r.~OTESANDCOMft~eNT5T AN EXCITLNG CHASE. NESFO ENL D ___________________A___ unter Had An lnterestlng Race With EISuD rdvûtq W Thoer. le a probability that the war U ITI IfD liuf lB a Bear. 1 wilI make a repubil of Germany. THLmKLUEEJO Air Ensfern muan who wa«- Y!sitng lu 'NlITS BIII NIAB OUT JOHN~ The. Germaui people are more nearly- British Columbla was nioet degiroils RU.. io)'U lois5PE~OPLE. and naturally republlans in thought to meet and shoot a fuii-growfl grizzly "ï,and action than any other people on NOBLEMAN WHO SNUBBED THE bear. le had h'unted unsuccessfully the Continent, anid are better fitter HHnotic. s><< cn eiCURIOUS KAISER. trugot h aSemnevadas n Cal Oereol Ii<ieLnd Ta for a republ ican gs overi -cns h edec forpent of Washington a.nd Oregon, anud at ]egsspen etecm I',The milltary caste, whihhadon-cn.Ti.ednyoforpret length bsd icorne te Glacee, eth SInIe j theCon ated thein and precipitated thein into f orin of civilization, especially in the Wy fEprrWlimWr enhato h ekr onan.mrilWrd the present awful catastrophe, la a Mrat cities, lu to interfere wth the Wa~ fEprrWlimWr en Her, of tii. elklrk a Moun-t fieli-oi surivl f te as, o wic bh po-normal faculty of sleep. When that Through By Hlm l0W sportsmax., the man froin the East Bcknamhr hsgve $7,Tw Pg ndaatyaddo! picar athert inerey ire. t harm han been don., the victima fna- 1n 1907. hunted for five or s4x days, but stUh 165 to the Red Cross duririg the war. aI n a n h ol ee lh ett pl r i rabl e at i nrea- turally struggle to regain the lbut ihm ue .Hddnos uc la highly poabewltthhnl ea or shrbsuteni lssdaasBe uoea c. HeDid ot agemuand Colchester's corporation rat-catcher an . l p" - i~~on for the aristocratie eastie brlng- glft, fo'r theY 8oon rèalize how much ritish'receatîy ISe Cd a as ses ther Dî torreTandbas in tweîve months caught 5,54'~~ Sly ae igaottet tm the they aehandicapped without IL came back ta hi. hotel aboutthenBonao s ngaottewar was t it areuei Treom fhp o eatv oth e flýt f hi ot', aebc ohraoti botno f The. ordKuthenr nough,'un rapîdly riuing tide of republcnim tk euei em4r fhmoi belng "caught a second time in the the sixth day, deol".rn tht he was thls aiethtie tadoaIsiemsmohetofhlep"bythtior andoo thoug wththewbloinolsh hai di ai fo dsabedofices ndmonTh dlîsthreelasnerdame]ll I)in Germnny. their fgood" b te be&haHeVthOrg w.h te lnl ust hauti totei suff erer that a dose or two of la very insIsztent that the. job rmuet ho ness.," and In earnes't of bis resolve ho now totale over $ 1,117,500. The German poople were making "nomnethiegW' will restablish the habit tborougbly doue t1ils Ume-that t.he tbrew hi. rifle behind the door of the Lieutenant Stanley Wootton, the hystn eysrlh n l o m~u, * ai rgestwr oenetof sloop, and he does not foresee how siialc muet not soeom xjcercnl a h iia rai rgetb.opldaevie, n t t aal es si t aa h t o ff anti'seotcbed - If It had been a "train day' et Gla- Cross conferred upon him at Bucking- Mywspurn te taee nipg st-u responsible t h epe n ô oftlyes t o for ddintwo but killed. Hie cier ho would have departed at once, haro Palace. thhKaierKaiysweefolowig he abi rsIlthehait epng warjthews wit-sedtaustd as e wthbisIuc: sxton