Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 4

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TRURSÏDAV. JULY 18, 1916. d(Ilti ta0 v !ýiftriT ' " t f r, -it !inte rva.ls lu exaniine itlie tol,'ts, 508 that thie M(11,I.l, 11 ,11 <ii s' m"i îl( r-pltv N, is propr-rly prolocted, that tl lrgandI untîilatton art, satistaftorv. and 14-.lICA~L I \'.l ' 0[ 11 t ihai tcommiunicable îd'isasgare' c*clud(A as rnuch ()F~' HOO LA ai,;pussihtlo. Evt-ry teaclier should be nIent to îlotice s;igtis (tf111 nes ln t he chîidren, ta see that the iearlnv, thv çt&ght,<'r î'Ttuî'r uleftrl in the chcbld do not prevent tlue proper de-volopra' nu t f 1<11(<1 '<er Intertere wilh th(- ,Idvance of the more capable. WiVlithuîllisighut ofr npor tr'ne the ' good teacher shîoufd learn 10 notf lu' thprpec'"oft iiii ln i, tie tarly slgns of Measles, whooping cough, diplîthr tiu inuninj's. etr ,ln t ho pupils, antd, If the condition of any cblm d lfa îplutuu's, tîiu'Moidbal otiilcr 0fllîalth shriuld ho notlfied and the chhld exclu dod r r" n pcb iil 'til tii tb"question lo pettled. A properly qîullflulnfiuirai' abauld bho aitignAd ta a nroup of schools to follow up rases rocagizr'I Iuv thi.' tacr('r Medicil Officer of llealth, the latter of -humn. tfrr ir l sctîools at least. niust ln the' course' oft lme he- Cuîm" the' Srhool înedlcal1 lîiipector. Thé- Medicai ('Dcer THE N('IltOL of ll"alîh ln (>ntarlo h; hhe <nly aI!luer common to the ivU IS le, townstlp wlici tan nationtiîly carry' on the' work -of iedicat Inspî'ct'r ('f ucloola. Wlth a nurse or two lie can gîve most oeffcent isrvîce ta lits township. Now liliatl.ir' lm made a permanent oMlcer and wttlî the prosppct or an nuiditional eniolument for this service. lie can affo,-d la dcioie souit attention to it. -iîout the fear that any action ho may tatke or hie far-t tha.tlhe may tread on @mre one's beimay inean hie dismissal. No othler statp or province h.-t a better organltation for publie bealth work than Ontario. and no other slhgle nIate or province. fltAmerita bas made greatpr strides ln public bealîli work durlng the list tocade. The improvement ln the municipal bealtlu ofcer la most apparent tU~ th,# meetings et the' Ontarioo Uealtb OfI!cers' Association. The latest tuaeting held ln Toronto at the end of May laRt watt ln point of attondance, oluai of papers presonted, and Interest shown the best conterence hold ln the lj3ut ive y"ri.. !IVEL DAY HOLIDAY- OREAT LAKES r' «I MonI du i"of 'J I ( 'ti-iIt ti <tu rxetfrttt ftti ît ' nt tuîuît T ilfii- fn"u ut-sîtai'1) Port Arthur, Ont.' (2) Huge Gra il t' u n - uuat hîc ~a T l~. litieIi t.tnt ns or E !un it .uttTtiof wuî t . -ln Elevator at Head of Great Lakea. dî i ji. t NtTthiIlrcdtiIlu