L - 4, Vol. 54-No8 Chi B uG0 Ready For 1h sticks tn1 tutîjohes the Pc <ther leaf eatinj one application. e-ut and safest strong poison. bligît ahd 'wat 10 lb. for 25c, PURE PARI Slb , 1 lb. a] bruggitîan M EDICAI Wock St. WHITBY, ONTARI09 CANADA$ tRDYAGS -11 19](3 FINISH' 1 UEe Dry. t Required. the vines andi itato Bugs ori ig ilîtects with ý.The cheap-t way to use at It preventsi :ery potatoes.i 4 lb. for 10c. 18 GREEN t ntl 1 lb. pkge;. VILLIê d Opticlan LHALL a Wbitby.- THE. MOIJSE 0F QUALIU1Y The Dea:ter%%ttite (u~ tt u ~~ "Scranton Coal"I Thme 5andattf Ar-TER THE S TRIIKE New Prices Now Establishod. Fresh miniet "' Serkiton Coal'.- ]Egg, stove, chestilut and lut, coming daily ini box cars -cIuau. briglit anti dry. ( annel coal anl f3mithing coal awasin sok You wiat the Ltest. E. R. BLOWO Or 1er niowv Whiîly Bell phone 9. lomte îphone ILi 3 . IlOWELL JAMES Carpenter, Duilder and Contractor. WIazi drawn and estiniates furnished. Saeh, doors and frames. Iggent for Birantford Rooling '~.467' WimITeY Phono 149 lune arriage License. Cmrdrug store. Whitby. N ~~tleanes required. Thç Omter Canada Improvoment à Land Co., Llmitod Whltby - Ontario ReIW Etate Dealer., Entâtes IManaged, Renia (ollectei, Fir*t Loanoi Arrangefl, Propertie. l>ouglit and soid. For termeis pp ly Head Offire Brock St. Bell, Phonoe11M. Imd. Phone "40. HOW MIJCH AR TOUR EYES, WORTH ? Don't take chauces t wben you eau get my sevices of over 20 years experience. Fe E. IIJKE. OPTCIA. ll-Vgest., TORONTO (oppouie Simaon's> ARTHURLYN DE eeaebu.s t WIiltby vMy Sttard&y. phîoei on U&or .drems box 8O5ý WUirTDy -is* 11 t ant&soi UISYS SALEAle ÂU klzade of dshia&Mddomble Ilortu bugbt mot d ou o Sem ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE. WILL AN AOED AND ESTEEMEDI CONNECI WITI- TOWN- SÈWERS CITIZEN CALLED BY DEATHi Board of )-eaI:h so Orders. Council Agrees. Mr. John Hiallett Laid to Rest. WVhiot gave m'omnise of leadlng to a Instittion,was exempt from assessment Mr. John' Iailett, one of the moat liam and Sarah Hallett, andi lived be- Prolongedi andi vexeti discussion was for sewerage purposes. Unfortunrately revered and respecteti citizens of Wblt. tween Whitby andi Oshawa. ýIli 1858 lis ihe married Miss Sarah Jenkins. who very amicably settled, temporarily, at 4he Conlege. lni common with ail other by, has passed -te bis rest. « _s4uth1 dieti ln 1901. To theni were born a te CoUtteil meeting on Monday even- eduenUionaliInstitutions, bas fallen Olon cnrred on Wednestiay of last week, family of se-ven chultiren, of whoim three 1119. wlen permission was given the evil days owing to war conditions,.niAga 6h nybre eto eigsn and tw dulier urIlane OntrloLades ollge o cnnet wthit as elttha aseasentforsewr-pisslble ln ha8t Issue. Mr. Hallett had ly: Me ers. W. J. andi John A.. of the~ sewerage system of the towfl. At age purposes sbould net be Inststeld UP- been Ili for about six weeks, bis age NViitb/,andRihroTrnt:Ms the previotte meeting of Cotincl the on by the town. However, the Coîlege rne Ric vr ssetbl Osf Gae t hom.ad ofTntoMliss o F inance Comnniîtee w-as authorized vas wiing to go aliead andi connect rnieng o h 'verseptibet o f heGrace thmat.4s îeo te carry on negotiations with the Col- up with the system, leaving nie matter smering fro tSvhescndSa ofthe rnt le. tlvdltFv ons lege Board regaoitag the matter. The of assessmnentlnl abeyance until the JuyIllhe was going about as usual, antid M.Hletive iFv ons -Mayor, therefore, ealled on Mr. Annes, Court of Reviston or the County Judge was at church that day.