Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Sep 1916, p. 8

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TRURSDAY, SEPTEM1BER 7. 1916. -~ Il Fai te 1__ Protect it fo h destructive cffcct cf a Nvintcrs snexw and ice- savc valuable tirnc tuext spring for other work. Faal painting pay s. But be sure you choose the rxght paint--one that wil give your buildings the ycars of protection that y-oauvc paid for. 66 is made according to the formula which scientific tests and mnany ycars of experivnce by practical painters prove to be best to meet Canadian weather conditions. Formula: 70'é Pure White Lead 30<*' White Zinc 1OO0 - Pure Paint It contains 70'( of Brandram's B.B. Genuine White Lead-of standard purity for over 100 y ears-and 30" ~ of pure white zinc-thus combining, in the proper propor- tions, pureleadandpure zinc, and making aperfectpaint. You take no chances with B-11 'English' Paint. Be sure y'ou gel il! There are cheaper paints, but none morc e-gnnmical whcsn coverinte caoacitv and ientt of vcar IIare considere. McINTYRE'S HARDWARE WîIuvT3ý, ONT.' à -re our local agents. Sce them for color cards, prices fl and comiplete information Il RANDRAMFiENDERS-Nd ii MONT REAL - HALIFAx -. 5YjoHN TOPONTo- wiNNtPEG IrrLL~~~z~h =z i BROOKLIN. Mesers. W, M. Lawrence, EariTLaw- rence, Eugene Willison and Geo. Jones mnotored 10 Toronto on Monday. - Mes. Wellbanks, of Picton, is visiting her eoit here. .lust'recelved, a car load of coal for thnestiing purposes, W. B. Robson &, Co., Brooklu, Ont. The Patriotie Lpague will meet in the Council room on Monday evening. September 11, et 8 ociock. Everybody weicome. Mr. ývnb Miiynard wae in *Tor.onito last week. Mrs, N. W. C(olw iii Ias been visltlng In Toronî.i. Paint Hiouse this ( Top tai for h1ii Niss- \dn Ptr,-'iv xii(ul u, ;i t r i- Ili ..oIo.ii Torouxia tin;îi1u1) o 1t:tu.xi1iittur t.itht :tlîî of Supit ni- ttî sv totand t(Turclu t onurk-.\V iber, ut i-ýbt tIiý-i ti- I. u or uc--s i i r x Nî 1rs tir .nuiats i Ruortl's tu-uniirtaw-Il Ti d r-îa ki il 1x ton inxI lnart 1terry-NI rtîand M\lrý Je!itIr. tii i oi(u ýN r j l i i .1ri oni d.îiîL,1g11;i.- r ,, v ti s- 1ao Ro(11uiixid . Niaisn oui tî1- .airts' ç r, iuti.' trî r i litlafoi itIo. .. Ma i'.îf, '-o ItiS. and \\ ;iki-rvilluxu.-r ii nd Ni rs. WiFNi iat..ru î M lr. l-ratil i lot ts, o É lZose tow n, I- ia. lEihei ' Sutuiduji- its lznsk -tuu l--nvisitiin-,bisnmoîhier, HieIM r. Thos. Sat ain-of Wlîuaiea , Ii luasI lu. 'ni uîpalant l IIr. Mayoru Has-lis spending a xvf,- k tN\iiii i rtuuI- lutai. Ilocliester. Minaesota, anti is re- %înd otitiar friends lucre. i urninug to Pis line nwîctu imîtrot cd Wmi. Biglt lias s;otd a tîuimiuî.r of i ii ll u tî.lis i-orouxahbIred cati lu- unTîxo- . ui \hu-ssri-. NVitl andi Frank Mastormaut.1 ton lIo go to lis s1ock farutiin lilinouis, of Sauwmî nrsuawuî. t i.ited their grand- t SA. îares..Nir andt Mrs. Wm. Kerr. Dîtring t,î leetcricat -torniv til NI rs R. G il roy returuîed 1itue tNil- îias.