leý skili tnu nu- (3) The Soc Locke. (4) "S.S. Ke 'i'Tute- icuîn'il tas 'uStei'tis' tittt'Tteilniusu i c-d.nt watIn. (5) Entrance te Harbor, Fort 'îi. I itui . u i l uT Is r-i'iu il) ii l'u it ,is ii ,I di') osuW l a . tttu-That itli i itiîiThe,-e mîîn fi-amrnia îil înonlcsi-ait Into -x o-î uilît <ii Plt tuoniri-es tai~ î.anaiinslai lu iof tutétue iiiz girls FHE late afternoon sunabluxe teema un laiii onti -it f>l, Ilct rthat Nvert' souin i on ni trt-te f the reaudy. T wîth emonies as you silipout 01 lile illiialcxiiiiiiatin niist h is ri'iui ddý1 or* Pont PtlNlcoli.l. V a o d M r suj'crttcilh. or tuanthe -xatliu' h in 'fry hI.-t, as ti' yo'nuntladies rquette say ta thts so-wandetul K~ee- uliiltiikuilis buisinessi. TIture la xere' hîneuTi. ativetgirls, juush r'untî'rng watin withb ler broad decks, ber coini- suuî-l nouuu fo I-nîroxmuiutli tu ~ o'uug tuanhood. aundl ienu' iide- - otabie benths, lier unexceiled cuit- ly known anad lox-ed. rThe tart nîuat ont' me that tenipta the' guitlsta dIp Mile Votmu-culaît. Tîrise ireurLave tuten di- t- tienlite lutii uitt uun-nrt 10 51100the'Iatter mile In lber wmke? i orted Ifeouai sîfnil anud necissany or- othur 1l;tiniat of henoisnr tlat aIl iîlI Bit on dock lni the long ttironblng cîiamljsaîi <o th' gre>an s no tIhe cout- admiri'. twtllghL %ou are lu the' north bort' Ti aird ho lus'nira lori;-poiitlhhx- o! Princ-ipal atnd 'Mrt. Elvidize and Mnsr. and you can roMd at n>[ne o'cîock aI Battu bruve <ho siaeti-st .ynpathy of flglit. You can watch the past sili good luosîtîonus iiî'.'i ay tse io flle'd. thue taxlu rinthe terrible tnngu'dy whlch by luIntai canot'. dodgin; behlud Mel W u. c mîîîîut expect perfection. ut Ilu has co ue upon ubsa. dark Islands of Ieorgian Bay. YOU Fhomld hi- lionisîble Io previt suri a c aun eli miles ef water ln thetireeze xiase ut tinte aind muney~. ,i Msse. Jack King, Wm'n. Aynes. Chas, agita.Yeu cat ilisten to tho#ral( liarton, A. Randel anîd J. Conulcy cries of the wbeelilig birda. the itage!- motored Io Alhiston on Saturday andi îug llquid lhp of tht' waîresa aailit thei AS.t NO. fîi W'HliTflY. spent tire wteek-end wluh the f6rmer's bictt aide, the mb audible converse et Folboxilng are tîe remtlts o! the u-ni-othen. They aIto viaitoit Camp Boer- a t>nsan past, which la great wltht tenu trotiOn exaxninaloma held tiden. whîch le oniy ten miles trem AI- q;&mkd" u ture, wtich la uiubelloy SS. No, . ,Wblmby, lstonr. able. Froin .r. IV. 1o Sr. IV-Etta White :Ir. John lNChehîan. %Yho bailboWu Wiîeu yon go on deve ll te mer- t£rootueded>. iteactulng lu Kenora 111gb Sehool, fer ing the sua la there hefore rou ailli Frein Jr, III. tu Si. IIh.