'rHURSDAY, OCTOEt1~ ~, Uit WE Boy 010 6010 OR SILVER AND'PAY THE HIOHEST MARKFT PRICE FOR IT I~ you have any wliich you w.mld like to have made up inCa new jewelry, we will be pleased ta give you an estimate an1 guarantee that none but your old gold will be useci. WE REPAIR ANYTHINO That is bought la a jewelry store and many otiter things that are bought la ather stores. If atiters cannot repair youm broken articles bring them to us aud wc will repair them for yau if it is possible ta do so. The charges will bo ruademate. BASSETT I ~ The Blook With The Balcony Brook St. South W. C. T. U. The regular monthly meeting o! lb' Whitby W. C. T. U. will he held In ih~ 4gricuiiurai Roome. on Wednesday 'October 111h, ai 3.30 ociock. lI is re- queuted that theme he a good attend ance of ihe members. A. Kean, Sec. W, Coi Bi* mt'bck. snîall primes, aI M. .3ius' shoe atome. -o- Neil Velioviesa, plana tuner, will 1)5 'lu Whiiby. periodieally, ail ses-son. Or 4ers ms-y be it-it at Aili~'s drug .torQ. Ail work guamaaieed. --17 g' -o.- Il 'sili pay you ta boy yonr druga 'spectacles and .laiionery ai J. E Wiilim', drugglml s-ad opîlcian. Free-We viii gît-e a botîl, ai Car- ters FountAin l>ea ink ire. viîh es-ch Imperiai Founiain Peit Imperiai Peau are guamanteed. J. E. WiIlus, druggist, :I. kindaces and .ympathy-ahovn tbem la ibeir aad bereavemeat, -O-- FRED CHARLTON .GOES QVBRSEAS - AGAIN. B.fltt UPIICISIt. - , Sergt. Fred CharlWnse1i~.pt~Sr. s-nd Tiger Braad Undervear ai w. o Mcm. Ai!red Charlton, wbo vas invs-iid- Walters. ed home from lite trent )ast 'minIer. 4 bas s-gain gene tiverseas ta do bis bit. 4 Mm. s-ad Mcm 1) S. Turner, ~ Fred joined lite 1161h Battallon lasI vkw.~' Whit.-o'iile. announce the engage) aprina. s-fier a 1ev montha' rOuf, but mental Ibeir daughtem, Aile. tiertrice. ws.s fol phyaicaliy fit ~o go everseas te Edgar T. Austin, il. A. St.-., at ~ j vitit thal unit, aud bas ~een lu the bas. iston, son a! lite laie Sylvanus s-ad Mme. plis-I uni il s 1ev veeka mgo. H. vas Austin, Whithy, Ont - tht- marris-g. la iransferred ta the Royul f~iaéls.n lYra. 'take place lite 111h ai October. goan.. an eoming ouI ai bospitai, s-ad p le! t s 1ev <laya s-go 1er overseas lu a Jusi received-100 pairs o! miiiu~ry draft ai 100 men. He vas offered bis boots, lite bemt shoe on the rnarkst for diuicharge, but vould not take il, s-s b. .evcry day use. .1. Peci & Son, vas anilous lit go averses-s again. Fred vas In Whitby on s-tonds-y. Septembei' i arn again p~Z~7r.d la exceute 251h, vimi tIng hlm parents. He val ac~ .-orders for Peace Weatbenstrip prompt- comps-nled by Sergi. Noon. also a r.. iy. Place your ordt'rm es-ny la avold iumned soldier. wba vas la the îreuch* .dbms-ppointmenl. A long 11.1 cf .s-hîeB.~ es vit Fred before iheir retumn. cuutomers temilfies ta ibe ~l1kiency 41 the Peace Weaiberslnipa. Phone, eau Ais-mm Clocks $1 la $3 at Bs-s-sella. P or write J. H. James. I'boae 149, box 476. -o.- Buy yotîr iooiwear ai M. W. Coilins. p Free-for lite manih ai Octaber. on. botile aI Cariera lak ires with es-ch 25e. box ai ats-lionemy J E Wlllis, dîiig. 1~ guI s-ad stationery. Mm Harmy E. White, o! lamento, s-n old Whilby boy, vas in lown on Mon~ day. caillait an bis aid f rienda aI toi- mer days. He is traveling represen tafive ai lite Billon l3roa.. L.lrniled. taibors. s-ad cavera the l)orninion frein cas-at ia cas-sI Ivice a yes-r. It 15 Zi yes-rs mince he bu Whitby. but 11e tound ms-ny former acqus-ints-nees wbom lie recogitixed. -O- - Jusi received, il cases cf goods frein -Giaagow, Scoiland. Nev rus-s in tsp- eatry and plusit; iinoleurno I te 4 yards vide; serge dicos 5oods. tsitcl.a sillis. siik and vool gaberdinee, Saxon sud Bec Hive yarns. fls-uncîellee. flannel- ette bis-ukets etc. s-t W. G. Wmll.rq. Poaches Oood sud cheaper plume. than Sugar Beat Grmnulated Sugar, U Ibm. for SI.OO. Paying Up llow lovely is that pTWeely gent wbo neyer oves a man a cent th~t ho won'L gladly pay, whoee glane. Is sot movero sud chili upo<I colle.