Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 1

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CIIONC LE Church' BUG FINI Reaily For Ume1 No Nltxing Rcqu It 'to ithte vi fillisikws the potato 011e application. Th est and last M-iwyt strout.tii oo . i t bliglît nul walerv' 10 lb. for 25c, 4 lb). PURE PARIS OR in .11) > 11). iil i J. E. WILI Drugglst and 01 NIEIÇAL HAL jBrock St. THE M0USI OF QIU The l)ea ie., %i ihi thie kua anp "Scrânton1 Toc 3îtandavd 'AFTER 1THE STI New Prices Now Esti 1"resli îninvd "Scran toi Egg, Stove. ('licstnut coîing li ly il] box Ca brîghit n id dy. carille Smitlig coal :tI way8 in- Yolu m atitt he lce9t. L. R. BLOW, lieu houp 9. lionie SUMMER SES%' Einfer aîîv t ei nV -e ci t ( I Wî<îi W.iv. SHAW, pruen~t. J. I4OWELL JI Carî<ntior, l'iidcr atid C( Planls :11( i nestlinatei Sasli. doies t d frames. Reent tor Brantiford1 B801467 WMITLIY Marriage Lice A. Il. ALUAN. Ksuer of Miarriage Lirenue Corner drug store, Whitt No witnesaes requIred. The Oreater Cuida Impi Land Co.. Limitei WhltbY - Oui Real Extale I)enlitrq., Eeatel RnaCotlected. l-irut Loan t ~ prl'rimPer; te li alisd For terinç aîi,y 11sd <Office Bell Plione 19:t ui fhlDiiel81e I OffIce and 'Work tOpposite Houka Brma,1 MONUMEIb atm 111 flaiduso andmtt Nalsabd -- -. -- jD 'THIRSA« . 1111-VA.1-qD loir, vialivaissiuelimattPl e atait.e-uf Affaira vwuided drast'e1 jsrArlle e c pezil* aOmel.bou'. ht gril psr you t. eau at ft vwoa'ksftIOn. anîi Il 'as deteIded 10 put te - ;t th i U li.e.ît e*.~oM. ti ai nspect for ypnrsBLf. IIîeIàOtis of reerttlîas n *mi >~ ttlra~f r e WLeouar u' Do flot bw misted 'by gat&W.do te-titanlinuid tloutnt.ss-iiko e lsî. evt4.eui.s iiat th$ ub0vllnjp bu mot emp4or'thom Coffluatly we A rtviîttlg roynutlltee wau toîmid gel Ili bts ue ~ulitre. A nwQ ma,. anti do 1110w thi e mt*& 5 trIi draft na iiite of ortags.o, Zh4«tal'O u tue u~ adleu ot 10 per cent., wbleb Y«u ArW suli o cf t nt' tal hi ne ('ontite>n et the. ria vllàge &i*&"0 b *rtaIY yae by purebamias frm U utro 4»I as ts'dldt,4 Fatu Il di*trlet,4Wtau", asAsaaked <« lto tm - )ObiiS.ct..'ttn î u e t rittra u the PftM(tI 1wà*mm il*k&Itmlàwtc tî'.uîî ut r-tic , dîstuib»#I teketio*lMa.g.a unib aeseata"144 hsd y S or t6 bom o rt* e ut. t * 0" ancn. ft11% rY>-n for tinArt-fi'palumra, aMUy, wlth **4&- itvqem5 A cari-fui mmzwvaM ltbtnpg gow>ett 6Mid be v-lk4wa wft tu @vf rY Mn itOtgble for mera*e, » Omlus Als,, 114 'Wbk bthe end of tus oeutb e X.ry u b a trbu aied (ffi~q tu. Ioaou&lSmgrill 'bave b"ù humrrtew« bothuaitb .kbi la - 0.tinsbutin; orgasîuo4&l* « a*n.m ban ,wa»M At>,Sati.«Mng « b a.e sxore*lot et bht'* 1' t.-, UIYSAIASreseuuato it. Aim*u*wbobave t i Ppfft bmgg » m UDOu ana dvAiias te lte pofle go *m mtê *w B'îROOK s'teîa vbso- I C.A. GOODFELLOW & S ëN, 11bl iE c 1 OP CANADA Efficient and Prompt Service Ç.ni eVIry Dea rtm EST'D 1678 OtivlÂiJ.U DBAIVN& t BlIBE flONCLUSION OF MISIFORY11 YPOICA ERTR MISSINARy WHITBY FHOSPITAL INSPECTED I flE IThe Mfssfonary Conference at the, andi kntghts of the West, bas had Do Bltig l l terstWathtpPlangtodng rom rnig I M ntnîi ade&Coiee wîc oen~ica~ o 'oe the Chrîstians or their of inspectionttoWOnaitario*sa Hospltalfor parallel, with pillars ani fresco wrirk ISHN on Mrinday July t3, was continue<i ailtjreligion. Consequently when the war -the Insanenaads at biby