ala-t or cee hor t h ri, <ast af foodl of t-ha working Canadian National Exhibition W,,,illowSiaRier Haggrd, te famusun. ti 2.1fi'nTi-D.wiiîi-ne ýdei , îis erc-koncd b3 the Board ofSiRde agrtefmuno fort t <C ui.. îrîliv D. \ O ilt ril bu 0 et Ti e 'Feature It veliat, paid a visit ta Regina. Ha la ( 1 1c h. 11 .T a n e a s n b t eir m a rk e t . T i r onth upostonthtthy ae o Througb the evool diutrla.y af the aon a tour ai'fte Dominion an bebaif fl >e ca h< îang itianatethg ade Dominion"i Live Stock Branch, Ottawa oai'the British Government a ~~u MaI As a fuelt they hava ta somne extent which wili ha preoanted et the Cati- Terry',Sajroll, ci' Lethbridga, in dead F m c h r (.'I1iT IVD (01- ý lit N. lesseavd the pressure by resort'ing ta adian National Exhibition, farmers wîîî as the res%~lt aof striking hie head an Plonrs î-iîîon f bi p nieuhtper but equaiiy wlà -desome sub- ha given a spiendid appart;înity fan, the pavement when $hrown frozu the erre 0F NEWS FROM TUIB 1't-mone'titutties. Aîfudls frcodddcis a teoniy obbaining a thorougb kaawede 1f'Dallas Hotel, by an Austrian porter. Treattulent in Engcland. item ta lue easidi'red. Thefe is citth- the sheep and wcol industry cf Can-1 Nevlina St. Laurant, Winnipeg, MAIIE RVNE. No greater cant-rit' ta the let ters , w,%hich hec not advanced in price ada. The exhibit bas been prepared 1Wall accidentally mliob by lier sweet- m-hich came frani Gerniany tram aur ta anyt-hiag like t-be came extiant; by T. Reir. Arkall, chiaf ai' the Sheep iheart, Herbant Mann.ing. He was heroes imnpriEoaed( there ca ru be thi-re is rent, and here an incipient and Gant Division ai' the Branchh show-lng her a revolver at the tisce. tm f Itre rm Pae imiagiiîed than lte ftlowinr ltr ris e vas checkeil bylegisiation, and ciii ha in charge with Mr. James Ai Calgary la proud 0f * talented son, Lpe yWvso h ndrese lv Grmn rionr ,,threisful.Conbnig iltbe Telfer as demontrator. The abject 'R. H. MacLachlan, wlio made a dleanLadBy aesoth nd r ied ly a e m n r s ni n te e s ifu e < o bin prn poai oe ,a ai'the' exhibit w ilî b . t o xplai a thea sw ep f ail the. pr ies in the third A tlantic. Englanîlta l is 'Dear M- , ny deareemntlatirporpooto, childrî'n and n'Y dear mother- ila Uer- 1w-e franch somp 35 per cent. as s reas-'varlous clafflficatianis and grades, aad'year madicine clans -of MeGilI Uni- A census of school children la plan- many, t;nys the London Sketchu. onabie estimate of the toal increase Lo show how waol may b. harrlled ln veraity. ned for Fredericton, N.B. "lhae iterono benticit(jinliig xpnsiq uch a wsy as ta sacure the best ad-1 The body cf Miss Mabel Booth, h etcneto iecif I have thith th prrtar adnBandn, asn enraud t td Ala- livingconeneonpensce hi. an a' lri.qoner," hi writes. l'ii- have 1There' la cuperabundant d "naeeabavih rdce n rno, iseifud In tIIiÂsilute b. held at Truro, 1N. reeei'-ed nlothing but love andiil cre' that thte maney incarnes of the people,1 buyer. In order ta commaued the.uiniboina river, two miles frcm the Feeitnslir aebe ur for miy wouiids. -.apeaking bioù4ly, havg risea ao much highest market pniceia, wocleshould b. spot. whera lier i'sther's body was Prtiederon couoferse benqur "Etver-ythiiug is (tie 'aoi-nue tu r-'mor'e