) CIl1 A 'TE IZ NV. -(Cont'd) . 1 "-Who %vas Ge-orge,?" asked Mrry.i "Cueorre took cal o f me ou1 the '%aEyi over on the big ship. I slepb lna a littIe bel ever bis. I hope 1 wiIi nevei- sec (G-orge againi." "Wîîisn't he kind Vo you' asked Dojrcaýý "No)t--%ery kiud." The cbîld paus- cil a moment. "I dont believe George undcrt.tands little boys-blind boys, I m cans.- ",Was George a relatbwe?" "No. Hoe came te the home ta taike me Vo Amenca.. Th at m-as what Father Shannon said" 'What home?" "The home 'for littie blind boys. There xm ere h.auîireds oif litle blind boys theroe." "H aven't vsearv relatives?" ask- ed Merry. 'Vihv vs, 1 have rny mother. A muît4le i s luit e a close relati.e, is;n't s-he7 'eace -Shv 'c-rtîîîîIy i1, ag.reed th hastiiy. "I manhvnty ole-relative iu England ?" "There is Aurit Funnni'- you any Slîe is j Ve boys who-can sec Imyself al) over, and I hair straight. 1 cal things. Sometimes," dropped Vo a whispIer, rcared when l'm nIer on tbbc streets if thcva Dorons laid ber fi soft cbeek, and whisp la the child's ear. shone mrith joy. 111I think Re. There is J Ibis voice bad a ,-egretl, twish you had been mý you.99 The girl bob) himi length for a mocment. the Fume tbing. 1 lîk Slie teck her ha.nd a t'he stair which led dressing-room. Dor spoken terrer. She Io~ the bead of the stairs watehing t-herm. Sbe and ha followed %vithj stepe. They paimed outside tbe door cfbMi! When Dorcais bappe,1 ing ta ber band with most hurL -~polite enougb to loar out.-.And he- f ore yoa go, let me give yoa a bit Of advice, my lady-, keep your nose out of mny business if you have any re- gard for your own bappîness!" LE Dorcas turned Vo the door. The ZT nI womnan laughed as she closed lb be- hind ber.' She pauéed for a minute in the empty hall trying Vo thlnk of what could be said to ±the child downstaîrs. -rtons If the womau had struck hlm in tbe ~KOfS " face, it wouîd have been eansior to re- cover f Wm 8sach a blow. Dick came dashin.g up the stairs. ý 1can'bde- "First cal]," ho shouted boarseiy. cn' par b Mdy She rau down to her own room. an't art myfi Mrs. Volk sat in a low chair with R't iwas find Rob in iu ber armg, cucldling hlm Robi's viceag7kmnst ber bresti and creoniflg to neom et mes lm him as if hoe woro a baby. She look- are ot irant ed up ut I)orca~s with pitiful ,'yes. are agi itth Let me take him, Alice. I have c>ed agst thii pien'cy of Vime ta dress a.fter Julie ere soetbng goe out.. She needs yoa to button oi'sf ace ber frock and fi x ber hair." arn glad yo>u Robin did noV speak when Alice laid aust one tbing," hlm in ber arms. lis sionder body fu) tone la itý " was limp and quiet. Dorons bad nev- ýy mothor, 1 like or known any littîe boy iutimately, and she did flot know t.xactly how t-o out at arm's comfort hlm. It,-occurred to ber that - I arn wishing if she were in Rtobin's place she would e you. net want anybody Vo speak of wbat nd they climbed had happened. She bout down and Vo the upstairs toucbed bis face with ber lips. When -cas feIt an un- the door clcsod ani Mr"i. Volkç went îoked back f rom eOut with Jalie. ho asked in a whisper, Merry stood "I doa't belong thea-Vo the-lady *beckoned bim, -upstairs, do 1?" a few springing "No, dear,' there was a thrill of 1 for a moment i assurance in Dorcas' voice, "no, y0t. ýs Paget's room. could not possibly have belonged te Robin was eling. hem. Somebody made a mitake-an a grip wbicb al- ,a-f ul mistake." 'Thon-do y<yu know-who I <le be. flot a real 11uit, thougli. fe useci to Zilhs Paget starod al. thcm with still1 kuow noohvr. <and sornetimo.u -;ho came curiosiry. She sat iii front of the to see nie ai. tht' home." mirror whilc the colored maid Emuline Derc:îs liftcd him into a chair be- hrushed her hair. Ih bang ta ber k3ide Vhe table. NI r- . Volk set a plnte wast in bong, shlning waves. lIer n fr( nt of hirn. She bait rut the foreheail wriuîkled fur a moment ati if1 cbickî n and potate iut'o small PIOcOs. in perpîexitb,. She could noV sce "Can you fecui yourst'lf. clar?" she Rc>lin's face.