Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Sep 1916, p. 7

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- v ALWEAI GIRLS Grow Into Weak, Desponde Wonen-How to'Overcome the Trouble. IIeaithy Girlbood in the only pi te he&lthY wernanhood. The passu tromn girlhood to wornanhood lays riew tax upon the blood. It is1 o)verta:ding of the blood that mal girong girls. suffer frorn headact and backache8, from palenesas weakneas and weariness, frorn iI gUtior, despondency and constant health. Unhealthy girihood is hou to lead iot unhealthy womanhooda a ie of isery. Nothing butt blond building qualities of Dr. V lIamsý Pink Pilla con aave a girl wh she undertakes the trials and ta@ of wornanhood. That ta; the til when nature makes new <tomar oupon the blood aupply. Dr. Williin Pink PIlaactu 11lY make incw, ri blooci te [eet i e demanda. In t simple, scierititlc' way Dr. Willian Pink Pilla give growing girls ri health, and mnakeq their darni womnanhoc>d brigzht and attracti, Misa A. Sternberg, llaileybury Ro New' Liskeari], Ont.,-anys: I ha xnuch repson to be Vratefîîl t10 Williams Pink Pilla a-, t' y re-fon me to healtUî, if, inieeid, they oiir Bave Mny life. Ini 1114 1 twan in fi run down, and the doclor ýýhn v cellcd in staid that mine \,-axs a case of annemia. 1I bat flesh, alwa feit tired, and I got so ncrvous th 1 could scarcely hld ri cup to ta a drink. My heurt \% oului flut, alariningly. T1ew innrorlii lito;(,( to he îable to hellî nie àt ail kini family andj fricndsý, ail thoutigit th I was in a decline and could ront co'-er. 1 was in bel foir s-ini-\se wheri an aunit camefo sec(, ne a urged that 1 try Dr. NWilliama PlIr Pilla. Nily fat her got a i pîî)ly, ai by the ime 1 bai taken îhr-ue Un- thcre w-as a flot iceable i iro\(,nme and froni that nn I sti'adiUy piogres e(l toNar.Iri<v<îv Iinu u ing the pitîs for n, im'lg and they ral oreil me tInmy iului tii heaith andlqtr(,nikzh. 1 sh;îll rit,\, cense to praiqe thi, mii i ine, aril urge ail Nwenk run Inw.n girls to gi, it a fair trial, a s1 havýei rnve(l in i own case their riat menrt'" You <an tret these pils frîni ar dealer in mnedicine or Iîy Mail I cents a box or six boxes for 'ý from The Dr. MWilliams qMdcl uiiC, Brockville, Ont. THUIND)ER V.,I'S The Latter ('an Be Heard Many 'Mil Farther Than the Former. IJuring the great blattie if '<cr1k the roar of art.illery was sa:îi tii audible in Hîdland, over a hundre miles away, and the guns cf ilanIet have often been henni in Kent, Eng1 land. Bat it îa a maint remnarkatîe tfi( that, althouugh any great rnar isa ways likened tii thuoder, yet hunuli has neyer beemi hearîl fourteen mile froni the flash, and anme of the sever est thunderst.orms cf late ye ii- \we' inaudible seven miles away. lb la interesting and ofl en rumfîîr' ing during thunder to le aie toil.w certain the distance if the fîîcu.s the st.orm, which, as far as persiî danger is ccncerned, is al îthat, mua tera. This cen be utnne by rememtîei ing that aound travels at the riie i about 1,125 feet a second. If, therefore, the interval