THURSI)AY, gr>PTFEMBER 7, 1916.' Parokd iguaranteed I)y the ii properly applied and $2e 50j BIac-KJ pR1a t L e i $Ri 6 ut e 'N ut- 'e' lu' "t i., l'A ru c i r Il, ut i. "i '1 's au 'i M tuiICaet Oui old friend, Rev. J. Bennett An- deronr, has bee6 gettlng hiMeoif talk-. ed about. The folloçwlng appeared ln lasI week's Orîllin Packet: _The iiev. J. DBanneit Anderson cnti 'OUR BUILDINGS ln iZoilNeqi Toronto, and aroused ait ei saniualdirections. GOOD ROOF. His frienda ,,i Ibis distance had great Ilc t tvol ut. AL one ieeling it appear- cd te be eiî'e aspirt, ai the next qulte 1 R o fin ga differenl onc. Biiut urywvhere ho îîlr îe alutara 1Io have heen re.aard(ad riakeî s to Iast for 20 y ears, if 1 ps a grt- at catch. and an aîîbhority te bc' dc!' -rri b 'sto li le beinga apro- 1painted onice every 5 Years, luilet In î uru ,ci iuninî s of one's 0wit rei' square oitI: ' uîiu'd od ,1 t« ý rolni ,, fi mrn ie ro- fin- n.~Ht Vl ~' . - uu e t ~.oe r squiare Vu liî' t 1u, , s1 _i bd roa or t' u. I - i il 1 asii- lîu 14'1 z P I r- *' iliîu 1fi11~) ail t1b» E tD'Ft.' j-r ~]I-u) -;Iî\'iI (>11. LAA~. 1Il - .t ( ) '. , > A C .L~.- t.'. i.. e1 to w ~jlu ~ "t ar 10'>11 I ~î t41-r. VJI t ý î l i ic ,l- Wa ~'~.c: C C~ "&'?~ (IV. .1 ~. I )lý, j<>ii 'N ( lut i ~ ~ i Sï/~TUS Tics f,'..........ý W~r à .. t~ ' HOWTewOKeEEPEL ' r oiIl~MÀLUH, M.D., DWP.R., CUfEF LFIE , Ut l01 IPROVINIAL [IOAIJ0OF IIEALTH. 17-0UG OINt lu na place for your suranmer vacktion lt la well to be m cq ure that thec watpr-supp1y la flot likely to give you or the memn- 4rs cf )ynur famlly typbold feyer. Get n sterillzed botte froin ttie Provincial Bloard of Health Laboratory aI No. 6 Queen's Park, end have the water examlned. If you have n cottage of your own, tako particular care tbat the contents of your water-closet la screened agaînst the entrancc of flics whlrh may carry dlseà se to your famlly or tho familles of your neigbbors. Ilesidcs, If you take these precaul ions, you wili have a rlght [o deinand that your nelgbbors take like precautions. If "you use a closet, ho partlcularly careful that Its contenta do THE SUIMMER flot gel bo any source of wator supply. RÉSORT If there in a good suppty of uand near your cottage It le a cbeap and simple matter [o Instal a system Of euh- surface newagé disposai.,qThe Provincial Board of Health will supp' y OU wltb a pamphlet tellilng ail about bow [o establlsh a plant of tbis klnd. If there la no eand or gravel [he salest .ys[em to une la a closet wlth bucketa, using dry eartb or auhes [o cover the ozcreta oaeh Urne of uslng. Have -close-fttlng l1do [o the clomet boet and .a sereen door [o keep out the fileu. It la a good plan [o get your doctor [o Inoculato you agaInat typhold and paratyphold fevers. If you are flot atisfied that the drinklng water ia pure, elther get a sale uppl3t or houl ail water used about your place. Some of the doctors are complalnIng because [be Regbs.ra.r Gsnerai la probecutlng [hem for not reportlng blrths. Well, [beY cs.nnOt COMDlalâ [bat they -have not had warnlng. For yearm doctora and parents have been rePeatedly warnod [bat they mnust obey tho law regardtng notiicaton and registratlan of blr[hs. Sorne tew >of the docton ay they BKRtim should b. pald for [bis service. tula Vi bnof the P4WQISTRATION wrIter [bey sbould NOT be paid for dola; w-at l8a a plain duty, and for obeylang the law. Any Phtui"lasWho gl.. not thlnk eaougb of his patIent te regi-ster the bizthb e ar biby docm xiot degierve te -have the babys mother for a patient any longer. The. Go, -enument demandeu [bat physiclauas aah forthwit nottty the Division R. giotrir 0f [ho blr[h of a baby at Whlcb [bey attend-. The. DIvisiosRtgsa ',wI proTide poat-card forma for [bis -purpose.