Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Aug 1916, p. 3

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j When the Stomach la Out of Or- der the Whole System oe suifera. VYERDUN MAY BE TEE LAST GREAT OFFENSIVE. TJEYMIkAGRÉËDY MOTIVES 0F TUE ENEMY 80 SORDIDI ARE Indigestion ie one of the most dis- Eiutstandlng Facte at thse End of Two tresslng maladies afflicting mankind. 117r10-W00 etI WIfl8t4 G i entForin DeffrctiefmAle When the stomach le unable te per.-e GWa niiiueAet. to erucin of forni theL work nature calsa for, the ne- Land. Cray suit les evere pains after eating, nau-. Germany ie on the defensive, The R.evlewlng the political events of sea, heartburn, fluttering of the heart, initiative has passed ta the Entente to-day the Teutons have their hande the second year of the war, the Ger- sick headache, and often a loathing for Allies. This je the one great ot-fulse in'teRsa dvcmnFoigOfcebsge oth foo, houh he ;uferr s raly hlfstanding fact of the second year of which je penetrating Transylvania, Aseoclated Press the feilowing state- starved. People with poor digestion, the war, too, frequently try ail sorts; of experl- Bfnseamdabo hr h and the Anglo-French poundlng attack ment: menste t aid the process of digestion, pîese: he sized ma st of Bhelgium along t.he Somme. "-Unlike the milltary situation, It je but there is only one way in which the plad a ee f Frnce.Tw Blice h The Austrians, who in the latter 1 net easy ta, review briefly the de- trouble can actudlly be cuned, that ig noaverw emdtheof ruane. who hade haif of May debouched freim the velopmnents In the confused pathe of thraugh the bload. That le h h vrhlmdteReas who a Trentino and almeet galned the. foot- political avents, but an attempt willl tonic treataient with Dr. Wilim' eetaedEatPrsba ille and smiling plains of ltaly are bç made te trace the leading ideas Pin Pllecues ve th Wllims She emnashed ber way far into the aise content ta stand and ward off connected with the political problenis Pin Pils urs een hemost obstin- Czar's dominions and cnuehed Serbia teboso h tlas fe iigo h eodya ftewr ate cases of indigestion. They make and Montenegro. She directed a the bos of the it ains ftrgilg "fThe seonldyear of the war. b rlch, red blood that strengthens the * at igraan hli d ueoto tengis Russla's aggressive policy, supportad stomach andl the nerves, thus; enabling feanful atrnrmofsel The year saw the Germans los Tewndwa a asdb it ta do its work. The proces- s 's m human bodies on Verdun. -ie their Carneroon colony in Januaryp by France's pollcy of revenge. But pIe bt hereoî mensgo<lapette But with the present sume wiieouneo Belans, French, it was rendened possible solely by the and increased health and pleaBura in sweeping change carne over the as- and British close in on the stout fact that England eubordinated te har hf . profof hee satmanspect of military affaire. def endens of the East Afnrican colony, economnic antagonetTi te Germany al Mrs, AInbert Hal, onyn, Ott, (?, o-opernting through the Allies War the Inet of the Kaiscr's averses pas- han other intereste. rI hAlerusd D.Ha lllname' n, Pille ('ouncil, the Italians beat back the sessions. And Will Get Tham. "Ithavoeful rsWitlas.'Forntko yeas 1Atstrian colmne in the Trentine, Iin Mesopotamia the British" pente- wIt wondralresut.For r froidies- the Russians drove the Teutons b e- itrnting ta within seven miles of B8g- "Whereas erniany's enemias ne- l was a great sufore teereinfteremet wth horrble gr tqiei re htte e tion, which almost made me a physical doetuctin n( the Bnt itish and (lad, were forced te retreat, being fin- gr tqiel re htte e %vreck. At tumes my sufferinge were Fec ea lwadmtoia ally besieged in Kut-el-Amara and on mand territorial aggrandizements, and se great that I was unable e attend Fec ea lwadmtoia April 30 the garrison capitulated. othrs-like Russas, who wsnts Con- ta bending of the lonig established Unes stantinople and Galicia; like France, to my houçsvhold duties. 