atie y Ho. beteenthe sain e ng a dte cotatges, last week anti until Monday evening broke out and Turkey rangeti ber forces W. J. HaniadMr.H nMs.mc tesaetoesthctag, of hisvekjul 1, wen hefinl on 111--side of the Central powers, Howard Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. S. A.1 with banglngs of stenolled tan sun r&- Dry. session was helti. The iirst registration the Tuirks chose tri regard the Armen- Armstrong, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Fos. sista, white enaîneled woodwork, floors of 1 '25 m-as considerably increaseti un- j ans as a suspiclous element, and ittr n thers on Monday. Not onlY Co,"ereti with battleship linole umnti aired. i !ou17 esn eelated eddola ereo eotin for Is il one of the finest tInstitutions of each room containing elghi tales. anice. aIl Armenfans tri cause the fiame tr ilis kinti ln the worid, but If represents, Down the centre of the building runsi mies@-,ad 1 'li'lite niîiigcs and e'%-enlnzs 'vere burst rontîmn lntcnsity. the last word ln hubttptal equipmentý the main hall, whiclî leais Itrfhe most givon r ov r I tri ldv andi conferene and tioTiagli citing very few actual ln-i for the therapeutlc tretatment of Insane perfect 'kilcben arrangement knriwn. Llîgsorln flic atternîton lte 'oung people de- stances of wbiat lias taken Place ln the, versons. The Provinélal Institutions ofrFlere also timahes are placeti ln baskets ects with votedtiw tît ttrs I recroatioîî on fthe rerut massacres, Dr.,('hambers told; Ontario are responsîble for almrist its anti are, never remrived tili they return li ct)eap- splendid lam ns of flic ('ollege. Tennis enough tr i n>ey tr i hs audience f beientire produce, says the Toironto Star. f rom the electri cal ly-run4Itsb-washer, NN-19 nte of Ille gaines w -limch clainteti horror of lte canîpaign of extermina- Stîrroundeti by thé mosf ideal cu-%hc las trlzsaddy ,0 tout se a mos~ ttetin ln Frfday affernioon tfun aagu-d aa ite Armenian 'r in the midst of 650 acres of rich, pieces per houe'. Tn fact, eerything jrevents a liayrack rifdc and picrile Iotri te lake Christians.1 rolilng landI. yIng ont the shores of has been plannedti hroughou'ttri aid lu- potatotR.es. oreîîîov Io la a 010sf enjhxable Dr. lfuii trgeai United States Lake Ontlarli, are these tw.ýenty cottage flic econoiny of service. ln the kit-- aff al r.Enîltassador tri Cû,nstanfinople la now hbospitals situateti. Most picturesque chen, with lis cdean, white walls, every. for 10c. Thie only meeting fbrown open tri the ln America endeavoring fa raise al arc the buldings, witb their grey stuc- thlng la most sanltaryjrom the acrateti î)tunfl)lic s the opien air- si-r>ce on thle large sein for the relief of Armenian cri alîs and red tileti roofs, wlîich have potato masher tri the large steam cab- College un on Siinda v eniîîg ai 8.15 ref iigees m ho have escapeti the wave i ever->- appearance rif a California bun- 1mlet cookers matierit alumlnum and t UN ifl-r lte contrîision of the cliurch ser- rit dcath. i gaîow. These are divitird intri two sbteel. Economv la again brriught tri Ircin ltfo>tn. Sevo(ral littntred towns- Titis adires wns hearti with pro- . nits, one for mate andi feniale pa- lbear liere, where by the use of speclal 11t. 1.kgq. lieo1ule avafîrd fltînsclves ofthOe rop- founuti aîivitioîî and Interest, anti