hîtweî- the ight of the flash andi the scuto the thunder be one second, the (lis tance of the flath iii1 l')5 feet; f tnw seconds, 2.250 feet;*if fve second;i about a mile; if ten seronds, tw, mniles; and if a minute, thirteen mile -a distiance at which thunder îs ver, seidorniheard. It may be aafely conciuded that i any appreciable time clapses betweci flash and saind the danger is flot im minent. The long rumble oif thunie i. caiiaed by the longs track the lightn, ing takes froni cloud to earth oîfr *,y one cloud to the other. A thunderclap is practcaliy . -short-Iived as à ighbning-Pa;sh. bui It will be readily seen thnt if the "sasl traverses a mile there will be a >i la i about five seconds between th(,i-st sounds that strike your -arî andlth( Two Feîlows are trying to get aheaci It's easy t» se. who'lI vin. If you have any doubt about tea or coffee holding some people back-in tact nmy-l4eave the heslt.ating clas, stop both tea and cof- tee ten days, and use POSTUM This doudcous pure food- drink, made of wtset, roîeW d th a bit of whole- soe. niolâme, ha. a de- ligt)iul, îsnmppy fiavor. It la froc <rmthe. drap in te& am dcoffe. aMd aulhar-. and Young. and m"lo heo1tI and'efficlency. kTcrcSs a Rtcaseu, cn4miPoatum u Crui %RM IWluu. Ocet S. SENT DyBN' ROR MJB utRECIS G- h P ches" WTIAT AIR PILOTS MUST N. Tfl lTAI> A(~iIIIM ON BKIiSII FRONT 1that are coming to you iiýhe Dy Means of avoirtDangetorrs attrie E nt " '- ~ " " ~ p e c h s e a o n - b u t e s ure T o the ordinary observer the air ,G n r t r AMERICAN IN FOREIGN LEGION ENGLISF4 OF'F1CER _pESCRIJES to eat them on Sbreddg'd May seeni quite guiltlesa of dangers, M geo Wheat Biscuit with cream, but, in reality, thia la by no means the Satr CONFINEr> IN MADHOUSE. SOME INCIDENTSs. Aviatora rarely make a fi ght ath a combination that cnsures wtotoncasregsm nvsbe oe 2e fipop lng ~y * oddgsin hat n and thercfore ail the more dangerous, Evfu1 sa a Herbert Corey Telle an Interestina 'g the stri ehînGugFICFattaRh for the aà work. aviation these dangers often proveci11 &mIli. foono Lkes Stary of French i itthe Rom bers in Their fata~1A dy prl. burioad ng h air dan yao A1r0..LlTB - Sheli Hole ~Cut out ineat and kitchenfaabtnwdsanaran yWU.dAiu. baes Forces.elHe. means tif bis chart, can avo'd or at and,( -1hdrte oiruhteUtl One or the moat unusual tales of, worry and serve this ready- îeast lie prepareilfor, theni. an-cf ldralrgonrglIh ltl, trench warfare ta told In a letter cf an :okd bl ha ox A considerable amount cf time and ________________ iInia Dowd. agt,?e officer cf the new armues servtng tn money have been expended on these SHEEPDGSNAUT LI. und owdla oe o th vaug Aert-Frace:withi the choicest fruit that charts, which are cf incalculable ad- and Daso dtced cf te ounegm erS "It liappened tike tbtais. wmas look-dîhfrte anaeeaim . an aawceilae nteFoeg .e ng eut trom what wsaa uttle ahelter- grows-a ihfrteu-vna tarm, the Ion al the beginning ef the war. A!e ptae ieteetac t htadcm mnwowse Fr-cm towers in various, parts Of Dog TrialsaFetrefAiclri ing ipEtopelkibaibeathgewitlithece