-The next week 1 orth of Oshawa; ln Pickering Town- thtý Chairmnui, 10 report. cati deai with Il. In concluîsion lie levs aw ii ni a o1iei ship, then ln I3ronte, andi for the past Mr. Anties stateti thal a meeting of raid the College ought to be encour- his beti ever since. otenersnhufam nWhty theF'llille, Comitpe ad eenhel, a tî ntier present conditions, andi the Mr. Hqallett was boru on September Thus lits whole life ln Canada has heen Wtîheiî a conference tnok place wîîh Rv. IBoardi would aphreciate il highly If the 2, 1835, ln fDevonshire, England, andtie with he exceptien of seven y iF. L. I'ttrt'wî'l, Principal, anti Mr. John Counicil wotild ratifv the order of the bati therefore attaiaed the age of near- whnthe excvetin Bontee.Drn yaIl Rice. Serrptary of lte College Board. Btoard of Health. ] lhyoe hnabyo ielewe elvdtiDot.Drn i Certain points hati bien agreedTituion. The Chairman of the IBoardi of Heaith came ei -oanada Wihnaboy painet, Wle thîs tuni" he was a prosperous fanmer. "hile thon wpre ottet- points upon spoke very bniefly, merely stating thaI aet aad ll l prns i At the age of 22 NIr. Ha]lett was con- N%11îtît'Ile ' îhaddiffereti. Illethotîglt- the Boardi lad feit lt te ho in the inter. __________________verted, anti Rt once berame a member IinadO sabti 10 go over ail th, ests of pulicîtlelath le issue the order of the Methodist (lutrcb, with whlch grîtti,îd. ',aîtse Mbl. Farewell was ltait' ee nutîke connection w 11th by the mos, hellish Instruments that le lias even store been closeiy tîsso- î'rel-tiiî uralit at the Cotncil meeting the seNverage system,. tevilisl people have spent their lives ciateti. His lift- lias heeni one of Ile ilit ( iitig anti woîtlti hoaskedtie10 Mayor Warren statlie had asked b uerfecl; bodiles slasheti anti hackedi fiicsî texamples of Christian living one so't-k lt, tlit' ('oîîîîril. wtten ho c0tild lte opinion of the ToNvii Solicitor. anti heyond recognition; wounds that ae coîîld meet wilh. Hie religionis helefs Ia.li- Itite ltfore theni. Cl. F'areNwell, speaklng offlianti, ladlt wrealzing, fotil-stfleliing, ganigrenlons, and convictons penmeatedtsi hieloe i - 'r' oisI-alling tnnouNir . Fane- saitiitt'w as of optiniono hl ailtc(' ollege ioathsoine, futll of tiltanus, drecy 'and b"ing, aid tî1touhiantiart ion weneP wtI.th, "ta'ýtir ask'd I ll iert'rî coîild not l'e assesseti for st'wenage ex ery dist'aseP; you hiavenit seen i teeaç,h gtlded î ltorelty. r"tîd iltîttîi,îît frontIl tlit'Iboanti îiîrîiîsîs, blttîîh<' (101tiaxt' 1 tie d-Iw i.telironis ecs of file manri, ih1Evc'rvotf- .'lîo ":sacqîaliniçd with ttî luî'i:îî, gie fuit' îthe ogi t' a definite aîisw-en.; t ja;ged pucce 0f mctll n t le cnlIre0f liti ri h idthi' g ret-a t Irisptct anîd ad- li s Cttit i ltin Ic t loti i l cd ii a a Vo ry' 11ti tadirît seltiti took phlare, as hI!