much Ifieîtt, each unit consisting of emght' pipes al] vapor from soup ketties is îitutii la atîrtendtIis service, anti alpreciat lon w-as expresseti of Dr. lieuîsesanit nflrmary, where beti-ritien caught antialfter condensation takes ility wure imore thian ainply repaiti for hm rs kindriess ln go thorriuglY palienfa are drafteti, anti one central place ail grease la taken to the grease futîta sq0. outtining th(e situation. dfning-rooin w'itti nine sectitns, oone for pot, mwhere lit Is saveti anti aqld. In the LIS Tspteaker %îvaq Pcev. Dr. W. N. Thpte wering on Nlonday evealng, each individuai cottage. Altbough the zetrigeratmon or colti strirage roomn the C'hanîtters. iîu for fortv yiars bas beeuî îvh-b fook te forni rit a Ilie service btiiings have been sontie four years in calcium chioritie gravify brine sysfemri ptîcan t nlesetua'. u Tîrk~, nti .>h lis nrcffo~.Cutuelidei th prgrai. coutrse of construction, tbey are now. Is useti, Nwbich tiricnot allow the air fa ýpt1can cnse-qnenltl%-becoîne oî'e orithlie frire- Classes ut-re conducted dturing thte nenrlng coînipletion, 125 niale pationts, beconte tro bot anti testroy the tem- LL rumosý t ntîbriîtes ou-%ricssions anti con-u- eck as talla'.. : iblaving been aîreacîv atitteti, anti perafure ln the ice box. From the litions geîtî'ralv lunlte Ottomnan Fin. - Siub Anîrican Neighbors, eyery preparation ts being matie for the! Brtdy lightnlng tran, where tons Whltby. nr Tltîî111( ini atîcîttiance at the Con- tauglbi by Ti>. IR. R. McKay rec-wptîin of 160 female patients during 1Of condensation takcs place every day, frreluati. as lte clînirman exi)pesset *I ltin aAw,ýakenuig," NMrs. J.T. Taylor. the ixek antivater is carrîrd back tri the power fI.lin ncrituastiu n t)- r. Chtambers. "S lns bthe Sitrîse Klngdonv'hois. aber leta rseI age r ,%%( iiat N'as tIeru-fore larraligpdti lat li . Rîu) ev. J. F. Hanch. AIOUELCK0 E-RIT. stvant, mliich ennue hs ncag IALTY toilti t'o fr tult euefitof lte peri- "Tle Enî-rgency fl iChinia." Pev. -ISILT FRS RAI te lgai ltheatiîîg rit tioed lnc ater cAIY pý f NIWl1ytift. e"i.E. R. NI. Ireckent. one of the moat strlking features 1flic ndth eat am ountusti in cook- tu evîe For tuen t' 'rvare tir.Chambers Nas 'Rikn~cz1_ 'iturclies lnNon-Christlan fhqý tceafmenf la the absoltîte lack 0fitri the specmally improvîset i snks, rilde 1cf luireî. rcefl ca>-Luti" Rv .'. 'lluel.restraint or tietentlOofitany kinti. Al]j tables, flsh tank, pritatri peeler, which n ~i ired rroiît ii.-T-utrinir forces hv the 'St rang-ers, Within Otur Gates .. 1ev. wards are large, Open anti airy, wlth trsoiahl uhli fremn b o l riiîîmîutiitf Iuasian fîcaîs, anti for 'C. J1. Cameron. li'gli ceiings anti large windows, whic.h! utes, everytbing lias been equippeti in se't-pteliP.ars lie lias Iliveti ln Adan, On Titîsday a ulumber rif the teneh- lock when raisedtief the heigbf of six thfl- best possible manner tri facilitate -4itar- thu Nlrdirraneai criast in Tur- ____________________________________ the turnfuîg out rif 2,000 nteais per day. Itu fils udt tess Dr, Utiambers gave aSEF-LTIN G e1E cý nA.zî.EER'îTHING SL-U -ANN. abl he, hrl etbu tit vtrut ia tiîg h fatotry of the-tn the lnfirmary there are fen sol- Ariir-nian rite.' w hase original îhabiîta-,- ruaweealpamnsmy re- fVlrc ans ishmpee lgarlss, hr ll pawins hiacin il, ORIva