PAGE POUR TUSASPEBR2,11 'ilThose eltUzenis who stm L dkck" when5 ever the to-wn's. sewerage systemtIlB mentioned, houid take the tine ta viIS Dled ln Whttby, on Saturday, Sep- ît these ewage distosal plant. Very few tember 16, 1936, Johin Barleycorn. May ratepayers knaw or realize what a won- he rest is Peace, and May there ha forý derful systen'>thse tawn possesses. Thse hlm fia ru-urrectIion. waterworks, eiectric ligist and sewer- 0 age systenis may bave coat a lot of Monday, October 9th bas been fixed money. and no one can h9nestly sayj isy thse Gavernment as Thanksgi'ving that they are nat '>orth It. Whitby 1 Day. This la the earliest date for bias, withaut douht, as goad public util- 'rhanksglving ln a great many years. ities as any tawn of its sîze ln Canada. * ~ .and a great deal better than many Thse Policy of impraviug the Wýhtthy t%%smc agr HIi6School Is already brlnging results 9 4 In tnercased attendance. Prom baving Barrie and Ortlla each have a per- tbe poorest ecuipment in tise Province, manent assessar. This Idea shauld e- a reptîtai4on It bore tîntil recelutly. ta comm-nd lira-If ta Whitby. Wben an being aise af thse best equipped, Is a far assessar gîves satisfactIon stîfficient ta! cry, buit thse Inspectar's reports verity wratbs en emd optn this. A flew era has begun. man--hecauisena assessor wlso ever * e * *lived lias given stiisfaction to every One ofthtie mystertes ta men these' rtelba>r- an tn d ea \ or shunju ne chily atumn da)-s is how yaung girls made ta secure Iilmi as a permanent ln- and wvomen can go abotut with their cumb)ent oftlite position. In this way, anms bare ta tise shaulder and their le'vIIb beta ert ert t basains bnre ln as- sln V-ci mt te more and more an calualization of shiver ansd complalîs of the cold w-its assessment. No twa n'>3111 agree on tiseir arms and chests covered b,%- se'>- the value of every pît-ce of praPerty eralt îtickisvsses ot cluthiiîg. in a mutipar)ýlity., and if a dîfferent as- sessar la appoinied each year. valtîs- Mlembers of certain traternal socle- ýin i lasb hni& h tics are noNv findlng tisat tise Insurance bswyt etr qaie ses ment is. w hen a competent man Is' rates they b ave been paying were nat onfrthwrt sikohm b isigis enougis, and tisese rates have bad gvîgii emnn ponmn- ta be mate-claliy increased, warklng a gvn i emnn ponmn- spectal hardmhip on aider îensbers w-ha sabject of course ta the condition that, have been payisss for years. and who lise may be dismissed for cause. The unles tey ay he aoutt o Inr eusual procedure ls ta caîl for tenders. deiness they pay te aau t otinepasi, and ta accept thse iawest. Thissyear, Is. Experience bas tatiglît ihial cheap ihere was only one arîplicant for thse po- insurance is flot aiways the best. sition lni Whitby, but tise Town Council 1: New Prices Augost I, 1616 The following prices for Ford cars will b. effective cn and suter Aug. 1, 1916 Chassis Runabout Touring Car 7., i - oupelet Townt Cam Sedlan ', e 400 *475.00 *49&00 * e * a * e 6950 780#00 s"'00 1. o. b. FrId, omiaio - Thym. primse.are positiveis' r ýata..4 agalO anste- -.dunet ion belote Auesot 1lei. il 7.l ut those ala »moraik against an advance ln prias et any l ime.. W J, OLOKEAà SOI IHIT?1'Oue DEALERS bett tomary rnethcd of pre- partion-add a ittie lems of EGG-O than when using ordinary bakirig powder. Then watch the resuit. Ligbt,1iuflY, and even- ]y rised-the baking cornes from the oven mnore temPt h9_9 t fster, more wholesome. EGG-O insures th e baling of an expert, Ajk OMMfs sss-siwsa es w88 tortunate ini that lie la qutte . ff able of filling thse positto. 