-Melhihe thet past Year, andi who has ben visit-ý the rollicklog wlu&. tainedti a breelle Blradleyv. tng at lui home fer tho paat twe weeka. by the stiligreen banku efthle Ht. th Frein Sr. Il to Jr. Ih-bl W-bitp, hat on Mloiday for Toroento, where hoe MaWa eRiver, gar wtth cottages. SOD 1u Kathle.t'n Wlsité. th'earn iv-l, (pas >oIumAud the 6711 idversity Batîery fer you'Ureaeb lhe Sc, snd the . fameti sa ti) -arveY Ballard <r*someadedî. overseaB serx'ice. caui lia t a ada sudthie lltalth t Fr'oua Jr. Il. tu Sr. Il.- Berniîce "t e mald.cr WVhltu', Olle Themîiaouu. Mlio as -Ur. C. A. aoodfeulow was in Mid- Wiaa iaI m s la lihe ak3tIfe. wl lorne. landi for a coupfle ef days&,,and vwblle M eb"Iack- b we~l«tOU"bd*ulaypi- nu ADA R. SLEEP. Teacher. 1 ht're luad thé privitegu et a ltiur «Oin.fb4 alnm e&*y* Thumias Ur? ThaI*s gr 61*vîlon tirrougli Se otht sbe114n8 tle CBailtanliutle IUUWBY'a lite Il in phint. go la omiton 'luai Cole It#,WbOisif t0DOl lU.NE REPORT OF SIYRTI.E PUBIC îown, The ab$Isiisus tuéde ver.s a,,' $UI5lathe =1 m44le. dt*# is 118 th - SCUQ<IL bout iebesin(n amtar and 14 leu e dJI ,sloOmoht, dwu ?Ie IV-Gi--adY. s l rtaqxa Milslred - )On#IItW4dmeni w" e.-.uipIe = &" 8147-64M fsou 4lade MI l nquttn#rteltupndttm ot hawr bd««l», *, la8 *&a.i40ktUu am Brite.tuoi, l.buuoo JamndDue. wrgaie Jr lRt#1 le It,. ÀR& - 2- 1- t t. Iorstua rt.t' - - - ,,ffat~snJq5 £~Uac Whkby TrowmWN q q-e w uoWAa th .* 50 ft. lengtlhe, beE 3 ply H-ose, cor plete imith cour lîngg, Hammocks SPrietil'or cjuie 1 .el .niQ , itri tC a en The Oshawa Reformser agreea with The Oshawa Reforme,' as a f'any SoPudiaio i.~ ri Lilndgrèlist, Lowe, -Shueln thbs pipot ln the vlew thet tbe»qov-resider van explain-It $5 bem iStrtiplied -ù,Jofi âlign erniment .... exDett the iniolpailes by Sithe resuit being $25.00, w uu500Martin ars'e is Cle«e oey ,ôwig to phymlical nntltxuea a 1larg to, Day their share t0f Eîngaýton Road cents (which ils $5) multiplied by 500 *i1,r4ber tf rivates in the 116th Bat- improvement. should ptuduce $2,600.. The readers of SeirPtiëi. ecLfdrn t&IO-îae benrtund o rvaethe Reformîer are evideni îy fot gîven SUIt OrP . Hatel Allaway, Clarelce Maraden. ~1te Y1~i eelireti'nd tepriatecredît for havlng a very higli order of! Junior Primer.- Ernest Northam, eW. J. Bragg has been noniînated a!; OVOruOa..S Kenneth Southwell, Rosi; Bannister, the Lîberal-Conservative candidate ror intelligence. ~. Gertrude Starr, Stanley Martin, Non- The OrýIllia Packct annotînces thatl i $ 1 8.00 mnan Pindar, Hlelen Moore. ton Selltenfber 1, 1916. the subscription 1 M'est Durhiam. Some guy willI now rtàe - '7irn fOili ia uget PrIce of the' laper will be increased to to remark that the local Conservatîves Mdtatahe urran otOrilaas sugg tet. *$30000 Promotion examinations of Kinsale can brag