hosan gamets or hecuv. ad alI ha jbtiske teî ay ai footetepe of the English le making on a drug for a natural funiction. tee froin head- but he was forced tu walt anotiier dey, Swounde hoavben ame nd e- ubr o dfAoxnrr f ewol theert tNin.r rsonia t ari- Muni'people are unnecesitarily trou- quartero at t he and after supper b. started out for a woStd ave eNmaeindnWrhaebte, hnaduesgntnsil o e th mnitr rspnzbl t Prla-bld n hesuje a f sleep They front. where ho walk along the railway track, disde-in- patched fromnSoeNwntnW ment, ntn ft the Eprr.Te HsiaonplyDpt believo they need more than they real- has been staylng . le:te bottier wlth a g-un.HoptlSpyDpt.crlnsunwaherdvratl ytliti had made themnt striing curtaîl- l o n r erfe eeyt.efrSOe tm Somewhat loue than a mile f rom the The degree of LL.D. was recently id ao vr'cul .1 fth asespeoatvso they mise a few hours. Others de- andl wbence ho st-ation the lino s-as protectied hi' a conferred at Cambridge upon fou; Waevrstit? crd ,htundor absolute rul, andfl were In a air alIWy lbrt ri themeelves to ak an has written some snowsbed that ran aleng the base of; Russian lecturers who are taking partdoilgapeeo utrit h'gntons te reduce the Eraperor te tthe condi- îieaeytanvon' graphie lot- a mnountan. The snowshods tare enor- in the surnier meeting.boned ssikhp asteyW tiori of the King of England, who is a excessive amnount of sleep, and st-I tors des&criptive of mously strong 8structures, built ta re- Th aigton coroner handed ove? h w iehvdi i- iytn il etb mersedes. rn maniinplaces theymare.netr $400, subscribed bi' the public, tath did o nwmc e bu on oefeey The Kaiser and the aristocratic caste, gary nor nat-ural for middle-agou dont by British side aval anhes Tom lthe marenaîn Thiow ofa n nmdCsacw mere igurheadin to gu~'ermcnL oer.ogethats nierngdocte- tu fne orkad LrdEhr flat on top, andI offer afnpa n idowo a ae utne h r onea ul ihrstrn u r of which ho ie the head, tsaw no waypersn le sln sd h untheoni-nd LrdEhe surface foyr a stroli. fn 1ncdlost hie life in attenipt-ing to save aMi u on tetao lhars ta stem 1-his movement than ta brng Young. urgng tub ntt droLiu erTe muni- dto herofofrt. But after cou.nting out ail thesetadonneter 'hemtr ibe - bupatcae ere-kon.sqen- about t-ho emcrgency of a great war. cassteeaestl ra aye ff orts. the shed, and asc he walked lelsurely About 300 members cf th aina~.i. he sat i sae vie,- ts ie' o cass hrar tla ra ay Ilis warning about doing the job along was enJoitig thbe beautitul -iew Amalgamated Union of Sbop Assist ie Tîyepsig ne h aih Aftr te ar u oer an t-e er-peolewbo rmust work steadili' thoroughy derives esecial signif- ' down the valîey. when up throîigh a ente, Warehousemen and Clerks havegt twsi sesseprfor becoming acquainted ritn- romen had rlpped off a couple of puanitswuns eorship, there wil hovery free critic- ailthe sleep t-bei'need; they are the tesextfrmecar-îuneea! teatempwte - Ilwtesmk ! -ehcentiesre sh hserdsakl' hm at is ftb w u ln eso uem i- pensons who arc in danger af the hyp- tMe etbers rofuParliaornentatemhos tare 'W îahe, and fuIlaelocomoivestîdren of? equcaked st a weae hemeof c tehewerluwih heevde ntntonofcumbngCEltIif btameiel