thfnthe'eost aOf living that theY .Pmeentw lna aearfullyfuided-a«bd tbunâ d 24 . hemantined o accot4 mees ilee m piri; l fct veythn~ renat rnrey me a neetth md iacked condition and should pontain George L. Roberts, of Winèipeg, 'l"'-jf, *,es $ewoaie Myeme, that Canli e dône for a wotirîded man.! ditional charges; they have a sub-as1W foag matrapoibe isWhvelcvee tta Drhaawsfoddadibd "'Therceforae, M~y <lar ai-sne, îresJetsata agnw e-t aadt Actuai demonstrations in grading and sôte ail can be used in an ordilary Jh ilwp b e f m aurer enmae sthani mot ma yagi arthte afute sorting wilha given ds.uly by wopol ex- automobile with W0 par cent. greater Jh ilwo b elor' ml ou nmei thi ofrt aeorheuue perts. Oaa af the mont inharesting efficlancy than gasoltne. ba "I ilway4 hnbai n gri-lt dreail of or ta multiply tbeir pleasures, whe-Her WhtlayugE ls- faliing into Etîglish hritîii, but now ther visa, or unwisa. It cannaI, Ce ne- 1 «a1ilnst'ructive featunai will b. aam- Harvey M. Elliott,- physidan, e ah , oH ynr eyMines, a oun mEgish- thRt fate lias oVereame me 1 bave cessary ta labor the point etatistica-l" pisfi'wool Ln bath the greasy and Swalwall, Alta4, la beng uedby Wa!- macai'syd nknescomite iearncd bettuar, andi 1 sec no trace af'1), and ta adduce the easiy accessible Iscaured condition, howing the injuri- ter Parga for $9,000, à fleging tiît hI.icida; cauenknownssevieasyad anytiuing but tender lave on the ypart figures as ta ru tes of pay, output and as fs iussigislbepanmuo a sbetdt mucsaypi ter Oftetyyar et Srvieohnya-N. of My fermer etiemies. overtime, or ta do more than make wihaedfiutt rmvtrte hbg nefelamhid atr ai' tir L ..a t on .. "I bacc ilspteniîdî h.- -y vcry, passing refarene teathe thousande of thon the' staadai-d dipplng fi'uide for Dr. AX.0. MacRas, whea speaking T. L IrvinJares . es»oth dny, plenty of mentat id lpotitoeq', cvqmen Who wcre not wage a ners arin- rpns. Samples-of wool to the Women'm Ganadan Club of C.., idaFreicoNB, s beuiul okd jthat have been bied with binder twln Calgary racenhly, ud that Calgmry ... lda rdncoNBm beautfuil cookd. hforea rnd ta the' allauvances ta soi- wil show liow the siafbrbcoe wo nwreldftnth i. a, a result ai' blond polsonlng. "Tbcy givainie alnmasl ta niuue, dic'rs' wic-es. i p -a ir eoe rmnFtr nifletttewr red WOOdard, a SouthI African but for the cake (if goodl manaerit 1 The patent reenîts are enough for nCoî'prated into the wocl wlt!u the thefr extravagant elohiing being but eratlanbokbilgnth ent till i il h inisiie<l. aucprpsnslerqueBrntgam dei'ect la the finiuhed pro- one'evidence, eea,<i dbrk i a ati "Tadc o utmc .ufaj o rie. .. thers linleBsriingmha-,de h natitiRSitý»r s - lcit ia nenp1<n e î it etrinle ttiI14. ls membership, in fact, bas! We Oefk i em..inu.f~-e-xOm sa a t8dn Mi va hy fluifTtit for thet nadî rceltei craift îa(evn b0 pcr cent. duriag the war.itrial inveatlveneaa Mid rescuree, hî<Qewle rsme*wa .cote iorfu t gthe .upeed acrurately. Meanwile the figures ai' aies pare y w r a p afi-e hhhol19i 'Q 4,1r" 1 mcrnber bave bacc mountiag up, hith- neither diseovercd the app)fatoe e e, à lg Ù er cocstiderably than ecnb. mccouated i stem aiat a motive forýe. non 4Wdah iii BéW 10 for by prie. Arnd saliprticuiariY inVýent a'nY Oft b. gret denicesby l a - b1%*4 *lë4,wle For that t4le welgbt oai'bu-ILp urehased whiiinatinhaveheen breugbt riem- ewlv estdA.