of their candidate. School. Naines ln order of menit. ý1.50 per year. Colinty, oxing ho Nwhat ho seoras ta Jr. III. to Sr. IlII-Gertrude Stilli- - -- -- ____ ink Is an uintaîr arsserrent ot the' Trotisers van, Elva Rodman. towa lyi thc- couiiti. This %vas exact-' 450S.il, tb Jr. lit-ViAood Stevenson, ly Oshlaiva's grliellinco, ogether wIth $4.50 r aky tht' burdon of lietliing to toep iiupte Il ecommended-Edgar Mayne. counitv bridges. to Jr. Il. -Mab.el Haniurop. 1ioward FRUIT BULLETIN , - aradait , Ltîret\e Nlayne, Flilda 1Mack- A trurni itubliirion gsýi te ho qtc-TIon yAe. 1M. MKAToacltu:. CIIEIIII ES S4,e yur urocer eor t lu ,-e leliciau-, W!ute -'Wen rui Iors' s ýiro, : îa i- 4Maule tbyourrnheasune Qxlitltnrt Cli'.rrillart t'. i ily ul'lied ilS'Itr Cherry fo n'r . nit ui ne --fts alipad oh riite uh- Style n 9"lay. trc T1I 0F NWAI.TVtI NE.,LEF, pieiinul pre,,l t îîîg irell i t n i lly î l l i uîr iltqCr î1itîo , r, îs '1u r" , a!ii2enî et-'- n r01, I (n Moud va, Jlni 2u-lv"a 1h reniov-ou IlY î'x1-i. k It 1 uiI l1'N \itI.'-utl i- i ", \ e tos ni]I uis We French dry cleqn or dyt' suits, (luit- ouftheoldtuTad rt-a(.t ltz-lglTv rn 'i. ilit ce t li t l il1 leIt 'l11E M Ali-n'onaro i t( - isin t irI-ld-s n ,oIl t d e g " waistq,Il g o e c Ths ll Ii o r p o i tislu k'uou- ît n o tîu lii' v î h i t it- s c'ir tain s, pi,,nuo covens, etc.-T lt"uu I nf' lis sttuilit-law1- I ir Iýho klillv or ifi o li%(.t1w rif onKITîz. lu his ý'Ah 't-tr. aller a unief ili t-t ii. I l Iut iee rît e t1 PNNUAthé, stiilij'cT Pressing, repairing andi altering tIe5s <-, f1i :11t1.1 1 tue ti lii lIi -t Ats *_W ..liclotbing at moilerate prices. t-rsk lue ttu hi-n.,rus dinotusz'd il u hi-; nuitn1er. Tli l utioa crtts <t-s h uitiid tla uner2r andtI m re io \-iII '.01 l nda ewlin iuonv lé, et1Tlid lTtiThti- iiI, -illliouud <'f in that yuuur fruit i'1 i Iu 1l7-t'iti,-t l tIl TE <ill,,attulEl a n Ill- M auriceo 'hy 'tu*l iit ' i igw h1lT '-ins agt. xxii rnapTii-l Tipo>ou \\IIt gil.tItJ I It ViWi-Eth Iiti i - tt ttT Uxthttnh~ eeq i (i f tic Il i M1r l- nn e wihau-I tlit. ou o t1k FJI A LE I-' itutl. 'tNt' ct'Ttîîar illhi- nTiti îîtlull-idoor South Royal Hotel, W'ITB p' rlidtt tl Tort tf i- t-isol- 11010 wtliut i.0GR v<ERS NO. Z 4 iriiuT ' în;adse.aî rs _______________________ lto iiduî-d touir-le'il'ii'tin112.c isa li e b- s ,hte tititure iiil it-l stx t- t sore nitui if carl ivl'd u1Y T ixu souns and u uvîl uttîtel EA l' Ml lE CA\ LUII FRUIT -tieî onrt', unRoui'. t;ithtiie, mmrad. $5t: i'. S.nu1nsr PlusatTI'hrlteisof Torntîo * * * ea't lno.Uu ili ul d ' i-g $1t00:; li,-tirard l ua ivis tuatale t-ast of Pic.k- liii 9. gr'itV'IiunIl mHal andl lin uîriiil. "ring vîllaige'. Nîn. Lawrences. -hio sTiiii it l1-I