Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 3

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The Gernian People Areê Sho'Wig# Unmistakable Evidence of Underfeedlng. A despatch from London saya A the greatest Germaan cties-not Ber- neutral diplomatiat statîoned la Gir- lin-at a hotel whose naine le familiar lnany, who recrently vilited Lodonto thousands of Amtericans, a neutral inforimed bis colleagues here that I wa unable to Mrrange for a dinner- whlch he, wiehed to give for a fè'* ~W& mposible to give an exaguerated frietids, though bis requireenents were desciiption of the depth and breadth IMost modest. «i the ('erinÉan pu'hlil' desire for À Copeniiagen espatch says t The tiece~newspaper Heiridal of Schleswig n1~e fond iscarrity was becomlng etntes German brtad la not eatable, as serioug, he sald, and the population a tcontains putriOed potatoes. Off al ~ononll wa unnisakaly howngi ithe soap beln'used ls causing many $vdàonce of underf eeding. Ini one 0o, diseases, particularly aniong cblîdren. ('AMADA'Ç (ÊDIAT MEXICO'S GREAT WEALTH Miniag 1atthe Leading Industry--Oll PRESIDENT QF FRANCE REVIEW8 1~iUSA8 M Filds re Rch.one ot the 6utataLnding -figures lni the prasent gteit? wàr, la Presldent BUF AL IERDRk. 05 Pokicre otF rance. Calm, dignlfied-thge elct:G hèMOI« agreaf republieý tiqUre fille. M luI the leJn rhe Rusakan Ambassador to F'rancs,an a F'rench Se r ibPl- NOW NUM BERS TWO THOUSAND lndastrl oi thé. ceuntry Minerai aetitepeul-ino al irrpoé)~ weetth Ià vaut ahilvarid Ini addl- - AN EET-EE. dnto golà a 1i liver are deposits of M res- _______ Iran, isèopper, ane, tti, platinuai, lead, Makes f the World NE WS PROM ENGLAND tuéreury, mfanganee: and any number- From a Nucleus of Four Calv.. la af others. %Whilie e siver mines are 11472 I Ras Seadllynutaerous and y1elà enormous returtis, T EAUVP t19re1l TtttRasoubi tat thecomi de-_No 'ronto. july li-Manitoba wheat- NEWS BT MAIL ABOUT JOHNE ther Io itti dobi tat te , ý).Norîber-rl1;$1i191;No. 2 do., $1.18t; G row n. posits will become of even greater N%, i in1, on t r ok 1amy ports. BULL AND BIS PEOPLI. value la the future developinent oftthe 9(1W (; tat y o. 1C. W d,560c;N. The Canadian Governrnent lh;nieet- country. ii, A lfields, especlally Noifpd, C; N Zo. 2 fe e 19, n t1e; Iuig wit.h signal success inIi ts efforts ;those of Tamatilîva, near Tainiplo, feed leOoeaiTaces ta t8i. Lnd ThataR.ion oprenerN-e the bufVmlo froni the swift ýand those la southera Vers Cruz, are ýtrack far t-N 8c on track Toronto. sepreinolit the Commer- extinction which threatened l a few a very Important possaession. The ails a-co2,- o. 5 whl te ote, 47 te 48el years mgo. %}~s lis sown lni the re- produced are tiot of the highest rades Ojtarlo wh t--N'o. 1 commercial, 7 port on the rowt1h oftbe~ herl at but are largeiy used as. power fue. toi$t l O d.98toSc; No. 8do.. 17 t, g .~~~~e ~~~ 10 ~8Pe, feiid. sa to $Bc, nominal, aceodn&.i.:uroé akekh Weinwri ght fufaoPrAbra The v4ricultmral resources of Meico In IL t frelgh ts ou tside. N' C - e ýït. Just iesued b J. ËlHarkin, Dominion comprise sarnie ofthe cernaIs ad otller a -dn t 2snina ll.à1.0to 50, R pakep- nhorlte aueo 2, r no59a mia. 10 te 19;8rk pna hu ae bcuee Parka CommrnsI oneV. food products of the tempemete zone t ui #toJrt7h ta itii<ue.