-,lionti t(lit, heiplesa , agoniy of t1he'inatiIon for h iii. H la ; liii î was ai-, ili',i iîîiig f iIi,' Huoard tif lit aljtitliant tt' rîon ttw _o, n i Ioît b - e on(, and att11 itit 111ltthe broIntikot i Il.', lite raclinal- g' n oi]li~ to aniy %v'ioeneîd- i'-'ih--idt tîNlitiiai- nîoriîtg -,w litn %illine intaart fl iarrttrdatore ith h ,iIlî napo le dphoIt os ai ttîîr ct i cpi o aruo . iin ruînie. Ai tI -.i;atto î oi w- i- ordt'r tif thii oarntiofr litatiii antd i~t h t I tli(, fntrowed brouIln. ar wcd i t'e ni'-t ingrt (tf Lislath reli lie ai ways andi t od, -1i t fot ini'tto tiýi,,tIi aire tt if i' t olîet-a' . toionîa l tare ii i tifeneti body of tone of tttoizailîî'il)fîît Jpart, and to lits Interi;t tua n t tilii i titi',"fort' iiîrodiie'd tIl>Mttaa A Ii" irltoittssons uîhoîothe kiîîdly lîanîtis dite' ni 'h of tht' aieraswich tlns t';' " j it to~ of Ille' it unt an 'd ti' anîid tttniît'îi îîsîd tif -itt latreleaseoi frora lutCis tiV il ttî'qidt,(t lI, t jdjy iiîta aftt'riîîtoîi, nîeet- I l;tittt Lltii 'oi'.' îiînectiiîîg lit ii)tlils î'fft-rt 'V i h ,ý ' , en Rt!toe of II, si. s';ns, tq tt i tlolisc tif lefttge. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i î h "ti i: - tei tf tt l ic i 'T:iat Ilît at-rdaliîr'uîlîtereailt- antd <t)]uaI iîly a 1:dasl iStt îttul. ~ti ' -t'\r.iltta~ ' tii V, !i' t ýg '; t -i"ti a rt f il' roc nsitit' i liu o- tf t lie tttttrd 1)1 1H alit tî dat e<¶iX tg - stt aid" b repent oillt] t t e %%0î' 'tuod fail id h iiii.anid lho Lad t o lie 1(d tttoiii To lod re, u i ttili s;tiîîgti 1%tiih.% it.lt't'iloege lltî' ternîlied t o -.NMI ii-r' for two'vo ueck s îeftîre dOt:,Ii i el11' iii e ua onderftiliy t' t~ titI i 0' Si loti t't il]tii'ltiwt i 't t ii is'd i. Votia Tiv n t 11S naî: iis' tifliît i l t tie of tit ffnlirtion, antili t ' ' t i - .; id thai tilt ilza- s." .Ili.i. roNtil'I l n i l %t' it e , w li au;ily w".v ('anttdi":'a crteOft-d aiîîîi'îr t s ltlt.vs a tiankfitiiis- t tlt _ i ' ' ~ (j~î toIi ti"k(' suth <î ht îîî lon-Iti ftiîî t'It i îi atciaie ti CO1 ildt,(f1n tf U(j lh titrît ftor i01,, lty'of lvii wuih oterr- ii iii~t tI ttI~î' jilltt'tu l i n r-otdfî fitautîît t l,'(,(tI- itiîît Io iiidet- is evei foi' Ilti li un 'l'lie ftîneral s~erv ie i'as lbld froni 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m iof i' ' t-ti tif i i lt-t i ' " îrà ,gt liiriioîtt a " I bas" w lioiacitiiillY saut'cri fit s comnl- Ilie l tre oit trida -.'afî erîoon, and i " -i 'iti ' 11i lt 1f-r't-ýçtî'Iotiilut it l..1 lit "rî-tîi adi set Ii',1,- ,l'o iiiîeîî t-i-i Ot"'i 1ti orrihit-10 iliîitk tf. 1),>cxdî i l î; t v. A. H. t-o.sti'r, i ~ ~ lt tni î î.î î foî ti r agepur bI l lii1n t iatilie i ta 1mt v 1w ti' îre- ttI'lil ysa 10 îtmentioni. ptti f ti ebîia 'lJr I, : t' - - au. i) euh-t t'lf Ih i s iresol ii pri't ir of thle Roya-l i lot et -antît oli -rt- ' \Cs. FatbI r, I1 atit ta. andti I al a tolIr ofti y I etho(lr. t e ah iti l 'F a t (I co rî i tii i .olit' Town 'iîrk fttr(- la iot r-'Itponsiltit'for lte îtyoîlitdit' htutp\ -vhi-n 1i hve khii lii>' ;1 t iar , ;Fat't'rit Te i bearns w cnt'P VOS 't r - - tt I lleiii' Tait o 'l~lit-Iil ofl tiNttaxer whtich rau iv falt i]iie litr-rt' (if ttS i tirtd tiers. A ni rdc-ron Is *l n sons, . . j ant ih a rd ; 1-oý fi -t i ti' 'liPlis e "î(iigAvi I )owiotî.v-Gold rilig n tîihtîat the ito ti ld dtîwtiti dakcn deae'l or alivite. ssi$-n-%-w,, Messrs. W. Ut tes and --t' ilt- iat(ci- und( r dis- coillertar of t axes lie itistrtîctedti tacoi- Iliithisaw-ar Wlinaontidbe taken i dati, as jCharles Fi rk, antid -sr J. W.- [te- 1 '- tPatit'l irai Itîtitit'd outt1-1tItxtt-titeon11 tic llnal Hotel prop- 'hihni abrdno I tl.V n -n tatandi \lex. tDavida. li Uii-(ilanL.adie' CIuilego lias tcni y. I antnil ilettaguisl botweencrnitcitierL;. Tte Sonst5of Englanid, cf w'hiciîtiil ili ii5telIl)iiit'low'n, finaciaily-. 