île wa. hiding behird askcd hesitat.itgly. Durcas wîth his bcad wrapped in lier "W9ýhy, e" There was a toue of Irewn. A sneoring smile 'ioN ered growu-up diguity ini Robins voice. - her meutb. have fed myseîf ever sinc'o i was a "This is a rare pleagure. Miss %ýVeut- littIe boy." wortb," she said abruptly. "Some- There were tears in the girl's eyes t'hing uncommon must have happened m-bilv ',ho wnîtc'be4i im eiib. lie wfls et make y'ou honor me witb sq'isit. ; ilt ,uch a little bey! He bad daiuty, Who us yeur yeung friond" well-bred ways. Onre he apologized Dorcas, laid ber hand upon Robiu's as he itctceptt'iI a second belping of ihotîldor and turned him gently se merat herx dface bis mother. 'I coul'1 uit eat on tht sbîp to-day,,*" "hsi orltleIo, h di h- explaîned. "Tiîgs ýAcr-e nast'y. Thsiyuritelî,"heaj n luie 1eeting mot h. Dofvonythiak ilZlIa Paget. sprang te ber feet witb hut meilen so . vonn thin a cry of rage. In a second she rtioed Mn v uîl e s-ou iswa *". l ,iatDercas' side. She turned the pule ouhlf;a t ix. R a ptch.îr again child' face up ta ber own sud stared nul isoc f Ms ix.Page ý,t.,as 'ome at it. The sightlesu ceyes seemed te Reinembor, noV a mo"rd alutîut the' sur- piead and search fer something they prise for ber." did net flad. Robin lifbýed bis hands The chili)rt'turneî! in a re %-m i nu te,.. ndgreped tilt bc caught bis mether's "She bas just come . fingors. Sho flung them a-ide ang- "Oh," cried Jlie, "thcre's ireet'reamn. rily. Yiîu have nîît had au),îc'e (lream." "Don't toucb me!" she criçd harsh- "I am noV' hungry. i want te go te ly. "Take him eut of my sigbt!" my mother. You seeI have heen Dorcas grow white o the Lips. Rob- ibinking about miy motht r for yearis in wais club-hing at her in terror. She and yen rg." put her arm about him, sheltering bim "De you rememiier hei 7" isked as a motter would have done. Merry. Misa Paget turncd ber cyca flercely 1kobiîî besitatcd. "Aunt Fanie sayg upon the girl. "Who hatchcd this ini- 1 can't In-cause i was a litte Ian>, fernal plot? ' skie eried. "Who brought when she weut away. 1 thiuk -1 re- this libtle brat, Vo Amnerica"' memrber her." The actress lost control of herrelf. "Coure with me," raidi She dasbed up a.nd down the narrow "D'un't you believe that i had better dressing-room like a caged tige!. ttake lhlm?" sait) Dorcaa. "Mise -î What is the matter?" azked Dot. Pî'gct may have tîeg'm n o de.t" cas cOldly; Mcmrv noîlded. "lIt'a heil and h devil--and &Il hie "Am I spick and tspan?"' skeTob- angelIS. That'a whaî'n he matter. in anxiousl>,. "Aunt Fannie said What right hb.d you te ,it.ck afinger mot'her is heautiful and) elegnt and in my affaira? What do you suppose fameus. 1 want ber Vo sec the-. 1 am 1 want of thât blind brut 1 1 haVe the aice enouirh te Le ber lîttIe boy." sîgbt of hlm. He is the image ef bie Dorras dropped ou ber kaes ho- father. and gooti GocI! how 1I d bte side him. She unt.îcd the mailt owl hlm! I suppose you. and your saintJy nt hi-- collar antI made it labo a Mr. Oswald ar' betV on ruining my fresb kuot. "Whv, you wi)i ')è ber carcer." pi-ide and joy." Dorcas openeith ie door a&M pushed There %vas a look ef tcnume anxicty he aobblng chîlti .gently litoVth lob- la the child's face. "Do y'îu hink no by. Merry stood ouauide, where h. rcally? 