-thSu erTaect ïïl-èýj tlig arley, nominal 85, ra rsnrs oga ap The report shows that tln April, andl tuait of théileading praducte < oi e fedbrienoiam 0f5 'OranpsoesaDogsCa , 1909, the bord numbersi 402. Sirice the troples. Manufacturing Indus"r acçp rýhn, ree,ýé"Ouo , '-'0:Isle of Wil;ht, are engaged tri cntting the lthfs gadall ler«edet hehas -esched theostage ni meeting a lc Wi en, oUtsî . tu71c. c-peat ta r-elleveth ariyocal the i bs rmualyiarese a te" Pe na te eightN o ini o. The to he ar ocilitincoard rate of about 200 a yeflr, untili to-day gréai part of the home demand foi' Ye--Nô. fit'om mercia 94 b Si5c, ac- TeEglhColoniatnBar il îmhcs 2071 manfacurs gols, her th ra ,not, l te fte1thts rou te. for the federatel ares have gmanted It iumbrs ,071 maufatUre itoda whee te rw "an,toba neur-rP'"st patent@., tinjute Histor 0< th Hevd.mateial may bi produced in the colin- b&" 6S; 4nd ýaenits. rjjute baga. an increase of 84 iVer cent. la minie' History of the Re'rd. 8ltron gbak ergl , utsbairs. $6.80, wgs try, cotton maniufacture hein g tnî~ ,wgs The history of the berd, now the1 most important textile Iadustry. To- 0 n ai our-winter aceording ti At a meeting ai thie Essex War la rest tn the world, dates hbardita baccé, le"equally se. The chief exporta sahlpe, 14. Oto $4.16 ln ba. tracit Agicultural Coiniitte it was atatel 187b, wheî s Pend olReilllîIndian of the country la the ôraer ai their eTe1, l imcar 1 1 ent 1li pment ht650wmablrgsee o captured four little bison Omves- value are gol, silver oi, copper, coi- MIfeed, carte t v, rfid Montreal fr ok freghabat iaiudeG-sr&a per ton,. etbh two bullî%tand two beifîrs-.--by eut- fee, henequin or sisai, thstie ald 0t 5ilteo Thehra erto. *8 ahaï occurrel at the s4ge on tho Flathoad keservation la Mon- 'ber and other forenttipr;Ïu&A h ides foiprb, i5te$10. granîniother ai the prisent EmmI of tana. In accorlaaee with a peculiar 'andI skis, clicpeas, to acco al sUgarl. COUNTTl PffoDUGB Camawath. chanacterlti.ç, otten notked by ah I The Imiports <èOasst lamgely of ailway lutter--Freah dairy. choice., 25 A bouquet, pesentîl by Lady plaînsmen, these young creaturea material, industrial machlnîry, tex- 27c; Inftri r, Pte j#te; creamery prinU Hampdea, on openlng a Britiah obedieatly followed the horseu of the i.tes, yaras for national factoris, Egge--nlew.Lsd, 28 te Soc; do., tiln Parmers' Red Cross sale at Hîtehia hutntîrs wbo had shahn or driven off. hardware, furnture, building instemimi cartns go t8 la.maetsolor$6 their mothera. mning supplies, drt,«sald clemîcals: h a-Pl to0.0. helttrdo Potatoîs are heing plaated on aearly The !rnlian la question gave theai to wlnes and spirits, wheat, Inlian cora, l~eNe.arge. lac twins, I*îo. ail the unoccupidl 1adla the churcb- thé Mission of St. îgrnltius, wllere paper, and military supplies and p r~ e io nu ta e m adatSyl0rMacetr a they were kept as pets aid became equipauent. . r ï? ~ouliç,---Chchkens. 26 ta à big crop le coafilently aaticipated. As domestteatel as odir ctl. The.populationi ai Mexico, whîch 1Pjtzies-Iirm; Ontarlos in la the village of Tatnorth, Semer- When the heifers wîee our yeara old aumberel about 15 000,000 la 1910, j '- and Ne* Bruntqwicks nt 1.11~ sett, the çurtous custom, of lettlag a esmh lîad a cmli. From that turne on may be classel et w$iite&' 201y,, Iaifns 2-C). eten,~8 field by mution luring the burnlag of they gradually increased la number, 8,,ytaixel bloods 429Yc.'