ýAtIW II«T 1' .5 i t bevera e is si achieved pepular pitre and delicious that it las f--vor at once. WHITE LABEL ALE i~ i -'-l se pi-t f- l titlat iiotwuiîluitatîdittg ils c'îtfoçmoiîs- thte t110W ti-iiiîuuratii- i -2 1gîu1ati i v(-)bu catir i d et vc t 1utt le Jifmurt-i c e ti lai'r I i -tvci il au t ii fintîst Aies you liasve es-en lasteci. l'it i sater4 cii-h nit ioti-Is. THE DOMINION BREWERY COMPANY LIMITEO %vams ini i-fismii otn S-iudyav tti notn 1oi-r Stunrii enid - i-îîiiz. triir diuît hli-uiiic for! AW\I-iCt -tais. A 71 c0'A :1 ai h:iuri- H.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ;itis'ravs-u -- dTu ects. WTiACP-i:î-» t:i inqIl i- î sitîtiutandîtittirutrail an- -.ilitîng fltTrtu iru i u ti'u îtii m iiin ttuirend apatc- NIMiss 1<iu <il- f inuiti Ce iii- t idgi- ci-r tuh- -r--k. jtm i5iWiist i'tuitiu asu i-- v, ix thtu-r ss:r 1rs'. o-f tie C'sriunîrrý. A . i Xv-ards, 1), fi-rt, rai i:fotr Ed- iIlarru T. Mlîfi's~ htitiy - for new i uteiiion. fuili hi11s. M r. aîlndMs ' iiiiî,îttiîanidliers. Att,, ionz cf t' t'-ariotit- ictte eni .MU ttlri-iîuut. i iît d wa l ire atNirs. 'Ftvsip i ý iii fi e llut i h itFitnran hasi Siiidà y,. C'i. -cii rîîîîîî. lireektin, ounTusdayv. NIn 'lintnos \Mtin tîtnd]Nti-i'- iii.of ttuîîîtuîr 111iti. iii?.ai 7..I pm.. i-lsphaust-i hitdi a V' iistn on tutim tup-latilunsnd att-oint a ci-en¶itli'e Tue sd ai. ii i-arry ouitti ii'suets ef tlic Brittsl Hi-ct 'ruue- -ietsanduproclamation à t SNO. S2 WHITIIY. t.u-ut -i ove-nîor etfCOntario. for contri-l r. -Wtt lSenýt,-x las tîujht t:iJni-1 a tut tins ef f idisto lu-i- oll-ited ont i-ment sito. Thi 1r5A(as t hue It i day oet Pi-ober. l1 r. J os. C'inn lias gis'n titithi- ipig.suh monipte Is e be evoteut enlire-Pneu' tarni, and bas liouigit a smatler ly s' tr i . i sng tl,esufcrtngs ot wound- eue at Taiuntonî. l ii- II olut n sali- 1- Illitil i 1 1 -----il---- q- 110111Ou uiuianaii titi'ius tcKi iti' l ui iii"- il ii nesmT titi-ariotus si-ais or star, j îrebably nvisiis -ik. Fiy iod nlu-ited. 13y ondin otflte trs. A. 111111sof llaniliten.,sl Puîu-u.'e uof 'hit Townshipi. asti wetk ait Wni.Anderns ________________Niss AXnnie Clark. cf Toonîto, spent thi- e'--'Nd itltlier sistîr, Nîrs. G. How's This ? I'earýe. M' We ffirr Crie ltîndred Diollars Reward for____ aRny case cf 'atarrh that cannaI 0e cured hy 'MOU~NT ZION. tui 'sCatu.rrh C ure Iliaitsll rCretaheu ta'.en by cntarri ýite fillting is h-e order of tue, day. gufl-rers tor the lpati ttus Ce veuns. and has bec-aine ktiowt- as thle iiiost retiatîte reîîedy for t Mrn.Lias-is anid fatal I tutudc-ita lii- Catnrrh. laCaîsrti cure acts thru tuie iit sv on Siudas t ilood on te Mttc-us surl'f Îces~. ex pltitg Ille A S-pea,-rs is building a neîv siho. i tison fr-ouit the tlood and helitng tlie d isrased M.ad-I- ,Niýo n r n Afie r \ou have tiken Itai's i'atarth Cure for îiNIrs. Thoumas Lti-keîit nitrd to Ham- a shot t ime vu i laiSti e a greatitiirpc-e'e't ltoionîenadiiitd t1t m -aur getter-î lic-itOu. tuait talaittig Hanls eanLst lsînd li le iriifor- tesiruorutalta fr-te. F 1 CItFN -i tco , Toledo, 01 o. (LARENIONT. Si--tutb% allDrirggiatî si-5. Care-n:oiîl stor(,.