-d ot or lu cri- iisut-,u-tii- tua riu lauw tt tu11 ia.of John Stark. on the Sutu couicession, 'Iîr - E.IE.ixiterson tuas purcltased vtas striurk anti huruîed 1 the gratuad. a~~w unt(ttraît a.T u-otîîis. a aunter oif pigs andi a largu- Nir. alîd Nrs. McNair. with Master qiiuaxtitN of P -teeahi-o buirnet. lloiison ii xiturluuavte neturned to Hanm- Hart--est la abolit haisluid inom- lit Iion, afier vtli ug xit1h Mr. and Mrs. this hocaity. w%. i3. Rohisoît. The Epworttî Lu-aguie-%vent ho Col- Miss l-tric Adaison l'as been vislting umhîxs hast Sunday 1e-x coig ngdmu realder- Iin Torotnto. ed ithîir services in the absence of tuh- 1Mrs. Dtil. of Nia,-ara Falls. l'as been pastor. visitixug ler -suter. Mrs. John Kerr, -mulo, me? art giad to report, is imîtrot- THORNTONS CORNERS. iutg. (Too late for lasi issue). .iss Hazel Illiglit was the guest of Everybody welcomes the cooten w-ea- Miss 11azel Itroxn-ll last meek. ther and tîhe nain. Mir. WnVx. Bromell IÉ îalitng up teant- The grain lis ttîrning otît ralilier tiglut itp uitnItroohlînli. thIs ye.ar, but tliierp Ywil]Ii h olent y of N. anud Nrs. Uniaht Jones and child- - ailxte outy onttllh ren niaI ared un Toronto0, Hamilton and ;rytra-ntecnounr'riwilb àtni 1 N as ek.M.Jue e IhIsses Lena and Gertrude- Loft- îurned on -Moîtday. m-hiie Mrs. Joncs hbouîse are spendIng thuir loidays in axud cbih-drn -w-ltromain for tIl rne Toronto.- %veeks. Mn. and Mns. Miles and Miss Hazet Thte org-anhzî-d classes of te %eth- and Master Hugit are spiending tuein odist Suîutd-ty Scl'ool held a îticnic'e0 - îxolidays iý n UxbrIdge. H<-daashort- ParlC7-nn Labor Day, A Mn\Is. Isaac Wray (xtee Lena Lick) Is ino*s-î îniontble lime w-as spent. do ing very nlcely after her seniotîs op- Mns. 1). Hohitiay is Nilsiting lier eration. dauxusilers in Toronto. lltepulicsch"ol re-opene-d bere on MYRTLE. Moxuday -iiui Miss McWNain in charge MnW.ehnlîl'sendon luIs NVbitelfor, Tho l ti & S ous. Bread M aking Contests At Rural School Fairs PIIIZES-Free Coui ses ai Macdonald Institute, Guelph Free Poultry Raising Courses at Ontario Agrlcultural College F-e (Cook Books and Magazines Ov-cr 1,500 prizc'u in al will le oiTerc-d in bread-making contests which wiU be held titis fali at over 250 rural %escol fiiirs takuxtg place in O(ntario. It %will be a great ev-ent at the f airs and mwill stimulate intert-st iu lread-making aînung young girls betw= thei agi-s of 12 and 17 years. lHere i. a w-- uderrful alqa)rtunit v fonr -.ur daughtvr ýowun for l'en-cIi a -rt-c C-air-c ilii t- nnc-tic Scia-nce xitthc fanious tMacdonalhd l- tx - ucî.Ail 'bi IaL t0 do is ta bake une double lui.dout brcad anti cit-r il in thei contest at the fair accondiag to thc conditions exi tained bdlow and more f utly told in te folder wtt will bcnd )-ou on rt-qutL-t. The oal must bc bakeci witrl Cream cb West Fleur the hard wheat flour guaranteed for brcad. Trhis is a spl-ndud (tuîur which inakcs thc Ioggrsî.tbulging lu e--htsligiticat xnmu t wbolm- --qu bread you ex-t-n