\ 1ALIBB HAT &wn STu.aw an Inth f a nadie bas Juat bien per- until, lni 1884 there were thirteen .....lmld hmv-Best grade, p'en ton, 10-00 formel. head, and flnding tto ,re f 00e BOUo..POiowT <ade . orto 8 Wlth thte abject of eaeouragiag la- too great a tax the mission doclded GERMANY 18 SEEKING. titra w-Per ton, 85.00 to 87.00. cal jardin lovera ta grow apîcial food to selI them. Tlen heail were bought jPOIBI proilucta, the Natta Corporation havi for $250 aplece by C. A. Allardald British Money Uped ln aHolimnd and lime on-iong cdean îa tp î$o puret ltb. 6 be ofplt Michel Pablo, who were raachirtgon wdnt uyFoauf. Hams--Medfum. 215 tae tiîo. eauy t 60cents per annula. Sween o By oodtulg. Q teale;Sic ou 9 ta o 8bres.tast The eiihteeitWiëentenary of titi the reservatton, andl were shnîwl lacoen, 24à in 861e; bs.k. .a 26 tales enotugh ta sec that specimens ai what A lespatch from London says : 7j c; bonelens backs, 86Tai 80.haiM.W E.Gdtoecc- was evea thon almoat mn extînet ani- Neutrai dipflomats express the bellef t ard-Pure lard, tierces., Il~ 17ir. ring, celebratian ai Holy Communion rnal would eventumlly hecomne very that the existing orders-la-councll wsîî 1-als15 e1te.Cmeu 1 toodi place la the Memorlal Chapel of valuable. be supersedeil by the. declamatlen of'- ?awarlen Pamlsh Cbumch. mn actual blockade, la pueuacu of j wzxuum q tGE&AI. Mr: Charles Seagers, who bas bien Made Them a Fortune. Great flritalnas avowed Intention aif 1 iii fipeg, July il*t-Cash quotation,: sexton at St. Nichohas Cîrnetery, Wheat-No. i1pJortlern. Il 126: NO. Rochester, for 60 yeams, bas bien pre- Tho herd Increased under thelr 2rnt îg e ea osto.N Nornî I. 81.101 No. aj orthern. carfu suerisinaadii a ewevideace ai mn actuel change ia thei111.07é; Na. 4 11' N « mts N o , 0. *seatui by the cîtizena ai Rochestir 1itminstrtiomeftheoseile hsl0eà.1.-a f end 7àI C.W.. with abadattme cheque. years tbcaepssbeto oeih .pe- amnsmtono hClckd a eN . ., I;extra No. i fecd Imnengamt hlgh prices. Berne lea ai hein procumable stace the annouace- 44;3N-. ife. 8UNo2f Moltino disesse, a cattle ad herse4 1ýaverage rate o of nrase me himent aof.tIi.ahonloament ai the De- ; rJct.t os; *ed. '63. a-, ; 1disease, privaient la South Ainica, dedutedfro th obervd tct hatclaration ai Londoni. lowever, the NW-VL..*1.69à: No. 2 c.w.. 81.56à. i as been tracel by the Impeilal In- btîlf tbe cowq gîve blrth to emîvea Ilacmeeasul economie pressure on Gem-- stituti té a polsoinaus mkaoil lna evcry year, w hile twvin calves ara not many which ecetly bas become ap- icmtuzax xx'pu plant enten by the. anImal. uncornmon. As a rule the bison calii parent la lue, accomdiag te the boat Montreax1.juiy ii.-decrn-à%merican Lieut. Hmry Brolrick Cblnnery, the laa er hry retue.Tonar ifomd neutral diplomnats, ta th o V àYeiow. SI ta 8lle. Oata -- Canadien wll-known Eton, Surrey andl Middle- Instances of the Pablo-Allard caîves British campmar nHolîalald feed. &58e No. 2 local White, 52c;No. à sex Cniktr n oua uai flnding their teet la les& thon s min- Swelen, nesulttag ti the purchame f a l c.1 '.hle. i; Na 4 la white. 