1 amr rore t.rouhttt titan lit- b.ad everbaard the womn'os ubril) - abuse. He tok Robin by tise hWu andl led hlm dewnztalrs.Dorca. re- THE entaredt4 h dreaslng-roons, Miss %r«e I ONDON MUTUAL wihlyo "tbt»I n»W Flilhsfna C. o 9»etofsomething. Bbc pickeds up a à ase Fu irSI1tUUS les*U ofetpapr suai tood resding it A in.v- f ?d t otyowt. rm fl m .sille tamlaed ber haad&oue FARM INIMURANCES "i kns nov viso did h," aise crîi ITbs.t u4s th*.revne 4 h. w .i.tise bal.yoli retter! 1ni geti #v«n wfth "Yen âdont vautgucr hUile bel. tis=?" ' .k.d DeirMas h.tunasd un Ube gidl uin s 'Wsnm t blOMlug. b@tpjVtule" eut1 lb ?UU fl i? 14« cm y~ Wi e 9M b.. w*tte *. aq law eutbe" f«, givIa mm opWwb..- ou a4fs0MD -n M Sroéie Dr& Y longo ?" "*Robin," askcul Dorcas gentîy, "do yeu stilI wisb that 1 werc yuur motih- r ?' Ilis arm.- claspcd cunvulsively about ber neck, and the slim body shook wvith sobs. "I would Ilke-to beloug tW some- lîody." "Wl."iaid the girl decisively, "I want you-forever-as my owa littie boy. Shaîl we shako hands on t? The simaîl flugars worc thrust int-c ber own with a clingiag grip. That nigbt at the close cf the ser- end acV the' audience saV breaV'hle. for a few 'nmomenîts. "Cordelia,' wîth ber face glewing beneatb the rouge. turned in rospouse te ",Mrs. Est.erbrciok's" last pies. "Stay witb you because you are My mother7 How dare ycs.î tako the word 'mother' upon your lips? Do you knew wbat thut word stands for? I wonder if it w-ould ho possible to make you understand. hy means lovc-self-deuying, strong, tender de- votion; it means faitbful wifehood. H ia ve vo,, s'e'airi ven t at ? The w'ra' il'- man wbo is a good wife and mother to the greater distance from the ex- forgiv'eq and forIzets and loves. Be- port market: bint i t aIl sands love. Simply love, un- It costa about $12 Voô cultivate it. selisb lov'a. 1 believe ia Goti, but At least 60 per cent. of the fertili- te-dy Icanot ndertan wb bezer value is returned Vo the soil when sbould hav'e allowed a woman such th crop la feti. as you are te have become a wife andI A 'yieid ef three tans will return a mother-my mother!" $,41.30> if ted Vo pigs as pasture when The cartain fel).' Dorcas had reaoh- thc pîrs sel) for 7 cents a pounti. ed her dres'-ing-room when she had Vo A similar yleld if fedti o eteers et tarn and fiy black tuo the stage. The 6 cents a pounti will bring $U.60. applause had grown o a tumuît. Zilla The same yield ted teo ows givlng Paget stooti by her side vhen the cur- 210 pountis et butter fat at 80 cents tain rose. She was smiling a stage a pounti will brlng $44. amuie apon the audience, but Vhe * ic ae Wrned upon Doroas ,wus on of malignant hatred. _______________ (To h. continueti). ___________ KING DOLS !"0T SIGN ILLS1. Issues a Royal Coamission Nsming Tbw.em tead. Meat people vili tell yeu that te King muât iga cv.ry Act oft I>as- ment before it becomes liv. It wMI **ton" btise people Vo know tbsL Aa fhs"nat am.neYer sgmed 1by Kuig George. When Parlaient aes au Ac, as, fer exauspi, tise 1reeent MtIitsy S SereAct, Wb"i on volnM t Is i te a a e ' ac Peacte tise Clerh efParllauantû fthse &A lit 0". «MmaereMu MoeY. à 1e w treasureon uthe pro. martb* BDd<.tb US VIIUflI '»y servec shcK à * itn e «*Mbytise Speelter. f.w~ doms tiseKluggai"e hit eanset toa- Acfet fPiUameut, heusWeIL, he g*veo lby *bat lukna s a Bal là The ~~ -- m d a.m tbwa lomi.â.an " b te do.*%-lm"_ fer - , Ou-#-makty -«i IfiI 19W gites si0w" d.b «F-w --* -- ~ - l~..Bt~ - ai ~. *. ns-. 4~ I...' - ~M& Total ingredients . 20 Iba. Yieid et jîun ........... 