1 had smoth-i in the wrast- wha desires Alsace-Lorraine and the enlng spells at times and wvas afraid SOES. left bank of the Rhine, and lika ItalY, ta lie down ta rest. After- every meal, Th ir er O .%T"AE"S wh o seeke Austnian tarritory-they no matter how spaningly 1 ste, 1 suf- TI<ege ar the movements which lr.- 6.,... Qg i r.luse, o.rudire <?rmnyn even that she strive Storage Batteries Generators M ag ne t osa 9St art ersa. OMAAIAN *T@EAG nAraa? Co. rL!XItU N fere grat ietees.I tiedsevralare sUI going on as the war enters doctore but their merlicine was of noOils; third, and accordlng ta -Lord of the Matenial. ta develop herself economically la avail. I iaw Dr. Williams'Pink. . i peaceabla cempetition, and they pro- vllms<ia teKitchener's Delphîc pradiction, final Ts n fcmpeedpprfornoceti anusdnbl sn advrtee t (un ths robl ad e-year. Oaa thing le certain, the thlie making of sisoes bas becanie se ex- against the world's onder of tisings. i cided ta try theni. 1 hali ont been largeet empires of thse earth, Russia tensive in Genmany that tise autisoni. "They are unwilling that Germany tnkngthnibag henI eh sni- and Great Britain, are atIIset fully lies hav'e taken action ta check tisaehol eoegetadsr be- what lmproved. This improvement ogazdfrwr gie i. Imauatr u al fscsco s cudboe tis ot a o ran tote la continued and after taking tan boxes Orgnie forwraanth uatret annisareary of the is cueteohrpwswa o P could est and digest aikide O n theAugst 1 91, iseAsry o-Gte- Tise German papere explain tisat th the economic masters of tise world. t fooud and felt battar than 1Ilhed <lne'aroto sep ,of9Poanhewas b fl taeb ios ii ptaàsls 5~ Territorial and economîc aggrandize- for~~~~~~ man.Yîmybesr anvr sng. ubhinfaol a d ay;iChoulfor tise public and for the manufac- ment bas united Germany's foas in a gi grateful for the wonderful relief theme Aug. 2; Warsaw, Aug. 6; Ivangoned urers, cyanse ts ehe wr ou .Thwroe stron ag yan st s. a pille hnve given me. 1 know they are Aug. 7; Serock. Aug. 9; Loniza, Aug. vorerypauicofy and is lastsrwhc Tiescodwr nCwoa E forma apart fof athenir isfwasted.asis new approaching, bas bnougist ae a curae frenefmin uferwas, l; 1 Siedlic and Sokohow, Aug. 14; Manufactiirars are now t e halalow- thase truc aima of aur opponents lit an ntiatefnendof in wa balyKovne, Aug. 19; Nova Georgievek, e d te use paper la ahoes ta only a very Itt clearar light. affected with thie trouble andl atter 'Aug. 21; Ossowiec, Aug. 24; Kovel,1 limitad axtanit and will be compelled "In England, tee, thea mask bas B takingz several boxes she wns entirely 'Aug. 25; Brest-Litocrsk, Aug. 27; tamr1ierprdcai uisaW>Pend4pe.I sopnyamta curd."Oita, Aug. 28; Lutsk, Sept. 2; Bnody, as ta sisow exactly what parts of tisem that Balgium wae only a pnataxt ta Youcangelthee pllethrughsnySept. 