F._Hrrion,________nd____e of Preparn oAtr h Mr. Wm .Bliglht'ig conditlf iasfon ur F alei,Thsl imnIroved'Siice iast week, and hele a BdLDoflMsdylat W r 'aill eyWeitbyand FR. DrMiss McBrady, of Iretto Abbey, To- Tis i thtieodcd nth puCS5ota W & D. arenKoIWFtyBanaRvdDr on, sitped wttha fMr.ads. Wa. csider it apesr t bwyu u ih0le osr G. M. Milligan, of Toronto. the wel r.FakMaeyARIL IV Cr lp r iIS known preacher, were In Brookllin last D ~r.ndo, 18 s.ndlng a ndfer.da nd w Th e 5,2 eWoOaaawo 2WUe VVI ~~~~~Wednesday, in attendance at the fu D.adMs atradM.ad Te3448ie !Cnd wonwue n a eue o 1 upBS h qiiC r ierai of Miss Stella -Robinson. Dri io 'C TROU BLE Mrs. C,. Perklns motored f roui Toronto have donned the King's unîform re- plete. Buill aayhr.pW .- Millganla isiingfora tme ithDr.and spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Mc- quire training andi instruction before - ' Warren. He was very mucelI mpresseti Gregor. they will be ready for service. They M N R P E D R h BROOKLIN. wlth the beaurty andi attractIventess of Fi rf nd U frnI Miss Mabel Maclcey. of Toronto, require to be subservient, not only to Our SrEdesm e ltwth heprher Mt. n Mrs. John Gregg and Mr. Brooklin, andi expressed a dsire o FitWreth5VUNI HeOIUEUVU spent the week-end with lier mnother the mlitary law, but to the laws of the dWýOl and Mrs. Hugli Gregg $Dent Sunday spenti a sliorîtîmine there tliîs summer. §j here. Nation andi the Empire they are de- dwol 1ice otpo ie,1~ice laa Il lepossile liahali.inayarrane 10 To T "FnIh4--tIves" Miss Mabel Rowe. of Toronto, le at fendlng, otherwise their service le In- conveyrt ýMr. . BrHnlastrds fTnome. I -sposil tath m rane olirhome here on a two weeks' vaca- efficient.. Ukewîse, the coming manrck w1 sdad n0luch p( easwlll te Ml i grM el iveis r e m o d me a! visit lere w th f ien ts for a few days. 594 C11IAMPI-AN ST., M O N" TRE L.l tIon. an ti w o ran of tiis or any other coun- OR S C -ters W.iT.n revs, of Ttornt.l Mr. Jos. Crammond has been very "For two years, I was a miscrable Mr. Victor Pogson spent Sunday at try. requlres instruction, training, be-PL W lie sstr.Mr. JhnCowil. SergL Cummings. of the 182nd Bat- suficrer fj-om Rie~ulnailispn dStalnacphihoenOsa. fore lie or ehe can rentier acceptable Fre Mrs- McBrten, o! Whitby. was a vis- talion, Whitby. preacbed very accePt- flouble. I lhad frequent Dizzy Speils, Mr. an rton, o xbrt d Mr. andtrie sa n . hrbedcten efayst s.st ILR iss at Mra $oisrtonItsJack, fTo abyl ieMtoit iucio u-and when .I1took food, feit wretched îrs. Goulti, of Toronto, Mr, J.' Hoiden. such as taille 1 develop the principles ronto, are spending tîl1 olîinays at Miss Ethel Burns, recently appointeti and slccpyý. 