'rbat *OU I kswn Journalls, Prank CliRLST i F LANDERS Siaondss, edrtofaitise Nt* York' hune, tascite 'tist the. mont Inter-. t1bIg ansi hapeful sîgn te Se tDuaal W. luasi urgotten "fou or vos-y neariy, Mi t i s e p r e s è s t , o n f i l e t I o t i s e a v e r - Y u d d n t s e o t u h u s v r e r y ami sfiedot tnda -etO f coure. ie thougist about "fou noir and tison, mâ retei f-s n. rSttendrslîa nt t,,Esecialiy bI ny ime of trouble, rbglaned frmn a Freaisfi-ont ar-We kneir iat Yau wireegoad un time of trouble, me1nd Inte FencSesf-rntieBut wi re -every os-dinas-y men. inan intlgùeingsayta thinkomafh 'I t- 'r 4.' >'r ~' 0 bWgnning.eaaered tc, drivea e reg And tises-e iere almmys othar Lh of guspicidu betireen tise Lia allias, Thes-e'e lots af thinge a mean h bui.t Sas tmilad ignally end campiete- Riseirsk, bis home, hie plenu 17. - Andso e reonly Lbougist oai Y For ncarly a t'housand ycars Britaîn ansi France irie anemies. Tiha feud iras hei-editas-y; Its aatlquîty alone rusade IL baisas-d and instinctive, The Dukes of Norea.ndy began Lt, and passad IL n on La1iltiseir descendantis. Yet tise beginninge of tisa Entent.e Cordiale wre met iritis relief an bath Édkes. Be os-e King Edirard thei 13eventis set ta irik ta change a gem- Ci-ai trend oft istory, bath countries ire- itisa position of Dr. Johnson irben ha explmîned ta Bozzy '.hy Se het'ed a certain sean. le did nat hnow tisesean, ise said; andi tiat iras tisa reascin -,bad ha known him ha mlgist have hikad hlm. Sa ha refused ta meet hlm. Tise battle aoflHastings iras in vriy trutti finalîy forgottannat tihe Marne. Not that eny people could isoid ana grudga so long, 'but Lis mas e foundation on wisicis irie -Pittbd'Crecy ead Agincount, tisa hum- iag ai the Meid ai Oleans, thbisa bcoa Calais, the fean-strieken yaars irien Nepoleon bovared on the Engliis bai-- Ion like e thunderclaud, anrd titni Waterlmo Soseetisees, parbape, not es'eno Bacause tbas-as ehîmys lots And al tise ihile, la streat ar Ia country lana, in city sti-aet You waiked amang us andN Yaus- feet mare bleading as Ye.u How ddd ie mis Yaun fatpri, Cen tisaeeha otiser folk ms blun( Now vre remember over banc lu (IL isn't strange ta tisink ofiYi Thise iideaus wirfara eses t We neyer tisougist about You mu Dut noir that ire are fer away We hava no doubLe, ire know You helped us paes tise jest ae Wisere in cold blaod ire maited You touched ILs rlbldry and Yau ctood besîde us in aur piain We'i-a giad ta Lhink You undet Smeisai IL seems La help ui We tisink about Yau kneeling Ah, Gad! the egony ai thaL dreE XVe knai You prayed for usi If anything could make us gIs( 'Tsvould ha tise kna'.rhdga that PaIn-death-Lise uttermast Tisougis ie forgot You, You w Beaides ail tisis, understandissg wa-s We feel so sure that You wil blocked by differing ambitions, Ian- D3ut _stay with us until tis guages and traditioans, and these arc And sa we a8k fan courage, sti aven mare effective barniers Lisan the Espacially, 1 think, ire aek for "1unplurnbed, sait, etra,îging sca."' And that You'll stand beside whicis l ail tisat pisysîcalîy ceparated France tram Ersghand. Differencas in _________________ temperement meat'ter hase. Opposites 1 may like aacis othar. Sa IL nead mat have been fatal ta friendehip that tIsa Frencis are roseantic wviile t-ie Eng- LA IIM leS are sentimental; Lisat tise Frensch" M F S IN are iitty and tise Englisis passes hu- eralizatiaus. Put D'Artugnan against RailJon Craw.ley or Sterne's Yorick; Populenity of G;eorgette Frockc compara Anatole