Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Aug 1916, p. 2

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tH3 AP O F AiOANTOuDAYt ENOCH W ENT WO0RTI 'iSce SOLDIERS NEWSIPAPER C'Ã"N- '3y ISABEL (IJRUON CJR'TIS, Flaky Pie Cruat RT HEAN)OW Author of!IlThe Woman from Wolvertons"o Bhirrcie o vith d loi Napoléon and Wellington Could See Eggs for flot Days. wake the mils rpryio~.~ V hoB liwU(tYSt lo th, B ach Othu at Waterloo, Ntr eapely od ieo twell; forin it to maiolS r cnzst fine and f laItr-end how *0 â what is the best for us, and go whIen balla; roll it in'bedcuiewtwt CHAPTER IX.-4(Cofltllued). Esterbrooki' le no more to me to-day ustte ealybotfethr ores e en egAple fr UiP ephtft Yese- ho told me, only lit seemed so than *S11as I3agg.' In speaking of the terrible conflict erall feel a distaste for meat or ApeSyp aI atrillnge, go bard to belleve atter our Oh ! cried the girl aghast. ««10w e Verdun, the Lille Kriegszeiug thrhay odadntriy tur of artpueors lgrpoean e ttl t tdsica te oin. hedsie-tyudav and pub-newpaerwteh etheedandpu- o te igte dihe; t ho am tmethrethetes cpfls0frniktW m "I ta dye hepit ta oe-Yubve." Mfàerr pkei has lisepyGraaspir ntlh-i erypo o y not to look alter eggs, one-quarte fatasrofl0 hOw 1 cannot understand IL.I"I àe Ner pklnahas shdb emnslirinLleb-itsveypople Merry watched bier keeniy. lie ma Hipr.le returned ta his chair by hnd the Gernian front, bas the fol- their nubritious qualities, for extreme sali t oe-bai fataponu fvn th.rottling a temptation ta tell every-! the fire and hent te Narmn hieflingers loin nteresting commente to make heat is likely to lower oUr vitality Beat the eggs jutenghomitede thing that bl e ore between him and by lte blaze. There was another long instead of ait Whet flour. Try ht. comparing the battleflelds of a cen-anlo.wte'ndheoks Adthoh- s th ueieof existence. le feit silence. Dercas was tile first ta break > omcf BNSON'S *ttury ago with those of to-day. Undr1thse crculletndCethge sure of the girli' sympathy ;he knew IL.toe's n write teoOur Monrel "This terrible war-all pirevious corne to the rescu.e, and we turu 'with er ingreients, adbk h ,xtr nh chewoud udertan. H ha belin "Fen f I wee aaint yur ncl- bock. eser opof aur new recpe. wers in history compared to it were1 she~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ boooknd.san H'hdDeesnsertfsl er aande yurmd mrechlds lal"th pblcaio peasure and relief bo some more 12VO cusyorblift i n ih uetre te realize bis own dependent nature. nations, would you do something to telle how. ays. "he 'sprese'thwarulitonewyeu rin bmpsnte n.aIf tick P'irst there had been bis mothor, then make soorne one very happy, some obe, Tys."TeCANADA STARCU CeG. LIfMITEDgthe ton he nc eggs. for years he hadjleaned upon Enochs who belle ves la you-who ceres a: OTE U SA Ca IMAL. ifret of tuis year wesrio haorrifylat, sant bei frlod, poached and ecram- Potato Turnvr.'lsl odO i RNMD 1 OTnUU etai n odsrutv hti ld h olwn eie U ieway t tov strength and friendehlp. Weho ewesgreat deal for you and about your fuo- i B rh var 18ieqsotraieandsodai atlv ttatjt to thge ý ~ ~ti lf ln t wasotrdrne. r uel as believed that it was Impossible enough alt-a .dszstt au nd mah enoughptte ofl~ fiber of hls being longe.d fot sae nuch Merry spoke gently. "Miss Dorcas, t_________________________BtfodadStmulath_____ a p l itat ue for redreas as for understendini and l'ii afraid you are mistaken. There itesomething worse heu occurred. It ho- ite: onfu ffer. Tr aympathy. nobody