stuhI I' î t slaoa.o iu ut - - Igî iicts rad iug. culhiiug I lvine uFglaud anid Ns. fHumrnvKin g. Tt12 tuT 14,uIt. .iluIliullih lailv î-ctiiilli. i lT, ttîlî ie, LI. dt-. $(ltt: liii. 12-. f ut )ulbaruîîn. Mn f Ni- î sa ifta- .s rt-p'on- r iti tif ha' i saidîl -h isi-ulif i liriigf-s, iui. graveoliig, $ r6,7,t. ber ut tht e li' i ('tuinu-Il ut î"i bith \\;iii u tt .r s.t-,ihis lt-rt- tiithýinnoh)I'îl t Hall, OrirnîsToli. (iti l, Is: lii. Il'. dith- hé, bas ul-v li-ia taillufilttut a tndi tîtu na tge-n Plu-n s u atu tt-iîug and gaîllug all Orruislon, ;tuT. althiuiiehul i'iî'i-v a ns the' laPin - r roi, !ute Irgo m nof 'trke, $1511: - ivi -14,- grutulbg, grav- in itiles tof aId tige dTti i id luoai thé,u H O W T O K E E P W E L lei iotll*IiIssudl blt Boili iirigs i.1; lnufI ov x(lt Iisli t ito aTt:u'its -Id fs-Ti-nrs aitî, t i li iie. gradlung. lionoxri Wu i . $ut t-,fit rion i sh utur'r a r-alirh - anduiits IDii 17. - onuvohliig, liruomiiT, hI-nrni, LGllTNlNt;'S I'lIANKS. .te ~ist'iuî tii~i îurwnii~c i l19. sidewalks anld grav&hlng. h !ir tan aid fan itiýci' iriitci-,.No.'iet'NIt Huul KerOm. Umlqtoa. $20iu. Tltehe ai' isn a goomh aimi-ne-- D3Y JOflN %V. S. M<NIOGH .D., D.P.H., CHIF OFFICEJI h ittuvît utszlitolutiid tcrut teinu'd akiri-lue reetultr net ite u of ('1ricil WWS, unit-aI storats this snrg antI sti'tuei(r. t F T H i l 'lP R O V I N C'I A L B O A R O t F H E A L T H . l u i i u i i i s i i-a d o i i u tl i d ,. . uip : r ,ç,O i i ft h i ni t f o s d r h e v I T HOS'2 (OF U- VS tîo antttiîota rur-al st-huai thti nt yoaniaont' yars ago tht ý' Ttiltlt lii- i ît îîii- atihineutofant-otuut s îtssî-d tanrl'uy- w-lll.lauln -lut inîruugh tliç itider parts ut t hueProv-int-e, notiethe men a-tt. greuil Inipnuti-t'int i aijln Iti cIioit buuiluings and surnounul- "~iéî-'1 Itu IXt rhum 'urn ilt l-. d igts T Ingu. rciltuparoth xi-hthotlia of'o!unr but oti 'dlaya. Tht' writerrtaills ,' uttliétl u lu un t(<îlaN- ta îuîlnd the ai'hîooIhiuust ut a pnosperous cotiiiinit) outIhue sex-en- fî'n flilitusTIti upliaill 's ThutTtrrt- tics. Il iva8 a low - log buid ling, br'a lnhai un tty ivan irai nuense stutve ut the' tri- oo 'îî' ain thé, r lueitî r îaINtave ur Double Drowning Accident. "box"' type ttialoul nean t ho, tont doan. wilb a ilong dtouubie range, ot pipes .~ittitehuietITrTiTu itnnl badly Jalntud ail(nul stilt Iotasmoîkingun niil the-tire iva.s weollestalîisbed. li-lie, otcfl IthParnr JF i-t(Gyf1 ndCrnc The fire ivas iuaall h- ligltietî un a witur's mura i ag y t he hrst arrtivai. -The "miil l'lit'T s e i i d Tai e (,ovo i#' rI . 