I wilt hold their -amnal picale in Vi. htwsy ettersfroni Pünd's Woods on Thur9day alternoon, F R - ~JUIY flth. &Hl1 members and ail molli- L U I ers wIth their children are a81ýed t our M,. and Mrs..L. J. Rosa, of Toronto, wihMr. and _Mrs G. Jones, and Mr.OR UR BROOLIN. and Mrs. Urah Jones. Deak an so, Tedj,<~, Mill. Eugene WilIson and baby spent N.thlg H.lp.d lia I.ntil H. ToeIm Toronto, suid Miss Ilh liall, . Whit. over Sunday In Toronto. "RI--1U by. are vlsltlng with Mrs. John Mr. Wesley TinIt, of Chicago Univer- Orniston. Mrs. Deaks' son, whc has sity, le spending the holidays with hies been at the front for some tîme, lias prns been Bertousiy wtaînded, and la ln an Mr, Levers, accenpanled by Mr. and Australlan hospitai. Mirs. MeDonald, and Master Alian Me- Donald, motored fî-oi Toronto on July ise. Sheridan and Mrs. Lewis and lst and vlsited at MIrs. Tomlinson's;. qehlldren. of l Toronto, are vlsiting at Mrs. John Beamish. of Oshawa, vis- Air. Portway's. iepd at Mirs. Stephens' over Sunday. Mr. Reddltt, ot Markhamn, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. 0, Sebeni spent Sun- -WIth frlends in the village on Satllr- day with friends ln Toronto. ,day. Miss Clara Elvlss andi friend, of To- Mr. andi Mm. Dam>y, of Oshawa, andi ronto. spent the wveek-end with Mr. W. Mur. and Mrs. L. Mrean, of ToroninH. EtViss. were vîsitors ut Mr. MeLeanis onier the The tIe;rcePecetnical sîorm, accorn- boliday. lianîct hy hlitge haitstontes whlrh pass- Mrs. ordc and on, f To ono d tliroiiîab here on Siiinday, tIi very wers. hnii da îîsoainifr. kne .'11, ite damage. Ibut fantiher wfft constd. MeeI ý%ii of at I. k nti c. ralîle tama&P was donte, besîdes ani- MNonigo.rer f Lntsay, an ais belng killeti. %Ir%. (ox, of Osaî . vrc rt-cent N a- Mt- W.,fB. Robson w-as lere on busi- 1tors w lth MIr.andi Nlrs.13 titis. 1 ne's 'for a fcw, days last %-.eek. LlothER l'he rtIgttuiarr moto hItn*,ctItng of tlie tfrlits sons-tn-law, Mr. MelcNair andtilr. ALBERT VARNERt Patriotte IMagu iie ttêill b hl I lii ibe hun1r ier ave enlîsîtd. Buckingham, Qule., May Srd, 1915. Coistcil room oit Mondila '.. iîi vlott ai Nrs. . . Veslake andti cltdren. of For seven vears, I sufl'ered t.erribly So'clock. Evcrtod. w ait-ont-, Torotito, spent a few tiays wvlib ber sis- from ç;evere l'feadaches and Indigestion. lte Vrank HInîttati. %%ho 1bas. baCnternNir.elcJhinggit lhome for s.'î trat days, rîu îîrtied lto r.-Mr. 6. i. Iliglit. gas from the stomach, Niagara on Tiîesday. Cj t.1fr. Jamtes Nloore lias bt-en bitter stuff would corne up lato my l)r.('cîtias1). lilu l'hIl ,Prof's from iNiagara for a few durs. »;or tri a L'aIversiî 'v Ii limîîînaîîoîs. îi ss ,Nilrtaiam -eti, of Oshawa, lias nîutlafan oting,andlea tme Ihadn lheu-c wiiî lits faillt r, t llttia lii10 heen '.isîting lier grantiparents, Mîr. Cnustia ati o lwng, ean dcrni gel Beilledt i bs i oint. andi Mrs. A. Keichen. C1 tpto.Iwntoeea otr Mr. anti Nis. l'alimer. (it ('l.arcmonit.1 iss Gert rude Tomîtoison tgstsavlng and wrote to a specialist in Boston but vlsll"d w itt Mrs chas Elitn rceîîtl%. for a short lime wlilîlier miortier. without benefit. I tnieilmany remedies '1 4vu frontr of i' auîtaii ios A % ery sutcýc;sîtl Sunday Sehool Pic- but nolluing did me good. Final/y, a Is îîucî iiprs<-dh afr-itiCti itc mas tieid oi t ie grotinds orf1the fr-tend adz'ised"' ruit-a-tives ". 