hsked. Ih thas not axNicpndi d %,onuaw-tunt crest yow- dughtcrs in hr=îdm.lnt? Hmere are the Spendid Prizes -« d' miii Cruam of the West Flou: Tine f llomixiateanoleed ai rcit local l'ait: lut Prise -I plup usescrptinto -Ily bMagudisefou I ,oer. Tibi. uâýatu b <ug fru c,"ecw ..t.o er na.th W"s articles gutable for >Young ppne acdil asuu.I t hà.uubabed lnE Roaandl. Vlue 82-M.u per yen, 2MdPi. ---0 mentit, puid -up autuu»rption to -My bMamwine Valut $1 .2b. Eitm i'tIes-Wiàtiieotsrq -rerd tri. aSsbd prule miibe Of 4smot. paS-up uatuarilptài. o it y Mgs.~W1S.othe sauro entricies est twenty the judim sai t i* af tl eueS - 4t. tinSand ti ( i cbcd aioct. yeroa tup«M blocus te -,The UtIle Pape.*This t. a uod id Mie.bl itaticuutlaiueS esCVMymontS &0 Xiuane lti *m irit pesa packa *ith liiiblby et gl Wlsornsaiae .Md .toialcs ,aiim te hutoy. mnture-at a..uea. kbis-S-lite. au, lm Dl -T Thnc e wîhait QI I*dstuPe ba Ibo.si 0stamatie- le hdiu bY )dI*sbd. tha Dqaftamt acdeuausao ?SetPoum Tutwt *bcai eh. C Proin ~e <Iriat n Ospt e for = ,aubeb Wl priges. Tb. utmtMd à sa4tr& fl .b" w Bat bc ivank.d la a55cm omsty. lit e.-tOtstCoffle tu .0.5wluaD cui si w u~5ma- ékd a iate. Gud5iL Tbu9eooiutfttdum m Ibséx 1? tà*ethi%« wbtae lp&ooý Wb" Pm a ot isusmm. bu *Ohli& TI ZiPr1nr--'ýwtCamr M moutim) lte~ SW~IM dâaddla"Mai e G.aP - soi bi* ai the C e%& but sad bm.dwtq off u5 UV Pm" te< <i u*l Lî 0" 'ase» amen 5Iwasrf« hasR. i ut i toii l ~W*" a* <.lou ii ehi&Md" 5 4th*k Ps. Eoe C.o w oita>. s Omble Amk **mm hh t~ah aha.-Tb Va Is. Ir edond fais- orbthe Conte«i do M OC= h fIWt et 1 S bbos~ bd la tW mv so dntâ" mey b.a.g.reett- e be bW wu Cmae -. on bt" fr l' s îunc 1 uis hous- li te O ni. irndtoltsh MnOrissDgas eîr o odyt relsuxne be lus rteaoneroneae. O Teueia)- utnins teasuhoell tucat-n ed foi-th, summoiing. thte kiddies t0 lake up the-m books and shates for ain- otber year. L'oricltor F. L. Brown b'as punchas- ed Mn. 1'. W. Bnookes' fancy drlvlng1 ou trut Mn. T. W. Brookes lias nioved to To- ronto, xvhere l'e l'as securc-d a positionu1 wiîh tlite T. Eaton Co. We trust tîtat Mn. antd Mrs. Brookes may~ meet wlîh eveny sitccess ln Ibeir new homne. M.Nrs. L. Tordiff bas been In Llstowel attending lier uncle, w-lo was véry Ili.i Potatocs are being retailed b) local dealers nt $2.60 per bag. whlch Is (tur- ther proof ofthte higit cost of livingt. Me.Turner, of Manchester. Is on an exlendod visit wtith Mrs. Hartle. Mn. Roy and Mliss Ivy Tarts have retunned to their respective sehools. Miss ;liza Hezziewood. of Raglan. vistied lier mster, Mrs. I.Lenmg, las! w egk. Mn. Hoînteos was In te clîy lasI wveek ordering hie winter goods. KINALFl Man), are coxpainina regarding the way our ronds are be4ng repared, and surch Il la u«r wihut reason, as the roada are, la our -humble opinion,.nD-t l>esrly so LAt for tralic ll fer consider- -able tine sud mouey bave becix spent On tueff. As tuis t conceseon bas beomue tRe publle tuoqmw4br toife motorina *4 my prepse-to d. onm permsant 