'Ite CW for tenders anotber year miglit resul ln a 1w.l ~test lMMs ing aPPOInte becanse bis tender waa Th ides Of sp@ietag gyerueaat or turn seeofà mie" 1ttetrongly. psawhition la nOw i ree lntie -Provium oraiOutgJio. lalacome Into' ~eM-8sutlbW. &ptember 16. at 7 n~I»,= it je therefore now ian- pOMMe to purcisase (legaiiy) liquor for use as a beverage within tise Pros" ltnoee. It ije<uite possible. isowever. uer tihe liquor Act, jor brewer ansd distillera'to0 iPDtheir Ilquors to nmre jobber outalde tise province and have tise 3obber sblp filta custousera si the Province, agmin. Th*e weaknesa cf the Aet là stise tact tsait the provincial tion et l1kw frein wholeale buses outalde thse.provincat. AthoiIgt bis a. p6r(atloft tcglly r% iglI la meraluy Wren& as It asaulrmine is. Punmo cd' thse prolibltèry liegllaios.. ad anY men'cy Ihiai elps e iISPOl'Uiofl et boomse Bsta-thse ' roag hdaesa Ai oui %te telb of.ttise Prs"tao e ai thse ufe«t taiosdmrs"t to90S.A"i S0 ta Moagtml Vii b.prUtIy 011.4 LAui vee thse OAZKIM &» ousnseu refusai a largmvutimbas «ie et et is klos Wi1uim*» t ue . teaniau MM«. * .4 5 ta . . e r pif 14 viog îhousands of dollars wvorth .. bo h.o an& ma'.duio to 1e&r up balance of summer stock at th"as .poms.t wb* pkosl I'l «d« tto make roozu for heavy faIl st* od me«.bd lom Io s 3 0 y >I~~.Oxorsait kiîsâs of Iesthw r.gmn pvî...8 %.S1 WOWes. x2ords and l>uuipa%, 4W oi» 114~Kevy assiIMedium W4bs 4.10, v.g4 *I prMJI .tê Pme . Jvb lote0f Ladies' aad Nise.,$Isoea* ald Npep lr r k s I-1.0*ê 8.1.I- WoAil kindVt809 0Blst1 ~~-fS i4bild ttn'* $MallUt Caa ilà ~ r0 11t*~s b .à ý md England. Recently durlng TRURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER 21,1916 OSHAWA FAIR SCORES ANOTHER Canada a, SUCCESS. a driveb Ail attendance records for previous A. refrest ycars were Oshawa Fair on the frant MoDnday, Tuesday and Wedxsesday of tire stat] last week. Tihe gate receipts were $270 wounded mûre than Iast year, and one Osbawp. food and paner gives the third day an attendance flot get it of 10.000 people. This, bawever, is far stoppcd in c-xceFq cf %%-bat the figures actually bratsghti mus, bav2 been, and it Is ate ta say ]and are that nat more than hait that number by the ai were present an Wednesday. Evcn that ent",rtabn la a liberal Estimate probably. lBe that ings pro, as It may, thse crawd was large and These ar seemed ta bé in perfect enjaymnent ai added to the deliglsts of the occasion. Our ha The ttsua1 exhibits of vegetables. and assc le$ flowers, wamen's work, coaking, mer- life itsel, ehants wiarer,. etc., gave the crawd an Passible ample variety for Inspection. Speclal ly canve aullo, electricai, metal and other cxhib- yoti art- lis also attttacted a quota af lnierested is being persons. and no doubt effected sales to %. Son some at least. mothers The Baby Show was an event or in-.Any c ter,,,,,there being 20 entries. ot which left at t ail butt three were boys. The baby fully rec boy of Mrs. Sheckeltofi. of