oad a My nserd, hokir hoktd. Saut f taycse n -oeakn nri fice notie habit The worst thing: for madIe iii the G-erinan Governiment tao da u. a beur thruisit bis head. etfe ya bdclbadt of thle beet Gernian blcod i thesethmy oistoatmtseftbt oped t-a catch thee rilli v-ben out. It dit net cee-m t-a be a ver' ularge'unifogerasricrent a Tho arher vctoies ofj ment-; hene le no cisis in life wben t-be Europxan war. for whicb tliev head, andth te matn fro-r the East- hasti- be cailed tip under t-he Miiit-ary Se- Vatoudhcm a!hen vn blunders, The giaced qlckhy et ii. sixta1be sist t-ho milit-ery caste dazzled the German t-be advice cf e wise physicien te mare w4-e re r-teadihi p re parinag. actuaIli' uy concluding t-bat It behenged to a1 vice Ac--(1-5. hioten rev'qut' Wata people, but t-ho diasters whicb are !urgenthi calied for. iroke out, ho the eariy wlnten o! 190ÃŽ youifg bear, snatched up a 7>ece of The Thet-ford Town Counicil ha: ttcee fAhxtcetb ube eei ot certain ta foiiow wihl bring a day cf' The condition can oft-en beoaven- the Kaiser visited Engliind. H. was board antI aimed several beVR et- t-be appointedth -e 15-year-ehd daugbt-er c hi'm b a t-bonougb reforrn of t-be ----as iusual mwien ho pait onaetfbis animal.Tb,- be-arstuleuptouhtbt-w crrtofiilt-euiscfdi.emdteugera hifc. Et-SI rtiuint hs hhaewno-frequent Niuets ta Enghand-berfiow- the hohe In spîte ef tiiese blows, andit-be office duning ber fat-bersabsencehoigrud -e e httepg addo reatbuto te hsefwbhae Gann oeo lf. Smepeh etading wtth oving kindes tawards dîsphayed a body t-bat- seemetI eut-o!' wit-b t-hocolorebssuce4ne.i gt n eedtl'ta bodand tesr ina cuees drink tee late in t-ho evening; others tiie British. At Windsor (astie hoe was ahi proportion to the sise of bis beadj Oigta-bpr-e-sf12Bit wa.The recuit of this mai' need ta eat and drink a lit-tle juet be- a guet o! King EtIwartI. and I vas ahi Sa big wee the animal t-hat- t-be ast- i orenfv Cch epoedmlng iagh o the tea party rufb125dor wanton war.fore retiring; t-o -;ame a wartn bath grace and grctouFness ernen tbougbt-bils best, course was t-o isonoremenal etal erk emo -oSlyat a eevr.tr rgt u ît be t-be overt-hrow cf the Hohenzollern wiîî hing sleep; muni' people cannot Ncw, If se bappe-ned that Lord bonI a retreat.I appearec, mareovor, inonreia ea oko an h mltr cse ake tea an coff ee in t-ho evening wit--Ester, aethti-time. vas [)epîîty Co~n- that a very rapid net-neat- was necels- inwCmowalhBidn n tbgh.wate--ns.irtyn-lokdtb The ermns illconinuemiltar 1 ut oursof ervU9 ak.fulies chsable et Windsor Les-ho, anI. in tiat- carY, for t-be bear began et Pull speed St-rand bave been discharged. The Grman wii centmue ih1tary ers of e nv isussinwakulres;caparîty. was et Windso)r durlng t-be te chaise him back along the she,1, and The Pont- of Londhon Autbonity bsmlhii o At toowa e y5 instructions, ivbicb are cornpulsori',sme-mseaecdiusonnag- Kaisers st-ai tiere l1e hbap pe-ned. se cloee ht-at on oemlng te the eund made a rnof$,5twadt but t-bei' wiIh. in al ikelibood, re- ment hue t-ho came effect. It is al- moreover, te 1* as mehi a meiter of lie hunier baci te jump off -a distancefn nfrpoviding food andi clothin Say oodaîube