- » = m Pure (Ioodiness [ asrNÃŽed pac u~co..tiergi. £dera aexsaofr"~~* and delicioîîs, mnappy fIav-- our no other food-drink equiils POSTUÃil Alade of wheat and a bit of wholesome molamzete, it hait rlch color, aroma and taiute, yet conta ina n harmnful elements.' Tua Bhot table drink Je ideal for eh ildren a.nd parti- ctllariy 5atityng to' all wlth whom tea or cofTee disagrees. Postum cmrea ltin to, forme: The orhginalt W> ber a"119g bol1n ta -, por , dtinm. at-tsaie M-ad botter b.alth ,au - 'rQumd,-- P*stum ite&l 0" . §tory. Sonid hy i-osterai vnwîr Perhapis BItoItç rmigharnilaratherr mOre1 "New, tthé. gm-t weld.tru2J. ttiuri.shing than om e plac e; but it lj» i l u .I p ut d nes re s e e 'omrnan knowliedge thst mnteria l el have bm .ti-uwnîoemsy epse"MM <<3 au~naU I îh.- diffused o v r w r ona yard lose W . ~~- - - colâstry. If confirmation be battleshlpuseopê du.L m seiigbht, it Is eavy tb refer ta the stt-troen. r sbiimi OVS etu __-k istcuciLb aIe c ti.Ce-operative u <e Il vb <n cmfuos W'haletai., or to thae of unesnploy- -marin euegife »hop bWs p0ds<m < -le a Mlent or pauperism, OObn..u twaaa.r~IÇtt This las nt tf»spY that DaOdyWv a iieti egaiuge etVn diiitrcsaed by -tue pfýslnghlk 'Wodwrid'eiia ubimp .a" iprices.Puttin on seue aided4.uuaa*Y" a t . gtii cîasas people vith lArd inemue, thà 0ee dral ang~hsd Oanet 1t Whba ind t) ihr4te manage sare mh dffIyltwltM r&"lqkvu@t aid a"i penaees slae srts v, St 0 b Ilo ehetp themn ad lsoldirs' ivesaprow Op- a1s01b -l twith ltu-g. famUIJe .1 iOfnal) ehuldrm Ã* x- ,Oi!ý 'lTera au. aise eert)n gmi) ali es W.tes O#W<for 1IPwe o w ti net yet te bac-O eà «uU adjutt t , ,r I I l t e el u v tf . l a' o en e u ~ q m s 77 am ý-,m oulritm -14iien M ià ven their work is xecised by a sup- l tt'PtcLrLrna r.o Mn er uInIa and etoiicdlitesd Noiesand cil1îd* ar r com m is ion ai' three French n ' OP Caforna lb e y ae n t ra. Easy top tw a Sw iss physicins at Lyons, or in a,It, o taira u1<.A MU, ac aC n tlree G erm an rnd tw o Sw iss nt C on- a x e ave W i Bo kletandl stance. The' Judgmnt ai' the intair c ybte 4. 0. 1tiqR IIP,18 x 42, witb sioublc ýmain driviDg 1c11 34 lus. b et 6rIvcn0. A-'Il-in fis class Condition-. -Would bc sOld logtiberor scpaacé« Iy ; also a lutoi-f sbafti g oit a very gîcat, bargain ^e rom Is rcqulrcd imiwm. i. attdy. $, frank Wilson &SUIS 78 Aéded S9;tWet Bombay -averag"eaore thtz - v- *slty-4wo inhu et ra aye&r ma ,phzs mof et 1 1 ox Ar ve however. Minard's Liniment Ca., Limited. Gentr-I cured a valuable hunting dog o! zifge wh I'~'LN~ MENT, after several vct.er4narIlès k" treated him withouft doing hlm any permà ,anent good. Yours, &c., WILFRID GAGNE. Prop. of Grand Central Motel Drummondville, Aug. 8, '04 [fiz Daughter-"ýPapa, d14 you kaow mamma long before you married ber?" Rer Father-"Jn3ust between oand me, my deur, 1 don't knoW Eeep mna ee lal im e ta la 5h.» Mu e The hope ci someluow Setting soe- tufag whichI v. have not auxuad, vehéinlpower or pniviege or en- joymeu' la the* ehiefsource' et humna sensible a- el ,b ul ni ýV. SThe. work of bring1nt bacI W heatb H E bmandetmvity th@, hundred of slek and le *«w u~dwar prsoieig 'Who are fot 8o n, 'for rýepatriatiun 18 dibed ln deo.