Burketon Junctian. was the winner, bis weight -.' being 32 potsnds. The E A vaudeVille performance was car- ried out on the plattorm facîng thc Dri grand stand. The stand was crawded nearyin a'>to capacity. and the spectatai'5 over- neaii be flawed on ta the adjacent and opposite Fîv e yt lawns and fences. ln Wate The center of attraction was, of The toil course, tse Ihorse races, ar as it is ex- Intradu( M o epreRsed.ta u lwthntelw,"pe-lin. Th Ing ln the ring." StilI. a rase bv any oro< ic l other nane would smeî as sweet and populai ical ýwbencalle one aineas when called ad LI . another. Twa classes werej2ulled off shown )th in fl a n Tuesday atternoon, and thesie h number an Wednesday. there being Ontaria mmm fm~~4three heats ln each class. This put six territar Luu Cost races on the pragram, quite a satisfac- northb tory program for thse afternoan. cluding OThse live stock exhibits were gaod. public -G m tho gis the classes for sheep and swine spriag were net largely extered. Harses were 150 doz «GNO P WD R the mast predominsiit. The nuniber of packagi was goad. shown A nd it does The prtze list. wlich occuples a space of prii af several newepaper colunins, containfi' s m ter work. Sirn- marne names of intere8t ln ibis cammu- and ai nlty. viz: - Mr.1 ply--- soIow your us Fiily a! 1916--2'd, W. J. HalleIt. is sparlng no effort ta make Wh-itby. a success. Neediess ta say. tl Span af agricultairal isarses and ways a large attendance at equipnellt-15t, Thss Hall. Brooklin. but tisere are aima a large nu, Single driver, 15½%isands and over.- bave neyer seen a scisool fair 2nd. J. E. Webster, Wisitby. therefoce do not realize tise Single driver, under 15% bands-Srd, tise wark that is being done J. E. Webster. a movement that Io t.aking h Gentleman's turnout-3rd, J. E. Web_ country boys and girls attise ster. and ln a 'practical way Interez 1C.ATTLE <Shorthorna). lu tise poslblitles oftie grE Bull, 1 year and under 2-lst. E. A. sion' of agriculture. Parents2 Webber, Brooklirî. sisould attend their local si Bull caif of 1916-lat, John Webber, .tnd give thse boys and girls t' Brookln.' agensient th'ey deserve ta luIn -Cow over 4 yearsý-ist. E. A. Webbet'. ta w'ôrk for thetuselves ln c4 -Heifer, 1 year anid under 2.-2nd, E. with their fellow students. A.. Webber. Watch for tise annauntein Helfer caîf of 1915-lst and 2nd, E. date of yaur scisool fair an W. Webber. Brooklil. ta attend. Herd, one malç and tisree females- 2nd, E. W. Webbýér. WHIO WAS THE SENI BEEP GR.ADE.R. - Çow. 3 yearg and over-2'nd, E. A. Pte. Art. Godfrey. ofthtie Webber; 3rd, John Webber. now at Bramsisott, Eng., reea Helfer, 2 years-lst and 2nd, W. H. lu tise toe of one of a pal -Baladon; Srd, Johns Webber. ianaied out to hlm lise foll SHelfer, 1 year-lst, Joisn Webber: mage: -Ged blesutise dear à O nd, W._H. Baladon. wears these socks. FProtu V Stter or helter cal!, 1915-last. E. A. tarlo. Canada.'* In anotho Webber; 2nd ajs4 3rd, John Webber. found a cuttlng from a reltî Steer. 2 yearsanatd under 3-lmt and. cation, probably Thre Pr 2( W. HE. B*.le4n. belng a prayer. Pte. Godfi Stter. 1. ye4'jt4ýeç. under 2-Ist, W. lous ta know who tise lut ,R Balsdoti. socks and sender of the me waas. Mra.D. le. Pte. Arlelgis Rîce wae lent of a pair of soeka ki W. bteDonald. B'rookliiý. Elsie Wallace, of Whltby *Beat collection of double stocks.