1 rh'tlîDai strictî Heaitît offi- 'Titi>'ane ail alike. Jii the tronches 'te deceaseti was a meunIer, attentietithe j t'dttuti'titt-,andtIin otiier ways.. Ho rer. -1-to ti-as (o liave, been presenit ai lhave the sanie chance4. 'f le can he faneraila a body. Interment was madie [iti til iitid ilztîi-ta art einlg CîolV- :Iliiit-if gadtivl-sth îe Counril shoots me. If 1 get my alotin lfrst. lin Union Cemetery,-the famlly plot -i tînut' foran ntnaaiitoti as sootu asqiliat oit ing lui Itresstire of business le 50 mcl (thcworse for hlm. 1 dont being on île site of nie sehool wbich i"î,' uii(. ît"rtîîii. ,6-litireh * %the t'of-lîad ltt'attttittc re cmet but would jWantto 10wln a V. C. or anytling lika Mr. Haîleit aibentiet when a boy. Thle i-'ýgnttîitfia andi buildtigs are loa h i îtolahly lit' i1iiWlby to attend the thati. It will take.ail my time to Bave funerni cort ege w-as on'e of the langeaI arti--iitnd matie langer anti more neî,lt regtiir meeting. I1aîy skia frein beilîg puactuncd by at seetilit titis virînîty for somte time. It'ltîi Iii itse plants lsIt nvohueti a The Niayor andtt Couincil of Niagara tdoerman bullet wlthotut seeking a V. C. Ma'. Halleit hati two brothers, James, Plîbîîil% tîC eime, le saiti, vh4ch Nvoulti Falls sent a comîmunication ïasking 1You imay thifik I have deteriorated, butt of Orllîna, nnd Samuel of Sunderlandi. ittittWhiîhy ln ils advenuis- ht h omno Gvrmetbl h aoeMakès yen tink so,thenboth of whom. with their wives, were A.s fi) Ile"s-w'erage, MIr. Fare-i cIl poseti Pension Diii, (bat omceers and lanybody. 1 Tain cuy one andi can do Mirs. Trelcavea, of Palmerston, who. -id i' e ii.iosilioli of the toilege fBoard pnîvates shalI be treat*d un anabso litte, or noth4, uysie1fi'but the saMe becauBe of Ilînes8. WaS ual ob was tls. tiat 11ey clamed the Coilege. lute exîîallty la regard -te the amourit spirit 15bgnf1.r-o&timtet the -presentL.1-.. ,,_ 1 hdic a ea i f iearnlng. whose of pension to te recciveti la case of to: whoe Br1tish'.ariùy. You say te Gar- Other out-.of-town persons whbo were - profits, if nnyv, tire tutnieti back mb îlte (Cont-tied on page 4) mans are focce til edc what they are lere for the funeral were: Mr. Joseph ___________________________________________________ tdoing. There la no such thing as forc- 'Pneleaven, Palmerston. Mr. J. Ceutta, - ---- - - - (ni; a nation of sixty-four millions to0-e of Toronto: Doris anti Carl Stark, uf anything. If sixtyfour millions ut pao- TPoronto, grantichîltinen; Mr. Edward NEW S FROM SOL IER OYSple don4t want te they won't, and aIl Coombe andi hie mother. of Myrtie, lte power on cartt- can't make tem.. Mns. Copp, London, anti Mr. anti Miss O N OVERSEA-SERVICE, conscrIption, UIllt*irisim, jJenkino, Oshawa. couiti make the Brittish -Army do, wbat-- the Germans bave donc, Thisa militar. LETT"IEIt PROM fIRLL** BARTON. TWVO WHITBY BOYS jWITH THE tlum stuff accouating toî'German atre- Ext racîs f rom a letter f rom William CANADIAN ENGINEERS. tiilles ia ail boali. It b tthe Individuala, hartoît. Jr., of Whitby. of the 11611i Bat- Two WVhiiby boys have gene te e th to 11g Çmmn, ha csp talion, te ies parents. wiîeln at Bon- France from Englaad, nauneiy, Sapper 'rTDe Hun aniper lia thé 'foot cruel donCam, Eglad:-Aatbrose J. Dearmnat anti Sapper Lou creat ure you couid Imagine. He ae doit('ait.Englnti: -Paquette, who are