4rk oo M mn sresd o wUrt &,great n.a utraimî. unt ouet «be -viseto Utax ii affl -md- x tb sain, te l>s04up mm Dolg-a ê tinbeils Ws pmm xslt botea -la» » V 1 Mr. flebê~ iL . l £ sui. l 4ss. bwe5ft* C > 0 - mie spent Suinday at NM,_r. Rtichardson' Mr. Totton re'turned f rom hlî day trip the lahter eart of Iast and took hise tgular circuit work. MYRTLE STATION. M.Nrs. Forsyth, of Toronto, was cent visitor at Mn. J. Dlckson's, Mr . V-..,3,D fAn .4. cn.,, li,,, x-,-u.uiuîu- i f- F \t i i uîlii r re t. tir,~~V 1ut -.i.t i a s. OASOLINE ENOIINIE8 ho3 This is the time to decide on the purcëee olan. ninan& eeconsider it a pleasure. to show you, the high class construtO n einxplicity of the Engines we seil. Tbey wiii burp any of the fuels Dow used and can be used for ail pùrposes. The equipment is com-- a re- piete. Bulit in any horse power. A the 10 NiANURE SPREADERS Our Spreaders make a hit with the purchaser. ineyareV3 down, on]y 41 inches to top of sides, 17J inches clearance under conveyor track, wide spread, no clutches, no gears, wiihndebg ioads, do perfect work, with light draft. am .qW MinViolet ArznBstrong han been vis- of IBrightonx, visited tast week wt Mr. ltlag ln Oshawa. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott. wihL T and daughter returned from Port Carl- weeks. lng. Mr. Perey Martin, of Fort William. in.vislted last week at his uncles, Mr. A F C E Mrs Latmoe ad amly, bo l; Jas. Woodward. béen vislting inx the village, returnt~ Miss Mîllie Lime and 'a friend, of hme.Wn.Lw isiltn luOh Oshawa, spent the holiday with Misses làon oioo Mrs.WMLOW 18visiingln sh-Alice and Rose Woodward. ri--ie"S-nRlee Mr, and Mrs. Fergu5on motored to few days this week. TisIDaUUII5 uU ondWiionU Cannington and spent the week-end 'ie districtmeeting of the Methodlst with friencis. Church wilt be held here on Thursday. 632 GrRnArDi ST. BAs-T, TotoNTro. 1 Mr. Rl. E. Patterson treated his em- In the afternoon a misslonary conter- "For two ,years, 1 wus a viç_tým of ~ioee t amotr ri t Toono x-ference wiiI he heid. Acute Indigestion and Gas In-- The hibition.Re.D.MliaoTont,1 a Stomach. I& aftprwarils a1tackcd My Miss Laura Hortop returned this guest ai the home of Mr. Dave Burns' week to Toronto after holidaying with Dr. Milligan thinks Brookluis a fine Ileart anil1I had pains alil over my body, lier parents. heflthy spot, and le very niuch taken 50 thiat I cpuld hardly move around. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott, Mr. and with It. I tricd ail kiàds of Medicine but none Mrs. Chas. ElIott and daughter, and Mr. Jos. Hortop b'as been apl)olnted of thern diI nie any good. At last, I Miss -Dorothy Vipond. motored to To- tax coilector for Whltby Township for decided to try "Fruit-a-tives". 