14.5 Ibs. Losx ,in e.',.oran ..... ,1l5.5 b the accustomed and legitii cake anti breati making. it la an excellent farnily mate ones of First of ail, remedy for Thas 14.5 lhs. cf tam conta.ins 10 jscalds. When miil on the point of lhs. et sugar o r 68.9 per cent. turnlng sour a pinch oi baking soda To this may ho added 3 per cent. dreppot inl it will restore it to its na- for the sugar naturally contaiaed lei tualt sweet'iieas. Vhe fruit, makîng 71.9 par cent. sugar A th.lck paste made of soda and wa- This should keep. Ver la excellent for cleaning glisses In A drop et water on the surface of a which milk, ica oream or or.her greaufy preserve dilates it at that point and sbtnebsbe tnig ree will likely start moIti growtuh. Hence when there is ne ime Vo make a jars to b. filleti with jam or jelly paste, if the ingera are dipped iIn wa.- should net ho covereti until colti h.- ter. then la dry sodg4and Vhs greasy mause the steain risin g from the warm 1part eftVhe gla"'sis rà bbed aroun& or hot product wiil condense on thse Iwith them. the marks will qulckly dis- cover andl have the same e«fee as an appear andti he glaris become bright. added drop et water. It in in desir- I.amp ciimays trebet a intearn edti o cover preervee while Vhs>,are way will shine 1k. crystal, whiie ifa bot, sterilize the top, geai perfectîy ' wvile hot andti um-nthe laW upside dcVii. DY biaisrniethoti oItis are IJ ll ellmlnatedti t besin wlth anti as with eanneti fruits prevçntdt rom enter-. ing aterwardiL SVrat i'mui l8 a iresi. JeUtes m--OSIERV t quie t bequie rU l &Ueu«H up andi9 toen eof gur i- vua isu taco ia thse 1ha tO vtisa mui fruit culleti pecUin. Tb@e joflyloggrqv m i< go b. 1siItv&us only, takes pli.. vises *# ta Vos thuou<h a prownrre 1. coud.'ntedta a cerWaa«.. on earth don'îtit tant Iîy eiporuti. Som. traits Wearp"... * liv a in s ud"wil iMt propert utIi&.*y ne Otte o 5ev m e cmd.ns. Gec e"sntOýOt*M .4 A «»-.& ,stiky s, pre.1 a1 15 a~ed' suuwj rub over, .fter dustin brown shoe pouiah eni pouash with a dry dust will look as if newly1 To remove the ahii sponge tihe drea or suý gar and preessln the u. ahl shîne will dIsaýppe, gar leaven no stain. A sinail sponge th orange will be found% have to, wash the littig mnore satisfactory tha o-n a string s0 it can dry after uslng. Girls wbo wa.nt to n lookIng lnabsop w) brands 0f baht. NEWS Br RAIL ABOUT JOH1I DULL AND Ris PEOPLIE. Occeurrences In the Land That Beigne Supreme lx the Com. 'mereial World.- Over 200 clé! boys of the Jews' Or -____________ phan Asylum, Norwood, have joincd the colors.________________________________________________ Twelve hundred women workers on the land have been registered inCNlI S NO A U M D I C N D Geo. Dunbury, aged 80, was burned CNAN OA~M M D NC N D to death at a fire at Clondesley road,_______________________ Barnsbury. lamnp buriier 18 boiled A dog dashed at an aeroplane as it 'h apt bunwt descended at Chertsey, and was cut liancy. -soda la also intrlb te Vopte Lrd Ktcenrean ailVerware. -mai Upwards of $867,500 has now been tî at nirbbu National Mernorial Fund. ini hot water. has forwarded 226,065 eggs for I hnsWrt en wounded soldiers and sailors at the T eov a nf About 450 boys have been excused with hot vinerar. attendance fromn elementary schools Canning and Preserving Fruits. ail juice seems f ree strain tivou~gh a Ether is 900d for rerr in Surrey for empioyment in agricul- There are two distinct generai jeliy bag. For each quart of julce stains f rom clthllg. tural work. . methods of treating fruit se that it allow one tea cu sugar; hou l f e To prevent accidents, A new lndustry, onion-growing, is wiîfo hneorb hne huh iuebti nd seaL- This is tomn celiar stip white. beig tiedin he inclnsirefen. 'oîc fo a imeraningfro a cwmuch richer than the juice made with Ail suet puddingss One grower at Weston has 315 acres weeks o atre or fou roars Teef h trn rae. ong tirne Voeniake ti under culivation. ek otreoforyas hs hetm ap.a1Mu f1 Wornen conductors ln London are mnethods are terrnead canning and pre- Earth Peach Preserve.