- ihîtclose ai 8 Il I -' - ~~-ni-lui k -ucii-huen iig is-tSaiutrdav. POiLa-tNt. \nî. Edi.'muds. of Clan-niennt, is sut- Sîru Wuîtî- W rd s s sitng tiat ring ram blood-posonh:tz. Ni tt JtairarN--i ss isit lîîg rein- Cui-l i' i eu i tdy a t-l Li î.u t.(iti' Thte annù\ursanv o et t na~l)tst M i's.-oan- ya ioitiiing rla iu, 1- tîttont I i'- - and J. J î-srîd as ia bt' oni- c iat. lies A. R~. Park. i-f Toronto, ma o iti- ut: 1 i; 1 xforiit' n puston, msu11IIIîr-aub. - Nr- t 1 t\ as- rt-i irmu, d le lier SS'iat i nîit have pros-eutrallier a l in iin Sioiiu f t lit' -O(naur r-i tra scsli-riti ac-cide-nt ociit meuttheit- e ur a. as tii-i ni atlut iv fu r -, nMiss é5 les mitig abtouit In milies t-ast tftitis tti-taJouit >s sil laiè- Wi bCiarson, - mcutmpan ted by V',i1Hi .iA Ntr, Cl'uiiini'r anîd F -lis miolit-r anut Miss Fergle, '«as dru'- Sttlir. u ifîtk.-ilng. s;,-itet I ldaIV i tatour LIIiteruaut sutitii uicti reas -i tht Vu IL anti Ni rs Ji îîs. fi-it hei- uf-ri uni r -td in senti- sîire la N1Jtz A Malu'v spent il tt-eî'k-tnd -f rottoetEmnitet Shi-Nus.-aîtslng Ili i lti <iîta fnli-îtds. h orse- ta i rn sudîtini ) îreii at. tpse-- il Qait- ami itbrtr frontluire lInt-ad iiiz Hiwbtigy, an îtd tomuiîtg the- oc' - t:i ta NurLlhautFair. cuçants oui. Ni ris Carsont ru-cî-Ied a 1 t su i --n- rtut i l ih.- luiad. hiids bcingr CUiL;ENW'ioti. badl-u truistut andutshlak-tuit. Slite sas Titi-autiîcu tahi-ofutheii- arai stock aîenu-ti to Mn. -ia(,-., liane.,and nîed- attnd nli-uei she-id hast Thurtudayi', -lt id sunîmont-ut. Tii ru-e stit1clws S(I)pti-tab4.r .stit. t tire tarni oeti .r.n - ne ltei-ssaryin le teri) t I-e wotind ùî i-r Pc, ie 1-ur lutr, -t , «s '«t-Il ati- lititit, iiit-uu. Mi ss L'orgie anut W'Il lie tu-udt-t. j tmrsoîî su re aIse sitfft-rîmtg front imn- An iimttaté accldé-at oecurrpd at î rlu-mt r t-îd. NIr. .Slýack 1usd lbu-en Oi s -r I)-in s-s saie- li.t Thursday, b') reiig a suire fente. zd 1oiie w uc î.Thoe. Parti-r, lot 30, 'ol.remav-i'ng the old suIre. wiîicliî hautit soi'e mann#-r go!t t te middlie of, 6SN Pu 04 UL$188 Grinding fer 11 kcpor hag Mr. Farmer :-I cari do your grindiog for one and one-haif cen6ts «barwîth this big six horse power Coal OilEgagine, cquippcid with -thsouwggouo and magneto which ensures you an even m'aniug engi.m * i e , d. batteries to buy. The cost of fuel is leustbankct gyou to had youv gnînifroe bmie We put this outfit in your barn andG mS d î oh w youýV eut retissa at to us at no coat to you. 8-16,Tractor Ask for prices of 8- 16 TraMtr -for ploogbie& 14a"g«c4 , U Ju-rotyn i si t V zcet. i PIC KE R IN G. Robetrt Gordon liauta mtti iiîleas- ant exîîerlencc.oune day lat nses-k. He- Was encaged clu-auîitg eut bis itelland s'it-n dtilag PmuA ud a paîl. s'ilch tue iwould fi] and thitt couic ta the top to ,-am-. lsie fial!)b-strami- qulte 111 anad haut tiè c-ltse