France ivitisI-. G. TewieRsinfoko er Wells for aes extrema illustration. But he i it e Ruas nfa ock ofcfeor- osed nalotfhtsebt cf naioreti- ting color (in cuff s or collai-. is ana le rteura, atheIL mlifbecerthrt cfffrise fsvared designq for afternoon bieaue andsmo iauperbe oscle. mtaai evening isear. Georgette le de- ___inn___pealeostce lightfully cool and graceful and lande Aftar tise feul of tisa Second Emipire itself particuhmsrly irelI ta tise seasonas France witisdncw behind tise bernier cf styles, botis for daytime and for evan- e bittai- gaiety ta nurse ber irounds. înz wear. It is ona cf the sheer me- Betore tise Frenchs Reî'olution had teniaIs ihicis nealîy irashes and ireare shaken Europe ta its i'bundation.s the 'cary irelI. making it practicel for tise i"r-esbln g'eneredl iseld tise Enghisis ta modisis tranîsparent sheeve, tise cos- belafickie, excitable, hot-iseadad race, turne blouse and tise dance dras. wha might iraîl leara cansenvatism For (lance dresses, the printed Geor- aind respect for precadent from Lieir gettes are youtisfuî ani pretty; came neigihors ecroce tise Chsannel. 'Ishe cf these have printed borders, and Frenchs bsed tiet estimate on tise plain white or coloreul grounds, eand sae grounds as tisa Englisis later then again Lthe softily tinted rosa or faund sufficlant ta condaen the conventionalized degiga in scattered French aiLes- the Second Empira. The -laven tis a etenial, on a ground of Frenchs had la mmd thse Englisis civil irrhite, or stripes. hle I monti effec- ian, ad tise exacutian ai Charles tise tire and satisfactas-y for manîy pur- Fl-si, itiet as tise Engi-iis iri-a liair--1poses. struck aven Lise Frenchs Rerolution. One-Piere Frocks "Sa tise whii-igig of time bings its Atauimnyigtais il-d nrvene, anyer are ca telat suit' uithis scontrsting blouse, aven two measanbytsn. iamtla thse warmeat waatber, tise ana-place Lira yai-s.dresin becomning mai-a and mare af a It is riy difficultith ie hast af favorite. Oaa of tise g ast attractive times for rationis t undcretand cacis af simple serges natîced reccntly,wirs atiser. But tise precant alliance ba- matde of tira stralght widths, beltad la tireen France and Britain Sas been iooeely with a eloita the mates-lI m- seeied iritis bloosi and le based on case- braidered la a dark i-ad soutache. The pîcte underatanding. lb ill be cher- ai-miseles re ruti out deepiy and Ieshed accordingiy. bound. With tisis fnock iras ira ihite Geargette undai-blouse witis ITALY'S GROWING STIRENGTH. baose fiowing sheevas, tisa loues- edges - ~bound ,sitis soea colos-; tisa ide col- Description by a French Observer on Ian iras also bound wth t'he rose. It Itallan Fi-ont, iras a chas-sing little modal because M. Pichon, iris rcantiy raturned te ofi iLs scmpliciLy, and vriy youtisful Perle fi-ose a trip ta tise Italian ifront, in iLs streiglit linos. lhas been givlng hissimpressions ta tise Tisa heavy linena, too. are effective Frencisps-ess. Ha insista that out for treet ieras. Ivrsy white, Frencis ad tihe 8,000,000 of mcna taely iras blue, tise soit pale gi-sys, and, cool esables Iimmediateîy ta cxli up, 2,- lookieg r geans are among tise favrses 400,000 have hoan eni-olled and there sisades in these linans. Maay of la no reason ta teer tisat, if tise nwd these are cuL along these taight lIno« ailes, the figure of 3,000,000 wmli of tise serges being plestesi often on not easîly ho su-pased. Italy, he a >~ siougd.i-yak., and beted ln estates, ie taced by some 700,0O 00 iaoowWith a heIt or ees