a- Shows he ada Pteo(Ieo-glarge'! ewn t nvrly we Cal]Sttnktng Sap, tîrough a very Ipaata hih ecrds flututens ap- I i lc nth o r he he dprtacdasg awvrfhitntery TH Nnew telescepe seme one had sent; to k p at top-notch ccnst.antly and catordsdogis more la uneIthao ih depiv thatay sh bld fen t ferT HE ATIOlNS t une 0,whnsukeep 9ld f -pay the atrength of winds, are osaty ndcte ime Fa nce *Accalitrte bsl o iltf Cha-' a bovel sttcking np agateat a littefeiciency -for work or pa.sent aloft, semebiumea te astounding Auqtralia.Thgrzn etteae msbatt tiwhc ie w cf Chama-dAU T£U R E i m nund, and clse te ht was a gap Sri Serve it for breakfast or'heights. On these -twers, as, are se en rmont hti w ud be mpa ma here was Ilttle left cf lits regiment of tewtgas lcdseilisrmnswihr-sbet a ici the Forpig-n Legien. Dewd fetlie "I atared jclly bard, and presently any meal with rmilk or cream ,pcd tefocalointrue dnts wh ine aolte adl hegeaglok.wt th cordattehaforceucf tfherwind nearerolTheiAigstralian pastortaliet his1us hd eouh c te'nlbflglditg. uepends UpoR Tie Boches had rua eut a new sapwhetltgbcandan1me with sliced peaches or other, earth. Freni the data thus coilected could net psil xa ihu i mw slie u n tsai piation rm. re Hebent -1 1 fully flfty yards fr-cm thetn fine trench,; fruits. iexperts are constantiiy preparing new degs and thati h esnta he -1Pw Joi fho avition ari, wrUtfluieRb1rt, whîchat Ibis point Is over 250 yands'arcat.dgtil ('n or-es'.fr-cm France, - eath abiua o romours. It vas ntght opposite Our! ÂvMade in Canada These charts show where the dis- thing amuiagt ainlcme ive Just as hi, was abolit to go back ta Sttnktcg Satp, and flot more Ilian 100tredaesexttwhteihstten Evrtwnbstsgic- lita rgmeth< ceidwodtit PrOPertU reared children grow yards froma tlie ead of t. JTADMDL hyaeecutrd stetrlso n talc hs he a if, isApplicailon for a change cf sen "JJUaTkANaronndte ccmpan liead- amum fourced tniwhat steurlho IVce ýil.- îîAd b'i'n acled upon favorabIV. up to be atlrong, heaUthj ilwlkd FIGHtToman ea imu oc fgssoe oa os ra- Dr lI4ýIILîd ta-ed the verv severe exam citizen$ quartiera and tctorm-ed the C. O., who Will Be Sold and Proceeda Given to ities known to le (langerons during- serve& attrai-nsadte-ting 1til i atIon ft "hIdia'au are sîîb- swadelîghted. 1 decided ta take Cor- aju tegh f id htteP- ri ctt] wiioj "-liii t>g cotons lun red Nlarv diseases te îvhich child- peral Slade wlith me, lecause he's Naval Orphanages. vrossnntsc id httePîtria he o esh s;P,1fIifýrucli a fine boml Ilirower, besidea le- Aviators themaselves play a big part nothing shor fmnauos tin1o Canllufe r bis nreîit the trenich theur pncsencc in the bovvels. a creld te ake c ter a 1nm ay oburg bas deerigced a medal te cern- Abh rn, o isaccrar uyers cf Egihdos1ih h ait ho îid io -,l f- rc th e cnveled Ihecaeulmohr hel 0-cpa ton n e termcfrom aim emrae1h rcetbttl fthhe areonstnyformin n w itr-si ht xeln peiescnb h~ ' itarM v land Iizîîot riimpletelIv i" watch hi-r ciiJd's bowel meve- ef thee cher three platoons. Jutland Bank. Lt wyul be the firat of 'news cf fresh dangers they bave dis;- found there. hybutta -e- li odaqnlqhtcain iigi n rmnt and use '-.Rayte Attack. a series connected vith naval events ceee. learpoktedo as neyer le aec -Ie liii uîld vsynîdthThe ari r-irooneL. amcg tiedogr t ke Uhe i- lwo w - I na hosp tal. 