ity Tc nISahc modal thein art-ny upan t-be decratic wai's btter that i'ou should spetnd t-be ommiitee o!futnperiah Detence. of fiftton fot-to t-be roadbeci below. for membens o! their staff wbo aE lmeo i pl rage hs siyster ofo France. There lu no miii- the hour before retiring quietly in 0f t-is latter feot the Kaiser was, or A gooci dealishaken up, ha regained is isoesof -i Gray tariero in France, and overi' - -io order that the braie and norvous sys- 1 course, welh awaro Ail urbanitt, ho footing and rau mbt the sheod, acing, Lard Shaftesbury, Lord-Lieutenan i lshat hc Int-am s pnt n raet I tam mai' adjust itseof to i-est. when sougit- te discuse wih- the Deputy t-be track, thinklng tbth --Id get- of Dorset, bas st-aited a movemnt- "i rc!se(sod~ ometee-U in t-h arroi te opn t-o ny piitite 'onstablo of Windsor Casthe t-ho ques-'oui o! slgbt t-bere-m. aru a Roldier in t-be ranks. Up te t-is ehpoi eoe eosnlt tion of British naval progreme antIltBut t-ho roach-ba.ck." as theCana- t-o pi-avide wer memais h' -b c1 m dat-e it- will ho sbawn t-bat Generuls,1 yo-ur phyrqcian proscnîbe its natu .n, defeinces. diane rail t-be grizzly bear, suid down' nestaratien, whene exist-ing, or th1ihu-noirwr ii eoot iesh 1 t-s qatt n t rqeca backwand ait-bhe corner o! t-ho sheci, erection of village crasses in t-e1 c bi hieat celi pteaeteia quant-mte omnpepe ae f lo iti'ad t-s rquenci', auîd Snubbed the Kaiser. ad et-Ilpunsued theeluckless ma-n. counti'.dîh-a arfufooai anIoeo.foow a-iintrom t-ho orioroa ote"ophe are, I follow-lhT sinofol ý afir il suenart-ot-e hociubo- ie no ake he rpuoi'.Te eeLr shen leofo fool.ahoa weeobliged t-o give another de- About 250 Cenedian luroermeno!arnl-itocriwth.Tnup-bhedthi roeny, ta wbhom al commissions in t-e j îng an analgese, which je for t-ho ne- parent-ps," and t-bat- beneatb ahi t-he oncshection fwa s r i bt hnS thae e i-oent- po ed dili' in eil uun, o als hçe lms ea armi' have, se far, been cenfined. lie£ of severe pain, inst-oad of a hyp- asr ef;Tdh a'drk adaîec e e pl aewberet-e bar liga reigfinreesn t-hpoySoer etaie !bmsei rsticn ssh o ttbfii.anI sys- 'ssot ence, drkandughciec ut. the ac hnte bter nal'owse notic, which quiets t-be nervous s -sinister designa. Hne 0tou Majo ot hehne hne ad nfr H t. Meun t eatneretoAh-gou ýÃÃtem.-Youtb's Companion. usinalli' notod for bts tact and chai-m for t-he place, andI, te ture, t-i-ed bis batr.Sat. aDevon a ewo î'REFERS TO BE A CIVILIAN. ___ of mariner, he let the Kaiser se. pi-et-t-y 'and et- cllmbing. Necessiti' spurreTei teeothateSdosu-be' etDlivoun.o .5 Heaith and ~~~~uîy. plainly t-bat ho saw througb i l n adtewaalot rw u The Royal Patiot-ic Fnil bas d( ht hmevsat eeoitone lkdl-- Czai- af Ail te Russias Ha. an Aver- Bakerescn nci-at-y garne. He put-t-be Kaiser where ai lie hale ea lt-le In acvance et bis tributed $16,1500 ai Pent-sroout-b t-o47 -bronms.Tcpg haie--y Mi'l centage o! iron and are a valuabe torgave hlm. been removeci lai' besido theebote, and 1disti-essed by hit-e Jutlandi bat-t-le b-e h i-lae atnItb e at'ciad Eteperor antI Aut-ocrat- o! ail t-ho remedi' for Summer coroplaint- But-autt-bat- tîmot-be lato Lord t-be man f rom t-le Enst-lesit- ne lime In' reavoments antI is arranging for tb bygutc nIaifdaot ui;"o"S Russies, o! Moscaw. Kiev, Vadimirn Apples are t-ho moFt useful >al- Tweedmouth was First Lard of the draggig t-hem aven it-. andtI etis pr.