1 look palall" hi( ata (h iirch bere on lthe afier- ti rn mi idcn n lmd Mr. Jos. ilodotisau s r4,ctltg a n-at of Jiily Ist. ti rn ri eien n tmd 11111e vrauîd.ih ll frt'uit (if lits iîomer l'lie day was fine, the wer ncws was me well. 1 am grateful to «Fruit-a- Mr. Wlîll Croîali b:ia îIro Ca' LY00- ro. ani vi-vo pvreseniîasot tiî'es ", and to ver'i-one whio lias mise- front a s#"rlotîî acidi utilt iIt iîotorliiz foîr a ooud tinte. Swings, games anti rallelieaithiwitbi("onstipation and Imi- ,oa S.itiurti. avmaIfle wa's coiIli) Wracuts w erPe enjopeti e hyI iblîdreui eto nt ldSoacIsrtk the lit]] onit e s(,t-itth concesstini-ar itlie y,,ng penîtie. as w eh as tty sorne gsinan<a toah sytk Mr, w1lîles wlt-i lits cari sk lit'd anti . cottld scarcelv qualhfy for'ecUber «rut-a-ti%-eS ", anti 300 will get w-cii ' Tan l no Ii,' enditi ili l tutt hi ta' I. :\1 r if i b'-alne AaLa. .BERT V A R:'ER. ('roxali jîîi st-aih%î af"iî f-ect froîtil Afit r an alitintiani sulîper providetid e o,6fr$5,tilsz,2e golar over Ilie ' lu'lti.*ia dropî of f<'et. I' ii' ladies, 11ev. Mr. Haig Inirodiirvd AtCdealeoxrs ornt 50,stial on e,c . 1o ]His mIre anti sot i <tti\IT-ssqu'i rta'iir Mse ariamîrance, w lnhortadthie A elr retpspi nrcito wih hlmini li toc. r, antim ""r" tiotia i lie fohlom Inizatidress: pnice by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. worso otfIil, icî 'l't liq rat. iomw cver, wMas ItaiI y dalii a d Mir <'roxilIicaar NIr.priibt'î al's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ enbr ofi' ttttilI r' ctl anvAdtil îBile esea ar iotîl ts Ia iit pîir'. o . 'asanid frlcutistiîstrp tb laka ilits S. S. NO. 2, N'HITBY. llev . lttîcr MA i, \inh:I ie înlyo rnea ta li 3Ot The annîtal picale la connecîlon with Ilrookiliiittrt-titi hu'r' fur f , iars. y irblilrtliday. SîýnchaIr's thool wvas lielti last Thuns- A lîtrtitiarýis a milé-sîoîî. As ivi' dav',Jtîne 2911î, on the school groundis. bsu Iecti sît' ;iit ti î't tihais t-tiit' Lrîî-m tldthe s(,ini (o cotOe more ii*n l n es werc ohsreas to hrtîil<ititt o I%(,. liai l ita (îrcht.'tý ii îly hepi,- în rabî cved, ao a h fn- lo the' nom iîtiiIse rt'(ý4,tir y liitih\lx 'Ir' V. Flctrvlee1 us îefîrtee creani, the latter bclng "ix'acher's Scott. NIr Ali îts of fri.1)tis lit4r"seîîr.,'s its-rnltti 10 i ery few. Sîtrely trpal. ln the course of the day, r Wlii w ~ 0 kuw< l ~ d'î'lt'tvonitîavcetîcetifat\ ored litiheiuîg siart-tllaiînam look the ktities for a spin In wbe corne I iq)%h iadciv o li s so natiy y-cars -yetirs (of adti' ly lits car, mw thdikindncsN'as greatlv up- Miss ItiaiWIvbflt l'îîTritit h. vi 'i l filtties. itredlaleti. Il was a mos surceessful pic-s wlth Mir. tndtti rs Chias t rtîss Nit cati look bat-k farihc'r Iban thierite, a long, hiappy day for the chlldren.P Mr. anti M rs,;<rdîi îîaIlno Irabtniiî tîost of itsla, Inhe liiory ofr ort- Miss Howardi, or Toronto, w-as re-e ton, w'cre m e-k end't1iti rsitliit imi ti tri (aI tuiti)'oit-att rteuhale 1ast se"' eCîItY the guesi of NMr. anti Mrs. Johno Nirs. Johnti\VarrondttlMir tiiti Niris i alraies or chîtîers Inithie tiro.- Rîte.1 F. %N. W'arrt'ntif 'Torotin lu w 'r' i d a sa tif ilits cngrs'gal Ion:tindti tit its NI rs. Iarris W'allace la ta the ctty t i-lslors w1.h îr r.