-let, tremnely Pleasing for thse bo: 4.M. Webber. cheering message item ibon ilest collectl0ýOf(o zlnnias--18t, Thses prlsing tisem. Best coliect1iofl of sweet peaa-'lst. P, -J. Ml. Webber. il, Best colleftIon of balsamik-2nd, J. MK Il. d BoqW»-Z-Tbo5.W. Hall. B e , 011. landscape Or marine.-15t, Idas L. r e s- -Storey: Znd, Mrs. T. Tansker. Water emsi on pdocape Qr marine- lei, Mcm. T asker: 2nd. Miss Ida ilStores'. Ida U4 Storey; 2d, Mis. T. Tasker. -Originat. tiowers or fruit-lut, Mrs. T. Tuiler. * 5h11lilfe-2nd,.Mrs T. Tasker. WAT55 cotogs (Amateur). Copy. landeape or maine-lai, Miss Ida L. Storey; 29d, Mrs. T. Tasber. Original. flowels or fruit-2ad. Misa Ida L Storey., StUll life-let MIL T. Tanker. Fiowers or bi¶d-Ist. Ums Ida L. Storey: 12nd. Mr*. T. Tasker. lot uL~lt., iis Ida L. Storey. P, t0 r, ton of Ov.e wter color- l7st. Mm . T kier:. 2nd, Misa Ida L~ S'torey. .'1 OSA Wun XOn8a Crayon 4dma eopy, isadacape- 14 imIda L. Storey. Peu a»d laI aeel- 2nd. Mms.T. Tasker. LAi>Ie5'WhI I'o.r III.1U54 on. bedi Os5 -2a& mn. 'OLs.W. Hall. Calorpbuz . Wtb.- ,Pïctate ofia mbrUdWndIbo&UU â-1 Velitnt, o-, .o tise taira, iber wiso r and wiso evalue a! PTisis IF aIld of tise Srlgist age. mting theni -eat proies- and otiserî cisool fair the encotîr- iduce tisen corpet tItan sent of tise sd arrange Part Lot 13 Part 1 Part Lot Pt. N. 1213 Part Lo t S.E. Pi. of North1/2 29 Con. Acres Taxes Costa Total H. 100 $65.31 $3.88 $69.19 N. 40 12.03 2.55 14.58 TOWNSHIP F EAST WHITBY. Con. Acres Taxes Costa Total 2 5 11.05 2.53 13.68 TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY. Con. Acres Taxes Costa Total Part ot Cn. Ares 3.axe N. ½ Il 1 TO0 NSH7I3 Tr easurer's Office. Ca. Bldgs., Septemnber 15tis, 1916. Casts TOta 2.68 20. 02 by the Germans. the Y. M. C. shment bootis in a dug-aut near it Une, by givlng away its en- ýk, saved the ilves of mafly dCanad tans when they needed drefreshinent badly but could it because tiîcdrIve temporaril1Y regular rations trom being up; thousands of men In Eng- ekept from viclous temptations attractive programme of sports, rIments and t he religions meet- ovided In the Y.M.C.A, centres. ire a few itemis which could be .indefinitely. ovst surrender ail their comfflrts ociations-maly ot theM even ýIf-for us, sa we do everythtng Sfor them now. Yen are deep- erned about them and we knaw intensely interested In wha! done for tem by the Y. M. C. meone bas .said The Y.M.C.A. sthe soldiers." contributions for Y. MC.A. work he Gazette office wil be thank- ceived and forwarded. Rural School Fa!] Fair Pat'd. or Unpat'd. Pat'dt'd Pat'd. or Unpat'd. Pat'd. Pat'd. or Unpat'd. Pat'd. Cou.ntoreUate. a FRUIT BULLE~TIN Housewives will do weIl to put down a large quantity of Canadian Elberta Peaches which are now at their best You should see your grocer at once, and put down an extra supply of Niagara Peninsula Grown V Fruits. Fruit is good - food and! 1, healthful. N. 4. Ask your grocer for the Niagara. Grown kind, Look for this label on the basket Ld Making Contesta At Rural School Fairs Free Panus' ryall sCoeusesat Onarla Agrcultursl Cellege - Free C..k Boks aMdiMagazine Omer 150Q ize ip »U vii be offered in bread-making contess which wil be held thisfali at ~>ve ~o~~acho1 £~rsakisg placein Ontari. It wiUl be a great event at the fairsandwll atj»ia±.i~tt 1h4itad-mà ig among young girls between the ages of 12 and 17 yeams .