-Procure Add a teagPOO f so eper at estng mneythattheserving. Many people do not reauize ifresh peaches, f ree f rom bruises, and when makixng, if ai gloal 50~~l-f.hoe exet ttetngmnenha h takig ofbad oinsfor areshas the difference. We find, however, peel. Secure a large odf indlnn been reduced to a minimum. tht mne rit depends for its keep-stnjaheortatcmswt a Diesxbash5d Wadebridge, a mid-Cornwail town, ing qualities upon heating and per- closeiy fitted stone cover, soinething ironing board tO tiikQ w ith a population of 2,400, bas, since fect sealing, whereas preserves need "n the fashion of t'he old-style churns. flat..iron stand. I heotbek fthe war, raised for not ho seaied because their high sugar Place in this aiterriate layers of fresh- it is Wise te put a lit th proutc purposef vr$000 onetpeet]iroogns o y peeled peaches and granulated su- water in which vegetal At Dover College prize-giving îV I acting upon the fruit.gauigabtponfrpud.fc. ItiideriYi was mentioned that 703 oid boys of Strictly speaking cannpd fruit% and sug?,r and fruit. Place the stone 00v- Alw two iev8l tea the school have been serving with peevssol ep h ri nise tgtyi lc--seal around with haki.ng powder Vo eacl the colors, and that 81 have been iexact original condition. This# how- sealiirg wax and bury in the earth, when ne eggs are uied- kil) ed. I l sa delwihi n'vrr-\eaving the jar low enough in the To cut butter ln, siaa Foilowing a period of comparative e, a is anIffriealwhich ineyinr re-, prth to preventfezn or ondjorheabusaca quethe shipping trade of theoyn 1andze f rut eaed g nhte iicasYenougb earth over it to prevent f reez- as this leave no raggcdi qun aiet, Tne <ad tho cookd lonuer-uh'to ing, just as one doc.a when burying The amalpin feathei isg toe making goodaprgs8s Dur- ail the minute forms of life witbin the cabbages or apples. Do not disturbbrdV enfo ve engee the pastve. ay 0vesl a there are stili several changes bhese for tbree monthq, and five iS ens can be wiped off wlt Chepstow's town walls, probahly which may occur. Red fruits- botter. When opened you w.ill find in mach lese mime. built in the latter part of the î3th strawberries, raspheries, and cherries Ithe most deliclous preserves that ean Cold water closes Vh( century, are now being demolished -are high in acid. The acid at be imagined-better in fiavor and dif- skin and mulces it firin. for the new yard of the Standard t8Cks the tin, forrnîng saits of tin, ýforent than f rom any other method. gar or cologne added Vo Sbipbuilding Company and the latter quickly destroy the co- Somet'hing of the flavor of brandied assiFts in the hardenlng Tea on the terrace at the Bouse ] or of the fruit. Such a change ha peaches, rich and smooth and better When boiling meatm of Commons is one of the luxuries 'littie effect on fiavor and digestibility. than by any other process. cd tx, be tough add one that the war bas swept away, and Canners have largely overcome thîs Chipped Gingered Pear.-Use hour in soda and watei not even the recent bot speli sufficed difficulty by obtaining a special kindeihpon operigtoud te revive it. of tin plate and by covering this in egtanuîatd ofaar onei pound ndedvinegar. Thi mke Transformed f rom a public-house ýwibh gold colored enaxnel. grnltdsgr nIon ade gives a good flavor. at cot o $6000 pemies n ýFrut cnnd i glss arscanotginger root and four lemons. Chip When no suet la at1 at cot o $6000 prmiss l Frit annd i glss arscanotor slice the pears fine, simply coring Vie 15 required for puddi Cburcb street, Woolwich, have been lose color through tin saits. There Î- and not peeling them. Slice trhe gin- seine dripping flnely am opened by Lady Henry Grosveror as] somietiînes a change in color due to ger root and boil with the sugar and answer the purpose quit a baste) for girl munition workers. i light. Here again the red fruits o1uf er a