1 suffered from Rlieu- Mr. and MTs. McLaughlin, and Mr. m-lich iMake for the hîgliest type of One a:gtyue ho ive o. Ti sabr home. Iorganist ln te Presityterian Churcli. miatism dreadfully, with pains in my anti Mrs. Lander and chiltiren, o! Osli- manhood or womanhooti, which edu- Mr. anti Mrs. J. A. Peer andi !amuly, te giving general satisfaction by lier back ami joints, and Mylitands swolîen. nwa, visited with Mr. ant iMrs. W. Hall cales Ileeliead and not the heart, that also have II nso!dfeen tls of Toronto, are îisiting at the home Of (able rendertng of the music. on Sunday. systeni o! education le worse thati a AMr. John sd Cr'it--ties"an The Leaguers held n social on tîhe waste of time anti material. Likewlse Mr. Joh ClloBflo, AsiIgisn Ã"of roL oi resitie in h ilrfrointthe outSet, tlîey did me good. churcli lawn Tueslay etening. Goodth te boy anti girl of to-day are being edi- iEJ ,wt isanMs James Moore. Toronto on Monday, a! 1er an illues9 4,11cr hie firsi box, Ifell I wasget/isg nmusic wvas rendered by a gramapliote. uicated ilirough t he mani anti woman ru N YPôe Mr n r.H aiitr co-foncancer. Mr. Norris was engaged e/i nud 1 can truthfully say that Apples, lemonade anti refreshuients witlt wbom tliey come ln contact, as W uW lhFa Van.ied by Mrs. T. Harde, motoreti from on the section here tuntil about 12 yeS.rs '"-rtuit altives" la the on)>' Medicine wivas eetbd. vr noal ifie e wyatruit hetshroaition.r Toronto anti spent Sunday wlth Mr., g lie lef t for Terouto, wlere lie Nas ws Itb l.Ifw vn ins, tagtfradý an~d Mrs. John Cotwill. 1 nag l- renein.Hewsa- thathilci e". LOUIS LABTUE. Mr. anti Mrq. W. Neil. of Claremont, courteous citizens o! the future Can- Iat Sonie complaint lias been Itearti o! bout fortyf've years o! age. He was a 50r. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial aîzeý, 250. visited ,,wlth %Ir. aud Mrs. J. Emnersonl ada. the preseut men anti wemen re- et a huge sEeplnhrewi: the condition o! oitie of Ithe wooden marrieti man, ite wî!e beinga datîghter At ill deildrsorsont postpaid by'Fruit- on Sutnda>'. quire Io show, by practice as well as lias tione nothn Ialyt a gi ~ ~djIhA shtiewalks ln the village. Brooklin may of Mr Butzon. o! tIis village. He ls i'sîmîd îaailirou-gli precept, those virtues which communicati wt ietwakn well be prouti of its fine reneut walks.'sivc by his wife sud oîne cîtîlt. Te 'r s ite dOta. BASE LINE WEST. they Nvould have the future man antifo anA Ae adtewoe ak hud er-funeral was held oun eduesdtiy utder Mr. T. Efor l sal fe. thit v Iu iikvo a 'o-atsiess e lrenbcas ! ilysi ecrrg ahAu K A fo r , e iv constant tt n t on attentio n.of of on o gl n d L w r nchf el l ts lo s ea ilo!s ie ab e gla or sa e.iii.li a "s areb si esblae t rete tria u Mrs.'C. H. Barnsley, accompîanied by 1of which sÃ"rtet>, Mr. Norris was a mem- had just bought is farm. and pros-, Mr.an hre Watening fSrt-rgi hn, edntb srrsdt hoe o! hinteIdsr> Mrs. Burt. wenîte oToronto on Satur- ber. A inotor hearse couveyed thte re- lwchs for a gooti year were briglit. fCam ernsfueratnnNrJames cie rks"Antinotoulyl pned o lits itir) lioere. last 10 5Ct? 1>1v. liarîîsiey, w%%1o,-we! mains frein Toronto Io GrevesideCr-e eue ae oo .are glad to report. Is Irnproving in elery. whIert, lutermeut hock place. Amarîutiay N Oonewas r t tînto reishonerab e pcilly n ew o! y bte - tradi . lie rntleyNit uiished ron- ssin.sofr t1 h uet lnce -ia KIN S A LE.n auto rein. osonewas urau . tlit-e onorable piles n es of bte- ~traet the Ms aremnleypvlise