50c.oft hi Stock Exchangri, las bien ris-- ute after btrth andl showiag fight proiluets whicbh erlepa1b) ntbasna hetptn as.. atlklelascin wlthin ba mn boumwould have f ounl their wsy ta Gir- s0ad.8.5;firt n#...4.kens' ýThe Council ai the Yorkshire Minera w1thn hat anhour 11. O; iater patents, choice. 86 00 ta la~~~~~~ 196teHn rn lvr hnMarly.- 1té;*:trai<ht rotiere, 86.40 te 06.eé; Association, at a speclal meeting, Me- In_90_te___ jran Oivrohnb 81$.40 ta $2 ça. Ikalied O q otd that 906 mîmbirs bal imîlun Mlinister of the Interlor, ebtairied for' itl i¶ ta 86.46. do bas a~ -pat hars.82.00 tO3400. Mtd na. mua rigte wth tni cloa. e 0,0 th Dmiio Gvenaert n pton STROMBOLI IN ERUPTION. .0 ta 1.60. Bran. sio.oo te 81 0luna tewa datoehe 0,0 pri the 600 unsolhoad belonging ta ffr * 11-00< ouill.8$7.00 te1 T clG -Pleopie Are Fleelng te Relief Slip, for 8 0. RaY-Na. , tpen tan. car lots, Th Li a Gvenaient Cemmttea p'aglo and A liard, and eveatunily thîy Il1.80 to 820.06, Céeeo.0 Flnat west- loi Lotndon County Cotai report t wvero ml bouglît for $200,000. TheRt eq. rns' 165 ta 17c;finesi eaterno. I&i to 1atbe oimraieo i dt ~rounid-up " lastel two menthe, ml Alsmc foHm aandThtt .Butter--Cholcest cr.atnsry SotoSabe om omtvifMsElt A depatc f rm Roe sas . he, 0 c;seconds.1. 88 octa i tme. Ège-. aelWo...e s h lniu was cariel eut hy 75 cowboys, horse-! eruption of Stromboli bas bicome 0et.3 ;sloe. t:rIo, i stock. 1 h runda ii ntt se;NO» i atoek. 17cal3e. taee,.LPer tMsb. pla li in .- pnnRosi men picked for thetr ability from AI-I serious. The. flow ai lava in spreadiag h a«. c&r lotit. I81.0. 1tal. berta. ald was accomplishuil with a ta the spanse toast settîcint, buma- -brigader-Gen" ora luhoun Grant tees of lésa than aile per cent. I ng ail lestroytag bouses, ald the lio A238 UA8*Uw ut isre Since it beemma the poperty ai the population la fleeing te the ses mnd: i 07g 1ote.. JuS>'I tg-Wh ln Momnisoti CJLG. who e ala odtf CanedianaGoverameçit thts grent hlu taking refuge on relief abipa sgent foa;hardep1111mbe.ILoSIter DU ~opted letion901,11feW» uly b.lgy*= bas fared well la the new National 1jessna. Telephoile onc ati ,o Ne.Nort eSlw ?T e' mlsevd u1.0othA comunca ion iL C'roNo , aurtela. 8 1.0t .ot radge na, WS 0"t4iX tl Park at WainwmTight. The park la h.. , with Messina bas been Intemmutel.i èe Onmî-Nn. 8 whitt.231 to 071- ----W,,'. A despatch front Lonidon aya:; A Ç,amldlan officer n l eden îaupltal, RIING AGAINST tates tisat wien lie startedin a the me- TRE AU8TRLNSi cent attack he lad ami hîutnatit and "4 Men. Wisen le finiaisel,fiel A d-apatd, fimLaue pys -i é 'sOuiiant w&aadi, lie hiansull vause L»Oen Tins..undersatb aa diy woundil adlibe ad icI>'27, nlsing agmal lie »Atatriu aha. lreS-1 i t' lt. Ho salI liat ho wau glad en out la Mtmir. -lts kd*ul#a hi wouad.jl in tii big ftght rathur a fermer War MIaîst.r, upon wbos. ,an ta le anS issailtise Autlrlau ut a bigis wIss. TI, oaýtegasWho haï.m MUNI OISUShavi taketetise woodql parts et lQ. POITPoNE HOLIDAYl eunIr>'. Tho. riosta PMOPu br th. destttion la w" h euklb Isat- A dispettrain New York usys j t 'bavei* huploft b>' Austrh o ordng te a no"saei>'Lsaes LMonn 'g~~y~5o.TO CONFU PKEKaOE minerahave aaedt zeuuou , V ý-m EWAU* U îIr hi j 1 hallday* at 1h reut 1i . . IMinter of Munitions Lodeoe Aeqtwm* I KMU bas i4s.m Fortunatt le th;, man. Who hal 4wut 1 *a*e t tée.adria. boue ho .t ~m $s buy fv t deou.. foie $5,.., -. -. -~ - Ark