- tion day. Your Business Frionil W., Mookêr P'ÀRM TO RENT. 70 arrel, day boom. good condItIon. 10 acres fs-Il vheat, 5 acres archard. brick bous., 2 bs-ses. 3 velu; 12 acte-s lu bs-y. I mile west et Oshava on Kingaton Ros-d. Possession s-ny Urne. Âpply ~rge F. M.s-ytin. R. R. No.. 2. Oshava. -If. p S'afe4.y Razoms a.t B.aaseti~s-. Mens. Warnens sud CbiidreIt~m Cern. bias-tion Underveas. mii mises lu s-Il wooi s-ad union ai W. G WaiterU. -o- A bargain lu carving sets ai lias. Bai t... Mes. Ormydon Q.oodtellow viii te- I eelve Ibis moult on ttc second Wedn.e~ day iumiead et 111e second Thuruday. I METHODIST TABERNACLE. I lice. A. H. Feuler. gustor Sunday. October S. Moruiti~ service. Anthein, Great b Jehovah - Aathsrn. 'What a Wouder lui Bavieur Eveuini servies Anthein. 'Hopes Gulding 81sf Duel. Misses Kaibleen Niciioboou s-ad Gis-ce Union. Pulpil yul b. occupiedi boîh servls.O by 1h. ps-aloi. - A a.' lin. et J-i&paa..s vs-rt., Javel cases-. de.. s-t 9a11'a. -45- FOR liENT. Brick cottage. on Bèwe~ sUset aerlb, ail t<*V*ftiCUSL Appt? t. F. Posons. e- TKAPALOAJL DAY. Tbuway. Octobel 151h. la Trafri#Sit Day. wh.e e-tee-y loyal Drttlsh aubiers la w b. asiied le uaU*sle leWéj ('anada'. abare for lb. 8hIU~ 154 Cross Soctety. Datalis et <b. usause et 11w tovu aie te be- uwbeI ~t ~- Ut. Ia.4IU et lb. W.s' 1uSd tuBsti. ui~d SUU@tiSOuIDflt vilS b. ~ ta* yar WMW?~a utrib.tisS ~ $1'7W.53. 'ibIs ye-or <ho ,* vilS ho 12.000. EvoaybeiY .iaM help, urné It viii he.e.i. Bracelet Walshu as 15uetI'e. rncliflv OW<YUT1O~4 Ar OSMAWA~ lb. uumtomtb ausuB <b. Uoulb OiatauI. TuaahevV I. t. b. be-Id lu t~aw.~ Ulsb GO Thus.ay aU Y'rbar. *tuBiS' - s-ad 2<h. flo Wo<WSU h~ - lag. On <1w rraulM litho rn~ de~ Fret. Rubanas, et viii sire au flluat#sti4 Aatwsao.7 fa <b. UUIb I ta iii. imsIaa~ iw~auu~ fr WWI~bM ~P~P ~ Lrr: j ré~iowett eow er bue coming lu ~ mu moou. Âppi1r to Jas. Bktnner, &ookIln. ' " mu -16. PX.ÂY BALL. di. 0UR The Girls' Basebaîl Team ot~ Oak. wood Hlgb. Sehool WOB In. Whitby on Saturday after~ioon Iast.v when they played the glrlg et Whitby HIgh School at Henry Stre~tt "Polo 04'oun~s." -The "B e D ep resuit was a win for the visitors, but the play waa mos-t interesting, and the roating was keen and sustained throughout the game. Atter lite con- Taberu test, the visitars weme entertalned at the High Schooî. They were immense- ly pieased with lite interlor o! the new schooi, and dc'clared that the science ____ room was better equipped and more Hanorary Pi-esident of tht' Institute. Pleasant 10 work in than their OWTI and w'. L. Elvldge, o! W'hitby, Is Sec-I sehoal in Toronto. They retumned hy retary. the 7.30 G.T.R. train In the evening. -o- New stock PUMPS OCT 0F REPAIR. Penman's ail wool and The electrir luîînps in lite sewage nnion Cashmere Hose. Colars black, pumping station are out o! repair for i cardinal ami tan, aI W. G. Walters'. the lime being. ami the gasoline attxil. '111E PE0PL~~S iarv mequimes b be used. When the FAVORlTE-BUCK~S eîe~tric pumpe "ccc put In operaîton UIAPPY THOCUHI. t last week, the bulbs wbich are intended - ta float on the waler and, when a c-cr- tain height bas been