'lie C. Os'8 idea as that we m u t in the present w ar ic i Prince entas w hatever the new ly-d scovered pe il ____ ____the_ lin the Madhouse. reaci liai shell hole close ta the cew intends a b eut at short intervals abeisPo tlmrkdownn cm~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~M s rhr-W~f ia isrr n ~ Vinslo w'sV Boches sap as sean as Possible afler'acd the entire profits cf the sale e h hrtc htrgc o i ud rnlldrcI~ i, 'fî f-il S lie.ashl tric.k i n Of te Shethig Syrof thathere. s It forcedhut. vevere panages y -o\Iý aFs litmtlgI--Ntlidr n efou-e the Bochles resumefi the medais vilI go te the naval or- ance cf other aviatersflngortateyi ua hstlerputa aritmO So thncfruwrkttie conctr- ut W er paags.y sur te sii. an Sl1"ai ti,-pavh,%o tena peut t amp Lt- -ail lytng In tie siell bole for tîree Ç orca a rtnofamhd byuetro- i \\a 1 Iîuitîm at Eîtnal u famp It s a cor-recte fer diarrhoea, quartera of an heur lefore a single;, achievernents ver-e struck in Englacd TEPPLRLUETAS feeey ommig holii- iiiafllx4,-d' te Douds pap. b c oic and other almentsto %whic-.h Boche made a meve. Tiere vas a fine inEHEabtha tiesLAfer hede.JENTut Ee Cniort A nk ii'talki, Aul toshti', c f p ensy hidcnarhsbccrepcili rai&l the lime and It vas pttci dark.i lzbta ims fe h e o-I~chlde tare- uiad(ini- (id sld ood d ticest-Your Druggitscerolc auê> ini1ý idof ro- adgo-W ay perfectly stîlI aad flat, liandsfat cf the Armada, in 1588, Queen ; A Holiday Resomt of Unsurpassing SuuiTb2c.rDoSt[Yi'ak 1 durng tecthing pcried. ccvered and faces deve. Elizabeth redso tb mej aviTe se rattifuuhîv anîd tonk up lie roule '.B n ySiade gave a little tug uin gold and sleo hc pc-Bat.Dugsao Wî i -inlleIaegad ooe ti boncynr-act anvyjer-kIn.1I lishene-d bard and matmecnrnay le seen in the British Mn- ILovera cfbauil eetnan- S.9- -i. nddly o e ic a. Itîtlit e'1- ba tfllio rt n 1ohi- iîuiked a? lie door of thii- ica- mcrphinc cor any of their de- minutes later six or elgt Bioche-s came 1 ed upon the principal officers-çf ferests, pleasant glades, fiever-clad that pays sem9 -omc ievr ýer, uaiîl aie sinflig aloag the sap, carrying ptcks that tiere is ne definite information vales and plains, rusiing and placld ter some foa. Pe and hesad jlen g a aye igale-_but nothing like a general distribu- river-s, roarxng vaterfails and bah- teente ylietadoze. Igere sgal im tien cf medals te the off icers and men bling atreama could net de better MnraLnmn o aeemybr t- 1~~~~vrs. VViflioMT$ wnhm eI ad ieevs aatthnt Ie My rîgît. cf te feet engaeied in action vas us- hnt select the Laureruhian Moun- i il ni ~ ~ SS-thiflg 'iruw "'lcold ditîictly hear lie sartîy ual until a much Intter date. During tains reached y the Canadian Pa- ft attiet onpadinba- I ~ ~ ~ JA~~j.D ~~ pics came ont cf cur six bomba