ln the wàrld ta care. chance came ta me eit the end. 1 wlll l gen Februery 21, and now wo are ln CreamedEg.UO tîfr on beg sficin atadppead "Miss Dorca,1 will begin et the She rose ta ber feet and, leening on do the beet I cen-If you stand by me"Il the firet week of Yun. For three panis for tis, anid proceed as before, mas on a wellfordbad olI day when 1 lett you and-" Suddenly the mantel, glanced dawn et bhnm wth' Dorens stopped for a second. Wlth long menthe this terrible battis has but pour a tablespoonful of cria out carefyai dctitit di8h been waged on a front otf forty kilo- over eachsig.If a more subStnta the sizeof ta sue. O si ikd he reelized he cauld flot tell the stol'y1 eyes f rom whicb embarraseltent bail e caressing touch she swept the lockmtr aannihwtouayce-dstaede bl M Tc npaealrg of Enoch's disl.oyalty to ber. l"Mistsuddenlyflied. if rom bIS fareheed. 'I promise ta etesdyadngtwtotayce lhl edd o on io I lc ag pof. fcl eta Dorcas. 1 need y-oui' heip--terr'ibly." "One person ceres very mach. 1 stand by you," she whiepered. ,Good Ration. stock, season it well, and haH Itfl the chopped very fn nlhgl e-oi i 'I arn ready ta help yeu ln any wa o ae e yhat nyU U-ight." The Bath. e ofWaterloo pan witb it belfore addlag the egen "< d. ro topttoduhnieif 1 cen,'" she enswered quietly. She ces. You have e great future-won't -wes only three kilomneters in length, creai. and pinch thego o'to si knew ho wee norvtng himself ta a dOU-' yau work for Il ? Besîdes, 1 arn self- UTIAPTER X. and thus decisîve struggle, wbich over- Creamed Eggs and Potato.--Plaoee ameklng an ordnrtunvr " o feselon, and she understood whet an Ish" ler eyes ahane wit.h eagerness. "Do you mmincf 1 arn etroclously thre* Napaleon, began e little atter layer of esmoothly mashed and ~well- tho turnover onefa(resdprO ordeel lit was to the man. She croesed "îl want te play 'Cordelle.' Mr. Os- frenk wîth you i" one o'clock ln the etternoon and was eeasoned potatoes lu the. dish or lib' browa bbem l otae, n eret the rooni end laid a peper befaro hlm. wald bas off ered me te part. 1 have IL was Grant Aswald who spoke.,decided eit aine a'clock thet eveaiag. tle pans (previctualy gres.ed), anfd them with browno oaosU~. 5 pointing to the bold headilnes studlod It. 1 could play liL ta.norrOW if Enoih Wentwarth and ho set far' back The Prussiens in that battle number- thon an egg an the top as before. Cauliflower Wt heeCemr stretched ecrose the top of the page. you would lie ny teecher." ln the derkened orchestre et thte Gotit- ed about 210,000 mon, -and et Verdun Creamed Eggs Wlth Flsh-if Yeu Dressing.-Was rs auiiwrg The words fairly leaped et Merry. Merry turned wit a qulck gpstUre arn, watciting a rebhearsal. we know positlvely that forty-five have any remnalits af coikedfish, or as many heaea o ee.Bi x TREMENDOUS SURPRISE as If ta push temptetion ewey from Wentwortit nodded, but tarn-ed a French divisions are èngaged, makiag fisco theni carefully fres of skin and water la the e ttlawihtevg Enach Wentworth the Comlng Drame- hlm." "I)an't 1 Ilhe cried. "Ah, Mises startled. glance upon te man beoide inalal 676,000 men. hn d sian ppe nd fUx tables is ta hbecakdsattwelud i Drahlm. ,"If Napoleon's femous Guard or bwith dsamewbtoauc epadsd pit.edteculfoeehletewtr1 tiot. ' Dra.dont go mb stage lite 1I ihson ht sueada Ili-ad h alf Ho ea ondon trogh heco' I shail go inoaIf sooner or later." Sml bcueI nwhw oe' Wellington's mon or the Prussien umn. Fellow Journaliste lied banded Site spolie wlth