MakanVit-' usle ie aim. wAs. net being- d hox t.he nov' îlbe ieldcm UIT'g iad Iheir, lt1e tri» oO. -h bouse hi 'uiwas i l if I t h\hup 011 1 p. uhi'Lxealh ri i'o'n tof ( on rs \ l li c ce, 'kî 1.51<) .iOc k 1w S. 1.25. 8C. y-' A u z k l I r~ e t A i l : n g l i) u é h t d t h ié - r e g r e t e ! t h e . M u sù a 1 ChDh~ e ~r~tPna> oi esterucrIve orector4l and et the Board of the Oï.L Enviionw. a, thebumeica et ailslite, frintu thebigbest to A.A.G.O., Mus. Bac., has. resigned as a _:,4 SPar ,nd Bt a te ij > t !e h o e the iowesî, is eltiier Obfltruc tiv or destructive. rsbel tea h r h as o er r Par, ad ce h~ fl~ fattiln'.Thetes o siru lawoo o g~denisenhe t thoelercy oci leuleegae as a non-residet teach. - ~ pogrm f .pdtsIad &d qulc êt Tenlires otflcange oosrctin, mmde, tc,"ttey mnay jack beauty Dprtetadotacornad PrOgr ofsport, iler te stili be In charge of the Theory The admission totbe Park fa Ofily ()c. ail.ayrn etr runderofaobi ecsiin.myadb~yadpaoa ht nttto.Drn e Join the vrowd à nd have agoe ln. dlgt.Mn i.bgem re fh. 1 ltm ietoovraetgv _go ie eih.M n hapedraun threeyears' residence At the College I3ellwoods Intefnmc3diâte * Bagebali How keeniy the tloughtfnl parent Watcheu ithe plg11.lain b issfoNiche oli rentoar e ao10ruo team, of Toronto, tg 'ýo Play the lS82nd i home hennih. h', the day. of teating WÎIll tbe lie crunmble and go pi o h oot osraoyo Iia talioîi team n ai 1e y fluh re Park dow n, or bas ht the resi tîng po w er'" l of tonique tioned. u a ul A li te n mb r o e i4d Music, and at ail times her pupils were (Thursday) afternooti at 1.30 oclock. Tht. cimool, at alUimes, would bc penesed te bave yen conaider it uclis wl. e Akienmbere. 0f rudg gtthe cool breezpm, and see a big pry- Ti ntes. gram of sport. Admission oniy 10c. ______________________________________ UNION SERVICES. Instaîîed, with equipment SuMcîent for of the County excursion tu the camp. The Inquest Imb the death of Mrs. IIm nSuflday, August 27. ancity of 20,000, anticipating Oshawa's Special trains will bring 'the visitera Samuel R. Pennock, at Whitevaîe, was Rev. S. G. McCofinack, M. A., wili'future expansion. from Washago and aitlintermediate continued on Wednesday evening iast, Ex m ne Y uI Preach at bath services. Thecnrleeg eteu-odt ons n he boys aepeaigte Dr. AeiUry Coronr .Monîg srvce n he rebytrimisystem iised In al l te large cîties. in. give ailthie visitors a royal welcome. Farewell, Crown Attorney, being Iiait- Church. Antemn "Corne, Thou AI-' aîead of the operatar having te watch The day wîîî be enivened by sports and tendance. A number of witnesses were mighy King."~ Duet, *Hie Righîeous-1 for the dropping of the co:er::ver thie ges, Interspers:d with vartous exi. hear:. The:vidence showe: t:at Mrs. [Yeso ~neas," Mise Eva Bell, Mr. 