-c - patches <from SwitzeËlad. MIt in ln this hemithy country, amnong the kiidiy people of the. varions hesith4 19 resote, that many of tes. prisners *Who have been transferred from he crO'ded prisons of Germany and Frnce are beng nursed bck Wo health. A W V t T &~ Trhey are eili prisoners, of'course,AN co . and will rezuain o until the end of theAN C O wsr, bues their cheffces for reco ery inî Swtzerand are far greùter Mn ln the- necessarily uncozfortable uart- wsmoW DtALumc e rs in France mnd Gerznany. The arrangements for the sendling~ of wounded prisoners of war ta Swit-I *zerland were originally made between' N»PTT~ Germany and France and Germany iS ers.POTeATON, CiBH COr- and Belgium, but negotiations for a! 40 at oniaDearu. arms. r- o imilar agreement between Engl-ind ut«tIOns w Dawson. Brampton." and Germany have been nearly cam- wauiu» pleted. About 14400 slck and wound- *ed prisoners have already been sent BOX NAILERS, SAWYERS, the health resorts of Switzerland, 500 LABORERS, good wages. Apply Gerrhans and 900 French. The 'or write First rook Bros. Linit. French contingent, which includes 100, ed, Toronto. officers, ha been quarteri I et Mon-, TII ~ 1fEN W AN TED FOR ALL tans, iMontreux, Interlaken, Wiliners- 131 branches of Fintshing trade, in- will, Meiringen and Brienz, and 'the . i-uding Rubbng and Pollhin9g. uo G e r m n s r e n a r u c e r e a d D a o s. C a b in e t M 'a k e r s a n d T r i m mx e r s . P r'-a iY Germns re earLucrneandDavs.;work and gcood wnges for com-tent The guarding of the prisoners js, men. When pplvng state experienco ndwhether rnarrieîletr sincle. Apply implified by an agreement with thie The eo. >MLsan Furiture Co.. 'Limit- Goveraments of the soldiers that all cd. Stratford. ont. who manage ta reach home will be re- IMEWPIPE%3FOR SAVII. turn d to Switzerland. The cam ps R F T À I > ~ W N O are under the supervision ni' sanitary r Oatces for ugale ln ood ontarié officera aof the Swiss ariy medical twns Tii. most uefui and Itneresting depart mnent. Non-com m iaioned of- f &11 buuneseces Fui information *oâ application ta W1ison I'ubtieqhlrr "are- ficers chosen from among the prison- pacy,. 73 Weqt Adelade strf-et. 'trnritG. ers are entrusted with the mainten- arnée of discipline nmang the men. It 15 prbbethat, 50 succesful has ANCER. TUMWORt,- LumPs. ~r probteblei and ext4tnal. cured w th- been the experiment, the number ai' out pain by ur haine tratment. rite prisanera in Switzerland will be gieat-- Co..bOff O o t. l Dnr. RelmO n t e Ia ]y incrased. C. lrtd alnwo.Ot The 'Iick and waundedi men are se- F. reIu-b ra le ted at th e va rou s prison cam ps in u ge .b st e ui w h Germ any and France as cases suffi- Inn gt besc re. 3tn w th ciently serious for transportation ta A niorý e' e , frr of,. ti' t i r t.çŽ Switzerland by medical cmmissions. rIti ki-iiune- Iir.lI ie. xat îand co xposed ai' tw o Sw iss m edical of- keep.q rani h îrd tw lu i e long. V r l1 TOag7d'TOO SALT W0A&Xsl ficers and a physician f the country 60-62 Jaxevis st.. Torontio, Ont. in which the qoldier is held. Thesel~--- commissions, of which there are DEAFNESS 18 MISERY