work, As bis tace- i irai-i ;% ix-ultar coter, mediesiaI d was sumn- mont-il, and islmcatki was diagnosed lai o ne of isoisoning. On turîher Investi- gal.loni. wsa earrned tthhe Ibis on- lu# aroe.'from îdecaylng vegetaie inmat- ter ai thé bottom of the welt, aund wblch Mr. Gor-don was reuoa-lng. The onty tbtng that saveti bitu w» ltse fthat ia ho Mame tfrequienîlt th be 1. IAIArb thse pal. wh*reby htogi freal air. la"i ho hati an im ssant as thse vosk. as ho b" intlnlmde& tIlus essabilisa hlm le re- mua th ie bouor. ih mig-Isr bave ant- .6 t&taîy. W-a are pl«aad teobunov tisai te bu qtuite fle<o'ed tron t»is ftuiese and 14teabk sote oarousit ssaa.- *An s9Oua 's ina», tsi 1U. hoost 7 a«w« sla tisat towa fer $î.00. payîa4 MO6 dow,.. 81..t "ai tsse batis ff ea. mre sal, e"nrlpuewbig vbe b"4am I«da At bSmrMb bu b a -'slelonce for ail hi' EGG-0. F'on dauly use la ihecsaads of kitehit-ns bas yrovcci hiat EOG-O la highcst nuit only iu çua!tY- tmit in lIri-'eeuur'pomera.s wî-li-uu- failiin lenrslts--purc ta the extrenic-and wn-rtt-eeoaomieuîi ia use. As;k yOur gri-fer. Anid try EGG-O next bake day. Receives .Highest Award opinion of al] who use i. -~.. Position by a Toronto firm. Tht-eP,-c,rmr usayss: --The-Mgs truste -iatorms tus that the ustial daity grnid of lis court ln' oing out paît- Ilttnnf-t to the driunk«s as-materiallv lesseneut. If not entt1réy ceaskeu sînceü tlle "lGîb," ai the ha-bittual fuîebriaîi's have iready been sober 1eng enougb te rt-alize that their- fainllles need clothes and thelr homes tuel for the aprrachtiig it±r," Aui egg eight iinc4e#a froUÎd the long sua- anîd 6 lncl.ee tu, oriritereiice wvas laîid tîy an Oaiuawa - AldilXslan heu aw-ned by Wv. IL Gamble,.' A perfect ritadi hap been grow'N- hai Oshalua ai thîs seasoni. Thre Vi uîlîcaor thInks that ash sltt- lacNwtt]1nartbus as dry and dîtsty a job ais Il w«abefore the 161b of Soptember. Police Nagis;irate Crysdate llned Mn. N'îrtue and Mresârs. Jordant & Virtue, hardware deniers, $1 and coss $4.35 hn il,. for sellag a boy tinde-r 12 a - calibre rifle, contrary ta tihi-provisions of tii 'rilmiat ICode. The ntîother suas the couxulalit. The boy atter teliing Oili8t <.ltsp- session oftsféUîeeapon, comîtess<ud Ibat Mr. Virtue, bad-totd hlm to -Kcep lte ttatc mitder bits bat.» aand6 t1W-tlie lhait sîsO suggessled to the boY t1îà 4 tue would iesiti amnititon, whicli lie sold bhlm. Ht- lad pu id $2. on te ki. and wen t to puy the rer4ffluin 12.5#, wIseuilis niother got Itisy, Jho i*tôsîrte sev-crely scored?4r.,N irtte, myhsg it ai lits action had eaui.od the, boy to 4.11h- erarely le, but uasthere i1ià omre 4ouzbt thaI ho wau <4y acquaiuau34wlth thse law he would Iinme a s afti ny Il andi cosm , iUated-io Ua45ê b. mtght mulet hlm. Chidot- onst.uile xMoiat mae k deW ta)* tbe wma W am- Muniton bak#qgpar-** uo.y back to the boy. 1Tb. Ohorlti4î rt#,bat tb ais c ea ewt f ow" tnlg ti ýaitcou- cerauust. -Vsdrt 11OTEL BOWMANIPA1M. Tuse aasual l.oiders et Lt4e1 - wu. 44wbsLoa= ouil tvo dMth lut OU Lb. $bat». iiowmu *. aD. 8 c.gefl wo umt.' ¶fT! m i«' otuh" -u -qin STOVES ..Seo our Speolal Stiol Range at I house recently vacated by Mr. Ander-.