WARREH ~ilew~ SêOI N7. DIARIES 'OF SOLDIERS BETRA&Y 19erman and Austrian Soldiers -Captured,1 23,00-Offlrs, 4,500, GERMANY AIl Charges Made A#ainst the Huas EistabliBhed By These Books. Arthur Gleason, a welI-known Ainerican newspapernian, has been perrnltted to Inspeet the most 1nýerest- lng collection of relies gathered since the war began-the notebook anmd diaies of German soldiers, found on their dead bodies or taken from pris- Mèe by the French. These books have bien preserved by the French beovqrnmnent, and later on wiI form the foundation for charges of cruelty and bestlality made againet the Ger- mnan a rni in France ad Flanders. The evidence çontained in these books will establish'-ell charges made a- gainst the Gêrmans;-, it wll make ridiculous the excuses aad denlals of Germans when the 'turne cornes for thein to dlsavow the acte that rnarked their Invasion of Belglum and their ocupation of a part of France. No officiai statements by Gea bis- torlans ia the f uture will be able to refute the damnlng evidence supplled by these littie books In which German soldiers and off icers describe what they saw and what they did. Germany Condemna Heraelf. A part of the outfit of every Ger- man soidier la a notebook of the sort that womea frequently use for hoise- hold accounts. A mile of the Gemma army insises»Jat soldiers record in these littie books their ow-h ex- perleaces, for, as the regulation Bayg, " by brlnging together t he various re- ports of active ftgliting, they areý$be baufis for the later definîte hlstoés of the cazapalgn. They should ~e' kept daily.'" It appears that amoag the soliers the keeplng of the books la mnemely encour*jed j among the offîIcers it la a 1mw whlch may flot be dlsregarded. The French are In pos- session af tens of thousanda ot these books, the intrues of the offîcers bclng madeInl ink, those cli the private sol- dier In pencil. Each book contains the nane andl regiment of the author. Many of thein are -splashed ln blood, andl stainea by tnud and water. Borne show that one ol the lait acte of the wounded sellier was to makean entry, Together-thaey rin the meai record of the war, se far as the acts of officers ald men are concerned. Sorne Germans Revoit. In face ai their testimony It la use- les for Germany-*e deay the. barber- lem nd macrueity ai ber invaîlaon. Her own salliezs bîtmay hem. Oton the selliers narmate leels aicruelty in the moît comminpiace languagi ; oc- caisionally one will expresis hammam ald diaguit at thi sîgita he bas wtt- nessol, et the delshihabas en oh- ligeil ta také part la.- A gâxôn officir, for instance, mentions thal e certaIn village was given ote ilames le- cause a Gemna cycîlit la falftng togm hie machine accidenti>' dîsciarged lia jJli. Hi wms firîeI at bW semiene la thi village, whici cansequent>' was bumned te thp groual. Tii male ia- habitants woee at lato tii flalnia. " Such atnoeltiua," writes thus effîciz-, "are net te happen agaîn, one lapes." Another wnitem wiose nains la su- presoil fer fer tiat is poople ha Gemman' mugit bi pualied >fer is hummnlty, expresses .hies profoutil diagutat aItfe practIces ai lie ara> ln FrA'ce. lie speaki of thse whol6. ssii pillage ai a towu, andako hie- self Juew compîmiat ian b. madi of thi Ruosimns wiia tie Germansbe- have se mach wrure. Hei fuels tisI la the ecd Iis igotein if maklagwar wyul fot tiucceed,,and queles liii aid saying thi fel~ tuat lbtaMiles of tii 'godsa grislowiy, but tbeyplid euee.dIpu ummlIV" go spuks of tise efforts if tise oflers te oua.ml*fuz-y of tise mma.Thi>eta I bsto mo n al.rpwu e4se th. pa»WiOI tlb. seldIers se tsaItis> veuild. oiey witiiotquestion -hazpo> atrodul. odev ait aààgltin aus& flsy ere 1.11 &bout thse Insêl rai*xhnt Prussian sd wey& taugsit Sisal afler a&l Il vastise grstopt kusad- usa li.