'Arthur Inumbers on the switchboard, as with hittène, te show tie skill that our boys Pennock had taken a pill, the 11k'e of Ei-ening service I Methodimi l'aber-, mi electri oe i t In frnt f me eveningaB attractions Include danc- bers ef the family, but ls action had nacle. Anîhem, Il WII1 Lit up 4ie the number caling central when the Ing, movîng picturee and a monster a fatal effet in her case. An examin- With the iaest equipMent EYes.- Solo, Mr. Arhur Lyim<>e. meceîver la laken off thehook, nd the vaudevle pay, urdr the direction of aflon had ben perfomed by two phy- inO tro ony ador RED CROSS AMBJULANCE DOES' on thehbook agaln. This new syst CoLieut Ign NI. Wyîîe and bis able re- died ef poîsorînngOW The Inquesî ad- past experience, there is no GOOD WORK. greatîy Improves the service %Wherever cruiting staff la Whitby Township jouned unl a lter date. reasori why we should flot Mr* S. U. Tree sa reelved a letter installed, and makes the work of the have agaîn succeeded la heading the0 give yo ront Ihe Canadian Red Cross Society operators fluch easier. It has been liaI this week la recruiîing. The farnli- glving Information regarding lhe tise promnised Oshawa for somne lime, and ers of Whltby Township are respond- T.HRESHING COAL. being Ulade et the met a do. we are pieaaed toase the prospect for ing nobly to the caîl, and the !otaî me- Fresh mlned. Ceiebrated Mononga- nao. 4tit . The IcI - & g-rnats-rializing soofl.4or the telephone aulta for the week show an enSxuagtlng heia.Youghîogheny ceaI, large and ""ae fo- dstemyOhawahbsbeS gettîng of i ncrease. Everywberé men e.e decid- biock3'. At aur yaýrds Up tbwn and at Satisfactioofn. $ee.. .ulic;; lie has been 5slowan fe iilag- Ing that their greatest olgain Ie h aao.Go upply streceived. If we do flot we îvll reud l e~a n iîy P~tplar par- gravating. oversaa, backing Up the beys Who E. R. BLOW, Wiitby, Ont, Home phone yfour do nt ey ttcuuu nil lar: Whîe thie Telepînne Company only have se nobly sacrfficed ail fer the 14; Bell phone 9. YU oe.Aukuat 16, 1916. Proposes ta erect a one-torey structure cause. When harvest la over the la- 0.- Messrs. Samuel Trees & r at the present lime ef the dimensions cresse la recruitlng wiil, It la ioped, JmsCifrasliro h lt Whitby, Op above mentloned, their plas awien speedily bring the parade state eftIhe Btain h eetdfo igr B4 SFcT _cempleted, cal for a Mîcî lar;,er buîîd- Bathalon tmp ta tuiiastrength. B S E TDear Sirs: _igsvea1aoe and tas for some lime iiding near No. 9 cg igT@elo ihTe &Cn e above, which h-b l"-i x i rcuîn apag a nridBaet, donated by you. tend farîher back on the lot ihan tie iast weck Imb ScotTownship. Meet- 011 me ndatole a ouet here re- lan e lu Th B o. W th Th B îo ny Iain Pla~-Bed te a y that Ila a reportpresent structure proposed . The con- ings wcre ieid ln Vroomantoa Udoa, clenUy and stole n sted nf cia Brook St. Southrvceivvd f rot a nmc- t l b baance tract ia been let ta a Sîmnîford firm. Lcaskdale, Sandfomd and Zephyr, sjcota.Hndsaretd~ndPae ha_.borInhtheu&l upatBeaverton. u t ih cnkS. ot as.frited foui eks g.May ---tiese meinswcre marked b pe-he broke eut and