3;: Grodno, Sept. 4; Dubino, 'are not madae o leather.jît.fEnadspricaio inie denier Ia medicine or by mail, post Sept. 10; Finsk, Sept. 17, and Vilna, i jb a.nln' ariiain nteu pald, nt 50 cents a box on six bxs- - war wisicis was undertakeiu enly frontB for$25 fnom Tis D. oxehse Sept 20. THE SELKIRK TUNNEL. self-intaeet. fodrc$n2 Ca0 , ro ckvThe , O. Wllam' lt*sterned ta nautral observera,-Pnshdl is1od Mediene C., BockvlleOnt. nothing couhd stop tise Teutons in 1IVIII Ceet the C. P. R. $12,000,000 atPu.nseinteWr.c tis e aat, and it was generally baliav- tise Lesut. "Gernsany muet ha destroyad. Gar- Ci A -PIGEON-POST YARN. ed tise invaders bad tiesamelvas cisos-rnsny shaîl nover more maise har head a an tisa lina axtendin g from just weet Tise Selkirk tunnel will ha througis ecoiiomnically uer imilitarily. lu this' Amusing Stery About an Indien Pont- of Riga neaaly atraigist south te Rau- in tisa faîl, accarding ta tisa C.P.R. ef- wav lu tise goal of aur cnemy mare thaser.mania, on which tbay spant tise win- ficials. This le anothar eoftisa notable dlean'> euuuclated durlng tise second mas'ter.'n. thinga te wicistisa cempény bac put year efthtie wan. Like most mea wisese lives have Even wheo on Sept. 8, tise Czar its handa tunnel six miles through "I1t le equally clear that tisa talk been spent ln India, General Bird- look command of aih bis armies in a meuntain wisose peaks piarca tise of a struggle of damnocracy -sgainst d wood bas many amusiog tonies ta persan. Won a victory near Tannopoh clouds- tunnel wbich preseuted an- mîitarient is only a catch-wend used, tell of native mannere and customs. Sept. 10, and racaptured Lutsk, Sept. gineering difficulties almoat unique. by our enemias te creata sentimentP One of the hast of tisese concerne 26, and Czatorysk, Oct. 20, fcw ha- This work will gîve the public an and te cleak outwardly their realc a Babu posttmaster in a village juat ievad tisa Russiane ceuld revive. alternative route thirough theisa ous- purpase ef destruction. Assurèdly f tis Bide efthtie barder, bo whomn Bird- Lutsk was eeon lest again and an tains; it will aave six miles eof510W tisera can ho ne talk of a struggle wood, wiso was on duty up among tha Oct. 26 tisa Garmans stonmed Ulluxt.. siseds; it will eliminate danger, aud Iftanrtise maintenance of democratie bills, fraquenthy ment etters by pigeon ITisen thinge setthed dewu fer the win- it wyul ministar te tisa comfort and pninciples visen ane aide sets outt post, the speedîet, and la moat In- tan, and almost cvery nautral critlc convenience et the public. The Coat Ite destroy tise eueiey compîetely, iu- 1 @tances tisa only method of cammulni- I thought tisa spring wouhd sec a re- yl ha $12,000,000 or more. That ii j ludlng tis etqc l >biippulatiofl.t cation. I sumptian of tise Teuten driva. sbbut the ouly big work tise C.P.U. bas "Chancelier Vont Betismann-Hell- Oua day, however. It chanced that.! beau engaged lu lately, but it la in v a'. euarks miade lu tise course of a mounted ondarly wss going tisot Invasion of Sarbia. teresting te necaîl that in the y0815tise year outlined- German aima .witist way, and Birdwood antrusted hie lt-' On Oct. 8, the Teutons cresscd tise bat ore tise war tise cempany uued tO auffîclent clearness. England vantsae tantehlm ad, s e iadno roarSerblan border et manY pointasuapnd bePe-250000 u 8, war -of destruction, a war te tisa kuife, officiaI foalacap envelepe handy, ha fiva daya later tise Bulgariana, new- 00)0,000 par snnu lun tise develepmeiit wvicis aceording te tise plans of aur enchosed It ilaoeaof tiesa maîflims oreaintsevnivae fe is tthe West. If, ne a5 ilhsOfficia' ot enemluo,sIhal continue aven aftei. the anas lused for tisa pigeon postal ser- enet. Figbting deaparately, but hepe- tise C.P.U. 1re1ared, thé CP'K t>k canunnlu sllenced. Thair formfer tais vice, sud on tisa outgide of wisicis