ý 'ltîî.(l %oit we<r,' ver neudy to do owîng t0 tue lllness of lier son, Dr. C. t Pte. I tor'ze j tbîî<iiso, of 1Toron l îîr iîr V. W'allace. t IN'ii hoîî rt w f'îî t diîî l lits 'i ,'îk ' 'l h%-ba'lirIen tiiosl falîlifiillut ai- Walter (larrart has probably the g .M rs A K l\t. iiw silsI12 st lî ctt <1-fi i ti ile irînt Ile w Orshtli lu 11ail I hPe fInest Bt raw beru les ltrits section. Not awuî lais tek1t'ttrstsît-kucsalone cotîlt keel>3OU oîily lis îtîcsize îîanttaly'large. but theW Mr. anttir s F. Scoit. tif tktî l ii<aelor anti flavor are also perfect. a Presby ti-rîtîtil it-iirn1c I ifi rr Il nIl -itiaY- iilt-ae d a liauutiatllai ialies b '~ tu-ents I -n'it-i-ru tur ltut i tn tu tlit-ni. 'j e ont- oft(ieniosi <'lierfît Iaunid h.t * Iw tîir tttirs iilisieltte Onlle frid% t î'i tt Zs ilt. lt Nlr. t hil tth t unt-lt (c t.i i Rtor - o e Holliti vs. %%lit-nian ohti1 taie barnidance t lt ttet tit-Litcon oe was fii (1,Tcnc wiî'ts i lange crmi îî':i ehtreh y'oti wotrt-, psrhaps, tht-lt-at- prsititind -i\<ryouîc enijoyetd i t ia- v tansecti rîuîg I ic eco-opî-nailoti 'o! al Iseives ihotttlI" nI. llolliav Is l tanftue wonmty îoni. lie cucrtiilii'tilltt1i i ît i lert t-- itn ni ti ltr-I tl affai ra ynrîihai-v e u-en o!ful fils inil(>%%ut-v i' -tale i(,residîtiîîca et ie rihI te lcfaîl tifuilhu-for niany > t-tns. andtri r\ s a ditienî.'ui m litîve al'way-s een Aft-r iliii'sirv feil St. Ttioniuta' rt-adtiy blt-u a liehîtig lanît for any ("bureliîuuu'-'- t- - 'lb- îcui- wor i t#, ute betttt'îîff(ICat. i, JiinsMoe Asit Iski niof otur alpereciutlon of of thte lil iii ltalîon, îîiti a pîîrsp votîr loung andt faiîlîfiub -nk nnîîong us, ef mon Ç- lutie,-acrsî.îutile cane. May Il bea Ont~Vsitasdiv ns. cosng iti- or tîlipotuntho y'oî i inilhe tays Io conne, anti On-scu i,(iatuliat Nhsl inienda, 's nu%>Ily rt-mid you i lai yqtr fatbNui- roonli, t'-i' ttitit- w Itlbuittu-Ni îreî t les lis -'n lahpreriated. bedrooti crýlîr. ant Illtî iuiîls IliNMIss Ilui rncltslng ltilus w tsb yon "2'uny a piîr- of ltuiv îloiti teaudite;s ins- SIgnedon lisliaI! o! the cbass: leavîne lirotitt, îandi îiurt'very nîtteli (',î,us. C.îu'E, Presitient. pleaset i wtîhi te Ies.ss.talions fronti ' îNuManager. the clb drnu J. M -aNt Teucher. Mrç;, Pronti, mw linlis heeni visili ug (C. Mnit.îNtcL Secretary. In Oshaît a for sote w,îcks, lias relira- Prooklil, a. ly lot. 1916. cd honie. At tlite rroper limie Master Gordon lirs, Alkiinson, or flosemain,NMon. M'filte nmatiethe presentation. tana. %Iî li lier aitoer. iris. Mîier, n. Ketchien, thoiigh somewhat un-t ls vtsltltîg wlthîMn. nid Mrs. W. A. nenvetiý. steadîcti himself on hb bonu Dryden, Niafle Statie. tifuthiy enKrnved cane, andi ln a few w-el Mns. Aundterson ansui llîren. of To- chiosea w ords. expresseti hie (hanka for ronto, are î'isltlag witlt thte forineras tht- stîendit gift andi almo for the kinti- Mus.Jnc, Plkn iag. visileti m-Ir odeti atdresa, Sevorai gentlemen M".Jons, f Pckêing viite %v lînpement w-eu-e caileti upos( andi aI bore Mr. anti Mes. Unlait Joncs ibIs w-esk. tesuîlntoty o! Mr. Ketctîen's high char- Dr. S. ant irMs. Brout, w-th tht-m son acîcu-. lts energY ang lits contnued *nd daugliter. o! Chiester-, lad.. wescfailîfainesit. 