a quiet determîflatian. ful your play le, I want ta suggest a Grenadiers were alive to-day, ho-w tiefmaed pa it iaa eo a tti oiliregp ooat ili e tener together to give Enacb e royal Iro- ."I1feel sure I cen play 'C'ordeliae *be- touch tteat wtll make It etronger." they would be emazed et what we are bgfresed p t n the, d n tegBas tulof ree tuedesng etoniu y thedface a wIltthe bigshelis faeîigiFricasse"fhEagt.?BI lthe noces- hickea itewth a levein dutlon tlîough th ine w freten e- make a begitinlfg wlth Enocit and Mr. "Understand. tisInt ricm.hefofalthesi is numblig riaserof egga -bard sud ncsthla ckn wt dlssle aaltlec oonetho a famus tr w ha ed it e Oswald and you.' 1If you don't thlnk well of lit we'îî nover'eveywhere? sary nubrofeg adndcticosarhd Merreroe adtvaea or fewmeniontLra,în" Ooehdapp'oheod "At that ime., ashundred years ega, half. Remave the yolk, and add to milk; seasanitwtsapppr-d l'es referredti o asieaineor ld Litoe ad thcd onrnf enLitenbjet adlpl"oeti ally. oated lW Belle-Alliance, the opposiag armies it eny tiny remnarits of rnely niinced butter; dd aotoeeiîha ras rfew York mis a nagcersI hemnu aota the wm.tndw a e ournaI the bj ta dcoera sîranly ueen Hr reach other that the two meat, e few hroad crifnS, alt pepi- pouad ai gratedces. Pu Wentworte the wimmaadeandapoleoeaaduWeliag-hp r egverteitdle coppe a prereygsly e overthe cookd csulifOWoi' e laviali production of Wnwrhshdserted cte a Tite gb<t o mldlgTe wer bh Ect. untheewe isysftoa--cauld see each other distiactly. and greted lemon rlad. Stuif the the lest mintehfryosrv te drame was described lnlafigures ap- w chatith o nged lda rgtng torm The n tooancpaonLie telcae oT-day the armieare sanietimes eggs with this and put the renieancel'after draîiing h ae ta h trhigroughta helstysentece tmnai to ries. piling Illn difts acl'oss the Intervals witen everytblng and every- mnaay miles distant. aide. Malte suficieat white sauce vegetable, and ev to htbtee thouh e helat.setece tenth' Suaeý1body weroe at odds. 1 'A. decisive battIs s century egoanad (ueing haIt milir and haIl stock or toastk paper failta the floor and ho buried "Mshora, i said. "corne bore."! 'Wiat dtd you think of changlng ?"'no is very much lîke a littie wlnd- ae) Grease the bottom ut a casI- hie face la hie bande. Tegr rse h oo.i '. ltl o cagn, sadSeestan lan a village compered ta a ter- seraIs, put ia the egga,4 stir the re- Hotshl Hns WhleDrcswachdsleihh t e cried. 'it le a fearful nîgit II1" hougitfully. "What I bave la mindi ifie thunderstorm ait eea. Only one maiader of tue stufflng labo the sauce LeoswIkeprohi teI echied for hlm. IL was hard taeitoîd In Yes It's a fearfal nlgbt for te'le elaboration. You have maie 'Cor- tbing rermaine the same-the tact that andi pour over the eggs. Make verY Insw check the Sotingtauch sho would îun vtr l' I ib a soldier bas but one ie ta give for hot ln the aven, anad serve boiled rice in dry eaad si rtey have given t a ewomaa or tLa achili itoojoles L)o you 1 wwhr ea'e a>atendor vomaîl, butthehie country. But the saldier to-da n a sother cassorole. A very little Tornato Jic iIroeiist-5 "Oh II" sie Raid ta a pite-pus vitisper, mîgitî have faund seoter îonghtIl mother ought La ho more of a faîl ta mit sufer more, endure more and tram the bande l'twssitamstk. ad flot been for yoa ? Perhap§' ber. Site le cruel now, vain, selfIithpsessrne evsi arfcn bacon cut inta dise improves tbisdish. ee ie Hol did net enewer or lift bis bead theres a bailway soiev bore tat 1 anad deceilful