ias net been heard oe t hea 26th, y lad91141g cases aad 21 STREET LIGi-TS GIVING TROUBLE did attendance and an enthusinnm or aven Inathie viclity siace. prornptly Al sitlng cases; and xois p Weekd-end. i ulcUiivCmiso a which augura well for the hopes of-i1 you îvant Ing June 22rd. 1hý repOiTsiibw5 137 been working on the prohlem 0of w-hat Lieut. Gibima, recruiîing offIcer of Scott îl rbbetatUbig a aeyou. Car lying cass and 56 siti ingcases. has causvd some of the sîreetl igim Townahip, tô have n platoon 0f men willi be 32 milles tus yenr. mIll, Osh, ,DVtr r yl;&10 fat] for tu-a evenîngs, et îeast, thus wio will have their headquarters at _________________ AND NOPI, XAKSHAýL , I wcck. On Monday ni gît all the street Zephyr during lie tgil. IPiumda __Ciaimman Ezecuîy liigîta wesî of Brock street were se dimi The rcmutîng staff wili eccive an For Sale To Rent, Etc.- 100 acres, OSHA-9- (bIat they, vere useicas, and thme bown additional stimulus this weck wben athl OSA AiMIn tiat section was In dnmkness. The lie present N.C.O. clans, ici ina just -erng haT Mr. Frank Rogers e( Wiitby, w ho caeinedent and an assistant aient completed a atrenueus and highiy suc- BUNGALOW F'OR RENT. er lg To W.C. T. L'. has advertised the t' -for* l'O reIms, t hevevenîng endcavonîng le locate ltme cestul course, wiIi go eut te aIst In Six roems, bath and electrIc llght. April lot. hile week posting up blsandader trouble, but witiout succesa. At hall tie work. These mca are iiow tttliy Near Junction station. Appiy tu W. T. E. Phi t iai ng malter. W'atçh for thym. The pasitvae, for seime unknowm reason, the lralned and arc fullOôf entbusiasm for iBunabx16 hty EXERCISINI; HIS IZIGHT.. directoria are mal'"» toiýand ligits sîddvnly came an fuIl force. lie work. Thelr e1terience and lie ,bx16 hty Old leraonnî Liberty weîut on a aprpe, Préparations at Alexandra Park for lic Again on Tucsday cvciiing. sîreet lîgîls succes îey have attalned In aihain- LOST. Threshi And estaggemed and fahumblf'd and fei, hbig faim. and no*wIla lie lime for -cx- la a large part 0f lie towmî were onmtIag tudr promotion will fit thcm aplen- Between Oshawa and Whltby, on White Tri 1 vas passlng aiong anmd lu- bumped hiiors ta prepare their exhiblîs. Unr- and anc fouad muci difficeulty la mnak- didly la ticir work ef Inducing otier 4,Sunday afternoon, a iady'e gold watcb Deeker S( fiimho me- vet promises to be over .long ýefore iag one way aiong tic waiks. Agaî n mea of ambition and ability le corne and tub. F'tndcr communicate wlhh A. bufit, an, A faniihar old storv to cri! tie fairmvilci wiIl allow lime ho pre- an endeavor was made ho localethie and do iikewisc. Tonkin, Oshawa, or lenve at H. King's Cheap sa] Tgathmed hbm Up and g i lilui iFl'are stock for sithi- ,pbqpogejý. ILyau trouble but witiouî resumît. Siortiy Tic esuits of tie revent course et boot store. $5 reward. 