'week-end visitons witiî Mrs. Inroati. »«For bes a joliy gooti felbow," a vote Mrs. Rlerkalhy anti fauniiy. o! Toronto, o! tbaaks ho the ladIes andi "Goti Save ,were holiday vIsItons with Mn. andtihie King.- hrought a pleasant anti pr-o- Is. D. Hollitiny. fitabie gathernt1 a close. Miss Bertlha Joncs, o! Bhackstock, Io lhulidaying w'itli lier brothers lient-. Mms. Wilb Moor-e spent thie week-end Acquire the habit of licath by utingh w'th lier frîentislu Oslîîa. ' liexail Orderlies, fle nioders laxative. y Mr. anti Mrs. UnIalu Joncs spent Do' 15e sud 26c. Solti oaly at Rexail Dru#g ulinion Day lu Pickerng. i ttaes. A. IL Alita ýTHALDOMINION BANýK A GNCALBANKINO BUSINcESTRAN$ACTEOD Dpaa. . et "0Douar ami tmpwsa4 WHIT13Y BRANCH: S ,TERRY Mmsispr. OSHAWA CL N.14HENRY, * Cattarrhai I)eafness Cannot be Cureti b-s tarai appuicatona, as uhey cauuuot reach the dimeased vouit uo! the ear, There ha ouily one way to0cecat'urhal deà qfneaa mund 1ha1 la iy a contititouial r redy. Uatana-hai Or-afnuea. I. cumtid 17 au li flaiie c -udut-u of thie muits llilng of the Ruai -ch i i Tuh'ew-heu Ibis tubetelainflauted you haasinmblluug scund tor- In perfect hearng, and wbeu itluà cneirelv cloged,t>eafueua liqthe neault. t'aIres the luiflimmatioui cau be redut-et an 1t IIsistbe restosiedtio il. normal conditioni. hestinit -wili utdetm-y¶d fiarever. luaun' cases o! dr-af es are rauset iuiyrcalaru'h, which la au iliauied couuifitou. of tie murcons surfaces. Htalle '@ auau-n Cure sacta throuah the lt soui o the nais-iemsurfat-e of 1h. ovi eltc l wrw oo . give nt u n 4îudret Dollars for auiy cane .,f Catarrhal "k-oèfuesg that canot b. -t' -Itv Hallrei-atari-h cure. Ciucutars fr-ee. Ail dsiuggist, - c. P. j CHENlI' & CO.. 1Toledo. 0. Take Hall'* taunl, rUtis for co utan. RAGLAN. Mr. andi Mrs. James Moffat! andi datîgiten, Dou-othy, speutthicw-eek-endi lu Toronto. Mr. andi Mm-. Win. Aveu-y, anti Mise Allie, are 'iaiing la Mariposa, Mn. and à ts. lb. Di.cg a.îl soni Carie- ton are vllthing w-lUi NewtzoqiLe fi tendis. Mn. Gordon ilodgeon, of! Ohuna anti Mu-. Aliez Hotigmn, of Toronto. spent the holiday w-tii helr parents, Mr. anti lMma C. Hotigeon, Mr. andi MrmClarence Hodgson. of 'Oshuawa. s%ýent the holiday witi Rag- lan frtends. Mir. Campltn, et Toronto. la vtsitteç wllh his cousin. George Luire. Mmra.J. 19.Nottingbmni anti lmater Roüy, are apendtng a tew days w-tUt Peterboro fi-tend&s MiLs A. Blackbur-n las retu-ned te lier homne lna lbevilie, Ont., after yetreteaching nta hé pubUeie mcli ber-. 1fr. imilMm ,Nornmu mtghitoan d son. Lloyd, spent Sîinday at Wtai Dreuts. liasEdna Thompsaof etToronto, tu visitis wIi r-temds ler.fier' a t1e lira. L . 1-mg*woM d il inlau Iauihsir, et-Rolaul, Mon., a >re .pos4 fns a tew w-moka w-tU, ber paseota. Mr. anl MMr. 1XtomWmige. 0. te »kodep $»M< gr.l wu xwKOISO o z. O 4 1frmaI laa. 1#.<bMd lmtè4 ,oth ê0]IIî, asi y ffl> »» > a. ~ U TI{URSDA~, JtTLY_6, 1918. -' What ta the matter wlti the Front Road? Motoritats seemn to prt tty near- ty ail crnê by the 6th concession. TheY say, the main rond to the aouth Of us h sarielBy passable, even for an aeroplanie, Surely this road from To- ronto eastward shouiti be kept pass- able for ail classes of travelers. School la now ciosed for the summer vacation, and w-tilot re-open until September. The W. M. S. of the circuit met at Mis. F. L. Green's on Tuesday lait. A profitable anti most enjoyahie (ime w-as reportei. M.auy of out poultry raiss1s have losi heavtiy of bate, Borne iosing uearly 60 chicks la one nigh't, and others pro- porUionately. The heautifiul littie ani- mai they eall the skunk seems to gel the blame for hetng so destructive. Quite a number of the vIllagers anti some from Mount Zion helti a pieute down ut Lake Ontario.