-' education o! t-be orphans. lnthrseîhcnaeenogbe ow t-e and ovgood, ith ivesepaate'of allAdiiraIt-y. And ho iteer iacked Lord venteci theeroaeb-beck Tfram oamlng and ovgoro, wt-h fiv s ;arfo iuit-s. Thoi' are corrective, useful in Esbel'ssagatîy ori- s moi-eamiable At a gardoen fete hei tI ai Fr-dit'dse u-M~ t-ltles o! czar. 17 grand dukedôme, natisea and are aise refigerants and t-o the Emperoi-s soft sop. Anyhow, up after him. bonough Hall, Warwickshire, in ad Mi nIShy gonc oeir'or c aiment beyond nuroher, hereditai-ysed a tivies. ho was th-advised eeougb t-esho t-h tman nd aegn tal ahifr hepo! t-be Wanwickshire Wend et- t-beSta -Tregai ihthebcus.My hoth pircinand soener gn a beprinces, Eocs'hol otknngh-adhmef ab rw u-oacneeiopi-sently hi'treo trackmen carne run- enGa-enHmebnerwsslisc.bdaot and rces a ond oth r ouaiti prhincsmorning in t-be privaci' of your bed- Iwl-t-bthee asro aalmtti n'ing teleai-n ube cause of-thte utcry.foi- $275.20. War-wickshire bas cn oeta-ie-et n lbriprl.A und successar o! Norway.e al tihtSucb le an'Thtis became eolsed ahroad, andI LOi-cAt t-heir appreach t-ho boa-rmoveci trihutet $25,000 t-a t-hofund. bsns bnletreoe -ete bo- n t-he dazzling arrai' of titi.. awned by rooav emovntyof aIl t-ir.lohnga Twoedmout-b was popularli' credit-ed leisurely off, and I dsappea-edInl a Owing ta t-be abnornal conditinpt -ipndBl' O'cehmIgt e Nicholas Il., t-ho "Gi-eut WhiteoCzar," hv lu- a ns i.wiub sometbtng lîke an act- o! iroasoe. sap tt-hefui-thonand o! t-he shed. causeci by t-howan, an advence o! 2gbun aei-gutd and, lu t-be eyes of hua subject-s, 't-ho Castor ail wilbot-p t-ho hain OOn t-ho full tacts heceming known îI5WJ1ISj-bits i-ccue, the buntercetsewkbabengen-ote l-u--e is-rcefnn'ii-h'nae. cousin af Go>d." grew. Apply it le drops te the scalp, appeared t-bat be baci acted witb t-ho handed t-he trackmen sevenal banbtwreseggd a aoen nIgrscuc e ep iomlubn Idn Tii epie ve wic h mle rbbig t-luwel.itwillio ninowlodgc of hie oolleagues-Sir Hoeri>eslniettai'îlln ior ha eisilled onkerasn engierini--o tu-lstdni a'gv h oi copiesoe-sevent-b o! t-beontire ail, make the bain seero darken. Ir' CamplsboWBannfemailwas Premier Iho thougit- ef be-ar bunt-ing t-heurý cOprse I-in replyii g ta t-be Kaisers lot-toi- I osont-be nonth-eatcs. 1and-surface ai -h cit-b;hie a nnual Lemons are euppeeed toi ho goeîi for 1anAtht-a h bd nîet as wasp<>ular- 11 country'.Mr.hop h nf Otan, ast coet.yra ylAdrun h itd.ddn- wheneveri- it-lepossible, Bt- Lîvadia, a ig te nttl on-îatk tOdban nitimc.e oa alc shJd -eclamati onke t-bat silI cotiicstuibi' finger. ls t-le roS -ro " --. --. modest count-ry vilili among t-he Cria i- he req ireeta-otiuin.dtopaddalso oa aaet bu 30,0.wt-svrlotý r- 9vr o anttufoit eanvinyedsorb asoluded lieuse Biih earenjýpt i o ualifi' somebody for tt>.judg bu- 3000 i-h-eeAtl ui-o - ul Ig iue Yu an n a roa thie ia-tb lW n.