teo- 1NMr. John lA-w -is. e!theiti coces Brandit of-S. O. Womens Iii- Mr. E. R. Blo0w'lbas bat two bargos great iiroblerns of our country, witici celritlyltai Pte. Barnîsley vas i Mlii-l Mn rai oes iîIlepesdif siitute wIll i niet ai the borne o! Mrs. uuiloadlng ceai lalely. Ili caseo! strike rnust arise out oetlIe presptit great S L cfrindifferuce 10plitaed- su onfofyton patidnaar. d speciala l Asylum. He is vit 991)Queeu si reRtIle lursen Nvitelbas lis set of Frost Ij. N\Vagg, on Thursday, Auguet 31, ah or oller causes, a good sîpyo aduta.htt rouise eut ef our - e ,f -i t rc-, l (.r1s w il) rea lur tU ent ah th s co ne c ati nright or w rong, of our present W Om an ly b a t . I s q î k y exp)eIs le retu rn home short)>'. once. a.s nany peopletiect eit uw c1ha1hechlresdasoc pn ublic. Mrs. W. M. Lawrenice asud Nrs. Jas, il -as itet IntentiedtoItegive thietîta- everyhody amîd lring ail the chiltirexi. M r. A. Gldring. whc bas beenhe- day niethetis. TUe mental, moral andi cleared b ycretn h as -A V S Armstrong,.lber niece. art- ulsî lue Witli,%-a>-. Pregritit utruisiieti by the chiltirên. il-îuE.1.ýtory on the farnt, -il)l leve spirliual devt.eprnldependit largel>' -sluggshlie- h head.E C R O Mr. oh Rc, ewiaî lteThei rs .'iii-tuîc-tl t isof eia loîiso. veybthewicrn. ere nt hvea hts ek.tîHave ptyicl.Hae theebili hfl gnty timoafng stehe.O T WN George Lander, Oshawa, tItis wee,ýk. vite dl ded oitn eduesday o! last week, good imiie. NIrs. C. L. Mackey, P3resi-1 One e!Ilile patients didn't i ke piteît- esitlype c! physîcai training for our It oîld atitivery grt-atly 1o hlic, as l-d on Friday aflernooti. antiw-as jdcnt Mrs. R. Il. Mewbray, Secrelary. - i liay, se iîid anti ieft iht- farn ai boys anti girls, ho equitl iten for tUe afldde conifort anti pleisutre of i,4e residtiis' nue o! th)e nosh largel>' atteti dever izesofCnd'Sprsdpa o! Brookîtît Afcfier s ut Nere kî-pt oit tI î itis ceiîtiiity. 'ritetieceas- NýIYRTIE. n 1br. anti irs. Flati cf 'Toronto. speni c-rlousdsof CnadafheSmpern iseipn' »e ie eTBIsOftflf tUe sirects. A îhe ery desîrabl(,e d xoung lady uas tMost iîigiîly eslttit.i Tht naneine ri tidi\ xit Ir n Is.Yue. IoCnd h Getr M.V OF m a vti f or u lt d b aern g f I î i t a i g i e~ o R r eI o n i t - w s g I tl i e r ,% a i , t i l irou l l e i i c T hic i eeli i s i o n.)î i ndi < .lît î î i . i i i i T . t ama d e, g e lte s rtet isIf arangme t id lt-u sît ti c -'t-ýr!iîl.and t-ver>'cari- NI r. anti'\Irs. NV. Il. Kent itave been soie i tînt-)> r.markis anti utvict' ns re- l'Io$(- w-L iaesîtidiur trIentis it l it hr itaremîls andti leiteibmrs ofi MNi ss Niabul Tortiliflias iteen bolell- lt. NV'iteîî Iaiîeî is scarce and IliigIl NB WE reonswth sGle o ________________ Enidbv -eg- i odtat f,.le- hitil y.M isis hou î soit tmas a Illet"- dai nu \% tit lietr granidpart-niti'antima et-lianti -vi-nytiiii a$0e selnitv -cduc igotisyte!çrs a>' NDIDE.