- Them eMred peut fiee Th u$sgee of [he doctor dosýAttrelleve [ho puest or bouftbold w viers the bt'th oceus. _They [ce art uuppled with post-tie carda for [bis Pur- pose..Iflisuthe duty of tho Division Rffl trar If [bae turcs Mesot' promptly made [o hlm to get ..tqr bath parents sud dOctors &Rd 0bte1p U*, Information. If it la net supplled [o hlm premgpt*i boud SOM tibm RgsrrGeneral, glvlng [he naînes and dtsTeDzIutVIU do < The". are [he [hroe mcosWommon massa b? whlèe b*lsau a. Pred ftom une spersen ta another. H11e au [haïees« s e oftaglon b.s re- V*Itedf P'Iagors n»is[ W kePt out oet[ho source ofds.aCll4e r#uai learunont [o Put [bOir lgr ttObtt ~ r inutbas; If the bands, as [bey Invartably do, becMe d trLt Vie w*sb. wasbe&-Ietom ecd»it ;iDleWiiy l =7p*A M c tirIteoUo te top,8> ntls. etc, ofleti. v*ed la c*ision, bv *814r*iand to CUP911&D ad thiUtableute»sls wbkb M*W be usd b ber#ci hé1 th bSï* oitsatji cmm 5o! th*l = ýMa*urtae* %to Prettat lie apread of d41samusa [le me WWO ai.Ulithood ttendotitsta as » c* . IAte. mêttok.o& eac # raee. a WoY8ct ad enrtatUHMM e de- s -r j' IcI Cc k ut il C;ltarrh Cailnot be Cured l*'ti imc!i .\ 'i, et ild iii ( -le r i u %i l v ' ."f Oui 11-1,C i a t1. i Cuil . v ueil uf CAuituelli l'tiAllu ltliuill uul!u-T-Iu ou xir0 4-.. l) 'i'.gî nitlri altu u' h t % I)lr ilu l'ic etul.q l M'luco N rrFII( V 1UP Il prtfirr'uu of lt t he 'f lie uieuis liul'- ' ii ull< îl'l.,1" rits i.î.iu'aitaAu"r" ý, n.- lv î'Seufl fr est-i. .L S ,Cli.i. n l' 'uuu':i ru 1-.i tn .1i' !à iu\ll-s-. L'l'ul re .;'1.u i o 'lit, . aîtd ur îînrda ci i-lie J. Ctlifsnen h i ., P, t i ,ru kîi o .). cciii- minci xi i v îî 1i i li l îs amiP lsfur .iceuuit ,vuùlD'11erliii n i lxttie iui'Mî!tiJs. fiee. ;i d 'o ' u- uxtk,-. aiig tuulii. 3ASE LiI-\', T. tbs at.dfruit,- lah, ceraisuis tuf miont-,y. NIr. and Nrs. <;ordon WR(xiîolds, (if 'l'o- Tiîe Ilcrnwlbas -nccomxuodatioii for ronitu. sîîdictt i-w daysit Mr. I1e.iry sei-rai patients. 'rTe rovoms ire tbrf,-ht 1h'.> noldýiltand airy, wbith good turnittre, best 'of %Ir. Tuers. lJc-nauî peai ihe ,% teh nlurslng aîtendance is given, and the end in Mliskroka anud ai Toronto E'.lii' crhnr;.cs are Ilery- reasolnablt'. bThe hospital itaB 141) aheci> and lambs SEWER WORK AT THE BAY. nfly n llte f5110. Engineer Young ênd lte staff of men The huntc-rs art eiîjoylnip roas wilId engaged ln t.he lîîstallng of the two duck thepî» days. punps ln te sewer station ai the foot ThIý essterfi group of cottages are of Brock street are getting niong. The nearly compfrted. It la expected ta 1MI1excavations are net low so obatrtuetivel hem ip wlîh fetninlteq>itnti;soot. tîa ,lflic as .,uOy w e. Delayndser %Ir. and rs. W. Asliby. Port '%%biiby, ing supplies ofmaterhùasl idee a nd Mr. and Mis. John Draper. Pick- pers.btI sIO rtYwh I ering, motoretVtou Kingston and spent a vaitced îeward tbe end. fipw d-ava w..