-0 ore leJ-il drs ea ieao nascThis st-at-e utaffaire lied t- o b.a- ment ef caval affaire Ia genrauU t- jects bu contecmpulationi.At aoullnmiterneao wtlietleeyeb ffcwsfrltbtt-y lauone or at-ber cf bis statttly parks.. -r aefra n-t- a o-vsrmrdatî.im -a e astrip ut land hl a i ale wtde, s-tart- But tram bbc position outhte- bouir a-dl-dt ocntn- iekoig -l leading t-ho siunpîest- of lives adceed s frsait v as eonve-! t hi. gibo au i.the rd e herbt' itu,îlg tcar thse wharveo sud xt-endlblg In soIttude yau could vsoynyeay iofmiewhcbahlti-mnejAco - -. cfbscrned, and t-ho Iutw h sab hog hsgbea odEbrt Idoalli' happy intheccmpany oflbs mn-utn-s ~,u»-stte at oaekoil -epbi or about thi-eomiles aions the-hoise.,,know. Moneceor. exeept for t-ao husteicaes urs-.ne.aa al wlte andI childi-en-. -1a-th - ri tlà l , ~ va ~ le lag put In ganitari' co-ndltt. An-lenbbhevitale round o! t-be 2zI bonn -l tb oml.wudb,"o rt That- thi.shnlnking from t-he spieu- 4 îoooOo or-I e âu w ith t Ktie tor ht as tii. Wajetll ansctr tiua pnomot. adt ohho races adril t-ho a"ug t e e oe loim at r A' klngom u povod hi't-h foîovîg vlbar rqulroîd foi r itM " bus , &..ROa.,t. WK-C-.-at is Lord eshr &-lu aprove thleva-t-et front oft 1111. round the orbit. funde ta bila dinii rn eoew aekleIP "poea k g orn no oaso n, vy h flle in an :mportatce fer ln excesa of t-tl î a IleC> n a rStt on t-he Islaiâ of lisuali. t t- b tt a rti ncreoalgy luanas a 1.W tb th e uî-.T ~ --~ en i story: ~~~~~whicb le lndicat-ed by t-heamout-, msancd t-o hase talks'd about- Il.aoit Wemen traM Conductera lhate tacs behlati the ottuer haa. andtI uet- -e-ical.ahd oi.lidmn'vi i-~na day et Cfop e n a cnrsat in ai g as it- lW. Dyesenter loto t-le ooe dianer 41905I'.d UPOZ thbe el.cti cars of lthe coaeme a ais-sys losgtboalag andcpue~ - uI a oiy tob ee tr dayat Chiearîaeit--. "eI"e- lnd. ut-ie vi ap'n4evkdaodda.e agho gasieet-y thisg 'Copom-ops 4 word; It-In, teouuofy indj tvomnhe M C r.ou â ii bIn ttnp cu d ot o t h, e n t-h. i tor i'r turnd uon diferece -ba- mutre tm fa hudrd artice.o 1 Atth.Kas?.ov otnAtey tehe nlad Crortin Trm-snt 'bt-lett- uecfpruIya.cresoi-la 'quata Lcl. Y V sprug u ho-ven tho anub KJISdally lfe-4et-hesfu tue, carpeta,*ea -b slp ai l-rtle B'it» aa. l . i1 obs.ooscado' gsu sbtugto -eKoltis egiet-e afntbt'o .ult0 Bnla at . w tb d«th le a-a net t-b.m i. t bha . t-lh m<uia a "d w 0< w S 1 M forai p .. bot-h band s tt- e »t. s M e t a tte r -e or m t thon vas, "a king'@ b.itla. not- alvays, ~3 ! te u ttmlm oof mlalos01 et »,uproirdf.lf4l< s tl ttOci a h ittaebe -encpispttui ugsi- uo.th 1 ,, ouof r'ome, it in.h"t-o b.en. j wkb high polit-fra aU&",mu lo iw or t-bit-t-he imte -ho eU$OYOed O=yla Io tthie».i O bowa .u~~jv os. ar wwMoepin wbl oc- ne Gesre.iuii>deeOi la 9t o». et bu * wu aperu**. ortF« sc il.1h ro tgpr poedJut-se ouo tr.tastran, l1îesu o ateha i lu.e.Cm.