et Uiec ame Austrians. materixi m. tise frock. An ospeaaly H«e organisatIon le ipasfoot, bath teau the mllltary a.nd nssdlcal stand- pointe, ilium the aviation section bas ilready rteheianremaxikable levai ai -*i#leewy, ans inl contlnuahly belng ladproved.4 luai-rtIlles-y Italy bas s large supp(y olhld and hesVyguas, vitis a COn- sldeblie quntitY aofrunltions, but ho oggeeta in ti. respect that coi-- t a dvaicoaa tili b. Made. -One t fthse pehssà tlat b" et-'ilk M " - mon act in the ela tionexwe- botmme tishe fo-em ami men- lu mis> ma qrg-ot cordWa- * 0"le bsg s»t y thse Is. m ot prosess là ag ttdenno pi-lie »M d pose about King Vctor. Ile le'on lues ot taeihaltvtbaul r«*4 bt »« 10800,th. edlMY ofi Zsbêaooo i.dgl~. I '- ~-~--~'-- T INTERNATIOXAL LESSON AUGUST -27. Lesson IX.-Josrneylng ta .Terusaleus -Acte 20. 16-38. Golden Tait-Acta 29. 32. hias gtet think of- Verse 16. The decision to take 8 Betty Opens the )(Oor.. M sure, and his wife; ship that would not touch at Ephesns Thuin ailyJhbn's end ingw u on Sunday, illustrates the immense importance the day et Cousin J o me. , ad it w t on a Sunday, Paul attached to his offering the gif ta late when they rechd home.Seven-. te fil one's if e. of the Gentille Christians nt the time year-l et ats so droughtfrom lane or byway, when there would be a large con- the long drive tha htogtse laor byay,coreoJeshCrsasite Holy was dreaming when sie heard fathert we did not soe. City. StiU keeping up the practice say something about a last key. But Swalked our pavements. of coming to worship at one of the iresently she waked tqp wire, to find ints on aur pavements? thse great feasts, if no more, they that they were ail tialking about the iaurdy hoePeteottiechrc' key and wondering what was ta be natuall choe Pntecstthe hurh'sdone. s Flanders birthday. "Thie other doors are aIl locked on 'ou in Flanders); r0Mar Chambherlain'a Wîdow 17. Miletus-Some thirty miles the inside," said mother. "What shall temk hnscer V Mry LY ANEI south of Ephesus, and in early hic- ire do?" Lac mnkEthngs chear.RE WM HRTE AN IE tory rnuch more important. The eld- Father iooked very mucis worried; suhi nlnrector of St. Margaret's and can- ers or presbyters (margin), , in eriso taa o uhtt hv rfrom Enghand o~n nf Westminster, bondon, who it verse 28 are called bishops. In theledeerdtl houttaav a v tIset You are here. bas be-en announced wtli soon wed first century thse nomes were intet- good whipping for losing the key. dogthe trenches, Mr . Ioqnl)tl ('lrarilei in, widow o-t changeable, denoting the same work o Af ter a while Aunt Elien thought long l~oseph Chamberlain, Bofh tsofomifeet oito ie;ided itepeth- in "Tdo s at eniede she In the trenchesBrts tts rmdfeebpito ewine,9 1made it fine,.ai r..oeh(hmeli a they are hardly technical titles at g éý"tss mlhta r ee n i ami weakness, frnry Ms Mr iot a al yet. Those whis "watched on be- bother about it." rotai~ u ekes BostonIlier friter was William En- haif of souls" were called variously "And so small," added Hlenry, Bet- s not ta whine. dirott. Serttry of War in Presi- superintendents (bishops), seniors ty's aider brother, "t'hat 1 can't geti dé-nt Clevelatid'a firat Administra- <preabyters), servant's (deacons), Or In.' in the garden, tion. leaders. A stereotyped constitution, "We must get in somehair," said ýad garden; with a monarchical "bisisop' set mother again. "It is far too late ta upon the' cros above his "fellow eIders" (compare 1 think of going beck ta Cousin John's." L e ld t bear t. Peter 5. 