-uth Mr_. ,andjMm. W . hiy Mr. Perc> Maaon bas lefi the >iompt- tai tarin staff, and la now working ln The 182nd Battaliln, full strength, înarcbed akM&>. Base Lit~e westt wc miles and mAfldluno [camp;TbIy cer- ttaly art. a credît w [the count.y. W. IH. 1Atanley reports bis grain crois as doin& WfIl [hls sson. Oth.ers %111 net haveeMoote han se.4COn900& - eAtylumare puttac dowa I 2&U walka. We are infoned hm %vin W 15 uiles e! wAlkz wlcn corn. OSH*Wâ. Ths. Polard, a wg-Zsiln, 31 yean of ste. 61.4 ln O"abawa Uc pifai aller an operaloe for appèeuMtbU and gOi) Mm.e& Ia yomng v-le6a=4 bee boy anre ct alose lU hb4 *MutrY. vitereo [boy h ave uo relatuies Pt. Vrmu sA. B»a~le, wbosw-f. and [we amaicllidne n iv. ut Codai- 4slcn vgaiitIldn ly u at o* a IbdWoollos MJUs. , - ýA HOUSE TO LET. Six roompd cottage wl[b stable, TRE et. rit, IX NLE &S LCREEK I p.a dprogrms It bin ade t bildingthe Mile übrldg. at Lyudc's abttnts are abolit IMMleted, and [beasteelil to O forpliclnei[ ,iow o thél.b.- by thl#igëtseX week 4be w-cric sheidbe iadn' vmted as.Ioebave * *aigt- Its eosuPIe- tien wtbl another tu duftN0ue [e.riug avuyoeti thead Wetu Me- tureM A vry ett tmulio r udr QSuie by aùcUS éiïm Wu~lt ly Ia by *UWIteBdswtt vu4a 4t ili t t tri' -'1111 o. .'-tllîh1 85 \\'lliIb tii? toWIV'-..hlijb' Iatioliî. 1 t tIl st;ttisti<'5 are aise give il, \VtV ii4tSQ tb'l~proeit PP1 taxe iiposd--muiieianda se1Ol~ 1111 idi >1alid 5(Aool dl)tUlll lel)t, and(l-the Every School shouldIi'-e a copy of this mlap. NiNot ini tifty in the county lias a county map. one wants soîne one 'oilice gr home Alrnost every day smap. Thomiap answers a thouisand questions, and neyer gets tired. PRICE For Sehools or Public Buildings (mounte n canvas wlth rolters) $1.00 For Office or Home (wlth tUn. mountlng)50 Senit post paid to auy address on receipt of price. Every owner of an automobile wants this map. Neyer put off tilt to-morrow the order you cau send to-day. Cut, Out the coupon a% Omder a,'Map To-day ou - Enclosed find .................... for copy of your new Ontario Co uny map. - - Name..... .. t- rAllia F.i ,u , jir information given onth the and and boic in Liii Di gai mna tiu tel] ret * tici to( ki Ja tw ~- an DISTRIBUTION 0F SEED GRAIN AND POTATOES. ByIntrcton o te lo. instrFRUIT I3ULLIEITJ of Agriculture a distribution of super- ]or sorts of grain and potatoes m-ill hor, eah mad rlng theanadingfaiiser.aThepEACHJES-The Popular CrawfodPah mad rlng the ancoiang wmrs ltoanienwa tbs samples forgeneral distribution vill yeI1ow free 5tone, o tit et conslst of sprlng wheat <about 5 lbs.j. white oats, (about 4 lbs.), barley (a- Bartlett Pears and bout 5 Ibs.), and flelU pear (about 15 XA A lhs.). These Nvlll be sont etnt frfrn Ot- Gee GgePlurnsalso tEUSL tawa. A distribution of polatoes in Gre a EIS s-atnplces of about .1 ia. wil]] be carried ready. on [rom several of the experimental farms, the Ccntral Farm at Ottawa HouseviVCs are ad- supplylng only the Provinces of On- tario and ~ee.Ail aanîplcs will be vised to see their groc- Sent frceaby nmai1 Oinly one sanipliu of grain nnd oneofo ers at once as the Crop frILL VALUE potatoPs cani be sctîIo each arni. As wl ctknqikyPCKC thc snpply of reeéd ila limiled. farmers ilb ae 1iky G NO. a 4 ;;r!r dvised 10Io J)1>ly car]y , le<inest s this ycar. reccetved afler thie endo f Dcenilar will poal ynnn 0< a in . '1- d Look for the rnap. i4s yoUr guarafltee of roAby onsril-a ,io.l w ni r,) Io1 -'lie Pl« niiorl - r qu ality Irom top to bOttom- tua. EietnîîîaP.rm, i , [or Dominion Nlriim(iai ýlFarms. of 'enari -ounty, ln Colors-0 1/e have the Soie Ageflcy for a Brand New IMap of Ontario Cout,in size 22 x 34 inches i~\I t>~t t1) fl ii. aid cuii dh [ap vei' Itnl isllicd. InI 1 Y It \'*]i- itjj)I lt e4 suî Di1 s Ce dar V iuarke(1. I I i ___ SWhen uBuying U I Bakincr Powaer b I iýi- '..the f o (1n. î 1 0 p