ortblsonuso a Thames Conseýrvancy Board report'fer most severely.ter foran ou r. aBle ol heleofns BefoTe poishinq fu ter or oe hor. Bil te leonsover wlth a cloth dippe that at locks where the wives of'ý Probably the most important fact whole in a iittle water til ternder, then -and wrung out. il th regular mon are taking temporary i te remember regarding canned fruits ctte pi ml is eoiggmmrswl e h charge the women bave carried out is that changes such as fermentation; the seeds, and add to the pears and If furniture is wast their dities in a very satisfactory 'due Vo micro organisms are not pre- boil one bour longer. Can in jelly war vinegar and wate inanner. Ivented by the sugar added- Te asorlre opI as Beds at the Jews' Hospital, Nom-. sugar used is for flavoring. Th aso retped cans.is ap'plied, very littiem wqyod, have been endowed in memory; and sealing kill the harmnful HaigPesch Mangoes.-Use the large 'and a great savlng in li of Capt. Arthur Chas. Hart, North- 'adyason te eedte s freetone penches, pare writh silver A use for old velv ( ýumberland Fusiliers; Lieut. Braham from nife as thin a peelin.g as possible. piece the size of a di A. Franks, and Lieut. C. A. M. Bn-: comning inVo, the container. Cut in halves and remove the seed. 'over the head of a b gen, Royal Sussex Reriment There are two away in canning 1Fui the cavity with the Ilollowing mix- wiping down wails. Prince George, wbo for somne timân it Soe eocokhe fru it ,ture Cut one cap of prescrved beauti.fully. has been at school at Broadstairs, before piscing it in the Jars or cans, !ginger inVo thin suices; add one tea- To shine shoes qt ihas passed the quaiifying lit.erary ex- others pack the raw fruit, cover it spoongrabed horseradish. one table- bîneken but mub on ap 1 amination for a naval cadetship, and witb bot sugar syrup, seai or partly Ispoon each of blacl< and white mas- and let the julce dry 1will enter the Royal Naval College, seal, cook and then seal if sealing hais'tard see<I, one teaspoon cu-lery secd wlth a soft brush and 1Osborne. net been done ifirst. If the fruit is ýand one-haîf espoon black Depper ahine like a mirror. The Road Board has offered Vo cooked before placing in the contain- rfeed. Tie the halves together rare- If clothes are to bei *lend Dorset County Council $35,000 er the latter must be hornughlv steri- 1fully and drop intoa asyrup made as Ver Vhey are dry use SI* f roc of interest for seven ycars for lizeti first. In the second case the follows: To one quart of vinegar sprlkiing them. Th( the construction of a new coast rond container noed oniy be wnshed. ladd threc plats of sagar. two ounces more quiokly and even le ones with, andi an a eloth. Tie n be hung up to narry are alwayà Lfldows for new lautlagypshlng à sy uk.'.leto al, goe" t. vear !y quy Pas lmn. THE LAP5E 0F ENOCII WENTWOL By ISABEL GORDON CURTIS, Author of 41The Woman from Wolve for lm' 81 renewed brU.' Dexcellent tu ake it 1nto, a dly, then wash' [leiberlng. rom glass ru> ,movifg grease paint the bot- 1uld be cooked hema digestîl& sait to starch, is desired On e.d tecks in the the place Of a. tle sait in the lies are wasli- isecta. aspoonsfuls Of h -cup Of foeur, Il even sqtuareg 3rse wet thread edges. ers that are "o ,y young chick- iha damp cloth ýe mores of the .A little vine- Dthe water also s'hich la inclin- 9teaspoonful of er it wil causeî sit tender, and hand, and a lit- ings, ets., chop ite well. rurniture, wîpe )ed In hot water ,is is done, fin- w. - lied. with luke- ter before polish srili be requl'red labor effected. Iveteen-Toke a uster and tie it iroom used for It cleans them juickly do not piece of orange in, ±hen polish. cthen tahey wili ironed soon af- ehot> water for à ey will dampen riiy than if cold 1 1 MMIset