é ma7, wua sverely Injured. A young Sow sonii and caif had been brought Into the Thie people ort this Viclnity are re- ring. A istrange dog ln the crowd Newsy Letters froin sponding generoualy o the cail for help U D L N E Î ahdIt h ig n h ot for the tire sufferers ot North Ontarlo. m protect ber offsprlng, took atter the osrCreDntÀ$ TeBriklin Rural School Pal! FPair li LIILI dog, who darted throXîgh the crowd. ouf ~ ~ ~ ~ willhjbe held on Saturday, October 141h, 0 ~ errru The cow ln ber frenzy kept going, and ________________________of on Monday, October 9. asU ILIL there was a scattering of men, ayo prevlousty advertlsed. This change ____whomf were knocked down by the en- BROOLIN ha bee demedadvsabl beaus ofraged animal. Mr. Porter was less for- BROKLt.babede m t ed aisable because ofthnohes frte o sr ats l3arker. of TorontoA s visitîng wOIob will babusies a wlaa Friit-a-tlies" Made Hlm Feel n teide a hr, for ted hitruthe ai hehom o a.sLWaFerusn.IUnflholdaIoteth ne dte ground and proceeded to gare hlmi, or Eis va Moore visltted lier auht. eolhlia.Nt henwdt- As If WaiMngI On Ai as la reported, almost stood on ber head hm. Squires, recentiN, [1ctr many Saurday, October 14th. tibAi pon hlm. 0f course' the animal was friends regret to lhear that Nrs. Squires The many friends of Miss Anale ORILuA, 0ý", Nov. 28th. 1914. qulckly driven off, but not before MIr. As lu poar heai. flh atede it e sorry 10 lea frm thatheu15 For over two years, I was troubled Porter had been very badly injured.1 A nmbe trm lrokîl atened ult 11, uffrln trm fom o rhu-with 6esnipa1ion, Drowsipiess, Lack o/ However, It Is haped that no serlous, the funeral of the late lDr. l3rodle, oft matism.Inuiswr stneadhtNl. Clarpinont, on Tuesdav atterticon Dr NIr. and Nîrs. MeliLean have the heart- A-ppefie and Headadces. Onedaylsaw iPo3re w e r uaeand that Mr. Lrodfe m< as %%(,Il kui n here. and n~~feu svîpathy et the camimuntty ln the your sign w'hîch read " Fruit-a-tivesPntr l]beaou h î. of Ihii,,etddeii deailh vas recei'.ed l vtli deatli Of their soni-ini-]Qw, Mr. Derry, zuake yen foei like waiking on air." IYRTLE. tîrcfeifd regret, îîtîcti took pîlace in Oshawa on Sun- Thîis appeaied to me, so I decided to 1% o1Ln a temsoruet %Vord lias I-en rpceived that P'rîvate da'.tyal).I eysottm, M.RyLn a h 1frin r 'Walle-r urne son of Mr. and Nts <oI; Sîîtîida\ e' ening next. atter the tvali.I eysottmI have bis cow killed on tlie C. P. R. A. Lnw-rencî-, lias bvti i- iindî'd Ili actir -ilar -seir\ ire ln ttie Methodist bezan teo tee]l better, and cary Z/e/lfine. track on Saturday. l ion, t luiîzt ihnt srCl~~ihtri-h. Ille armintlmee4tiing etthE-1I liai ca gecîl apptitec, relisliîeverything Instead ot the annua] Han-esft Home Mr. r1P [lii rii blas r i trirî-utfromttniili iraliti ( if the Upper canada 1 et, nd he lîîaclîIsare gone services. t has