- No doubt an enjoyable time wus spent. Miss Harvey speut the week-end at H. W. McBrien's. Corporal Meredith McBllnen speut over Sunday ut home. Mn. Wm, Reimuan, o! Scugog. bar, been spentiag a fcw tays with btssn, E. W. Retiman. Mrs, Richardison and Clarence visîtet Onilia anti other points aorth on Sut- urday, Tbey w-erc accompunieti by the Hunhock family, o! Toronto. Miss Myrtie Dcnîny, w-c regret f0 leuu-9 w-as taken sutitcnly 111 a fe"i day-s ugo. At urne of w-ittng she w-as retiortet consiterably hetten. Mn. James Pcngally anti son, Clan- ece, rcturaéd home on Fntday night iast afien spenttng sonne three w-eeks iln Hamilton. Thcy w-iil remala home for the reat of thts scason, w-e untier- stand-ut ieast tili the thrcshlag sea- son hegîns. Look ouf for partîculans of the Kin- sale Garden party on or about July 20. Me. Morley, o! Ptckerinîg, çfrcachet here on Suntay evcntng iast, Mr. W'est betng unahie ho take the wonk owhng to stekucas. Mn, anti Mrs. Reeson antiane fricots fnomn Oshawau, visitct Harbron Pros. oî'en Stunday, Louis Rogers speof over Sîînday w-ith Kinsale fnientds, Ht-lookasfineln lis îînlfonm, Ife returuedto 1V'oboung n M ontay. Mr. anti Mrs, 1-1i1, of Toronto, speat the w'eek-cndi at Mn, Gotrîcy's Sonne from bene attendedti he holiday tance ln the new barn on Fritay aight. How Fat Folks May Be- -corne Thin. pearl anti bonuquetln BY Elizabeth Thomas. was ussiat Matit Fra Perhaps yoti are sutideniy becoming a wvhite si stout, or it may be that you have been of blýack. Putting on wetghî for years. In eeUh- withtýjerne er case the cause. ta the same-ack 0f Tme gct oxygen-carrytng power 0f the blood. f1mw-rs. This trouble occurs ln aduits 0f both Francis gi sexes anti ail ages, but It may ho over- shower foi come very easily and without any o!fItison, w-li the privations that most people Ima- ulit gine necessary to reduce wetght. Aîîghtîsl Simply go to your drugglst andi gct Mri. Fruan some 011 o! oniiene capsules, Take ono antd costîy after oach meai anti one beforo golng Drookîta. I .o beti. Weigh yoUrseif 80 as to knoW tala, bon, »ust how fast you are lostng weight. w-ere prest Wonderful resuits have becu accom- Mes. Franc ilisheti by tbIs inexpensive recipe, bot 'tct'lappir >o sure to get the genuine 011 of ort- leno tn caDgule -form. Itla soiti only ln original sesaed packages. Any large dnuggit can supply you, or a large mize box will be sent on recelpt Profe of $1.00 (postal note or moucy orten). Itidresu,-, D. J. Litle Drug Ca., box 240, Montreai, Canada. I 1. i OAKWOOD. On Thursday, Jue 29th, Mn. and IMrs. Jas. S. Francis celebrateti their lînen wcdding at their homne, Maripo- sa Station. Zrs. Fracis receiveti, wearing a pate bitte stlk dresa with WHITBY MARKETS Wheat, f&Hl.... .......1.0o o t Im Wbeat, gode.. ......... 1.00 te 3m Barley....... ..