1). is a devehopment of tihe "Let"s have a look at the pantry You wiled tabear I, IIIsecond century. Providence ordained 1id-,ayor"fte adgom of umn lcs I HI&U 1Htiset the authoritive books sisould have lly. "Maybe by pusising and sisav- cuil not forget us; ilEAUM 'H no fixed form of church goveraiment, ing we can get Paul Lhrough." flot forget us, jso their ages might be free ta deter- Sa they tranMped roundto the back dream is past; -mine bis p-iiely administrative matter veranda. ýrength, and pardon, Heart Dispase. in their aira way. There iras the' littie windaw, look- rpardon, Diseases of the heart are somet'imes 19. Lowines-Till Christ made this ing like a smal widè'-open eye.; but eus ta Lise hast. organic and sometirnes fuiictiotîi'; in a virtue, the word suggesbed inly everyone isad to laugli et tise idea, of -London Spectetor. corne cases there is a mats 1l 'meenness, grovelling."1 Tears-Of, twelve-year-old Paul's getting thraugh change in the tirsues of tise heart it-jo an srrianinxeythn-i. self, and in at-bers the symptoms giv 'tural self-expression of an Easterner'c "We shahl have ta cut him in two.'" Sere nd il CobiatIns evidence of corne disorders elsewhere ernotions. We are by teraperament sail father. "There's no other way." MInny of tise favored siik fracks are in tise body, or of a constitutianal less demonstrative. Bett'y had been growing drowsy cambined effectively with a wool ma- 'change in which tisere is no apparent 21..Testifying-Tsis recurrent wol-d gamn, but noir she straightened up. teria, serge, gabardine or cloth. alteration in thse heart structrure. describes an eppeal basad upon the "1*m rore'n isaîf as aig as Paul," she This is an ilea whicis appeals taenlany Organic diseases, again, may be daepest parcanal conviction. It must 1'bu, 'iv cnd t e and irnichis k eing used considerably diivided into Lira groupe; thase thetbe carefully distinguished from the'nty in tise ready-rnade garments. The 'are caused by an inflammation of tsha similar word bead witness of whist one dotfui, and Aunt Elien looked loirer portion of the' skirt, thie sleeve- membrane that line" and envelopes bas sean or iseard. Repentance- utfubut f ather picked lier up, les jumper, wnde cuiT s and coller are 'the iseart and tisose that are owing ta "Change of mind," wirbci bringa ta lauig. " Wei h e sue eugha"tie tise slow degeneratian of tise cardiac dGdoefrel twrwt i. ces are tise most useful." muscle. he nflamatry afecion 22. Bound in tise spirit--Compare muscle. iear inflruammtoy affctmins MaLt. 5. 3, etc. Tise "poar in spirit" Fatiser held ber under one armn caLions or accompaniments of risumat- .mray have outirard irealtis, but ives as peered aosfed teuhe hear t an ism, scarlet fever anrd ut.her ecut-e in~- if he had nana. The "bound in spirit" a hitte. irssth lk pr ett ark sand factiaus diseeses, wherees tise dagen- irears naociseins, but acta as if a pri- g loains Iid utoo waulydnaI back eraivedieass ay allirtypoi sonar alresdy. Tise spirit is that daiwn now-and besides, who could O fever, diplitieria, influenzas ,nd otiser part, af man in irnicis Lie Holy Spirit open tisa doors if she failed?7 depressing diseases, but especially oc- bas hic throne. "One-two---three!" caunted fatiser, cur in cansequence of avariai-k, ivar-' 24. Course, or race, Pauî's favorite __________________ ry. overeeting, espacially of flesh figure (compare especially 2 Ti,. 4.7).