1 ronto .Elio wf and spentih holday Mr. Adams, of Orono, and daughter, boughit the irst box iast June, and 11ev W.Ellott wif an daghtr. rs. Garnbsy and two chiidren. are vis- now 1 amn well, affer uising opn/y Ilree iting with the formers son here. toi-es. I reeoi-lnntnd " Friiit-a-t ives"I - Mr. WVm. Arnold isited i Toronto to nayone suffering from Indigestion". lasi week. RDJCVEN Misses Margaret and Helen Ketchen. IiDJCAE . NNho have heen visiting their grand SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. ptarents hiere. have retturned 10 their At alil lealerî or s -:tt postpaid by Fruit- hiome in Now Lowell. Mr. and Nirs. James Francis. of Oak- aie îttl taa Nvood. M-ho have hxenx on a t wo weeks, niaI or trip. \wutrc vtsiting in the t iliageoft1 prro adMisArnarn liii i1:iar roht.TI aitodance was ,~ ~ TP a rn1h llet f Colurni1 te0111. re la l iol- Is 0 o isé a Cat it 5 lt I %Ir*. ,ifiMrs. W. I3jllk t t nd ciii ldren. id sirrotdui~ itnlixfor ol . f Tlarî) tat o: r. (d 1r 11(lias ,1iliet1t - -- .. '. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~scov SeColind Oiclotltin.,,af alit niuta çudt.ax \rRiadPxi .> irir. ut-a hoots and 111f I,1ho 1s onJIi Tfutf ý le», clothilu- ran2é s front bahics tii crotta t aiv \!.oru fitLi ;a Il,4 1 .-'lx B liî * ~kî~wlt1 .t * aîd is\..Irou flk,;ii-it-thi at a îîîe i t -u kkvnS W. F. DISNEY Bell and hId. Phones Wbidtby ot@ TH E STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA HcAlD Ori' .-ICB * T raoN services at Churcl4 last Sunday even- lu g. Miss Mlabel Duif, of Toronto, Is vis- ittng at ber home here. l>ri-ates IJrltton and Diekson have returned to Camp Borden af ter a monthl' n the harvest field. Mn. A. Thornpson. of Toronto, spent Labor Day here tvith bis uncie, Mr. E. l-arnden. Mr. and Mrs. H4uston and children. of Toronto, and Mr. and _Mrs Spencer, of Pontypool, htave returned to their homes after hoidaying at Mr. J. E. Beacocks. Mlessrs. Quinn and O'Boyie shipped a canload of stock 10 Toronto this week. THORNION*S CORINERS. The altîual election of te officens of the Sunday Sclhoot wvill l'e eld next Sunday at the chose of ltep session. A full attendaxîce of lte schotars and pf- ticers is reuiuest-edl. .'l 'uuxîer luoidays are over andi school titis comnnrced agalît. 'l'le delighted ?)1yoîura r are onco more troapixtg luý w itîx t heir ook-tiazs. NIr. îut Nirs 1>toanuxd îli<ir daugli- toro n i uifz>i-oxî, î isixî-d Mtr. anud Nlrs. M i--- I nix lu rui ss ils ii-iidixiiE -, ir huulj y id i T orontt o t. \uis-. (ii e ru, i t-iuta duî tast al- t lu( - L ii iliti1. \tasl r- Pli oui! Ihru)id Iue arp xi i î-a il-ix Iuid.iŽ s in Shtîaxxon- N ait, r CiI -ii t tati n axu nt1aa fcw IST'D los? SAV1¶'JGS BANK àt ail Branches. -WHITBY BRANGII1 '. i- i t \Inu- \\ .11, P rt t, an dît i L t-g î W î. A v on v $4. J. A . N esb itt $9 2 . W . G . tu- hîi~u -ullu.ui ut tui siiiduxg ;iusoîî s$tin. JosephtuRuuali, 51*.>I).John i laitsîiitute '-Lit[ii -fuîxnetyHurn ilton, $9.50), The Pt-dlar People, 1 ,,il l i c u l u i u 'o C 1 9o p2 2 . .i- o y R a î l i f fi - $ 5 . J o h n M G r e - tililis lantI r- - - tiuuiig t- idgor $16.87, Albert Terwilleger 40c., Geo. ac-uuiuuiianci-s. -Cochuranie $8.8u1, S. Manning 180 P. s ,t.rlîNiaPau-u. n Xhiiv.Il Fravne $18.20, John Bailes & Son. a-.