artin 21llointArani, ut own Merhans C n C inp -teceive every benefit of the air anti suit- tearé itou scatlîri t t It-ougilielgt ls ldn idos hscn and ea, Tirisi Fùiite. toti-11cztll e-,nFcts four large wrds whiclt wiil ac- ars-cletî, lîinîî1thl, ie îirt eof.Araraltia Illor W ith Mvail uraer "Stories crinmodtife 120-patients. A ramp bas elcn craind liii ciut lin lDr. (ltamttî-rs _____aliebeen bulît in 10 dispense _witb cIe- tratq-d f iw ftntilîtn nîttiandgrow fîtrtt i'vators, whlch liav.e provedti rihave a istti.k. 'Pîîriiîit lFiîlr,- (ntî'lc rum t ti 'PlihetrIbu iug fasaidti ribe the ut ferance rit the manager bati effert on tîte Insane. te ' ,i tutit ef theîii.Sîali ant of Ttîrk cof n large mail order bouse dring buafteas lnrine rit the In e>-ery branch is the building self- OrI er now inihei otititt.îo%%vkntoutîas Ttirku '. lrecilles ,antidra'.'in inittrafrm the towns, villages anti sinsfainlng, anti wrifacarrIcti on by crittrtrvitrir b ndrdda cf miles urrrisitn ngehe inmste atai their oin m-11. It the ei-nt p-i nit tint i-t u inte liante <' U- tir o unrpsofmls uruidn:airy lucre are ai present forty-five W117 b toti-i ll niirti "\\'s have a brnr.,antiw-brse tiuty t la tri reand the country Sbortîorn cows. w-blch produce 970 Tii 'rîaiil il alion mn Tuirkov %-as pattera Tiere la tnet a paper rif any consequence lxi our fer- prints ot milk per month eacb. Beef phoîne 14. ver.% fti'..îliîi also tut liii' speiak- rlfory %ve tdonont get. 'lie bureau iooks over these papers cattie are kept at Burwash, where the1 1i, ,% <ol'ut ititiatoi dlthé, v-rîtî l'adiuîts l.:- and w fient me fint a 10w-n here the inercliants do nlot atvertise sheep are aiso kept w-hich suppliedti tq ta ii4 varfîu'î- ntua'sau rs af thé- .Nrinri-i the local papers, or tvlnere ativerlisers dioflot change thelr woril for maffresses madie ln the Mercee' ims1) lii- Tiirks. aînd otîllinti l te t'-riîînts regtilarly, uc Itmediately flood thei section factory. The hospital bas ifs own heat- atheîr-ftur. luPi.îambers bas i w-ith ltiraînrî'. il aluNays brirîga resuts far ln excess of the lng plant, wifb a forcetcruaono SO O i rr-t of thiti' rritofîtî n1is- sainte effort prt forfth ln te-rritory where the local .mercbantsho aendis w lgtgsy- -t ittadItiefilsitdi ll.I -tut e i'Etîr tise flic- local papers." teri ,wlth no wlre or potes above the iit .'mrrs for inlleuxiitg ant inlîni-, li as off cr occiurred tri us ihat the towa merlir.t coutti grounti. Inbide the moat powenfuî re- ariilm a i( l cwi-Ii: siic îh t vents tI cotnc te! tertonts tre Instalieti, wbIcb arplacc4 - g tas '.ur'.frctle exploit f hi territory tribittar.- T.hIs place of bîtaincs equaîîy f ie c-n ( et a reatao i oTiTtrk 'vNnliiort lu 19<18.- as ucîl as te mail ortier hounge of a city. W'Ith rutral mail de- The final Inspection was the garden, 114ftn1'4 tsai s u ir.kmer. atiwlromi ivery andtia parcel posat system, If sinouiti be an easy matter wifh ils seventy-eigbî acres under i i b ! lzists ti ad 0ie 1 fuir iii-(ntraifs tri sel] 10 crinsmers w-thin their ferritorv, If amaifruit aindivegetables whére all ï1 E 11Ii 'li î itis finci esinlar-telie r. ('on- fthe supplies are grown for institutlonal i a iîi i.- tu t-cri-4 t ilieir crisut - local uncr relant a tv-oulti weckl<-axinofnce tttrough the press, purposes. nractr.Ir, tit ni "for 1f ti - îîly fraterît y nsthie ti'parlîneniî frires do tily, the gootia they have on Every thoînglt and cane lias ef lnauntd .