ô,wÃŽEerl Ds fS.c& Vk mWo Ilme Eni-lisit nmails s;0tfar, Tl'lie> sof'b-r I~lite PCsbht-iititr-cit -anti î;roiîi. Ilutitu-r te w-ait l 1ilii,- w ar l iFridia>'ofet iis w(eek, Atigtit251h, is odro~wtr.iboeSCI.a ln tUe il et it ai taloi art- i i fine î n ni. xý :r dt 1-t1-îîin~ltrt-si t-d ii in al titi( tClil-1 lit tu , - il-of Toronto, spentth 1\) lv I, lot w~ç i) ritrii to the onntr: iii day of itue G-od toatis meeting ut - IIn~ u I I1 Tii - t~Ux iridg e, cal led b>-M ayor Latt1Q1AL)pH ofR e> ee u Brdli tt IItr il ii-, e f- i.stronstrutii iza i.ttoit s coli- vut-kt id a i NIr. \V.-TartePs'. andit il i)gi vo iiliova,,t'.fl t h iiu bt wt-re i-icent)>'i anftrr-î lrtrtut- - -iutluh l iii tr> îtti Wfî r Nii.. iilititluist- uuei o ierboneucsad.- lit otii.luriioonntîi, td03 siot lt \lu1î l it- soiig a in nhIo garn. on it(tite arrivai o!flie G. T. R. tý,tma lit delfl in a ih i frrni noîf l ie 1 trains.tProsptects are for a lbig attend- Three lhsagiek-~ 6 rotund-lu WlîiI) fi i \it lIclotl ni- t-ioti t-ler isi.and ti îtIîrt ith . t 1larilu-. ii îilldinz-s aj broke lits wnerit anti a nc neeti en h tiop11 )i ottttiiit i uai Pr ijs t- tne iid cntatl lîlit r hlti-t ldtiifamuilial- buzzofNMr. F. I i itrutise daiuavt ilîtise He Uwts l îhevi> vt[)Uri'tcu ! ot o!supiots. Saine t, iavti h ia >b\t!ofni-ttalier-rtittcalie asil vt ryt-oii w î iirt-slîiig machineie s again îick--t1)ititi uiiciiiscci. ntud. ite tuai vitas buet-on oefiig Mo nd> efedyadStrd> WîbCek .4 oui-tencull îîg at i rookhitît post olict-. j saef i-i ttlai it-eluisu ir> o! IliiitortiOiiI-ti"lit-ard la oit n 'uiti>.'Te hcu sut-h Is iard cuU - ii- laOnîttlu ettinlt esîi .g; ~ ~ îLôAr ,My2 ue1 Dr nt m. ltg'.tf \ii5 oi .iil-ad ii lni tii-nt nn-i-%tils it I s Quintîtand family spent lteiaîîd ci -n fotr se meikll tîutigutr. (toctironds tare issential te the ri evy 0.1. Wtr. aitti'%rs. Giylorti. o! Niuw or.Vil jj itultu,- (0 ie 1titi-iter>ofo! u wiit utt-qk-itI ai Mn. J. t2uitliîa. out 110011.%'týet i itieni-ts et ait>'coimnutli .antidîiîin 1et ileWrTx SIAW-ISE andtiProf. anudiMnit. A.A AMi iiti-gn if. hiii ir itru ci>fr - Whltby, Clerk-Jafl. 5, flozemn. nlontaiiîi, tu- i li Broo)iii îî-fit-ad 1.. lit t M'. W.NilIiig cceittitNo.ig" Broadway FeatureevenyWedttesdaY. Âpr. 5,May3,JBigUflO2,% lasI weî-k ,l i-i Ni nr. atndiMr'. i. i i illu- oinral i t a 1 bueandi'.S O .WIT3.KNAE laiit h 1ttonc aiîaOt c-îIlIîît- Ilu ga-esu- r to-ut i-sit oumtîerv .t i i by iot>is lvngiîig for main- Pc-, 'tir George Wiest lr-tlidhicre lasi systet c! ronds, or evet a reasonabiy MS ERN aae. Ot . o.2 e.5 fume, i titi t itirovesii tttuiery. aloîs. ctînu. ools and lasture f ititî Sbitathi, et etting-. tviielieu- î.T) ictlt5 l.Theteuet islegreat. - Jamý-s ScolIait n utIf e tVliîtg it -ie, fS t>itttatiiyof ilit isideli 15 i ev MrflToi- 2dBROUQHAM-M. G andMis Bsse cot, f Ohaa, 1 ae il1trli- ton te polngdtri..- ton u a>' iaukiî ttco îeTht-e itltiiei ha big attendauce ah ani is essi cet ! siaw.utun t!t çoîînintmîîîîîyis .t-xittddte Nir. i woodtCleror t. 6, aniandi N i,îîîdyig ihîîrweeks' holiys. thermet-ting te discutsuvays anti means. T~ a 'i e Tbe uye et .N-.S utsrvc w1tePrsyiiiivrbrevmnI et Sabbat srice %llî be couduîct- - - -3.P TFRR -. Tiiere w-as nsn-c A iehnsy iiltmb-îavtvtt-ltr :s. Johnitulice. tenlan Clîtrehi on Sutitta>'. I r. Wý. J. Lawrnmce, settii--,t of vls. . E. Wallece le visitlng- ber eti here in the evening at -d &cteck,. OSHAWA. fishing exîteditiont last Tuîîsday. ttand t-it> a w fî-itielittiigist-redti Ioreigli- Nies C. 