~ are ~ arular;ad, ort t1 0 O SPM w Vb voeM set wuvAst t t or oe 0 00 t f ,, 0 a t-haesmm as th"at09t t0e -uo, 544 -hopludod t-lait' -Si',tti-r*iU bSnodi'throea «tos is t aia mv at-o ola.0a('rot1 h; anbdiai(-LI e d ore fl*i4ti)pt wef.er fu ft» Ibi . evoi eespersI Pu' .elawl th n) sa- iout t tfldu -1VOthebOID t-ve bea'. m -« auch a d«ea tob. oit-bar .Mim, Cor o Bri~ tis dwt- a» »i.in ttuWM . l-laM m lte 'imnon day e- I #SIISS r a.edret iSt-hem..l 1be ~sd le d6MMS 1- The boud ofadirecés 4 to wrick ba oue*uhod W :t-be..w 4 *Mrthmo"nli o STARVATIOY I' EIN. u. s oreutth.m» oa-tgeugaswI lve ,ip.. h-hi' e4tI5U4 fWtUaUh' afeu"aks s ued» t aî.IedaiSeplyiSgm brwolegso b.eMdcmi »Msof hISmu a- USpit-Ste itulsste-ot-he rivf- er ~--ima »4 .03» .. bottr.w- .1%#Wtkm *aiS mutst- w r Te~'Ibte Pli ht. t-h ~ ,S1 Mob ww -ha -am *i y wh tmbeot-wsm es aït* M e Pau '. ue)t-btgc4teh*a te fi avirid f roM Doirut,Syrie, by va> *îsclstt. wt-bJamns pltusu, .?. Kisr o-bt* At-bow s~<tU- -o OJ* ~ t*.ti asaiacotofotbibuw Uta<plp bMa -mmy t7tS «l la;w- ""Ç"PoS beIpe W* #am. t»<ttu S al trà w sot.tet-ec. ~p i .e l m m tbr. u. yavt d ' t 'u aw »Mtetw pMb*f twr as r h vth i ¶h Lvat-lastMVI*.'h- » m 4Ztir a Msgi~Io- ~ ~ 1» ~ss tocmts là * 19W, idais à -i 1t -â s IUt" aut it-t. " M t si u . to t W " p r î c m .à 0 » * 0 1 O t r" , 09 sud gtsp - @.b A Ps te4vupt- là »: '-fon À etoumm e"MM&r *- nmyt t*m-rI*W %&-- *0 2t vos. t-bi§obi a'eoml wi. *b k'4 , Lb bot te le hanfLfl yeti, and Yeu didn'i pick Idos"' in b«orr Te lai' AlexCander on hie te blggOl' t-ba aet-.Se w startig 9t-nalght a-t ýv di-oPPetIhinm whefl We she se.ld mienohy. "MaY, 88 for oneIsiminuiteOt-bot ber " d t-bat she supposed pige - ng. She wes cross wt r careleseOIil. me t-be pige had finiehl'Od o! t-be parti' toast amn the table. Then tbaherY11 about for apples ; PeT- iUld soon go ofIf. The tw. t-te e.dbegaui te ta-lk mt-y, abo-VO t-ho grndtng, p Sou-tnd-the rubbei- dol), ., Alexanden !"'Mai'cied. ,,R go-t Alexanfderi ! ue. The st-nahibLack pig 1 t-n ils moute, sbaking r- as Mai' ýpoke Alexande? îarpîi' again. ,ce wris ver' whiba. She ant ci-owded the doulaI- ?s' la-p. ae i'ou gain-g t-o do "' May dei'ing. ly wes ahreadi' sltIPPIui ugh t-be branches. Sho t-ho ground beo --o sud- bot-h pigIs jumped, and t-be scuneakod agalu. clown !" she cied loudIY, ler foot. But the eocii anr out o! their litt-le beady j doUe shead andI s'Ould0r5 o! t-ho black pigs i-nati', ýoulci stand it ne langer. enot-baT word she st-ooped up e long stick. Wback! agaln'-sbe lied Fhut ber andI rappeci the black Pig ,crase t-ho nase. A t-Ird ltt hlm, andI suddeiili,',wltli- id an an-gri' grunt, ho w.uS ed yhi' is brother. She r foot runnlng befe-re site ol ye.. ur lai' ou t-h-oground'boalde lie plcked hlm u t en4derly. yt hurt, ccli a few dints inz at-ornach sbowed wheïe thet .le teetrb bad pin-cheti hlm. nbed alowly do-vu, l-aoking "Ho-w bravo yeu were ! ali' answened. "I bift hlm -e, yen know." r &U111 looked aslbamed. "n xldod," she sald. ai' ptcked up t-ho diniios- und onr tee.. party on t-he back lexactIon sat In t-ho eat of i t-be pigs stood hi t-ho aide lookoc a-t t-ebo-hard and )ut t-boy tit not tri t-o corne tbe-lIeve," sa-id SalI', "that bave enton Alexander, brut 1 cuit t-o takç an>' riaits, yoil outh's Companlon. respodent o! t-hoLondon tpro»se mnt t-hofollwing let-- uat ptper;- - We readra -oft-be Daily Pet- 'aie of t-be metingï tist ane atd lu Pînsiiori'Pork-er>ù7 ýn tbrough t-b. park lait Sun- Mus miyatt-ettoii-.wusi wy se-sm! crasSm ,aih b re ou*sit-pat**uJr. T4 MY tobg tos a ïen.pes>ýw; dosteSvassppr>eyer b>« t-h. d.efse a$-aà kt-bi May ibrrIol ah & om