bt-siete e not bad hie lite tha did the soldier la Na- Scrembled Egge Wlth Rlce-llave i ae;i tram hie bande. could bave sîipped loto. and for an enougit. Wben îî cen ho doue, I ho- poleaa'eUie. At thet timne the bettle redy soiebolled nice,' ellawing hall i aerht orbfu ie "I pleaded wlLh Enocit. I Ld hlm' botir ar twa te police would have loft Ileve In citosing an actrese vto lias coaeieted af apeapf llowto e es n c or emoven liL we.5all wrong. torrily wrang. for me undlturbed. i migbt have foanfi sometblng tn common wîitite ole sitecapeoaptl two echos, n on o r wxl pryevent aketa unng hlm as welI as for yau ;that vitea you lite emply boncito afirryboat. or- le tplay. Citarecte o Dry fey, NmbrourCargspplied with a aewespapanertr-is n xcele retunedhe uetsetthig sralht.theBowery missions ai'" open ;aOlY Lime, evofi ln acting. Don't you egree îasting fronai a ew minutes ta per- ring t weîî lu with sait and pepper to tia-ware. 1etomd h m u a et e t cbing ora- t.before aoc cao meoke Up hie mini o Laittme ?" hSalhallanll remove the stora.in Sevefr,.>ho I aI hm Ln-s alevacolaor-eeek a lodgiug tlit te, tboy are illed La "To a certain extont." hp1 hi aSoaitc.Exet o saol. Sev vrlbt don; Il was wol and dieLlnclly these occasional ettacks tue troope Eggs Wlth Fried gread.-This met-' silver causedb(g be ple yaur plqyyours alyeII ufficaîban" "0f course, lu casee of downrlgbt resteti autaide ai the. firiag lino. The odofd ai ervl egsandbacon le dry vith ae ofclt. "C1ollaboralan ?" repeaîed Merry, ocsiee, gonius lit1e dîfferomit. Thore le Merry. muskets eit that time carried a cdis- economical; Cut nomne gale bread in- To get Calieoto anwoewe perplexedly, ralaing her oyes. I bdkîO ndîring tese weeks If we accept trageiy. I belleve ho' tance of 160 meters and the guna 600 tocbs lowing about balle cup- tekonta ieaen setit n sw1 "I- le d me everything." criedtheLitehat anybody caei-or belleved la couli portray euy characeîr tram gey- meters. Our field guana carry a dis- fui to eacb pirena» te each Seri- clotb for five mnta girl hurrIedly. Site vas tryi gta ie -peritaps I shouli uat have gone est camedy 10 Intense emotioti. I pi'- tance ai more the thirty-fivo kilo- iag ai bread àbout éigiitlittle Piaes lever keep iea ryat l i lte full confessIon of bis dowî-'se a fr clownt te hîlI. 1did u ai dre dicI for'your sleter'e 'Cordelle' a eud etesn h ilscvragoa fbcn r h bedaa e-naoecak rjg;terei t tal. Ste id001vîst t hLen10 î. even ta hopte that yau thaugitt ut Me cees that wil etîr Nov York ta entitu- of threead the-haif l omere .la lof abon. Fatl ryiheg panand brakn tancksteglza, hc i ad oh "Everything "" repealci Merry la- 8aga111." alasm, but site cauli nover' play a-ny'l other words, tue troopa to-day are un- in otfa i'- ryngPa, ndbektc- h l eredulously. "Aîîdrew." eaulte girl, I care se ti'tg but a ewe.eI, ti'ue-itearted woma.p. der frighttul fire every minute of the the eggs iniir511ana cook unti ob- poisonous. "l'os. overyithiog Oht " If you itad nxici t litI1Iaunot tell yeu. Borne No malter boy liard eleotried, elleday and nlght, extendiag, like Verdun, gianiag te set. Duet witb sait and ,put a silvEre po aotema tomebac ony to o trre aysagoqaeer stralio lnMy nature makes me - ouli tail lunlte part of e felse. un-: vrMimnh.ppeadsrevr o.dlct li tblus void hve it-o -d--e-en-" iapple e t1l Ihave morne one to tare ecrupulous aivealurees. Do >'ou se00 And even ho who survivee these SrpIeEg-hoepotoslIcaopoedio twhutbekn Ho rse airutli oi rasei t lit fo. Gils t Lie cnvou iied t vial Iarnddvlg e 7" errble attes bs decie tbusea-aia sie ad-bate-be&% Cutoff-4V t Ib!