'M. Jackson, o! WUitby, was Mowbra>' have gene west on the itar- p lutinte Orange Clbaiouo a-Msr.Blttrnti on uen nalrolil.sutiei eeebe e utîe i onra.lIoadMcey niHgonni0c> 'wmd !200 lc ngbs10 ay ,Ji 7 et rettimnOhihome wt-lUta mîce strng e! îr'-d mitrcIbat! to e hi estnoyet.i.l a v istri-hsscto aIue veeter'excttrsii.aid il-h remaimi ilere urtia>, Auguet 121h. Dr-n Ms . .Wllceveefrn e two or thîree monîlis. WNe wlsh Oshawa Counici are making efforts let-11 9 Nv 4 week-end gueste aI Gien Dite. tite boys a ente trip anti pieasnstt eut- inlereet a big Utaht Sugar Companti> 0 _____________________________________________________________ploymetit, wltb gooti big pa>' for Ibeir ereet a plant n Oshiawa. Other muni- ~ T angoI JrKJ country thin n molîerdiseas pu tgeter. and The Pengali>' famlly moloredti thte anti Il lookse like a tiî t -ai, .4au. .IJ - stsnl1~Do aiii p lecurie î local îr es and b cpo- Mr. Sylvester Mackey le! t on Tues- lUe establishmliet o! a chiltren's play- . m.s.m...-.o. evrO3 lr~-J nounceti il incurable. Catarrbi silccl dîsease, day morniig i for ant exletîdetitpgout.....1.. . i1~u~8 greal ilu luenced by cousiiîutioal conditions sotultm He wilh- viel hie son E. F. Mr. Maxwell, wbo was 10 have erect- ~~~~ia. and ereorerequîmes. coasiitulittuai Ireat- suntu. Hall'& Calatrt Cure, mauufactured by Mtickey, - o! Parktngton. Soult Da -____-_______ FJ. Citeney & Co., Toledo, O i.las cou- kola, Iris sister anti other relatives and _________________ SuiidiYain aefrTmn9a aituîional reuiedy, t. laken Istemually sud a frîeads lan iferent parts o! Uncle 4.62 a.m. at .0pm rmTmno ~ s CA NADJAN PÀ CIFIC tru te blo.,iiou le its 0hSurfcesof lterbil'tas oooS(se ayste.nieluudred Dolars reward lo ffer SSanm's tiomain. He wil rbbybe 4"Mer#g n6,ooStsidOznrs"-trains si e btb ucin -ed forRoy easu t ali's Ctarrh cure faille10 absentl mre two or lhree nionîlie. 8.20 antid55am sd9S0pm cuie. ESenti for circulars and tetiniontss- Ms AneRd at îtrEv l. P-TW '.AIN TRAVEL VIA Y'. . CHE N RY & CO. Toledo, Othio. Ms ni odadsse v ~~.* d I 4 ê ~~~~~Soldby Di tm;gists, 73c ulpait visiteti Miss UcKay, o! Uxbritige, hast Golng Nortlh.80an.Gigot1..mau E1r~IuAIoHall1 à '.Fini it Pisafor cns - tn:. Salibalt. KÀ ZLÛN M pi.1..1 TO Canada': Greatost- Annual Exhiiion Frmai ttIfsREQUCED FARES i. Front ilsta ionsl Ontario, aise ffmuk Uaus' Faits, SuffeiIl. Y., and Otot i For Spectal Train Servict et mi Upii EIxcurslem Pars SEU LARGIE POSTR frr onsult m. R. Blow, Agent. Wbltby, or apply W. IL Howard. D.P.A., Toronto. STANDARDWBAN-K 0W CAbNADA HILAD Omnet - TOKOtITO A G.nar>1 Bankini Business Condut. Accounts of Furs, Merchants end Menu- facturers rc.iv.ctchai ttenion. TRUST FUINDS should bq d.Podfted inoMr SAVINGS De1ARTMB NT. Hlgh..t em.»t vau of imMtoesMav £ST' 105 sd blly.vl. WHITBY BRANC-11~ Mm niMrm HoSTonAnTIN.uir ar aondaytug I Mrou.sE.nancock's. MaeThoapoi,0f ToMronl, le eact-' ing. a fine bric