ýý t isiiî i lu lur artuts, Nr. andti sl0. ' Ni r,-(lusira i M-h.ar<-t. - llaneous. --Jiidg'- McGilllvray. lis i:tîu NMoifatit.(if Torotnto, Co~aurt extuetses, .)$.001: Vindicator Pub'- speutiittc thhitohi-aymw li ter pasrents. isltitng Co., pninting, $40.010.' Gtad la tii-ar theî-scliot lui-hi ningtrug NMr. Ethîtr, seconded l'y Mn. Pascoe. TIe ru(, es t'l, seciîred Miss Mc- moved i tît the (otîncil do now adjoun Ciliv. of 1Pori t>rr ' . for Iliii etuecler. to ieeton NMonday. October 2nd, at2 ZlIr. J. tirosý,anuud f.amity lituvi- o d 1. i Neari * vetery îuersoxî frout lu rc is ai- tui-idinus Toronuto Exhiitiontux. t.uud to auy tluttMrs. W ut. Avery la intîrîivinz saller lier ilixicas. Miss Mary Gnose, of li-terboro. la vis- il hua tuit lu i-tuitit <-s bore. Mrs. Joe l-h-zzehwý,ood l'as nî-îurned bo lier borne ln Roland, Mant.. afier spend- ing some liie withiber relatives bore. MNr. Dehbert Wxîdge, of 0sliavuu was thie guest 0f Mn. axnd Mrs. John Wadge S. S. NO. 2, WHITDY. Farners are pr-paring to îunw thetr faIt tvheat, and the recetît showers lt-ri tinteb ,anti mtachitpturociaieti. Messrs. E. E. andtiH. L. Wallace htv returned front vlsiting their unottier lu Nova Scotia. Misas Mary Garrett. of Niagara Falls, t visitu-d necettly with :Mr. ai-id Mrs, J. rRice. Mtiss Inene -Martin, of Toronto, wa-s sa tweek-entd tisitor at Glen Dhu Farm. Mn. Gilbert Aspinah, poîuiîry mani- anger at Chen Dîtî, ta ln Montreal w-ith Pis niothcn. cahied titber tay the death of lus brottien, Ellîs R. Aspixtahl. ALMON PS. \Ir-,. Nehson Fosten, of Port Penny, t isitedi w tîtrelatives here lIsat xeek. Misas Leila Emerson and Miss Edna Nîctregor -%tere ixn Toronto last wçek. MNi. and NIrs. Leng, of London, vis- ited with Mrs. 11.Hall over Silliday. nr. anîd Nrs. Clarence Philip and Mrs. Nortlitete, of Toronto, spent the tveeLk-inid xitlî N. and Mrs, T. E. Philp.1 Mnt. Win. Kempt"orne. of Toronto. apexit. Srînday ultsh bis brother, Mr. C. Kentpl lonne. Miss Ella Corbin Is spendiug a few days iîh iss Lelia Emerson. Miss Muibi- Mackey. of Toronto. spent the week-end w-îh l'en mother lucre. .NisÈ L. Colt-man. of Toronto, spent the holiday uitît Mi&q Lillian Rowe. - .Miss M-abel Rowe bas returned to lier work ia Torontto atter spending her vacalion nt ber home here. The League Nv iII hold a social on Tuesday evening, September iStIt. Good program- Cerne along anid belp our mlsslonary cause. Admaission 16c. Mr. an.d Mms J. Draper and %Ir. and Mrs, Ashby motored in Kingston and sj.ent a few days witb Mr. and Mers. W. Ashby. Mrs. Asbby acconipanied thom on tîteir returti. Mn. sand Mia. Pallester. of Clareinont. vlited with Mr. and Mms J. Emerson un Sunday.- Miase Lois and Miahel Baladon vis Ited o «rrte week-end witî tRi- cousin, Miss Uly K.uight, et Brooktin- bira.m Iaymand Mr. snd Mms. May and celîdreu. of lIondon. motored do"u sud spent Sunidaywlrb tUe. MssesWebster, 'Tbe &widay' Sthocdplefc b eld ut DemwzVs point nu .Weèdauay hlut Was s succes. A Very eJoyabif Umne i wus »"tlby 011L te la 111,e 11alr?. M tes .et"d M Md . 