§ lie bas heen tlad" Site ponted at' Dormydiataee adae , âvasmaklag a na-me for benoî e Pe suanhd Eggs Wth pla lmm e.-" armles et Europesbothlasealales su te popor vhlcb iay nt ber toit.Drds bai grava accustomed laeLite an IiIotie manager ca-st ber as e eveet, Pe teWt ioý.rk ut i "'There te -une vsy. Yauca play tue long pauses un thelr conversation ad reftned. home-lovlag vornan. 1 nover l'ho Housowlife NeI Not Depînd En- two or threeoo eso, poel, ud par- erneso t d t Ilort r itr convivt mevanderfuhîy tttpeople waited quletir. When ho looketi up alt trougi mach e pitiful fa-Bure Site tirely on theiSailerman. bell theus, slce, a-nd fty17 ailBquite natieonaf-d nwnecu1a h tpedhat loeo tuaidm n ti orland-mstratouî t iluit 1ale that yau youraelf crealed tht"li'eye@ imet-bis pleadod vîti ber played It fer 1w» aigitsthoLin mi. va-a There are many. housovivos ahobrovt. Fry nmre squaresoetbmead, 0w», sa-ys odnAaws hi the I>ari-" 'durlng une epeecbleit8 moment for ail threwii slde.Site ha.d a- long rua ce; aIWay'depend on. the .eerk'a judga'rdteonuuo h$, n Moll ".1chii nve pî-y itecoivîi' Ie hotconlnifor eblrked rempon- bard lucit. Managers forgot boa- e.me--ent ea tue qua-lty et materlal wa-bs.an * aéW « egon oees yprol eti-tIs altostc -t tl 1bilîties a-ad fallures. mattkably aths hsd played bare o a tew sIplb eer test iets tatersi h coult» rigth lvrge«lyt M1errY"s voles vas slow ani r*soIuto.1 l mi b"hesi."ibnama h aluea ago oa4 vernaia» àbuyis ime terlstewe sb ca-thl i mdenio fmort rlgti ivr eual togttas os Wbhy'. 1thougitl yeur honn'as &et ~ba ot hoPe, ambition, hi. filthi laiup agailet her." omicaL iFm~"v wytw@ »:u ü, onactanT. ey bu oh t~î, chîracter."huia-n nature a-nd everythlisa. abat I ttougbt te b*4ai tremeadous Lises la a seatmnta wWich la ratheribsnd-boffl e ggehopWedand imit ostghl;to e~ usts V$s ~ irs-one."ma-kes lit e wortb wblle. If eh bisgene. sucet elait a-inter." ýdifilit Ufor ImomieOOePI, O- Oisit ltb- ofwhlte $mc a-il flevr.d.â, 020and,7 #tath.sb ! ~I -anIot ndorta-i."dowa Inteo Lie 'deptil aad 1s uIt hie (To Be Couttsuedi - guibt rou S00105. Ibo Ilion breai Ur tie #i lstelb.m-e ii s es.ema .Out l BI'iis.Y 1114 #WOtIIIY t1itesG.-nur.d exuaunbro! ie finapr oof Gtmim.1r.** Thé naiadli nul attempt a-rtos plana- titere a-ny qaîlof îîtt uta- nIl itîlpi hal l'Andrw btetry," he hestated u if UILDIN A Qld&. Il" tettt.mar euc.,b cov her"MI 0 Uiipo tM 0o s, role h fp te but surçhIIg f'(r or odue ih would inot yti"Doncau' moedia-s ft, mi. LD?4y. miIsud- tbti * as' ec, at si. uilti àl-t MWy @@ < our LIIe -irosa- lier brother, "did Enoec i deno ~Impulse a-nd laid ber lagmns apou b.Co e ai a'OCd n--limsvyce Mle elend..mYb m4Wkp1% Fou naïf et dm Cu# ut a W'U Cou. 1-, .-MulmgM«"Yt of tu. lu* bc 4. the lma-fl,a ;". shua.S taamWorde.t bund-tean "ho bal bon«. s iwinel lo ust. 80, erarid s le nof eà- cc" "DO y m'e au-bel anboa-na 1w inftz--tebe lng açiinsoe -bnutly. 1 i hue." - sb.4esPeet1 «W 1h ik.. ho bulita-UmeauiDcci- ~ A Iloh la-h n i nv.~ hi'roisbi tc. atd a-sav.t tuibtProbibly m's avs amu As 110wimli *c 4mopeu. 1Jîa,'Facs l* ea* aise a-sk waudgjyts.yr o tl l' acmdtb tere la neo w liai aeerita hu - hberni bit»ouerat a .bi bàtt1*- ni-a-1, IDofCUva-led l itaibtlmitty er lamsl b ot7>0#0»O Maa'boff , -am ulocs- ora~f ~euagraa1atoa. S'ai' or i1ioe .tIvleat tu lIe ors o 0'" ng10uperlaud hyig o se<mii sebita underge mm* 01fl itsm ~wonSg tsitW Uu hî br brother, eOwen wbilo uermetlcrge.Wa-h eimal b«îo'Acbniavtb u nspolen ea uîaîly,' ler. hIfS alcb -.giàtaS-ts ##Mrr salite ire 110« of 1%M detqf, -ad .t'a. umm-tr4p tof-** g$a# Y.doa'% 'ou aIo:@Pay 'John' siiadotg boli lite.isiith. i * - mg so4ir. wo m' wrk k rV" ém s -ked quittly. lr.