f T orolnose oerelte lot afietipcktaeig ouseWpGrh- laot.renl ucae rmWGa hMrs hra oa !Wtty forerThrsid osye, ofisitti ter haste wesento yte vstdhr Rat eM.NeL eI aIwe o monthMr.otdysI le e Wst.e o Thte Ladies' Aid helti an lce cream, oial hast Wednesday eveniug lu the baseenlo!f te citurcit. witb a gooti nuniber present. Mrs. Toi-tiff gave-mev- erai Instrumental solos, Misses Nickie andi Smitht gave a duett, anti Miese Staunton. of Raglan. gave two solos. The whilse eoftlie lhresbing angine ts heard. sad harveat ta neamly.-over. The Chureit service hast ýÊunday was taken by te Raglan Epworth Lon- gue. Néxt Sunday mornlng lte Sun- day Sehool wtli have charge o!flte service. THORNTON'S CORNIERS. Mre. Elgili Aunes. o! O"liwa, Ueo Ainie PaSoe, bus licouvery 111 wtth blooti potsonlng. Mr. Arthtur JcsnadMumý James andi Wliam Laugmalti, have gone out west wtth thc. ai-vesters.- Mr. JO&. Ch h baua membe t t the Mr-.IF. E. Frmsieb lb" tO nduurp au- otU autu oithSb,.u re@tly. Me " bulcuom rfuusqut. Ut olo hot season lte grain lis very ligit. We congrattulate Misa Carre Law- rence wito sùccessfuliy passed hler ex- anis. Site willln ahI probabilty go to lthe Normal for a terni anti aflerwarde will take up lte leaching profession a- gain. We wlsh her every. succeas. Mr. Frauk,,Mowbray, of Hamilîton, lias beau liome for lwo or tliree weeks. He ably assistet i ts fatitar talte off tbe A recruitting offlcer lia been stopping at Mn. Goniley's. to the eat of us, for sonie tine. We lhave nol iteardl etS-ilY reeruits belng te restit o! lis vieit, but ltat wilf corne no doubt soon. Mr. Buienoua amowed bte citool ya-rd sud -seenroti eonsiderabîe hay. Scitool wUil mêopen early lu September. Mr. Sullivy" and famUly have moveti to Oshawa, anti-a Mr. Miller and lsam- Dly have taken udir place on 11w ftar. Evyerett Mickey lias licou working for Mr-. Lewis nea- »rooklln for a tew daya. Mr. BntzIgnalulasntIrely recovemed Mr, Ben 1, fi-ou tlie .Wft bai beeti visitins relatives Itu oui- midtt ne, o tthe yopset.brother of the lote Rteitad ilt4aI, andi umele ofmm. I. a voek witk TSot trio"& faim. lit 5t t"tito purcbgaou - t $U nU% Automobile Dealers!l We are open to negotiate with responsible Dealeres regarding the representation of SAXON MOTOB. CARS in this territory.1 Saxon IlSix" rourintg Saxon "Four" Roadater 3 Adrus Applicationh te Salets age, MAOI SALES 00# Umà ltsi TIONAL I Ci .«m-. I P.p Les,.. gos- iouhma t 10am&. Mr. Edwama, rprttor. For wed- 6.41 Am- o soc For ai;;:; ForOM i640 .U, Pf.~*i~ia1 Oar6u LUGÂL etion and- the fuels-- It is COU- y are1W nce under- audle big ýe kind it- 'gain.a We- ,,Ont., CETS alto front al ted1 tmaiu ,ons i:omtail tdates -F l bramasrvO IIPEG 1IsÉiort routezro Trunk Paciflc quickest rçiite na Eduout-on. id Truuk Agônt. Macdonnefl Feit. 1, Mar'.Io Fuiy 4, Sept.ý5 Jan.2,191 rF11.,Ma., i eeson, Gre *èft gag- ?, IMay W. achl mD 7i fa' R., Nov 4Sià îU L 2pý1e wdet Aboï. »I -' 1i~ -t -I j I. 0r Toronto.- Po ,=st Write il g&.Gerrsî o" - ~AE~WtLL. ~ - e 8arsiateL~0uuUitfr ~,ovu ÀttOiD~r r B~ b A~FIV~ --s -F9 I e- e- 'p. 1, 1-. 1,~- I.-'- s:- - 81115. 1- 1 v