reached. switeh i on the electrlc current to stamt the pumps, did not float. They were leaky. and therefore Oued wlth water and did - not mise. The pumos w-ere not stamted, o! course, and the two tanks becamne fllled with sewage arîd o'erilowcd mb lite station. When Mm. James Moome, ~~ho has charge o! the purnps, arrived on the scene on Salumday inomning, he found two feet a! wa~.'r on Ihe floor o! ~UU~ ~ I the stati'on. lie released the switch o! the pumps, and ihe system commenced la work but shortiy trouble occurred. and neither pump w-ouid opemate. 11w atolars were taken oui and examined, and il w-as decide~ litaI they needed me- t w inding, ~ehich wlil require several days. la the meantîme the gasoline b ail sizes and sl~les A fuil lins o! auxiliarv pump has ta 1w used, and anges froîn $lt uji il tea. M. Ricea. Mm. Moore le rejuimed ta be on the job ta operate fi once eVemy four or Ove For r*-al comnfort lrv a pair o! Dm. boums. nighl and day. The Ailis Chai- \. ibeeda rush ton sole shaes, men~s and mecs Ca., Who iststaiied the pumpa, wlll wamcn s, aI M. W. CQU~In5. be calied t4on ta repair the trouble be- An extra speclal galad bowl $8, ai i fore meceiviug payment for their womk. Itassette. DEATU. -O- McCLELLAX-Prlvate James lrvlng, LIEN CASES TO BE SE~'LED. 4îh Co~pan.y. 16th Battalion. Can- A special meelin g o! Ihe Bas-rd o! adian Sco~.tIsh, B.E.F., kiiled in Educailon wà a bei on !*anday even- F'rance. between the Mb s.nd 7th of ing for tht~ tmapisaciiaî~ O! Borne impor- September, le bis 251h year. son of tant business whirh ha4 arisen. 11w Ihe laie James MeCiella.n and Mes, t lienhoiders have not yel accepied ihe McCielian, Whit~y. money paid Imita court by lite of - daims. The lienholders aaked the Boamdto put upthf Eurnaofmoney - daim, amounting in ail to morne $65 lite Board consenîed ta do Ihis, yet * the ilenholders beld baek, and recentiy -P their soliaitor inarmed the iloards Solicitor titai if lite Board a~ivsj-iced ___________________________ anather $50 lovards expenaco, being 1h. atnounl aI the Judgem tee. lhey aW~ HAV] wouid setîle. The bard vas advipted that they vers not lîs-iti. for the lien hoidera expenses. yet, 50 stmong vas banda, ihey decided la s-nov a lIE W BRUNSW the desire 10 gel lb. case aiT their fitriher ions-il amouni, and the Board~m . . - Solicitor vas given suthoriîy ~ ~s-Î<î, dUO to arrive - a setilemeni. StND VOUR OJ At ihe conclustoit ai lite meeting lb. - * or~nizaîion meeting cf ihe Agrieul CARDOFTHANKS. B Itîrai Commîtîse vas heid. r dc, $I'.75 at c~ Mmii, James Wood s-ad tamily desire ta ibank neighborm s-ad friendi for ' FOUI 90 I T OES ~CAROF ICk PGTATOE in a few days. RDERS IN NOW. I ir; $l.85 dolivprod lb. Baga 1 - ne 7I~, Bell PORI wÀitev SpçiaI Ordor We v~prn~eat. 8emi~Ready Ltd. md ~lt Rotg6rtW~JM., makers of tbe flnç z,<i,~.a~Iored clothes worm by men. bld in- over 800 tIti à ~dtb4ns iu Canada from IIaldsz to Vancouver. Ca1~ ai~I. ~ook ovor our large range ofsuuplesforFaliafld Win W*?. W. are showing a com~i~ lino cf overcoatisgs a4-s4itiugs lu Mei6ons, Beav. oru~VicuObttiôlu sud f~uc~ I ~ ~ m14'p, - lu suitingu js.r~si 84~otch tirso48~ oLc~ ~.h. k~udoe bine and blaek téI.WlLU t~I3LSS. t A.U tour çkmnuu z~ mu!. te I Tauloring For Sait To Rent, Etc. POR SÂLm OU R~NT. 77 acres, lot 28, con. 4; pemaem8ien lu October, .1916. Borne plowing done. d. W. Smlth, Byron St., Wbitby. -fi. FARM TO RENT. 200 acres, in Township ot Reach; good day loam, large bank barn, solid brick house, gaad wells and running water, good orchard. This farm la in i a good state a! cuitivatian, and has neyer been rented. Wiil be ieased for a îerm of years. Apply ta Wm. Maw, Whltby, Ontarlo. -16. WANTBD. t 100 car loada of dm, either G. T. R. or C. P. R. points. We have arders for any quantity o! elm, sither mut or by the tres. WiII pay highest primes. Cali, write or phone Joseph Heard & Sons, Whi t by.