1-ti. h at, . have nal a prIe i@eead tfo C. P. aftè- len o'clock lie liguas agaîn flash- 23 candidates, of tie last N. C. O. clas, lutit lie wmumted ta tighut, liail, lie Secretarjy and sec the.liberal Pd up lnaail tudr glory. I las possible are as foliows:-_______________________ .%iid l'nwicd, wliii a llntod u îofanly, izes affered lanii eAske&thbat Irce branches may havc caused To bc Sergeants:-~ Corpis. J. Bain. ltImi Tic lS2nd Ontamio Comnty Battalion the trouble, but il la ao possible liaI J. Hinkson; Ptes. George, LeQuyer, lic .- i xercisl1;g ;;ilsigtt. u h udher Band tI fed 'turd 14rgle on seme ene may be tanmperlag wîtî the Bagiey, Widdilild, Étephenson, Cook, Wedncadayv l3ti. Thiisla another war wiree. This was discavered la be. lie Elcombe, Thomas, 8wlnyard, Hem- H-e 1thr. bîcd amni caruvam'd ail o\t't thej year, and lie drilLe! tbê 1lSnd w4fl be case on one occasion a few yeams ago, stock, Fitton, lon;one et tic big teatbries ahd itteà l~Cieis. and la an offeace whici may be pun- To bit Corpomale: -Pcs. Strachan, litsliuiguagge could 110h ha%., mcn Read tic prize 1iat, rend tic blle, lshed severely. Dobia, W. R. McAUlaY, Klrkpatrick, 1 Woi'aV, and If you m-ant w gia Information,--- DeGeer. Barks, G hl;,FultonK Ile jowmlod a lady and rti-d lier go%%vit "'rite tic SecretJFXGH~ O RNE cua. lcra,,K >¶,medbeý' he4 PART OF I-o-G **FANE.Ewuly And ent roiaherlng on itmh a cmrsP dates, Septeinber_)~, lh>hd tath Accordlag la a lether fl-cm Wbtweil )de nîmn iîmlo chliirea returnlig f rau (Dlck) Hall te bis parents la Whilby, Mme. Lnidlaw wot.ii like te meet the _____________________ Adscimool, 19i l21%D IATTALION !EMX-çV.eSQN. 40 mnaand 6 oofice of ethtic l6th Bal- members oft hc noî1 eCemmitte. and Anbi aaswe hopt em ata flmyatue Nynîor akw aanb ntalion have goule te France. Heganys: of the Samamitan CZm>rIt tee of lie V. ti se o- oUsias fgala mulshr rk-ay,, ga n b n "Genemai Sir Sam Hughes Inseed 0l . N. on Wednesay eltemnoon, Angust "Say lmm eemcsiugrit nilmm Ctgaa atiretstra tht9 nmtrh -à 1,'e,-t s esecIf ewe re fille go te France 301h, a. 3 o*clock. aktie Thimble Tea m "Sty linexrcsigni- igt hecont.Thei J B i aon August 9ti. But tic otier Battal- aIticheVictoraia» r4çr Home. H Ie rI Onvroil hetus ubl h g: nc wio caitnds -oyçýw oind.gvey- he plcked on thmee others te go. But onewheatens b I= fai*d:m ie e116th lest torty ef thiefr mca and PersoniMention He mnaaagcd le finit vver> hbar on thei an aflernoon and eveaîng etflic -beet 6ocr eas n flcohrbt almet, dwa etertainmrent D abmall -'and land halions was net tmp te strengti. 80 tiey ..- su auîi sotsellecup i. drafîed semne trom cura te MIl up. The Misn Cormnack , lis veék fora Wier lis glle wold ernooa, and In lhe evenIag vaude- emeier of lie platoon Ronald and I arc holiday in. Mu9kçg~, flow. rIn adet.go. W. sure tekt sorry for Mise lvy Brownt bbe'een ea visiter at ea M .or Mr.-Soe«Bre ,Atî last In a stable i. 1VOUt tant alep, ville, midway, dancing. etc., i affo r.,D a M. Ms toeBde afie fi -î~ .mnle mmxeme - _AWa da d id nt Mrs. T, D.. Ifeghri*mu Whelà gt veLIe o h rowd is ekpcù if ~ tîs~~ tt~j4v iu~&eii re to Mm .D. Bryz1ien. Q? 