> eaI dotte .Boltho ad 7»e»& .o rst» kM'"thu etf. -Wounded pOO,O00 to 220,000. A degpate1- fromr Petrograd says - atte&t 200,000 t, 220,000. The As.- Nearly half a million Austrians and trians predominate overwheimingly Germans have been put out- pf comn- jmong the prisoners, but among the mission sinice General Brusiloif b-e-h- dead and wounded it is raid that a hie great arvanve a month &po. The f airly large percentage are Germane. grand total oi prisoners to date is in The losses in stopping the Russian ad- round qumtbers 235,000, of which 4,500 vance on Kovel and' in counter-attacks are offîcers. ma'ie in sojid raukae were enortnou3. The War Office announced the fur- The booty capturcd reaches incal- ther capture of more than 10,000 Teu- culable figures. It ta judged that tion, of whom 5,000 were taken on the 250 guns of varlous sizes sndupwards Dnlester front of 700 machine guns wovld be a con- Without the actual ;figures re- servative estimate. In addition, large gardingthe dead and wounded, care- quantltes q munitions, supplies and fui esthnates lty militare experts, bas- te1epho#ies have fallen into thç bands ed on the best Information, place the et the flussiana. SOLDIE R iCH SAS INA DREAM and sleqp rell; the task has been ac- tomplshed. One tbought of the faîl- en comnrade, then the total oblivion of aleepti" STRANGE FACTS OF SCIENC. TAKE A NEW SOUL FOR THE TIME BEING. The world's higbest pewered motor- ship lbas bein bulit la Italy for the Erazillan ay7, its ail matera livelap- Off icurs Puychologicml Analyseofi ing4EOhpangovemeiattla plan- Combatants' Feelings When nia o'1an iàoc t ilramd frein Anals Clsh. mairî4 eî lreach frontier tê con- Armls Clsh.aec$wit bPrée i ineâ. The egirnents ai the French army Ta erablt mîgratdr>' fish te ise bave their noeapers, eliteil. by af- over wfateralla, datai and other ob-. biers and aoldiers. One af thîse, "La stmuctions . iiiite*ths, a Ca"ida n5evue F'mmnco lifacedonienai," af thi fisherles officiai bas lnviaf.i an auto- OrIental army, coatains an unusual matlc- elevâtoez. artidle, calei " The Seul ai thi Comn- i The cailan ane ofthe largiat aew hetant signet! by mn affîcer. It neada mines t ln ntIied so niar the siUr.. la ~4.lace eo! e ,* àtlttit wll b "Ilo* are wî ta deacrlbe the soul pliui wlho-êm hvaisfter ti çsi the tombatant during the attack. coemteào011la Minbveci. la the iiattlo ? The minutes are se FIgt-s camplled by the Itallan gevr. latensethi p#'eoecupmtion ci the suimnitraient show 4liat the world Prit.' te attain sao erbing that evea tbe ca , 00000,000bushels if wh man mont ipelinid Ia self. 1anal r1àyeâ, n crusse if B0,000,O abandons ail A1ougbt for actien.