W55 lesshy. tisa Serbiaus vere presed s dollar eut aftie Weat., il Put tisat about thseperaneut pesce tisat tisey pinted, "O 1l.M.S., par pigeon Post." back by tornants etfiseavy sisella te dollar back tagalulu511 ain nm O Or wished toe estblisishbas beau drowued The missive waa an important ona,!wisicis tisy couhd not nephy, sud ou otisar. It weuldhd ssdhy be bellaved, under tise about that Germsny's au-« sud tiesa etraster sbotîid bava for- Nov. 29 tise Germen Geneal Staff but tise C..P., stuce ita luception, isu mies are raising ever tise paris warded it et once hy thse ordinary was able proudly ta anueunce that spaut ever $200,00OO) in thse deveiop- Econoinle Confereflea mail te Its deatination. Ithe aperatieus against Serbla, b.d ment ofthtie West. Tiser. la Yet-Tne. Judge tisen et Birdvood's diagust endad lu cemplete succeme, visile Bidn upn isIaesley whau. a w days Inter, liearecelved Ài.f-iaet tse snaebtete as fnish It back unoened, aud an thesa sck et îng off Moutenegnao. if aur nslghboi'S- vAdud mid their bas «sched Gernany treada tisa tise envelope, In tise Babu'a cepper- Bu nucsfl~ ieya 915 owO business va vauld be more &Pt te thi.esold 01thtie third year ef tise plate .hàndwrittntg, tisa folôwing ins- had beau te tise allie lu tise field, msind ours. war wtt unsisaken ceonfidee.But scription: "Method ef dêlivery Ir- tiseir wihI te conquer did net waver. thtie goal bast nol yet been .escised, regular; please attacis pigeon!" At tise moment, eaniy la Decetuber, The Canadian National E.xibition for tise enemy bas not yet eome tà visen tise Germais Impanlal Chancel- hasseve"a tintes beau vtuited b7 tAre. setise impoaslbîlity ef subjugatlflg Another on thse Mislter. lor vas mak.lug a lear offer ef pesce Tise lent occasion wam Inla 90, visn GermanY." An ay asapain I tse rontcam nlua .eech lntise Reichstag, ths e%- $Mi,00@ Worths ot buildings were de- An rm chplin t he rot cmepresentatlves of Germ»a enstieit st.nayed, lactudlng tise Grand Stan. POULIMY PARKING FORt BLIND). upan a serenautsnd a siii detath' vone meeting ln a new War Co)unili meut wvise ve strylua isard te nova a at paris. reedlved tp redouble tiseit' Net to les Fooll.d Twic& gir-Ârtlie Peermea Te% iaçfAidfS,' wagon whicis vu opelessiy embed- herculean efforrts ad never compro- 8l~ ded In mud. "Can I be of any service mise. Judge (laterruptInglobn-vladod te you ?" thse benovolent divine InI- On Dec. 21 David Lloyd George tavyer)-Cant 7tal iti foi rant.d TW et tishe mffstles iomwdaistises "Yend , " as, n" thse sergeant ne. th@ strongeet minl Englaad ea- ibat 1u rtai nodtayplin »aiSOio aettetisl-ig ImdiSto tises plted. "You eau btiaieip usnisy aak- cd Gresat tntain taeed den«t uniesonfet av? e blladedlat*6 lb e a e fomu et ing yourselhfaaarre.*»"Meklng mysei gresiten.ert ver. mate; &s u st Lavrer <eolly)-Yoai honer, tbat'aautbi onMei <eIMMreraug scarce,-tise clergyman nepeate4 lin aek iehel odemande'd ce sflthse a tke 1 maile ltiste lole eourt . 1rCMd poula? rsln J surprise. "ea, air. Vou see, tisesen conscrIption, thne.tenhsng te eauif visere i bat My eu& sirArth -Psmat4 à bs hrp eafl't veny Weil Say to tise iscnse viatIbis ineature kene net plaut.titeffect. m i.t ustas tut sal they'd uadentahd vissa you're about** cnsrpto bBPm" etu rMItin finet readicg in thse flof ets a 9t4aum«q4i a b MOnS J0s. 4 and spri«g mevIt la fuIll~72t '. 