1'fi s i s Tc mho- d i- s aud lr ai iofaie. loor was of t-oughu huoartds unîplanî'ul and utjitntird. tiay of tht, huards flot 'tltsnnor - h assurç rotu urnfliia mccidutIbtlit l l iss thhe belng nalled Io ta hle Jîilst W-lit-htW'as made out Iogs nestiag 1fii rd, tuttItre, îî rnuit i-ii'ih coîm in- %hiui ole lit nto d0ýI'î'mî caui. iîhe THE ('O'NTBY iputithue gronul d. Those iet Ilut' uays ot Plates a nit -zT 1ti sTt\'Oe'cto lsl? -h il d-. agi'd ilutliî1-7Tditgli- SCIIOOLHOUSE ppontils. mandlain 111-fate heteil tht' dntxpiiig(ut a rpenciil -'fléli 0-:1l'is 'o -r of Mni. and NMes. NV. 1, ('Ixidie'.ou upun Ite futur uail promipîly dlsatupeaneul n lrouiho ne u tTiofîsî-.(' .ithusnurtis îîuîi. mtnîd »Miss titrýi N-vin. of tba numenous lange cracks li eathle hiatînýT hé-lienuon-hitur mwss (tue u't~1t u" Tlt' rrtsi trt4(Wi-ul V ltul tr cnddatigliurntt Bn.Iath, occasion for a diligent aearnu-i un'.er tht' asil '-yraloîl fluorng. Tht' theks 1I iriltii iaslui<'t,- urc sT i tl iutit utf T)STili-in lit.fs were linge arrangemnhis alîng hthie raîha, andtih le sina ivre hcnu'hes devoid tetttt'i-tt -s liIl tti v ut of 'csaulttilTt.- acurrî'htii tirbnie o! bac ks. The 1>1stkloua rit w' s niutie ofutin toi ta rtds paint id blat-k -The' tct uth- itW'don ulait it tto-w lu lit floors were uutaill- givi'n mu si-rit tiin thettc airnie r ttiti Thir cI'a llineas S ltii ' ' Otl s hStut ti i'st 'dti Sttl -ltt (itf iis ('lana dutlng the halmner îttt(, -iani p îeltio u' ntisn tttar-gor -î ' i itilorlu ftltIIid nih ul i tet îuinct u-ut'a aehool-gItl.it- Py saiie %ut as tht' rur, îîitl a i'stiltiug layon îtf uhist upon ittttt i 't't i IItul c if trI orî "s P'inti.tuTIllit'thetî'ifft ut LynidIs e'v ryhlg l lte i-itiu Thé lu. - uT lîtuses, haut -tuigîtiln ti muet -ent day, a' I tt ! i,. t-rT.t' . - f tr- t5 i t- -ut sI'î wene usualîr dî'vuuîîl If t oli s mît)( t itîîuî t ii- senutltunce î'tf pmimii-3. Tle i---- t . -". - -Il' dal i t Ihi' t t huiT li irTe Iith 'olie ground-uî îv , ii,lfujfi it- i i t Tumups antI rît ks -tini îîitttunt îuîîîî-îîfclllty - t-ttt..tiil T-i-tit t he. l for play. "h ".-i i~x ttdx Ne * b t e ' rt- 1t If 1 ,' i N I IIt. It'I'I, \;,, Il l 5iu ititt ut Ivii ti i I-bu nirt- 1 t4 fil ' i'T p Ti -'T ltuu t-ttnftîiitris' Tht, it-iotil htiiiilihlugs are p I- - - t-- t i tloutly uto ii" WtttI1. , - 'Ii 'T k. :1ii, s11i ii i l,( <gllus h. ietl tuu a d n- l -i c-' t - t ' 141i v ttti t '-a 5uaoi o de i;tu.t-l' tlo. 'i, -' iit t tii-il ll-' nfIii tav' i ita grenite îîtîtr n' 'ttt niai--i. int f'ii i i tlluth W 0 ttiî'n -'rtni tiaga, Tht'. u l . -- - t . a un n- l i '- . 1 ttioy s<auli - I,- ' i i- i ttoil I uTt'în II Ti i- n - n tl.y tii' gi-ouils are l1 ' v i ' r" I l ti 1 , .