* uhl ri ieyà eee atauospheri le *0 exciptional that ExPpergconnetédwl iii te g*ar even linindlately mter saine dlffclci 1 onti India - e doudrwlnj tue tise phases eýe dois net mecover ihie seul. 5a- subxamlni ý, ait -Ireifi wbikh ieti "TiIsla wiy thîre mme go îew can he. rehea8ed te galber uèrssielId booke o! *am jglvlag a faitiful lm- froja the bottona aifIlle ocTaf prsaujon af îhîo tranaient psycîoîogy. A svbntm t 1ak à TeI alal --try It aldtake ny ex. s"Irmi*uktIEsilofý ' l t oj amples f nom tii participation ai My more thien 100 eeL.- l ngthgoQ rigiutent la the hast Champmgtie of. bpen taijen, was dlscoierçd hi IIui. teasivi. alan eibigi4swliii dredgng & rlve*. II shaîl pembapa neyer see tmgan Economy of fuel coneumption -ln sucha ledigousmorl spctale s teamipi ai titirepuires th mlxinË sud qe glven iglour bmorasctô'i g ottwo on more hindi ai qoal and ag' the. thre givayurIoun lacs lucng nglinàn -lias înventil a coaînf- ti i9ptuae pmcîdia l2i5.tc barge thet Inixes cool as It dilivers l "Ia the arders gîven aincelong It ükl weeks thi mysterious day i)f the at- Àftei a long Investiatioa s reneis teck wms designatel by the lutter N. scientiot has decîmmel Iliat tuber- On Septuinher 22 wî Icamnoil sudilînly culait.cen hi traamrnittd'bytie pft- that this was thi day, N-8. Everyholy apir 1ôn eprion effcted wlth prîpamel hirnaulf. Letes fi, the he11ease,thai gemins passiag throigh lovel eneo, let.tera ai business ad iif- the pores. feient interesta filled the bagu ai the Wlthout etapplng bis train an ecm- rostmn. gineer can niove a lever la his cab> and ôpena a ecentIy patintod sWt&h .,tb Sleep the. Conforter enabb le italeenter aalsdlng, ifi. Whea, at 10 o'cloek ia the- îvîalng switch ellng wien the hastcarnlUs' ai thi 24th, we started fom4vard ta- pessi eil- I t. wamd tii furnace, we leit býhInd la -BY treatlng young chicliens wib tii bivouacs, with the aubes-itii higla treUftl,igh-voltage uWeMrt- lettes burned loeeour départur., Of .1elefity, à London erm tr- Our aid seul, made<of troubles, hope, bas nWad thetà et»w more rapWdY feare and love, and we -put on aItiihethan tii.,.e dtheisane, agi efs saine time as oui uquiprnonteour seul without thse tisatinnt of combat. -Tii rallroad mcniting Me ii. anul "Frein tsat-moment -pa we decal otBolMai, wbjeh erces i ie Met 14. live in lie, prisent, l'e.probablltyrt- taov ea1v.,pirsldo, of chiath eclipses tie peut and forbida o0"9"iuhab ilui wlicli IiSBRIfi thi future. Such..A itate, *tn da ian Vet relief fui thse marélimi air and dayo, would be lcnfiLvallad a1.M litds aise unhearableif thse cireumstancsa did not mair. itcsIer b>' Iîssenlag Fini, té otie hy.e ls~Teni~ FIguHREALLY CLIMOBS TUE ter theise lslfatigue whlci break# _ Au Extra jjjsIjOrga81 for -. Our limeu, ththuner, tii, lt th*ieUln r i w"ntofewauuoowici ptovokesa kund et contraction etofe theiaUhm, A dlàheut ef WMterusuali>' -l.r*W ma11> wwwft. But abo«î., $halit gurdid a lepotb1t%.t4~ whieh enables a min th rmuain lthie výonIL, AIt laI o gewl ftght wltiseulbeing deMoAlUW by kaso*nt thi .re' *r usaUsIb ta*-10s"84 D y wnrn fagmu,14 . MIa s inp;lath iffrsIhmurs tie.la né rast and an hum. XPtoeFi.' strenCgt snatr et ie alt. dLspepsbkfn a rvs#l f8 nadir - ioleint bon*«r *asu$ g ws lDe dé" and mlep.. "Vord$ b waks upe you continue yottr drcam, t&Mfrei »w on th rWlty ippears ' cml>' tI81roO' 4r"aintInd ies ou-ios mit. fiers I& * iINIJ of imh s. . el o w~ D~tofo

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