4 fonte. Prmier wu ttisve oîmi-a.Lnuw tauut 0C4 Umited*, lb but *hnt a ud ma, «0 talé aneoufce tiat England's totall efo1t901et I 118th Mesvislelu iseme s ra tlb bwt 1 bave ovoi "a M for *6 Mâ gisent wv iutbs i-sv155sdn $t u sel A fr.w tx enfete tis ble spf-O# ."dPM$"VuIt 1ri ce F.b l'Io Wb.u lesevuw». tekos.. te'et(aid ou Apt l ime' ut misé-ou " d.t.._ Ieo ne As Lb. suea gosto ou ui.m xhty ' .sollIdI4 Wtio x«. mania nlliSbi* *lmets Franc& 1$ is eea ~ RsmUaa irt»et wle Siteawuauasa&"dtoi - 11 ib'àtw heoRwla a tereettebe#eq"d" . Usvel mmigit o1x M0 wac immo. MWet ùwioa41*-t 1>61 bo g-oo qOTES OF INTEREST FROM lIER F BANKS AND BRAES. Vhat la Golng On in the Highlands and Lowlandé of Auld Scotia. AdmiraI J. E. Bearcroft wvas knock- cd down and injured by a motor car à Great Western Road, Glasgow. Womnen Volunteer Reserves col- ýcting waste-paper, for Glasgow Cor- anration are now a familiar sight in Lha city.E The Clyde members of the Amal- gamated Society of Engineers have appliad for a wages advance of four t ente par heur.t Mn. D. C. Dundas, for thirty yaarsE headmaster of Inverallochy Public school, Aberdeenehina, has been ap- pointed registrar of aid Kilpatnrick. At a meeting of Strannaer Town Couneil ex-Baille R. B. Dye-r was unanimously elected Provost of the Burgh, In place of the late Mr. Fox.' The Marchioness of Buta bas re- 'aived from H. M. the Queen a gi of tabacce and cigarettes fer the Pa- lients in Mount Stuart Naval Hospital at Bute. The death has occurred at Bore- land, Minnigaif, of John AJexanda? McGill, oea of the beet known and xsost highly respected farmere ln the dif.tnct. The Dumbarton Tramways Cern- pany have commenced te train lady car drivers, and have been rufiing their Airst car with lady driver and lady conducter. Miss, Sprot, au assistant teacher in t.he elementary departmeut of Ar- broth High Sehool, la retiring from thse teaching profession after a service ext.anding over forty years. As the result of a disastrous lire the works of Mesure. Neill A Coâf Edtnburgb, thse oldest Printng-hOUOOl in Setland, havlng been founded th 1749, waa eomnpletely destroyedý. An anonymous Glasgow eitfrf biss presented EràkUne Nouse, on 'the Clyde, together with 850 acres 't4 land, to thse Prinesa Louise Seotti*i) Hospital fur liMblea Ssailorla4d al diers The Scottisis Minera' Exetlvee4t Glasgow decided wlt* nrefrence te the pogtponed hollda>'so thït two dayl uhould b. obs.rved, and'-t.b. eaeh district ahould aset caint ent date. At a meeting ef thé, kisimufr TonGouneilo IL A.- Buatis wua*p- pointed toe t ova ak@Msp* re- daiM vaueat tis ib lb. deati Of bs fauter, ÂAi, Litus, uI5flUet thé,- posItlii <W f@ew 'ySB?5. At iW otl*iget ' ffI#k Tew coupa s roI*tmva, ptu t 4al thé e COUI"Rpetition ltéQ.w«it teb gt omc take thse neeuus*tfl lstc 00a ilàtà4é betwen XIrk11 &MI1 sud fus et mo.# w gkItdbe«$.K n' Co e O t of the t 4à, , L it je thïe losed season for the bake-oven. Banis kitchen worry and work. rorget cooke, ser- vants and gas bille. Solve your Summer problem by eerving Shredded Wheat Biscuit. the ready-cooked whole wheat food. A fbd- that teftores the digestive -organà to their naturel ,vigor, supplies al the nutriment needed for a half-day'e 'work, and keepa the bowels healthy and active. We have done the baking for you. Eat it for breakfast with milk or creani; serve it for luncheon with bernies or other fresh fr-uits. Made ini Canada FROM OU) SCOTLAND thir shIpe ta corne ln because they i'ere neyer iaunched. LaI for Icinard'.and taka no othas No Need for the Other Tommy had returned tram a b4nth iay panty, hie round face wneathed' ln enles. "I hope, Tomimy,' sald lbis mother, that you were pallie and remember- ed your 'Ves, please,' and 'No, thank yau,' when thIngs were paesed ta you.