been dî-cided te have a Mil)11il, N%*1 tî*- 114, a. a jfI(tnî- cf lii,- mli ijf -(tc tv I 1 bcl i-held. lb-i H. '%. tree Nwtt] effertng on OrtoiirIF,. Par- sioc' 1 a t 1i..n nilial iCfa air Mrutrt * - i iian ndd ress ou t tie w ork en ti rvlv. 1J rohitrnd tlîis pieasanttilctiilars lai er. - Iiii~îîîiuî- f 'l inita a~ nos~o5 sel i Lvîr~ ied w -icme.frul nrduuicta il n- rieds '. Harv . Temîoui Wi Lii-,to hioiîi:tîi'.un î.i n. iîk i NIr't 1< 'Iillk î.: t'ri-sldent of titi- lrook- DAN, McLANý. Coo Tic iiîider'ear. iflu of thi-ir iN1 i 4f 1ILt'alh it ' : lîi îti \r iiW', -rfir 1is 3ul. a 1lix, Ci for $2.50, tri'lsz ,2 c bat -ii-~-iîî : f î' t :Tist yti s I Mi: i Attoi ti aniîtutn(ýr,,:it.- , aid ys i t- a.arm itth.- a i imrof dii,n w i-ani f \tî t~ ii t if ;rî -ti-et c -- u î -i r - ~,î îrl. tv ia--s i iuiicd, tittaia. Thiirg.-da>- afifrnicnncf tasiwî ns' îtî Y--i fi i .- 't î i ii- uu _______________________iii' Nv-rn ji:sîdigigInz a <draiti n "(ia ri i i- i 't4)P o - "r ai-r- ---i H ~ itt rt-t n t, Yiîuîst iiîiî che ii S 'l i n1z -s1 -tîIui ci Tt- i a- iij k: % d't;1'îî ut a a <' . -, ilo tI1i pa iîr, I il. V, -'îol'.y -- 'N iit îîj (11 i 0N t:' uttti- ith rsar> Si ruionis i, -iii Vi i s kt t '-t ~Iin 5 t. 0 * f iln i > is jil-ri g Sr lu - i U rctî ai SîîiU ta a MrtI', lil - : il d fi H a Mut tiii *- , i. i '.. <i Mi'- lii---- irnu M ) :Ir. t!li t pi astdi ihi' cort i t n i11rz» 1 l ') -.i Il., ' dnî n a s- i 1 n'Iîrk i,,,t: :th shaNva. and ncirlputes AI M(Iî 7 -, -.t: u Ir:îniî- c Yir lu iiai W tas bililt i it -t H l»î -- îcz Iu r. thuiilahuir eoftîiîiinIr. (f if, 1 - 110 a Ti i et 0:.'xi et, i < unlt mi -îiîm rei~îtiJi JW< 0, - T' , .:i . i ;- 1ý;d N '!-- B-- i ii ii i las r(t i ii- d froiî t m < s \ i i' -n i . la i l n Toronto.1n V i , Ti ii,) i- W.~~~~~~~ F.HSE hoEs W tbOt STANDARD BAN»K OF CANADA EAD OFFICE - TORONTO A General Banking Business Conducted. Accotints of Farmers, Merchants end Manu. facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS sould be deposited in our SAVNGS DEPARTMENT. Higest current rates of Interest ore ESTD 187 paid af yerly. 214 -WHITBY BRANCU. r - .it~ (J ut For coal or wood, copper reservoir, full nickel finish. The CadilIac Electrie Vacuum Cleaner is a health and labor saver in the home. Other seasonable goode, of which we have a complete assortment, are-Plows, Guso- lene Engiues, Weigh Scales, Washing Machines, Wringers, Cream Separators, Binder Twine and 0 îs. C. A. McClellan, Manager. FOR SALE $30 per Acre Forty acre lot, convenient to Cherrywood Station. John Fisher & Co. Lumsden Building, 6 Adelaide St. E. TORONTO Farinîs anti Country Ilomes For Sale. THE ViIDE OPEN DOOR te Business andl a Gonil Satary in tiîrough mxie af Shawi's liîî4iness ýSchieois, Tom Into, Write for mir idesc-riptiv'e catalogues It ins Iree. W. Il. Shîaw, lresiiient. llead Othces, Yonge ý-t;errard Sts., Toronto. IllRN[S&IVIIBDRY SINGLE FARE t.ood goîig and returning Maonday, Octotuer 9t h FARE AND ONE TIIIRD (,ood going (titoher 7-8-9 Rettui imuiiit Oc-lober 1.0, 1 Between all stations in Canada eait af Poart Arthur andti t Detroit and Port Huron, Mîch., Itiato, Biaeck Rock, Niagara Faiisazil SuspenisionlBridge,N. 