**..0.60 te 0.4 RBo ..... .... ........00 te 0.1 Pffl *-toe 110te 3la Oata.................. to 0.1 Redi cloves-...... ...... 1200 te 15.0 Âlmke cloer. Der bua ..8.00 to1li Fi-oUU A»D FENm Ioer, per cvt ---.........26to U. Choppelftel, vt .3. .74 te 3Li Dr-. ma, etoft.... .. oollU tu Oht, Verte«.... ...oot,38. CAttu., ilve welcbt... 9.00 «ogu. dreMUl *00*2&s00a. . veo ... . Queue, tu M te 5 teL te qu 10 40 .60 100 lo 170 ýi 40 MI1 The first and last word in home. baking Used by millions with perfect resuits "for generations OYA BAKING POWDER ÀAb>soutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. 1' . Made in Canada satin rihboa tnimmings anti BASE LINE WEST. Messrs. W. All-rnan and Frank.ym )f fera anti carnationîs. She et by ler Fsîser-n-aw, i~ss M . W illiam Collson, of Toronto, visteti at Kingston Asylum Dominlion. ancs, f roolin wo wrespent, Friay w th Whltby fricats. Day with Wm. Asby, wo Ih Manager, ;ilk repe tres wth touches Two boas of young people f rom Kn- -of the Diry Department. There are<. The bouse w-as tecorulet sale, speat Dominion Day at the Lake 70ptet hradtefr ny is anti deep pink carnations, Shore.1 100 acres. s wore favors of flic same Mn. Cooper Smith anti bis, son hati a City Policemaà n R. W. Burto6n and'.- Duning the cvcnlng NIrs.- narrnw escape fromn being drowneti on fnIent vtsited at E. Story's on Wednea- .ave a iuister ant iilioth Dominion Day ut the mouth o! Lyude's day. ýr ber fricot, Mliss L. E. Day- Creek. Mr. Smith tirove his honse to Mrs. Jas. Mcleod paid a visit to Nia-. tise murriage tukes place ta get a drink o! water and w-us unable gara Camp to see hen sons, Whilie ~n Milss Duvitison w-ore a mîd-t- 0buck up. The lionse plungei ahead A-r,, of the ll6th Battalion. --- -dreas w-ifh touches of w-bite. Into deep watcr. He and lis son were 0o cis receivet mauy heautiful rescuet, but the horse ta spite o! ail gIfla of lînen. Guesîs fromn assistance, was tmowucti.' The key to beauty's heart-"-ýA boX 0f- Lindisay, Oakwood, Little Bni- Mrs. John Sirtevant andi frientis LlggettUs Chocolates" 'Yôur set -eville andi East Oukwood hielt in ue ut the Asylum Beach on heart's cholce"-Sod exclumflvely by'-aiJi &nt. antiaIll wished Mn. anti Dominion Day. Rexali Drtig Stores. A.,'H. AlIU. :is many more yeans of w'et. ber Od ard e OogèrothesMtoGi - A man's- car- in its sturdîness and swift - response, a wornan's car in its grace oflne andi dtsign. The gà 'soline con>umption ,* unusually Iow, the tire mnileage is unusùally liigh. - t Automobile Tiresad Specialriest Gasoline Engines, Cultivating, Haing anid H a r ve silngr. Machinery, Plower, Carrnages, Harness, Hardwaîe, -BInder TWune F2uISNdGEYss l1lio n 1 'HicIILSN LDOR:~ UWDRTKJj( Bellý and lad. L we tu «O baoà 9.O4i1 WNI-*tgV N .- -7 1' z Makes deliejous and healthful cake, biscuits, muffins and pastry. JNO. E. FAREWELLe K.C. l3arrinter, County Crown Attorneyad -County SOlicitor. Offie, south wlng Court Hloua., Whltbl ufTbs(e. Salctoa, Nets" Puble. Etc. offie, DrockSt. O». Standard Baux monoy tg LouI, UAJI1UOE LICENSES a. VOUlU S MWf, LLS. At dvelUa ,oum oppOgt. MtholI Clwrb No vitaeus requinl. DENTÂL Barry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. lucommor to W. MA#= OMe. IUndu BbSt Opposite Poo I.' I I I a j t to f à à - ý là no AIUM