and the Commonwealth it vas decided te cifie, as their holiday resar-t. Se pret- ifsratr ir el efvrhsY Make Cherf.1 cnid even hear thie reathed mur-mur issue medais te the officers and men tily situated are ail the spots vbere marniages. n i Makes Cheeroflthie mac aI MY shouîder-a pug- wbo had "done geod service at sea, the holida-y-makers make their bead-UEDPT OL -hbb Children a liunesdrpr ' tdred an'i one but after that the medais struck were quartera that it is embafl'assing tea E OAOS miCB (h astmigth us f i bmcommemorative ratier t-han decora- choose tbe ene t-bat miglit le lest blers Dlwn.Camn ne (he vas tmngte fuse t habomb tive, unt-il June 1, 1794. suited ta the taste o! the individual. et once. SupSSlle. rteo u- Scte teferi~chîld durung exactiy as I'd tcld them). tatioD -H 1i 1ugpeîdo tsdvip "And tien tliey al] let go. our six For tbe victery cf the Nile in 1798 But ail are encbanting, fr-cm Shaw-tton.. aw nBrmt. mecnt and thus gives rest andi bomba landed, cnecethie edge and thi<1 Alexander Dvsn Neonspze rdgte rst!thm-to Meuntt- FRBL - ~~~~~~~~~otier five plumb Se the aap head hie- agent, preserited a medai as "a tri-' Laurier-the asat. Witi ayrahARS ORMLSFO eeift oichi n ohr for-e us, riglit le tlie Middle cf tic six' bute o! regard" te every efficer and cf any cf t-be resorta there la excel 5 1eeîro (o.2,0) - - By a bttle odayor elgit Boches dîgging her-e.Iv'mciNeonsfetodte ap lent trotut and basa fishing t-a be haci. Ccc iuto a ue- uit Ba otle bandy Cthev'4=uz and keep it handysecendsatafer they left our hanstytina, ailver t-c lieutenants andi war- Tervr n ae r la n ot rh eep ~~~dtd their- Job. And whe thie rending rant officers, bronze gilt t-c pett-ycf- s and-bottomed generaiiy, and are _________________ Soïd by a/I .-rgriitf in Canada and roe v as over we heard only cee Boche ficer a-aid bronze te seamen and mia- I eil suitec te t-he requirements of UUA~~p3SL :/neugîsu oS -u/Imeantng, sa 1 keewthiat at leatsisx cr- LI1 Ieven ouldgstrat' nheoreEoii,/ r-mes. No aut-berity was ever given It-he avimmer and bather. Row boat- seenwold'srae'nomoe Dgis- ROFIT-MAIO ESAN O me.for these medals te be vorn, and jing, motor beating, and caneeing are J Offices frsl ego nat -il ~~~~they vere net se intendeti, but some Ifavorite pastimes, and on a fine caini j towne. Themclseuanttretn BulletaFali teMit. oe the sali ors fixed a ring t-hrougb a evening it la exhila.uating tea.sit by' applicatinleWlon Platn en 'WE> again lay absolutely stili viuie, baie andivere-t-hem on their jackets the waters andi listen te t-he iaughter !pan. 78 WesîAeadtet o-no tears cf real mirth Sa ils eyes vise Fr-itz r-ained lpar-acbute liglits, star-s, at home. Similarly, after Trafalgar,.; and merr-y chat cf the parties who ar-e lihe door closed. He langhs yet vien -i ADIES WNE 0D LI - li thîka c St.lie umerf ft flances and every ktnd cof firework, and,' a-tbyBofo, -e at 'e ton t-be waters. Golflng cati be haci at adlit eIghhur.whe i ne Amin afIlt.Th e hse efIl 1Mhumw Buron te.arne LIau t a s I a d e l De c e t, a e p t is s p a e a t