'I kets on Yite a-t Chatnit Trunit ticket ofices. E. ST VIl'11 FNÇstiN, À îin, Wtiltby. Professioual Carde LEGAL INO. E. FAREWELL-j K*C. Barrister, County Crown Âttornh7 »4 County Soulctor. Olfle, aouth wing Court House, Whltby A. E. CHRISTIAN Bmnier. Soicitor. Net&" Publie. Stcé Oafce, Brook St., Opp. Stadad Bm" Mtoney la Loan, le aIouLICENSES 0. VOUIMO SMETH, U.&.8 At dveJiaium ow pposi ta Kboi Ckur,LNO vilsus rqur HR&" J. Hudaon, D.D.L9, L.D.8, 80000111111r t W. MUu OSes Donda StMn»et, poe ht OM&sa.. eUme » ; lait 64 i ROYAL THEATRE EVERY NIOHI "Oraft " every Monday night. Wednesday Nlght, Broadway Feature. Admission - Aduits, 10e ,ehlidren, 5e; Speciai shiow, lOC to al]. le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. COUNTY 0F ONTA2RIO. 1916. 1. WHITBY-MisseB. LU Macdonneli, Wbitby, Clrk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apr. 4. May 2, June 1, July 4, Sept 5, Oct. 3, Nov. 1. Dec.4. Jan. 2, 1917. OSHAWA-Misa E. là .Macdonnell, Whltby, Clerk-.lan, 5, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 6. May 3. June 2, July 5, Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 6, Jan. 3, 1917. 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Green- wood, Clerk-Jan. 8. Mar. 8, May 4, July 6, Sept 7, Nov. 8, J=n 4, 1917. 3. PORT PERRY- 3. W. Burnhama, Port Perry, Clerk-Jan. 7, Mar. 6, May 5, July 7, Sept 8, Nov. 4, JaI6 5, 1917. 4. UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, UzbrlGg. Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May 9, July 11, Sept 19, Nov. 24, Ian 12, 1917.' 6., CÂNNINGTQN-TSmou. -Z Tle Cannlngtoa, Clerk--Jm .18, Xmaite. May 10, JuIy 12, sept 20, u<bv. 23,- Jan. 11, 1917. 6. BEÂVERTON-Chas. A. PatermoW Beaverton. Clerk- Ian. 12i uMai. 8 May 11, July 13, Sept 21. Ne-v. 2% Jan. 10, 1917. load 7. IJPTERGROVE - Dne 3nr Âtherley, Clerk-Jan. 11, Mar. j, May 12, July 14, Sept 22, Nov. 21, Jan. 9,-1917. (By Order) CI.rk et the p«001. Dated at Wh1tby, Nov. 18, 11& Office and Warka Opposite Hewis Brou., Whtby MONUMENTS-' ofail Diglgns and laterlal leptit Stock St wIlU pay you la eau at aur vorit ..nd inspecu feryoraeJf. Do not b. mIsieti by- axe!t& Wed- - Dot omploy Uaeùý Conseu frve cm andi do slow the agettý oumWnl atonaof10 Duven ot, Wh" - yo7« eerteala me by Purobsij touu A Coli SoItcltedl j on THE MET Wps I i M669%-- e------bo - ilpolOl LWe SIu, Dété.DS. I Bell and Ind. -t i. s' 14- iii i'J t' - I r j i j; z~ The Wînner!o Every dlrop of this fine, ild ma-lt TORONT0, ONT. Vc TI TI, De New Frt2sh smclt? Carpe Plans il Sash, Agen Me Issuez Corne No The cri Whi Real Est Renta Cc For teri Bell Pho OPTIGIA 1 ARI Tea dbi Phono Bell r -Rl Phone Main 333 8 i'n. Grinder, $40, frslgbt pi, v ~1 t TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. igis. C. A. McClellan, Manager. i TEA 1 whitbys Ont.