île- T4îrk tattiÇrmpntant ru'-e ectr fIsntyb yet furnisheti. iicod ulIuv~ti-r and mfugîeil as bruit-1 sale, anti glt.' ftie giernî fstore new-s ritInterest f0 shoppers, livinend0cuee 0f lnlselt by ygeîic ir' tiullt- iîltig N 11w tii tîlc an-îî's- leycoînît keep ai brime mîlî of the trade that now gries nature. Accommodation bas been plan-. Roolne tilq- titm ltif'u a lie%%. day. i riseuthere. Tine mercinanîfs iargely have Il in-themr own banda net for 1,500 patients, or more If OC- 31ihftl leai.in unar înfrreti ail. The Iotitirect *lite egitîmiate trauie of their neîghborhooti Into local casion demantis. Phone 1.49 on itlalkan Staîu- saiIzeti part rit Ttir- cnnes retn iv iîi-relite oen 1is TurtaAt OrpingtonHoptl iiSS. e ent.- rtiicitncî-d fîîîir dciaral ion rit ici- - in a t îu. trEtrp.is, andoup- 'Miss McCaxin, of! hltby, bas reMev- bdiiithh-îtîl'otiîbreak ri thie greai %-ar ers anti offîcers of fine Conference. ln- Inches. Each cottage mg fittet i wth a cd fromn Major MeKay andi Capt. Fox, ses. in V411lehftI lle. Arinenians, as Dr. icîuduîîg tiu- -Secrefary, Rev. H. C. large living room, anti tileti floors, and of Orpington Hospftal, açknoWledg0. by. f b tiîb.'rs salît. "Iigin anti dry." Prt*uîî. 1ev. H. E. StlIIwetl, lie', T. W. pleaslng decoratmon of Ivory anti tan menjqts of the reeerrt donatin ne of-hoap1. l'or ev-utirunf, in sielne of nîtch pers;e- il . man, anti otînera. left for Knowl- painfeti walls, a fireplace at ettner end, tai shIrts mnade by the Ladles' AudoM clttnilîu iti'y fuini' cliîîg f înaclousî'.-in tiWQue.. wiîere aniotther Conference Is ant i roî-breakabîe fuoeed oak furni- ~.Jh' .C h'h aterlt iltc i'irial lait re-lition. Biut the Turk, beiîîg lield from JuIy 12 f0 JulY 19. ture. There, are aise five warde lnters the ofnt~ers encloseti sererai apitila i-t ',r aine'- the' ta'u of thf, Crtilaate, Latfor t hi> wilI go te Wofyvlle, N. S.. cadi, coîîîainhzug ourteen bedsalsodtd i»boto« of the wards and kitéhn %%vamnt I i t mi wrestiil oIvSetlcief rom Jw bore sîilîlanother Conference la calli- utem'.faingle rooima, wîieîi la all jan rti gond urendn ti ld tuls liidvl ante vwanîthîu- utiniof king.a efofnr Ji 1 rIJl 2.m@-te5 pten1-1-1îtbggjhopta.MJo 'K»')1*7 8it- ranches. prm n - tylde, Ea sü- sur- * J prm n styeipzi r in PRiCES THE LOIE8T' - Brock ~troet, IIftltby J. PEELaSeN J iFruits iaii 'tSuon' (loociùic Divc.Quç ) Prlces,,R1-ght'. lu ~bu~a te"» i for o I I Iii, f Plies.151 iTHE DOMINION BANKI x £B$TAIBLIISMID 187# IN Capital and Renerve $1 3,000,000 x Savings Department N IR 11se Y700 oliy l the Bank? Are 700 saving'? By puttng a ay a N l " dollars at a tifne you wiUl soon Pousse a fund for emorgenciea. in N Depoutte of One Dollar and upwards recetved. n a lInterent paid or added to accountu twico a Yeu. 8 la a la WHITBY BFIANCH: S. D. TERRV, Manager. m gg OSHAWA C. N. HENRY, " Cet New'Summer Footwear Now!l. = Select a paiz of Smnart Sorviceablo Boots Shoos or Pumpa frorn our ample assoitment of New Spring Models,aQ, 1 yuw will have st) le, quality .and value. .'Ihere's .1 shce for everyJ occasion for men, .wemen Vol. 54-No 2 riumn ài -n-rr% à,* ivé C. JL mcclel6n, é1w à 19-7-, UMM ries

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