p e e t d a m d l t e S t e. A g a th e , S te . M a rg a re t a n d V a l or san e l i ;g oos e k s n -iunder any condttons-saved hlm. nids! ,iMoran.lTenns aothtusare rounds' cetdytedcor sitn u f machine guuu lulîpha, flot one ef each officer and man who had takeniIMrn enscut r tahc any distancei hre ad sn Nextday lie octr's ssisant ut'which sa mucli as grazeti us. viere ve part; silver for the senr- sioff icers 1 te some cOf t-ebe btter classbo-t-els. atamp for paicar. atoa - hlm lîr-cugli an examtnatlcse. laY le them~ud cf thah aheil icie. and "'ew'er for t-be junior officers and Those who love mount-ain ciirbing Manufacturin opn, otel v' Ti a l o , a be un fe Your oma edjate1told my eae b cnhave a variet-y cf apheres for thua lir a tl e ap o eu-1flow.Afwsnslte-e ead AIt-bougb h naval goid medal in- for-r of act-ivit-y toi select fr-cm and vcund. Days passed leore h otelthie Boches streamning aloag their- nar- atit-ut-ed by George III. at t-be time of t-be expense o! a holiday in t-be Lau- cC"'??SJTMRS UPS T. Suhcfthe madieuse, lut he vent iretanimier"ena. urdwîb - i ougi e oferfll.r-ow'nov sap. Tbey toek 1h for grantedth -e glorlous June 1, 1794, was after- het ansî cornparatively srnali. out pain bwi hoetam.t t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.hog vhmcçrflye had cleared back ho our linosandvadaardfeait-egetnal* ts,îln êO i slîuîu be-hîuid the Annerucan. Ho vaia le nades eeeth lifO'splendid job. -- 4l>-acuesn khele al p d , pnuiw heilubd Il a nioni atisolutî-Iy lare. asie fer 1Counnil cf thbe Deps.rtuenh et Aube I"nii ea !Itl1uratnirydl.»ppeared attehr.ti litUI -it-iii'a stwited b iehp al on thl ienevenu Martin, t-be former Minis- bus regtered on that saP Ibis mon- i No "Sauta Plme" Tian. DAVID I{ENDERSON. ê0wtIWbltrae SI bu i-hi i s sat Insane soltiters. They 1er et Justice said: 1n, andti lsa .fternoon tn Juat abouti ebr, u eoo eceBieseStation, Kinga Ce., N.B., o-prentdcy.I a w o,- lt-l acd motienl..sgt Silil il he French wiIi net aubmit t-o goinx te biow lit aerons the Rine. et 7 .îtos I >iwd suiýiîecled nîchling lits treat- h p:ett- itumnig to a brigbt youngster, - -"" <m*tlght hoors. adhoee Tu-itws «dthat asuul twho boast-ed be wouid force bis ad- MEALTIME TALK. =&'a, sthe e at- igbtugla? Y .., the LIs îall l~fencmeeare kindiv andi versaies te acceph peace on bendedimawitb erylel ~tb umr ul look lii adhe"lemc Dodnt kaea. Tbey wili aeeept oniy aucli An etcg becomea a complete food if boy. "Lightu nugl st-aas of -eleet.- elsOu 11P5 u wor tix-ak t10rue lut S1tt apec a1surst-hem legitimate rirela sdded t-o IL ncity." "'Weii, t-*at MayrPa»@ " WATAeiw-i'GPAE Ma' v Tht iuii hewai Iocketi lna a ard ireparatlona. ea vel an their Inde- Potato-eaterm are resties, humeor- t-b. tusaher. eaeunguugy. "Now tanti BeGrnVS Savants 1"t en la. 7~ stuo w%[ 1 tIitt tri a ni mîn lmts lctîlng ,pendence and security, and t-bey W -ouvivaclous, but stntable. ume WIY it in t-bit UgiitiWn..e« Ceéec mie*Dct miè tahfn f rtmim whte xlutar pat-ent-iyail sacrfices in ordei rid fteare more nn"inq sta-IkestwiS ee » 8 mrneplae.» "Be- rs fEajle Uas bnettba.lacojncin tthtb lffothm an eulweegt ofbnuad. cies - mwernd Herbirt, "at-ar ljeded hy Frofessor von Wilanlo- S ;îackî-t(if ctgart-'îs whi h-he rnaged tie -ri faithful ies ue enue Ra apito ml Hafait hi<,ts " ocet-be mre PlMie lit tere witz-MoU.udffýPresent r« we ft-*bs 1< co <ca nder bils pISlow. lie aaked - may Lie Ipoaed.'