~ '- uismalli- itti.l-l 1 i i " tt-l -ti s11îr " n îiutt-tlrint1yp att ex- ixhichL as mtt'u i t aisIs ts tt-i'ul is l te tylet cnvcnnce. u- - .'ar - ' t-.ttîiu..v' t Tu t Pr 'l *II-ti'if 111,1lioitttt 1. Im ..ii..j Th -I rc l 11.t i ,t rî(- r t' t lTh fih i fixer lte#- townshtip ;lioVn(l nake It bs "l ti l 'u rvtbis' n u t ti tt tt i.'tl rnl, I 1 lp. IT PAYS TO USE We Have a Fulli Une ofl tPAINTS, VARNISHES, 'STAINS & ENAMELS Scythes and Scythes 85e te 8$1.15 each. Snat lis 85e each. Sc thie Stoues r - - - -g.'--'- >O water? tri"Allée a n Wouds trWiIt tireugi the. mellu aveu t Lad bobt -e dont U t 112b t 18P*U.t"ltelaneêktng reMembrange that some- 1-mt2 prep0Wttm . lt cuTt*aiUt- body. "<fthere'd - b. more bovril a% i rmachinai-y la u ont dand4 a kle tort. ew be otier )u btlveen- Idotgtu'rougb the ,p 58ol tba l aJYl.lit ftS Our - le sX W eot moruiug. w«e -sue Thundei u4dii -tW~-4t's 3lut' -% asles 0-«C(>Deani lu an heur or aseUa» a shiX bWl% flt Og*ttr Wti taiL 6tPoil Artaur, neil door neigibor t« L m stow aw&Y trM »sV« o a<o s u r te lrula t Fort Wilim-eovu' sinleat otWiatt.BU, uiouwWOrO toi to>wjisbotaof t bent. mwo u mielta "Id ýb7l sternOoi $Iwu om rt Wilhiai4. ud kromt te aïWbt b latuia9014418 0f lie A t; Aru r e retwlty.Iyo of. tMIe kitle (o a i ta.laisdv*a . 1 -utw b"ltents. ssci leqalut1a"- M fouir *"cwo<w wi fl 4 urwqv oloup t£m a ~ ~ ronsm *taiatu n ov moli sta Ï& tvmdf c titi> MON viaer 4tbtlernullfvt If '.i y-o i Best 'Peerless' Machine 011 35c cprgallon PRINGLE'S HARDWARE- WHITBVo ONTs. couintry a fov rnitcs north tiiere hiave storrn. whopn a bolt struck the( chimney boî iarro saps.and carne( dow n a nd ou t ttbroui gh sev- 'i<eharu on Tht farrn of WVi. Par- eral lengt lis of pilpe.' A toniaue of irintiur. 701b ou., \\hithv Tx iil me was seoýn to flash out1 from the wvas sT ick byliL gb T nia diurine a2; op nl pipie, but no darnage was doue to bi d oiifr si orru atlint t\%o ue s a go, 111li hotisu or i ts innatpos. and woas sot on tir,,. T1'frie osîarted_____ _____ lin11 pie b~k of Ille roof beSide Tue '\pn- IT-S iltuTor. :uu udtîrnéed 5 thé, l. Tueitiid of Tuec roof beiing OCT Nî2h_,bors 'eeH'LDX A Vib.on Sunday, 1 qiickl bcallsd 'pel.îou. - anidITle Jiîly "01, 1916, Io Mr. and M1rs. Art. Pro.itioîigli ini a t'la('e dilticliT tof l-iolliday, a duhtr xae s a' -xuiguiid'ore' iiiuîcl h1a n ma;s doi'. DE AT HS. 1 Nr. lnîsîtilcrand farnilv, lio GLRIT nVancou~ver, B. C., en livciilîar liroo.kliu. NNfiréosiî'îîiiii i 1ir \Nednofsday, âmie 2ý9, 1916, Mlrs. Mal- lionie durng a rec n T b' vT1 rical colinaM urray Gal brai tb. :fs Gre&utLakIeýs I ~~A~WV~W d" 'i -- - ~li - - t' - i Il k - & v - -'t. - T I A n- t'-t t thai'in îLiiî 'lé liii lItir S 1 t zu t- r *0 ha - - - iThet Iaexprest Stc The 1P, -uya ca' b - - ua.1 - Te - ut-' 'i -aii ' 1t01titt9 1 pnr 9%,crlr: Piirnrc-- 1 btwn

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