- foods, atislet'c pursuits cerridta an One of many links betireen tise Epis- REMARKABLE CONSCIENCE. extrema-tis ame things that are af- tles and this repart of Paul's great- ten responsible for higli bhood pres- i Kpologia, wirnci they autisanticate. Memory of Stealîng an Apple Any- sure and arteriascierosis.1 25. Luke obviously knairs of fia thîng But Pleasant. Tise functioal dicorders are usualhY happy reversel af tisis strang present- A ite noldoercasa -marked by a disturbed heart rhythim- iment adulesAt ra ely A dangeous thigS, o ray a, a pulse thet il ee rapid or toa slow a el'adneostig e emyb intermittent or iri-egular. Tisey are 1 wrîtten immediately, aftssr tise "two an apple iriicis you may have inno- tise least, serious of ail tise diseases of y r cmaeAt 8 0 and prier centîy purîoinad la yeux earliest tiseheat, et hey l.r tie sffeet a release and neir trayaIs (cam- years. IL snay cause you ta feel tise theheat, etthe alrm hesufere ipare 2 Tise. 4. 20), ire may be sure prick of conscience for many decadeg. mas because tise syifptonss are so, tiere iras none. Tae esia ents xei canspicuoua. '"'bey araeai Len caused ,Taa esbsbe h xei by an overloaded stomach, by acute1 26. Probably Paul iras thinkirig once of an Edinburgis denizen. Once, s-most af tise sohemn passage in Ezekiel In tise remote and sissdowy past, be Iindigest'ion, by excessive gxnoking, . s (88. 1-9) ihrie tise "wakisman's" i-e- took tbat whicb was nlot bis-to witt pecialhy ,of cigarettes, and by vrnoue iiiyi nocd fiaivous aff ections. They are often sP'nî ot seiocd na appla-from a stand In the Coir- usa uldaner ignIs cahin th at I27. The wisole-Warnings as irehi gate. The fruit iras enjoyed, but the tention af tise patient tea a disease 'as blessings, irksome duties as iraîl memory of tise furtive meal proved 4D Mothat le beRinising elce'tvhera in the as privilegas. "Hisilîl is aur to beaenything but pleasant The body, or ta some hygienic fauht tisaI peace," if ire accept it ail. consumer lait the Scotttsh 4apital andi may laad te serious diseasas of the - in time Fate cariled hlm serais thea heart or other organe. SOUTH AFRICA PROSPERS. Atlantic. Fresh icones and activities 7296cardiac trouble in which the boa-rt, le Great Expansion Noted in Ber Agi.- pple dogged'- hlm everywhere. Me simply "'weak." Sucis a heart has culturali dffltij might have been a second Eve. AI SatFhowered Voile strengtis only for tise everyday needs hast hiseloiaded conscience could ofthrodanaasnrt rv ore The Union of Souths Aiescomn.-_ __________ generally made of tise serge, and the a te bodr and hages a are frc prises tise four Britis colonies, Cape tadymof theyfrecn rfetceeslkthatetexyiof Good Hope, Natal, tise Transvaal, 1 body~~~~~~~~~ atie acaite ik fex'arise, aucis as acut'a ilîneas or- uniront- e th Orne 're tae Tis.F RB AI F I satin, or ana ai tise Japanese silhc, as ed muacuhar or mental etrain. IL lis ad te O ange 1,f1ee 0, th tihse tise case may be. usually associated witis general mus- Stdes.uie a81190wthheF R E R FO Thes patera ma hoobtanedculr iraknse ssd ackai psyscal of reduclng to a minimum tise v i i l ss tp d sbe u r . * or b e o m > 1 * ' IIÃbL me fi« tii. smjet, iustaI P uat 11f ItS. - ' o ti.. *11* - 1s#eè 1.soe liow ~~ ~ Olive a11- eta drp Oe t -poan e *I P et *éUtbare .v. ment. Uw e,> tI uldis ii.wtt...hs let bss fr lid o Mt Ot iI aiti#h i- kti u d I M ÃœSS* P 5 ar' i bjiwli.ofém uw e lu et"poeatr hui1s tu iJ11rtthiig 4 to enbmâIsvhd aMW vepr w t. Uoiopela 1914. Or "*bh14M vh eauvoud erisp evrd tu ji-Amioeld kl to »0t oe tnt a din lacenue*ion 1- st.uk veleaTbe. t!uel~ imaete, to