*p@id of datas foruma putect mmi.. 507 mors. -- University et Berilnaagroupet 0ev- peýrînIiasIca lekeep Sils razrbut theMb.-'i emi dtimnalt guard mifùsetl OI ifo l a-ieta - 'if soin.' of these mec got hl or'et GERIMA,'NS SET MAN TRAMS. t-he best lAieait 01t-e body. il a Avt4LAgfWgeiacl,8 a rxo.-mad e.--he wul rt;Pomvde.tram - an MWt-o becemue 1 iluefr Ilirouts or yours.- A u1) ibote -r.1a4o e in argumi-' t- .a "Wute& » one ure mwngpru ftl ut* O bd lM4 M"W, ý ID 'Nonoe of IThomt re" 5Personafapt oct o lat wrbobsfue rsfaIla tiiofb vsr:iadâ n ha,catirM-bea-., àSid mtait wii'ftê*"pat Of *rren lioàd awaIenr.d tt bo itia l batmai at- Wtu at-a?-'*4U0 S 1it-beIWM tion. He ibId lb. guard liaI ho UM brtilipGbin aquart-ere An T it aasguaarmimltîg of M a t Bi" edfvt noi crazy, andtihie guairti lugbcd i hb&quewi àn. lat i n gMtaUv t-bau a IEL-ba" orPUO -None cf 'em are," muid ti«guard t - tic lielockëd theier - 'I "Ibe Gemanit lab.giaaiagt-o havei bte' Ummb, am4tberVa8it4-spbu* Tie &lx Insane mon mat os Ibeir a lot- of lit-ttblip bbât h-, auis lan 4» Pruscs>Of baldag W-d'u..,m. ium u ~ 8 bom »UlaeM& beda. *tient go did [)ox.d The ee ho f ieabadomas treouantalata hamrvy.i tVol" et.rtaene ea 1tit. f."dOSalue etai trir light ana ppc,ýd ont, Prom t, sMx TItis a ns wdodo&. Orna Imm. tha bOa- la wu" 1'r ; Va.sL~ j b~i <ans nlrattle oiec', astion wbkIdIbamais lute bàs frtile i Amanilepeau. abosld Mt epWa ML.à. ~nu.alh manctlkltilehlm vîfe. w"il"1fuir ber i ImagiluatîmIos t-lic .tM'p, wble0#l93rh. Iambla, »Pk et .gg, basffMs1 ~ at-s. -w t-. reho. ugei oxid' tie~ se"s eut-ida llsparapetor lmllitplaSed»miPl 04 ef=<mt-bs, Wâ e<ii5citht«MIW émuw, jravpd Uicoherenîly, lie he-ard abeîr tihWmte" OO M1 r #b y9 bare feel patdilas up andi down lte UOMI »5* <UtaSoftiti a-h* ciie aa tsv oiw. N.6stîsU..m MdW NviIf ha time w» *# pu f W we bor lu ethe dartue..&. 1Twe 9at-foot- kt It I l 0»« t-§tmia' msatnt*ea Wtatmu inlu lmg -. <s t-e g» Md I a. *-I"W ' O « smw fougî l e h. cogapanluens 0ofîth*leWCvitb a tara-libit-e mmd ba-lVu& go Mid.là i -mInie'mmlaughter of their aut*_ . M ndevis t-iteeia. i. îtti tf-a la m»te ; l)owd amolgeilbis elgsagi.mn Vafltt4 'At5Sl5if tt-t- *avfr lu &VlkyU, tt u*-~ for the moi-IA&.l îste 4t-utome .burntit.' km" t-ahi vus uuo&set- be0ud'l tbs eut-q 'il wliIIbe ail r411t. 5* b#u4#s#it.aLt-iolM*Iflo l *01e hiasi. Iviitut tw au -~- t, *4lâ7"m de oct in t-k.5 aWtaant' bas houri Madi e ot uMa&-p MWte* ThedSarla wg m# b â*4&M t o» fa li-bt - MW ** . &M « « udM rounds mch mSâ*z kuwd *tj Thse tird mmni" lb. oetoe MM.dtteatat m th te Question ai itu es .ty. Jé& vitec yoU *Xi t bs f teât -a teafi a a t17 ift- W"~ li 42 i. i

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