~ u ~.. M W -iitte, Gueph. AUl sbe wUl send yn on requesit. Iseba ama« b. isa bas todalw»sabe oe d4 ,ek leStof brcad and enter nits ____ West ]Flour th ardwheat fiop4, r.tcèd 1«brsê lult 4 Sous' b kh mass e I LI tloveswhutt, li ge4s i 4mi u ulsi tweed lm ~ 6skù* . ý i, tialsuai a oppo iStm ty t. Ituei eu ' d aug ýlà sl rm~ tg 4 4wi sm r mY . T h a M 4 a * s t M & 1 8!ais ~ - i w m 4 '~8~a"I."Js ~ M lée. - tei "lu Lad Bi SF At watcl Th oppol grade price. ln Th 4 4 4 - - - - - - - - - ROOFING PROTECT VOUR BUILDINGS WITH A GOOD ROOF. Paroid Rooling is guaranteed hy the makers to last for 2o years, if properly applied and painted once every 5 years, $2.50 per square' BIac-Kote Roofing a first-class roofing 'n every way, $ 1.65 per square PRINOLE'S HARDWARE'II WHITBY, ONT. i 7î At tise T. U. i t v clatising f rom tise ,ofthiose havé eclatt ren, or be wauld lik santie M'>al FROM -N 'You d, 3-ou don'- 410n't fne" it lor dri good; it ii Lane- "Tise fg fem is n( fects upa: as bis bc Is tuB aof full of t acttsalty and Thln ail tise j .days? '1 ier a be tisink s( caga De Miss -ulcely I Dundas We si ranges. Thse I -disptay Septens just boots. i -every i Home 24tis, 1 Thse jslderml -been r -than. paths' Fre ;40.00 Thse Port 1 thse ne The infomi Thse imeet I neit 't -Wlth t 1 (jCopy for thse next Telephôfle DirectorY closes on the above date! q Order your telephôrie nOWso that your narne Will be in thse new issue! qReport changes required teouLoa Manager to-daiV. The Bell Telephofle Co. Of Canada. TREASURiER98 SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES ]3y virtue af a warrant under tise hand of thse Warden andtsSe oth Corporation of thse County of Ontario, dated tbe lSth day of September, 19J6' commnandiitg me ta levY upon the lands nsentianed in tise foilc>wing last for arrears of taxes tiereat' and coat as erein set forth, I hereby give ntice tiat unless sucis arrears and cosat are sooner pad, I sait, ln coUpllDJle wits tie Assessmeft Act, proceed ta sel by public auction, tie said lands, or so mucis tiereof as may be necesary for the taxes, at the Court Hanse, In tie Town of Wiitby, on Tuesday, Decemnber 26th, 1916, at the hour of two three isundred Scisool Fait Pairs iseld in tise Province of Ontaro. ars ago the flcst Fair was iseid teloo Caunty as an experîment. lowivng year lise movement was ced In Ontaro County at Brook- 'is work lmmediately became 50 x tisat facillîles for conducting )rk were not adequate ta tise de- even witi tise rapid growth as abaye. e are to be eleven talcs held In Io County tisis fai. covering tis )ry tram Lae Ontario and ts boundary f Mara Township, n ýg mare tisan ninty-ftve rural scisools. Ta these scisoals last forty bags ot patataes, pîearly )zen o! egg, and tisree tisousand tes of smatll eeds were distrlb- thse product of wsics wiil be iat tise fairs. Tise total number es offered at the Ontario Caunty wltl be approximateiy six tisous- ýr more. R. M. Tipper. tise District Repre- 4,,.. h..» .h..,'.r. .of ahi wnrk, and - --- A db-P 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &M 6on ià -t 1 Il MCKAY, - county Treasurer. r we