- "I remembered 'Yes, please,' replted the boy cheerfully, 'but I dldn't bave to say 'No, thana you,' mother, be. cause I took everythirsg every tlme Il ~i nternai and externi. ouned with- eut paln by our home treatment Writs un before too late. Dr. Bellinau l e<iieal Co., Ltmntted. Collingwood. Ont. was passed. DON'T CIT OUT Orenvinfed eU ; A Shoe Boil,Cap; Sore ,ctni dby« Bc rBrii sure W te Sus i kl ie5edbIquickFO VIyIuhcudy. NoSmrlg Eyejuit E., Confo,,rt. At Vour Dtu..Mer s . . avimtle P.. E I tdninTual5I ibI roduce theat ad lemveune blhhehs. Drssglèa oraIelyma'udyC..CsIa Stop* lareneas promptly. [tees motbUis- ter or remor'e the Uat, aud berse Cao b. - . worked. $2abottledehivcred. Dock 6g(ire Fev vaman wdvi e iva bthse se S OIN~E;JM. for .mtin&. lie aumbt of matrimony manage ta brbng up gigen t oiD ruasa. oreis weiiias. VarwWéVelu. Aufl ain "d±aladiadPrim Pil.M488 53a bieAt pearbels- .. n ur"Wntart» 0,éh.. ~ Lace tnas'u Lnmmst tat~. ons.w. F. YOUiNG, P. O. F., 618 Lyana Bide,.. Uetm.l, Ca. stéevIRIBd'a a- 1st t thea51eaud À5h5& .JI..d.- &IWCM& Cau't Keop Ahead. "Tlseres ne pleaeune lu drbvbng sa-~ motor car a:y more." MBChInD YruuForSao how f stu div ter' aîvayu Whcclockrlal ngInc, 15-0 someene vîtis a fauter car coming a~ long ta give, yau tise hors adma'ke i u .18 ix 429-wît o uODI »pu get ovet. 1toetot h m go bY'. I "ndrln'hIt~ n 158115a I si usav , a 4 l'nt- A£u AuN 10-1 193IP i da ss condition. WotûI4, be ai auvry gîcat bkrgals pi, tel to eh 'li th ec ta e in, -se sfi si lit lii h£ a] a] j BOOK on I DO G DISEASES And How to Feed E' alied free to sualaddreê! 1c I Anaica':the Author FLoeu H.CL4Y LOVER CO., Ine. OagRmi 118 Wut 31lst Stuit, New Yurk tARTROUBLES IM GERMAN". npoèslble th Get It at-ime.d thse Preuerving Season. Sugar has apparently taken the dace of butter as the supreme woe of he German housewlves. ln numnerous owns and cities (such as Frankfort- n-the-Maln) no sugar at ail is serv- I to customers ln coffee-houses, re- taurants, and hotels. The Frankfur- er Zeltung ln a recent Issue publlsh- I a prominent notice advising people otake elther their o-wn sugar or sac- hanine with them when going to pub- Ieatlng-places. The notice states hat littie botties of saccharine can ow be bought at the chernists' for 6 mnts. The Food Dictator at Berlin opes soon to arrange for cafes and estaurants to pans "saccharine bowls"' ound. This ie the height of the fruit pre- erving season in Gernany and wo- en are frantic over the dlfficulty of ecuring preserving sugar. The Vos- esche Zeitung stated that preserving ugan was no longer obtainable in Ber- i, while the big residential suburbs ike Wilrnersdorf and Charlottenburg kad thus far not been allowed any at Jl by the Food Dictator. No articles offensive in odor or ppearance, or of a combustible or ýxplosive chanacter are accepted for xhibition at the Canadian National Exhibition. ------------ FOR ILVER-Y SPORT AND RECREATION SOkiby en g hohofrme IM13B OTATOEU0 E SED POTATOEý . RIq3H COii- ksblei, Deleware. Carroan. Onder at once. SutmIY Iimtted. Write for qu~o tations. H. . Dawson, Bramifton. P ~ ~ o OLN CIA HO.SMOH blg-boned, qulck growing, haîf-ton klnd, and t'very one reglstered. . The ldeal farmers' hog sold -at farmera' prlces. MAJOR EDGAR; North Hatley, Que. PROFIT-MAKINO NEWS AND JO8 POffices for sale ln goud Ontarilo taos. The most uneful and Interesting of ail] businenses. FuillInformation on application ta Wilson Publishing om- pany, 73 West Adelalde Street; Toronto. et i

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