wlth the 4th Divis. couutafer ten British castlaltOm for -TIhis le île Oirst poîîtnlnty 1 have ioniai Signaiuing Co., CanadianEnn-eerontieBtihaoutf.Hl lad of wnriring n letton te yet, witl t rs. Ia a leuter te bis mouthe-r, Mmra rifle la trainedt day andti nght on every theexeptonofa fw os cadaonT. Desmoat i, by fromt Braiflnut, loop bêe, and every mrvice et the 3rtt. the train belween Niagara antiHal Camp, Sapper Deamonti telIa <f hitm trip Illiunes. At the leamt aight 01 lite Or, fax. We lad a very dirty andti îiing to London. He Baya: movement, the -lrcaure of a Jouirney on the riak aîi rx have Just 'returned. front my ýsix linger senda nnether seul te perdittion - ingli ate --andi HydoPark ,e-verai (ime,.Ille ' rtainty bave a ~4«t fut aysteutiof wsdergreipud anivV tlacm andi Y« =eango anyiege ter a peuny 1 amn tu tihe best bitti ud Ieln à lette-r 481.4 AuguatIrd. N tllIs or re-celvluughi$ dWcroït petiosai. rigbt and ho, gOWte.bosm t. get thse=r ,andi et a hi* revtev Nid beto#ê "W b4dtbmaroehleu momw -- iev antite-n mlim abwoc. ,,W« & pr.tly tîrMtr but mn hep»M, Wa W MugueCt I,-0e"ýu-"'W* v, s lu. f lî elm k laourrltaI à * rua, 0 * &ý LOU *î t.* C. A. GOODFELLOW & SoN, Pubfis1bers ALSYKE, CLOVER Wo are in the market for Alsyke, Ried Clover, Timnotby, and ail kinds of Seeds. SpIendidly equipped cleaning milis in operation every day. The advautage of the best markets in the worId. Give us a chance to l>uy your Sceds andi we wiIl 8atisfy you. J. H. Downoy Company, -Whitby, Ontarlo STHE -DOMINION BANK la ESTABLI8HKD 187t a Capital end Reset-ve $13.000,000 s. igsDepartment M Rlave you rnoney in thie Bank? Are yon saving? By putttflg Sa&7 a fow lx M dollars ant a ttrme yoil wtll ooon possess a funn4 for emergencieu.N R Deposits ilf Cvi' Duil-r and upwards iiseead. E iterc3t jid, or addod to accounts twice a year. 8m * WHITBY BRANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manager. MOSHAWA C. N. HENRY, HOT WEATHE«R SPECIALS at PeeI's Shoe Store Whîite Canvîts an;d Poplin Boots, Sboes an;d PLmps. Fleet Foot " Otuting Shoes" Oxftjres, Tatigo Pumps and Sandals. l'le bes3t Outing shoe made for -ail- sport and recreation. A fulllline'of the Iatest Pumps and Oxfords always, on biand. Phone 151 Brock Street, Whitby J. PEEL & SON For PRESERVING TILlE The -Choicest Fruits Gem Jars v f t-' 1' .s -1: - :14-j Lt-" Vegetables for -PickIini TheChcetpis Priçes Rlghtle LT. w. j in' i --s i /ui *1~ I w as read y la case of an attack or. aOe-l- deUt. WeaI hadto b eau- 111e belle, TIise lite beats wvare ail pre-pareti andi swinging over these-ae, aIl steeketi wltI tfood andi valer. Thse bostavaa 0« tuie <fl0îr was on lise 'tIansd ilien un tise Mitatte, aiseo w9er liosi tai vas sunk. andi managet t pull tiirotigh e-very tixue. *"Wbcn w o gel leL.iverposi v La a 12-beur Joumey 'On tise ïtaftoe s eamp. The tcaisa &eomimeda4tloa vw prgtty'pîlnk.' --but1 tise-traot MQr be-ce trave-i re-ry tM.ait lway sixty mitte an heur, m anton.euetit. we 414 a mile andi a halt la one Minute. llftV Sg w ene. A, curve doaIt botte-f them a I aL. "*I expecieti we veulti b. anterma vas,ý but wu liv. la visai. Me loe buts Ile-y look me. 1k. a CW19WO a bungal.w. Tby bilethtea bgeîten a oùIlt; a*" bave elertnle Wtt, afid vtwaloka. W. aMM.te" bo 'l'h, N. C. 0.10have a 15111e priva. 1 nta,, la thmof tbe but W» are ta. Tiser 84 Umm 11W larw romn las Xtwo - Aesia" M ro i amati b