'o'ertb, itlsitedTh tmei otfr<lta ¶hniva a cop" pulca hlm eut h w theCà rkshoId M,' W C m~of ec e U i gu hcueicleudat m.TD eaes~'and your thoughts wilI naturally tt itiat aile te *"cheep,*: anelier occasion as l i th Cof c Ho,,- net allew l,' - Mm. John Cooper Io visiting friemida -W linm exerclising my rialitt," day, whca over 2 ;ë~ie claa-e- a rekuaniClababynga ewo ,t aryyuh qurer Xfoma ~ enace ~ '" ~ ~ eynsoe akWi*y lcscn vA in se c 't Ctarnal I tat--yu0-itl 1t ism expecued t0 Ploukh 250 tQ 300 deunl fresh -fruit fr mthe Mrsa, John HallWâAandi tour ehildi- dreamo iWever anticipaed. H«relu Pic. EnietealRobtBird, ef WhihbY, acres duriag le the 4m l 'ueip wie ian been la Frane for 5moine ime. Provincial ;'loughing tmatch. i Oest gardons Ln Ontario. cn tWlblf nPia etfrU las eprteti weuîded. He la now lanrtme 0thiîr former hom* ln Fngland. Tbey'W bvaotsSe Itospial. Thi. la- ie sccopdLm ts- BOOKS ON 'TUE Z & W.e Mber. ta h.lp. You sle wnvî. re hmany. at our sto e young mon hsnsumaaineti woîmndaostcUc aetroal b>'Wbite 8*ar lie.Steamet tiesxa o 0 Follen lng la a liâ t ofbooks on the bvealways pit dw your um<j. Mr. iagasIan "becavilla, tie and o d tecomplete 'Um -c PIe. Richard Whitie ft hicRoyal wro h ble fth ulcU w riov,ero 8s g qqýaYr Dublin Fusiliers, ag'ed 17 yenms, ba b ra> uc asla en pn a W FUt .tersfe vra om o u 1eau scme 'les o! thes cr-hn-law or Mme. Margaret White, o!fI"y""'(o Plac tic biuliterature oni Wiihîby, uioiba s een--servie -in-flue 1tic co&r nmeuniiy. e te e Dardanelles and #aecwhemc, lae îow re h, -; nniy portd on hie way home te England ' Qcrmauy sMd the lieu Wam, b>' F. !rom Malta. Von Bernard. ,, 1 0 Germnan> ad 'tnigbmd ,b>' J. A. Fifty cents le tie price cf lhe nev Camb. Ontaio ount Ma-th bes M& of WOrld la a Cru<tbjq, b>' SirGilbert tic Ceunty ever Issuct. C. A. Gootfel-Pakr 10w & Son selli . Sent posîpaid ti o *Accuft, b>' aGeaR recepi t pre..Note Bock ot su Ataeb, Iy Esie -o ----f ri e' 0W ood ,. 11ev. G. I. Thoma, oetihe iStittiBat. . Wlth Prtundtu An - > talion. has supplIed vemy acfeptably tii.Ikub>'R. 1& Davis, PUlpit et BaPtIst Churclt for 83uda" i Tc FrsiItudre'", 1o ab'in day mcrning's 12.30 s&m. C.P.R.. tirin Ray. Mr. Thomas la t for a weck'. 'lit irit ti n te 4aînnB ydC% relatives nearP Iroqunois, -ni à -- êUhfl M y Advntnure as a S>,by Cte& Sir 'Mtrse..0 <'initia la l'ltaj > br>5* c4lion sim, -5,b' Inu, Min. - Ie ias b"md% My mon. t*ite riè* ~ q Franes Mhaat Mms. Tic. Han-lu, of Wbitby, bas e- «'ived word troin i ur son, Ituehi, vIe1 wasu recently woumaded la Franc.Re' was n lathe ailbut'at 1thelite eto writing, August Ionlie saItih. aspect- Ad le bueout endi back on da Iii>'fuje t renduies la about lue uceka, Anther aeknowledg.ent lbas been eceiveti b> Mima Cormackt for the box-' e* sent to Whttby boys at Ihe front. 