jprMsfimt lsmbd usyt bnio d hsM tmtIl . *W'e et > u d oiwenis of uêjih» bt t Wr15fo M% ot "riota< 6011« 00mebht *tu a &et -wà *s"U a ïq ioto uc tt hu- ci-te& lu I . "t« fb ,O le ionm- 1 RGIVE, FORGET _________ e md Reseutful Unnecesaarily ami ~hteouuly. i -- - id it l- Forbear, forgive &asi irget, Whso luaM net ot alL the btter fer dolng so? Ansi foi-gettlng "tis ie prove ui-- salves, vartby ai isiglu privllege1 uoitisy aoýui- prlvWgok Sof eing ions «ud daugiters e bmgoM ai'tier ai RU -f us. ' oY lie la forb "e ngi on U - H ée lind s a t o u i f au l- ta, w s reb 7 W'% ofeihup5 are JUs upaý weak"- isB5fltiat w e sutli'Sea. f., c. 1 MON il Ili a sirin -ging her bachirard and i-r-d At tise lest word Se swulig han crer the euhl, and Bett7'-fait bei-self &SngI- ing for a. maoent ia spa ce.se n A - second se gave e quic gnp A Lhick duat ires evenywhere; So-er e~ nase andcars ire f unIofaitI, a tisera iraA a quear, dusty taste ini bel moutis. Splutteniflg, coughing ansi sneeziilg, -Betty suddenly ralized- whet isad bpfppeaed. She huit îaadad feet foremoat in tise flour ba-iel! 0f course elie had Lui-aed up a trcmaid eus dust, fai ouir- ealunait as ligst as smoke, and frise barrai was heuf full. id)Pather!' dia cnsed, sneczin-g isard. d'Henry!" But tise thers had aIl garaO liurnying rotind té the fi-ont doa'r, and no one answered. Sise sisaok tise dusL out ai han eyee and clamberad aven tisa adga aifIthe barrai, holdiing by tise window Bill spd moving carefully. But jalas for ail bar cara! Tise firet fout out mistaok Lise adge ai a keg fan thse faonr, tise- barraI tiitedI, tisser as a lui-ch and a crash, and Betty iras spreirling inlaa îuticky puddla. Sise scrasebled sioiriy ta Soi- feet. "I'm gumseed frose top La boa," she said. "I'se juet a baillaf stichflOss al! aver, but it's my air a uL. I f orgat ta caver up tise ba-iel aad Lise molasses keg when Aunt- Ellan tLad me.? She isung ber iseed as tise front door kaob tund batireen bar drippiag ifiagae. IL iras noir tisafaseily's Lui-flte gesp. "Upan my word!"'cried fats- an. 'Wisat's tisis ibiing?" Ha haisi han up et ai-m'a lengts. Thcy could not help leugising, no seatter isoi bad Betty fait. 44Sise looks like a ginger cake," said Paul, "o®r aIse an Indien n ar paint." Mother reacsesi ut and toak lber little deugsti-, foeur, malasses andi ail. 1She iras indeesi a iunny siglit, a11l pavzdery iwhite and stichy brown, irits her face la spiotches. Han voice trarnbiad a little as .ahe boîd tisaoi-y. ,"I lait off tise tape," sic flnishad, put- :tiag iser queei-lioaking isead dowa on motisar's sisoulder. :-"Neyer mind," tira or tSi-ce raides taid bogetiser. "You openasi Lie door. If iL isada'L been for you ire couldn't phave got in."-Youth's Campealaon. beer tiese trean na longer. Nothing_ short aifviritten confession t. tise .Lord Provost ai Ediaburgs iould eppemase hegnawing eit bis herzt Sa -40 yeeseaiter the daxk deed badl sbeen donc-tsa latter ires itten-mimd- aconscience money te the exteat ai-ane -donar pmld. eThse Vegetarian. A senior pupil teacher, irse ias noted for hie dilatai-y habita and-slov-. eainy appeaance, wiasone day lur- t, tructing his ciase la the. art ai ecan- t- amny. e "Boys," h. sais, extending is naL d over-cleanfiagera la tise direction -af e tise clie-"! boys, in addition te being la total ebstaaier andi non-anuoker, 1 i. arn a Véetarlaa.. Noir- Joinny, sBr-owa, tell me, wisat le a vegetarbln? kt "If you plia.., ar"ansireed e Johnay Brair, glarucing touar tise. d Who don't ns. ap.' ghteombr.