1 -'Opte& rob 'L' M'M. PURVES, Clerk. WESTERN FAIR London, Ont. SEPT. th ta ISth, Return tickets at recluced fares "o London, Ont. from stations in Ontario: Belleville, Scotia Jet., and south or west thereof. excursions froin principal points on e2rtain dates. For foul partîculars regarding train service, lfares, tickets, etc., consuit Grand Trunk Rai lway Agents. E. Stephenson, Agent. Whltby. ROYAL THEATRE . EVERV NIGHT . rat " every Ionday olghi. Weduesday lgbt, Brodway Futur'e, Admission - Adulte, 10e ; children, bc; Special show, 10e to ail. - le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. Pfesumon a] Cardes LEGÂL JNO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. Baurate. 4county Crova Âttom"qMu Couaty Soiotor. -4 OR... mouth vina Court Roum ,Wbitb7 A. E. C8IBISTUAN em*wstsondwlIt. Remy PO. MeUh Offc*, Bho* St. Qpp, tsasr B&1g m m*;i ~BU MàEKGUUONU Manager. sittings ol Division cooîil COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. 1916. 1. WHITBY-mISS B. L. Macdonnohi, Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 4,, Feb. 1., Mai. -1lu Apr. 4, MaY 2, June 1. July 4, Sept 5.- Ott 8, Nov. 1, Dec. 4, Jan. 2, 1911. OSHAWA-mi"8 E.L.Mcoiel- Wbltby, Cierk-Jafl, 5, Feb. 2, Mgr. 3 Apr. 5, May 3. June 2, JUIY 6, Sept. Oct 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 60 Jan. RO 1917. 2. BROUGHÂM-M. Gleesn.Grea ,wood, Clerk-Jazi. 6, Mar. 3, May 4Ï july 6, Sept. 7, Nov. 8, Jan,. 4 1917. 3. PORT FERRY- J. W. BUrnhaEIP.- Port Ferry, Clerk-Jan- 7, Mur. @#O -1 . May 6, JuIy 7. Sept 8# Nov. dis.184 6, 1917. 4. UXBRIDGE-R. J, Moore, Uzbrldg%. Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mai. 10, May 9, J1«. il, Sept 19, Nov. 24, Jan- 12# 1917. 6. OANMNNToN--Tho&LR. os . Canningtofl, cierk-Jan. 18, mus, 90. May 10, JulY 12, Sept. 20, -)Io. 8 Jan. 11, 1917. S. BEÂVERTON--ChaS. A. Pstu@L.. Boavgrtoù. CIek- Iam. 12.'I I.8, May il, July 1a, septa21,. v, 33 Ta.10, 1#17.- 7. uPTEUgROVa - Darde, L4inur, May 12" uhy 14, sept. 22t Ne-v. 31,. Jan. 9. 1917'. Dst te bit b0, NO". Ç88 AUTIJIN SESSIOR ofen onaw's even Bnsues -6thoo, in- otof. re ee cuiuumse t ou #A ýýnest. Write W. H. SaPeié~ î onge & Gerrard Stei., Toronto. ~- Offce and W«4s Rôiiewe a ros., Wbitby MONUMENTS,,. ofall1DU*î iznd IItb »t okM' udinsp>eot toiyouzseK n ofot t41so y ui Dot empioy the=-1m. lfl am and do shiow -tboRs 1ï IwU bs~iWftla~~ - 1= .s~- - - Efficient and Prompt Service in every Departinent NwyLetters froui: Our Correspondents utîs. 5 i uas sluits, piuiPuiv i-lpstaýit dx-i'I-lu i i.od ei tiuii tî coit huttu i1 tii tettuti l a(rtsrr '.sutt. Nv-turu- h- Iiireî-ttliuîg wim1 b Wox t 's v N For every puirpôos, both riding and walking. One slightiy uaed Ohio, Silver Box. This - is a bargain. also have new ones of different styles. MM", The kind it C. A. Mccleilan, S, g 1

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