-1 4. DITO! mdable ~acIe Sunday Sehool HOUSE TO RENT. Modem improvernents, centrally sît- uated. Duniop St. Appiy w W. W Nugent, box 533. Whitby, Ont. -o- SALE REGISTER. Monday, October 9,-Auction sale af furm stock ami implements. the prop- erty of Thomas A. Wilson, lot il, con. 2, Pickering Township. Sale at one oclock sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioncer, -14. Tuesday. Octoher 24.-Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the prop- erty ut Alfred C. \Vells. lot 1. con. S. t Uxbridge. Sale at i o'clock. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Thursday, October 12.-Joseph Chinn will seil by auction on lot 19. con. 3. Whitby. farm stock, implements, and also househoid fumniture. Sale at I o'c.iock. Terms cash. James Bishop, auctioneer. Thursdav Octoher 19.-Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Richard Wilson. lot 5, con. S, Pickering. 1'4 miles sout.h o! BaI~ sam. Sale at ans o'clock sharp W'm Maw, auctioneer. A. A. ROBUNSON Undertaker and furniture dealer. Bell and Independent phone8. Day or night. BROOKLIN, ONT. C. JOHNS Carpenter and Contractlng Builder. Plans prepared and estimates fui' nisbed. Brock St., South o! Poat Omee, Whit. by, Ont. Phone 131. .es.ee** * ...... ~ A HI hi E - PÀf~~....WITW FOUNTAIN PENS I PIIENUEA FOIJNTAUN PENS. NEW STYLE Much superior lu every respect to any Fountain Pene r hitherto offered at similar figures. In material and skilled workmanship they are perfect, and are designed to meet the popular demand for modem high-grade Fountain Pens at reasonable prices. The Holders, which are of modem patteru, have a good ink capacity. The Peu Points are ail warranted 14k solid gold, and are carefully selected with a view to smoothness and flexd.ility. Every pen fully guaranteed to give satisfaction or moncy refunded. Prices $l.25, 1.50, 2.00. WH ITFI ELD'S DRUS and STATIONERV STORE WHITIW. ~NTARIO Sole Agent for Butterlck Patterne Sole Agent for Nyat Preparations il VI fail goods are right in on us and we are Btacked to ~the roof with goode. Stoves take up ~ lot havé de~ided V 'sq~t &~r~ p~ c~ur stoolc of 50oOnd-h~fld 8t oléar the~i Q~Lt In- three days, BowwegIv<~ lîstof sUits yo~ get rigbt miter it or it wmy~be sold tosomeone eIs~. ( We set tbe 6tove up ênd Iaqfa~ 5~U ua~é~45a5 - I~ ? ~ . t~ k*.4mniw e ~Ui..1 ,J ale~~i~. - i OSI!yp NOn 25 Standau'i Oak Hat~'. T1i~ I~r~oat sue oak stbvm4.: ~ iiew. The original pncê il - ea4t6vÉ~ t-i -4 5! j 3 .9 J t A { g j £1 t~ l~ A 4, i'~i 'I -. 1- - ~'~' :~ -' - -r,, - .i tt SI~t.P. Sas~<st~W' skwe as ~! * la lait oouidItloa, (Mai17 Sewing Machine Oporators on WHITEWEAR, WAISTS, DRESSES. Experienced and to Leamn Young girls able to mn sewing machines at home wîlI fi~id it easy to leamu operating. They will be given evemy assistance by a fully experienced operator in our factory. Respectable boarding bouses are provided through Y. W. C. A.. Wages from firet day. Also Mon Guif ors Gale Mfg. Ca., Lti. Cor. Spadina md Wolltngton TORONTO w w w w -w w w w w Big Sweep of Second~llaud ~&ters anâ :Cook Stoves Thursday, FfidaI and SatorUay OnIy- j.... '. .'. ,~.... r, t' lUE need room ~.tid need it b~d1y. Our il, Il - i tir iii. i ai- c,- Outil - i luit d. 1'. i Itai d. i.. 5 c