-' .si iwy -le1ulgeipêm. tk 't~mpoe a-o - e-ct ee a-ie'~s-sta l~iWiL 7. -cjumîi tsaicoha , Si.kM 4ÏI--»e a-ve a n- Ue b*smi <om~o.sm mb *bt a-s ineiat it t.'Jou.,-5tjebu atrwo'W 1 1nd .tcum p'm . l MENl WHO WELCOME WAR. Lrios Ruasons Why -Seufle D'el,,iki Their Lives. Soldiers somotimies WelCome wa-r a-s' rneans af meleaso fratu e lito whichý itemse, despair, or some- other foo-. ghas made intolerable te tueiri. A rmnankable instance wes that of young officer. Soie tisas bdeto'O t present wam brolte eut, ho was oneý Ly explainilg tbe mecbanl5 fl5etai aded gun te bis sistor. In doing se', iaccidetally exploded the charge', rwhich the poor gi r as mortallY, oundod. Henceott bis sole iabi"' an was to die, a-d wen war broke it ho joytully r.eponded te the ca-h arme. Before ho iad been long ati oe Front hie wlsb was gratifled. Thon there vas the case et thoe5son 1a country sahîcîter. Whle em-1 loyod ln bis father's office, ho a-- ,oded with a large suni et money.1 hie diegrace preyed suoasucb upoi en fether'smind that ho tell 11 a-nd, id. Wlien tie prodigal rotumsd-ý aprodigale invartabîy do--ho - foun4 1 àe homo sold up, a-nd hie. mther endl ators dopsadent on charily, For the iret tins. ho realized tue. normity ut bis wrongdoing,and jobs-, d the Ansy, witb the dterzination, c atekeb.fret possible chance i ervice ln the field. Ho went wlth hie egiment te France,and thors distlu- mlsbed hlmself by a number ut dar- ng exploits beoaro ho was himseli :illed. A singular stary le told ai e certain rave officer who died fighting like a' ion la tbe ill-starrod Dardanelles ampelga. Marriod only a couple of eams, his vite developed a sceptîcisi La ho bis velor, vhich vas peculial'ly mortlylng ta hlm. Telliag ber shi auld somo day haro reasan ho ho wrry for 1h, ho vent out ho Gallipoli, -esolved te undertalto aay tasnk thal )resented the maximum of danger. If lAs -idow etîlI entertains aay doubt en ta hie gallanlry, it certainly lenent 3hered by the deceased officer's cons- rados-la-arme. Thmough uarequited love, a lion- hearted Scoîsmen gave up bis lite ln Flanders. 0f good parentage a-nd onsiderablo meassi, ho vas ahtfret me- garded by lie dameel as an ideal suit- or. Whexi, iowevor, bo test most uo' his fortune, sie detnanded te, be r.-' leased troni ber engagemnent Ths eausod hlm 10 gir. up ail hope, and when ho crossed over toe i eat et wer ho hed made up hie mind nover. to corne beek. BLÂME RAINF ALL TO WAIL' DovuPOUrS Rave FoDloa-od Ieavy % Bornbendnens. One of the phenomena wic May or, uay nott ho connected a-its the var, but vbleb is nevertilelesa -ýca-using coneldemablo discussion in Engîand le tho abuormal reanaIl. Il bas bien noted on many occa-, sIens durlag the promeut ver net only fi Great Britala but in other Eumo- pean cousnres, tial although the barometro Indica-tes fair veetier, sud- don ami vry beavy rainfails have oc-. eurred a-tlimes vile» there bas ueo» heary cannonading et ne greet dis- tance,.'The recent heavy firlag on he Britiesh front lu Belginum and northera France le believèd te bave affected, the veatier in NS#gIand.- . SPetrograd dopsýtches ricelved ln mLonon vrcentW stahed, tiat -durlnir 't' "I N '1 s,

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