'llsee 1frein Driver RusseHiar- rs,,'wio-was merntly wcvilute,,Atthe titneetfwltîng, Jul>' 1711, hl i aln the hespital oony0enslog,'Me aimpre- -elaiet greatly the gifle «ttic Wbhtby fflci, suni to ina luaitaste.r. Oin Satird*,y atternoon a bbamll tean tfrom 0Oua,. sl7ýa "éa t. mse1 uli Lie lS2zmd lattalloin teff ai the 1i park tiîmoud. "e Pl5ay wu .P"neu.t, oeon', thiOngl the .men .ln a kIi 5.1 ti, short end of a 1&18 uone.-'Qulte a .rtwd enloyed theb. Ùë.w1aleb *ted c nearly tiarle lboumr. mi, 'Y SRALERS Have you ait you uedp W. have the latest style Your Buù.us fýiend WL 10- 0 - - a"ON-1 -- BERNESTLI'rrLgO-At I Wtby. mnu'il dar, Au" MatiOl. 16, to Mr, i 'Mm. re Er« esRttimea' danabter. 101 mi 7 ail 7eutbçoe. b»wfI STOVE FOR SALE. eook steve, "Star Herald," good Apply Gazette Office. MCNEWORK. imd machine werk cf aIl kinds iattcnded ta. Tell us what t, atnd we wilI g oui001for radian Garage, ipPisite big awa.-1 FARM FOR SALE. - - lie Dairy Farm, conslalîng ef' i being eat haIt of lot 4, and et lot 5, lat concession, Pick- wnship. May have posesasion aI onçeanid fpiil pooseson, o FOR SALE. ng outfit complete, 20 h.p. ractIon. engin., and 36 x 50 ;epamater, ail thorcughiy me- nd only useti a short lime. le. Apply box 506, Whitby. C. JOkI CarPenter and Contr Plans prepared and nlshed. Brook St., South ot pi by, On t. Phoneè Civil Ungineer, Topoge land drainage, subdivii Plans and drawings, et contract work. - Contri ~B«.243. Undertaker and furniture dealer. Bell and IndePendent phones. Dalt S'TICKY FLYF'ApER FLY POISON PADS- FRUIT JAR- RINGS PAROWAX W~HOLE AND GROUND 3PICES- FLAVORING- EXTR -T, NIITFIBELD'S DRIJO and STATIOrdERV STORE WRITBy.deNTri T ýNS Îe 1estimates UW» 'st OMce, WhIt. 'Ai WNG ,aphical Survey, Ision demlgningi timates, etc., on Ictlng. INSON~ ProMo Sold Wbiiby, AUgUat 24tb, 19 16. Lnt when the cool eveningS WiIl bec orning -around urn to the putting of your stove in condition, or, rough -the severe cold weather agaWr about stoves and the- ew soeq~ ecent y cars have suffered greatly frorn the pr»ce )VCo, they not, being able to. meet the Rpj9g f fao tt î tilrsoin Wf albon laded' by oL courex pecto4 tliefrpoi VIRaj~ws e ticou reduce4 thé, output of other inif4çqe lem groac lrm noned to thie Office ofti Qre.Fotidry>' hargest Manufacturersa of stSov« in thie British:ý tprpesê.;nt 1wWhitbys të talkêver and -giv. my o. ilOrdertou 1_ Mar 1ladw ell yoii t' a ýked out , v ae owredy wt ttW the-" 'l'I' weo .you valdeS hi tol a f that you In your wlikiet- etovesade by tRe, Gur'y-Comany,, wne yournu or w; vwi *for o *41ýp t$üê~~lt staton. 1 Ibave .sd, hefot',th i des' ôf dai'pa .t auidde mu andlet Rie customer do Ris 'ô o orertng, 4 ÂnJ9 Oi Maul crder tabons. *44 tho 0b aet*r« à jkyo2t'dirtwê* *1~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~à tR. te 1. êA 1- Iikls.ati4éým. -1,.,& Steve OUua. Mla 18 leoco. s luisswup ji~ S~ -~L 4 &îeI~ 4~st 'top flutterlck Patternà Sole A~enî l'or NyaI Preparaîlons AuGlisýr 24ý lAis. rý ý